
By Love

Published on Sep 13, 2004


This is another story of Chris's Adventures. You should find it under the bisexual high school category. Although it's not necessary to read the first one, it will definitely help you with some of the history of this one. This one will include more of that thing we all love- sex. Of course, standard warning: If you are a minor, you shouldn't be reading this. Even if this was written by a minor, you still shouldn't be able to be reading it. Although I would like to see the world-savvy kid who would pull up his/her boxers/panties at this point.

If possessing pornography is illegal where you live, don't go past this point. I am not responsible for any legal ramifications up to and including fine or imprisonment. Hopefully, free speech has not degraded so far, or hopefully you don't live in the U.S. No offense.

If you enjoy this story, or have suggestions for future stories, or would just like to talk about anything related, send me an e-mail at

I would also love to receive most any dirty e-mails or stories you might send me. I love other people's fantasies, and I would love to hear about your personal experiences or fantasies. No flames, please. However, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome. Please put 'Chris's Hits It' as the subject so I know what it's about. Please also let me know if you would like the story to go on.

Remember, never do anything to or with someone that they don't want to do. Sex is a wonderful thing between two consenting partners of ANY kind. Rape is a horrible thing between a consenting partner and a non-consenting partner of ANY kind.

Sex is good. Rape is bad. Long live sex!! Sincerely, Love_XX

Chris hesitated a moment longer, looking into the eleven year old's eyes. They both seemed to be frozen in the moment, wondering what the other was thinking. Although her gaze was unreadable, Chris knew what he was thinking: if he got caught out here, Adam might never speak to him again. Or suck his dick, for that matter.

Chris didn't want to jeopardize either the friendly relationship or the sexual one, so he quickly jumped inside Nicole's room and slid the door shut quietly behind him.

Not currently thinking of Nicole's state of undress, he hissed at her, "Turn the light off!"

Meekly but quickly she flicked the lamp switch, and Chris put his ear to the door and listened for what felt like an eternity but was probably only about five minutes. Not hearing anymore sounds, he breathed a small sigh of relief and turned again to Nicole.

The only light in the room now was the orange glow from the streetlamps outside, which washed everything in an unearthly glow. Nicole's pale skin, ivory in color, radiated in the light as if she were the moon incarnated in girl form. She crouched frozen beside the lamp, her arms covering her small developing tits. The look on her face was less fear than guilt, as if she had been caught doing something bad.

"It's okay," Chris said.

She looked at him, still guiltily, though perhaps now because her eyes has dropped...down to his pants, where an erection still lingered somewhere within the mesh shorts.

"Am I in trouble?" she asked, still not taking her eyes off his dick, which was starting to show off from all the attention.

Chris sighed. "No, of course not."

Nicole stood up, still careful to cover herself, and grabbed a blanket from the bed. She wrapped it around herself before sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked at him quizzically, as if she had a question to ask, but was afraid to ask it.

"What?" Chris asked.

She blushed, still looking at his pants, and said, "Nothing."

They sat in silence for a moment until Chris broke it again.

"What were you doing before I came in?" he asked, softly, not wanting to scare her.

She blushed even harder, the red flush trailing the length of her face and even eclipsing some of the freckles sprawled across her cute nose. She shook her head again, not hard, but unwilling to share what she had been doing.

"I need to put some clothes on," she said softly, unsure, more a question than a statement.

Chris's head was already spinning with thoughts of her sexy, girlish body, and though every warning in his head was going off, he went with the thought that counts: his penis.

"No, it's okay," he said, "Look, I'll take mine off and we'll be even. We're friends, we don't have to cover up."

He pulled his shirt over his head, and pulled his mesh shorts down, causing his penis to smack against his belly. Nicole was still staring at his crotch, almost open-mouthed; however, her eyes slowly drifted over his muscles, too, taking in his pecs, abs, and arms.

Chris sat down on the bed next to her, gently so he wouldn't scare her. He knew what she was thinking; that guys his age didn't see girls her age in bras and panties, that girls her age didn't see guys his age naked, that boys and girls didn't stay in each other's rooms at night. What he didn't know was that Nicole liked him, that she constantly watched him when he wasn't looking, that tonight, scary as it was, was a dream come true for her...but she could hardly know what might happen.

Gently Chris drew the covers back from her body, and Nicole did not resist. Her tiny hills, rising from her chest, peaked in hard nipples that showed through her bra, though whether from cold or something else he didn't know. Her flat little stomach went down, down, to a panty colored cleft between her legs. Her little thighs were round and smooth, very cute in the moonlight. Chris resisted the urge to run his hands over her body.

"How's school?" he asked, as if nothing was even slightly different tonight.

"Fine," she answered, one word, soft but intelligible.

"Who's your teacher?"

"Mrs. Johnson."

"She's really old, isn't it she? She looks like a dried up prune."

Nicole giggled in spite of her awkwardness.

"She's always saying uh, um, ah, in between her words, isn't she? Does she still fall asleep in class? She did that when I was there."

Nicole giggled again, but didn't say anything.

"Oh come on, you!" Chris said, and began tickling her on her stomach. She struggled to get away, but Chris cornered her and tickled her until she burst out laughing.

"SHHH!" he said with a smile. "You'll wake somebody up."

She lay back down, breathing hard, her little chest rising and falling.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

She shook her head, and said, "I'm only twelve, you know. Most of the boys in my grade are so immature, not like, um, you..."

"Do you like anyone?" he asked, slyly, beginning to think that she might.

She only blushed and looked at him.

"Oh, come on. You can tell me. I won't tell anyone."

She shook her head.

"Well, what does he look like?"

"I can't tell you," she said, exasperated.

"Please? I'll tickle you again," he threatened, holding up his hands.

"You wouldn't..." she said, uncertain.

"You're right," he replied, "It'd be too loud."

She smiled a triumphant smile.

"Well, do you want to kiss this boy you like?" asked Chris, feigning concern but with a devious idea forming in his head.

Nicole looked nervous and said, "Well, I would...but..."

"...But you've never kissed a guy before, right?"

She nodded her head.

"Well, I tell you what," he said, walking two fingers along her stomach and making her shiver, "I could help you practice, so when you were ready to kiss him you could do a good job..."

Nicole just stared at him for a long time, and when she spoke, she stuttered out, "Wo-wo-wou-would you?" Her chest was rising and falling rapidly again, and he imagined her heart must be beating out of control.

"Sure," he said, "Because, I mean, we're friends, right? Friends help each other out, right?"

Eyes aglow at the thought of actually being his friend, rather than his friend's little sister, prompted a more confident, "Right."

He leaned toward her, and she looked at him, mouth partially open. The closer he got, the more dazed she looked, as if her dream were finally coming true. When he got mere inches from her face, he said, "Just move your tongue with mine, okay? Do what I do." Too dizzy to reply, she merely waited.

He put his lips onto hers, his full teenager lips engulfing the little girl's lips. He waited for awhile, but she put her hand on his head like she had seen people do in the movies, so he continued. He locked his tongue around her smaller one, and they moved for a while in rhythm. Their breaths were each hot on the other's face. Eventually, Chris withdrew his mouth, and their lips sucked together in a little smack as he withdrew.

He looked at her. She still had her eyes closed, was still lost in a kiss from her older brother's friend. When she opened her eyes, they seemed to say, "More," so he leaned back in.

After the long and drawn out second kiss, Chris one again sat back and looked at Nicole, and she looked at him.

For a long moment, there was silence, and then Nicole asked a question.

"Do you think my momma's pretty?"

The question surprised Chris, and put him on his guard. Where was this coming from?

"Yes, I do. Why?" he asked, curious.

Ignoring his question, she blushed furiously and said, "What about me? Do you think I'm pretty?"

"Yes, of course," he said, scared that he had maybe scarred the girl for life or something.

Nicoled hesitated, then looked up and said, "Can we..."and then quickly looked to the side.

"What, Nicole? Can we what?" he asked, looking at gently at her.

Still looking to the side, she said, "Never mind, nothing."

"What, Nicole? You can tell me."

She shook her head again.

"Well, if you're going to be like that..." Chris said with a grin, and immediately put his legs over her, straddling the lower portion of her body, and began to tickle her. His erection was pounding, and he could see those tits, inches from his fingers...but not yet. Not yet.

"Stop! Stop!" she said breathlessly, trying to hold in the laughter. It was a very quiet game of tickle, that was for sure. Eventually he stopped, though, and looked at her as if she had been naughty. "Are you going to tell me now?" he said, fakely menacing.

Holding in a smile, she shook her head, but squealed softly as his hands came near her body. She was only too aware of herself, only too aware of the small nipples protruding, of his erection (although she wasn't sure what it was called) pressed into her stomach, of the small hairs beginning to grow around her slit as it grew and changed. As a twelve and a half year old (which Chris didn't know, never bothering to ask and only assuming she was eleven) she was developing nicely.

"Ask me, then. Please, 'Cole? I really want to know."

She looked solemnly at him, and then whispered, "Can we do what you and Mom did the other day, then?"

Panicked, Chris tried to regain control of himself. She had seen him, somehow, have sex with her mother! Oh God, oh God, CRAP! He tried to calm down, tried closing his eyes and counting to ten, and worked a little bit. His breathing slowed, though his heart still beat a million miles and hour. At least she probably hadn't told anybody. And she didn't looked disgusted or anything...and had she? Had she asked if THEY could do it like he and Barbara had?

"What did we do? How did you see...that?"

She was beet red, but she said, "Well, I went to Tara's house, um, that day, but I came back early because her parents were leaving in the morning for somewhere. I, uh, came inside, looking for Mom, and uh, saw you there...and you were...naked...lying on top of her...and you were doing all kinds you were kissing and putting your, umm, umm, thing...and she was calling your name, and the door was cracked and I didn't mean to watch but, I..."

She stopped, so he prodded her softly, "You what, Nicole?"

"I...I...I...I wanted to see you naked." Immediately she looked away.

Chris decided it was a miracle that he didn't automatically cream in his pants. He thought for a minute, looking out the window where the streetlight was, where any passerby might see, if he looked close enough, a teenage boy on top of a girl soon to be a teen....

"Okay," he said, "But on two conditions. One, you can't tell anybody, ever, unless I tell you that it's okay. Two, if you'll do what I ask you. I promise it will feel good, and I won't hurt you. Okay?"

"Okay," she said, soft and vulnerable but longing for him.

He stood up, off of the bed, and with his back turned from her, pulled his shorts down and stepped out of them. The round curves of his ass were beautiful in the soft glow. He turned around and stood over her, with his straining erection merely inches from her face.

"Do you promise?" he asked.

"I promise," she said, her warm breath washing over his cock and causing it to twitch.

He lay down beside her, and unclipped her bra. She arched her back and let him pull off her bra, revealing her tiny boobs. They were soft, rounded, topped by coral colored nipples, pink and pretty. They were stiff and swollen, and Chris wondered if she hadn't been aroused the whole time they had talked. Could a girl her age do that? He didn't know, and right now, didn't care.

He put his mouth down to her left tit, kissed it, ran his tongue around the hard tip. He took most of it in his mouth, sucking at it while he caressed it with his tongue. Her little hands rested themselves on the sides of his head, her small fingers playing with his ears.

He kissed his way to her other, almost identical tit. This time he pursed his lips, tasting the saltiness of her skin, pushing the nipple up through his lips like a tiny cock into a pussy. She almost whimpered, soft sounds of pleasure escaping her throat but not passing from her lips.

Once had his fill, he said, "Get up." Unquestioningly she obeyed him, standing, her little panties wedged in between her cheeks. He made sure she was turned away from him and told her, "You're beautiful. Pull down your panties for me."

She pulled her panties from her bottom, slid them down her legs, and stepped out of them. Her butt was cute and round, a bubble butt, unusual for her age. He came up behind her, his dick grazing the top of her cheeks before settling on her lower back, and kissed her neck. She gave a tiny gasp that became a full breath as reached his hands around to play with her tiny nipples.

He trailed his tongue around her neck, and as he did, he felt her hands quest behind her until they felt his dick. Her hands were inexperienced, unsure, exploring the hard smoothness of his cock. Nonetheless, it felt good. She unwittingly rubbed the pre-cum from his cock and her hands were sticky, and as she played with his dick it made a squishing sound. His head twitched, his entire penis twitched under small and loving hands.

Soon he decided to take it to the next level. He laid her down on the bed, horizontally, and got between her legs. He pulled her tiny legs apart, noticing the small, almost developed pussy beneath him. His dick brushed against it without incident. He continued to kiss her tits, gentle pecks and long, slurping kisses.

After a minute of this, he began to kiss downward, and in no time, he reached her cunt. He kissed it, too, smoothly, and blew on her clit. Immediately she gripped the sheets and made little squeals of pleasure. He kissed her full on her pussy, put his entire mouth over it, knowing it wasn't the most talented way to eat pussy but sure she wouldn't care.

As he did this he had one hand on her thighs and one hand jacking his dick. The rapid movements made squelching sounds, and he knew he was getting close to the point of no return. Still, he continued to lick her pubescent pussy, reveling in the taste and wetness of its tiny cleft.

Before long, he felt Nicole's legs tense up, and soon they gripped his head in a vice grip. Her entire body shuddered, and she began whimpering like a small dog. Her entire body was shaking, and he felt small streams of fluid beginning to flow from her slit, and the taste was wonderful. She gripped him harder and harder, her little muscles shaking as spasms ripped through her entire young body. Eventually, the shaking subsided, and Nicole was still.

He stood up, still jacking off, so close to cumming that he was beginning to strain. In between grunts he said, "When guys finish, they shoot cum. It's just a sort of liquid. It won't hurt you, and a lot of girls think it tastes good." He bent over her, looking at the brazen little girl, with her legs still spread wide and juice leaking from her pussy. She was absentmindedly paying with herself, but her attention was focused on his dick.

Wanting to be a big girl, wanting to be sexy like her mom, she forgot herself and sat up, inches from his dick. She was too scared to open her mouth, but she put her lips right on the edge of his cock. Her hands reached around to fondle his ass.

With a small sigh, he blasted cum on her lips. In surprise, she opened her mouth to say something and the second squirt caught her in the mouth. Determined to be good, she swallowed the cream and put her mouth around his penis as it spasmed. She held her mouth on it until it was soft.

Nicole wiped her hand across her face, removing his cum. She didn't know where to wipe it, though, so instead she licked it. She didn't find the cum disagreeable. It had a strange, salty taste to it, but it wasn't bad. She smiled up at Chris, and he smiled back.

"Did it feel good?" he asked.

"It was the best!" she said enthusiastically. "I didn't know something could feel that good..."

Chris smiled and put on his clothes. Then he put hers on for her also, wrapping her bra across her tits and pulling her panties up over her still-wet pussy. He picked her up, cradled her in his arms, and kissed her for a moment. Then he laid her on the bed and pulled the covers across her.

"Good night," he said, and kissed her.

"Good night," she agreed.

He got up and tiptoed to the door, listening softly at it. Just before he opened it, she said, "Chris?"

Turning, he said, "Yes?"

She said, "I promise I won't tell anyone if you promise we'll do it again."

"Of course," he said, and then he opened the door and shut it quietly behind him.

To be continued...

I'm pretty sure there will be a sequel. Sorry for taking so long in between writes. Life gets busy sometimes, you know. If you have any comments, again, write to I'd love to hear about your fantasies or what have you. Feel free to contact me! I love to hear from you guys (and girls)!

Next: Chapter 4: Chris Hits It 3

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