Choose Your Fate

By Proxxy Flox

Published on Jun 6, 2020


CHOOSE YOUR FATE By FloxPublishing

Copyright 2020 all rights reserved by the author.

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Chapter 6: The Pack

When I got home after classes, I found Chester lounging on the couch destroying an online opponent on the video game he was playing. "Hey, man," I dropped my stuff off in my room before flopping down next to him. "Miss me?" He joked and I played along. "How could I not miss this?" I gestured all over his stretched out body including a bag of chips on the table he had devoured. "What? Anything to distract me from my blue balls." He scratched his bulge, alluding to the outline of a size I still could not comprehend. His nonchalance startled me even more. I learned his date had rescheduled last minute, leaving Chester all alone in the apartment last night. "Need the place to yourself again? I offered, hoping Jack and Dave would take me in for another night. "No, I'm not gonna kick you out, bud." He ruffled my hair. "Another day, another shot." Whatever that meant.

I got up and walked into the bathroom. Suddenly, I felt something wet and slimy under my bare foot. I tentatively felt around with my toes before I saw I'd stepped into a pair of Chester's boxers on the floor. My foot was stuck in a layer of a gooey, slimy substance. I realized the entire shorts were soaked in the substance and before I had a chance to hop over it, I slipped and fell backwards, the slimy boxers flung through the air before landing on my shins. "Eww!" Was my instinctive response not sure how to touch it to get it off my lower leg. Chester was alerted by the noise and popped his head into the bathroom. He laughed at the sight of me sitting on the floor, my face disgusted at his wet underwear sticking to my legs. "Did you just fall?" "I slipped on...this. Is it... you know?" "Relax, man," Chester laughed it off. He snatched the underwear off of me and rolled it up into a soggy ball. I shook my legs as a thin layer of residue began to dry. "Is that? Did you?" I was lost for words. "No, no. Chill out, Finn. It's just pre. I kinda got a bit excited last night. Didn't even finish." "That was from last night? But it's all over it. The thing is soaked! How can you have so much...?" I was out of breath. Chester chuckled as he rinsed his underwear in the sink. "I just have a lot going on down there." He humped the sink, grinding on the ceramic for a moment and shrugged with a guilty grin that sent a shiver down my spine. He extended his hand to help me to my feet. I swear I saw his bulge throb for a moment before I took his hand. Before he stepped out, he offered one last piece of advice. "Oh, you might want to hop in the shower and wash this off. Don't want to let it get to you. Strong stuff. Kinda look like a fly in a spider's web. Sorry." He pulled the door shut and I looked down on my legs. A small patch had dried into a faint shimmer on my shins. I shook some more, not wanting to believe I had my roommate's spunk, or pre-spunk, over my legs. I turned on the shower to get it off as quickly as possible when I felt a light tingling on my legs. I was sure it was just my imagination but somehow it fascinated me. The fact that my roomie had drenched his entire underwear in copious amounts of pre-cum alone almost made me believe he would be able to make a condom overflow when he shot. I stripped off and touched the dried patch on my legs. Where his underwear had touched me, a thin layer was now flaking off as it had dried up. It felt incredibly gross to me as it had fused with the soft hairs on my legs. I looked at the substance as I watched it rinse off in the shower. As water hit it, it slowly washed away in slimy strings. So different from mine; I never had a lot of pre nor had I ever spent a lot of time investigating it. Yet, curious and investigative, I reached for the last glob with my hand and touched it with my fingers. I watched it form a tiny string between my finger tips before it washed away. It was like I was in a trance just feeling the smooth and slippery texture. I imagined how it would allow skin to slip over skin, lowering resistance as it slipped gradually towards it goal. As I watched the last residue rinse off into the drain, I slowly came to. I shook out of the state of passive sensation and noticed I had sprung a pulsing boner. Before my mind even cleared completely, my dick began to throb as I erupted into an orgasm that took my breath away. A wave of pleasure washed over me as I shot a load so intense it hit the shower wall with a thud. I was so overwhelmed by the sensations that I sank to my knees, giving into the pleasure taking over me. I couldn't hold back a soft moan that knocked the air out of me as I watched my dick throb to expel the last few drops of cum. I traced the strings of cum in the drain, wondering if some of it mixed with Chester's pre I had washed off, knowing my pleasure wasn't wholly my own doing. I was drained and weak but oddly craving more sensation and stimulation. When my hand finally made contact with the tip of my penis, however, I shuddered at the electric feeling, too intense to handle as it shrunk a little. I sat for a while under the running water, wondering where this sudden spell had come from, how snuck past my defenses like that and made me surrender to pleasure like never before.

It took me a while to clean up myself and the shower, making sure Chester wouldn't walk into a mess--or any evidence of my experiences. When I walked out, Chester only greeted me with a funky, "Have fun?" I was flustered. "Just messing with you. You took like an hour." I relaxed a bit. "Just making sure I got all of your funk off of me." He laughed somewhat contented, "Never heard this from a guy."

Unfortunately for Chester, when his date showed that night it was a rinse and repeat of the last few at first. From my room, I heard him come in with the girl but judging by the her immediate reaction, she probably got cold feet as soon as she touched his bulge through his pants. All I could hear was a determined "Not even close. No way I'll let you wreck me with that." He didn't even put up much of a game as she wasn't going to give him as much as a handjob if I had to place a bet. Somehow, though, he managed to convince her to stay and watch a movie and soon she appeared to have second thoughts as I heard her say something along the lines of, "what a shame. You're so hot after all." They seemed to get closer and I fell asleep sometime in the middle of the boring make out session that followed. I woke to loud moans from the girl in the living room. I was confused but somewhat happy she seemed to have found a way to enjoy their hookup after all. She moaned some more and from the sounds of it he was fucking her brains out in full gear. Suddenly, she stopped and in a hurried thump, she pushed him away again. "Too much, I'm so sorry." "It was only the tip." I heard Chester, alluring as ever. "It's not even fully hard, look," he seemed so proud but she sounded horrified. "Just lick it for me. I'm already close to full mast." She ran out of objections as she seemed to move closer again. "Oh, that... smell," she sounded weak. "Take it in. Inhale it. Give in. Just one lick, be mine," there was Chester's hypnotizing tone again. I was sure it must have been working on the girl, too, as I was certainly getting hard in my room. If only I would have a chance to take out a girl soon and try my best to make her feel pleasure like that. I almost decided to take notes, planning on using these lines on a date once I'd found the confidence. Pretending to learn from my roommate helped me feel less guilty for sporting a boner just by listening in on his conquests. Even though I was sure he wouldn't have cared much judging by his unwavering confidence. A sloppy noice ensued but was soon followed by a shriek of disgust, "it's so... wet." "I can't help it. You're hot, babe, that's all on you. So close. Just... ugh... lick it" I was glued to his every word but soon she pushed away again and Chester sighed. "Gross. I won't drown in your slobber. It's all over me." "Just a little longer, I'm on the edge, please. Taste it just once." Even I was thinking, please just put the man out of his misery. But she didn't care anymore. "No." Another sight before she shuffled to get her clothes. A long silence, only clothes slipping on. "I understand," Chester said in a disappointed but still sweet voice. "Shame. You're hot and caring. What a waste." "Need me to take you home?" "No, you get cleaned up, I'll call a cab." She kissed him on the cheek or forehead and headed out. Chester cussed not a second after the door closed.

When she left, I thought about pretending to head to the bathroom to offer some company if he needed it but Chester seemed to have transitioned to yet another jerk off session right there in the living room. After a few violent strokes, though, his efforts subsided with a simple "not the same." What a bummer! I couldn't sleep and after the living room had sounded quiet for a while, I dared a trip to the bathroom after all. Chester was asleep on the couch in his underwear. His hairy chest heaving under his breath. I walked over to grab a blanket from the edge of the couch when I noticed a huge wet spot on Chester's boxers. Only then, did I notice the smell in the room. It was a war zone of hormones and pheromones. The closer I got to Chester, the stronger it got. The closer I stepped, the more my knees trembled, like I was treading on forbidden grounds. I still couldn't believe how huge his bulge looked, even bigger under the wet spot in the dark. It was really getting chilly so I threw a blanket throw over Chester and finally headed to the bathroom. When I came back, I saw he had wrapped himself in it completely. I almost stepped into a used condom which the couple had tossed on the floor. It was filled and overflowing with a clear and gooey liquid. From what I could tell, it was Chester's insane amounts of precum. Before I could think, I was drawn in by the sight and I almost touched the wet mess out of curiosity. I felt queasy like I had earlier when I had slipped on Chester's boxers. Just as my fingers were about to touch the mucusy liquid, Chester shifted on the couch and I jumped. I didn't even remember approaching the condom and was more than glad I hadn't touched it. Gross! When I slipped into my own bed, I was once again hard as a rock. Once again, I couldn't bring myself to jerk off out of solidarity for Chester and fell asleep thinking about how I could get as smooth with girls as Chester for I was sure I wouldn't have girls run away thinking I'd be too big or too wild.

I tried my best to comfort and distract Chester in these trying times as he seemed more irritated than usual. He'd been closer than ever to reclaiming his position as an alpha male on the hockey team and I knew how much it must mean to him. I surprised him with pancakes--I'd texted Dave for his recipe--and Chester, in return, quickly changed into a dry pair of boxers, removed the condom and cleaned the mess before I would notice. I never admitted I'd seen it anyway the night before, nor did I want Chester to know I'd almost touched it when curiosity got the better of me. Thank goodness, there was always some school assignment complicated enough for me to ask for his help, which seemed to do the trick. Deep down he could be a bit of a nerd when he tried hard enough.

"Screw dates, tonight is about having fun," Chester proclaimed on the morning of Halloween, which conveniently fell on a Friday. I was glad to see he was doing better and agreed to come to a party with him and the hockey team. "Maybe we'll even find girls crazy enough to come home with us," I said, mostly trying to cheer him up. Chester sounded confident once again, "Tonight we're on the hunt." We'd be out on a hunt as a pack and I was part of it. I was proud they let me come along and learn from the top dogs. After all, it was only fitting Chester had agreed to wear the costume I'd picked out for him, surely he'd be the most terrifying monster out that night: a Werewolf!

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