Chris Crossed

By Steve Thomas

Published on Oct 15, 2023


I have been informed that it would be a good idea to state a few warning comments. There may be graphic sexual scenes between men in this story, so please, if this offends you, or it is illegal or you are underaged to read such, stop here and hit your "back" button. If it is okay with you, read on and enjoy.

From Chapter 29:

Craig and Seth came in and there on the couch were Kate and Nora - making out!

"Omigod!" Craig said!

"Ewwww!" Seth said!

"Yup! They're gay!" said Nora!

"You mean, you -"

"We've been together six years! We saw you in Bio and wondered about you."

"You did NOT!" Craig said. He actually looked hurt!

"No straight guy ever looks THAT good! Then we saw you at the beach with two more gods! And as if that were not enough, we came here and find Zeus here!" she said motioning to Rob. "So Rob, are you and Seth - ?"

"What?" Rob exclaimed! "No! No, I'm not - I'm - engaged to be married to Chris's cousin - GIRL cousin! She lives in the big house up front.

"Oh!" Kate said. "Well we can't all be perfect! Anyone for pizza and root beer?"

"Oh! We already ate!" Seth said.

"Speak for yourself, dufus!" Craig said. "I can still eat some more!"

"So can I!" Rob said.

"Well," Seth said shyly, "I guess I could eat a little more!"

"Yup! These are men, all right!" Nora said. "And look at them! My hips would start to bulge if I even THOUGHT about eating dinner twice!"

"Disgusting MEN!" Kate said.

"Can't live with them - Can't live er - WITH them!" Nora said

Chapter 30

With finals looming close, and all the studying needed to stay above the 90% level, we had to pretty much knuckle down for the next 3 weeks. Neither Rob, Craig, nor I were last minute crammers. If we didn't know our stuff by the beginning of finals week, it was too late for us. But we did. So while most everyone else was up long hours into the night doing that last minute studying, a few of us were taking it easy for finals week.

Well, I can't exactly say that Craig and I were not up long hours, but - we weren't exactly cramming - no wait - well we WERE, but it depends on WHO was cramming WHAT, and where he was cramming it! We were one week from our public proclamation of love, in front of God, our families and a few friends.

"Craig, what do you think." I said, the Sunday night before finals week. "Maybe we should kind of lay off each other this week. That way we will be all rested up and maybe just a little horny and ready with renewed energy on our honeymoon."

Uncle Jake had already told us that he was giving us a week in Hawaii for a little present. He said it was not as beneficent as it appeared, because he was using up excess air miles he would have lost anyway, and he could never take advantage of all the weeks he had accumulated at this condo that one of his clients had given him in trade. It was a weak excuse to cover his excess, and we all knew it, but he wanted to do something nice for us, so who were we to disappoint him?

"I don't know, Chris." Jake answered. "Why, are you feeling particularly wimpy tonight?"

"No." I answered.

"And ooo don't habb a widdow headache, do you sweet-ums?" He intoned.

"sigh! No." I said as my unseen eyes panned up to the ceiling.

"Awww, my widdow babee chickee, am I boring you?" he said as he lightly grazed my face with his nose. He smelled so delicious. This was not the Craig I was used to! His breath on my cheek and ear was intoxicating.

"Uh," I said, "Are you thinking that this self imposed break should wait until tomorrow?"

"Well, maybe - Friday?"

"Friday? That's the night before we-"

"I know!"

"Well, if it's that important to you! But only for one reason!"

"What is that?"

So you will not do something stupid and I will NEVER have to hear you say, "BUT WE WERE ON A BREAK!"

"I'm so glad you see it my way - and I'm so glad you made Me "Ross" and YOU "Rachel!" Craig said.

"Ooo! You're gonna pay for that!" I said as I clutched securely on to his balls!

"Gladly!" he said as he pulled me in to a very deep and wet kiss! Craig has such a wonderfully soft tongue, when he wants to. The touch of his chest hair on my nipples sent a jolt of electricity down to my nether parts, and I felt a little spurt of precum speed up and out of my Mr. Happy, that was very quickly becoming Mr, Big and steely! Then I felt the rim touch his longer shaft, and I was putty in his hands, which were all over me.

We made very hot and sweet love every night during finals week! The first night it was to celebrate (we were confident!) acing both the finals we both had. Tuesday night it was to celebrate neither of us having any finals that day! Wednesday night it was to celebrate the end of finals for us. Thursday it was to celebrate our first day of summer vacation! Friday we decided to hold off for a night.

NOT!!! He held off all right - for about ten seconds after we went to bed. We felt sorry for poor Rob. Luckily for both us and him (and maybe he did it on purpose!) he stayed late over in the big house every night after the first. Friday night was much more tender, though. As a matter of fact we were both "tender" in places we hadn't planned on after all the celebrating, so we satisfied ourselves with some nice kissing and other oral action, and snuggled up early to get plenty of rest for our big day.

Another reason we took it a little easier was Seth arrived Friday morning. This was so important to him! And we made it special for him. I asked him to be my "best man", though Craig kept referring to him as the maid-of-honor! He said there could only be one best man and that was his - Rob!

The guest list was not very big: Mom and Dad with Eddie and Mel; Craig's dad, who had to put off his visit until that morning, and he brought with him Craig's Aunt Cathy; Aunt Lindy and Uncle Jake; Rob and Carrie, plus Rob's parents; and Jake and Colin. We also invited the very few of our friends from school who knew about us, including Kate and Nora. It was a very happy day with a lot of fun-poking going on. Several of our friends from school, each separately, got us aside before the ceremony and asked who the bride was. We laughed each time as if it was the first.

Finally Dr. Reinhardt called the occasion to order, at 7:30 PM sharp. The church had a massive wooden frame, with the walls being all glass. It overlooked the Pacific ocean, on the west side of Palos Verdes. The sun was low when we started the service, and the western sky was beginning to turn yellow.

It began with Craig and I, dressed in Black Tuxedos, entering from the side of the alter area, accompanied by Seth and Rob, also dressed formally. Then some music was played as Uri, carrying a pillow with our rings on it, also dressed in miniature copy of our attire, marched officiously down the aisle, accompanied by Ursula, dressed in a yellow dress that was bigger than she was, with lots of frills, lace and petticoats. Both of them were beaming! When they got to the front, I picked up Ursula, and Craig picked up Uri. Uri frowned a little when he was not whirled, so Craig whirled him around twice. The guests tittered. Ursula immediately began stroking my face, which brought an "Awwwww!" from everyone.

Dr. Reinhardt welcomed the guests, then for the benefit of those who were ignorant in the matter, explained that this was a covenant and a vow between two loving individuals. She explained that it was legally binding in the state of California, but that we had every right to pledge ourselves to one another. And not only that, but she believed that God smiled on those who were committed to a moral union of two people, no matter who they were.

We were kind of surprised at her "sermonette" but pleased. She further explained that we had survivorship and most other rights as any couple, if proper wills were drawn up. She said she could foresee the day when any couple would be able to legally unite themselves in this "Land of the Free".

She asked us a few of the expected questions in any wedding then asked us if we had anything prepared, as our vows to each other.

"Criag," I started, "I pledge my self and all my love to you. You are the light of my life, and I hope to remain with you as one of our lights goes on the next plane, to meet at some later time to continue our love into the eternities." We then set the children down and I untied the box with the ring in it I had gotten for Craig from the little pillow that Uri was still clutching close to himself.

He frowned at me, but Craig said, "It's okay Uri!" in a tone that Uri could understand, even if he could not understand exactly what was said. I covered the ring with my hand until I slid it on. We had decided to surprise each other. The only thing we knew was our ring sizes. When Craig saw the gold band, with seven small diamonds embedded in a channel on the top, with Florentine finish on the sides of the channel, he beamed, and a small tear formed in the outer corner of his right eye. (I guess the left eye wasn't as touched!)

Then Craig Said to me: "My darling Chris. A little over a year ago I would have choked at the very idea of even attending this kind of ceremony, let alone being one of the principles in it! Yet at this moment in time I am a very willing participant and pledge my heart to you as long as you will have me. I love you with all my heart and being.

He then bent over and untied the ring he had gotten for me. It was in a tiny envelope. He removed it, and placed it on my finger. It was white gold, with a large ruby embedded on the top - very masculine looking. I was very pleased!

Then Dr. Reinhardt made a bit of a faux pas. Hey! Well she got most of it right! "As you have made the decision to make your lives one, and as you have pledged yourselves to one another, and as I have been invited to officiate in this festival of love, I now pronounce you married in the eyes of god and these people." She looked at the audience and aside, said "And the state be damned!" That evoked a huge laugh form everyone in the chapel.

She had been looking from one to the other of us as she spoke. She happened to be looking at me as she said, "And now you may kiss the - - the - -" She then covered her face with her hands and then threw up her hands and said, "Just DO it!"

I guess neither Craig nor I had even though of this possibility. To kiss publicly, in front of our parents and all these people! We both turned crimson, but only for a moment. Craig then grabbed me and wrapped his wonderful arms aroung my back and neck, and pulled me in to a very wet, very passionate kiss. There were a couple gasps, and then everyone applauded! As we finished our kiss the sun disappeared behind the sea, leaving a bright red/yellow/orange glow in the sky. There were some clouds that blew in overhead, and there must have been some virga higher up, because a rainbow appeared, as our friends were applauding. We took that to mean that Somebody up there was as happy as we were about this!

There were hugs all around. My dad was the first to get to me from the pews. Of course Rob and Seth were already hugging us and everything in sight. Rob was in his element! Dad slipped an envelope in my pocket. Kate and Nora presented us with small pins - rainbows - and pinned them on our lapels. Kate said we didn't have to wear them all the time, but for this day it seemed appropriate.

We adjourned to a nearby hall to eat a late supper. There was no wedding cake, but the dinner was superb! Dad had found an excellent caterer. There was something for everyone! My favorite was the freshly made hot pasta salad. There was a disc jockey, who played a variety of music. He officially started things out, after we ate our fill, and said that Craig and I had to dance, by ourselves, to the song, "I'm your Man"! Everyone was laughing and kidding, including Craig and me. After an initial arm wrestle, I relented and let Craig lead, me taking the traditional female position. (oh well, I always WAS more of a bottom!)

Then the DJ ran out and placed a bouquet in Craig's hands. He must have been paying close attention to the dance! He raised my arm up and slipped a garter on it. We stood there with flashes popping, while he ran back and put on the "Jaws" theme. "Okay, will all you single girls step out to receive the bouquet!" he said in his microphone. Craig closed his eyes, then threw it directly to Carrie!

Craig was well in to the spirit of this by now, and as the DJ started playing "The stripper" he very sexily remover the garter form my arm. "Hey!" I said! "Don't I get to throw something?" He kissed it and handed it to me. I turned around and as soon as the single guys were lined up, I let it fly. Of COURSE Seth caught it, but only because Rob let him!

As much as I have held my sweetheart, and as much as I love it, it still felt really strange holding, kissing and dancing with him in front of people. It was of course a small intimate group, but we were both uncomfortable with it. But we did it, and there was a certain satisfaction that it brought. I could see that some day it would be nice to be able to show the world how I loved my wonderful Craig. Why is it that it is okay for 2 girls to dance but not two guys?

We asked the guests not to bring gifts, but most did anyway. We didn't want anyone to feel bad, so we were not going to open the gifts until later, but everyone insisted. The first thing I opened was the envelope. On the outside was a note: "For Hawaii". On the inside was $1000.00! We were so happy!

One of the reasons we asked that no gifts be presented, besides the obvious, was that - well, what do you buy for two guys? An electric beater? A toaster? We were not changing our living situation at all, so these things were not necessary. My brother gave us matching tees, one with a picture boobs and the other with a picture of a hairy chest! He was beaming when we opened them. We immediately shed our tux shirts and put them on. Ha! I grabbed the hairy chest one first, so Craig had to wear the boobs! That was a good thing, because he is so much more buff than I ever was. That brought a great laugh from everyone!

Craig's dad's gift was rather large. It was in two large oblong boxes. He had gone to a surf shop and told them our sizes and weights and inside were two surfboards! "But Dad, we don't even know how to surf!"

"Well, I guess you are going to learn, huh?"

"But Mr. er -"

"You can call me Dad!" He said to me. That was a huge gift to both of us, in itself!

"But Dad," I said, "We can't take these on the airplane!"

"Oh, yes, you can!" He replied. "I checked!"

I don't know whether Jake and Colin talked to Craig's dad, but they bought us matching Tommy Hilfiger surfer shorts and cabana shirts lined with terry cloth, to match the shorts. Carrie was the one controlling what we opened and when, so she saved hers and Rob's until last. As I started to open it, I glanced up at Rob. His face was crimson! With everyone gathered around close, there for all to see were and assortment of sex toys, flavored creams and lubricants and colorful condoms. Everyone was laughing uproariously. I think my dad was a little embarrassed for Seth, but except for Uri and Ursula, everyone else were mature adults. I felt the blood rush to my face when we first opened the box, but I don't think it bothered Craig at all. Rob's face was red the whole time! Carrie was enjoying along with everyone else. I noticed her hand was sitting on and rubbing Rob's inner thigh, and he did not seem to mind it!

We left the party quite late for our "first honeymoon night". There was no pretense of it being our first time together, so we enjoyed our friends. As we left there of course more joked leveled at us regarding the next few hours, but our plane took off pretty early, and we needed to be there a couple hours earlier than that. We said our good-byes, and Craig's aunt gave us $150.00 more, and then she hugged us and kissed us both on the lips.

And then his dad followed suit, kissing us both on the lips! "I love you so much, son, I mean `Son's!' And I am so proud of you!" Finally Craig broke out in a red face, and tears were streaming down his face.

For the first night in a week, we did not have sex. Oh, we kissed and held each other close, snuggled our nude bodies together, and that was enough. Our day was complete and wonderful without sexual gratification. I love that boy so much!

We decided to drive our car to the airport and just park it in long term parking. Again, we flew up in the front of the plane. I could get used to first class! When we arrived at the airport, there were lots of Hawaiian girls with lies for some of the passengers. Apparently this was an extra cost, because not all received them. We walked out of the tunnel and there were met by a gorgeous, tanned native Hawaiian boy about our age, with leis for us! I think Uncle Jake made that special arrangement.

We arrived at our hotel on Waikiki Beach in the early afternoon. It was right next to the Asian market, a kind of potpourri of shops and kiosks selling almost anything any tourist would want. We found this was a great place for us to eat. We could eat for very little by buying one combo dinner, and there was plenty for both of us. Our hotel condo had a kitchen, so there was a small cook top as well as a toaster and fridge. We kept local juices in the fridge, and every morning we had fresh papaya with lemon juice, cold cereal, and a pop tart.

After checking in and strolling the streets and beach at Waikiki, the first night we went out to dinner, to a very nice restaurant that Uncle Jake told us about at the top of one of the hotels. It was a very romantic dinner. I wore tan pleated slacks with a pale yellow silk tee, and a navy sport coat. Craig was in a red ribbed tee which highlighted every muscle, which I had bought for him, and insisted he wear. He had black rayon pants that also highlighted every curve and bulge, and a gray blazer. He looked so sexy! I was so proud! He acted like he was proud too. I guess he was. I'm not too bad to look at, but I don't look like an Adonis like he does - all the time!

After dinner we went for a moonlit stroll along Waikiki Beach, and sat for awhile on a bench watching the boat lights, and the gentle surf caress the fine white sand on the beach. I looked into Craig's eyes and they looked absolutely dreamy! This indeed was paradise. He gave me a peck on the lips, but not much more. Neither of us liked making a spectacle of ourselves. After we were well relaxed and our food was settled, we walked into the hotel and up to our condo.

When we got there, the bed was already turned down and there was quiet music playing. I was sure Craig had arranged this, and he thought the same about me. It turned out that Jake had made a call to arrange it for us. There was Champaign in an ice bucket, but we decided we wanted to be completely clear headed for what came next. I led him to the couch and after embracing and kissing him deeply, I went and changed to a CD with a grinding beat and proceeded to do a strip tease for him. He was grinning from ear to ear the whole time. By the time I got down to my silk boxers, he was very obviously, very aroused.

I left on my boxers and then pulled him off the couch and started by unbuckling his belt, then unfastening and unzipping his pants. He held on to my shoulders as he stepped out of his trousers. I caught them and laid them across the table. I then removed his shirt. He trembled a little as my fingernails brushed against his sides removing it over his head. We were then both down to our boxers, and he still had his socks on. I pulled him into another close embrace and deep and passionate kiss. Our tongues were slipping, almost melting around each other. I then broke the embrace and the kiss and moved to his left ear. I chewed on the ear lobe then circled my tongue inside the fluted surface of his outer ear, sticking it as far in as it would go. He trembled once more as the breath from my nose tickled the tiny hairs in his ear.

As I pushed him back down on to the couch, I then moved to the other ear, then to his neck and kissed and licked his face and neck. Then I moved to his right nipple. I sucked bit it ever so gently, only enough to tickle it, whereupon he let out a small shriek. I gave equal service to the other nipple, then moved down to his stomach. I only barely grazed the hair on his stomach with my tongue. "Omigod, your driving me crazy!" When he said that I snickered a little and my breath coming out my nose tickled his tummy and he squirmed and giggled himself. I then probed his navel with my tongue, again eliciting a high pitched moan. Inside his silkies, his Mr. Happy was pointing and wagging at me, so I encircled it, through his boxers, with my mouth, and sucked it with my wet mouth. I was drooling so profusely, it immediately soaked the spot I was sucking on. I felt a surge in it and some precum greeted and mixed with my saliva. I sucked as much of it up, through the silk, as I could, before pulling them down. He raised his hips and I removed his boxers. His six inches of beautiful pink and white turgid tissue and skin was pulsating in my face, so I once again encircled it with my wet lips, and caressed it with my tongue. He was trembling constantly by this time.

I sucked some of the precum out and then came back up to his face and placed it in his mouth. He was breathing erratically and heavily. So was I. He then pushed me up and went for my boxers and gently removed them. I laid back down on top of him, and we held each other close, both of us trembling with anticipation. He then kissed me deep and long, and lifted me up and to his side. He then got up and lifted me up and carried me over the threshold into the bedroom. He set me down. His socks were still on, so I pushed him to a sitting position on the bed, and knelt at his feet, removing his socks and sucking each toe in turn. I looked up into the most loving eyes I ever saw. I then lay down on the bed and pulled him up on top of me.

He started to grind his pelvis and our parts together. He then reached for some of the flavored cream that Carrie and Rob bought for us and smeared it all over my errogenous zone. He first licked it off my balls, obviously savoring each lick and suck. Then he moved up to my circumsized shaft and licked it all off there. Saving the head for last. He lapped around the corona then took it in his mouth, rolling it around his tongue.

He then went all the way down to my pubes, and swallowed several times, massaging the head, foreskin and frenulum with his throat muscles. Then he started bobbing and sucking, increasing in speed and intensity, until he heard me breathing erratically. HE stopped and held the tip with his thumb for a few moments. He then went back down to my balls and took each one gently in his mouth and stroked the hair, skin and what was inside with his mouth and tongue. When he finished with the second one, he moved down below to the bridge of skin between the scrotum and the anus. He caressed it with his nose so lightly that I could hardly feel it. I let out a little high pitched cry of delight.

He then started licking at my anus and with the cream and his saliva, and with my gradual relaxing as I became accustomed to his caresses, was able to partially insert his tongue. He then replaced that with his finger. He added a lot of lube to it and started to piston my hole with his finger. Then two and then three fingers. As I got used to the feel of his caresses again, my sphincter relaxed and he placed the head of his dick at the entrance.

A very gentle push and it popped in. I was so glad this was not our first time! He started to move in an out very slowly. We were both extra sensitive and tender from last week. He picked up speed and urgency and it was not long before he was pounding furiously, thrusting deeply, bumping by my very tender prostate, evoking a moan from me each time. My legs were spread wide and he was able to reach my face and lips with his mouth.

He was kissing me deeply when I started to feel the surge coursing up through my own shaft. It shot out and hit both our chins and then he immediately started to grunt and scream, pounding furiously in and out of me until he spent himself completely inside me. He collapsed on me, sliding around on my own cum, and then his soft member slid out. He licked and sucked all of the cum off and out of me and then I did him, coming to his soft dick last. I chewed and sucked on it to remove as much of his yummy man-juice as I could. I looked up at his beautiful face to see he was fast asleep. I climbed up and kissed him again. He woke up enough to tell me he loved me and to turn around so I could spoon behind him.

The first day couldn't have been more perfect. Each day after was equally nice with different activities, like learning to surf, snorkeling, seeing the Polynesian Cultural Center, hiking in a dense tropical forest that is within minutes of Waikiki. It was far too soon that we were packed up waiting for the airport shuttle. It was a perfect beginning to our life of love and challenges.together.

Notes: I want to thank all of you for your encouragement and nice words. I have met many wonderful people through writing these stories, several good friends, and the most wonderful, loving boy in the world, my own Chris. I hope you can forgive me for stopping here, at least for awhile, and for all the many mistakes I have made. It was at first a desperate attempt at appeasing a wounded heart, and then a labor of love. Thanks to you all for reading.

Next: Chapter 31

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