
By Love

Published on Oct 27, 2002


This story is the imagination of its author, who is not a minor. Even if its author was a minor, that would be his business, and other minors would still not be allowed to read it. If you are a minor, don't read this- it's probably illegal where you live. Like I could stop you. If it is illegal for you to view or have pornography where you are, at any age, don't read this. I, the author, assume no responsibility for legal ramifications, up to and including fine or imprisonment. Please enjoy the story. These are, of course, figments of my imagination. If you have any comments (No flames, please) or would like to talk to me about anything related please feel free to e-mail me at Make sure the subject is labeled "Nifty.Org" Would also love to receive most dirty e-mails or stories you might send me. I will try to reply to all e- mails.



Chris had always liked to go over to his friend Adam's house. They had been friends ever since they were little. They used to spend the night at each other's house all the time.

They still do, even now, although not as much. It was just school, work, girlfriends, the million other things that take up friends lives, took up time in their lives, too.

Chris was getting ready to go to Adam's house at this moment, in fact. It was sort of unusual for him to be going to Adam's house, because Adam always came to his house. Adam always complained about how boring it was at his house- his dad wouldn't let him load any video games on the computer for some odd reason, even though the man had bought them himself. All kinds of stuff. So, usually, Adam was at Chris's house.

But today was Adam's birthday, so Chris was going over there to celebrate with him.

Maybe we'll even do that thing again... he thought to himself- but not too loud. That thing had started quite awhile ago and went on every time one of them spent the night with each other. They never really said anything about it, but every time they got together it happened again.

Chris shook his head. Enough with the past. On with the present. Like what was he going to bring to Adam's house? He grabbed the phone and dialed Adam's number. "Might as well ask Adam what he wants me to bring," he thought. The phone rang for a little while, and then a male voice answered, "Hello?" Chris was never sure if it was Adam or his dad, they sounded so much alike, so he said, "Hey, is Adam there?" There was a pause and then, "Oh, hey man, what's goin' on?" he said.

"Nothin' much. Still comin' over at three, right?"

"Yeah, of course. Any other reason ya called?"

"Yeah, yeah. What ya want me to bring?"

"Uh, I don't know. Bring some PE2 games?"

"Yeah, that's fine, Scott won't mind."

"How's Scott doing, anyway?"

"Oh, he's doing alright, I guess. See ya at three?"

"Yeah, see you at three. Bye."


Chris hung up the phone and went to go get a bag to put his clothes in. He rounded up a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and jammed them in the bag, and grubbed under his bed for some PE2 games. When his hand tumbled by some, he threw them in as well and decided to jump in the shower.

As he slipped off his boxers and stuff, he looked in the mirror. 5'7", blonde hair, blue eyes, fairly muscular if not pumped. A good bit of hair on him, actually, not that he really liked it.

His penis hung limp in a tangle of said hair, thin with a bulbous head. It was only about and inch or an inch and a half long now, while limp, but it grew to about six inches or so when it was hard, and pretty thick. And it was hard a lot. A lot a lot.

Even now, just thinking about his penis, it was getting hard. He laughed and yanked at it just a little bit. He climbed in the shower and washed himself, making sure to get everywhere clean. When he got done, he toweled off and went back to his room. He got some clothes and put them on, as well as shoes, and wandered out into the living room.

He found his mom in the living room and said, "All right Mom, ready to go now? Gotta be at Adam's in five minutes." His mom laughed at him and said, "Who said we have to be at Adam's in five minutes? Maybe you should get your driver's license if you want to leave that early." Chagrined, Chris went back to his room. He was 15, Adam 16. Adam could drive here and pick him up, but Mom had already offered to drive him. Damn.

Eventually, however long it took, though, she got around to it. They loaded up the van and drove for awhile, turning after what looked like street after street. Finally, they pulled up at Adam's house. Chris dragged up open the door to the van and stepped outside, lugging the bag at his side. He looked up at the house. It was yellow, with a little porch- it looked almost just like every other house in the neighborhood.

He used to live in this neighborhood. That was how he got to know Adam. They used to hang around for hours every day, just running around in the small woods near the house, or walking up to the gas station for something to eat- crossing a busy highway, incidentally, which was the subject of many near misses. They talked about everything together- life, girls, how to sword fight with sticks, and masturbation. Especially masturbation. They were comfortable enough that they talked about how much, how, the after effects, who they most wanted to have sex with. Everything.

He remembered how it had gotten started. First, during the summer break, they would joke about how they knew the other one had just gone to the bathroom for a masturbation break. Second, one day, he went to masturbate and Adam wanted to too, so they sat on the opposites sides of the big waterbed and jacked off. Then, one night when it was dark in the room, they had made up fantasies for each other about girls at school. After that, they pretended their penises were arguing, wanting to hit each other, until they had finally touched.

That had started the thing.

After that, every night, they would do it. Adam was always the more reluctant one- Chris had to initiate it. Adam would let him, he just had to get it started. Chris had always been hornier, in any case, and more aggressive in general. So it happened, night after night. They wouldn't talk about it, they just kept doing it. It also drew them a little closer, a secret they didn't tell anybody.

They had remained friends, anyway, even though they had kind of drawn apart because of the busyness of life. Every time they talked again, there was that instant connection. Which was why he was here. Time to celebrate Adam's birthday!

He walked up and knocked on the door. Nicole, Adam's little sister, answered it. She was a beautiful girl, about ten or eleven years old and just beginning to develop. She had black hair and pale skin, a small and round butt, little breasts just beginning to develop. Chris felt uncomfortable around her sometimes- he had feelings about her that went beyond just being her friend.

"Hey, Nicole, how are you doing?" She looked up at him (though just a little bit- she was pretty tall for her age, already up to the upper regions of his chest) and said, "Fine. I won the Little Miss pageant- you know, the one the city runs?" He was impressed, but not surprised.

"That's great, Nicole. Congrats. Do you know where Adam's at?" She rolled her eyes but said, "Hold on, let me ask Momma."

She walked a little bit into the living room and yelled, "Momma, Chris is here! Do you know where Adam's at?" Adam's mom walked out of the kitchen, which was just off the living room to the right and said, "Yeah, I think he's in his room. Nicole, don't you need to be cleaning up your room?" Nicole looked at her mom as if she must be crazy, and then looked at me, then back at her mom and said, "Do I have to, Mom? I've got company!" Adam's mom looked at her and said quietly, "That's all the more reason to. Besides, he's not your company."

Nicole shrugged and ran off into her room. Miss Barbara turned towards Chris.

Miss Barbara was the subject of many of his fantasies. Who knew how many times Adam, in only the next room, had known Chris was masturbating but not to his mom? She was somewhere in here middle to late thirties, he guessed, but he knew she was hot. She had blue eyes and blonde hair, with white, creamy skin. She was wearing a summer dress (Although it was fall- but like Chris was going to criticize "fashion" mistakes) and it showed off her rather large cleavage- at least a C-cup, and round without any hint of sag. Her butt showed tightly through the dress, and Chris felt the first stirrings of a hard-on.

"Hey, I think he's in his room," she said cordially. She walked towards him and gave him a hug, and Chris could feel her tits pressing against his chest. He hugged her back for a long moment, and then she released him and gave him a cool peck on the cheek. He grinned at her stupidly, and she grabbed his arm and said, "Ooh, we're getting some muscles, now aren't we? You been working out?" He nodded, and she smiled and said, "Anyway, he's in the back room.

The party isn't until seven."

She stood for a minute and looked at him, and he looked back, and then she said abruptly, "Anyway, I have to get back into the kitchen- I'm making Adam's birthday cake but, Shhhh, don't tell him that. Like he probably doesn't already know." She left and he heard her footsteps against the tile floor of the kitchen.

He walked towards Adam's door and knocked on it. It opened just a crack, and Adam's face appeared. "Oh, hey man!" he said, "Come in!". He threw the door wide open and motioned inward. Chris came in and sat down on the bed, noting that the mattress was a little off center. Adam closed and locked the door behind him and turned. Chris noticed a suspicious bulge in his pants.

"How's it going, Chris? What's been going on?"

"Nothing much, man. You've been jacking off, haven't you, you horny little bastard?" Chris said with a smile.

"Me?" Adam asked in a fakely shocked tone, "I...well, I would never...."

Laughing, Chris said, "Sure, sure, I don't jack off, either. What's jacking off?"

"Exactly," Adam said, "Exactly."

They both laughed and Adam sat down. On Adam's TV, a game was on pause. He had finally gotten a PE2 a year ago. His dad bought it for him for Christmas- at least you didn't have to load games on that one. That, and it was all Adam's, and not partially his dad's. Adam turned the game back on and started playing, but stopped to ask, "Well, what do you want to do until the party?"

"Anything besides watch you play some stupid game all day. How about going outside?"

Adam thought about it for a minute and said, "Sure, why not? We can go into the woods..."

"The party was all right, wasn't it?" Adam asked. "Well, that's a stupid question," Chris thought, "what am I supposed to say?"

"Yeah, it was fine. It wasn't supposed to be awesome or anything, was it? I mean, it was just your family and stuff."

Adam replied, "Yeah, yeah. Just hoping you weren't bored."

"Nah," Chris said, "I'm easily amused."

Adam laughed. "Yeah, I know."

"Want to go back into the woods? It was fun while we were there- except when you almost got bit by the snake."

"Yeah it was pretty fun- wait, and who was the one who freaked out? I think it was you, you pussy."

"Me?! I was going for help!"

"Sure you were. Right into the deeper part of the woods, right?"

"I have a bad sense of direction, so what?"

"What you have is a bad case of poon-itis. Don't worry, it's pretty common. Wimp."

"Whatever," Chris laughed as he went out the door.

They fell in side by side down the sidewalk. They passed the two cars in the driveway- Adam's and his mom's. Miss Barbara had divorced her husband about two years ago. It was okay by Adam- he had never really liked his dad anyway. Nicole had been hit pretty hard, though. Her father was her father, after all. It made it so it was just Miss Barbara in the house with Adam and Nicole. Well, and Chris, now. They started walking down the street towards the woods.

"Speak of the devil," Chris thought, "here she comes!" She was walking down the street in short, gray athletic shorts and a tank top. Nicole was with her, also in a tank top and shorts, except these were blue and black. Miss Barbara's tits bounced and jiggled as she walked, and her nipples must have taking a liking to the autumn air.

As they walked by, she said, "Where are you guys going?"

Adam replied, still walking, "Down to the woods. We'll be back. We've got a flashlight."

She kept walking, too, and said, "Fine, but you better be back by or 11:00 or so, because I'm not staying up and that's when I'm going to bed."

"Fine," Adam said, "We'll definitely be back by then."

As we walked on, I looked discreetly back, watching the two butts, mom and daughter, go up and down. The bigger butt looked sexy, the cheeks moving up and down. Chris's dick started to get hard. "Do you think she knows its cold out here?" Chris asked, an obvious reference to her nipples. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure she does," Adam said uncomfortably.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn't mean it in a sexual way."

"Yeah, of course. Let's go have some fun! Come on!" And they ran off into the woods.

Part II

The Good Stuff

As they sat in the dark, after Nicole asked to go to someone's house tomorrow, after Adam's mom went to bed, after they had played games, after they had done everything they could do, they were going to sleep. Except both of them knew that the first thing would not be sleep.

Chris slipped off his pants, paused, and ask Adam if he minded if he slept naked. Adam shook his head no, and Chris dropped the boxers, too. They climbed into the bed, two boys, two sex drives, two dicks. They talked for awhile, joking and laughing quietly, and then Chris half pretended to be so horny he wanted to hump Adam's leg.

"What's that?" Adam asked.

"What's what?" said Chris, quizzically, as he went on humping his leg.

"That!" Adam said as he grabbed Chris's penis.

Everything stopped as Adam held Chris's penis in his hand, and it hardened, growing rapidly. When it was stiff and swelling with blood, Adam started pulling on it. He pulled the skin up and down, up and down between his two fingers. His other hand played with Chris's balls, fondling them, stroking them.

Chris reached over, and his mouth found Adam's. They had never kissed before, but now their mouths found that horniness needed for a kiss. Their lips swirled around each others, their tongues intertwined and wriggling around. Adam stopped and began to kiss Chris's neck, and Chris's hand floated to the zipper of Adam's jeans.

He unzipped them and fairly ripped them off, and then tore off Adam's boxers in a frenzy to get to his dick. It popped out, thick and hard, with veins running up and down the length of his big shaft. The head was big and plush, squishy to the touch. Chris squeezed it, all seven and a half inches of it, squeezed it hard and fondled Adam's balls.

They jacked each other off, cupping and caressing one another. Chris ripped off Adam's shirt, and kissed down his chest. His mouth swirled around Adam's nipples, and they hardened from the mixture of his hot saliva and the cook air. He kissed and licked down Adam's flat stomach, until reaching the root of the problem.

He sucked it into his mouth, creating a vacuum that pulled on the penis. He struggled to take most of it inside his throat, inside his mouth, almost gagging himself. Adam moaned, a short, low sound, and began breathing heavily. Chris pumped his mouth up and down the shaft, rapidly, and then suddenly stopped. He kissed Adam's head, gently, and then began to lick up and down his cock. He stopped for a short while on the underside of the head, applying intense pressure, and then moved down.

Once he got far enough, he sucked Adam's balls into his mouth and began massaging them with his tongue while jacked him off. His fingers found their way to his ass, fondling it, squeezing his almost hairless cheeks. Adam flexed them, tightening the muscles while they were squeezed.

Adam stopped just a moment, and grabbed Chris's leg, pulling Chris's lower body around to his head. They were laying on their sides now, in a 69, sucking each other's cocks.

Chris licked his finger and coated with saliva, and then found his way back to Adam's cheeks.

Just as Adam clenched them again, he jammed his finger into the crack. He began to rub and circle with his finger, massaging Adam's ass crack as he inserted his finger.

He felt the spreading, wet, cheeks, and he felt the heat inside Adam's bunghole. His finger was to the second knuckle now, and he began to pull it out and back in. While still doing that, he went back to stroking and licking Adam's cock. Adam had also found his ass crack, and was sticking his finger in a likewise manner.

Chris got up and grabbed the lotion off the dresser, something for Adam's hands, he guessed. Adam looked at him, puzzled, his dick slapping against his stomach as he sat up. Chris put the lotion on his hands and turned over Adam, and started to lube his ass crack.

"No," Adam said, refusing to have anal sex.

Chris shrugged his shoulders and lubed his own ass, stood Adam up, and kissed him on the lips. The he bent over the bed and spread his ass cheeks. The tight brown hole glistened with the lotion, and Chris said, "Fine then. Fuck me."

And Adam looked at Chris hornily, and took Chris's dick in his hand from behind and started whacking it off as hard as he could, almost slamming his hand up and down. Chris whimpered and pulled his cheeks further apart, and Adam put his head at the entrance to Chris's hole.

The head went in slowly, spreading out the anal cavity it was entering, stretching it.

Chris moaned, and Adam pushed it further in. It crept in, making way for itself, and it stopped about three fourths of the way in. Any farther was too much for Chris. Then Adam drew it back and started slamming it into him. Chris whimpered a little bit, and Adam's hand picked up the pace. Faster and faster. Both of them were whining and moaning, breathing heavy enough to probably wake his mom in the room across the hall.

Then they both tightened, and a long still moment ensued where all activity stopped as they strained towards the orgasm. Finally, they went over the edge, and white cum flew inside Chris's ass and all over Adam's bed. They sat for a minute, and then Adam pulled out and they both went to the bathroom to wash from the anal festivities. They talked for another while. After that, they went to sleep and slept the sleep of the dead.

Chris awoke early, oddly enough. Although he had been up most of the night, he felt refreshed- and needing to pee a little bit. He looked over at the clock. It was 10:30. Nicole was supposed to leave at nine, so she was probably gone and Adam had said his mom took sleeping pills, so she was more than likely still out like a light. He didn't want to wake Adam up, because he had to go to work in a couple hours. Too bad. Chris had a morning erection, and he was feeling up for another tango.

"Since everyone is gone or dead asleep, it should be all right for me to walk out in my boxers and T-shirt," Chris thought. He eased out of bed slowly, and walked across the floor toward the door. He silently turned the knob and opened the door. He walked out the hallway and took a left into the living room. Why the bathroom was on the other side of the house, he didn't know. Stupid architects.

As he approached the bathroom, he heard something suspiciously like a shower. He walked towards the door, enough to see in and was stunned to see that it was open. He had forgotten that Adam's family left the door open while they showered, because it got so hot in the shower. Something about the air-conditioning or whatever made it burn up in there with the hot water on.

He looked in and suddenly got a glimpse of his own personal heaven. Miss Barbara was standing in her bra and panties, getting ready to take a shower! She was facing the mirror, sideways to him, and her profile was the stuff of fantasies. Her breasts were straining against her bra, the slopes rounded. Her butt forced itself against her panties, and her legs were long and beautiful.

She turned and he jumped in alarm, but she turned away, towards the shower.

She reached behind and carelessly unhooked her bra, unaware of her unseen admirer. Her back was slim, and he could see where the bra had marked her creamy skin. The swells of her boobs could be seen, barely, and they bounced and jumped as she removed the bra.

Then she took hold of her panties, and bent down. He ducked quietly behind a table to avoid her seeing him. After a short period of time, he looked back up, just in time to get a view of her soft, round cheeks before she got into the shower. His heart raced, and his dick fought against his pants, begging to be freed. He ran stealthily back to Adam's room and lay down. He fantasized, dreaming about what he would do if only he could. He stroked his penis through his boxers, pulling and squeezing at his head. And somehow, through all the raw lust running through his head, of fuck her and lick her and put my dick in her suck her titties, he feel asleep.

When he awoke again, it was late in the afternoon, dusk. The sun was going down and he looked at the clock that said with big, bright numerals 6:00. Adam had to work until close at the restaurant, so he wouldn't be back for at least five hours. Damn. He mentally slapped himself for falling asleep.

His mind wandered back to this morning. He had seen his best friend's mom naked! And she was so hot, so fuckable, it just blew his mind. Maybe she needed sex, you know, because she hadn't had a husband and she didn't date....Maybe her mindset was like her son's, sex all the time, any time, and she liked younger...way younger... guys. Yeah, and maybe he should stop wishing.

He got up and slipped his clothes on, and padded out into the living room. No one in sight. Maybe she had gone back to sleep, too. Whew, I must stink, he thought. Mine as well take a shower, and revisit the scene of happy memories. He walked up to the shower and pull off his clothes. He almost thought about closing the door, but decided that if it was too hot for everyone else, it was probably too hot for him.

He turned the shower on and climbed in. He started washing himself, and tried to keep his thoughts at bay, but as he washed his penis they also washed over him. His dick got hard, and he started thinking about what he would do to her. He massaged his cock, rubbing it, and as he got further and further along, he rubber harder, faster. He got into it, forgot where he was, and started saying her name, "Barbara! Barbara! Uhhhh....Oh, yeah....Ohhhhhh...Yeah, suck my cock, suck it, lick it until my head falls off...Oh yeah..Barbara.." until finally he came in hard, rapid squirts into the water, which washed away his sperm.

Immediately, he worried that he had been seen. But surely, if she was even up, she would have heard the shower. She wasn't a sick fuck like him, peering in at other people taking showers, especially her son's best friend, which was illegal. He wished she was and would, anyway, though. He sure as hell wouldn't tell. He got out and toweled off, threw the towel in the dirty hamper, and put some clothes on. He went to the living room, and flipped the TV on.

Something, anything to take his mind off his best friend's mom. Enough was enough.

It got darker and darker- he had found a movie he liked, some horror flick. He had been watching it for about an hour or so when Miss Barbara peeked her head around into the living room. "Chris, honey, could you come here for a second?" Gulping, sure he was caught or worse, he went into her room. It smelled like perfume and other lady-like things, and the bed was done in a dark reddish-pink. She was standing by the closet in a black dress.

"What? Uh, what do you need, Miss Barbara?"

She smiled at him and said, "Let's quit with this silly Miss Barbara stuff. Call me Barb, okay?"

He stared blankly. Whatever he had expected, this was not it. "Um, okay."

She smiled wider and said, "What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong with me."

She looked hard at him for a moment and said, "Okay, if you say so. I went shopping earlier today, while you were asleep, and I wanted a guy's opinion on it. Will you tell me what you think? I mean, if you don't want to, you don't have to. I mean, it'll probably be boring for you."

"No, no, of course I will," he said quickly, "I'd love to help you out."

"Oh, great. That's great. I mean, thank you."

"Yeah, uh...anytime."

She struck a pose, right hand behind her head and left hand on her hip. "What do you think?" He looked at it. It was a pretty simple black dress, zipped in the back, down to about mid-thigh. She looked gorgeous in it, of course. "It looks great. You'd, um, probably look great in anything." He blushed as he said it, but she smiled and said simply, "Really?"

"Yeah, really." She smiled and said, "Great!" She turned around and went to get to the zipper, but really couldn't reach it. He had thought girls did those sort of things all the time, unzipping those zippers, but maybe they had help. It wasn't like he'd really know. She motioned towards him after struggling with it a minute and said in a strange voice, "Chris, baby, could you help me out a little bit? Could you unzip my dress for me?"

Silently, he grabbed onto the zipper and started pulling it down. He got mid-way down, and stopped, his fingers trembling. "Keep going," she said. Her bra strap had already appeared, but he kept going and his fingers brushed against bare cheeks. She was wearing a thong. He unzipped it all the way, and it fell to the floor. She turned, her cheeks bobbing up and down, and hugged him.

She looked him in the eye and said, "Do you think I'm beautiful?" she said in a husky voice.


"Do you think I'm sexy?"

Without hesitation, he answered, "Yes."

"Do you want to fuck me as hard as you can?"


She took off his shirt, raising it over his head, and threw it behind her. Her blue eyes danced, and she pressed her full lips to his. She opened her mouth and his tongue curled around hers, licking the inside of her mouth. She kissed him ferociously, two years of built-up sexual tension, and she tore at his pants, ripping the button off and yanking the zipper to get at his cock.

He stepped out of his pants, and as she continued to tongue him, as she licked all the way around his lips, he could feel her nipples go hard against his. He pressed hard against her, in more than one way, and he reached around and unsnapped her bra. It fell to the floor and released her marvelous tits. They were pert but large, standing on their own with large, red- colored aerola. Her nipple jutted straight forward, with tips that were about a quarter of an inch long.

He gripped her ass, grabbed it, and ground her ass cheek with his hand. She whimpered, she wanted him so bad, and she had begun a steady whisper of, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me fuck me FUCK me fuck ME..." She ground her crotch against his, the whisper of black satin rubbing against the fullness of his flannel boxers. She thrust against him as hard as she could, and he pushed back just as hard.

He kissed down her neck, half biting and half licking it, making his way to her chest. She moaned and thrust her chest upwards, straining to put her jugs in his mouth. He worked his way down, and began to lick her nipples. She tilted her head back, her chest rising and falling rapidly up and down and up and down and up-down up-down up-down up-down up-down up-down up-down up-down up-down and all the while he was sucking hard on her breasts, first licking one nipple and then the other, sucking, lightly biting. He pressed them together, licked them at the same time.

He yanked off her thong, releasing it from between her luscious tail and throwing it in the opposite direction. It revealed a shaved cunt, the clitoris prominent and protruding from its hood. It was already almost soaking wet, juices flowing out of it plentifully. She looked at him and said between heaves, "I shaved for you...While you were watching T.V...Just dreaming about what you could do to me...Fuck me hard, Chris...I've wanted this for a long time...A long, long time...And then I saw you in the shower, and I heard my name...And I've been horny, ready to explode ever since! Fuck me! Do me hard right now! Jam it in me, please put it in me, please! I need your cock between my legs!" She lay back on the bed, spread her legs and then used her exquisitely manicured fingers to spread open her cunt.

Chris took his dick and inserted it slowly, and her breathing slowed down, just a bit, but then he slammed it into her. "Yes! Yes!" she said as he put it into her as fast as he could stand.

"Yes, ohhhhhhhh yes!" For what seemed like a long time, she yelled and slammed herself against the bed, and he pumped away. Finally, he came, squirting his liquid inside of her. She gasped at the warm sensation, and shuddered as it made its way through her.

She came off Chris and said, "My turn." She took his head and pushed it down to her pussy. He licked her clit, flicking it lightly with his tongue while he massaged her mons. He inserted one finger, and quested upward, tickling her g-spot. She gripped his head, yanking his hair, and pushed down. He obliged by spreading his tongue further inside, and using his other finger to flick her clit with. Every time he hit it, she jumped as waves of pleasure came from his fingers.

He wet the finger that was in her pussy and pushed it between her cheeks. She contracted around it, pulling it in, and by then she was whispering all kinds of things under breath. He pushed the finger back and forth, violating her beautiful cheeks. She pinched her nipples and shrieked, and she was running her hands down her own body. "Uh!Uh!Uh!Uh!Uh!"

She said, over and over and over as he once again licked her clit.

The pressure built up, Chris licking her as fast as a bird's wings flap, and she all of the sudden tensed, took a sharp intake of breath, and went over the edge. She slammed her arms everywhere, pushed against his face, and screamed and yelled her pleasure at the top of her lungs. It filled the room, vibrated, and when it finally stopped, she had a look of the utmost satisfaction on her face. Chris lay beside her, and silence filled the room except for their breathing. Then she turned to him.

"That was...amazing. I want to do you again, I don't care how old you are."

He laughed quietly. "There's plenty of time for that. And I need some time to recharge."

She look pleased and said, "As good as you thought?"


They looked at each other, and began to kiss, and their hands started to explore each others bodies again- slowly, this time. They caressed and held each other, regardless of what tomorrow might bring. Hopefully, though, it brought more cock and pussy.

Thank you for reading my story! Hope you enjoyed it. Again, I welcome and completely encourage comments besides flames at Put the subject line as "Nifty.Org".



P.S. If I get enough e-mails, I'll try and write a sequel- with even more delightfully nasty sex. Would you like more of Chris? :)

Next: Chapter 2: Chris Hits It 1

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