Choir Trip to Chicago

By Collin Ireland

Published on Mar 17, 2008


Hey, I just want to take some time here at the beginning of this next part by telling you guys thanks for reading. This is my first story here on Nifty. So basically just thanks for all the feedback. It's really getting me going and it's making me write the next chapters faster. So keep on writing. Love the feedback.

Choir Trip to Chicago - Part 2

So the day finally came. The choir trip. We had to wake up at like 4:30 in the morning in order to make it to the school in time to board the coach buses that were leaving at 5:00 sharp. So when I walked onto the bus that I was scheduled to ride, I immediately found a spot next to Jon who was sitting by himself.

"Hey, you look lonely," I said as I sat down next to him. "Mind if I join ya?"

"No, not at all. Tyler," he said as he smiled. Again he said my name in that weird way that made my stomach just flutter. I loved it.

Just then the choir teacher entered the bus, took attendance to see if we were all there, and then we were off for a six and a half hour bus ride to Chicago. Now, living in a small town in the state of Minnesota can be a good thing when traveling. Mostly because we're in the central part of the country and not far from anywhere. That's basically the only good thing, because there are many bad things. For instance, it's winter here and it can get really cold. Well that's about it, it gets cold here. So, back to the bus ride.

About three hours into the ride, Jon got sleepy. The only reason I knew it was when his head rested against my shoulder. When I first felt it, it kind of felt weird but then I got used to it. I just loved the way his hair smelled and he looked so cute as he slept. I was pretty tired too, so I just closed my eyes and let myself drift off to dreamland.

When I woke up, it was to our choir teacher telling us that we were there. So I woke up and realized Jon was still nuzzled at my shoulder. So I gently woke him up.

"Wow," Jon said sleepily as he took his head off my shoulder. "That was a good nap. Are we there already?"

"Yeah, Jon," I replied as he got up from his seat and stretched. "You slept almost three hours."

"Wow, doesn't seem like that long," he said as he sat back down. Then Jon said something I won't soon forget. "Hey, I know you liked having me rest on your shoulder."

I knew from the tone of his voice that he was kidding, but I just didn't realize it at first.

", I mean..." I stammered.

"Dude, Tyler, I'm just kidding," he laughed. "You know that's not the kind of guy I am."

He actually made a point and I smiled at him. He smiled back at me. God, how I just loved his smile.

"So are we going to get off this bus," Jon said. "Or are we going to just sit here all day?"

I just laughed and got out of my seat. I grabbed my stuff from the overhead storage compartment. Then Jon did the same and we both exited the bus.

The first thing we did was get our room numbers. Me, Jon, Josh, and Blake were all in Room 1042. Most of our school was on that level, but we were mostly spread out.

When we got to our room, the first thing we did was to decide who was sleeping where and with whom. So after much arguing and downright complaining, I was sleeping with Jon on the bed by the bathroom. I was doing a secret little yes dance in my head.

Our choir teacher said we had the first day mostly to ourselves. Then she said that we were all getting back in the buses to go to a shopping mall where we could buy miscellaneous items and buy a variety of foods in all shapes and sizes. So after spending a total of four hours at the mall, we headed back to the hotel.

Our choir teacher then said that we had the first night to ourselves to just relax and enjoy the commodities the hotel provided. Everyone in my room decided on swimming. How could I turn down an opportunity to see the three hottest guys I knew shirtless and in water. There was no way I was going to pass on an opportunity like that. So after rummaging through my suitcase, it came to my realization that I forgot to pack my suit.

"Hey," I said to the others as they searched their suitcases. "It just occurred to me that I forgot my suit."

"Oooh," Josh groaned. "Sucks to be you."

"Hey, I think I have an extra one," Blake said, while rummaging through his suitcase. "Yeah, here it is," he said, while tossing it to me. "Try it on and see if it fits."

"Okay," I said as I headed for the bathroom.

"Wow," Jon yelled at me. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To the bathroom to try on the swimsuit Blake gave me," I answered, not sure where Jon was heading with this.

"Oh," Jon said. "Carry on."

Okay, let me tell you I was starting to get a little freaked out about Jon. I mean, he is one hell of an attractive guy, and if he's doing all this stuff to get me going, then sleeping in a bed with him is going to be fun. So I tried on the swimsuit and it fit perfectly. Then I went back into the room, the other guys changed one by one in the bathroom, we all grabbed a towel, and then headed for the pool.

Comments and suggestions for future parts are always welcome. Just e-mail me at any time. I really do love the feedback. And trust me I'm not one of those people that tell you that if you don't respond I'm going to stop writing. I'm not going to do that. So basically don't worry if you fell uncomfortable writing to me. I love the feedback. So write me and I'll try to send you information on when the next story will be out. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 3

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