Chris Dominated

By moc.loa@neprehtonatsuj

Published on Jan 5, 2010


Chris Dominated By: just another PEN

"Yeah...suck that monster you fucking homo cocksucker!"

Nick had his nine inch cock in my mouth. It was awkward having a dick in my mouth. I have never done anything like this before. Why would I?

Me and my girl have been going together for six years. In grammar school we did the whole `lets go out' thing up until junior high. That's when she finally gave me some.

Man that pussy felt good. I convinced her, since we were both virgins at the time, to let me do her raw, there ain't no better way than raw pussy. Yeah I had to pull out and all-not getting to feel her pussy be the one to make me cum, but it was worth it for our first time. Even if I can't have it raw every day at least I can get it every now and then.

When we made it into our sophomore year is when I meet Nick. He was one of those loud obnoxious guys. At the same time he was fun to be around. After school, Nick had his friends over to his house. When he asked me the first time, I was happy to go. I met his two other friends, his best bud Kevin and Alex.

We went to his house and played video games, shot the shit, you know guy stuff.

Nick was the straight macho guy' who would degrade people and try to belittle them. His favorite thing was to use gay slurs on every guy around him. Calling someone a Cock-sucking faggot' was his most common put down. I knew he did it to antagonize and to get guys to argue with him because it was the fuel to his fire, and he looked for it.

Kevin and Alex did not think like me. When Nick started in on Alex, he pressed him so hard that Alex got so mad; Kevin had to hold him back. Kevin convinced him to leave with him and get some air.

"Yeah go give your boyfriend a blowjob, homo," Nick said as they left out. I don't know why they stay friends with him if he gets to them when he acts like that. No matter how much you try and tell them, it just goes in one ear and out the other. Since I'm the only one left inside, Nick turns on me. I guess he was itching for something, and Alex didn't give it to him.

"Hey, Chris...if you stayed to suck my dick, I'm ready for you." I turned to see him groping between his legs. "Look, cut it out or I'm gone."

"Chill, chill...just playing, unless I turn you on. Do I?"

"That's it!" I started to get up.

"Oh come on...sit down. You know I like to fuck around! I can't help it if you got blowjob lips. I'm going to take a piss," he said and rushed from the room just as I was about to curse him out. I see why he sometimes gets to the other guys from time to time.

I was starting to get tired, and didn't want to put up with his shit again, so I figured it was time to go. The bathroom was at the furthest end of the basement. I have to admit I was jealous when I found out he had the whole basement for a room.

"Yo Nick, I'm heading out. See ya tomorrow `kay?" "What? I can't hear you."

"I'm headin' out! See you at school," I say after tapping on the door.

"Wait, come in, I wanna show you something first," he tells me. When I open the door I had to turn to the right to see him. He was at the sink looking in the mirror.

"What is it, I gotta go?"

"This!" He said as he turned around showing his semi-erect dick out his fly. It was the longest, fattest, and only other dick besides my own that I'd ever seen. "Like what you see?"

When I looked up, Nick was holding something in his hand. He sprayed what ever it was in my face burning my eyes. As I screamed and covered my face to stop it from getting in my eyes I was sucker punched. It was the hardest blow to the face I could've imagined. He got me right in the jaw as my hands were protecting my eyes, unable to see what was coming. I fell off balance. Falling backwards I hit my head on what I assume was the corner of the tub.

A slap to the face caused me to open my eyes. How long were they closed? I didn't have time to really pull myself together because just then I felt the collar of my shirt being yanked, pulling me up.

"Get on your fucking knees, you pussy ass bitch!" He said. I was having a hard time breathing with his fist against my throat and a tight grip on my shirt. With his fist gripping and balling up the shirt, it caused the shirt to pull the back of my neck forward while his fist pushed it backwards.

"So you are a bitch ass...huh!?" He asked, more like stated, once I was on my knees. I'm still confused as to what's going on. My eyes are irritated from the spray, which now smells like his Polo Sport cologne. My head is fogged up with pain and that feeling you have after you've been woken up from just an hour or so of sleep. It wasn't till I felt him rub my face into his bare crotch that I realized he was naked.

"That's right, a bitch ass on his knees and a dick needing to get pleased. Just what you really were coming in here to tell me, right, that you want to suck my dick?" He said and to emphasize the words, he rubbed his dick across my face. I was shocked that it was almost bigger then the length of my face. It could be bigger, what with the position he's got me in and the fact that I can't really see.

"I bet you're getting hard just smelling my dick, huh homo? Do like it...that's right get a good whiff of my ball sweat," he said as he stopped rubbing his dick on my face and pushed my head lower to his balls. He had to press my head down, causing his fist to dig into my throat, cutting my air flow which made me have to breathe deeper just to get enough air to not suffocate. I could definitely smell the cologne in my eyes. I always thought men's cologne had a sexier smell then women's' perfume, Polo Sport being one of them. It was different in a way, the smell.

I know my face was pressed into his crotch, but it can't be that. We had basketball for gym today and I know he didn't shower, so how could it be him. It was almost, I don't know what it was, but it smelled good with the Polo sent.

"You're such a fucking piece of shit you fucking homo. Look at you, letting me treat you like a fucking street whore with a boy dick! Is that it? Are you a whore? Huh?"

"Fuck y-." I tried to say, but all he did was shove his balls in my mouth.

"Fucking shit, I can't believe you're a cock sucking homo that would suck my dirty sweat balls. That's right, you're my bitch know! I'm getting my own personal cock sucker."

After I first felt his balls in my mouth, the first thing I thought was wow they're not hairy' the second was the sweat taste salty, but not as dirty as I thought' but the most important thing was, `shit he has his balls in my open mouth' and with that, I closed my mouth, almost biting his balls.

When he pulled my face off his balls, I kept my mouth clamped. I couldn't really get a grasp on what was going on, but I knew better than to open it again. When he aimed his dick at my mouth and tried to put it between my lips, he noticed I was not going along with what he wanted.

"Open your fucking mouth and suck on my dick, you fucking cock sucker!"

When I shook my head he smiled down to me. Then the first punch hit my cheekbone.

"You're sucking my dick, now open up!" He stated as he landed a punch with every word out of his mouth. "Open up!" he shouted, "if you don't fucking suck my dick I am going to fuck that faggot ass of yours like the whore you are!" Never once did he let go of my shirt.

"Please stop...stop...okay...I will just please stop!" The pain in my face was bringing tears down my cheeks.

"That's it, good cock sucker, now open up for me," he cooed. I was able to see now that while punching my face in, his dick became fully erect. I barely open my lips when he shoves his dick in my mouth. It felt like it ripped my lips open, shit, he was thick.

"Yeah...suck that monster you fucking homo cocksucker!" Nick had his nine inch cock in my mouth. It was awkward having a dick in my mouth. I have never done anything like this before. Why would I? By this point I can't breathe. Nick was fucking my face like it was a pussy, a tight pussy. When I could take a breath, the smell of day old sweat and cologne was all I took in.

"If I knew you were such a cock whore, I wouldn't have made you wait so long."

He had let go of my collar once he placed his dick in my mouth. Preferring to have the best leverage, he went for my hair. With both hands this time, pulling harder than when holding my shirt. With every pull I gagged. I gagged because he was treating my mouth like a pussy, thinking he could get his whole dick in at once. I tried pulling off when my eyes overflowed with tears from the choking. Pushing against his thighs with every bit of self preservation I had left. The convulsing was becoming painful, but he kept thrusting and with the strength of both his hands pulling me forward, I was no match.

Each time his dick hit the back of my throat, I thought I would lose it. Yet, that wasn't even the worst. The worst was when he finally figured out the right angle to plunge deeper. When he finally got every thick inch inside my oral pussy, as he would refer to it, he held deep.

"FUCK! Oh shit! Awwwh," he held still. My eyes bulged out of their sockets as my body started to convulse violently. My hands pushed and punched at Nick. My legs scrambled to find an escape, even trying to lie on my stomach thinking it would cause him to fall out, all to no avail. He held tight. It was then that I stopped fighting. With nothing left, I went limp and he pulled out.

"Get the fuck back on your knees, I'm not done yet." With that he pulled me onto my knees again. Fear gripped me as he lined up his dick again.

"Please...humph." I tried to beg him to stop, but he just used my open mouth to his advancement.

"Don't worry I wasn't going to stop your enjoyment yet. Oh shit...fuck! Ah...uh uh...uhhhhh...mmm...yeah...take it..." he said as he continued to fuck my mouth. He didn't hold his dick down my throat like the first time he impaled me, now preferring to thrust in and out in full length thrusts.

Every inward plunge sent every veined inch in and down my throat. My throat was on fire, it was like I had the worst sore throat in the world and I had to shove my arm in my mouth to try and rub the medicine into the tissue, which caused a splitting feeling.

"Take it, it you fucking're fucking loving this aren't you...yeah, swallow my dick. Swallow it! Yeah...oh...oh yeah eat it, eat it!" He shouted.

"Shit, here it comes....uhm...mmm...swallow it...swallow my load, fuck...oh yeah here it comes." With that, he thrust down my throat again. I thought he was going to hold it in like last time. With my face in his pubes, I felt his dick twitch and then something coated my throat as he pulled back so only my mouth was impaled.

With the head of his dick at the back of my tongue, I took a deep breath not knowing if I was going to have the use of my throat again. At the same time, as I took my breath, he shot what I assumed, due to the feeling in my throat, was his second shot which went down my windpipe.

When his shot hit my lungs, I went into a suffocating coughing fit. Nick stayed in my mouth even though I was choking; going as far as to hold me on to his prick to make sure I did not get off of him. I am sure it was also to make sure I had every drop of his cum in my mouth, even if it was being coughed up into my nose and sliding out the corners on my lips.

"Bit off more than you could chew with this monster, didn't you?" He asked when he stopped shooting. I on the other hand had not stopped coughing.

"You just better remember your place, bitch! You're my cock sucker now!" To emphasize his point, he shoved my head down impaling me on his dick again until his balls were against my chin. This time I even felt some pubic hair on my tongue. "Don't you go forgetting your place got it?" He didn't pull off `til I shook my head.

Once I was released, I fell to the floor and tried to pull myself together to get out of there. When I went to get up, Nick kicked me knocking me down on my ass.

"I didn't hear you thank me for letting you suck my love stick!"

"Fu-" Nick grabbed the back of my head, pulling my hair to make me look up to him, making me once again get up on my knees in front of him.

"Thank me!" He demanded with a grip of his hand.

"Aw...Tank `ou." I said with a wince.

"Now ask me if you can kiss it to show your gratitude."

"Fu-" This time it was a punch to the face followed by a kick to the groin. I fell into the fetal position.

"I SAID KISS IT AND I MEAN NOW BITCH!" He shouted at the top of his lungs to me, sending a shiver of fear through me. With that I tried to get up, and was kicked in the ribs. "I said ask for my permission."

"Cah...I'h...kiss it?" I asked breathlessly.



"Go ahead." I got up on my knees in front of a guy I thought would be a cool person to hang with whom instead turned out to be the worst mistake of my life. There I am feeling like I got hit by a car and had the horn of a rhino stabbed into my throat and all I can think about is how cool I thought he was. All I could think about afterward, was how there was no way I would ever be back. If it wouldn't get around, what happened, I would have this fuck locked up, but I don't want anyone, including my girlfriend to know I had a guy's dick in my mouth. She would never be able to look at me the same way if she found out. The thoughts were in my head as I leaned forward. I was close enough to his dick without realizing until he twitched it causing it to hit my face. I jerked back. When I leaned forward again I was completely focused on his dick.

As my lips make contact I can't help but notice how the smell has changed to my spit and his cum. I pull away when I realize what thought popped into my head.

"Wait!" He said as I tried to grab for the door knob to leave. I flinched when I saw him extend his hand toward me. Nick didn't hit me this time; he only took a hold of my hair and pulled me to my feet. When I got to my feet, in an unnecessarily painful way, he pushed me against the door frame.

"This is what I really wanted to show you," he said reaching above the mirror while holding me by my neck. I closed my eyes just in case. "Open your fucking eyes."

When I open my eyes I see a camcorder, his camcorder with the screen facing me as he rewound before pressing play.

Displayed before me on the screen was Nick shooting in my mouth as I coughed and shot it out my nose.

"Do you understand?" He smirked. I left knowing-I would be back tomorrow, and...shit! I'm fucked!

If you enjoyed my first post here on Nifty feel free to drop a line at . Good or bad, all welcomed. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 2

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