
By Love

Published on Nov 6, 2002


This is the sequel to Chris's Adventures. You should find it under the bisexual high school category. Although it's not necessary to read the first one, it will definitely help you with some of the history of this one. This one will include more of that thing we all love- sex. Of course, standard warning: If you are a minor, you shouldn't be reading this. Even if this was written by a minor, you still shouldn't be able reading it. Although I would like to see the world-savvy kid who would pull up his/her boxers/panties at this point.

If possessing pornography is illegal where you live, don't go past this point. I am not responsible for any legal ramifications up to and including fine or imprisonment. Hopefully, free speech has not degraded so far, or hopefully you don't live in the U.S. No offense.

If you enjoy this story, or have suggestions for future stories, or would just like to talk about anything related, send me an e-mail at

I would also love to receive most any dirty e-mails or stories you might send me. I love other people's fantasies, and I would love to hear about your personal experiences or fantasies. No flames, please. However, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome. Please put 'Chris's Hits It' as the subject so I know what it's about. Please also let me know if you would like the story to go on.

Remember, never do anything to or with someone that they don't want to do. Sex is a wonderful thing between two consenting partners of ANY kind. Rape is a horrible thing between a consenting partner and a non-consenting partner of ANY kind.

Sex is good. Rape is bad.

Long live sex!



Chris hesitated as he hung up the phone. He didn't quite know what to think of what had just happened, or how he was going to deal with it. He knew one thing, though- he knew he liked it. And that it was rife with possibilities.

"Mom," he said, as he walked into her bedroom, "Remember how you were going to leave me with Grandma and Grandpa while you and Bill go to Biloxi?" His mom was playing on her computer, and the tinny sounds of some old arcade game filled the room. He looked at the computer- she was playing Space Invaders again.

"Yeah, honey," she replied without looking up from the game, "What about it?"

"Well, Bar- I mean, Miss Barbara and Adam invited me to stay with them while you go."

She looked up at him with a kind of puzzled look and said, "But Chris, I'm going for three weeks!"

"I know, I know, she said she didn't mind."

"Is she sure? Did you put her up to it?"

"No, Mom! It was her idea, actually."

"What! Let me talk to her. Is she on the phone?" she asked distractedly. On the screen, she had already lost one life, and she was headed for more than that.

"No, I just got off with her."

"Well then get her back on, I need to talk to her."

"Sure, Mom."

He went back into the living room and got the portable phone. He took it, went into his mother's room, dialed Adam's number, and gave it to her. She thanked him without looking up from the video game, but she turned down the computer speakers. As he left the room, he heard her say, "Hi, Barbara! This is Sarah..." and it drifted away as went into the living room.

Once there, he plopped down on the couch and flipped the television to a random channel. He didn't really want to watch it- just think. He was probably going to be at Adam's house for three weeks. Adam was, always had been his best friend. Sometimes, though, their friendship strayed into more than just friendship stuff. More like friends with benefits. He liked it, though he occasionally wondered if it made him wierd, or different. He really leaned toward women, and mostly he just thought of him and Adam as pleasure, or satisfaction. It was only rarely that he thought it was bad or strange- pleasure is pleasure, right? And it felt natural.

"But let's not forget what brought me here," he thought. He and Adam had been doing their thing for a long time. But one night, the day after Adam's birthday, Chris and Adam's mom Barbara had had sex. He loved it. He thought Miss Barbara- or Barb, as she had told him to call her, was gorgeous. He almost never went to Adam's house, so to appear the same afterwards they hadn't had him spend the night at Adam's a whole lot. They hadn't had it a second time, but they had had some hot phone sex sessions. Since he talked to Adam a lot, his parents never thought anything of all the local calls to his number.

And now he was going to spend three whole weeks with Adam, his mom, and his little sister Nicole. Nicole was a beautiful girl, with dark black hair and eyes that she got from her father. Her father ran out on their whole family a long time back, and they hadn't heard from him since they got a letter from Mexico. God knows what he was doing down there. Anyways, it sounded like three weeks of sex and pleasure.

He had always liked Nicole- his darkest fantasies had to do with her. As a general rule, young girls were not attractive to him, but Nicole was 11 (he didn't know that- he had thought she was 10 or something) and she turned him on and made him horny....He would so like to have some kind of sex with her, he thought, not even realizing he was thinking of it. He would fu...

"Chris? Why are you watching the Home Shopping Channel?"

"What, uh, what!? I, uh, like the Home Shopping Channel. They have some, nice, nice, um, um, clothes, on here. What does it matter, anyway?" he asked nervously- he had not expected the interruption. Damn his flipping it to a random channel. Why couldn't he have taken the time to flip it to NTV or something?

His mother looked at him strangely, held the phone out towards him and said, "Well... Whatever. Anyways, you're staying at Adam's while we're gone. I don't know what you did to make Barbara like you so much, but she's letting you stay. Maybe it's just because I raised my boy right.."


"Sorry. Anyways, you be on your BEST behavior, you hear me young man? If I hear that you did one bad thing, one thing, I will tan your hide. Is that clear? Good. Now, here's a hundred and fifty dollars you are going to give her for keeping you and for groceries. You are going to give it TO HER, and I WILL ask her if you did. No spending it yourself! That clear?"

"Yes, Mom."

She gave him the money and the phone and then stopped, seeming to relax. "Alright honey," she said, kissing him on the cheek, "I love you. Be good, okay? Don't get hurt or anything, will ya?"

"Alright, Mom, I love you, too. But hey, it's not like I'm leaving yet," he said, and under his breath, added, "Unfortunately."

She pushed her bangs up and said with a sigh, "I know, I know. I guess I'm just a little stressed from planning this trip. Anyways, I've got to call your grandparents and let them know. Get your stuff packed, I'll drop you off tomorrow. And I've got to call Bill! And what about those traveler's checks? They always get lost- hey, where's the plane tickets? They should...." Her voice faded off as she went into her bedroom.

Chris jumped up and ran into his room and began packing. "Soon," he said to himself, "I'm gonna have the time of my life." He smiled to himself, and began putting clothes in his suitcase.

The day was cool when he arrived at Adam's house. He dragged his bag up to the porch and sat it down. His mom was beside him, and she knocked on the door. Miss Barbara answered the door, in short spandex shorts and a spandex top. "Sorry," she said breathlessly, "I've been working out." A few droplets of sweat worked down the slopes of her breasts, caressing those C cup mammaries.

Chris looked Miss Barbara up and down again. She looked much the same- blond hair, smooth legs, big boobs, creamy skin. She was probably in her mid to late thirties, maybe forty. Chris had never asked, because he understood that it was a sensitive subject with women. Just looking at her stirred up a hard-on, and her cheery, "Hi, Chris!" and slow look-down made him instantly horny. Damn if this wasn't going to be a great three weeks.

His mom and her hugged hello, and Chris's mom thanked Miss Barbara and then they said goodbye. His mom walked back to the van and drove off, leaving Chris and Miss Barbara alone.

"Hello, Chris."

"Hey, Mis- I mean, Barb."

They regarded each other. Chris was a blond haired, blue-eyed, fifteen year-old. Athletic. And like any teen, he loved sex. As Miss Barbara did, too, he guessed. She walked up to him, and instead of greeting him with a handshake or a hug, she kissed him. She kissed him full on the lips, pressing her mouth into the young teen's.

Loving it, Chris nonetheless started to withdraw. "Miss Barbara, someone could see us.." he said uneasily. The whole neighborhood was in view, and the front door was open, so Adam or Nicole could walk out any time. She kissed him harder, and as she withdrew a bit, licked around his lips with her tongue...slowly.

"I know, isn't it exciting?" she said quietly, with a glossy coat of horniness shining in her eyes. She drew back, and through her blue spandex top her nipples showed clearly, stiff and sexy. Unable to resist, he stared at them, fascinated by them. His own pants were becoming uncomfortably small as his package grew to its full size.

She turned, revealing spandex-hugged ass, full and round. "I've been working out my buns since I saw you last," she said mischievously, "Want to feel?" Taking her hands and rubbing them down her back, she slipped them under her shorts and slowly pulled them down. It revealed her tight cheeks, covered in small goosebumps instantly because of the cold.

Mystified by this behavior, scared of getting caught, but nonetheless hornier than he had ever been, he reached out and touched her ass. He took its white softness in his hands and massaged it, his fingers leaving small marks against her creamy skin. He rubbed it up and down, and started to ease the shorts down further, and...

A door opened and slammed in the house, and Miss Barbara quickly pulled her shorts up and gave him a naughty smile. Nicole appeared in the doorway, saw Chris, and ran to give him a hug. "Why didn't you tell me Chris was here, Momma?" she asked as she put her arms around him. She poised as if to say something else, but she drew back and looked at the obvious bulge in his pants. "What's that?" she asked Chris. Behind Nicole, Miss Barbara's mischievous smile grew wider.

"Why...uh...That's stick," he answered, for lack of a better idea.

"A spirit stick? Wow! What's a spirit stick? I've never seen one. Can I see it?" she asked excitedly.

"Um, no...Not right now..." Chris said uncomfortably.

Nicole looked downcast, but said, "Ok...But you have to show it to me later? You better promise."

Looking at Miss Barbara in desperation, he said, "Sure, whatever, yeah, I'll show it to you later. I promise. I think."

"Ok!" Nicole said, and ran off. Miss Barbara shrugged her shoulders, smiled at him, and went inside and left him to his own devices. He heard some pots clang in the kitchen, as if she were getting ready to prepare dinner. Nicole's door slammed, and he was left alone on the porch. One thing he hoped Miss Barbara hadn't noticed- he still had an erection. A big one. What would she think if she saw it?

He stamped off his feet and came inside, closing the door behind him. Deciding to check up on Adam, who, after all, was who he had supposedly come for. He never got to see his best friend, anymore. Time to say hello.

Walking up to his room, he eased up open the door. Adam was laying there, sprawled across his bed. The covers and sheets had been kicked off, and he was moaning. He was on his back, in just his boxers, and they jutted out from his hard-on. His eyes were closed, and he was obviously still sleeping. From his posture, his shorts, and his moans, though, he was definitely having a good dream.

With a sudden idea, Chris came in and closed the door, locking it. Miss Barbara didn't know about him and Adam, and Nicole was in the house, so it was better locked. He quickly stripped down to his own boxers and his left-over hard-on that was quickly gaining new life. He regarded Adam before setting to work his plan. He wanted to be as horny as possible.

Adam had dark hair, dark eyes. He was slim, not muscular, and about Chris's height. He had very little hair on his lithe body. His face was not the best, but he had the two most important things as far as Chris was concerned- a round butt and a dick. A nice-sized one for a sixteen year-old, too, about 7 inches or so. Chris's was only about six, but the way he saw it, he was fifteen and had room to grow.

Chris went over to the bed where Adam lay. He carefully removed Adam's boxers, and then threw his own over his head after taking them off also. He got on the bed, cautiously, and put his penis bare inches from Adam's face. He was pretty much straddling him, in a 69 position, and it was almost as if Adam realized that if he moved he would bump into Chris, because he had

stopped moving. His breathing was deep and even, so he was still sleeping. And his erection was definitely still there, throbbing most contentedly.

Chris lowered his face towards Adam's cock. He was so horny he could barely stand it- first Adam's mom almost seducing him on the front porch, then Nicole wanting to see his 'spirit stick'. He felt like he was already about to explode. He put his warm mouth over Adam's cock, slowly engulfing his spongy head. His tongue massaged the glans of Adam's penis, and pushed Adam's cock between the roof of his mouth and his tounge. He made soft sucking sounds as he blew Adam, and he began to lower his mouth.

Abruptly, Adam must have awoken because all of the sudden his body got tense. It stayed that way for a few moments and then Chris felt a warm tongue lick his ass cheek. He stopped for a minute, startled- Adam had never licked on his ass before. But he decided that it was fine by him if it was okay by Adam.

Adam's tongue quested up and down Chris's cheek, wetting it with saliva. He went lower, licked the little rough spot of skin between Chris's balls and his hole, kissing his sensitive spot. Adam sucked his balls into his mouth, loving on them, sucking them, rolling them gently in his mouth. Chris gasped and tightened a little bit, unsure of what Adam was doing but loving it. A tiny amount of pre-cum was flowing out of his cock, making Adam's stomach glisten.

Chris sucked Adam's cock gently, feeling the veins pulse in his mouth. He pulled it out of his mouth and kissed the head gently. He flipped himself around, pulling his balls out of Adam's reach. He faced Adam, who looked at him sleepily, and then lowered his face to his. He kissed Adam softly, his tongue swirling in his mouth, their lips locked. They moved their penises against each other's stomachs, dryly thrusting while they kissed.

Chris rolled them onto their sides, where as they thrust they fondled each other's asses. Chris ground his hand roughly into Adam's ass, folding the cheeks between his hands. He licked a finger, coating it with saliva, and lubed Adam's ass gently. His finger wiggled in circles, massaging the opening, forcing it open. Chris felt the warm heat as Adam's bun's engulfed his finger, sucking it in greedily. His finger went in to his second knuckle, then all the way. He pumped it in and out, and he could hear the sucking sounds as Adam's butt tried to hang on to it.

A similar thing was happening to his ass; his own cheeks were spreading and a foreign object was invading his hole. He felt it make its way slowly upward, and he clenched his cheeks around it, feeling them flex on Adam's finger. The passion of their kissing intensified as their fingers filled each other's holes. Adam's penis throbbed against Chris's stomach, radiating heat up and down the length of his cock.

Chris worked his way down once again, his finger still firmly lodged in Adam's crack. He slowly put Adam's warm penis in his mouth again, sucking and licking just on the head. As Chris sucked the other teen boy's head, he felt the orgasm coming. He jacked him off furiously with his free hand, and soon the jizz started. Chris pulled away and watched as the penis jerked and shot its sperm out, all over his face. It was warm and thick, like some sort of stew. Chris wiped it off on his arm and watched his friend's penis go limp.

Since Chris had so nicely brought Adam off first, he submitted to posing for Chris while he got his own cum off. Chris slowly stroked his penis, pinching his head and fondling his balls as he looked at Adam's limp dick. Suddenly, Chris put the limp penis in his mouth, and just the feel of the no longer stiff penis in his mouth rocketed him to orgasm. He came in three squirts on the bed.

They went to the bathroom to wash their hands, and then Adam took a shower. The boy boy festivities were over for the day. But boy girl- that was just starting, although Adam didn't know that. But Chris sure did. Chris SURE did.

Chris woke up after a short nap on Adam's bed. It had been refreshing, certainly, after having sex with its owner. He had woken up early this morning, eagerly lying awake and dreaming about what would happen when he went to Adam's house. So, he had already been tired, and orgasms always made him feel deeply relaxed, if not exactly sleepy. The two had worked on him, and while waiting for Adam to come back from the shower, he had fallen asleep. That was all right. He had three weeks to have fun, and you had to rest sometime.

He got up from the bed and wandered around the darkened room, looking for the bag he had brought with him. The room had black-out blinds, so that you could barely see even in the day time if the lights weren't on. He stumbled across the bag in the darkness, and he uttered a four letter word as he did so. He was shocked, for a minute- his mother would be horrified at his language. But then again, wouldn't his mother be horrified about Adam, about Miss Barbara?

He unzipped the bag and grabbed a pair of mesh shorts. He slipped them on over his naked lower body. He didn't put a shirt on. He had a nice chest and stomach, muscular if not exactly ripped, and he felt like letting everyone see it tonight. Especially Miss Barbara and Nicole. Hopefully they would want to see it, too.

He opened the door to Adam's bedroom, the thin slivers of light from the hallway pouring in. He stepped into the hallway and eased his way into the living room. The TV was on, some movie or another. Adam was laying on the floor in front of the TV engrossed in whatever it was. It looked like the Natrix. Miss Barbara sat on the couch, in a pair of short shorts and a tight T-shirt. She look hot just sitting there on the couch, and Chris was already feeling aroused. Too bad Adam was in the room. I mean, that was her son. He would freak out for sure if he caught them.

"Hey, Chris, nice to see the living dead walk," Adam said, not taking his eyes off of the TV.

Smiling suggestively at Chris where Adam couldn't see, Miss Barbara said, "Adam, be nice! He's supposed to be your friend, isn't he? Aren't friends nice to each other?" Miss Barbara raised her eyebrows suggestively as she mentioned friends being nice to each other. "Do you need a seat, Chris?" She patted the couch next to her.

"Crap, Chris, put a shirt on," Adam said helpfully, "No one wants to see your nipples." As Chris got near the couch, though, Miss Barbara apparently thought differently. She leaned forward, boobs hanging in the air, and licked one of Chris's nipples. It instantly hardened as the saliva from her tongue hit the cold air. Then, she licked the other one, which sprang to attention also.

Rubbing his nipples, Miss Barbara put on a motherly air. "Why, Chris, you must be cold," she said, pointedly looking at his nipples, "Let me get you a blanket." Adam went on watching TV, oblivious of the action going on behind him. Miss Barbara left for a few seconds and came back with a blanket. "I hope you'll share," she whispered into his ear lustfully. Chris shivered, partly in anticipation of something, and partly because he really was cold.

He sat down beside Miss Barbara and smiled at her. She smiled back, a mischievous grin that told untold things about how she felt right now. She curled the blanket around the two of them, and they sat next to each other- close, but not so close that if Adam turned around that he would suspect his fifteen year old friend and his mom of doing anything...sexual.

Chris all of the sudden felt cold fingers wind their way down his stomach. His mesh shorts lifted a bit, and then he felt long, manicured fingernail slide down his pubic hair. Miss Barbara looked at him, stared straight at him, and licked her lips as she did so. The saliva glistened on her lips as her cool fingers wrapped themselves around his dick. Another hand pulled the shorts down, underneath his ball sac. That same hand tickled his nuts, dragging its fingernails across it.

She slowly began to pump his limp dick, and it responded by beginning to throb. As it throbbed, filling with hot sperm that Chris so badly wanted to empty into Miss Barbara, he reached over to her chest and slowly rubbed her right nipple through her shirt. Since the blanket was basically pulled up to their chins, Adam still couldn't have seen it; However, if he had chosen to look back at that moment in time, he would have seen his mom's eyes closed and her sucking in air, holding in a moan. She was already so aroused that her panties had soaked through her shorts. She didn't know how she would sneak past Adam with this wet, juicy spot on the front of her shorts, but at the moment she didn't care. She wanted to fuck her son's best friend.

Chris should have guessed that Miss Barbara would have no bra on, but he hadn't. His finger made contact with almost bare nipple, through the thin T-shirt. It was already hard, so hard it felt like a little stone had sprung up in the middle of her aerola. He rubbed hard on it, back and forth, lightly pinched it between his fingers. She was struggling to appear normal and not make any sounds which might draw attention from Adam. She was clamping her legs together violently, rubbing her lips together while trying to suppress any damn sound. Damn having to hide this from Adam, damn it.

Chris felt the chilly fingers around his dick pumping harder now. The other fingers tickled his nuts, flicking at them, rubbing them together. He, too, was having a hard time controlling his passions in a silent way. She was tweaking his head between her fingers, mashing it softly as it twitched with pleasure. She rubbed her fingers across its rough surface, feeling Chris stiffen with pleasure in her hand. Without thinking, he started thrusting as unobtrusively as he could into her hand. Since it was obvious what else he wanted, she started jacking him off again. The thumping was, well- mostly quiet. At least Adam hadn't turned around.

Chris unzipped and unbuttoned Miss Barbara's shorts as quietly as he could. He could barely hear it, so he figured Adam, who was right in front of the TV, couldn't. He smiled as he eased a hand inside her soaked panties. Miss Barbara was sitting with her head leaning back, as if asleep, although her the action her hand was doing to his penis assured him she most certainly was not. The skin of his penis was rapidly flying over his head. His hand eased further, rubbing against smooth skin where there should have been pubic hair. His penis took a little pleasure in that one- he felt it jump in Miss Barbara's sleek hand. He leaned his own head back, immersing himself in the pleasures of the moment. His hand slipped down further- thank god these shorts were looser than he thought.

He felt her clit hood, folding over its prized possession. Her lips followed soon after, spreading themselves for his fingers. He rubbed back up, gently brushing her clit. She stiffened, an involuntary whine escaping from her. He slipped his middle finger up inside, as far as he could, and found her G-spot. She stiffened more, her arms like wire, the only motion in her body the relentless pumping of her arm. Even that stuttered for an instant as he circled her G-spot and flicked her clit with his index finger at the same time.

Suddenly, she stopped and slipped her shorts off and tucked them under the lamp stand beside the couch. Then she lay down lengthwise on the couch, still covered in the blanket. She looked at him expectantly, expecting to be fucked. In the living room. Under a blanket. Right next to her teenage son, with her son's younger best friend. Chris shook his head gently, indicating that he was sure they would be caught. She just stared at him, as if she didn't really care. He considered stopping for a moment, but Miss Barbara's immense sex appeal was too much. She was laying on her side, so he laid on his side, too, behind her.

She lifted her leg a second, just enough for him to spread her lips and then insert his head into her pussy. Then she brought her leg back down, both legs closed as best they could around her pussy, which was closed around his dick. He slowly pushed his dick all the way into her, and then started to shove in and out of her. He brought his other hand around to massage her clit. Chris was not sure how long they sat there- a long time it seemed like. Twice she gripped him tightly with her legs, obviously orgasms. Finally, he reached his point and said, "Almost." It was quiet, almost silent, but perhaps not quiet enough. Adam looked back.

"What?" he asked. Both Miss Barbara and Chris froze.

"Nothing, " Chris said nervously, "I was just talking to myself."

"Oh." He looked at them a minute, while they stood frozen, his hard dick in her pussy. "Why are you guys all up on each other like that?" he asked.

Miss Barbara answered that one. "It's cold," she said, in her best end of discussion voice.

Adam looked at them strangely for a minute, and said, "Whatever." Then he turned back to the TV. At that exact moment, Chris couldn't take it any more. His cock began to spasm, pumping its juices into Miss Barbara's pussy. Although she said nothing, she leaned back more on his cock, swallowing all his juices into her cunt. They sat like that a minute, until his cock went limp inside her. Then, they kissed briefly, hoping against hope Adam would not turn around. When he didn't, Miss Barbara took the blanket, grabbed her shorts, and went into her room to change, Chris guessed. He got up, walked into Adam's room, and went to bed. He was tired. He had worked hard today. It was only 6:00 on his first day of the three weeks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------

Chris awoke sometime in the middle of the night. He wasn't quite sure exactly what time- he couldn't make out the clock's faintly glowing numerals from here. All he knew that he was thirsty. His tongue felt like it was glued to the roof of his mouth. He carefully got up- since Adam had apparently gone to sleep somewhere on the floor, he had to be sure not to step on him and wake him up. He felt sort of bad about taking the bed, but finders keepers and all that. He could just barely make out the clock numerals once he stood up. 12:00, they said. He eased out of the door.

He went in the kitchen and fixed a drink as quietly as he could. He didn't want to wake Miss Barbara up, but he kind of wished he would, just on accident. Then maybe they could have sex some more. He drank the water he had drawn from the faucet as slowly as he could, waiting. Once he finished the water, he put the glass in the sink and waited just one more moment. He was a little disappointed that she didn't come out, but he couldn't help but smile to himself. "Maybe she was as tired as I was," he thought. The smile grew wider.

He was wandering back towards Adam's room, when he suddenly stopped at Nicole's door. He didn't know why he had stopped. It was more like one of those feelings where you feel like something's not quite right with your surroundings in some way. He looked towards Nicole's door and realized it was slightly cracked open. He hesitated just a minute, and then looked in through the crack. What he saw made his widen and his shorts become suddenly uncomfortable. He looked and saw Nicole in panties and a bra (she was just developing breasts) looking at herself in the full-length mirror in her room. Her skin was pale white, and her black hair cascaded down her back. There were rising hills on her chest that would soon become mountains, if her mom was any example. Small nipples showed through a transparent bra. Her straight and smooth back wound down to a large butt, for an eleven year old. It was good-looking, everything about her was good looking, down to the little lips that showed through her panties in the mirror.

Just as he noticed the small lamp tucked under a blanket that provided illumination in the room, she saw him. He looked at the mirror, and her eyes got slightly wider than they had been. They both froze, looking at each other, wondering what the other was thinking. She didn't appear scared or anything, and but he was desperately unsure about whether or not to enter and maybe....well, have something happen. Just then, his pressure was compounded, as he heard a sound in Adam's room, a bang as if Adam had hit something in his room on the way to his door. As if he were coming out of his door. Into the hall way. Where Chris stood with a visible hard-on in mesh shorts, looking at his little sister in bra and panties. To Chris, it looked like he had about two seconds to decide. Nicole looked at him with eyes that seemed to say "Yes, decide.."

To be continued......

I'm about absolutely certain there will be a sequel. Please write suggestions for either this sequel or for other stories. I'd love to hear about your personal experiences or fantasies. Please e-mail me! Send it to and put the subject line as 'Chris Hits It'. Sorry to leave it so cliff hanger- I just didn't want individual stories to get too big, and the sequel will probably come soon, as I write fast. Hope to hear from you, and I hope you enjoyed the story!



Next: Chapter 3: Chris Hits It 2

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