Chris Evans Slut

By Ryan Gora

Published on Nov 9, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is about young men having sex together. If that's not your thing or you're too young to read it, please leave now. The author has written this purely as a work of erotic fantasy fiction, and implies no specific knowledge of the celebrity personalities who are described. Enjoy!

Chris Evan's Slut - Part 1

I'm not sure where I should begin. I guess I should start at the beginning.

Well, to start off my name's Ryan and I'm about 23, I say about because I'm not even sure how many days or years have passed. I'd guess about three well that's what I count from the day I was reborn. What's being reborn? Well, it's not what you think. Not in the sense that it's on a spiritual level unless you considering worshiping cock a religion, but maybe it is for me, but let me expand on that it's just not cock that I love, it's the entire male body. I like all types of men, tall, short, stocky, muscular, beefy, atheletic, slim, slender, whatever you want to call it I like it. I love a man with a good build, cut abs, great legs and a great ass just makes me want to drop down to my knees and do what I was born to do or so I found out. That or raise my legs and spread them. Makes me sound like whore doesn't it. Don't care. I was told this was what I was born to do and I love it. Wouldn't change a thing not even the collar that's around my neck.

Well, lets get back to how I was reborn. It was a bit of a process one that started three years ago when I was in school. I was a pretty good kid almost getting ready to graduate in a year. Course like most guys my age I thought about sex. Alway on my mind. When I wasn't having it I was thinking about having it and the perpetual hard on myth well that's not a myth just that it just tends to happen when it wants to. See a hot guy in a pair of jeans, shorts, trunks, nothing at all (if I was lucky) it just happened, but that's what my life was about and I had my thoughts about who was hot and who wasn't on campus and then there were stars, the celebrities. My friends and I would get together at least once a week to talk about them. Talk about, jack off or even play out a few fantasies if they were game. Yeah I guess you can say I was pretty obsessed, but sometimes you just want to lose yourself in the moment, not think about who your with, but who you wanted to be with. I guess that's when it started when I told Josh about my own personal fantasy.

Chris Evans. People are starting to learn who he is. Some people say that he's an up and coming star. I know he's going to be big, just give it a little time. The first time I saw him, well that I really noticed him was in Not Another Teen Movie. He played the football jock ever since then I've been trying to see everything that he's been in. I mean who wouldn't. He's fucking hot. Everytime I saw him I would get a bone in my pants and my eyes would just roam his body and then the pictures on the net it just made things better. He has one helluva of a body, slight hairy chest, not dense just the right amount with nipples that are slightly bigger than a quarter, nothing like Chad Michael Murray (who's another actor that I fantasize about), but nice sized pick niples. His pecs were defined as were his abs.

I thought I was in heaven. Yum just didn't begin to explain it, but that's how it started.

"Who," Josh said completely confused over who was describing.

"Chris Evans. You don't know who that is? Haven't you seen Not Another Teen Movie or The Perfect Score or seen him on the net. Come on you have to know who it is. Blue eyes, nice full lips." I could feel my cock starting to rise even then.

Josh knew it and smirked. "Go on," he murmured looking over Tyler and Paul who had stopped talking when I started in on Josh about who Chris was.

"His hair was darker in Not Another Teen Movie, but it's ligther now. It was too dark in the movie, but he still looked good." Didn't matter it was him and his body was fucking awesome and he had a great voice. I was already starting to move my hand down between my legs.

There was a snicker and I knew it was Paul. He always did that when he saw one of us was getting horned up. "I know who he is," he said finally. "And he is fucking hot. I'd do him." To that he got a shove from Tyler.

"Do him, more like he'd do you."

"Same difference." Paul gave him a chesire smile and started to move towards me grinning. "Bet Ryan would love to run his hands all over his body just straddle him and slide up and down his pole." Paul knew just what to say and right now he was moving towards me like in a cat like manner. "Or slide his lips down his dick, slurping like it was candy." That made me blush because everyone knew that sometimes I gave noisy blow jobs. Josh would say that he wanted a slutty job and that was me down on him like a hoover and he loved it they all loved it. Learned to control the gag reflex at a young age some of them doubt I ever had it, but when they here the slurping sounds and popping of a cock coming out a mouth it's me and it is candy my candy and it's got a creamy treat if you do it right.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I want more. Maybe I want to..." I started to say it, but I stopped. I could feel my cock twitch at the thought.

"Want to what," Paul asked tongue sliding along the bottom lip in anticipation of what I had to say.

None of them needed to know what I was thinking so I just glanced away when I felt a hand at my shoulder pulling me down to the floor. It was Josh he pulled me down and held me there while Paul resumed his catlike crawl over towards me. Tyler watched him and begin to mvoe for my shoes and I felt one go of and then the other followed by the unbuckling of my belt by Josh. Once it was undone the pants were opened and down they went and my legs started to be pulled apart by Tyler.

I didn't struggle I didn't fight it at all. It wasn't the first time that we did this. I felt a hand run from my stomach towards my chest first over the shirt then under it causing my entire body to shudder with desire. The motion was repeated again by Tyler and I felt my eyes close. I was being pulled into my fantasy.

A hand went down to grope me between the legs, fondling my erection while a pair of lips touch the curve of my ear. "What do you want," Tyler asked. "Want to be his boy don't you." He wasn't teasing at least I don't think he was. Maybe he was I don't know, but I could feel the touch of his hot breath on my ear and it made me shiver again. I liked it. I wanted it to be Chris here. I wanted it. I needed it.

My legs spread a littled wider and began to bend at the knee. "Yes." Came my reply and that was the last coherent thing I said for that night.

Thinking about it now I guess I should be thanking Tyler and the others for getting out of me, because I wouldn't be where I'm at right now doing what I'm doing. I like the life I have now even if I left everything I knew behind. It's better this way. I don't have to worry about things. I don't have to sweat the small stuff. I guess I should tell you a little more about me. I'm about 5'11" nice athletic body, bit of a runner's build. I did cross country in both high school and college. Dark brown hair and blue eyes. I have nice full lips and a tight round fuckable ass so getting someone to come home with me isn't a hard thing I was just looking for more.

I guess we all are at some point wanting more needing more than what people can give us.

Well, I got more and it happened two weeks after that night with my friends.

In college I was working at the local coffeeshop across from campus. I worked a few shifts, but kept my grades up, but if someone wanted to find me its where I would be if I wasn't in the bathrooms in the library of the atheletic department, the stacks in the science library or other few places that I knew about on campus. It was almost quiting time when Tyler and Josh came in. Paul was no where in sight, but he probably grabbed us a primse spot on the intramural field where the football game was going to take place.

God bless intramural sports. Gave me something to lust after right after work. Hot guys, shorts and sometimes shirtless. Definitely in heaven.

"Give me a sec." I told them. I just needed to cash out and I'd be set.

"Take your time. We're meeting Paul at the Atheneum." They caught the look that I gave them when they saw that. The Antheneum. That was no where near campus, well it wasn't that far, but it wasn't a place that you would just go to hang out. It was a real swanky hotel. A place that Paul and the others could afford, or I should say their families could. Me I couldn't afford it if I wanted to. Maybe if I saved up a little maybe, but I come from a working class family. There was money left for me by my grandmother so I could attend school, but anything else I might want I had to work for thus I have a job.

"Stop giving us that look," Tyler snorted. I couldn't help it.

"Why are we.." I couldn't get out it all out, because there were a pair of fingers at my lips.

"Get cashed out and we'll explain on the way," Josh said. That wasn't enough I needed more than that, but it was all I was going to get at the moment.

It took me a total of five minutes to get cashed out and get my stuff. I still didn't know what was going on, but it didn't matter. What mattered was the secret that my friends were keeping from me.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with why you all ran out on me last weekend." We were supposed to meet up, but something came up with all three of them. I just assumed they all got lucky. I ended up spending the weekend studying. Guess everything worked out the way it was supposed to, because I got an 'A' on the exam.

"Now why would you say a thing like that," Josh offered with a smile on his face. Walking out to the parking lot I moved towards the black Camry in the lot. It was Josh's his parents wanted him to have something prtactical. Sliding into the back seat I sat in silence as the other two got in the front giving each other knowing looks.

"What?" I was trying my best not to sound irritated, but I hated being out of the loop and they never put me out the loop before.

Josh started the car and pulled out of the parking lot not saying a word, Tyler followed his lead.

"Fine." I know I was acting like a baby, but I wanted to know what was going on and why we were meeating Paul at the Antheneum. I still felt like I was underdressed. I know people walk in and out of it with jeans on, but they look like they belong, they act like they belong. I was stuck in a Starbucks uniform.

Barrista power go!

We were in the car for about thirty minutes before we pulling in front of the hotel. Josh and Tyler hopped out while I contemplated throwing a major fit, but it didn't happened. I was twenty years old I was going to act like it. Maybe were going to spend the weekend here. It's not the first time we've been to a hotel, nice or otherwise, but this was the Antheneum, not the at the top, but right around there.

"Come on, Paul's waiting," Tyler reminded.

Paul's waiting. Should it matter. I mean they knew what was going on me I could be walking into something bad like when I met Tyler's parents. Not something that I would remember. Tyler and I came falling into his room unaware that Josh that had let his parents into their room, mind you we were in full liplock at the same time. Tyler's mother wasn't pleased. His father suspected and there was a long discussion between him and his parents. His mother still gives me funny looks like I stole Tyler's virtue. Fat chance. I met Tyler freshman year at frat party. Mostly everyone was gone and there were just a few people there, well out side of the fratboys who took a shine to me and soon I learned Tyler.

When I came in Tyler was riding the president of the Frat like he was a broco and while everyone watched. I was stood there for five minutes staring before I moved up on the couch dropped my pants and pulled my legs up and decided to go stud for stud for him. Tyler took twenty loads, I took, two if you count the collective loads that I felched from Tyler's frothing hole.

"Ok. Ok," I said sounding like somoene kicked my puppy. I just didn't like it. I was being set up, I know I was. One time we came to a hotel and there was Coach Larkins there waiting for me service him. I was there all weekend. We never left the room and when he left I needed a day to recooperate besides the bellboy was interested to see how humpy my ass really was.

Walking inside the hotel with them they didn't say anything. They looked between one another and I spoted Paul sitting in the lobby. Moving towards him I touched his shoulder and he looked up at me and smiled. Paul was an altogether different story. He was the virgin among us. Shy, quiet, reserved, but after he met us that changed. Probably had something to do with the Quaterback Ball we set up for him freshman year during Homecoming.

Our team and visiting school's team quarterback had a nice little party with Paul, and us, but we watched, Paul got balled all night. He was screaming for more by the time the visiting Quarterback had to leave so we found some more studs for him to play with. Good times. Good times and that's when he begin with the chesire smile the same one that my eyes were studying at this very moment.

"Ok will someone tell me what's going on." Paul moved up to his feet handing me a keycard and began walking me towards the room. Fuck who did they get? I looked over at them, but Tyler and Josh stayed behind.

"Penthouse." He told me. "That's where they're waiting." They. How many people. My eyes started to widen.

"It's ok. Everything is." Paul smiled at me. "This is what you want. I know it is." He smiled, but this time when he smiled it was one of his genuine ones. " yourself." He said and moved off after pressing the elevator door for me. The door opened and then I moved inside thinking about that. I was dressed in my work uniform.

"Shit!" I said as the elevator reached the penthouse, but they wouldn't open. I slide the keycard in and the doors opened. Walking out into the penthouse I looked around because it was huge. It had to cover at least one half the entire floor. Looking around I saw that there was a balcony that overlooked the river and then there was another that gave you a nice view of the mountains. I wasn't even sure where I wanted to start. They, ok where were they. I moved through each of the rooms stopping when I came upon the master bedroom suite. I could hear water running because the doors were opened.

Stepping inside I looked around seeing the giant king sized bed the flat pannel TV on the wall. There was a DVD player and a Playstation 2. That was just the beginning. I move towards the bed sliding my fingers along the blankets thinking about all of this when the water stopped. I moved back because I could hear movement inside and when the door opened steam poured out into the room.

"You made it." I heard the voice, but I didn't want to believe it. It wasn't until he walked out drying off his chest with a towel wrapped around his waist that I knew it was him. The eyes, the hair, the chest.

Holy fuck! Chris Evans!

"So are you going to help me out with this," he asked with a slight smile on his face caressing himself throught the towel. "Because your friends said you wanted to be my pussyboi and I need to try you before I decide whether or not you got the job."

---- Hearing him say that I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not, but he was there in the flesh. Then I could hear that little voice in my head telling me that it wasn't a dream that he was here. I wasn't even sure what to say.

"Call me Chris," he started out saying walking towards the bed. He moved towards the end of it taking a seat. More like he fell back on it letting his hands fall behind him a little so he could prop himself up. His legs slide out from him parted and the towel was dagerously close to come aloose.

"So are you just going to stand there were you going to wrap those sweet lips around me big, fat hard cock." The voice made me want to melt and there was a bit of an accent he was from Massachusetts. "The told me that your lips are as sweet as your ass or should I call it your cunt or do you like pussy better." My eyes went to his and there was this glint in his eye that told me that I better answer.

"Whatever you want to call it." I said it in this drone like voice. Fuck there was no time for that. I cleared my throat and he laughed.

"They said you might be like this," he said letting one of his arm come around so he could brush his fingers along his abs. He was teasing me and he knew it. Bulge nothing my cock slide right down the left leg of my pants letting it's arousal be known and I bet that my ass was becoming a little moist right at this moment.

"Mmm hmm." Chris murmured brushing his fingers along his taut stomach eyes on me.

"Don't make me come over there..." It was a playful tone. " might not like it." I could tell by his tone that I would love it.

Finally my feet decided that they wanted to work and I moved towards him as his feet slid apart a little more along the carpet.

"That's it baby, come to Chris." He cooed to me and I just went it. "Come to daddy." He smiled. "Come swing on his meat a little."

My eyes met his and he glance down to where his hand was at, the front of the towel. I didn't understand anything that was going on, but my brain was lacking a good amount of blood at the moment.

"Come on.." he coaxed me a little more and I finally reached him. "Down." Down to my knees I went and when I did I was eye level with the tenting towel. From the tent size I could tell. I looked up and Chris snorted like a horse and I blushed.

"There it is." He leaned over to cup my cheek in his hand. "Look at you..."

Look at me? Look at him.

"All for me." The way he said it in that husky tone made me want to bust a nut in my pants. "All for Chris." He leaned in brushing his lips along mine and I felt like I was in heaven. I was in love.

It was soft at first, soft and gentle. His lips brushing agaisnt mine in a feather like touch. He didn't say anything. Didn't need to say anything. My hands slide along the comforter on either side of his hips afraid to touch him, because if I did it wold stop and it really would be a dream. He leaned into the kiss first pressing me back. He was the agressor I didn't care I just didn't want the kiss to end. Then it came, his tongue snaked out between his lips and ran across mine.

Open. That's what he said without even uttering a word. My lips parted and his tongue slipped into my mouth and I felt his other hand at my cheek hold me there as he let his tongue move around exploring the inside of my mouth, turing twisting and swirling, tasting me and I began to do the same to him. I could feel myself rise up slowly and he smile against my lips.

"Eager aren't you." My hands moved to his hips touching them caressing them wanting to know that they were real.

"Ummm hmm, baby that's right. He moved back, but he pulled me with him until we were both on the bed he was on the bottom I was on the top and we started making out. Lips brushing and and smacking against one another. Tongues slipping in and out of each others mouths while our hands ran the canvas of our bodies. He was only in a towel and I was in my uniform.

"Chr.." I started.

"Chris." He said it for me and smiled running his hands right down to my rear and slappning it. "Say it!"

"Chris!" I squeaked out. I didn't mean for it to squeak, but it happened. My eyes closed, because I could feel the sensations from the slap on my ass spreading across my body. Not the first time, but right now it was so fucking hot.

I wanted to say something more, but I couldn't. I could feel us rolling over and when I looked up I was staring into his eyes. "I still want that slutty job." I blushed when he said it. "Oh yeah, I know about you. Heard all about it from your friends." How did they know him?

"Friend of a friend." He said. "Of a friend who knew a few things." He smirked when I gave him a bit of a shocked look. He moved down and started to climb off me. I began to move, but his hand came right down along the middle of my chest holding me there. "Stay." He ordered and continued moving down my body until he reached my pants. He began to undo my belt pulling my shirt out of my pants. He got it out and then opened my pants looking at the bulge in my boxer briefs.

Questions, so many questions running through my head as he moved down and pulling my boxers and pants down a little. "Chris.."


"What are you doing?"

"Showing you want I want." He said before he slid his gorgeous lips down my aching cock.

"Oh fuck.."

"Later." He said before moving his lips back down over my cock. I could feel the tip of his tongue slide along my tip and slit teasing them before he started to move his warm mouth down around my cock causing me to grip the covers.

"Oh..Oh.." It's all I could get out. My mind couldn't manage anything else it.

I could hear the sounds of his lips moving back and forth over my flesh was a dream come true all of this was. I could feel his hands at my clothing trying to get my pants and boxer briefs off. I kicked my shoes off and he moved back to take it them off. He licked his lisp while he did it. The towel just wanted to fall off at this time but it hung there. Once I was free of my pants and underwear he moved back towards my cock like it was the new tasty treat. His tongue swirled around it and moved down along the bottom then back to the tip sliding over it mercilessly until I thought I could take no more then back into the moist warmth of his mouth and I knew I wasn't going to be able to take it anymore.

His head bobbed up and down and I watched him as he showed me wanted he wanted and his hands they moved along my thighs lightly, on the outside, then the inside, then up and down caressing and massaging them. When I thought I was about to explode he moved his lips from me and blew a stream of cool air over my dick making it jump. He flicked his tongue across the tip and kissed the inside of my thigh.

"That's what I want and more." He moved up towards me crawling over me and layed on top me. "Understand?"

"Yes." I was about to say something more when his thumb touched my lower lip and instinctively began to nip it and suckle on it.

"Good boy," he whispered. He pressed himself against me tightly and feeding more of his thumb slowly pumping it in and out of my mouth.

Removing his thumb he leaned in to kiss me. It was a bit chaste, but enjoyable.

"All weekend?"

That brought laugh to his lips.

"Weekend? On no, baby. I'm going to be tapping that ass from now on." He grinned and slid his knee between my legs. "You belong to me." Belong to him? "You're my slut. This is my hole, now. Chris is hole." He moved down to bite at my neck. "When I'm done with you you're going to be craving my shit. They always do." He kissed my neck a little. "This is what you want isn't it? Your friends said you wanted it." He looked at me and pulled off his towel and I finally saw it. It was long, thick, had to be close to eleven inches. It was cut and it curved a bit to the right. I could feel my tongue slide across my lips and that brought a smile to his face. That wasn't the only thing that was happening. My legs spread a bit and he smiled even more.

"That's a good boy. You want Chris' daddy dick don't you."


"Don't you."

"Fuck yeah!"

"Yeah that's it baby say it," he demanded.

"I want your dick."


"Yeah, I want your daddy dick in me so bad, Chris. I need it. God I want it. I want you pumping your cock in me so deep...."

"Oh yeah, that's what I thought. My perfect slut."

"Uh huh." I say in a bit of a grunt as he pressed his knee further between my legs rubbing against me.

"Do whatever I say."

"Whatever you say."

"No questions."


"Who do you belong to, Slut."


"Who!" He snapped at me leaning in with pressing his knee further betweeen my legs.

"I belong to you, Chris, you daddy."

"Damn right now suck my fucking cock," he said moving up towards me and his cock was right there sliding past my lips. I didn't fight it. I wanted it and he just macked on me right there made me his without even bating an eyelash. He sank his mammoth meat inside my mouth and let out a groan.

"That's right suck on that meat." He said and begin to move his hips a little and my hands slid to his thighs.

"Just the beginning slut. Just the beginning." And when he said it there was a loving tone in his voice as his hips begin to rock back and forth and with the look in his eyes I knew it was.

Next: Chapter 2

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