Choosing to Submit

By Ash Hunter

Published on Jan 25, 2021


This story is a work of fiction. Characters are inspired by people and fantasies in my life but have in no way actually occurred, with name and location changes as needed. I'm also Canadian, so I'll be using terms and spelling I have grown up with here. As a first-time writer, I would love any comments, critiques, questions, suggestions, or pictures (or even videos ;) ) that you deem necessary. Help me become a better author and inspire me with anything you think would work.

You can also find me on Twitter @hunter_writing

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Part 01

Curtis stood up with a look of evil triumph on his face. "Roll over onto your back faggot. Hold up your legs." Travis did it immediately, he was falling into the role of a desperate sub beautifully, though he was still trembling from the anticipation. As ordered, he was holding his legs up, exposing his sloppy wet hole to Curtis, who was rubbing his own cockhead with spit and precum. "Time for your punishment bitch, I told you not to make a sound." Travis stiffened at those words. "Don't forget to thank me when I'm done."

It was almost a year ago I got him the pendant. A simple stone with "Kòngzhì" inscribed on it, hanging on a red lace. It was one of the few Cantonese words I'd picked up from him in the two years that we'd been together. The inscription was very faint, so you had to be looking for it to see it, which is good. If his parents saw him walking around with a pendant that said "to control" they might ask questions. Not that he ever wore it. It was a gift but also an agreement.

After our first year together, we started talking about fantasies we wanted to try or do. Travis was still pretty new into the whole sex thing, and he hadn't really experimented with more than a couple blow jobs and a dildo before we were together. Luckily, from his porn history and my general domineering personality we found that he was really turned on by being submissive: gagged, choked, blindfolds, and restraints, all had his uncut cock rock hard. However, we never really went beyond that as he was nervous. Even after a year as a couple exploring our limits. Now, finally, he was stepping into my ultimate fantasy: a control item. It was something that he chose when to put on but by putting it on he was no longer allowed to say "no" to anything I wanted sexually. The idea of being not just totally submissive but having no idea what was going to happen both intrigued him and got me hard. The point of the item was to be inconspicuous so it could be worn without raising eyebrows. While the submissive partner chooses when to put it on, giving his ongoing consent, the dominant partner is in total control until they take the item off their sub or the agreed period runs out.

Travis was captivated by the idea and said he would love to try it out. We agreed to try it when he was ready and I went to get a necklace to use as the item. I chose the pendant because its shape and dark color reminded me of his eyes. Then I had the inscription added: Kòngzhì, which normally just means "to control" but it can also mean "to command," "to dominate," or "coercion." Since I was terrible with Asian languages as a whole, there were only a handful of words that I had picked up and even fewer I could write. That word was my favorite, and it represented what the pendant would be for, so I thought it was almost poetic. I gave it to him that night, we agreed on a 24-hour time limit, and though he was excited by the idea, he was never ready to wear it.

It had sat in his dresser for almost an entire year, until my birthday. He was up early making me come congee for breakfast, a recipe from his grandparents back in Hong Kong, and, keeping his back to me, told me to go sit at the table. I sat down and drank the milk tea he had already put out for me. For each other's birthdays we always made our own family's special breakfasts: I got a rich rice porridge and milk tea while he got eggs benedict or French toast and a mimosa. It was a fun exchange. He came over from the oven and put the congee in front of me. He was shirtless, pants-less, and in only some tight black boxer-briefs; which I thought was a great way to start the morning. He wasn't very confident in his appearance, no matter how often I assured him he was hot, so even at home having him walking around with this little clothing was a treat. I was just appreciating his bulge when I tracked my eyes up his taunt stomach and I saw it hanging down from his neck. The pendant was nestled between his pecs on his golden skin. I reached out and touched it, making it look even darker next to my own pale white skin.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I knew he wanted to try it but. I doubted he knew exactly what I fantasized about with him, there were things that I had never told him. I looked up into his eyes and he nodded. His dark eyes made it clear he was nervous but he offered it to me with resolve. I let go of the pendant and moved to his dark nipple and gave it a hard squeeze and twist. He cried out in sudden pain but didn't pull away. I pulled him closer to me by his nipple. "Go have a nice long shower and get clean. This is going to be a day to remember."

I let him go and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and slap on the ass. He nervously smiled and went to shower. I sent a text to a few of my friends that I owed favors to. It was time for me to pay up.

I went to our room and looked in the back of my dresser. We had wanted to try a few of the kinkier things and had bought some toys and kits online. I pulled out an unused chastity cage and an overused blindfold from one of the kits and walked to the bathroom, door open and steam pouring out. Travis was just stepping out of the shower: his coarse black hair soaked, water running in rivulets down his torso, and cock flaccid against his balls. The pendant flashed in between his pecs. He grabbed a towel and started drying off before he noticed me at the door. He smiled nervously. I held up the unlocked cage and tossed it to him, then dropped the blindfold on the ground.

"Finish drying off. Lock yourself up. Put on the blindfold. Do not move until I come back and tell you otherwise." I left the bathroom, back to the kitchen, as my phone started buzzing.

<Are you serious? This isn't a joke?> It was a text from Curtis, one of my best friends. He had always had a considerable attraction to Travis and, as my best friend, he knew all about the pendant. Though, he didn't think that Travis would ever actually agree to use it. I walked back to the hallway where Travis was standing obediently: naked, blindfolded, and locked in a chastity.

<Yeah, 100% serious. I owe you one, get here first and we can make a new movie. Just like we used to.> We shared a recording fetish: Curtis and I loved snapping pictures and taking videos and watching them back later or sending them to each other. We had several videos loaded online, and even now that I was out of the hook up game, I still had a steady stream of snapchats from him documenting his exploits.

I snapped a picture of Travis and sent it to Curtis, and a few of the other friends I had texted. Curtis' reply was immediate. <Holy shit man. I'm on my way.>

I couldn't help it. I took a few more pictures of Travis. Not quite a twink but not quite a jock, he was well built. Enough definition that you could see he put in time at the gym but not rippling with muscle. Smooth torso and arms, trimmed dark bush, and a light dusting of hair on his legs. The weather had been nice for the last few weeks, so he had a golden tan, with his dark brown nipples providing a nice contrast. His balls stayed hanging low after his hot shower and his uncut cock was locked in the plastic cage. He could get hard in it but it would hurt, the cage was smaller than his erection, and a piss slit in it so he could still urinate without being released. With the pendant glistening against his skin, I couldn't help it, I dropped my pants and started stroking while I waited for Curtis.

Luckily Curtis only lived a few blocks from us. Before I started dating Travis, Curt and I had a solid bromance but couldn't bring it passed that as we were both exclusive tops. We fucked a lot of guys together. One of the last guys we plowed was his ex-fiancé, which was the favor I owed him for. He always said that once a ring was on it, no more fooling around. His fiancé had been this gorgeous little Caucasian twink and we seeded him several times that night. Unfortunately, we found out a few months that he was a huge cheat and had at least three other boyfriends, so the he got kicked out on his white ass. Curtis has always been a bit of a "Rice queen," as he called it, and was desperately into Travis. Today, he's finally be literally in him too.

It'd been a while since I'd seen Curtis' uncut cock slide into a tight hole. And I've never seen Travis gag on someone besides me. I knew that Curtis was considerably rougher than I was but, somehow, that just turned me on more. I'd let myself go a bit, physically, since Travis and I started settling down but Curtis was still on the prowl and stayed in top shape for his true passion. He was a professional, all-natural, bodybuilder and, though he was in a bulking season, he always had bulging pecs, biceps, and thighs. I had eaten his incredibly tight ass out a few times, and it was an ass made of solidly glorious muscle, but he wouldn't even let a finger into it. I couldn't wait to see him get in his daily cardio in on my man's body.

Two other close friends that I'd messaged were a couple: John and Alex. Travis and I double dated quite a bit with them and they have always been very open about wanting to swing. I'd always been open to the idea. They were both versatile and pretty attractive themselves. John was a 6'5 giant Scandinavian looking guy: Blonde hair so pale it was almost white, ice blue eyes, average build, and a bulge I've been dying to see released. Alex was a very slimly muscular Vietnamese man, thin enough that his abs were always visible, but didn't really have to work out too hard to get them, and had the same coarse dark hair that Travis had but with an almost reddish tinge. Travis had no interest in other Asian men, so that was one of the main reasons that we never ended up swinging: he felt bad that the only one he had any interest in was John. Good thing I had no such qualms and for today it didn't matter what Travis liked.

Curtis let himself in, as per my original text, and was in some baggy sweats and a sleeveless t-shirt. He looked like he had come straight from the gym or made a detour on the way to it. His pants were tented out and had a slightly darker spot on them from his precum. Without hesitation, he was already stripping. He kept his body completely smooth and tanned, even outside competition season. He said it helped him stay in the mindset of a winner; tunnel vision was the key to success. Now the only tunnel he wanted to see was Travis'. He joined me to where Travis was in the hallway, naked and caged.

I set my phone to airplane mode, so I wouldn't be interrupted, and then set it to record and pointed it at Travis. Curtis was slowly jerking his cock and almost drooling with anticipation.

I broke the silence. "Alright. You've put on the necklace. Do you Travis Leung understand that this means you cannot say no to me. Any sexual request I make, you have to fulfill it. Do you understand?"

He nodded. Curtis, with whom I have talked about every fantasy and even shared most of them, had already stepped forward and slapped Travis sharply across the face. Travis flinched back but his cock twitched and started getting hard in the cage.

"I didn't hear you slut." I said to my boyfriend.

"Yes, I understand."

SMACK. "Understand, what?" Curtis was jacking off more vigorously with every hit.

"Yes, I understand, sir." Travis said in a shaky voice. I couldn't tell if he knew there was two of us yet. I have rarely hit him during sex, so this was already rougher than he was used to, but soon a couple slaps would be the least of his worries.

"Good boy. Now don't struggle, if you try to resist, I'll just tie you down. Anything that is done to you until the blindfold comes off is my wish. The blindfold stays on until I remove it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand, sir."

I gestured the go ahead to Curtis. It would take John and Alex the better part of an hour, maybe an hour and a half if traffic was bad, to get here. I was determined to record Curtis seed Travis at least once. Curtis, who had been waiting for my cue, dove into action. He easily grabbed Travis by the neck and slammed him to the wall. Travis gasped but, before he could even cry out, I was recording my best friend making out with my boyfriend. Travis' hands instinctually went up to Curtis' shoulders and froze at the bulging trapezius and deltoids. I wasn't out of shape, but I wasn't a body builder, Travis knew immediately that that wasn't me and probably figured out who it was. Curtis pulled back from the kiss.

"Who? Curt-?" Another slap cut him off, he stood confused and silent. Curtis took the opportunity to squeeze and twist Travis' left nipple, causing him to cry out.

"Didn't you hear your master, slut?" He whispered, barely audible over Travis' cries, "Anything that is done to you is his wish. This been a long-time coming. I've seen you checking me out after the gym or when we're hanging out. You've been flashing that fat ass for the last two years. Begging me with your eyes and body, denying me out of fear. Fear of how badly you want this. And after today you'll know finally know what it feels like to be dominated by me. Isn't that what you've always wanted you little subby bitch?" He took the other nipple and twisted it as well. Travis had extremely sensitive nipples and he cried out louder. "I asked you a question bitch: Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

"YES! YES, SIR!" Travis shouted out. To this day I'm not sure if it was just to make Curtis stop or if he really did want it, but it had the desired effect: Curtis let go. I zoomed in on their dicks. I've never understood the "small dicked" stereotype around Asians. Sure, his wasn't as big as Curtis' or mine, but it was a fine six and a half inches of uncut meat. It looked great, slowing filling up the cage. Though he wasn't wild about pain, domination always got him hard.

"Good boy. I'll make you a proper whore for your man in no time. I hope you're ready, actually it doesn't matter if you're ready or not. I'm ready. On your knees and open wide." Travis hesitated for a split second too long; Curtis grabbed him by the balls and pulled. Travis dropped to his knees with a gasp. Curtis didn't hesitate and filled that gasping mouth with cock. Travis' dick and my dick were a lot like we were: I was six-foot one inch tall but much thinner than him, while he was shorter at five-foot eleven inches and much thicker than me from all the gym work. Our cocks reflected that: I was seven and a half inches and average width, while Curtis was only a little longer than Travis, barely hitting seven inches but was thicker than some beer cans.

Travis was obviously struggling with that girth: gasping for air while spit starting dripping from his mouth. However, my boy got accustomed fast and started putting more effort into it. He wasn't able to deepthroat it but he got it a good halfway down his throat. Curtis locked his fingers in Travis' hair and started trying to force in deeper. I could hear Travis gagging as his throat was being involuntarily filled.

"Fuck yeah, man." Curtis moaned before talking to me, "I've been dreaming of this since you met him. Look at how good he is. What a fucking whore." He pulled his cock out and spat into Travis's mouth, then shoved his cock back in. "There, just needed a little more lube. Now it's sliding right in there."

He enjoyed Travis' throat for a few minutes, ignoring his reddening face and gasps, until he was ready for what came next. Pulling out again with a cocky grin, Curtis started walking into our bedroom, one hand still intertwined in Travis' hair, forcing him to crawl next to his current dominator. Pulling Travis up by his black locks, Curtis spun him around and pushed him face-first over our king-sized bed. Travis laid there silently, breathing erratically from the throat fucking and painful treatment he was getting. His perky ass exposed and hands above his head.

Curtis slapped his big hands onto Travis' ass cheeks. "Fuck yeah, I love making Asian ass turn cherry red. It's so fucking hot." Another few slaps on the ass and it had started turning the cheeks the red Curtis wanted. Then he pulled them apart, exposing my man's puckering ass hole. He spat into it and started rubbing a thick, calloused finger over it. "Man, I've been waiting for this moment. I'm going to seed you like the whore you are. What do you think about that?" He punctuated his question by forcing his middle finger in to the second knuckle.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Anything you want, sir." Travis gasped out. He seemed to both want the abuse and fear it. His gasp turned into a moan as Curtis got his index finger in two knuckles deep as well; Curtis smiled and pulled out both fingers.

"As much as I'd love to breed you completely dry, I think a little lube would make this more pleasurable for me. And I've dreamt about this ass for a while. Time to take a taste. Now listen carefully faggot: don't make a sound while I'm eating you out or you'll be punished." He dove face first into Travis' hole and tongue fucked him. I've watched Curtis rim a lot of men, and no one has been able to keep silent. Travis was no different. As he twisted his head back and forth, I could see him biting his lip to stay silent but he couldn't. He lasted much longer than I thought he would but eventually he broke and let out a long moan of ecstasy.

Curtis stood up with a look of evil triumph on his face. "Roll over on your back faggot. Hold up your legs." Travis did it immediately, he was falling into the role of a desperate sub beautifully, though he was still trembling from the anticipation. As ordered, he was holding his legs up, exposing his sloppy wet hole to Curtis, who was rubbing his own cockhead with spit and precum. "Time for your punishment bitch, I told you not to make a sound." Travis stiffened at those words. "Don't forget to thank me when I'm done."

He lined up and shoved his thick, beer can-sized cock into Travis balls deep without waiting to let him adjust. Travis arched his back at the sudden invasion as Curtis bottomed out in him. At the same time, he clapped his hand over Travis' mouth, which was a good call. The scream of pain Travis let out made me worry he was going to black out. Luckily it was muffled to a semi-audible noise that seemed to invigorate Curtis. However, Curtis wasn't done. He pulled out so just his tip was still in my boyfriend and turned to look me in the eye. "He's a little tight. Don't worry. I'll fix that for you." And he slammed all the way in again, smiling like the Devil at the camera. Curtis started picking up a sadistic rhythm in and out of my boyfriend's tight hole. The scream and gasps of pain slowly turned into moans of pleasure. Curtis removed his hands from Travis' mouth.

"Thank you. Don't stop. Thank you, sir. Sir, thank you. Please don't stop. Sir, please don't. Thank you." An incoherent rush of words and praise immediately poured out of Travis.

Travis' cock was streaming nonstop precum from the chastity's piss slit. I focused my camera on both the strong thrusts of thick white cock sinking into a tight Hong Kong ass and the Curtis' own muscle ass clenching as he went in balls deep each time. Getting lost in his own world of passion, Curtis starting pumping in faster and faster. Each time he plunged into that ass there was a loud slap of flesh on flesh and another moan getting fucked out of Travis. It was so hot. I knew Curtis, I knew he couldn't last long at this pace.

As if on cue Curtis moved suddenly to pin both of Travis' hands over his head and shoved his tongue down his throat. With a final thrust, Curtis' balls visibly contracted and started emptying inside Travis. Travis was moaning into Curtis' mouth, seemingly barely coherent. Curtis moaning in ecstasy into Travis' mouth. After an intense moment, Curtis broke the kiss and pulled out, leaving a stretched-out hole, cum already starting to leak out. He had filled Travis to the brim. Curtis rolled off Travis onto the bed beside him. I took the time to get a zoom in on my spent boyfriend's body. He had shot a load through the piss slit of the chastity; orgasming completed hands free. His chest was heaving with the ecstasy of orgasm and the pain of such a rough fuck; his hands clenching and unclenching as his body tried to catch up to the brutal plowing he had just taken.

Curtis crawled further up onto the bed and pulled Travis' head onto its side. He shoved his softening cock into Travis' mouth. "Clean your mess slut." Travis started suck Curtis' seed off of the spent dick. Curtis tended to have strong climax. He'd need 15 minutes or so, but was good to go two or three times per session, this was just the beginning. He looked over at me to see if I was going to take a turn. His eyes flickered past me in a moment of surprise as his face broke into another grin.

"That," said a deep voice directly behind me, "was fucking hot."

Alex and John had arrived.

Next: Chapter 2

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