Choose Your Fate

By Proxxy Flox

Published on May 6, 2020


CHOOSE YOUR FATE By FloxPublishing

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Chapter 4: Game

Saturday before Halloween had been the first time I'd heard my roommate in action with a girl. As much as I tried to get it off my mind, I was unable to forget about the passion, the wild sounds, the animal Chester seemed to become in the act. As I came to think of it, it'd also been the first time I heard anyone have sex, save for the few times I thought I'd heard my brother Nolan beat it in his room when we were younger, or Chester's nighttime solo sessions which, more often than not, ended much louder than he might have anticipated with the thin walls in our apartment. Or, judging by his unshakable confidence, he also probably didn't care if he was sharing his pleasure with others.

And there I sat in front of my homework, thinking about everything but the chemical equations I should have been studying. Although we'd become close friends, I could not figure out why I was so entranced with Chester. Strong, hairy, constantly horny--he was everything I wasn't. In fact, maybe this was why we complemented each other so well, besides our passion for marine science and doing pretty great in school, I guess. But even if I was just admiring his manly qualities, wishing to be more like Chester, how could I, a scrawny Irish kid, ever be as ferocious and wild as Chester, especially in bed. Is it even a skill that could be learned?

"Hey, Finn?" I jumped out of chair; I did not hear Chester come in. Boy, was I glad he couldn't hear my thoughts spinning around in weird places. "Pretty jumpy today, huh?" "I guess, what's up?" I slowly collected myself. He pulled out two shirts from behind his back, one more like the other. "Which one is better for a casual date?" I eyed them both, not sure I could even see a big difference between the blue and the black one. To illustrate, he stripped off his jeans and undershirt and threw on one shirt after the other. "Why'd you kick off your pants?" He didn't know either and just shrugged with his signature grin. "Habit, I suppose." Chester paraded both shirts which, to me, looked exactly the same. I asked him to switch between the shirts a whole three times, partly because I enjoyed seeing him struggle with the buttons on one of them because the button holes were too tight. But, as he said, "there's no such thing as too tight." Seeing Chester's hairy chest flex every time was just as exciting to me as I still admired his body, so different from mine, and a bit jealous my orange fuzz didn't live up to his manly measures. When he did another spin, I got a glance at the surreal bulge in his cotton boxers again, still unable to process the thought he could pack this big of a dick. "Maybe try the other again, the difficult one," I laughed. He finally caught on. "No. I see. You're just messing with me." He pulled me into a headlock and my face slammed against his chest. Through the open shirt, I got a quick close-up of Chester's body hair, which still seemed like fur to me. I felt some coarse hairs pierce through the satin shirt and it tickled my cheeks. I didn't like the impact it had on me so I started to struggle, trying to get away. "Oh no you won't," his deep voice reverberated in his chest. Chester had experience wrestling in the past, so he instinctively clamped down. He did a sidestep and, to hold me in place, pulled me lower to his abs, my face inching the tiniest bit closer to his crotch. Before I realized what was happening, I got a whiff of a whole new sensation, unlike anything I'd smelled before. Similar but so different from Chester's usual musky body scent I'd gotten so used to smelling all over the apartment. I took a gulp of what must have been a wave of pheromones, or pure testosterone, a musky smell washing over me straight from his crotch. It smelled not unclean but was so potent it made my knees quiver. My body started to shake and my legs gave in until I fell over and landed at Chester's feet. I looked up at Chester towering over me, not sure what had happened or what this new sensation could have been. As my eyes traveled up his body, they caught a glimpse up his boxers. A fur of hair ran up his muscular thighs into a darkness that felt dangerous and mysterious, concealing what lay hidden underneath. Through the cotton boxers, his bulge looked massive and I was sure it must have been a trick of perspective before I tore my gaze away and met his eyes. "You okay? Sorry, wrestling reflexes." He laughed as he extended his hand to help me up. I was panting but not so much from physical exertion. We decided the blue one would be a degree less formal for a causal date and Chester began putting on his clothes. I asked if it was the same girl from last night, secretly admiring her ability to handle Chester as well as she did. "No," he laughed it off, "She said she got more than she signed up for." I nodded compassionately, really feeling for her. "Tonight's date is a girl from my hometown. If I'm lucky I'll be taking her on the same cruise." He winked at me and briefly tugged on his crotch before zipping up his jeans. This time I was sure my eyes weren't mistaken about the size of his bulge as it seemed to grow slightly and twitch just the smallest bit before it disappeared into the denim.

As soon as I was done with my homework, I needed to get out of the house to avoid thinking about sex or the lack of my sex life. I met with buddy from class at the café and had soon forgotten about the events earlier. My friend introduced me to a pretty girl he had met a semester or two ago. I thought we really hit it off when she changed the conversation. "Hey, you're roommates with this really cute guy on the hockey team, right?" I just stared at her not sure what to say. I was sure a lot of the hockey guys were popular with girls on campus and a lot of them had roommates. "You know, the one who looks a bit like the guy from that dinosaur movie reboot, you know Jurassic Land--" "World." I cut her short but she went on. "Or like that guy from that boyband reboot, the cute one. Well, he got more sexy since he grew some body hair. What's his--" "Nick." I was short with her because I was not too excited talking about reboots of boybands or movies. And I'd deduced that, yes, she was indeed talking about my roommate so I decided to give her what she wanted to hear hoping we could move on faster. "Chester." "Huh?" "Yes, my roommate is Chester. Number 13 on the team." "Oh that's his name?" "Yeah. And I fear he's taken from what I know." I wasn't sure why I said it and though I hoped for Chester's sake that he would landed a girl again tonight, I really didn't want it to be that girl. She just didn't seem genuine enough and I felt Chester deserved better. "That's a shame," she went on, "He's really hot." I shrugged, "I guess." She pulled me closer. "Don't tell anyone I said this but my friend told me, and she's a cheerleader so she should be able to handle it, that he's, like... untamable in bed. Like, there's a reason they call him the Beast." There was that title again. I wasn't sure why she felt like she had to share this information with me. I did my best to make her feel heard and tried very hard to find a believable excuse to slip out as soon as I could, even though it meant having to listen to her tell me about her own sexual exploits on the soccer team, which she found hilarious when I called it football. I made up an excuse to head out with my buddy and he apologized the entire way home for setting me up with her and not stepping in sooner.

That night was spent with the TV and eventually my hand. Funny how boredom often leads to masturbation. After I failed to cum as intensely as the night before, I gave up on trying to go for a second round again as it had only worked once without me even noticing. Around midnight, I woke up to Chester leading his new date into his room. I lay silently debating like the night before, whether to use earphones to give them the privacy they deserved or to try to go back to sleep with a small chance to catch a snippet or two of their passion play. Needless to say, curiosity won out and as much as I was determined to fall asleep quickly, I couldn't help but listen to Chester and this new girl get close. They must have been far along in their make-out game as they bumped into what must have been the desk and then the bed along the way. "Come on," I heard Chester. He sounded almost impatient until I heard the girl moan once. Then, some shuffling, some clothes rubbing against skin before flying off. "They're gorgeous," Chester whispered before diving in. She giggled, "it tickles. Careful, your beard." I rolled my eyes and almost reached for my headphones after all. When a zipper cut through the night, it was once again met with a gasp. Chester moved on, apparently to rip off his clothes himself when she paused, "Oh no. I don't think so." "What?" Chester and I said at the same time. I quickly covered my mouth so as not to alert them. "Come on, I know you want it. You know it. Look, touch it. It wants you." I began to sweat, man Chester's game was strong! "There's no way. No one can handle that," she said decidedly as she began gathering her clothes. "Baby, we'll take it slow until you can't get enough. Come closer, touch it. Smell it." Damn, I thought. Chester must be desperate. And I almost felt sorry for him, he sounded so disappointed. "We'll do nothing you don't want to do," he said with a tone of care in his voice. I thought it was sweet; but I also could not fathom what kind of beast this girl was looking at right now. Chester must have managed to get her back on the bed with him as she seemed to calm down. She even whimpered at some presumed form of touch. "See, it's not as scary up close." "Did you just... finish?" She sounded confused. "Just pre. He's excited. Helps it slip in easier. Which ever way you--" My thoughts trailed off. What copious amounts of pre-cum could he produce to confuse her so? I questioned my own virility more and more. Maybe my game wasn't nearly at the level it should have been. Maybe that's why my dates had not really gone anywhere. It sounded like he had the girl almost where he wanted her. "Come on now, just touch it. Come closer. Smell it. Feel it. All it takes is one touch." How poetic, I muttered. Would she do it? "I don't know," she said, almost like in a trance. What games was he playing with her? I got more and more curious. "You'll want it. You'll crave it once you give in. They always do," he sounded horny. This should have done the trick to push anyone over the edge, I thought, as I felt a familiar sensation in my pants. Without touching myself I had cum in my pants! I gave into the wave of pleasure, biting my lip so as not to make a sound. "No," her determination returned. "Maybe you should call up one of your many conquests then. Whatever slut is stupid enough to get impaled." She hastily slipped on what she could and stormed out. Chester ran after her but from the sound of the door slamming, I knew he didn't succeed. "Damn it!" He sounded more sad than angry. I still lay in my bliss post orgasm and wasn't able to shift much. I had only managed to kick off the blankets in order not to get them messy when I heard Chester move to the living room.

He turned on the TV and soon I heard him return to a familiar rhythm of wanking and quiet moaning. I thought I'd heard him jerk off in the living room before but this time, he seemed much closer. Maybe I didn't pay much attention over the past few times but that night it was almost like I was in the room with him. I felt so connected until I realized the creeping smell that seemed to intensify whenever Chester went at it. This familiar musk with a hint of sex. As I connected the dots, more subconscious than anything, it reminded me of the whiff I had taken involuntarily straight from the source when Chester held me in a headlock earlier. And yet, I could not imagine what it must have been like for the girl to be even closer to Chester and his gunk. I shook my head, trying not to think about my roommate jerking off in the living room but soon I found my hand wandering to my crotch and my fingers wrapping around my still wet and gooey dick. Listening to Chester's motions, my dick was rock hard again in a moment and I slowly stroked with help of the wads of cum all over my pubes, lubing it up and making the experience more pleasurable. Without much thought, my rhythm matched Chester's and soon we both got closer and closer. Chester's moans intensified and I was glad because that way he wouldn't be able to hear my whimpers and suppressed groans. I surprised myself when I shot a load all over my chest, even though I'd just cum a little while ago. Breathing heavily, I listened to Chester tense up and release a loud moan that was clearly loaded with climactic pleasure. I even thought I'd be able to hear globs of cum land heavily on Chester's body. I wondered how high he must have shot for it to come splashing down like that and kept fantasizing how it must look soaking in all over his forest of hair. "Damn," I heard him shuffle and frantically pull tissues out of the tissue box we keep next to the TV. Now I knew why it was there in the first place. He must have made an incredible mess as he seemed to struggle cleaning up and eventually went for a late night shower. I decided to wait until the morning instead to clean up.

After a full eight hours of sleep, I immediately regretted not cleaning up the night before as dried cum was flaking off of my body. Chester knocked on my door to ask if I wanted to come to lunch but I refused. I used the time alone to sneak out of my room naked and hop into the shower. On my way into the bathroom, I spotted the tissue box. It was empty. My mind ran wild trying to fathom the rivers Chester must have produced to soak up an entire box of tissues. I looked down upon my own dick, flopping as I walked. In the bathroom, I found a condom on the sink, the wrapper half-opened. I guessed Chester must have had it ready when the girl stormed out on him. I took the condom and slipped it out of the foil. I looked at it and unrolled it. Sure enough, my dick had sprung to life, not so much at the sight of the unused condom but rather by subconsciously imagining it slipping over the member of its intended owner. I reached down and slipped it over my own dick. It must have been the wrong size because it was much looser than I expected and my dick didn't fill it out sufficiently. Another moment of marvel at what kind of monster Chester must pack but I was unable to picture it exactly. Nor was I able to imagine a condom filling up and flowing over with semen as I thought I'd heard happening last time Chester was successful in a conquest. Met with another wave of guilt, my dick went limp and the condom slipped off, falling to the tile floor like the shed skin of a dangerous boa constrictor. This ended my fantasy of maybe going for another round of self pleasure and I finally hopped into the cold water as I was already almost running late for class.

When I finally got to see Chester, we didn't have time for a lot of discourse besides him once again apologizing for being too loud and me giving him a comforting hug muttering something along the lines of "didn't go so well, huh?" We played a quick game of Kart, he kicked my ass and before I could get my revenge, it was time for my night class.

That night, Chester tried to pick up yet another girl. I though it was unusual for a school night and speculated he must be really desperate after last night's date. I knew he liked to be admired and could only imagine how he must feel after one of his marked conquest had slipped away. Unfortunately for Chester, Monday's date was a repeat of Sunday's. Chester's wooing got him almost all the way but as soon as the girl got face to face with his dick, she bailed without taking the bait. This time, he wasn't even up for a round of jerk off after she left. Out of solidarity I decided not to jerk off either.

Tuesday morning, he was back to his usual moxie. He swore to score tonight as he had another date lined up. I asked him if he could teach me how to even score as many dates and he laughed, not sure it was a more serious question on my part. He ruffled my hair, "as soon as I'm back on my game, I'll teach you so much you won't even have tome to study anymore." I knew it was a joke but I sure enjoyed the attention.

During my get-away-from-homework jog in the afternoon, I was pulled aside by Chester's buddy Dave from the hockey team. I'd met him before but we never really had a conversation outside of a social setting. "I'm sure you heard but Chester's been struggling a little bit at the moment." I nodded, assuming he was referring to the last two dates that didn't go so well. "Not sure if two unsuccessful dates is reason for alarm, Dave." I laughed but he pulled me close. "Oh, buddy boy. You know why we call Chester the Beast, right?" I nodded, even though I wasn't too sure why or how exactly he had earned this title. "The Beast needs to feed. He's on top of the food chain, kid. You're lucky enough to be living with Chester. Watch and learn, kid. Front row. This man's got game like no other. But if the Beast goes hungry, you don't wanna be stuck in the same cave. Or else, you'll be the first to get eaten." A shiver ran down my spine, unsure how to read these words. He went on, "If Chester can't score, no one can. Until he gets laid, all girls are off limits. It's an unspoken code on the team. You don't want to never go on a date ever again, do you?" I gulped. Lucky for me, Jack, another of Chester's hockey buds came along. Jack was more rational and saw immediately what was going on. Jack pushed Dave aside with a reprimanding look. "Don't scare him off. Never mind him, Finn. Dave's just scared Chester might go after his girlfriend. She's a hottie." Dave grunted in the corner. "What he's saying, Finn, is maybe you could stay over at our place tonight. Just one night. Give Chester some room. Let him get back on his game." "I don't know," was all I had to say. "Come on, we'll have a good time. We even got a great home theater set up. Chester will fuck someone's brains out and he'll owe you big time. How does that sound?" He stretched out his hand for me to shake. Helping out Chester? Least I could do for everything he'd helped me out with. I shook on it. "Sweet, bud. See you tonight."

When I packed my bags to head over to Jack's, Chester came into my room. He held up three bags and tossed one to me. "What's that?" I opened it. It was a dining coupon for the high end campus restaurant. "For me?" "Yeah, take someone you like out, go on a binge. I won't say no if you wanna get take out sometime. Just us. Quiet night in." I was flustered. "You sure? That place is expensive." "Don't sweat it, coach hands these out like paper." I punched his shoulder, "so I get your scraps, thanks, man." We laughed. It felt good to share a good laugh, a genuine and rare moment. "Thanks for doing this. I owe you big time." He gestured toward my overnight bag. "Anything for the team," I winked. "So, what's with the other bags?" He handed them over. "Found these in the old storage room. Halloween costumes. Thought we could pick some out and head to the Halloween Bash on Friday." "Interesting. I thought the hockey team was way too cool for the school events." I gave him a hard time. "I thought you'd like to go. You know, your first semester and all. Besides, Nolan says you clearly need a chaperone." I met him with a glare. He continued, "We can pick up some chicks have a good time." "You focus on yours tonight. Go score. You're intense when you're horny." "I'm always horny." I looked through the bags of costumes. "So, what do you think, what should I be? Pick one." Chester went back to his signature flex pose and I rolled my eyes. I tossed a costume to him, "Apparently you're the Beast all year round. For Halloween, it's only fair you get to be a Werewolf." He flexed some more and howled almost too convincingly because it made me shudder to the bones.

Next: Chapter 5

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