Chris Evans Slut

By Ryan Gora

Published on Nov 15, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is about young men having sex together. If that's not your thing or you're too young to read it, please leave now. The author has written this purely as a work of erotic fantasy fiction, and implies no specific knowledge of the celebrity personalities who are described. Enjoy!

Chris Evan's Slut - Part 3

The rest of the evening, night and early morning was spent in the suite. There room service was ordered which consisted of bottles of water and sandwiches; didn't need much more than that, didn't want more than that. I had everything I needed. At least my mind wouldn't let me think about anything else outside of the cock that was sawing in and out of me in various positions through out the night. I counted and I think it was six; six for him four for me. I loved every minute of it.

I could barely stand. I don't think I've been so sore in my life, my legs at least. Some of the positions were a bit much only because I hadn't worked the muscles before, but I was willing to try anything to have him pound me the way he did. Course some of the old stands were some of the best missionary and straddling him. Seeing the look on his face as I rode him was beyond my wildest dreams. We did that in the chair and in the bed.

It was so fucking hot, that I prayed for it not to be a dream when I woke up.

The last thing I remembered was falling as sleep with his fingers stringing through my hair a little telling me to get some rest that we had all weekend to enjoy each other's company. That alone made it possible for me to sleep, but I wasn't sure what to expect when I woke up. I wanted to think on some of things Chris said, but my mind was cheese, it wasn't happening. If I thought about something it was him. Damn it he had me sprung already.

Sleep claimed me and I let my unconscious mind take me away to the only place that Chris was in my dreams and what a wild dream it was. Sex, sex and more sex and then something more. It was just me and Chris dancing, my hottie and me holding me close dressed casually standing somewhere, I didn't know where, because that's the way some dreams are, disjointed. Sometimes everything's clear and sometimes, sometimes they don't make sense at all.

One time I dreamed that I was being held prisoner by Hayden Christensen and Chris was coming to rescue me. I had been watching movies late and had barely got any sleep the day before. I tell you the mind does weird things to you sometimes, but it was a hot dream nonetheless. The load in my boxers and the flashes I remembered were enough to tell me that.

However this dream was different, it wasn't the first time that I had this dream before, this dream where Chris was holding me, holding me so close that I thought I would die, because it felt so warm, so right. It felt like...God I can't even say it. The fucking word scares me, because the moment you say it throws everything to shit, at least in my opinion. I've seen it tear many good things apart. Still it felt right me looking into his eyes, his hands sliding down my back drawing me a little closer. I knew it was going to happen he was going to say it and I was going to fuck it up.

Unfortunately what came out of his mouth wasn't what I expecting even in a dream.

"Did his dick you good," The voice came, but it wasn't Chris', it was Josh's.

"Ryan? Ryan..." My lashes fluttered a little drawing me out of the dream and it was then I realized that I wasn't alone with Chris. Josh was laying on the bed right beside me looking into my eyes like it was time for pillow talk.

"Shit." He started grinning and I felt movement on the other side thinking it was Chris, but when I felt the hand on my shoulder I could tell the difference. "Tyler..."

"I forgot you talked in your sleep..." I groaned, because I do, but also because they were here. Just when I think things are good they go to shit, but as I slid up I realized I wasn't in my room or their room. I was in the bedroom of the suite. I looked over at Paul who was sitting on the edge of the bed who was busy channel surfing.

"So," Tyler looked at me and I was still confused. I hadn't had a coke or something caffeinated yet. Dazed and confused was the name of the game.

"Give me a moment." I snorted at them. I can't believe they were in here, but they were my best friends, they help set this up. Did this mean Chris was gone? I thought I was his all weekend. His. The very thought of it made my stomach tighten in a very good way. Is that possible?

Paul finally turned from the TV sliding up on the bed a little so he could listen in. While most people would find this embarrassing since they were their pajama bottoms I didn't. I checked the under the cover and I was wearing a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. I didn't bring anything. They were a little bit on me, not that big, just a size too big and I realized they were Chris. When did he?

"Where's Chris?"

"Out he said he'd be back in an hour or two. Had some things he had to pick up. He said relax take a shower, order in, you know all that good stuff," Josh said.

"When did you guys get here?" I was still trying to get my bearings. My head wasn't spinning, but I just wanted to make sure everything was cool. You know make sure that them being here was ok.

"Never left. We're about two floors down. Been hanging out, had some fun of our own," Tyler explained glancing over at Paul who was being awfully quiet at the moment.

"What?" I looked right at him wanting him to say something. He was instrumental in making this happen, but something was going on. He was too quiet, even for Paul. I moved out from under the covers crawling over towards him. Josh and Tyler smiled at one another, but I didn't notice I was too curious about what was going on with Paul.

Now let me describe Paul to you. Paul used to have the prep look going on until the Quarterback ball after that he grew his hair out a little down to his shoulders and he has green eyes. Nice full lips and a swimmer's body. He's still quiet at times, but he speaks up more when he wants something unlike freshman year when he would let things pass him by. His parents were a little concerned, but he's still their loveable son, just exploring different sides of himself.

"What did you do?" I'm almost afraid to ask he's being so quiet. It never dawned on me that he might have had to do something to make this happen. "Paul." He wasn't answering, but there was a small smile on his face one that made me grimace because I hate when they do that.

"Don't do that!" I shoved him a little and he started laughing.

"What you thought I gave my ass up to someone to make this happen." Actually I did, but I didn't say it, I just looked away. Yeah I know we're supposed to be grown, men, but we were comfortable with one another to act this way, to be ourselves. Tyler and Josh were still waiting for me to talk about my encounter, but I still had this nagging feeling that Paul was holding back and then I saw it. There was a red mark on his neck.

Zooming in on it I moved to my knees so I could get a better look. There were playful snickers from behind me and for a moment I thought they decided to have a good time themselves, why not, they earned it in my book, but Josh doesn't do hickeys. Tyler's don a few, but not on the neck. He's a punk like that.

"It was an accident."

"Accident? Riiiight. You were loving it," Josh chimed in.

Paul scoffed. "Yeah you could've left."

"And miss all the action."

I was getting annoyed, because I hate, hate, did I say hate, being out of the loop.

Paul and Josh were going back and forth a little so I knew who to turn to. I should be high off of being with Chris and I was, but now I was kicking back enjoying a moment with my friends. "Tyler, spill." That's all I needed to say.

"Chad Michael Murray." He spat it out just like that.

"Nipples," Josh teased.

"Don't call him that."

See, I had my thing for Chris, but we all knew that Paul had a thing for Chad Michael Murray. Seems Paul's dad must have put him in touch with more than just Chris. I glanced at Paul's neck and smiled. "Chad Michael Murray do did that," I asked incredulously. Paul blushed the same way I did when I talked about Chris.


"Shud up," Paul in a mock annoyed voice.

Well known fact that Chad Michael Murray had very kissable lips, a drop dead sexy sneer, gorgeous body and very large if not huge nipples. Why, who knows, but none of us complained, Josh just teased, but the sight of them alone could cause someone if they were inclined to be turned on by such things to have an oral fixation. Paulie loved them.

"You're kidding," I said looking over at Tyler.

"Kid you not Ryan. He said that he had to stay downstairs because he was waiting for someone to arrive and it was Chad." My eyes went from him to Josh to Paul. "For the month now, off and on. Just got some time to be with him last night and he's cool as hell."


"Don't even say it. Big mistake. It just happened." Big mistake meaning the Bush incident and I knew we weren't talking about George. I nodded deciding not to linger on it. I thought Chad was sexy as hell, but compared to Chris, I would always go for Chris. He was mine you know.

Mine. Again my stomach tightened at the thought. He just had his way with me last night, but was he mine, he said I was his. He said I owned him and that this was just the beginning. I tried to figure it all out, but I can't do that by myself. Needed the other half of this pair here to do that and he was out running errands. Running errands I almost wanted to laugh, because it sounds ridiculous in a way. I never thought I would just be sitting in bed, gabbing with my friends while the stud who literally fucked me senseless just a few hours ago, was out doing errands.

Speaking of time, I glanced over at the clock and saw it was almost 3:30 in the afternoon. Holy shit it had to have been about three or four when we finally decided to catch some sleep.

"You ok, bud?" Josh poked me in the side. Giving him a nod I looked back towards Paul.

"Ok back to you and Chad, so have you?"

"Not yet. Said that he wanted to wait." Wait?

"But we've done stuff." Stuff, I wasn't going to push Paul, because it was something that was really happening for him and here I went and fucked Chris silly. It was a fantasy come true. I

"Sweet! I'm happy for you, but why all secretive...wait nevermind." Because we would've been nosy, just like the bastards are now. I smirk. See like I said he's still that same shy guy that we meet when were freshman.

"Don't sweat it Paul, who are we going to tell?" Josh says in a matter of fact voice. Because honestly we would only tell ourselves and since we all know there's no one else that needs to know as far as we're concerned. "So now that you know what Paulie was up to, Ryan, let's get back to you, because I haven't forgotten." None of them did.

"What was it like?" It was my turn to blush at Tyler's question. I moved back up on the bed so I could reach the headboard. What do I say? I'm so not Paul and I talk, because it's me. ""

"Oh my fucking God..." Tyler looked at me.

"What," Josh and I said it in unison.

"You're speechless, well not really speechless, but you can't even get it all out. It was that good?" I could feel my face starting to heat up. "No way?" Paul and Josh were both looking at me, so it just puts me on point to say something doesn't it?

"It was amazing." Plain and simple, that's what it was. "Everything I wanted and more. You guys didn't..." They shook their heads at my thought of them coaching him."

Josh shrugged. "Well, no, not really. I mean we just said that you were into him and you were a real pussyboi." They all laughed at that. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Yeah I know that's nothing new for you all, but that's it."

"That's it." Paul said. "So, he..."

I could feel myself falling against the head board thinking about it. All the things he said the way he made me feel. "He made me feel like he really wanted me." I know that's why they call it acting, but it was more than that. It was like he was really into me. He liked what I did, but I'm just a celebrity whore. That's probably what he thinks. I mean hello, 'Hey how's it going?' nothing like that. Just right into it, but he lead me into it. I could've stopped him.

I could be a one stop fuck around the nation. It passed through my mind, but there was another part of me that felt that there was more. There was a part of me that felt that this could turn into something great. I was having that moment again. That moment where I let myself believe that something more could come out of this.

"Sooooo." My eyes shifted to the left of me where Tyler was. "Details, man, details." I couldn't help the giddy expression that slide across my face.

"So you want more." Of course they wanted more. So I gave them highlights of what happened how Chris turned me inside out and into his little whore, craving and wanting him more. How he held me close and fucked me hard. I did tell them how I gave him an amazing blow job and he was already craving a slutty job which might give him once they leave when he gets back.

I told them the various positions that we went in and the number of loads he let lose in me, though I think I might have lost count, because I want to say six, but I know there was more. Head was spinning and I was holding on for dear life so I think I might have been off by own or two, maybe three.

"And he told me that was just the beginning," I tell them. Just the beginning just the thought of it made my crotch twitch apparently everyone else, because all three of them, Tyler, Josh and Paul were rubbing themselves through their pants.

"Have I told you guys 'thank you' yet?" Because I can't remember if I did. I need to thank them. They smirked and I was being completely serious and at that moment the door opened.

"Baby?" Chris was home. I could hear him outside the bedroom. But it had only been about forty-five minutes.

"Oh did I forget to tell you we had been here for about an hour," Josh announced.

Shit! I gave him my 'You bastard' look and he smirked.

"In here," I called out. "with my friends." I hope he wouldn't be upset. He poked his head in seeing us all on the bed sitting and I was still in the flannel pajama bottoms.

"I see." He waved to everyone and they smiled. Obviously they talked so they were all googly eyed though they were looking him over.

"Oh I see Ryan's been talking about last night." I started blushing when he said that. My eyes glanced down for a moment then they moved over towards him and he was rubbing the front of his pants. "Did I tell you were amazing, babe?" I almost wanted to fall out of the bed. He was smiling when he said it. It was a bit of a cocky smile. "You going to give me something for that or do I have to climb over your friends and fuck it out of you."

They all looked at each other and I was mulling the idea over, because I'm such a bad boy, but I slid up and crawled out of the bed in a cat like movement that made Chris whistle low once I got to him. "Fucking hot." I looked into his eyes and there was a question. He knew there was something, but I didn't say anything.

"Later," he said. Again later, but right now I just leaned in and kissed him. Yeah my friends were there; didn't matter one bit that they were here, not to me at least and didn't seem to matter to Chris either. "Tomorrow we wake up together," Chris whispered against my lips.

"Promise," I whispered.


To Be Continued.

Little shorter than the first two, but I promise the next one will be longer. Just wanted to touch back with Ryan's friends, because they are a big part of his life and introduce some new dynamics subtly.

So what did you think? Not enough, too much? There's going to be more hot celebrity studs. Any suggestions? Let me know. Email me at All flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 4

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