Choosing to Submit

By Ash Hunter

Published on Feb 8, 2021


Nifty Archivist: This is part two to my Authoritarian story "Choosing to Submit" taking up immediately where the previous one left off. Thank you!

This story is a work of fiction. Characters are inspired by people and fantasies in my life but have in no way actually occurred, with name and location changes as needed. I'm also Canadian, so I'll be using terms and spelling I have grown up with here. As a first-time writer, I would love any comments, critiques, questions, suggestions, or pictures (or even videos ;) ) that you deem necessary. Help me become a better author and inspire me with anything you think would work.

You can also find me on Twitter @hunter_writing

If you enjoy the stories at please consider making a donation to keep the archive running! There is a huge body of work available to suit every taste. Please support if you can.

By popular demand here is part two! If you want a part three, send me a message and I'll see what I can come up with.

Part 02

As I looked at him, I couldn't quite decipher what this morning had done to him. The loads from my friends were already drying, streaked across his face and body. His dark hair was matted with sweat and his eyes glazed. He had been used in so roughly, I don't think even he could process it any more. It was too bad that his body was betraying him: his cock stayed rock hard in his chastity cage. That cock and load were mine and mine alone. I'll let him cum properly if he satisfies me fully, but there's so still much more to try.

John and Alex were standing behind me with their rock-hard cocks out. John's fit him perfectly, it was at least nine inches of pale, uncircumcised meat. His foreskin seemed a little tight and he still wasn't as girthy as Curtis. His pubic hair was visibly uncut and surrounded the base of his shaft. Alex was just under a foot shorter than his boyfriend. His reddish black hair hanging halfway down his forehead. His own cock was six inches and cut. He was completely hairless from what I could see. There was a gleam in his eyes as he looked at Travis laying on the bed. He started stripping right away, obviously ready and excited. John had waited for Alex to make the first move and quickly followed suit.

Watching them strip, I thought about how I've been interested in both of them since we met. They were swingers and that always intrigued me. Travis wasn't really into it because of Alex. Now there was the pendant: Travis had no choice in what was done to him or what I could do to them and make him passively a part of. He was mine to use today and from the look in Alex's eyes, he was just as excited as I was to explore. Alex's eyes flickered between Travis and Curtis' body, he looked torn with what he wanted more. He seemed to come to a decision as he stepped out of the last of his clothing.

Alex didn't even hesitate and moved in on my boyfriend. Curtis rolled away to the far corner of the bed where he could watch. I quickly ended the first recording and started a second one. His pale, golden, lithe body moved passed me and I couldn't help but stare at his backside. The slight curve of his back made his ass pop out. One day I'd be in that ass. Glancing at Curtis, I could see that he was thinking the same thing. Alex reached out and stroked a finger over Travis' chastity, causing him to flinch, and continued to draw his finger up and across Travis' body. He was on the bed, crawling to Travis' face. His gentle touch was giving Travis visible goosebumps. He stopped in the pool of cum on Travis' stomach, from his handsfree orgasm, and drew it up to Travis' lips. Alex fed Travis is own semen with a smile.

"Now this is something to see." He murmured, barely audible. Then he swung a leg over Travis and straddled his face. "Eat me sub. Hold me open and fuck me with your tongue. I want to you to make me wet." He held himself just far enough from Travis so that he could breathe. Travis tentatively reached his hands up to that sexy Vietnamese ass and pulled open the cheeks. He didn't rim much, but his tongue obediently flicked out across Alex's puckering hole. Alex smiled and looked at his mountain of a man. "Get over here, show him how it's done."

John walked over to the bed and knelt down on the floor. I'd never seen John naked before. He wasn't exactly hairy but his body was covered in pale blonde hair so fine you could barely see it, except for the darker patch on his chest and trailing down to his bush. He let his bush grow unchecked but it complemented the sheer length of his nine-inch cock. I watched him pull open my boyfriend's ass and push his face into it. I could see his tongue snake out and lick the rim of Travis' hole. His whole body trembled as John started working his way in, John's stubble digging into Travis' smooth cheeks.

Curtis watched eagerly as John ate his seed out of Travis' hole. The spent cock between his legs started swelling as two hot Asian men were getting their holes worked over. Alex jacked his cut cock as he was getting eaten out, seemingly enjoying the sight of his man eating out my boyfriend. He glanced back at Curtis a few times with a sultry smile playing on his lips. I could tell that Alex was also interested in feeling Curtis' thick cock sliding into him.

I was more focused on John. He was so tall that, even with Travis on our raised bed, he really had to squat to eat him out. The position he was in, however, was spreading his own fuzzy ass cheeks and exposing his hole. He looked amazing. While admiring his ass, I realized that there was a light shine right at the opening. Had John come pre-lubed. I couldn't help it. I walked up to him and reached out to touch his hole. At my touch he immediately spread his legs further apart and pushed his ass towards me. Alex smiled.

"He's been dying to bottom for weeks but I haven't been in a topping mood." Alex said, passively confirming his dominance over John. "It'd be hot to watch you fuck John as Curtis fucks me. What do you think?" He ground his hairless ass onto Travis' tongue, getting it wetter.

Curtis didn't even wait for an answer. He grabbed Alex's ankles and pulled them out from under him, so he fell onto Travis' stomach. Alex gasped as his he fell forward, his cock slapped onto Travis' still open mouth and Travis immediately took it in. Alex was face to face with John over Travis' caged cock as Curtis started pushing into his ass. I smiled and aimed my cock at John's hole and slid in. It felt amazing, there was no resistance to get in but it was still just as tight as a virgin. Curtis and I bottomed out in Alex and John at the same time, twin moans escaping their throats, we started a familiar, measured rhythm fucking into them.

Alex's face was twisting with sensations: pain from Curtis' beer can cock spreading him wide open but pleasure from Curtis hitting every spot in his ass; as a bonus each thrust from Curtis pushed his cock down Travis' throat. I could hear Travis struggling to breath, getting his ass eaten by John and throat fucked by Alex. Travis hands slid around the bed, opening and closing as if by instinct. He eventually got his hands up to Curtis' thick thighs and started rubbing and kneading them. I couldn't tell if he was trying to convey something or just accepting his role as a a submissive slut by giving added pleasure to one of his masters.

John gave out another moan into Travis' ass as I hit his prostate. Alex had reached to John's head and pulled it deeper into Travis' hole. It was hot watching Alex, a hairless little Vietnamese twink, be in obvious and total control of his massive boyfriend. The inversion of the normal stereotype made my cock even harder as I drilled deeper and deeper into John. As Curtis and I plowed the boyfriends, I decided that Travis needed another cock in him. I pulled out of John's ass with some regret; he felt amazing.

"Fuck Travis. He's starting to feel left out." I whispered into John's ear. Curtis chuckled and pounded harder into a deliriously horny Alex.

John stood up and aimed his nine inches of meat at Travis' hole, gently lining up his cock head to the dripping wet opening. "Don't you dare be gentle." Curtis ordered. "He chose to be a slut; you'd better treat him like one. Isn't that right?" He slammed all the way into Alex, who screamed in ecstasy and in turn was forced balls deep down Travis' throat, cutting off any chance at a reply. "See? Silence is golden."

I could feel John chuckle as I again took my place behind him. Just because I wanted Travis plowed, didn't mean I wasn't going to keep up with his ass. He stood for a moment with just his cockhead in Travis. And then he slammed all nine inches of his cock into my boyfriend. Travis' scream was somewhat muted by a mouth full of Alex but it was clearly audible. As John drew out, he impaled himself on my cock with a gasp. And then he slammed back into Travis, forcing out another muffled scream. He started getting into a rhythm: slamming nine inches into my boyfriend, then drawing back and taking my entire seven-and-a-half inches.

The cries of pain from Travis were just turning Curtis on more, which lead to him fucking Alex harder, who was forced into fucking Travis' throat more and more. Alex was getting used just as roughly as Travis had been but he was not new to this. I could tell that he was definitely going to be getting Curtis' number for more rounds after this. The longer we fucked, the closer I got to John's ass. I wanted to stay in him. He definitely enjoyed it; he didn't have to move as far to get balls deep into Travis or get me balls deep into him.

"UHHH." A muffled cry escaped Travis and another thin stream of cum shot from the piss slit of his chastity. It pooled on his belly right under Alex's chest. His cry was lost from all the moaning on top of him. I could tell from the cadence and speed of everyone's breathe that they were all getting close. I knew I was getting close.

Though I knew and trusted Curtis completely, I didn't want anyone else's seed in my Travis. They had to earn that. I had another idea. I pulled out of John's ass, his hole desperately grabbing at my cock, trying to keep it in. "Everyone STOP! Get over here."

John, far more obedient than I thought, immediately, though slowly, drew his rod out of Travis. It was dripping and had a pulsating vein across the top. Curtis withdrew his own dick from Alex's decimated hole with great reluctance, then suddenly slammed it back in to make Alex cry out in shock. He repeated this a couple times, smiling wickedly. Finally, he took it out and came over to stand with John and I, his dick was also looking painfully swollen: his second nut was begging to be released. Alex, drew his own cut cock from Travis' mouth and gingerly came over to us. His ass was obviously in pain but his cock was dripping so much precum, I thought he may shoot crossing the three feet of space to stand with us. Travis laid on his back breathing heavily with a pool of Curtis' cum, fucked out of him by John, leaking out onto our duvet.

"I said get over here faggot." I scolded Travis. He slowly pushed himself up and off the bed, following my voice until he stood before us, swaying slightly and slick with sweat from the fucking and being trapped under Alex. "On your knees." He dropped immediately, but kept his face turned slightly towards me, waiting for instruction. "When I say `NOW' you're to take off your blindfold and open your mouth, and keep it open until I say otherwise. Do you understand faggot?"

"Yes sir." He said hoarsely, his throat had been as abused as his ass.

I smiled and started jacking off, my phone still in hand. The others caught on pretty fast. We were going to end this in a bukkake. Alex was the first one to have his eyes start rolling up while his hand flew up and down his shaft. He took aim at Travis. "I'm about... I'm about to cum. Oh fuck."

"NOW!" I shouted; Travis ripped off his blindfold and opened his mouth. There were tracks of dried tears from his bloodshot eyes from the morning's abuse, his irises quickly contracting at the sudden light. He flinched back as streams of thick, warm Vietnamese seed hit him square in the face. Alex's body was jerking around with the strength of his orgasm. He coated Travis's face with almost a dozen shouts and even got a couple loads into his open mouth. As Alex squeezed out the last drops onto Travis, I couldn't help but wonder if this was how much he always came.

"Thank you." Travis whispered. My cock twitched violently. He was becoming a true slut.

Curtis stepped forward and wrapped his hand in Travis' hair. He started fucking his throat, pushing down Alex's cum and causing him to gag. Travis' eyes started tearing again, but he kept them locked on Curtis' chiseled face.

"Finally getting what you've already wanted you little whore. You like the taste of Alex's ass on my cock?" My best friend smiled broadly while taunting and using my boyfriend. "Yeah, you've always wanted this. You fucking whore. Useless little slut. I'm filling you from both sides today." He started fucking faster, Travis' face turning red from lack of air and throat bulging from Curtis' dick. He started breathing heavier as his second orgasm was building, each word coming out in a gasp. "You. Useless. Little. Fucking. WHORE."

Curtis' balls seemed to retract into his body with the force of his cum. His thick cock was shooting streams of jizz down Travis' throat with Alex's cum. Curtis pulled out and let the last few shots hit his tongue and face. Great white gobs were dripping down Travis' face and onto his chest. Curtis plunged his cock into Travis' mouth one last time to finish draining his load and then stepped back, dick already going limp. He was breathing as if he had run a marathon but his face was shining in satisfaction.

"Yes sir, I've been waiting for this. Thank you, Sir." Travis hoarsely whispered. He looked like he could barely speak.

Next John stepped forward, the vein along the top of his dick looked like it was about to burst. Without Alex, Curtis, or myself ordering him, John seemed to be a gentle giant. Or at least his face was the only one with any compassion. Luckily the lust was much stronger than the compassion: He likewise pushed his cock down Travis' throat, though much gentler than Curtis. He surprised me when, mid-thrust, he reached back to his own ass and lightly fingered his hole. Curtis gave an appreciative chuckle. After a few pumps into Travis' throat, and a few fingers in his own ass, he pulled out, orgasming with a moan that was so deep it was almost a growl. The gentle giant unleashed a bucket load of semen onto Travis' face and chest, even coating the dark pendant still between his pecs. Like Alex, his body also jerked with the release, his growling moan ended with the last few drops onto Travis' chest.

"Thank you, John." I was curious why he used John's name.

I passed the recording to Curtis and stepped up to my used, abused, and cum coated boyfriend. He looked up at me, expressionless, with his mouth open. After using John's ass while watching him be used by three men, I was on the edge. The look of him on his knees was the hottest thing I've ever seen. His dark eyes had changed, I couldn't tell exactly how, but it was different. I realized his eyes weren't expressionless. They were glazed over from everything we'd put him through.

As I looked at him, I couldn't quite decipher what this morning had done to him. The loads from my friends were already drying, streaked across his face and body. His dark hair was matted with sweat and his eyes glazed. He had been used in so roughly, I don't think even he could process it any more. It was too bad that his body was betraying him: his cock stayed rock hard in his chastity cage. That cock and load were mine and mine alone. I'll let him cum properly if he satisfies me fully, but there's so still much more to try.

The thought pushed me over the edge. I exploded across his face and hair. Rope after rope of thick cum sprayed onto him, and with my last few shots, I made sure I added my load into his mouth. His glazed eyes sharpened for a moment as my orgasm subsided.

"Thank you," he said in a hoarse, but clear voice, "Master."

I nearly came again right then and there. He was broken. My boyfriend was a total sub. I was excited to see how far he could be pushed. I took back my phone and recorded him for another minute before I stopped and saved it.

"Go take another shower Travis."

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master." He said and then groggily got up and started out of the room, only for Curtis to slap a deep red hand print on his ass as he passed. "Thank you, sir."

As I heard the water turn on, I turned to Alex and John. "Hopefully we can do this again, but I'm definitely going to need some one-on-one time with Travis after this."

Alex looked disappointed, but John spoke up. "No problem. Call us any time." He glanced at Curtis' soft cock. "But Alex and I will have to switch places." Curtis chuckled at that.

The two of them quickly tossed on their clothes and left after I promised to send them a copy of the video and Alex got Curtis' number. It was just Curtis and I waiting in the bedroom when Travis came back out, the pendant still glistening. He still couldn't say no to me. The shower seemed to have revitalized him a little and the glazed look was gone from his eyes. I walked to him, took him in my arms, and gave him a deep kiss. Curtis gave out a wolf whistle.

I pulled away from my boyfriend and dragged him to the bed. My cock already hard again. The day was still young.

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