Chris Evans Slut

By Ryan Gora

Published on Nov 11, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is about young men having sex together. If that's not your thing or you're too young to read it, please leave now. The author has written this purely as a work of erotic fantasy fiction, and implies no specific knowledge of the celebrity personalities who are described. Enjoy!

Chris Evan's Slut - Part 2

I couldn't believe this was happening. It was something out of a dream, but this a dream it was real. The panting that I heard above me was real as was the cock sliding back and forth over my lips. I could feel hands at the side of my head as the thrusting increased.

"Take it," he said in that sexy voice of his. Take it, take his cock, take is meat. I move my head up letting my tongue slide along the bottom of his cock and he could hear me starting to slurp a little. He had been at it for the last twenty minutes feeding me his erection and now he wanted more. Chris Evans my God in my eyes pulled his meat from my lips and slid back looking at me. I didn't say anything. He moved onto his back and took the position that he had earlier, sans towel.

Sliding up towards the edge of the bed I slipped off and down to my knees still in the shirt of my work uniform.

"Lose it." The shirt I knew what he meant. "I want to see what my baby looks like." He said with a smile. The shirt came off quickly and hit the floor. He looked more over and I still couldn't believe that my friends had set this up. I still wasn't sure about everything. Chris said I was his, his, this fucking hot movie star said I was his.

I moved closer between his spread legs letting my hands sliding along his knees up to his thighs as his engorged pricked awaited my lips. He was hung, mega hung, horse hung and I loved it. I could see copious amounts of clear liquid leaking from it causing my own manhood to stiffen at the sight of it. Moving in I began to take the tip of the eleven inch monster into my mouth gladly taking it without fear. My lips slide over him and he began to moan loudly fingers quickly losing themselves in my hair.

"Awesome fucking mouth." It was tight, wet and warm just the way he liked so I would learn in the coming months. My hands moved back and forth along his thighs then over to the sides towards his hips. "Take it all." He told me and I could feel myself sliding further onto his cock unafraid because I didn't have to worry about gagging. It didn't happen, what did happen is that his entire throbbing shaft disappeared into my mouth. I could feel it slip down into my throat and I loved it. My eyes closed when I reached the base and I could feel Chris shifting on the bed pressing his hips forward a little. His arms were stretched out behind him, hands on the bed pressing against.

"Mmm hmm baby that's what I need take it. Suck it..." He told me and growled a little when he said it letting his hips thrust a little every so often. He wanted it he needed it. I needed it just as bad. I've been dreaming of this body, this man, this cock for years and now I have him more like he has me and he can do with me whatever he wanted as long as he let me suck him of and fucked my brains out I was happy.

My lips began to retreat back along his flesh moving right back to the tip to suck it ever so lovingly as I made love to that part of his body, but he wanted more than that. Once I reach the tip of my tongue flicked back and forth across the head of his cock right of the slit and I could feel his hips shake at that motion. I began to do it again and he moaned out and thrust forward wedging his cock back into my throat. It was going to be a while, because this was a dream come true. No rushing this.

"Shit..." He panted out and I could feel the need in each thrust he gave. I continued with the slow movement of my lips making sure not to move too fast or too slow, making sure it was just right. "Ryan baby..." He said my name so I moved my lips a little faster. "Yeah that's it." My lips moved back and forth over him stopping when I deep throated him and I did that few times to his pleasure and mine. When I drew back to the tip I could feel the squirts of his precum knowing that there was more where that came from. I savored the taste in my mouth rolling it around a little before moving my tongue all over his flesh down to the base this time moving down to take his balls into my mouth sucking on them and that got a major rise out of him.

His body moved about on the bed thrashing almost as I moved my tongue around his sacs then down below a little to get at the sensitive area before I felt his hands at my face pulling me back towards his cock.

"Suck that baby maker down, Ryan, get it all. You wanted it didn't you?"

I looked up at him when he said it. "Yes..."

"Yeah..." He said with a bit of a sneer it was fucking sexy and I could feel my own precum shoot out my cock. I moved up to kiss along his abs licking along his stomach making me moan and press against me. I begin nibbling at the skin working my way back down to his prize between his legs taking it down my throat in one motion and he just lost it when I came back up and he exploded in my mouth. His body tensed quickly and the jerking came.

"Fuck yeah!" He cried out along with a few other things that made my toes curl and took ever shot he gave feeling my mouth fill with his seed. I milked him a little and then sucked him clean making sure I got ever drop. I could hear Chris panting above me as I continue to take everything he had to give. He had the body of a jock and I wanted to explore every part of it. Pulling off his cock I licked my lips and swallowed the offering that I was just given. He looked down at me and I was moving up and he touched my face.

"Hot fucking my mouth, baby. But next time I want that slutty job." Slutty job, it's what my blow jobs were called well the special ones when they wanted to hear me work at it, slurping and being noisy. I move towards him a little and he looked at me and he moved in and kissed me again. He pulled me up towards him and I just loved it. My tongue was overpowered by his within seconds and I was moaning and pressing myself into him when his arms came around me. Hands found their way to my cheeks rubbing them, caressing them pulling them apart, playing with them like he owned them and according to him he did. I was his slut, his pussyboi and I wanted to ask him about it, but I didn't have time to ask because I could feel the kiss braking and in went his fingers.

"Suck'em." He said and I began moving my lips over them sucking two of his fingers and I had a feeling of where they were going.

"Bet you're getting wet down there just thinking about it. Just like a bitch huh." I didn't say anything I just blushed. I just didn't understand anything. I wanted to talk to my friends to try and understand. I wanted to thank them for this. Most of all I wanted this to be real.

"What's wrong baby?" I wasn't talking; I wasn't saying anything so I guess that could bother someone especially if you said that you were totally in love with them. Ok maybe lust right now, but damn I could fall in love with him, because he was showing concern.

I felt his fingers slide to my chin tilting my face towards his. He was looking into my eyes as if he were trying to see something. There was no disappointment just a lot of confusion.

"I don't understand," I said finally.

"You will," he whispered leaning forward to brush his lips against mine, and this time his voice was so gentle and he moved towards me pulling me closer to him. "You'll understand everything." Everything, but what about school, I still had a year to go? I mean if I was his would I go where he went or would I bet a hot piece of ass in this city for him. I mean he has to have more than me lusting after him.

I could feel us roll until he was on top and his lips continued moving against mine, brushing against small succulent kisses that brought gasps to my lips causing me to want more. "Chris..."

"Yeah?" He smiled down at me and brushed his thumb along my face. I was scared, here I was getting exactly what I wanted and I was scared. "You're funny." He said chuckling a little. I guess he could tell and he moved in and kissed me again. It was like his kisses could solve everything at least for the moment. This time they were deeper. His tongue danced with mine, they moved about exploring one another the way they did earlier this time slower and his hands, they moved along my body and he felt along all the muscles and they curves they held while my hands did the same to his moving his shoulders down along his back right down to the his ass which was nice and firm. I gave it a tight squeeze and he pressed into me.

"Like that ass don't you." I nodded like a little kid a little and he smiled and kissed me some more encouraging me to do whatever I wanted that he wasn't going to say no or slap my hands. He was just another guy.

Another guy?

I wanted to tell him that he was more than that, but right now I let him set the pace and while in the beginning he was charging for he changed for a moment moving down between my legs looking at me spreading my legs wide. He moved his hand between my thighs to stroke my cock knowing that I hadn't gotten off yet, but I was leaking enough clear fluid quench the thirst of a dying man. His thumb brushed along the tip a couple of times and he went lower. This time his fingers went into his mouth and he sucked on them in front of them moving them in and out slowly making sure I saw everything I was doing. It was beyond lewd they way he was doing it, but it looked so fucking hot.

When they slipped out he moved the middle down below and pulled me up some so he could get to my private entrance and then he began to rub against my whole and smiled. "Definitely a pussyboi." He said with a smirk. I was prepared to respond when he slid a thick finger inside of me up to the first knuckle. My hands went to the covers clenching them, because it felt good, it always felt good.

He moved his finger around a little feeling the warm velvet walls of secret passage for a moment, drawing it out only to press it deeper the next time he thrust forward and when he did my entire body went stiff. I could feel his finger curl inside of me, flexing slowly back and forth a couple of times before he moved it back and forth, in and out of me a couple of times.

Chris kept it up for a good twenty minutes making sure never to go to deep and hit that magic spot, but he already had a brow beaded with sweat that matched my own. He worked at me like he was never going to end so much so that his arm started to move with his thrusts. Just when I thought he was going to stop, he drove his finger deep inside of me and hit that spot and I cried out.

"Chris!" I knew that was coming, because I had thought about this, fantasized about this so many times. When he drew his finger out he moved over to take my cock into his mouth and moved his lips back and forth a little before spitting my cock out and driving his finger back into me this time joining the index finger with the middle finger. He moved back a little so he could get a little more leverage and began finger fucking me aggressively looking at me while he did it.

"You're going to do it. You're going to shoot that fucking load." He told me. He continued moving his fingers in and out of me, arm pumping driving his fingers into me over and over again. He drove them deep inside of me making sure that he would hit my prostate each time causing my body to jump, head thrashing everything and Chris was loving it. He grew wilder with his movements, but his other hand moved up to draw my leg up as he thrust his other arm back and forth moving my body with each forward thrust until I felt it, my balls pulled up and my toes curled and I cried out letting my load lose it shot out across my chest and belly and some went further.

"Do it baby, do it for daddy, do it for Chris, show him what a hot slut he has." He said moving his fingers in and out of me continuously. My body pressed against the bed as I felt my seed continues to spurt out of me until it just leaked out and I fell to the bed panting and Chris slowed the movements of his hands smiling all the way as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Good boy." He whispered against my lips. His fingers slipped from my ass and he sucked on them smiling. "Mmmm...You're such a nasty slut, a fucking whore and I know exactly what your little slut as needs." He slide his hard again cock along the jism on my stomach. "Sluts like you need a good, hard fucking. You need to be fucked deep and hard." He growled out at me and I just pressed against him. "Don't you."

"Mmm...yes Chris." I whimpered and my legs started to lift up in the air and he shook his head. He slipped off the bed and flipped me over sliding his cock between my cheeks when he pushed me down onto the bed.

"Mmm yes give me what I need. I need all your cock and your seed in my boicunt. I need it all in me."

"Someone sounds like they're in heat."


"Say it."

"I'm in heat Daddy, I need it."

"Fuck yeah and I'm going to give it to you. Just like you like nasty and rough you fucking cum slut."

Hearing him talk like that just made me want him more. I needed it. I really did. I didn't want this moment to end. Chris continued to slide his fuckstick between my cheeks teasing me while he moved down a little more so he could spread my cheeks. I thought he was just going to slam inside me, but I could feel his hands sliding along my smooth globes parting them slowly while kneading them like fresh dough.


"Busy.." He muttered pressing his face between my cheeks. He was busy eating me out. I slid my body up a little so my ass was in the air and he could get a better grip on me. His hands pulled my cheeks apart and my eyes moved into the back of my head as he began to assault my ass with his tongue. It wiggles about for a moment running the length of the crack before he pressed it against my hole. His moans were drowned out by the groans that were coming from my mouth. I couldn't help it I was going out the mine as he tongued my hole. He slide his tongue back and forth over my bud before he pressed it in and the moment he did my cock throbbed pressed up against my stomach. I could only imagine what he was looking like right now.

Looking over my shoulder I saw his head move and I could hear him licking and slurping at my hole and could feel the touch of teeth every so often as he went at me. Pressing back he pulled at my thighs trying to get his tongue inside me as far as he could.

My body began rocking a little as my mind just slid away to a place of absolute pleasure. I don't know how long it lasted, but by the time he was done I was ready to be mounted and ridden for all I was worth. My fingers curled into the sheets and I began wiggling my rear when he drew back. I felt the hard slap of his hand across my ass causing me to cry out.

I moved around seeing his cock bobbing in front of him and new I had to wrap my lips around. Leaning forward I slid my lips down his cock taking it down my throat with ease making me him moan out. His fingers went right for my hair, curling in them holding me there for a moment. When they uncurled a little my lips ran back and forth along his cock , lubing him up so he could fuck me. When he had enough he pushed me off his cock.

Pushed to my back I felt him pull my legs up sliding them over his shoulders. He pulled me to the edge of the bed and began to press the tip of his eleven inch scepter to my ass. He teased me a little more and like a true pussy boy the lips of my ass cunt kissed the tip and began to pull him in. He pressed forward a little sliding another inch of his cock inside of me then drew back. I whimpered a little and I could hear a slight moan when he slipped back inside of me.

"Fuck, that's one hot hole." Chris muttered before he drew back again and slammed himself completely inside of me. I lost my breath, but gained it back quickly as he leaned into me. He didn't move he just let my ass get used to his cock being inside of it. Looking up at him I leaned forward to kiss him wanting to feel his tongue in my mouth again. He kissed me passionately for a moment before he slid back and began to thrust inside of me. He pumped his hips inside of me letting me feel the full length of his cock sliding back to the tip then driving himself back inside of me.

He worked me like that for a good ten minutes before he began to thrust faster letting his hands move down my legs a little holding them up so he could fuck me the way he wanted, long and deep. I could feel him brush against my prostrate every time he slammed deep into me. Each time he did it my body spasm and I gasp answering every grunt he made while my cock spat out spurt after spurt of precum. He knew what he was doing he was making me want him more. He was giving everything I wanted so I would be a slave to his cock.

"That's right got this daddy dick up in you. Just what you wanted wasn't it slut? Just wanted this big dick spreading you open. Making you feel whole.

Gonna make you feel a lot more. Gonna be my special slut. You're legs are just going to spread and raise up into the air when I come into the room because you know I got what you need. You're going to be craving it, more than you want it already. Can't wait to get you like I want you where I can just come home bend you over the table and fuck your brains until you cant stand." He said it all thrust grunts words being punctuating every so often with his thrusts.

"Friends told me what a slut you were. Wonder if you want to be my slut. My own personal slut that services me and my friends." When he said that I began to squeeze his cock. "Oh you like that don't you. Thought of swinging on my big dick and the dicks of my friends. Bet you get all moist down there when you look at my pictures. Dick starts leaking its juice. Probably shoved some fingers up that slutty hole of yours, but it doesn't feel the same does it?" He said slamming his hips into me over and over again.

"Does it!"

"No!" I mutter. It didn't compare this was the real thing he was the real thing. He moved down bending my legs back to my chest so he could get at me with a better angle. His hips against me faster and harder and so he could rail me and I could feel my body move with each move. When he pushed in I gripped him and then he slid away. He starts moaning and groaning and I knew it was coming. He was going to spray me with his baby batter and make me his.

His lips found mine, tongue plunging into my mouth followed by a groan as he erupted inside of me. He filled me with his hot load pressing his tip right against my prostrate so I could feel ever spurt causing me to lose my own load between us. The panting between us lasted for a while as he continue to work his cock inside of me until it was down spewing its fresh hot load.


One what? I found out it was going to be the first load in a series of loads, because the night was young and he had me all weekend and that was just the beginning. He pulled out and moved up on my body sliding his cock over my lips, smearing cum and ass juice all over my lips until they parted and I sucked him cleaned. When I was done he rolled me over, pulled me up onto my knees pushed my head down and slide back in causing some of his first load leak out of my ass as he prepared to give me another hard fucking saying that we could grab something to eat after he's fucked me three more times.

All I could do was moan and groan at this moment, because words, full ones weren't possible right now. I just wanted him deep inside of me and that's what I was going to get.

To Be Continued.

So what did you think? Not enough, too much? There's going to be more hot celebrity studs. Any suggestions? Let me know. Email me at All flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 3

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