Chris Dominated

By moc.loa@neprehtonatsuj

Published on Mar 1, 2014


Chris Dominated: Chapter 5

By: justanotherPEN

My hands fought, pushing, punching with everything I had left within me. Yet no change. Nick kept it up, without a care for my comfort. Every second that passed I felt the fighting energy of my preservation slowly dwindle.

"Yeah, fuck that faggot! Show him how to take it from a real man..!" By now I was panic stricken.

Eyes locked...staring straight...not a care for self preservation as I cross the fear but to breath for another second.

I never felt so scared to take a breath. As the wind blew across my face my lungs closed involuntarily. Would breathing another day mean more? I don't know if I could handle keeping myself composed right now feeling my body so disconnected and thoughts just as jumbled as my joints...Wondering how I am still able to focus on walking right...through the same streets I walked my whole life, passing people I am sure I have seen or know since I was a kid. Faces eluded me. The pebbles on the concrete cement pavement, my own cleats, and the streaks of colors that slowly whiz by.

Trying with no success to not think of anything... Of him! Yet the walk to his house...the knock on his door...and everything that followed is all I see in my head. What's happened to me? What has my life become? How did I lose myself in someone else?

"Fine!" I said through my teeth. "I am your their anything I can do to please you?"

" can put my dick back in your mouth..." As his dick passed my lips I closed my eyes. The vein's almost caressing my lips as I slide it in. Again I felt his hard stiff cock on my tongue. "Yeah!" he said triumphant. I can picture the pleasurable look of power and control on his face as I bobbed on him yet again.

"No I didn't say blow me, just suck stupid..." he said with a whack to the side of my head. "Good...just the suck on it..." and suck I did. With the head of his dick between my lips I sucked his head like I would my girls nipple. Nursing the head. "Your following directions like a good bitch Chrissie...keep it up...go ahead, take some more." With that I gave him what he wanted. I willingly followed his instructions. I sucked his cock, taking note that it wasn't as big as first perceived, or was it that I was just getting accustomed to having it in my mouth?

"Now are you ready to find out what it is I have to offer?" With Nick's hard dick between my lips I rolled my eyes up to his and I nodded my head, wishing all the while that I could just get this over with. I know after just dropping his load moments ago that this was going to be long and vicious.

"Okay..." he said as his fingers ran through my hair. Strong fingers running through my hair in an almost sensual manner sent a shiver down my spine. It had a strange relaxing vibe on me. Even with his cock gliding all slick up with my spit through my lips.

It wasn't till his hand came to rest on the back of my head that I snapped out of it. I prepared myself...I knew just how much Nick has to offer by now. "...guys!" he shouted.

Holy fuck he didn't!

It felt like my chest was constricting from hearing those words. When those words left his lips I lost all focus. His eyes were locked on mine. I had to watch his face grow smug as he got a kick out of my shocked scared expression and if that wasn't enough he shoved his entire shaft down my throat.

My hands were on his hips fighting for my life, choking, tearing like a baby girl, I heard footsteps walk in through the door. Blackness filled my eyes as my lids closed. I could take him forcing his dick roughly down my throat behind that piss stench outhouse in the park every morning then have people watching me like this trapped within four walls. I feel, strangely enough, more exposed here then in the park were anyone could have seen, and one did, out in the open. I felt defenseless.

"Holy fuck" I could tell from the sound of the voice this was Kevin speaking. It was the team...he told them anyway...this was just a trap.

Sill walking, somehow, the images of Nicks cock down my throat while my friends and my teammates watched on felt just as real then as the street. As if he was still fucking my throat without a care for me. It didn't faze me that there were people in the streets as I felt his cock in my throat. Not after they saw.

But thinking of them...I stopped dead in my tracks. I realized then that I was on the side street up from the butchers. It was more of an alleyway then anything else. Dirty and mostly just for garbage trucks to pick up the trash from all the stores.

I was leaning against the wall as tears started to fall hoping that somehow this would become a distant nightmare. When I heard the engine and tires roll up I just turned to hid my face. The car stopped and the window slowly lowered. This fuck must think I am tricking.

"What the...I thought...I said..."

"Stop bitching...Alex look he's obviously a fucking cock loving fag...look at him go down on me...I told you he wanted it! He likes it ruff. I wasn't forcing him or he wouldn't have come back for more of it." as Nick spoke to Alex I could guarantee that his dick was getting hard by the second. He enjoyed doing this to me more then just getting off.

"...its just..." Alex started to say but was cut off.

"When I saw that video you made...he really can take the whole thing...shit..."

Listening to Kevin talk about how he watched the video I was here to prevent anyone from seeing made me feel like such a gullible ass hole. I cant believe I trusted him to keep his word.

Slowly as the realization set in my body lost all fight...its over! What's the point...I give...and I just gave him the one thing he couldn't willingness...even if it was only to make sure no more people would find out...and all along it was too late, completely pointless.

As the realization set in my hands stopped fighting him off...slowly falling down his hips, along his thighs till they went limp at my sides. My body followed suit with my hands, including my throat. I became what I am sure he wanted...a fuck hole...with no resistance.

Nicks cock continued to penetrate my throat. With no further resistance he took his leisurely time with longer strokes all ending lodged in my throat. I again felt the ridges and hardness of his cock.

Giving up is with it is hard...darkness is a comfort.

Once the fight was gone from me the pain of reparative penetration went with it. Now not only did I feel every curve or ridge of his cock on my lips and tongue, I now was able to feel it in my throat. Feeling the brim of his cock head and the hard ridges of the shaft along my throat was something new.

I could hear mumbling behind me. How many team members are here? Is it everyone? The coach? How did my life become this? In only a day!?!

"Hey...get in?"

The all just bubbled up. My vision went WHITE. I turned ready to let this fuck have it. "YOU....."

"Come on Chris...let me give you a ride." Alex? Everything went still. After this morning I had a level of trust for him. Nothing can take that back. I found myself just staring at him through the passenger window. When I didn't move Alex reached over and opened the door. "Get in...I will take you where ever you want to go."

As I sat in Alex's car for the second time today, I was reminded of how he makes me feel safe. He makes me feel safe but scared nun the less. I just sat there...not saying a word...staring at his dashboard clock tick by. Tick...tick...tick. After what felt like an hour, but was only maybe 10 minutes, Alex finally broke the silence.

"If you don't wanna go home that's understandable. I will take you where ever you want."

"Home..." was all I was able to chock out.

"Are you sure...what about your you want to see them right now?"

"No one's home..."

"Kay!" and with that Alex started driving...

"Fuck, I'm telling ya...his throats tighter then Kim Persons pussy. I mean...Fuck...I just came in his throat not 15 minutes ago and I'm ready to blow another."

Normally that would have excited me. Not because I would be chocking down his cum. No it was because it would be the end of this whole oral ordeal I was going through. I felt that way this morning in the park, and just 20 minutes earlier.

When he shoved his dick in my throat yesterday it took me all night for my throat to feel normal again. him in my throat three times already who knows when it will feel better again, besides who's to say this ordeal will end with one more load from Nick? How many more adolescent male cock will I have to take care of before I am free to go?...for the moment anyway.

"You guys really need to try this wont regret it!"

"Oh I am not passing on this...that's for sure. If the Fag wants to suck cock then that's fine with me cause I have one that needs sucking right here..."

I opened my eyes for the first time since he called them in. I needed to see how long this was going to take. Through my tears all I could make out were two shadowy figures. Maybe it was only Kevin and Alex after all.

Knowing it was just the two of them was more of a relief because that means only one more person found out just now. With Alex founding out this morning when I was getting fiercely throat pounded behind the park wall, that meant only Kevin was the surprise.

"I am out of here! You guys are fucked up!" Alex said.

I was confused to hear him say this. Not because of what he said, but because of how those words made me feel. Part of me was glad he was not here watching them have their way with me. The other part of me felt relaxed with him here. After this morning I had a level of trust for him. This whole thing is fucking with my head. Wired!!

"Oh please Alex... you were just telling me earlier how horny you are since the Bitch stopped putting out for you! Here's a shot a getting your nut off without putting up with the bitches wining." Kevin was talking like Nick. He was offering me up like a cheep prostitute.

While I was listening to Kevin and Alex, Nick never slowed a beat to his thrusting penetrating fuck of my mouth. As Nicks fingers dug in to my scalp, his grip on my hair tightened, his shaft became fuller, I knew he was getting closer to another orgasm.

"...look Alex, Chris has been smoking Nick's cock for over 20 minutes and not once did he try to stop... not once... he's a cock whore... we're just giving him what he wants." Just then Nick started pumping faster. Now long dicking me, making me feel every inch he had to offer, making me feel him repetitively penetrating my throat with every stroke, my nose slamming into his bush.

No matter how much of myself I gave to Nick when I came here today, or by submitting willingly to him, he still fucked my face until I felt it. The tears were the first to start flowing, not that they ever fully stopped. Then chocking, gasping for breath, red faced, while nick got the pleasure he needed.

The two of them stopped arguing and stared at Nick's cock and the affect it had on me. Nick sure did love that cause Nicks cock pulsed when they did.

" can't!"

"Alex!" Kevin said when the door opened. In my head I screamed боstay please' I donбоt know why it scared me that he was leaving. "Alex!", as the door shut.

Nick repetitively slammed my face in to his crouch as his short thrust added to the fucking. My throat was to remain completely full of his hard cock. After a minute of permanent penetration, puncturing through my lips, never leaving my throat fully, my hands went up in a reflex of life preservation. I started noticing how Nick got more excited when I would fight back, even a little.

"Fuck yeah Bitch! Take it...fucking cock whore." Nick said as his trust became harder and faster then ever before. This violent energy he was releasing was far to much for me to handle. My whole body started to convulsed from the ruff fuck my throat was under. My hands fought, pushing, punching with everything I had left within me. Yet no change. Nick kept it up, without a care for my comfort. Every second that passed I felt the fighting energy of my preservation slowly dwindle.

"Yeah, fuck that faggot! Show him how to take it from a real man..!"

By now I was panic stricken. Even this morning, when I was fighting for my life, seeing everything flash before my eyes he would let me breath every couple of minutes. Yet here I am now without any air in my lungs with no reprieve.

Down on my knees I did not have the leverage needed to add strength in my fight. I needed my legs to help push him off. I can not go without air much longer. Digging my fingers into his thighs I struggled to get off my knees and onto my feet while still impaled on his stick.

Even with my eyes wide open in fright I could not see anything, not even Nick's pubes as my face hit them. With my constant gagging, chocking, tearing, eyes bulging out of their sockets, legs thrashing around like a dieing fish out of water I was still able to hear Kevin egg him on. боYeah give it to him.', боFuck that bitch into a coma.', боShow his faggoty ass who's a real man.'. Using my legs to push him out of my throat had the adverse affect. By trying to get up I re-angled my throat allowing Nick to reach a new depth.

"FUCKkkkk!" Nick shouted loudly as he held my head still as his cock pulsed. With his cock still lodged within my throat, still cutting of my air, he started to twitch with the release of his third orgasm, second within the hour.

I stated to lose my fight. боPlease God take me.' With that I lost.

As Alex drove thoughts of what I felt earlier kept jumping in my head. It wasn't the same thoughts I was having while walking, no, it was of how Alex made me feel. Both by being there and how he made me feel by leaving. I wanted him to stay, why?

I was confused because of how partly I felt relaxed with him here. This whole time he is driving I am staring straight ahead out the windshield not thinking about Nick or Kevin. As I am staring straight ahead I keep steeling glances of him through the corner of my eye. His right arm is stretched out, hand is gripping the steering wheel in a vice like grip showing the definitions in his arm. This thing is fucking with my head.

"Look...about earlier..."

"Its done...for now."

"I should've done something..."

"Like what...there wasn't anything to be was done. Don't feel guilty it isn't your fault." as I was saying this I realized for Alex...I meant it. His was honest with me earlier...боI am not going to tell anyone...not even Nick...I am sorry but I am going to act like I didn't see anything. He's a friend...I won't go against him...but that doesn't mean I think he was right.' ..."Like you said at don't agree but you wont go against kept your word."

I didn't even realize that the whole time we were talking he was parked in my driveway. After everything that has been going on, the last thing that felt appealing was the dark empty house in front of me.

"Huh." I said with a hint of a laugh.

"What up?"

"You would think that after everything I went through, an empty house would be just the thing..." I couldn't bring myself to leave the car. I know I would have to leave but it was turning out to be difficult.

"If you need company I would hang for a little...I did say if you need someone to talk to I am here...even if I don't understand all that much."

"I would like the company." as I said this I felt a familiar tingle. I turned to get out the car before he saw my eyes get watery.

I know I blacked out, but it couldn't have been long.

As I was coming back around I still felt Nick fucking my face, only I am not on my knees anymore. He must have moved me to the bed. With my head dangling off the edge he is able to fuck my throat like a pussy. It confused me why at this angle he couldn't get his dick deeper in my throat like before even though I felt his bush on my lips.

"Fuck weren't kiddin' is tighter then pussy!"

With that statement my eyes shot open and all I could see is a pair of hairy balls. It was Kevin's dick fucking into me. When I looked between his legs I was able to see Nick...naked...with a semi...and his camera.

"Fuck...I've only been at this bitch for 5 minutes and he is already about to suck me dry...fuck...yeah...oh long have you been holding out?"

"Just popped him a day ago."

"And he is this good? Fucking born to suck cock that's for sure...OOOOH fuck...I am getting close...yeah...take it you fucking faggot ass wanna be...pretending to be a real're a cock sucking fag...and from now on your going to get what your deserve...cock and cum...yeah....take it...take it you bitch..."

Kevin was pounding my face hard. Thrusting his crotch in my face hard making it feel like my jaw will snap in half. Now that I feel him really trying to fuck my throat I realize that he is much easer to take. Kevin's cock is sliding in and out with ease. I noticed how his dick didn't fill me like Nicks. Just as I am realizing the difference between cocks Kevin grabs my throat and holds it like a masturbation toy squeezing my neck in a painful grip making it feel almost as full as with Nick.

"Fuck...that's it...tighten up that pussy slut..." with that he started to squeeze my throat and fuck it. " it comes...ahhh...fuccck...shit...yeah...auh auh auh..." with each spaum Kevin squeezed harder. After his fourth shot down my throat he pulled out of my mouth and the last dribbles landed on my check. Kevin rubbed his spit soaked cock still pulsing and dribbling cum along my lips and check. Spreading the saliva and cum all over me making me feel cheep and used.

"Do you have another one in you bro or should I just keep goin for round two?"

Once we were in the house I noticed Alex staring around, it was then that I realized this was the first time he was in my house. I gave him a quick tour that ended with my room. We both sat on my bed. Alex had his back pressed against the wall stretching his full 6 feet 2 inch frame. Both of use were just sitting there talking about the posters on the walls.

"That one is my brothers...don't ask!" the whole time we talked I was thinking about something Kevin had said: боOh please Alex... you were just telling me earlier how horny you are since the Bitch stopped putting out for you! Here's a shot a getting your nut off without putting up with the bitches wining.' I don't know what it was about that statement but since we sat down that was all I could think about.

"Can I ask you something?" I just had to get this off my shoulders. I knew everything else was beyond my control but this...this I could get to the bottom of.


"Your with Maya still..."


"...Well when Nick and Kevin were arguing...he said...never mind...its stupid." I don't know what I was thinking this is not going to come out right.

"When we were arguing...what? I told you, you can ask me anything!" he said in a reassuring tone. I just looked at him. In his eyes I saw truth and trust.

"Kay...well he said...that she wasn't putting out for you...and..."

"Yeah...we have been going like 10 months and we started fucking around before we were a item. Just a month ago she stopped. Maya started bitching that that was all I wanted her for and didn't care for now its like we went from a couple of times a day to nothing. Stopping cold turkey...I understand addicts because I became addicted to having it all the time. I like her and all but I just cant stand the bitching. Its not just about the sex...but that was an important part!"

"That sucks..." I could almost see how thinking about fucking Maya gets him excited. Unless it was my mind playing tricks on me.

"Yeah it does...but was that everything you wanted to know?" he asked staring me dead in the eyes. I felt a chill run down my spine. Why didn't he want me to help get him off? For a guy all he thinks with is his dick. I knew once I heard the footsteps I'd have to suck more cocks there wasn't anything I could do. I was cough red faced and throat stuffed so to speak. Nick busted twice by then and Kevin made it obvious he was going to bust in me, why didn't Alex just say боFuck it'?

"Well yes...and no...its were offered...and you didn' could have...but yet...боNoбо...I mean...if it's an addiction...and it was offer to you...right there...maybe not...but like a addict...they don't know...were from...just that...the well fixed...and...", I felt like a fool asking this and started to ramble in confusion and embarrassment.

"Wait...are you asking why I didn't just fuck your in take Kevin's advice to get some from you?"

" a way." I said sheepishly. I started to feel partly unattractive and dirty sitting next to him Indian style in the middle of my bed.

"I wasn't that it didn't make me horny...seeing you on your I mean seeing someone giving head...its just...the fact that...I like to be dominate sexually...I am the man and I like to make someone want it and know they enjoy me giving it to them...I take control in a way that make you want me to be I said earlier...I don't agree with what Nick was doing...I do things differently then him."

As Alex was explaining this to me I felt his masculinity vibrating off of him. I could feel the words he spoke and knew he was telling the truth. I thought about Maya and how she must know first hand what it was like to have this real man make her feel and want everything he had to offer. It excited and scared me all at the same time.


Why would he excite me at all? I have GiGi. Yet here I am sitting on my bed...after everything just happened...assumed...embarrassed...less of a man because of it...and boned up thinking of what it would be like...I already know what its like with Kevin and Nick...I was suppose to blow was part of the agreement was it not?

"Alex...?" I feel safe...I owe him...right? with that I inched closer. Placing my hand on his shin slowly sliding up his leg. Even through his jeans you can feel the definition in his leg. When I get half way up his inner thigh, wait is that his cock?, he stops me.

"Its all good, don't worry боbout it."

"No, really. I owe you. it's the least I can do to thank you."


"Please let me do there something wrong with a straight guy getting a buddy to giving him a hand?"

Sorry for the long absence. Life took over for a bit...LoL. This is still the only story I have written and never thought it would get this far to be completly truthful and that is in part why it was aluded me for this long. I hope you enjoyed it and it was worth the wait.

Good bad and indifference is welcomed at

Please write and let me know if you wish it to continue.

Thanks again, just anotherPEN

Next: Chapter 6

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