Chris Dominated

By moc.loa@neprehtonatsuj

Published on Aug 5, 2010


Chris Dominated: Chapter 4 By: just another PEN

I was totally lost in my thoughts to realize what Nick was saying at this point.

"Make love to my stick...Fucking hell...if I knew you loved cock this much I would've been letting you at my junk a long time like my baby juices, huh? That's what I thought. You can't even stop to answer me...don't stop...I'm loving this shit your doing to me...fucking better than a massage."

With both lips wrapped around, I extended my tongue pressing it flat against his shaft. Feeling the width of his tubular shaft I glided upwards, sliding up his length, stopping to suckle his head, ending in a kiss to his slit just to continue the journey down the opposite side.

"Fine!" With that I lowered my head into the heat moistened, sweat soaked crotch, pointing my tongue out toward the intended target, tasting the pungent flavor of his balls in the air. Can I do this? Can I bring, no lower myself to this, to him in this way?

Every inch closer made me fight that much harder just to do it. It's not like I didn't already have his cock in my mouth before. I was forced to do it already, but that was different, wasn't it? This time I wasn't being held as his crotch got closer.

Seeing another dude with his jock and shorts around his ankles, sitting, letting it all hang out in the open, knowing was going to please him...the rush of power could be seen rushing through his was evident in his crotch. The soft extension between his thighs twitched with life. I have been there when his dick was hard...felt the strength of its powerful force...felt his smooth flesh covered veins pulsate between my lips...seen the anger of it in action...but that...that was nothing to what I saw now as it started to swell...was it because I felt so small in front of him now that his Johnson looked so menacing?

"Come on...lean in a lil..." he said as his right hand slid up his inner thigh until it came to rest right where his crotch and thigh met. With his voice, he tried to sound seductive or some shit, as if. I am here because I have to be not because he seduced me with his natural wilds. "...come me how willing you can be...let me feel that hot mouth of yours go to town." With that Nick groped himself, showing the growth of his excitement and there I was, on my knees, in front of my tormentor, seeing his exposed lower half...knowing he`s waiting for submit, paying a price I should not have to pay. All I wanted was to go back, before the video of that day...the day when I was just Nick's teammate and not...not...what am I to him now?

In the long run, with the video and the team, was this price worth the cost for his fun and enjoyment, as if he didn't get enough out of this as it was. When I made contact with his balls that was not the thought going through my head, nor were they of that pungent stench that was plaguing me with every second passing as I tried to accomplish this task, that however was not as bad as I thought-it was bad don't get me wrong, just not as bad as I perceived-thankfully.

No...the thoughts I was having, the ones running a muck in my head were of what I was feeling...feeling both mentally and physically. Mentally my feelings were torturous, it felt like my head was swelling with everything inside my thoughts.

My head could not find a way to grip...grasp...get a hold of where these thoughts were going. It was all torturous , and not just from the physical acts I was doing either, there was just so much running around inside my head I was confused as to what I was thinking half the time. brain is starting to hurt...can your brain go into overload?

Part of my subconscious felt like I was being castrated. Every movement on my part was a slice of his scalpel. I could almost feel the blood pooling in my pants. I wonder how many men could find it in themselves to mutilate their genitals, willingly commit the act of castration. I know there are some, but that's different isn't it? They don't think of themselves as men...although...I thought...think...AM a man!

Like I said, most of it I could not even comprehend...

It was taking everything I had left to stop myself from losing it completely, breaking down in a fit of sobbing tears. I am stronger than I give myself credit for. I could do this, it's nothing after the past day and a half. The question should really be am I strong enough to live with the decision to go through with it?

I needed to keep my composure, somehow!

On my knees...

Head down...

Tongue lapping away...

Skin pressed against my face...

Between the thighs of another guy...

I'm feeling like I am at my lowest point. With all my strength I enclosed myself within my shell.

Knowing first hand Nick was far from pent up, it seemed as though he was on the verge of a virginal explosion... with only one ball in my mouth. As I continued to bathe his balls, taint, and surrounding area his anticipation obviously grew. Nick's dick swelled more than I thought possible. The veins bulged out in a road map atop his dick, willing me to take a trip. Everyone of those veins pulsed with life with every beat of his heart.

Nick's dick looked more angry every with need and power. It looked as if it was hard enough to knock out my teeth, just sticking up from his wild bush...above my face still lapping away...intimidating me more than Nick himself.

It wasn't me doing these things anymore, it was like I was inside a robot. Yes, I was the one behind the control board, but I was not the one doing this. It wasn't it wasn't me!

I kept telling myself this, over and over and over again, as I started on my upward journey. Licking the underside of his dick all the way to the head I just plunged it in, impaling myself on him. I did it! All on my own. Willingly!

"Fuck! You're eager aren't you...yeah suck me bitch! You can take more...yeah like that," he kept talking as I sucked him off. I only had a third of his cock in my mouth when he told me to take more.

I expected him to take control by now, forcing his cock down my throat, calling me names, telling me how much of a faggot I was, but he didn't. Nick didn't even put his hands on me. What was up with him? Just this morning he was forcing his full length in my throat nearly chocking me to death, in the locker room too he got forceful, now he was being...docile.

When I opened my eyes I saw him playing with his nipples and rubbing just above his crotch. Nick was biting his lip with his eyes closed.

"Try and take more...come can do it..." he said with a moan as his hips started gyrating.

Try? Wait, what?

"...yeah...more...shit your so good at this...huh...huh...huh.."

By now I had half his dick, slick with my spit, sliding in and out of my mouth. Gliding his meat through my lips, all the way out with a tight suction to the tip of his head, almost with a kiss, then have it pierce my lips on its re-entry.

I could not believe Nick was enjoying this as much as he was. He looked like he was in pure ecstasy. Was it me doing that to him, causing that feeling, or was it just due to something touching his dick?

"Don't stop...huh...yeah keep going...faster...huh yeah....god you're doing fucking great...faster...faster..."

I stopped pulling all the way off. I knew by the sounds of it, it would not be long. If I got him off then the video would be mine and he wouldn't have anything else to hold over my head. I wonder if he thought of that. How would he convince the team I've blown him without it?

All I had to do was finish him off.

With that I moved faster, just like he asked. I took it even further in order to bring him to the edge faster then he was intending.

With my right hand I tightly gripped his stick. Stroking him with the rhythm of my suction. I heard him shudder as my left hand fondled his balls. Maybe if I jerked him off and sucked him at the same time I will only have to do this for half the time.

"Shit...I...I am...I'm close...don't stop..." I remember the way his body tightens just before, so I new I was almost done.

" it comes...ohm huh hum...shit...yeah huh..."

With that he thrust up getting more in my mouth as the first shot flew out his slit. He was so far inside my mouth it went right down my throat. His pulsating cock was thicker than when I started. I kept up the jerking, but pulled my mouth to just the tip of his dick. As more of his spunk spurted from his head, I got a true, first hand taste of his jizz.

Fuck that shit was the most degusting thing I have ever eaten, thick, warm and tasted like the sweat I was forced to lick off his junk. With its pungent taste my stomach spammed painfully. I should have just lodged his head at my throat so I would not have to taste it, but then again I did want to breathe. It became a lose/lose situation. Figuring he could not have much more to spew out due to the early morning release, I just kept up with catching it in my mouth.

"Shit Chrissie boy...fuck...I think that might have been better than any girl could do..." Chrissie? What the fuck...did he just refer to me as a girl? "...I guess what they say about fags is true...they blow better than any bitch can, why is that?"

"Whah...?" I tried to say what the fuck, but didn't realize his hand finally found its dominating stance on top my head. I didn't even finish swallowing once he started up again.

When I went to speak, it started to dribble out. Leaving his hand above my head he was able to fuck my lips with short thrust. "Oh fuck your tongue feel so good on my dick. Keep rubbing it against my shaft...yeah, like you blow better then any bitch that's for sure. Now finish cleaning up that mess you made then you can tell me about your secret talents source," he said as his hand remained on my head slowly gripping my hair.

Once his grip on my hair was secure, he used that leverage to manipulate my movements. He proceeded to bob my head up and down on his still hard dick. In preparation of the inevitable I placed my hands on both of his ripped thighs in case I would need to fight for a breath.

I did not need to worry. He, yet again, was respectful in a way. His behavior was off setting to my resolve.

With the continued bobbing, there was surely no way for him to lose the cubby between my lips, but his girth prevented me from cleaning efficiently. Instead of getting the thick sludge of his stick, my lips, which were stretched to the max, just pushed it further down the lengthy cock.

Realizing this, Nick, with his talented grip on me, finally pulled my mouth free from my oral penetration. Thinking the removal of his cock was due to over sensitivity was relieved until my head was tilted and his spit and cum covered dick was pressed lengthwise across my lips.

"Yeah...lick your favorite popsicle stick...hehehe...hum..." and so I did, well not the favorite part anyway.

I started with spot cleaning. Um, kind of like how I would do to GiGi. As I am thinking about her and how I would be suckling her neck or breast in the same fashion I am doing to Nick's stiff pole cleaning up his discharge instead of her nipples, suckling like a baby wanting milk.

"Fuck yeah...shit...look at you go at it..." he said as my head got away from me. With his pole between both lips, tongue flicking along the flesh, head moving in an almost making out motion, eventually gliding up the length of the soft flesh, kissing at times in random spots, removing my lips to lick periodically.

I was totally lost in my thoughts to realize what Nick was saying at this point. "Make love to my stick...Fucking hell...if I knew you loved cock this much I would've been letting you at my junk a long time like my baby juices, huh? That's what I thought. You can't even stop to answer me...don't stop...I'm loving this shit your doing to me...fucking better than a massage."

With both lips wrapped around, I extended my tongue pressing it flat against his shaft. Feeling the width of his tubular shaft I glided upwards, sliding up his length, stopping to suckle his head, ending in a kiss to his slit just to continue the journey down the opposite side.

It was when I was sucking just under the head of his shaft, the most sensitive spot on any man that I came back from my GiGi filled escape. When he broke my concentration, I realized I fully zoned out with his dick on my tongue sliding between my lips. I had a firm grasp on his shaft and was caressing his thigh. All of it came flooding back like a tsunami. The tape, his dick, the words he was saying as it came too me.

"Shit Chrissie boy, that was thee best fucking head're one talented cock hound..." I almost freaked out and was about to fight when it dawned on me I needed to keep him happy till I got that tape. It was bad enough to have him force his dick down my throat, another all together to have my friends and teammates watching it happen. So with one final pass of my mouth up and down a couple of times to ensure his full joyous pleasurable bliss and cleanliness, in hopes that now that should put a stop to any thoughts to change his mind about the tape.

"So now that you're done, you think you can answer that question for me?"

"What question are you talking about?"

"About fags blowing better than a girl could, is that why you're so good? I must say, your mouth knows a cock better than I would have thought. You took more than a third of my pole, I usually have to forces a bitch to take half."

Yeah I know first hand you fuck! I choose to keep my mouth shut on that and just stared him in the eyes instead.

" Look, kept my end of the bargain... let me have the video." I said as I was getting up.

"You'll get that hot porno I made for you to jerk off too, but where do you think your going? You're not done!"

"I did what we agreed upon. I'm done here. What you wanna hangout now?" I said a little more sarcastic than necessary some might think.

"No! Hanging out was not in the deal that is for sure, but the deal only covered the tape, not the teams knowledge," he said as he started to kick his jock and shorts off. "We made two deals or did my cock fuck your head too hard, maybe knocked a hole in your head? Did you forget the deal to keep my mouth shut?"

OH, FUCK!!! I totally forgot. I just wanted to get that tape and make a run for it and never look back.

"The video is right here..." he said as he walked right up to me pressing himself up against me, hard dick poking and all, staring me in the eyes as he reached to the desk behind me. "...I believe this is yours." he said as he placed a small cassette in my front pocket.

"Now are you going to take that and leave or are you going to accept EVERYTHING I have to offer in order to convince me to keep your talented cock sucking mouth a secret from the whole team?"

I couldn't talk. I just stared at him speechless.

"That's what I thought. Now get the fuck back on your knees where you belong. That talented mouth is far, far, far from done for the day. All that licking and sucking you just did got me in the mood again as if I would need that to fuck the shit out of your weak ass bitch of a mouth all night," and with that he pressed down on my shoulders causing me to fall to my knees hard.

Yet again the Nick I grew to hate, standing in the position that made me hate him, was right there in front my face, staring me down, knowing I was going to be breathless and not in a good way.

"Now I want to hear you say it!"


"Say it bitch!"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Tell me what you're here for, what you're here to do!"

""I'm here to suck you off."

"Is that it?, cause you just did that but your still on your knees."

"I am here to take whatever you have to give. Is that what you want me to say, well its said so can we get this over with?"

"Aw, I know your egger to get my cock between your lips again, what has it been three minutes already, but no that's not what I have been waiting to hear. What I have been waiting quite passionately I might add is I am your bitch' and if you threw in how may I please you?' I wouldn`t be mad."

"Your kidding right?"

"What about me makes you think I have a sense of humor?"

"Fine!" I said through my teeth. "I am your their anything I can do to please you?"

"Well to start you can put my dick back in your mouth...yeah...just the suck on I didn't say blow me, just suck follow directions like a good bitch are you ready to find out what it is I have to offer?"

With a hard dick in my mouth I nodded my head, wishing I could just get this over with.

"Okay..." he said as his fingers ran through my hair and rested on the back of my head. "...guys!" he shouted.

Holy fuck he didn't! It felt like my chest was constricting from hearing those words. If that wasn't enough he shoved his entire shaft down my throat.

With my hands on his hips fighting for my life, choking, tearing like a baby girl, I heard footsteps walk in through the door.

Sorry for the long absence. To those of you that thought I had given up and stopped the story all I can say is the story is not finished yet. I have plans for more. Also, thanks to all of you that wrote, it is appreciated, and kept me motivated to thinking of where Chris is going after Nick had his way with him, and he will have his way!

Remember all comments, good or bad, are welcomed at

Thanks again, just another PEN

Next: Chapter 5

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