Choose Your Fate

By Proxxy Flox

Published on Apr 9, 2020


Email (Free to display): Author (name requested): FloxPublishing Date: Apr 9th, 2020

Genre Suggestion: Gay Male, College

Title: Choose Your Fate Chapter: 3

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CHOOSE YOUR FATE By FloxPublishing

Copyright 2020 all rights reserved by the author.

This story, including all preceding and successive chapters, is a work of fiction and was created as a literary contribution for the sake of Art alone. Similarities of any kind are purely coincidental and unintended. The story does not necessarily represent the perspective of the authors and does not intend to endorse messages or practices in any form or to any extent.

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Chapter 3: The Beast

Halloween drew closer and and the nights got longer. I am a night person myself and I was thriving. I loved watching the trees shed colorful leaves, the decorations going up across town, and the smell of candy in the library. We had started putting up decorations at home, too. My roommate Chester and I got along super well and had a lot of fun dressing up our room in the style of a creepy forest. Weeks into the quarter, we had become best friends and despite the slight difference in age and class level, we formed a strong bond. One of the biggest reasons our living together worked so smoothly was my brother Nolan's frequent calls. Chester and I were equally excited whenever Nolan sent updates in the mail or when he checked in on us via video calls. Nolan's semester abroad was going well and although he had been gone for mere weeks, he had already gotten an offer to extend his stay for a full school year continuing some research he was working on. "Only if we're able to stay with you on our inevitable visit," I muttered, a little disappointed I might not get to see him as soon as I'd hoped. "I've always wanted to go to Japan," Chester added. "Sounds like one heck of a road trip," he cheered while pulling me into a headlock. Maybe having a designated connection abroad wouldn't be so bad after all.

The week before Halloween, campus was wild with parties, or as wild as it could get for our small town. Our school was not big on social events as most students lived off campus--and, of course, due to the cold Alaskan weather. I was planning on at least stopping by at one party before the spooky season was over to say hi to a few of my classmates but I was too busy still catching up with schoolwork I'd missed in the summer quarter. Besides, I didn't have a costume ready. Hockey season was in full swing and Chester was out most nights as practices ramped up. Nevertheless, Chester always managed to swing by just before parties died down to have a drink with a friend or pick up a girl for the night. Chester was big with girls and I admired his confidence--seriously, how could he not be popular with his strong physique and build. I always tried to give him some space and stayed late at the library when he was planning on bringing girls home. For some reason I thought like it was his territory and I didn't want to interfere. Even though I didn't score with girls at all given my focus on academics this term, I was proud of Chester and proud to call him my friend. He had earned the title of "the Beast" among his buddies, which I learned the first time he introduced me to his friend Jack who stopped by one night to drop off a hockey bag for Chester. "You can learn a lot from this guy," Jack told me with a pat on the back. "Anyone rooming with the Beast should be proud to be in the front rows. Watch and learn, dude" he continued. Jack was almost as tall as Chester but looked more traditionally groomed and shaven, especially as they stood next to each other. "I don't know about that," Chester chimed in while fishing some dirty laundry out of his bag. "Seriously, where do you think Nolan got his game from," Jack insisted and just like that he was gone with a high five to both of us. "Never mind him," Chester said half flustered but not uncomfortable. If I'd learned one thing about Chester, he liked to be admired. I laughed thinking Nolan had indeed suddenly become pretty popular with girls even though he'd never been a hot shot in high school. That night, I returned to school work and soon forgot about Chester's status or the dating tricks I could learn from him. However, when we both watched TV later that night in the living room, I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of Chester's crotch, which he seemed to touch nonchalantly from time to time without any efforts to hide the very large bulge that sat naturally between his legs. His eyes were glued to the screen. Not sure if it was the odor still lingering from Chester's sports bag or if he hadn't had time to shower yet, but the manly smell in the air once again caught my attention. I'd gotten somewhat used to Chester's musk that seemed to surround him a lot of times. It wasn't a smell unclean or unwashed but unmistakable once you'd identified it. Most people probably only picked up on it subconsciously, making Chester popular with guys who adored his virility without noticing why. I wondered if it was the oozing testosterone that allowed him to be so successful with girls without realizing that it might have the same effect on me while I adjusted in the seat and, unbeknownst to Chester or me, successfully concealed the semi hard tent that had formed in my pants. It was a dangerous scent, like pheromones sneaking into your subconscious and bypassing all defenses before you realize you're giving into it. I was even more surprised to find a shimmering spot of dried precum in my underwear when I took them off before slipping into bed. Before I had a chance to think about it, a faint grunt from Chester's room caught me off guard and I shot a load without even touching myself. By then, I should have been used to Chester's night-time routines. Even though I avoided Chester's female conquests and never witnessed more than a girl walking out of our apartment, Chester dedicated little effort holding back groans and moans of pleasure when he released some tension alone. On nights I retreated early, I thought I'd even heard moans from the living room once or twice. Chester's confidence amazed me almost as much as his stamina as he would give into pleasure almost on the daily and from the sounds of it, he enjoyed it a lot! My sex drive was much lower, which made his needs, which seemed almost animalistic to me, the more fascinating. I cursed at the gooey mess in front of me, careful not to alert my roommate.

On Saturday before Halloween, Chester and I finally found some time to finish a class project we had been working on. Chester had agreed to mentor me as he was a TA for my lab. After we had finished up the report, we decided to catch the last few rays of sunlight during a walk across the park near campus to get some fresh air. Chester told me he wanted to stop by at a party later that day and asked if I wanted to come. When I told him I still had some work to finish he put me in a headlock once again. "Come on, bud, you have to go to at least one before Halloween." I agreed, mostly to break free. "I'll race you home. You lose, you come along," he shouted, already running. "That's cheating," I countered, struggling to catch up. Of course, he beat me to the apartment. "All right, you have to pay up, get ready." "Fine," I mumbled as I picked out a sweater that could pass as a makeshift costume. "A bet's a bet," Chester announced as he placed a plastic spider in the hood of my sweater. As he pulled off his shirt, a little sweaty from the sprint, I was once more taken aback by the jungle of fur that ran across his body and instinctively took a step back, as though I was in some kind of danger. Chester pulled on a button-up while sniffing his pits. "Do I smell? No time to shower, we're already late." He stepped close to have me sniff his body and a familiar musk filled my nostrils. "You kind of always have this, uhm, natural aroma," was all I could say. He looked at me for a second until he realized I was joking. "Kidding, you're fine. You always smell like some musky aftershave anyhow. Not bad, actually." He ruffled my hair as he ushered me through the door. "Good. Might come in handy." I turned to look at him a bit puzzled, not sure I actually wanted to know. "You know, might help me slay someone tonight. Kinda like pheromones in the wild." He winked at me before letting out a howl.

At the party, I ran into some friends from my classes. I was drawn into a conversation and watched Chester disappear into a far corner with a girl he had been eyeing the entire evening. I was happy for him and turned my attention to a girl from my class I had a small crush on. We ended up having a lot of fun but besides a kiss on the cheek at the cake bar, I didn't get much farther. She left with a friend of mine before the party was over, which was okay since they had a dating history from previous semesters. I wasn't jealous but tired from the hours of studying all day and decided to call it a night.

Despite my intention to hit the hay early, I ended up reading a comic book late into the night. It must have been one or two when I heard Chester come home. He was in company of a girl and from the sounds of it it was the girl he had pursued all night. I smiled, happy for him as I turned off the lights. It didn't take long until they barricaded themselves in Chester's room with the sounds of a passionate make out. Just like during Chester's solo sessions, I was able to hear unmistakably what was going on in the next room. I instinctively reached for headphones to give them some privacy but something stopped me from blocking out the couple completely. There was something so forbidden and new about the sounds of pure lust and passion. Soon, clothes began to drop and I heard the girl gasp, "oh my. I've never seen anything like..." "Shh," I heard Chester muffle her voice. "Be polite. My roomie." I was flattered Chester thought of me in the heat of it all but something made me wish he hadn't stopped her. Curiosity got the better of me as I wondered what surprised her so. "It's like... fur." "Touch it." Ah, I thought to myself, she'd marveled at Chester's ample body hair. Been there. Somehow I thought it was strange that I was able to identify with the girl so much even though I'd never met her. I held my breath as I listened to hands undressing, brushing over coarse hair and eventually the sounds of a zipper. She gasped again, more like a shriek. "Like it?" I could feel Chester's smirk beaming. "It's too--" "You'll get used to it. I believe in you." As shocked as she sounded at first she didn't stop judging by Chester's moans, a sound I was well familiar with. "Can I?" Apparently, she wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon either. "Only if you're okay with if. You know, once the Beast is unleashed, there's no way out." A passionate kiss sealed the deal as they shifted in Chester's bed. Like a forbidden audiobook, I listened to their muffled conversation while my own member poked at the inside of my boxers to get my attention. I still felt guilty but couldn't help but brush softly against my boner. By then, Chester must have flipped the girl as he shifted. He let out a primordial howl, not concerned about noise any longer, and the girl let out a drawn out groan. I wasn't sure if it was a sound of pain or pleasure, aware that the two were closely linked in the animal kingdom. I was so entranced by their lovemaking that I didn't notice I had stripped naked and was pumping away in the rhythm of their thrusting. Chester picked up the pace as the girl started whimpering. With each thrust, he growled like an actual beast devouring his prey. His stamina was impressive. When he flipped her again with a howl and audibly got close, I picked up my pace again. My hand was wet, I was sweating profusely. Chester pushed harder and deeper until he collapsed in familiar moans of waves of pleasure. The girl was out of breath and so was I as I shot a load all over my face and chest with a whimper, still listening to Chester's rough breaths of lust. As I slowly came to, I noticed I had shot my second load in a row. I couldn't remember having cum twice in one sitting before and was afraid they might have heard me. "Rubber's leaking," she sounded concerned as she appeared to get dressed already. "Filled it up real good. To the brink." Chester's voice was full of pride. "Don't get it on me," she said as the door opened. Even as I couldn't imagine how he would be able to fill up a full condom, I didn't put it past him judging by his wild groans. At the thought of it, my dick quivered, almost ready to get hard again. I willed it down and wiped the mess as well as I could in the dark. Indeed, the girl left and it didn't take Chester long to fall asleep. I, however, couldn't sleep at all. I was still replaying what had happened in my mind, wondering what might have made the girl gasp and whimper so much. I had admired Chester before but hearing his brute strength in action with such animalistic pleasure was a new experience to me. I was disgusted at the mess I'd made and ashamed I listened in instead of giving them some privacy. Not so much at the orgasm I had experienced as it had been more intense than any I could remember in the past. As I slowly gave in to fatigue, I couldn't help but take in the smells of the aftermath of sex. My cum still on my cheek, sweat, and I imagined I could even smell Chester's musk again, mixed with luring hormones. I could even imagine a whiff of Chester's overflowing condom and couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like to observe the encounter up close. Maybe I would have been as shocked as the girl? Of course, only to learn something and maybe, be as confident as Chester someday. For science.

I didn't wake up until noon the next day. Chester had already finished breakfast. I snuck into the cabinet to stealthily wash my sheets when he walked in past me to pick up a fresh load of his own bedding. "Laundry day, eh?" He walked past with a pat on my back and his signature smirk. I still wasn't sure if he'd heard me last night. Unsure what to say, I successfully avoided him in my room until I got so hungry I gave in and prepared some pancakes in the kitchen. Chester joined me for a second breakfast. He didn't act different than usual so I took a bite, thinking I was in the clear. "About last night," he started. I choked on my pancake. "So sorry it got a bit wild yesterday." He looked at me, waiting for a response. "Ya probably heard quite a bit," he continued. "Don't worry." I shrugged it off. Thinking about it, I concluded he was probably too busy to pay attention to a roomie potentially jerking off in the room next door. "Glad you had a good time," I winked at him. He devoured a pancake almost whole as he took in the attention. "There's something you have to know about me," he said while still holding his signature hero's pose wanting to be admired. "When I get started, I can't stop. It's like I'm in a feeding frenzy. A trance." I didn't know what to say so I responded with a bashful, "I think I could tell. Sounded pretty wild." By then, we had finished and moved on to do the dishes. "Too much testosterone flowing through these veins." He flexed and I got another whiff of his musk, the smell of sex still lingering. "Ew, dude. Seems your sheets are the only thing you washed," I teased. "Or are you still on the prowl?" We laughed. Even he caught a whiff and dodged his own odor. "You're right, gonna hop in the shower. Else, imma get horny again and who knows who's gonna be my dinner tonight." He patted his bulge and smirked at me. I knew he was just teasing but for a second I imagined his bulge twitched lightly. Must have been my imagination. I turned to finish the dishes but judging from his extra long shower he might have jerked off yet again in the bathroom to make sure he wouldn't jump the first person he encountered. Wow, I thought, never thought someone could be this horny. But I was soon to discover how horny Chester could really get when his lucky streak with the girls came to a halt and I was stuck at home with the most horny roommate in history.

Next: Chapter 4

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