Chris Dominated

By moc.loa@neprehtonatsuj

Published on Apr 23, 2015


Chris dominated 6

It was all I could doto not scream so loud.

I felt this need tomake him feel good. He has been so goodto me. Never making me feelworthless. Almost like he wewere friends.

Eyes castdown, starring straight, fixed on the path of my hand. I know I can't look him in the eye. Although my hand, persistent and steadyremaining on its path, I was a bundle of nerves on edge. The pounding of myheart could be felt through my chest and all the way to my ears.

Eyecontact would make this more...intimate like with GiGi. This wasn't like with her! This was just me helping a buddy...lending afriend a hand...Right? I should...NO? After all...he could have just made me. He was there...he saw me throat deep on Nickscock...yet he left. In a way I owe him forwalking away and kinda sticking up for me.

Aftereverything that's been happening...but mostly what just happened...beingdegraded...belittled...embarrassed...feeling shameful...yet I'm on edge like...well...lasttime I felt like this was with GiGi our first time.

I felthim get stiffer as I continued caressing up his inner thigh. He wasn't hard but I could tell he wasgrowing. When I got to his belt I wentright to work...pulling the strap free...releasing it from the buckle...and right tothe button. Noticing once I popped thefirst button he was wearing button fly jeans I yanked the fly open and cameinto view with his pubes and the base of his dick. This shudder went down my spine uponnoticing...commando?

Somethingcame over me at this moment. There washis over powering heat. My heart waspounding faster by the second. I felt a throbbing in my head as the heat keptrising...almost like I could feel the blood pumping through the veins in myface. It was more intoxicating the room was gyrating...almost pulsing around me. My head was spinning. I found myself gazetransfixed...I got closer to his crotch. Ido not even remember make the decision to.

As I gotcloser...I could feel it...the warmth of it...almost moist...the closer I got thedeeper I was breathing...the sight before me had my gaze fixated but was it hisaroma that had me breathing deeper...feeling hotter by the second...causing thepulsing in my head?

Breathingin...I found myself faced with the source...nose pressed against his pubes...lipsembracing the base of his shaft...feeling its warmth...inhaling like neverbefore. I felt drunk...almost high. A need was coming over was after all what I set out to do...but this feeling?

As mylips remained against his shaft...his dick pulsed...still incased in his jeans...mynose still pressed into his bush...breathing the intoxication in...wrapping my lipsalong the exposed base...tasting and smelling the source of this drug likeessence emanating off of him. My tonguewent to work...lapping at what was driving me into this haze...causing the heat togo from my head and start traveling thru my whole body.

I placed my hand on his right hip...fingers under hisjeans...never stopping or braking contact...grazing my hand to cup his side...usingthis as a way to lower his jeans while getting the chance to feel as much aspossible. With every inch I felt of himmore of his shaft became more exposed.

Alex musthave noticed what I was attempting to do...or just wanted to get this over with...Iwas pushed away. I was shocked...I meanNick enjoyed just using me for his pleasure...even Kevin seemed to enjoy himselftoo...was I being rebuffed? Then Irealized I was wrong.

Alexleaned forward after pushing me first I didn't notice...grabbing thewaist of his jeans like he was pulling them up...he pulled them down to his calf's. When he leaned back against the wall I wasshocked. His dick laid down along histhigh. It was bigger than Ithought. It still looked like it wasn'teven fully hard. The head of his cockwas dripping onto those sculpted legs of his.

With hisback against the wall he stretched his arm behind me...resting the palm of hisright hand on my shoulder...his thumb grazing my neck...almost stroking me. I leaned in. Without any pressure from Alex's hand...yet I know his was guidingme...willing me...and because I wanted to?

I startedsame as before...smelling and tasting at the same time...the warmth still was feltwas surprising on my lips. Making my waydown...or up his shaft till I made it all the wet with my tongue. I was right about him not being fullyhard. As I got closer to the head...evenmore cum was oozing out onto his thigh...I felt a pulse...and the warmth of he became fuller...harder...and slightly longer. With my hand on his inner left thigh...lookingat that bulbous head...dripping...because of what I was was time.

I knowwhen GiGi teases me...makes it take forever...has me on the brink...causing me to precum like Alex's is doing...when she does blow be so on edge it happens inminutes. At least this won't be as longas when Nick uses my throat like a pussy to fuck till he cums at his leisure.

I stillfeel his hand on my shoulder as I lean in and take his head into my mouth. First I wrap my lips around with hisshaft I use my tongue...tasting him...strong...warm...not bitter or sweet. It tastes like that intoxicatingaroma...undistinguishable. A new wave hitsme...I am feeling like I'm high.

I heardAlex release a deep breath thru this nostrils as he gripped my bicep. I took more of his cock in my mouth...inch byinch. He was definitely bigger thenNick.

As mymouth bobbed on his cock...using my tongue...sucking hard when just the head wasleft in my mouth...then making it dive into my mouth. I felt his hand stroking...caressing...down myback...along my side...till it was at the waist of my shorts. Then his right hand touched the side of myface...caressing...even running some fingers thru my hair. Never controlling my movements like when Nickwould grab my head to hold me down on his shaft...cutting off my air flow...chockingme on his dick to show his strength...for his own personal feltlike how I'd think he would his girlfriend...encouraging.

I feltthis need to make him feel good. He hasbeen so good to me. Never making me feelworthless. Almost like he wewere friends.

When his righthand went up my jersey...the heat of his hand against my skin...the feeling of thestrength in those hands...I felt an electric shock go thru me. Alex continued to caress along the band of myshorts. By this point I was downing athird his cock. The closer I got to thebase the more I was able to feel the emanating haze wash over me. I didn't even I was going up anddown on his prick...with the one hand caressing encouragingly on my head...theother slipped down my shorts.

Iprobably wouldn't have noticed so soon that he had slipped his hand into myshorts if it wasn't for the fact that I was wearing a jock. The warm of his hand on my ass...gripping onewhole check in his strong hands while his pelvis started to gyrate and thrustwith my bobbing...made me aware. It wasthen...when he was cupping my exposed ass...feeling the palm of his hand...grabbingmy was then that I dove down taking half his cock till the head was justshort of my throat...and then he thrusted...popping the head into my throat.

I felthis control...nothing like Nick...this wasn't forced control...this wasmasculinity...this was a true man's control...primal. I worked his dick...allowing him to thrust topenetrate my throat with the head of his cock...never once did he cause me togag...never once did he pump his cock down my throat with was like hewas probable how he would fuck his girlfriend's pussy...with a monster size cocklike he had...he'd have to go gentle on her pussy...with controlled thrusts...evensharing the control like he was with me...allowing me to go down while hethrusts...not pinning one still and doing what pleases himself but what waspleasurable for both people.

Even withAlex's cock going head deep in my throat he still had plenty left to enter...buthe didn't use his hand at any time to force my head down to his pubes. Thewhole time my mind was on his hand. Notonce did I feel the need to tell him to stop...was that weird? Strangely it felt kinda great. His hand caressing every inch of my ass checkthen up my leg...(the whole time my never removing my shorts)

When Alexhad his hand on my inner thigh I willingly spread my legs. His hand inching closer to my wasthen...with his hand down my short...his cock in my mouth...the head popping into mythroat with every thrust Alex did...that I realized how tight my jock felt. Alex never missed a thrust...I never stoppedbobbing on his hot cock...spreading my legs wider...enjoying every touch hedid...'touch me, stroke me' my inner voice the same time my handsstarted exploring every curve of his strong legs.

With allof this...the haze influence became stronger. I didn't even feel it when Alex's hand reached pass my jock coveredcrotch...landing on the crevice of my ass checks...two fingers caressed me...workingtheir way between my crack...till then made contact and started caressing over myhole. When I felt his fingers touchingme there...never having felt anything like that before...I mean yeah I've fingeredGiGi while she gave me head...just like this...and once I felt his fingers caressmy hole...I went DOWN..!

I tookall of Alex's dick down my throat...instinctually...almost animalistic. This confused me...yet I didn't stop...why wasthat?

Having aguy touch my ass...let alone my hole should revolt me...Right?

Yet hereI am...still sucking...not just sucking...I was deep throating him with hands gripping him...holding on to him like I was making sure hestayed...I was focused solely on pleasing him...I needed to make him cum. The whole time I was deep throating was of myown doing too...his thrusting stopped the second I plunged him into my throat.

The moreAlex touched my hole the hotter I got. Ifelt like my skin was on fire. I didn'teven realize it at first...but now that I think about it...I was sure with all theteasing...the way he was pre cumming...I thought for sure he would have needed tounload by now. Was I doing somethingwrong? I mean strange as it may sound Iwasn't complaining. The trance I wasunder was exciting...strange...but exciting. I was only doing this to help a friend...lend a get him off.

It has been a longtime coming and with that a teaser. WhenI first uploaded Chris dominated it was just for fun it was all the comments that made me writemore. With that being said...All commentswelcome...

Thanks again, JustAnotherPen

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