Choir Trip to Chicago

By Collin Ireland

Published on Mar 11, 2008


It all started that one day in Choir when we picked roommates for our trip to Chicago. I personally was dreading this day because, well, I really didn't have a set group of friends that I hung out with in choir. It was the only class where I was mostly silent. I'm not a very talkative guy; I go to school every day and listen and try to learn, but there are things out there that distract me.


Yes, boys. They are so cute. I just can't help myself. It can start out with checking and ranking. Then it can get downright stalkerish (if that even a word). I basically have memorized where they walk every day so that I can gawk at them without giving anything away. So don't worry, I try not to get caught.

So back to the story.

I was first talking about the choir trip. It was the day we were picking roommates. Now the choir teacher, and let me tell you she's a bit whacky, devised a weird way to pick our roommates. She first started by separating the boys from the girls. Then she told everyone to find a partner of the same gender. Of course with me not having someone to automatically go with that was a guy, I was left standing there looking stupid as everyone else paired themselves up. So after everyone was paired, I looked around and Yes! he was left standing there too.


Jon had to be one of the cutest boys I had ever laid my eyes upon. I just couldn't resist his gorgeous black, long, straight hair. Or his beautiful slender build that leads to nice legs with slight muscles in them when he wears shorts when it's warm out. So basically Jon was one cute boy. He still had some boyish features left on his face, but he also grew up from the previous years I gawked at him.

So, back to now.

So with me and Jon being the only two guys left, the choir teacher paired us up.

"Hey," Jon said to me as he walked over. Today Jon was wearing a pair of khaki pants, a black skin tight shirt, and a black zippered sweatshirt with the zipper down. I'd have to that he just looked super fine.

"Hi," I said back, shocked that I even said anything to him. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and just flashed me his beautiful smile.

Our choir teacher then directed our pairs to find another pair. Jon instantly led us over to where his brother and his brother's partner were standing. And let me tell you, Josh, Jon's brother, and Blake, their friend, were also two extremely attractive young males. Josh had the most beautiful hair and face I've ever seen on a person. He was wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt that made him look sexier than ever. Blake, on the other hand, was a slim cutie too. Blake had somewhat boyish facial features, but had a very handsome face. He was wearing jeans and a polo shirt and let me tell you, the shirt had barely any sleeves. That is why I love the guys that wear the shirts where the sleeves are almost non-existent, but it's still there but not really. I just love that. I'm sure as you're reading this you're thinking I'm crazy, and maybe I am but I like what I like and I like guys that are not afraid to show off their bodies. So back to class.

After we were in our groups of four, the choir teacher said for us to find a spot in the room where our foursome could sit in a circle. We found a place in the far right corner that was nice. So after sitting in our circles, the choir teacher told us each to say our names to each other. A murmur of voices passed through the room. We all just looked at each other awkwardly, and then Blake broke the ice.

"Hey. I'm Blake," Blake said to us all.

"I'm Josh," Josh said, with a little wave to us.

"I'm Tyler," I said to the others. Oh yeah I guess now would be as good a time as any to introduce myself. My name is Tyler and I'm a junior at my school. You could say I was cute, but that is so an overstatement. I'm slender with a few muscles on me but that's about it.

"And I guess I'll be Jon," Jon said with a little laugh to the group. I loved the way he would try to be funny and then when nobody would laugh he'd laugh at his own jokes in a stupid way that would just make people laugh at how stupid he could act. So after the awkward hello's we were all finally able to just talk. So Blake started something about video games and then it went on from there. Then our choir teacher interrupted by telling us she was coming around with a sheet to put our groups on. So after that we went back to talking. Then the bell rang about ten minutes later and we said our good byes and left the room. But then something amazing happened.

When Jon was saying good bye to me, he looked into my eyes. But instead of looking away right away, he held eye contact with me. I just couldn't understand or comprehend what was going on but I couldn't look away from the beautiful boy staring into my eyes. Then, after about twenty seconds, I broke eye contact when someone bumped into me on their way out the door.

"Well, see ya later Jon," I said to Jon as I slowly began to walk away from him.

"Yeah, see ya later. Tyler," Jon said as he waved bye to me. It was just something about the way he said my name that made me get all mushy or something on the inside. I liked it.

Next: Chapter 2

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