
By Joseph Foster

Published on Dec 2, 2006


"When's your birthday Vince?"

"Tomorrow actually, i'm finally gonna be 15."

"You're an old freshman, i turn 16 next month"

"Yeah i know i'll just be glad to finally be looked at as a teenager, you know when you're 14 everyone still thinks young but miraculously at 15 your able to work and all that shit."

"I hear you little buddy, i was the same way"

"My dad calls me little buddy, i love it."

"My dad calls me little shit, i hate it, but its all in fun."

They were having so much fun that they didn't even notice when their positions had change and Vince was now resting his head in Zak's lap.

Zak was feeling confident, and lower his lips to Vinces, and though it was an awkward position, they lips connected and a spark flew, and they enjoyed a very sensual kiss, both of their firsts.

What they didn't notice was, Vince's entire group of friends watching them from the window, and Drake Zane, being the last one going in from gym class stopping dead in his tracks, obviously jealous. ________________________________________________________________________________

"Whoa what just happened?"

"I think we just made out.."

"Well i KNOW what just happened, but why did it happen.?!"

"Look Vince calm down, it's not like it wouldn't have happened if we didn't want it to happen..did i say that right??"

"I don't know, all i know is that i just kissed a guy that i just met on a football field in the center of school."

"Are you telling me you didn't want me to, because it certainly felt like you wanted me to."

"You are gay right?, i mean this wasn't just an experiment, i mean you actually like boys and only boys?"

"Yeah of course, and you."

"Well i have a girl but she's a cover and i'm hers, but i don't think shes really a lesbian she's just afraid of guys right now."

"Is it the girl with the rack?"

"Yeah the one that was sitting next to me, blonde yeah that's her."

"Look Vince i realized that this happened kind of fast, but if we are going tohave something it won't be moving this fast."

"This was fine Zak, i mean it was amazing, but i have this feeling that we were seen."


"Wow did i just see what i think i just saw?"

"Yes Mikey you saw it."

"How could this be he was.. IS dating pug face, i mean Amy."

"Look Jamie sometimes these things happen.."

"YOU KNEW DIDN'T YOU! Vanessa Don't lie to me tell me if you knew!"

"Look James, all of us knew, me, Amy, and Carly all knew."

"You've gotta be shittin me, why wouldn't he tell me?"

"Mikey, it's not like he told us, he told Amy but with her being her she can't keep secrets from us."

"Well i guess that makes me feel a bit better."

"I hope we're the only ones who saw."

--------Locker Room--------

he's gay, i can't believe this, after i put myself out there he doesn't even bite, maybe that's the secret he was gonna tell me, if i had just let him talk, then that might have been my first kiss instead of that over sized sack of muscle's

As Drake walked out of the locker room he kept thinking of what could have been

Why didn't i just let him finish his sentence, i mean maybe i should just tell him how i feel, then he'll just think i'm completely psycho or something.

He walked all practically ran to his Bio class, where he would have to watch his crush be with a girl, and then walk out to his dad's car like nothing is wrong.

As he walked into bio he noticed everyone standing at the back of the room

"What's up?"

"Oh there's a sheet of paper that has our new seats on it, apparently she's going to shift us everyday for the first week so we have a chance to meet new people" a girl he didn't recognize responded.

Much to his chagrin he was seated with someone he had never even heard of "Zak Masters...Who the hell is Zak Masters?"

"That would be me." Not realizing he'd said that out loud

"Oh golly this should be fun you're a witty one."

"Christ dude take a midol it's one day of your scans Drake's appearance apparently depressing life

Vince walked in and kind of stopped when he saw who Drake was talking to. "Oh hey Zak i didn't realize you were in my class."

Drake hated the way Zak's eyes brightened when he saw Vince "Yeah i took Earth Science last year, why i DONT know."

"Cool we sit next to eachother, but we're not lab partners, get a little lose a little i suppose."

"Yeah well at least you get someone who will make you look like a genious."

Vince looked to his right to see Annabelle Perkins, the dumbgest girl in school. "OMIGAWD, Like are we lab pardners?"

"Um. Yeah sure Annabelle."

"Wow you like know my name.. Cool."

Vince turned to see both Drake and Zak laughing quite hard at his expense. "Look at the bright side dude it's just for one day"

"Yeah i guess so. let's hope that Miss Daniels doesn't make us do anything that requires an IQ above 50."

Zak leans over to Vince's ear. "What's up with that guy Drake, he's been eye ballin me since our lunch, you don't think he.."

"If he did, why would he care i gave him an opening, if he wanted any claim he had his chance."

"Is know off the beaten path??"

"Yeah he is, but you cannot tell a soul that i told you, especially him."

"Well it's just i know someone who would kill to be with someone who looks like him, and that way we could get him out of our hair, so we can see where life takes us."

"Sounds like a plan, why don't you come over today. bring this guy, and let's see what happens, maybe sparks will fly."

"Sounds cool"

"You do realize that i'm not easy, i won't give it up to you, i just met you."

"Honestly, if you tried to get in my pants the first day i met you, i'd have to find someone else."

Biology passed without any major issues, something was definetly up with Drake, and Vince was determined to find out what.

-----Out Front-----

"Drake, is something wrong?"

YES! "No Vin, nothings wrong."

"You've been acting strangely ever since lunch or better still gym for you.. did someone do something to you?"

No I just had to watch the boy i'm falling for shamelessly making out on the school football field "I guess i'm just not feeling that hot"

"Are you sure, cause if something's wrong you can tell me."

God i wanna tell you "Ok, but let's talk when we get back to your house"

"Speaking of which where in the hell is my father."

After about an hour of waiting and no answered phone calls, Vince was starting to worry. "Where could he be?"

Just as he was about to break down, he saw a car pulling up. "Hey Vince you still here?"

"He immediately recognized the voice as Zak's"

"My dad never showed, this is so unlike him, he's always right at the front entrance."

"Ahh it's probably he just got held up at work."

"Yeah i guess but why wouldn't he answer his phone?"

"His cell probably died, and I'll bet he never gave you the office number."

"No he didn't."

Zak dialed 411

"What's the name of the company?"

"V.C Technologies"

"Yes i need the listing for V.C Technologies please."

"One Moment Please."

"V.C Tech, Valerie speaking, how may i direct your call."

"Yes Valerie, Can i please be connected to..."

"Dustin Carlson"

"Dustin Carlson"

"Um sir the person you are requesting can only take scheduled phone calls from very important people, who should i say is calling."

"His Son Vince, I'm sure we can both agree that is a V-V-V-I-P"

"One moment please.."

-------V.C Technologies-------

"Look Amanda there is only so much we can do if they want to renegotiate the contract everything is up for discussion except for an increase in money.."

Beep "Sorry to interrupt Mr. Carlson, but i have your son on line 2."

"Oh SHIT, Put him straight through"

Beep "Vinny, you there.?"

"Um no actually this is Vince's friend Zak Masters, I'm calling because he told me you weren't here and should have been an hour ago."

"Yes i just realized i have not reset my clocks yet and thought i had time."

"Well i just wanted to let you know that my brother and i will be giving him a ride home, so that you can keep doing what you do."

"Oh thank you so much young man, that's very kind of you. When you get to the house feel free to use anything or eat anything it's the least i can do."

"No thanks required sir, I think me and your son are going to be great friends"

"Well be that as it may thank you and i hope that i can count on you if this should ever happen again."

"Of course."

"Sorry about that Amanda, but duty calls."

"I wasn't aware you had a son, how old."

"Oh 15 tomorrow, they grow up so fast. Here's his picture."

"Oh my, he is certainly a heartbreaker."

"Yeah isn't he, but he's matured since that was taken 2 years ago, i barely recognize him sometimes.

"Here are my kids, that's Doug my oldest, Zak my middle, and Sierra my youngest."

"Wait a second.. Amanda your last name is, what again?"

"Stone, it's my maiden name..why..?"

"What was your husband's, the one all the kids have..?"

"Masters, and it was mine too until well you know the story."

"Ain't that a son of a bitch."

"What is..?"

"Your sons and my son attend the same school and as we speak your son Zak is cleaning up after the mess i made by forgetting to pick up Vince."

"Really! He is? That's incredible, my son helping someone, the day this would happen is the day that pigs fly, things really do change."

"It really is a small world, our kids are bonding while we are trying to bond two extremely large tech companies into one, it's a good day."

------Carlson Home------

"You live HERE?"

"Hey Tony" Vince greeted the gate operated.

"Hey Vinny, what's all this your father forget to alert us of an unregistered vehicle, that's not like him."

"Well Tone i'm registering it now if that's ok."

"Anything for you kiddo."

"Ok Doug give him your license and registration." Doug dutifully did as he was told

"I just need to copy down your license plate number."

"Ok now you are allowed to come and go as needed, feel free to park in the street overnight you won't get ticketed in there."

"Jesus Vince what kind of place is this?"

"A very secure one Doug, we have our our security detail and branch of police, as well as security systems that will turn the entire house into a panic room that can only be exited through one point with the touch of a fingerprint."

"Good christ, how do you know all this, you make it sound like common knowledge."

"Well my father designed the technology, so i've grown up around it."

"Which one is yours?"

"Drive until you can't anymore, Me and Drake are the last two houses"

"Oh so skippy lives here too huh?"

"Yeah he does, and what is up with the two of you?"

Drake decided it was about time to speak up about everything.

"Well maybe it's that i saw you two kissing today!"

The car swerved.

"Oh sorry there was a rabbit, ok go on you said that Vince and Zak were kissing, what kind of kiss, was it nasty or tender, normal or opposite angled."

Vince spoke up. "It was a passionately tender opposite angled-spiderman style kiss"

"Way to go bro."

"Im confused does nobody care that i saw them kissing."

"Hell Drake i'd kiss you on the football field if i had the chance they were just acting on impulse."

"Why would you want to kiss me, i'm nothing special."

all of them spoke at once "Yeah dude you really are."

"Creepy, but.. ok show of hands who in this car is gay?"

All hands raised, including his own.

"Even Creepier"

All laugh.

"Well Doug maybe i'll take you up on that offer."

"I hope you will."

To be continued...

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