Chong Servicing Mark

By Joel V

Published on Jul 9, 2012



It was a rainy Tuesday evening. Mark Böhm, a young investment banker, just got home from work. A busy Wall Street guy like Mark never makes his own dinner so he called one of the restaurants in his neighborhood Tribeca. That evening he called his favorite Chinese restaurant, but not because he liked their food that much. Absent mindedly the investment banker watched a some porn while he waited for his order. Still dressed in his well-cut dress suit by Prada, which gave him a powerful and aggressive appearance. He took a seat on one of the leather couches. Being the quintessential Wall Street professional Mark often wore expensive suits by top brands like Hickey Freeman, Prada, Ralph Lauren and Zegna. After a tense, exciting work day this masculine young stud just wanted to release a bit of his sexual energy, fueled by his ever raging testosterone. The preppy banker began to massage his cock through the thin material of his pants. He was watching a flick with Asian girls and in this particular scene two slant-eyed sluts were licking each other's tits. Just when his big cock began to get hard, the bell rang.

Mark is one of those alpha males who really doesn't need an introduction when you meet him for the first time. He is a strikingly handsome guy. As a matter of fact Mark worked as a Ford model when he was in college. So when he opened the door of his brownstone apartment the Asian delivery boy noticed how incredibly good looking this client was. The white stud in front of him had dark blonde hair and blue eyes, features he had inherited from his German, Danish and Scottish ancestors. Mark grew up in a rustic New England town, but after high school he was admitted to Harvard to obtain degrees in Finance and Business Law. Because he graduated with a G.P.A. of 4.0 he easily found a promising position at SEI in NYC's financial district.

The young banker kept his dark blonde hair a bit short. He had a disciplined, almost military, conservative look, especially when he was wearing a clean-cut dress suit. His groomed handsome face was a schoolbook example of symmetry and his masculine jaw line radiated masculinity. With his impressive height of 6'3" Mark was so much taller than the little Asian who was just about 5'5". Mark immediately liked that contrast. But he wasn't expecting a boring delivery boy, so he asked: Who the hell are you? No offense but I'm expecting the girl, Ling.' The boy was surprised that this client remembered the name of his colleague. Oh, I'm sorry, she has a day off.' The young banker who was clearly disappointed gave the boy a sign to follow him to the living room.

Right now the delivery boy, standing with a plastic bag in his hand, was the only feminine touch in Mark's enormous living room, which was austerely decorated with expensive big black leather couches and an impressive home cinema system. Everything in the room radiated a certain strong and powerful masculinity. `You're fucking late, Chong', Mark snapped. Chong was not the true name of the Asian but the arrogant investment banker had the prejudiced habit of calling all Asian males Chong. Being a delivery boy in the better parts of NYC the boy was used to arrogant clients, but this one was definitely one of the bad guys, he thought. Chong got a bit angry, but he was also taken aback by Mark's cocky attitude. The white stud took a sip of his whiskey while he looked down at the young delivery boy. He had longish black hair, black almond eyes and an innocent, somewhat dumb expression on his face. It was immediately clear to the handsome white executive that this little Asian lacked the natural aggression of most white guys of his age. Like many other young virile studs Mark enjoys dominating other males but he's also smart enough to restrict this natural inclination in public. At work a guy like Mark easily dominates every meeting or transaction with his sharp analytic approach and his assertive and sometimes even aggressive attitude but of course there were certain rules of social behavior one cannot ignore. Here in the privacy of his own apartment Mark was definitely the man in charge.

Chong looked in disbelief at his arrogant client. Sir, I'm just a few minutes too late. Traffic was...' The white stud cut him off. Not really interested in your lame excuses Chong.' He leaned back on the couch, his long legs spread wide. Then he put his right foot on the coffee table, showing Chong an elegant and expensive wingtip by Crockett & Jones, which his personal shopper had found for him at Barneys. Mark had paid more than 700 dollar for this pair. The young investment banker snapped his fingers. `Why don't you come over and give me a nice foot massage. Like Ling always does. Your big sister gives excellent foot massages. Last time I even gave her tip. Meanwhile I'll have my dinner. If you're good I won't file a complaint.'

Mark enjoyed the look of confusion on the boy's innocent face. Chong didn't like it that his white client just assumed that Ling was his sister. He was also wondering what had happened between this arrogant client and his older co-worker. Chong, who was just a bit younger than the white stud, desperately wanted to be taken seriously. When he was riding his old bicycle he dreamt of being a CEO of a serious company instead of delivering take-away meals to richer and more succesful clients. But he hadn't learnt yet that if a man completely lacks the natural virility of a stud like Mark he would certainly remain at the bottom of the job market.

Of course it was an inappropriate demand of the tall stud and most other white boys of his age had rejected it. But of course Chong is a shy little Asian and the tall banker looked so confident and aggressive in his expensive dress suit. He could just give that arrogant client a short foot massage, Chong thought. It would be over in a few minutes and he wouldn't get in trouble at the restaurant. And for some reason he did like Mark's leather shoes. They were just so different in comparison to his own cheap canvas sneakers. They just really completed Mark's refined masculinity. As a good house boy Chong kneeled down in front of the couch and began to unlace the dress shoes of the young white gentleman. Mark was a bit surprised that the chink was actually kneeling in front of his big feet. He liked the contrast between Chong's small delicate fingers and the polished masculine leather of his shoes. The servitude of this little Asian confirmed all his prejudices. But he was also curious and determined to find out how far he could go with this chink. Carefully the Asian boy pulled off Mark's dress shoes, revealing the huge size thirteen feet of the white stud.

Massage my feet now, Chong', the Anglo-Saxon banker commanded, while looking at the porn on the flat screen. Make my fucking feet feel good.' With his long legs stretched out Mark was having dinner, but his focus was on the action on his screen. Chong was sitting on the floor with his legs criss-crossed and Mark's big foot resting in his lap. During his college years Mark had developed a thing for Asian girls. At Harvard he had fucked plenty of them. He loved to impress those petite girls with his handsome masculine face, his tall athletic body, his cocky attitude combined with his impeccable East Cost manners, his expensive clothes and of course his big white cock. Some of those girls were even officially dating some other guy on those evenings when he drove them to his apartment in his fast car. He especially loved it when he could snatch them away from their nerdy Asian male friends who desperately tried to become boyfriends. But he had never had a serious relationship with an Asian girl. During weekends the promising banker dated the most attractive and interesting girls from the upscale social circles of New York. He wondered if the chink at his feet had ever sex with a girl. He wasn't exactly ugly but like other Asian guys he looked gentle. Friendly. Shy. It was weird that this guy who just came over to deliver his Chinese food was massaging his feet now. But the young investment banker certainly began to enjoy the feeling of power and superiority.

Meanwhile he Asian delivery boy was struggling with Mark's huge foot and his hands began to get tired. Underneath the fabric of Mark's expensive dress socks Chong could feel the hardness of the white guy's feet. They were so different, so much bigger and harder than his own small and soft feet. For the first time he realized that his own feet were tiny, soft and girly. After a few minutes Chong suddenly stopped. He got nervous because his uncle was waiting for him at the restaurant. But in fact at that moment he was even more afraid of himself. He felt so ashamed about what he was doing. He couldn't believe that he was actually massaging the big feet of one of his clients. The white stud was staring down at him, a look of contempt and arrogance on his face.

What's going on chink?, Mark asked, pressing his big white foot in Chong's crotch. Keep doing what Asian men do best. You're a first class massage therapist, ching chong. You're actually good at this. That's why we've allowed you and your fellow chinks to live here! Otherwise we would've already kicked you out of this country. But guess what, you're here to do all the low paid service jobs. Fit for women and Asians, not for real men like me.' Mark altered his otherwise so masculine voice and imitated the pidgin-language of Chong's forefathers. Father Chong works in Chinese restaurant huh, making greasy Chinese food? Uncle Chang does laundry! Brother Ching makes shoes shiny and new, nephew Chen does nails and baby Chong here is going takes care of big foot. Remember this: White upper class men like me are running this economy with our values, got it? You're just providing the necessary service for our needs.' The young banker grinned, showing the Asian his beautiful white teeth. Chong was really hurt. The white stud had made fun of him in the most denigrating and offensive way. Can I go now, sir, he asked in a timid voice.

No, chink you're not going anywhere', Mark said in his normal voice again. He gave the little Asian a soft kick with his foot. Look at me when I'm speaking to you, you fucking eggroll. I told you to take care of my big feet, is that Chinese to you? What does that mean huh?' He kicked his victim again, this time hitting his flat nose. I'm going now!', Chong cried. The white stud just frowned. Suddenly he rose to his feet and he quickly kicked his right foot in Chong's face. Mark smiled. It was a funny sight, his big socked foot resting on Chong's little flat face. I used to be a karate champion, kicking butts of poor chinks like you. I should show you some of my moves.' Chong's protesting moans were muffled by the sole of Mark's sock covered foot. The white stud felt a rush of adrenaline running through his tall body. Mark smirked again. `Yeah fucking chink, I'm kicking the slant out of your little bamboo body, like I've fucked the slant out of your sweet niece last month. Yeah, I think we have a winner here. You know what, you remind me of all the Asian kids I've beaten up at the dojo. Yeah, how does that feel, my big white foot in your fucking little slant-eyed Asian face? Do you fucking know how many little Asians I've kicked with this foot, huh? You like my big foot on your little yellow face? Pretty smelly huh, after a long work day? I bet you can smell how many great deals I've made and how much money I've earned today. I bet you like my big white foot as much as your sister Ling likes my big white cock!'

Indeed Mark's foot was smelly and the sole of his dress sock was slightly damp. Of course Chong didn't like the pungent smell but he also realized that Mark's damp sock contained the determitation, aggressivenss and hard work of a cocky Wall Street banker. After a while Mark lifted his foot from Chong's face and gave him a few short slaps, using his foot as a weapon to teach the chink a lesson. Mark's foot was as hard and aggressive as its owner. The young banker smiled and Chong could read the contempt in his beautiful blue eyes. This handsome Caucasian was really enjoying the experience of being superior to a yellow servant. Mark began to explore his limits, nonchalantly caressing Chong's cheeks and forehead with his big socked foot. Mark's handsome face became darker, more threatening.

`You're into martial arts, fucking gook? I thought all Asian men practice some sort of martial art. You're all like Jackie Chan, screaming like a total bitch! Hiyaai hai! But you can't compete with the white guy, huh?' He lifted his foot from Chong's face and gave the boy a few hard slaps again. Finally he gave him another sharp karate kick right in his stomach and the little Asian collapsed on the floor. The aggressive investment banker placed his foot on Chong's face again like a superior roman warrior who has conquered his weaker inferior Oriental enemy. Chong underwent these severe humiliations submissively, without any resistance, because he had realized that his aggressor was for more stronger than him. But it wasn't only his physical power, but also his masculine arrogance that gave Mark the mental power to dominate.

At that moment Chong was so humiliated that he almost couldn't breathe anymore. Please Sir, can I go home now', he pleaded in a soft submissive voice. Mark was staring down at him with an icy look. Like a brave Medieval knight he was ready for action. Please, please Sir, I haven't eaten yet. I'm hungry.' The handsome banker raised an eyebrow, looking pensively at his Asian boy slut. He smirked. `You're hungry because they don't give you enough food. Your poor Chinese parents are not able to feed ya. That greasy Chinese food isn't digestive enough for ya, huh? Well, I'll take care of that.' He sat down on the chair and quickly pulled off his dress socks and slipped into a pair of expensive leather loafers by Salvatore Ferragamo. When he pulled off his jacket the little Asian saw how Mark's pale blue dress perfectly accentuated his hard athletic upper body while his expensive cufflinks and Rolex were glistening in the dimmed light.

Here, have some of this.' Mark took a spoon and scooped some boiled rice on the flat upper of his right loafer. Here you little yellow street rat, eat it.' The white stud held his big loafer right in front of Chong's mouth, who was still sitting in a kneeling position on the hard floor. The white banker was forcing him to eat rice from his loafer! This was so humiliating for a boy like Chong. He hesitated. He didn't want to do this. But there was something masculine in the smell of the polished leather and the shape of the expensive loafer. He had already felt the power of Mark's strong feet. And he couldn't ignore the marvelous good looks of this confident and well-dressed white banker. He sat there lazily with his hands behind his head, holding his huge foot with the rice in front of Chong's flat face. `You're hungry coolie! Eat it or I'll beat the yellow shit out of you.' Slowly the white banker brought his shoe closer to Chong's mouth. And Chong had no other choice than to take it, to swallow the rice, the same rice his father had prepared an hour earlier.

Clean your plate when you're finished, boy. Yeah, clean my fucking shoe, little shoe-shine boy. Eating rice from my fucking foot, you like that huh?' Mark really got excited when he saw the little Asian swallowing the rice. He had dominated guys and girls before, but he had never gone so far as with this motherfucker. And he knew how expensive his loafers were. These shoes, for which he'd paid more than 1500 dollar, were a sign of his privileged position in society and his arrogance to show off that power. Damn, how can a guy be so low that he voluntarily licks the shoes of another man. Oh wait, you're not even a man, aren't you', Mark hissed. `Now clean the sole with your tongue.' It was so humiliating to lick the sole of Mark's shoes. But in a sense it felt right. Chong realized that they were just reinforcing an old colonial hierarchy.

After some minutes Mark gave Chong a few slaps with his big loafer. Then he pressed the upper part of his loafer firmly under Chong's chin, forcing the chink to look at him. `You wanna see something special, chink? Wanna see a real cock for the first time in your life?' While pulling the boy towards his crotch he removed his big cock from his pants. The aggressive banker waved his cock right in front of Chong's little yellow face. Chong had already learnt about the differences between white and Asian guys. Especially in the showers of the locker room at his former high school he had realized that he could never compete with the white guys when it came to size. And he had also learnt that size did matter, in all aspects of life. But he hadn't seen such a perfect cock before. And the poor chink had to admit that it was a beautiful piece of art. Mark's hard cock was nine inches long, cut and thick. It pointed straight at Chong's face like a hard police baton. Mark recognized the suppressed look of admiration.

`Yeah, my cock is fucking beautiful, isn't it? I bet my white cock is much bigger than your tiny Asian shrimp. Yeah, let's see what you've got there in your pants. I hope I don't need a fucking looking glass. C'mon chink, open your pants.' With trembling hands Chong obeyed and finally he revealed his small and soft dick which wasn't even four inches long. A cocky, almost boyish grin appeared on Mark's handsome face. The difference between the two men was finally established. Mark's cock was just like its owner. It was big, hard, powerful, active, aggressive and merciless, always ready for sports, masculine physical exercises and fair or unfair competition, always ready to conquer, to beat, to defeat. In a sense Mark's big white cock was the essence of true masculinity and the superior counterpart of Chong's feminine soft, wet and passive little eggroll. At that moment Mark felt like a superior half-god in front of that small Asian alien.

He took his cock again and held it a few inches above Chong's little brown nose. Just look at this mighty tool', he said. I've fucked many women into heaven or hell with this big pole. My cock is more than twice as big as yours, so what's this fact telling about you and your slant-eyed fellows huh? All our experts believe that this is going to be the century of your continent, but honestly I don't buy that crap. And you know why? Because you're never going to rule the world if your little pathetic pencil dicks are as small as my fucking thumb. You love this first class All-American cock, don't ya? Look at it, yeah admire it, like your sister or girlfriend did when she was here! Last year I was travelling in Asia. Guess what, while in other countries men like me have to seduce to get some pussy, in slant-eyed Asia all the girls and women offer themselves to me like they haven't enjoyed any good sex in their entire lives. Why would they do such a thing, huh? Because you fucking chink, because you won't satisfy them with your small pussy dick. Is that true?' To prove his point he pushed his right foot against Chong's balls. `Huh? Huh? Can't feel anything in there, you see, that's what I mean! Huh?'

Mark went on: You want my big white cock in your fucking face, chink? Huh? Tell me, you little oriental piece of shit.' With his left hand firmly around the base of his massive cock he began to jerk off right in front of Chong's brown face. Yeah, I'm showing you my big Nazi weapon, you slant-eyed bitch. I bet you're jealous of this huge nine incher, aren't you? You would love to have such a big powerful big tool, huh?' He smacked the boy again. `Why aren't you fighting me, huh? Why aren't you defending yourself like a real man? Huh? Huh? Huh?' With each 'huh' Mark gave Chong a hard slap. Each time when Mark's big hand hit him, the poor boy whimpered. Then he grabbed Chong's head again, forcing the timid delivery boy to look at his powerful white American master. A pair of pure blue eyes was staring down at him. The aggressive investment banker had an arrogant and also amused expression on his face. Chong had to admit that something in this gaze made him feel like a real slut. It was as if he had become Ling. Mark's handsome and masculine appearance, his enormous cock, his powerful grip, his arrogant and aggressive attitude and his derisive talk certainly had their effect on the little Asian. Suddenly he felt a sting of jealousy when he thought about Ling.

Mark just began to get warmed up. He spat a huge gobble on his throbbing cockhead. A cocky grin appeared on Mark's masculine face and he pressed the thick shaft with the wet and slimy cockhead against his impressive sixpack. He spat again and then released his big cock. It jumped aggressively in front of Chong's face, spraying the chink with hot spurts of spit and pre-cum. On the wide flat screen a young white stud began to fuck his little Asian slut with a vengeance. Her slutty moans were filling the room like a hysterical beat. Mark decided to finish the deal. He gave the boy another hard kick. Then the aggressive banker rose to his feet, turned Chong on his back and placed his right foot on his face again, forcing the boy to lick the sole of his expensive loafers. Mark noticed the difference between his big foot and Chong's flat little face. `Just look at my cock', he commanded. You're in love with this big cock, huh? You're admiring the same cock that tore your sweet sister into pieces?' Chong was too ashamed to say something. He didn't need to. Mark rubbed the sole of his loafer a bit harder against Chong's mouth and the chink let out some muffled sounds Mark's didn't understand. Satisfied with this answer the young Wall Street professional began to stroke his cock, his gaze lingering on the action on the screen. Mark moaned and he leaned forwards, towering above the little Asian. From Chong's viewpoint Mark's big cock seemed like a huge rocket weapon ready to explode. It had penetrated Chong's view completely and from that moment on the little Asian would always remember the sight of Mark's hot masculine fuck pole. Again Mark spat a huge piece of mucus on his glistening cockhead, but this time downwards and drops of spit landed on Chong's already wet face.

After a while the young banker closed his eyes and hissed: 'Yeah, fucking chink, you're ready for my hot load, huh? Ready for my powerful Anglo-Saxon seed? You think my fucking hot sperm will make you a bit less feminine? Yeah, my fucking hot load will make your brown skin a bit lighter!? He grabbed the boy's collar and dragged him to his knees so that Chong was on his knees again with Mark's aggressive hard cock close to his face. Then the white stud moaned again and, clearly aroused by his own words, his big white cock exploded and the American jock finally shot his load. Ah yeah, fucking chink, I'm coming, I'm coming all over that yellow cunt face of yours! Take my white cum fucking chink, take it!' Hot spurts of white seed sprayed the boy's cheeks, lips and flat brown nose and then Mark changed direction and coated also Chong's chin, his neck and even his cheap Walmart t-shirt. Look at me', he commanded and he shot the last forceful potent spurts against Chong's eyelids, blurring the boy's view on his own beautiful stale blue eyes. When Chong finally wiped the sticky cum off his eyes he saw the amazing white stud still panting above him. A few drops of cum had landed on Mark's right loafer. Clean it', he commanded. There were also a few drops on the floor. Mark forced the chink to clean the hard floor too before he was finally released. The white banker gave him a last hard kick and said: Get the fuck out of here before I call your boss or the fucking police. Oh, don't forget to tell Ling that I'll be expecting her next week.'

copyright joel241, 2012

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