Choose Your Fate

By Proxxy Flox

Published on Mar 18, 2020


CHOOSE YOUR FATE By FloxPublishing

Copyright 2020 all rights reserved by the author.

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Chapter 2: Testosterone

The next morning, I woke up around noon. I hadn't realized how exhausted I actually was from all the excitement of the move. I peeked towards the window. It looked overcast and dim even though it was the middle of the day. As winter crept closer, the days grew shorter fast. As I lay looking over the room, I remembered last night's foray into Chester's room and how exciting the short adventure felt. I noticed a small tent forming in my bed and remembered I hadn't paid much attention to myself in almost a week amidst all the commotion of moving. I stroked the bulge softly for a few minutes. My mind drifting off, not thinking about anything in particular, when I felt like I could still smell the musky scent from the night before. My boner was throbbing lightly under my imagination when I came to. I banished the odd thoughts from my mind, more disgusted at the thought of getting off to what must have been an old pile of crusty sports equipment but nonetheless curious at the sensation. I drew back the covers and as my hand finally slipped under the covers, the sheer coldness of my fingers ended the session of self-pleasure in an instant. I cursed my condition and the perpetually cold touch which had ended many a pleasurable night in prematurely. I jumped out of bed and decided to take it slow, warmed up in the shower, made some breakfast, unpacked the last boxes, nothing overly exciting. Later, I had some business on campus and by the time I walked back home, I was almost cold enough to take another shower. Instead, I warmed up by baking some cookies. I pulled a final batch out of the oven when I heard the front door open. It was Chester, packed with two large bags, hockey sticks and skates sticking out. "Hey, bud," was all he said as he squeezed through the door before pulling me into a tight bear hug. "Hi Chester," was all I could say under the layers of jackets squeezing me but he didn't let go. "So sorry it took so long. Roads froze over early. But we won the match!" He finally dropped me to fish a trophy out of his bag. I admired the trophy as he posed with it like a Greek statue. Well, I also admired Chester--mostly him, actually. I'd met him before but never really noticed how strong he was. Chester wasn't overly tall, maybe six foot, but tall enough to tower over me. His broad shoulders were in line with his strong torso, not too lean but definitely packing significant muscles, visible even under all the layers. His thighs supported his pose with a healthy balance of muscle and curves. I never noticed how well-proportioned his body was until that night. I shook out of my admiration and forced my eyes back to his face. His dark brown eyes looked back at me with a sincere grin surrounded by stubble growing into a beard in some more bushy spots. "It's pretty awesome, dude," I finally gave him the response he wanted to hear. He rushed into his room to drop off some luggage before checking out the baking goods. "Those are dangerous," he said as he snatched a cookie and shoved it entirely into his mouth. "How come," I inquired as I watched him devour a second. "There's no such thing as too much of a good thing. You'll have to hide them or I'll have them all. Not very good at controlling myself once I lick blood, you see." He winked at me licking his fingers before he started unbuttoning his shirt slowly. I watched him with a puzzled look until I realized he wasn't going to stop, adding to my confusion. He dropped the shirt, pulled off an undershirt and dropped it onto the pile on the floor, revealing a mighty chest covered in fur. Muscles and smooth skin ran under a forest of hair complementing his build, not chubby nor body-builder-grade lean. I felt like his chest was incredibly hairy compared to my own peach fuzz all over my body and I inadvertently took a tiny step towards Chester, looking at the hairs running all over like cobwebs, covering his pecs and abs, getting more dense as they led deeper towards his belt. A whiff of sweat washed over me that made me recoil instinctively. "What are you doing?" I asked as he pulled off his belt. "Sorry, bud, haven't showered in two days." He sniffed his armpit and made a disgusted face. "Ugh, ripe to hit the shower." He pulled off his pants and picked up his pile before walking off only in boxers and socks. I glanced at his hairy legs as he turned the corner. "Sorry you have to smell that. The curse of being a man, I guess." I watched him shoulder a towel and disappear into the bathroom. Only when I heard the water turn on, I was able to mutter, "it's okay." The scent still lingered and I recognized the same notes from last night, it was manly and strong, reeked of power Was this the missing note? As I wondered whether the smell was just two days of sports or if Chester had laid some girls along the way, I realized the scent must be pure testosterone. I quickly recovered as the cookies overpowered even Chester's musk and I figured it was none of my business what Chester did in private or who he was with when he felt the urge. My boner, which I had sprouted in quiet at the emergence of the smell begged for attention but I convinced myself that it must be the desperation after not touching myself in so long. Thankfully, Nolan called to end my imaginary trip into hornyland to give me an update on his arrival abroad.

I was about to hang up when Chester walked by wrapped only in a towel. He saw Nolan on the screen and the guys chatted for a moment, which gave me another second to look at Chester's wet body. He had trimmed his stubble enough to look younger than before but the hair still sprung out enough to assert their potency. I subtly glanced across his abs towards his towel and almost coughed at the size of the bulge I through I'd seen in the quick glance I'd dared. My brother's voice ripped me out of my imagination. Nolan asked if Chester was being the nice roomie he'd promised to be and told him to throw on a shirt at least to be courteous. "Treat him like one of your girls, Chez," Nolan joked. "I don't think he could handle that," Chester laughed as he pulled me into a wet headlock. I was surprised that he still had a strong scent to him, not sweaty or unclean but wooden and still musky. "Don't break my lil bro just yet. You need to go to sleep, you horndog," Nolan hung up. "Good to have you around," Chester ruffled my hair, and we said good night. As Chester's door closed I finally relaxed. There was something about this guy that made me react in unprecedented ways. Somehow he really got to me and I could not control it.

Finally in bed, I decided to finally pay attention to the problem in my nether region. I quietly pulled down my boxers, lotion and tissues at the ready. Luckily I never needed much stimulation and most days the thought of jerking off alone gave me enough fuel to get off quickly. I jerked away as I heard a moan coming from Chester's room. I froze, realizing the walls were quite thin and I had to kill the audio of my fapping this instant. Then, another moan from next door. A faint noise but unmistakably a moan. Was Chester jerking off? My fantasies ran wild, as I suddenly remembered the huge bulge I thought I'd seen under his towel earlier. How big would he be? What would it look like? As strong as the rest of his body? Hairy, too? I paused, embarrassed at the thoughts. I'd never thought about a guy that way before. Not anyone, to be honest. I almost called off my jerk session when another groan from Chester's room sent me over the edge. I shot a large load that splattered all over my face and chest. So much for tissues at the ready. I cleaned as much as I could before jumping up to prevent it from leaking onto the bed, all very quiet as not to alert Chester. By then, the moaning had died down and only deep heavy breathing was audible. I slipped back into bed, taking in the faint sounds of the night, the wind outside, the occasional car in the distance. I could still smell cum on me, which usually bugged me. But not this time. It was almost as if I could smell not only my cum but also Chester's, like a strong and manly scent was seeping from under the door, invading my space with his testosterone. Is this what Chester's girls would smell after he was done with them? As much as I tried fighting these new and strange thoughts, the scents washed over me, drawing me into the deepest sleep.

I dreaded the next morning because I was not sure how much of my nighttime exercise Chester had heard. Even though he was obviously the kind of guy who did not care about others knowing about his pleasuring himself, I was uncomfortable, as though he could have heard my thoughts pondering his manliness. Luckily, it never came up and Chester's easygoing attitude made it impossible for me not to feel comfortable around him very soon. Even though the first two weeks or so were not very eventful, we bonded on a deep level. Sometimes we were equals, buddies horsing around, sometimes he was a mentor to the extent he understood adulting. Chester loved showing off his body and strength any chance he got and I learned I loved admiring it. Of course, we only joked about it until things took a radical turn closer to Halloween, when on a fateful night Chester had me just where he wanted me and my curiosity got the better of me as I learned the hard way that, with this much testosterone oozing, he really couldn't contain himself once he licked blood.

Next: Chapter 3

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