Chris Dominated

By moc.loa@neprehtonatsuj

Published on Mar 16, 2010


"" Pressing the alcohol soaked tissue to the cut on the left side of my bottom lip, as I looked in the mirror, the strong stinging shocked me.

"You alright in there?" Alex asked.

I don't know how he convinced me to come to his house. I couldn't even look him in the face as I sat, slumped against the wall, with my face in my hands, balling like a girl. He told me to come with him, grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

"You can't go to school looking like this. You'll come to my place and wash your face. You can hop in the car with me. Don't worry we have enough time before school starts if we hurry." He said as he led me to his house. He didn't wait for me to respond. Maybe he knew I couldn't answer him.

"Besides, you smell like piss. Sorry, but you do. I'll give you something to change into, okay?"

I just walked at his speed, his hand on my lower back, pushing me forward; my head down. I still could not get comfortable with the fact that, not just someone but a friend and fellow teammate saw what just happened to me.

"There is rubbing alcohol in the medicine cabinet, help yourself." When we got there he directed me to the bathroom, it was right next to his room.

Now that stinging stopped I looked up to see my face.

"Okay..." He said as he walked in, "come I got you some things for you to change into." With that he walked me to his room. I had to admit, he had a hot room. He had sports, music, even supermodel posters all over, but was clean and tasteful. He also had a loft style bed with a futon just under it. On the futon there was some clothing piled on it.

"Here you can borrow these. I also put a pair of boxer briefs there too." he didn't look at when he said the last part. Why would he think I'll need new underwear?

"Okay...I'll be right back." When he walked out I started to strip. I was glad I was not doing it in front the mirror again. Peeling off my tee then removing my jeans, I stood in his room for the first time in my briefs. Standing there, looking at the boxer briefs sitting on top of the pile wondering what made him think of those. I looked at my briefs and noticed the white fabric was transparent with moisture.

Did he make me piss myself?

I heard the running water from the bathroom where Alex was turn off, so I quickly yanked my briefs off and bent over to get the boxers. When I got up to yank them on Alex was in the doorway.

Okay, we change in front of each other all the time in the locker room, but after what he saw I felt exposed for the first time. I pulled them on and started to get dressed as he busied himself around the room. Once I was dressed from the waist down, shoes and all, he walked over to me.

"Come have streaks down you face" as he was saying that he walked up to me. I just then noticed a washcloth in his hand. I went to reach it but he held it and placed his other hand on the left side of my face. He proceeded to whip my face. I must admit, while he was doing this my eyes were locked on his.

Why was he doing this? Why was he acting so endearing. I was impressed how gentle he was being. It was almost as if the cloth was caressing me.

"There...all you have to worry about is that cut. Just tell everyone you were messin' around with your brother or something and the two of you got out of hand. I am sure everyone will buy that."


"Put the shirt on we need to get going if were going to make it to school on time." He said as he turned and headed back to the bathroom. I got the rest of myself together and followed him, or was led like last time it, depending on who you ask, to the car.

We drove in mostly silence with me looking either at my lap or the passenger window. That was until Alex started to talk.

"Look..." and I did, "I really don't know what do...say..." I just looked at him. I could see he was concentrating. "He's my friend...I don't agree with...what he did...but..." he stopped to take a deep breath. "What are you going to do?" he asked when he stopped at a light.

"I can't...I...don't really know...yet anyway." He looked right at me when I said this. His brown eyes made me feel more then just exposed like when he was there when I was bear assed. It was an innocent and knowing stare.

"If you want to...or need someone to talk to...I mean...its not something I am use to talking about...I mean...sometimes talking helps...right?"

" don't..."

"I am not going to tell anyone...not even Nick...I am sorry but I am going to act like I didn't see anything." He said this with a sad determination. As light changed he started driving again. "He's a friend...I won't go against him...but that doesn't mean I think he was right. It's up to you man, are you going to say anything?"

I just shook my head. Glad he wouldn't say anything, but not sure how much trust I should have with someone with whom Nick is friends with and would stay friends with someone like Nick.

"I'll see you at practice, `kay?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Sorry, again." With that he pulled the keys out of the ignition and opened his door. I didn't even notice we were here. He walked away without another word.

The rest of the day was nothing more then a count down to Nick, except for lunch. At lunch I would see my girl. The second I saw her, something clicked. I walked over to her and gave her a hot hard kiss right in front of her friends.

"Hey GiGi."

"Where did that come from?" Gina asked.

"Missed you." I said with a smile.

We ate our lunch with her like always. I really didn't have much to say. I sat as close to her as I could feeling her up and kissing her neck when she wasn't facing me, where I would be kissing her right on the mouth. It was a change from the group convo I participated in like every other day.

After she was done eating, me barely eating anything, I grabbed her hand and told her to follow me. Going out the back door to the cafeteria I led her to the stairwell. Once we were up the stairs, all the way to the landing just before the roof entrance, it was gated off half way up the flight.

"What's up with you today?"

"I just missed you. Besides, aren't I supposed to be ready to ravage you every moment because of how hot and sexy you are?" I said as I pushed her up against the gate and slid my hand up her skirt. As I continued to kiss her I grabbed the waist of her panties and started to lower them.

"We can't do this."

"We already did it; it's not the first time." I said with a laugh.

"You know what I mean." she said through a nervous giggle. "I meant here."

"I need this...I need it NOW!'m so hard...just a quickie...come on baby..." I kept kissing her as I persuaded her into doing it, `cause I really needed to do it and now! I fingered her as I continued. "Oh baby...your so hot...and wet...shit...hum...I need to fuck your pussy..."

"What if some one comes and hears us?"

"No one uses this stairwell and besides, who would need to come up to the roof?" By this point I already undid my belt and was in the process of lowering my fly. I was hard and easily pulled it out and prepared to hike her skirt up and start getting some. Fuck, I was a straight teen male with a hot to trot girl.

When the head of my cock touched her moist lips the excitement of proving I was still a man made my cock twitch. I was kissing her as my head spread her lips. Once I was inside her, the excitement of being the man, the penetrator, made my fuck stick flex, I knew it had to have leaked pre-fuck. I knew it wouldn't take long, with the moisture wrapping around my dick, the heat coursing through my shaft to my balls, everything in my body was shivering due to the pent-up sexual frustration.

When was the last time we fucked? Could it be?...wasn't it the morning that the thing with Nick happened? Then why was I so pent-up? I had gone a week before without fucking her since we first started, once even 10 days. I was so worked up, overwhelmed to even have entered her at this point.

I was at the Point. My body was tight with the need so close to fulfillment. My breath was raspy; it was almost painful to breath. Her cunt was edging me to the brink. I started to go wild with the excitement of knowing I was fucking someone, so wild that I didn't hear her tell me to stop.

"What do you two think your doing?"

When I looked to the voice I noticed the janitor with a pack of smokes.

Fuck. All I needed was another minute or less to get my nut and I would have been good, but no this fuck needed to get his nicotine fix so I had to lose out. Not only that, but I was sure to get detention. If I got detention it would give me just 3 minutes to change and get on the field before the coach added (in his way) to my punishment. It wasn't like detention, I would take that over what coach would do.

I ran into the locker room trying to gain as much time as I could, maybe if I was only a min or two late, Coach wouldn't be to ticked. I have never been late before, I hoped that would work to my advantage.

Skidding in a half slide to stop myself from flying past my row, I was shocked to see another teammate keeled over rubbing Icy Hot onto his leg. I was pulling the shirt off as I ran down the aisle so I did not see who it was that might be in the same boat as me. Everyone knows what would happen if you're even a minute late, or at lest heard the story's about it by now.

By the time I got to my locker I was already topless and had my or I should say Alex's jeans open. I through my gear on the bench and started throwing the clothing I was wearing into the locker. When I pulled down to the boxers I had on, I turned to grab my gear and started putting it on as I made a run to the field.

"Aren't you curious to know if I told the team?" Looking up from the bench and my gear, I saw Nick topless leaning against the row of lockers across from me.


"Oh so you are curious?" He said as he leaned closer, I flinched thinking the worst, but all he did was sniff. "What happed to the pissy, cum scented clothes I left you in this morning? Huh? Did you wash your mouth too?" He just kept staring at me. "No you didn't, did you? Why would you, you love the taste."

"Di...did...did you tell..."

"I am still deciding if I will."


"But no, I didn't say anything..." he continued as if I didn't say anything. "...YET!" with a smirk that said more then his words.


" I really leave you at a loss for words...or are you just chocked with excitement?"

" said we could make a deal...your not going to...?" I started rambling. "...just tell me...what ever I have to do...I'll do it!" Shit what do I do? "Please!!!" God I need to find a way out of this. "I will do whatever...just don't say anything."

"I love hearing bitch's like you beg. Now get over here and prove your going to do what's necessary to keep my mouth shut about your talent." He said with a wicked smirk. What did he want? There is no way I can do that here. Fear was seizing my spine. Would he try forcing me to do it here, of all places? I know it is not as open as this morning in the park where I did get caught, but the locker room, the place of pure masculinity, where only a real man goes before and after a show of his strength.

As I took a half step backwards, he reached out and grabbed my arm pulling me up against his bare chest. He had on his silky soccer shorts, socks and cleats where as I was in the buff.

"If you mean that...then you'll have no problem showing just how much you appreciate my kindness. I want to see if you're being honest...get on your knees..." when I looked at him I was sure he could see the shocked horror in my eyes.


"I thought you were going to do it with out me making you. I guess you were lying to're not going to come and do it willingly? Well then I am sure that after practice will be much...much...more fun than what I had planned."

The whole time he spoke, he kept a hold of my arm, keeping me close enough that his breath blew on my face. "I didn't ask...but I sure can see that you want to...miss it already?" When I didn't get on my knees he shouted, "Get the fuck on your knees."


"What did I say?!? Pull it out NOW!"

"...not here...not here...anywhere else...just name it...I'll..."

"Fine...but if you're not..." he said between clenched teeth.

"I will be's can't"

"Look, be at my place right after you finish with what coach will do to you for being late. I will be getting my nut with out the extra workout this time RIGHT? Then I will think of what and if I will make any deals to keep you lifestyle a secret, right bitch?"

"Y..yes...I...I will...just please don't say anything...I will be there...I promise...but I can't do anything here...after practice...I'll be there."

With that said his knee connected to my crotch. I fell to my knees groping my painful nads.

"You better hurry it won't be happy if you're least I had a muscle spasm as an excuse." With a pat to my head and a laugh he walked out the locker room.

I might have made it out to the field dressed if it wasn't for Nick. The kick he gave made it hard to get up, but funny as it is to say, the last two times I encountered Nick had built my tolerance to this treatment.

Once up, I hurriedly got dressed. I throw my jock, the shorts on first almost simultaneously. When I sat on the bench to pull on my cleats I noticed more pain in my crotch. Here I thought the pain had passed and now it's starting to burn.

I ran from the locker room toward the field as I pulled my jersey over my head still feeling the burn in my crotch. With every step the burn grew. When I grabbed my package to adjust, the burn spread.

"It's so nice of you to join us Riley." Everyone else was already warming up but stopped-only for a second-to look over at me. Nick had a shit eating grin on his face when he saw me adjusting with a wince.

" Sorry Coach, I got detention from Mr. Green."

"I already know all about that situation. You think I would or even should make an exception for your behavior? I expect more from my players, even more then my students. Your behavior was unacceptable to say the least, but that has nothing to due with being late. Detention ended five minutes before practice started, why were you not on time?"

"I ran from detention and I was in the locker room just before practice started...I just..."

"Don't try lying to me." he yelled.

"I...I'm not...I was getting ready..."

"Bullshit! I saw you putting your jersey on as you were on your way out here." The whole time he was yelling at me spit flew from his lips spraying my face. I felt not only small and uncomfortable but the burn in my jock just kept getting worse, making it hard to focus.

It wasn't until I realized it smelled like the locker bay that I realized what was happening. That fuck!!!

"I want ten laps from you before you join the team to practice. That is for what happened earlier today. You're going to stay late today and all next week for being late."

"Fuck!" I said under my breath as I turned to run.

"Count yourself lucky that that's all I'm giving you. Next time will be much worse. That goes for the rest of you piss ants too! Anyone of you late again will not only run laps but will endure cleaning the locker room and showers with a toothbrush, on top of staying late for a week, GOT IT!!" he yelled to everyone, I even heard him as I was running at the time.

Even though coach said ten laps, I knew better than to think I could take my time. We only warmed up for half an hour, so that gave me just over twenty minutes to finish if I wanted to join the guys in practice.

If coach thought I was getting off easy he was dead wrong, Nick saw to that.

I saw Nick laughing as he looked over at me. Was this better then everyone thinking I was gay? I mean it's not like the 60's were I would be beaten or worse.

No. I don't want people thinking something that isn't true.

I even noticed Alex averting his eyes every time I was in the line of sight. Would everyone act or treat me with that sort of shame, as if I were a leper. As I made my way around the track everyone else was joking and horsing around like always. When Nick was joking with someone or another, I just couldn't get the fear of him telling everyone about what happened.

Why did I have to get busted by the janitor, even more than that, couldn't he keep his trap shut.

Now that I was running and sweating profusely, the treat from Nick got worse. It was spreading and getting rubbed into my thighs and open pores.

The Icy Hot fucking burned to no end. The chilling burn that passed through my balls, across my thighs was nothing compared to when it got into my piss slit. Now that was painful.

I had to run through the burn of the cream, the pain of the humiliation, and the exhaustion of my muscles. Yet, the loneness I felt was the worst.

Once I was on my way to Nick's place all I could think of was `thank god it's friday' because I was beat. By the time I got to shower and washed up, the cream in my jock had stopped burning.

Now that I had a shower and had the clean, yet borrowed boxer back on, I made the choice to see if we could make a deal and get past this thing. One thing I knew for sure, I was going to have to blow him, willingly, it had to be my choice. Part of me wanted to cry out for help as tears fell from my eyes, but I tried to hold it together like a man.

How was I going to do this? Go up to his door and knock with a smile on my face and when he opened the door ask `hey fancy a blow'?

As I did approach his house I headed to the basement entrance with a reluctant quiver in my body. I stood in front that door like it was a passage to a world I was not ready to visit, yet had in a way no choice but to do this. No choice, but having to make it seem as though it was.

`Knock...knock...knock...knock.' Slowly my fist rapped against the door.

Now I am standing before a guy I wish I had never met.

"Oh Chris, what brings you here?"

"Funny." I really wish I could just...I don't know what but something.

"Was there something you wanted? Maybe to ask me?" I just looked at him.

"Are we going to stand out here all day or what?"

"Hey, I don't mind and audience, remember?"

"Look, I am here to make a deal remember?"

With that we walked into his semi apartment. All I could do was think of the last and first time I was in his place, the pain and humiliation of the end of my life as I knew it. I was an average teenage high school male when I walked in. When I left, I felt much less than myself. Now he wanted to take more from me. He's taking the one thing he could not get the last two times. He was getting me to want him, to ask for it, make it seem like I wanted him.

So when he sat there on the couch with his gym shorts around his ankles, cock lying against his thigh I had to swallow my pride and more.

"So what's the deal here? If I do'll keep quiet...right?"

"I told you to prove to me you're not going to back down, then and only then will I tell you the deal."

I stared at his naked body. With only his ankles and feet covered, there was nothing left to the imagination. The strength of his body made me feel weaker in ways. He was cut all over where I was fit without the definition.

Taking a step closer to him, I felt wobbly.

It wasn't until I started to lower myself between his legs that I realized I would never save face in front of him. I will always be less than him. He would always be a man where as I would be nothing but a low life cocksucker. Everyday in the locker room, during and after practice his stare or smile would remind me of this; my acceptance.

I was lowering myself this time. I chose to get down on my knees in front of a teammate with his cock just inches from my face; a face that I am sure would not hide the turmoil reeking havoc within. I felt the need to scream out, or just curl up in a ball and cry like a baby.

Why did he have to do this to me of all people, why me?

I reached out, forcing myself to grab his now semi hard-on. I stared at it trying to will myself to lean forward. Taking a deep breath to get control of my nerves as I pressed the head of his cock to my lips and all I got was the strongest, worst smell ever.

"What the...?" I asked with a jerk of my head. "You didn't shower...after on..."

"Don't fucking complain like some bitch, okay! You're not going to tell me you fine with chocking on my shlong, and guzzling my jizz, but can't sniff my musk. Think of it as my own personal brand of cologne, all aphrodisiac like no?"

"Oh come on man. Don't make me...that`s sick man."

"Look this is your choice, got it! So don't give me this lip shit, and fucking do what you came here for or get the fuck out and kiss your rep good bye. Well, not kiss, but you get the gist."

"I said I would do it to keep your silence and to get the video, your funk wasn't part of that deal." I can't believe I didn't smell it earlier. The smell emanating from his crotch was worse than the gym before the showers, thick and hot scented. When he called it musky or saying it had aphrodisiacs in it was more than a stretch. It was just funky.

"I said you would have to prove yourself. Now get to it bitch."

"I said I will blow you to convince you to make a deal, but this..." if I was going to have to do this, and on top of that with this sent, I was going to get something for my trouble. "...this...come on! Can't you wipe down atleast?"

"No...I want you to know just how low you are to me now, and just how much you've sunk since you sucked! Get it?" he started to laugh at his own joke. I just stared at him. It wasn't like I willingly sucked him off anyways. I was only doing it now because I had to get that video.

"Fine, if you do this, prove to me you're beneath me, by willingly blowing my dirty, smelly, sweaty cock AND balls, then I will give you the video of your first throat fuck ever, so you can watch and jerk off to it when your missing my meat." He said with a smile, "...but don't think that is the agreement we spoke about. That's not going to keep my mouth shut, remember this is to prove your willingness."

With that he placed his hand on the back of my head. I was shocked that he did not try forcing me down into his crotch. Instead he ran his fingers roughly through my hair, causing my head to jerk backwards.

"Sweet, it's silky just like a real bitch's is."

"I get the vid right?"

"If you suck my balls clean!"

"...and the deal?"

"I will make the deal after you swallow all I have to offer you today! Not before, GOT IT?"

I did.

"Fine!" With that I lowered my head into the heat moistened, sweat soaked crotch, pointing my tongue out toward the intended target, tasting the pungent flavor of his balls in the air.

Can I do this?

Moisture against moisture.

Sorry for the long absence. This one was more of a challenge for me. I hope you like the direction it is going. Good bad and indifference is welcomed at Please write and let me know if you wish it to continue. Please write and let me know if you wish it to continue.

Thanks again, just another PEN

Next: Chapter 4

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