Choir Trip to Chicago

By Collin Ireland

Published on Aug 8, 2008


Sorry it took so long for me to get this part out, but my computer's hard drive crashed and it had to be fixed. So sorry for the wait and here's the next part.

Choir Trip to Chicago -- Part 3

So after an hour of swimming, with me mostly gawking silently at the three very hot boys around me, we headed back to the room. On the way to our room, our choir teacher stopped us.

"Hey guys," she said to us. "If you'll meet us in the lobby of the hotel in ten minutes, we're all going to the Hard Rock Café. So hurry and get changed. We'll be waiting."

"Okay," Jon answered as Blake, Josh, and I quickly ran away from Jon.

After we got dressed, we quickly made it down to the lobby. We then piled into the buses and were off to the restaurant. We pulled up, got off, and then were seated at our tables. I was fortunate enough to get a two person table for two. And guess who I got to share it with. Yeah, Jon. I couldn't believe it either.

Jon and I placed our orders with the waiter. Then I felt something brush up against my foot. I just figured Jon was reorganizing his feet down there, but boy was I wrong. I looked at Jon and he just smiled at me. I moved my foot away from his, but he just moved his foot back towards mine. My heart leapt. Jon was playing footsie with me! I just couldn't believe that this adorable guy was trying to seduce me or at least see if I was interested in playing his games. And I sure as hell was ready to play.

Our food arrived and we ate it. Then we ordered dessert and while we were waiting, I decided to take a chance. I gently brushed my foot against Jon's. I looked up. He was just staring at me. Then he smiled. I smiled. Then Jon put his hand on my thigh. I felt electricity bolt through my body. I felt alive. It was awesome. I couldn't wait for tonight.

"I wonder what we can get on this TV." Josh said as he grabbed the television remote from the side table and flipped the TV on. I was sitting on my bed watching Josh flip through the channels. Blake was sitting on his bed, attempting to read a book he brought.

"Wow, what was that?" I yelled or kind of half-screamed at Josh. He flipped the channels back a few and what came up on the screen was amazing. It was the image of a blonde chick with three dudes surrounding her with their hard dicks. She was sucking each one individually.

"What the hell!" Jon exclaimed as he walked out of the bathroom and looked at the TV. "Why didn't you guys tell me our room got free porn?"

"What?" Blake asked, looking up from his book.

"Wow, look at her work mouth on those cocks," Josh said, gently rubbing his hard on through his jeans.

I was in heaven. There was porn on the television. My roommates were horny. And I was surrounded by the three cutest boys to ever walk the face of the Earth.

"Oh my God," Jon said as he walked around the bed to his side and sat down next to me. "This is amazing."

"Yeah, nothing like watching free porn on a TV in Chicago while we're on a high school choir trip," I said. They all just kind of looked at me funny. But then I laughed and they laughed. Then our attention was focused again on the television.

The girl was done sucking the dicks and they each took a turn and fucked her. Then after each was done, two of them decided to double penetrate her. The other one put his cock in her mouth. They then fucked her like crazy. Then they each took a turn cumming large loads on her face. Then the screen faded to black.

"That was an awesome scene," Blake announced to us.

"Oh yeah," Josh said. "I wonder what other porn channels they have."

Josh then grabbed the remote and slowly flipped through the channels, looking for more porn. We came across a few other channels that had some, but they weren't as exciting as the first. Then Josh flipped to an amazing channel.

"Wow, leave it here," Jon said. The channel Jon was talking about featured two guys going at each other. The scene was very hot. First off, each boy in the scene looked as if they had just turned eighteen. Each was extremely good looking and they could both easily be teen models. Their arms were well developed with bulging muscles and each had a six-pack that I would just love to run my tongue up and down and all over. And their cocks. Their cocks! They were huge. I'm talking like at least ten inches, if not more. The boys in the scene started to get into each other.

The blonde boy in the scene got up and took the red head's cock in his mouth. The red head started to moan and throw his head back. The red head grabbed the blonde boy's head and brought him into a passionate kiss. The two of them were really getting into it. The red head broke the kiss and said the two words that make a porno a porno. "Fuck me."

The blonde boy moved his head towards the red heads ass and began to lick it clean. The red head looked as if he was going to cum right there. Then the blonde boy sucked on one of his fingers and slowly put one after the other up the red heads ass. After he knew he was ready, he mounted him. He started out slow, as to not hurt him, and then he got aggressively faster. The blonde boy was really getting into it; he was going so fast, in and out of the red head that the red head's cock erupted underneath him without anyone touching him. Then the blonde boy—

The TV shut off.

"What the hell?" Jon yelled and I turned to look at Josh.

Oh my God!

Josh had his fly down and his button undone on his jeans. The fly on his boxers was undone and he was slowly stroking his cock. His eyes were closed and his head was thrown back in ecstasy as he stroked his cock.

Blake then slowly moved his hand over and around Josh until he found the television remote and turned the TV back on. The scene on the screen was insanely hot with the blonde boy getting rammed by the red head's thick cock. I couldn't take my eyes off of Josh who was starting to really getting into stroking his cock. Then he stopped and looked at the three of us that were staring at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Can we join in?" Jon asked and this question completely had me blown away. I mean, Jon was actually into this stuff. Yes! Now I could finally make him mine.

"Sure," Josh answered and slowly removed his t-shirt from his body, revealing a perfectly defined chest.

"Sweet," Jon said, and then slowly took his t-shirt off as well revealing a well defined chest with perfect washboard abs and pectorals that looked awesome. Then I saw Blake remove his shirt as well and soon I was doing so too. Then we all removed our pants and boxers and slowly began to stroke our cocks together in unison while looking at the hot scene that was taking place on the television.

The scene had switched to a different day with the blonde boy and the red head. They had invited a friend over who had black hair and an extremely hot body too. They all then got in a bed and started kissing and basically normal porno stuff. But back in the room, Jon and I were lying on the same bed naked and stroking our cocks. I looked over at Blake and Josh and Josh had his hands wrapped around his cock and Blake's. It was truly a much better site than the one of the television. Then I felt something touch my thigh and looked over to see Jon slowly inch his hand towards my cock. I couldn't believe it; I had wanted this since the first time I laid my eyes on him. Then I reached my hand over to his thigh and slowly worked my way up.

Jon had reached my cock and I had reached his too. We both began stroking and moaning as we drew each other closer to climax. Then I was at the point of no return and let out a loud moan and shot my load. Around ten large loads of cum came out and some landed on my stomach, but most of them landed on Jon's face. Then I felt Jon tense up and he too started cumming, around nine large squirts, all of which ended up on me somewhere. Then I heard moans from the bed next to us, and Blake and Josh started cumming together at the same time, their cum landing on their flat stomachs.

After we all settled down from our amazing climaxes, I moved my head over to Jon and began to lap up the cum that was on his stomach. I licked around his belly button and then over his washboard abs, then around his nipples and then finally to his lips where we shared a cum flavored kiss. Then I laid back and Jon began lapping the cum from my stomach and other places, ending up at my mouth where we kissed again, with him depositing cum into my mouth.

I have to admit it, but that was one of the best moments of my life, when Jon kissed me. His lips were the sweetest things I had ever had in my mouth. I couldn't wait for more. Jon and I then sat up in bed together and looked over at Josh and Blake who had just finished cleaning each other off and were kissing passionately.

Jon cleared his throat and Josh and Blake broke the kiss and looked over at us.

"What?" Blake asked.

"Nothing, but I really thing we should get to bed so we're ready for tomorrow." Jon said and he was right, so we all got up and slowly put our clothes away. We then slipped into pajamas, got our teeth brushed, hair combed, and whatever else we had to do to get ready for bed. We then turned the lights off and climbed into our beds.

Several hours after we turned the lights off, I was suddenly awoken by a nudge that came from next to me.

"Hey," Jon said. "Do you wanna go in the bathroom?"

I reached over to him and noticed he was hard. I couldn't wait to get in that bathroom.

Sorry this chapter took so long to get out, but I've been really busy lately. So anyway, if you have any suggestions or comments or things you want to see them do, I'm open for suggestions, just e-mail me And don't worry, I'm not one of those people who say that if I don't get enough comments on a story that I'll stop writing, I won't do that, so don't worry about that.

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