
By Joseph Foster

Published on Feb 3, 2023


"So you are probably thinking, what a fag he just put his penis in front of me."

"No not really, like you said nothing I haven't seen before, we should get used to it, four years of a locker room full of cock."

"Right you are."

"Yeah I guess I am"

"and here I thought I was gonna have to work so hard to fit in."

"I saw what you did."

"What do you mean Drake?"

"I saw you look at my penis."

"I think you give yourself too much credit it is an empty room and you were standing there naked of course I looked, but I didn't see anything worth seeing."

"BURN! I think we'll be great friends Vince"

"I certainly hope so Drake."

_____________________________________________________________________________ Just a note: in chapter one Amy was introduced as a lesbian, this is in her confusion of having been in a horrible relationship with a guy, this will develope more in this and future chapters.

Choices 3



"I'm up!"

"When i say up i mean OUT OF THAT BED!"


Vince climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom connected to his bedroom, then checked himself in the mirror, he noticed some sparse facial hair, and GASP a zit

"Oh well, i knew this experience was too good to be true." He hopped into the shower, and washed his face extra well then start to massage his balls, and run his soapy hands over his semi-erect penis. The hot water felt so good, but the moment was ruined by his father, saying "OK KID YOU'VE TAKEN A LONG ENOUGH SHOWER NOW STOP TOUCHING YOURSELF AND LETS GET A MOVE ON!"

"How does he always know?"

Vince put on his usual preppy our fit with one change, he just fucked up his wet hair and decided to let nature take it's course. He walked downstairs to the kitchen where he could smell heaven, bacon and eggs

"We have company for breakfast son"

Much to his pleasure he noticed his new friend Drake practically dead on the table, and even though he was laying his headhe looked gorgeous, in a punkish look, complete with spiked hair, and black from head to toe.

"Who died?"

"Huh wha, who?"

"Relax Drake, it's only 6:45 i can feel for your tiredness, my dad is one of those evil morning people."

"But school don't start until like 8."

"I know but dad like to get me there early so his job only has to last as long as my school day."

For some reason Drake looked a little disappointed at Vince's last statement.

"Something wrong..?"

"Oh, ha, n-no, i was just thinking i wish that my dad was always home in the after noons, it would be nice to spend some more time with him."

"Oh ok, i thought you were just sad that you wouldn't ever have me alone to ravage me or something like that..haha"

Drakes ears reddened "Oh...nah, you're not really my type...too little."

"Um you forgot to say that i'm a boy, i think i about have you figured out Drake Zane."

"Please don't tell anyone, this isn't something that a new kid needs starting about them the 2nd day of school, and you don't seem like the type of person that would out someone to an entire school just because they had one slip of the tongue, and i know i said you were too little but really you're only about an inch shorter than me and i'm sure you have a better body, i know you're straight so i wont go into that but i want you to know that even if you were gay it's clear you wouldn't go for someone like me anyway, you're too perfect." Then Drake inhaled deeply

"WOW.. Um that's a whole lot of confession considering i've known you about 24 hours and up until about 2 seconds ago was completely sure you liked girls, and was only kidding around with you."

"oh dear god, please don't tell anyone." Tear were starting to form in Drakes eyes.

"Oh Drake i'm not going to tell anyone, and just to assure you i am gonna let you in on a little secret of my own."

"Look Vince i believe you and you don't have to be so nice, i mean no matter what you tell me i won't feel any less stupid."

"Ok then i guess my secret will stay that way."

"Alright let's eat"

As Vince's father drove the boys to school he kept looking between the two boys wondering exactly what had happened between the two of them to make them so quiet to one another.

Amy ran up to the car, "Hey Mr. Carlson, how's it hangin'?"

"I'm doing very well Ms. Combs, but how many times do i have to tell you to call me Dustin?"

"And when are you gonna stop calling me Ms. Combs everytime i don't?"

"I guess once you get it right i will too Amy."

"Ok Mr...I mean Dustin"

"Much better, well i need to go put food on the table, see you boys after school."

"Who's the fox?" Amy whispered to Vince

"Believe it or not that's my neighbor who sits in our class and i believe has a little crush.. Details later." He whispered back

That morning in world history, they learned about the industrial era, snoozer, everyone was practically asleep

By the time lunch rolled around they had a fairly large amount of homework, so they were all working on it.

Vince felt he was being watched, and perked up, and looked around the room his eye made contact with a boy sitting by the window, he was great looking from afar, and Vince noticed he was wearing a sport letter jacket, meaning he was at least a sophomore, as freshman hadn't had a chance to be involved in anything yet. Vince and the boy maintained eye contact and the Vince started to blush and turned away as sensually as possible.

Then what Vince couldn't hear was happening at the back of the cafe

"Hey Zak, what are you staring at."

"Oh Frankie, i was just looking at that guy over there."

"Oh, see anything you like?"

"Yeah i see something i like a whole lot."

Zak is a sophomore and is only out to the people from his team that he sits with at lunch, they all accept him for who he is, and want him to lose his virginity by junior year, as they all had, over the summer; here's a little description of Zak, he's 5'10 165 lbs with black hair and shocking gray eyes, he is a soccer player, and a Track runner, with a tanned body and perfect lips.

"Go talk to him."

"I dunno, he has an awful lot of people around him."

All the guys were now listening "Which one is he."

"He's the blonde one at that table over there. the one full of freshman."

"Okay, we get that but theres two blondes, the one.." Then the blonde next to him gave them the profile view as she turned to kiss his cheek goodbye.

"WHOA!" all the boys said at once

"Who is THAT."

"Well i guess now all you guys know which blonde i was referring to."

"For sure, if THAT chick is kissin' him good bye, i mean dude, even if he's bi, you don't got a chance."

"Thanks, you really know how to boost a guys confidence Jason."

"I'm just sayin' you better pray that's just like his best gal pal or whatever they call it nowadays...fag hag..." That earned Jason a smack on the head from everyone at the table.

"Seriously bud go talk to him, believe me you'll KNOW if he's interested, you're just as hot as her."

"Whoa Greg.. you turnin' gay now too.."

"Stop stalling and go" Frankie said, cutting him off

Vince felt a sudden wave of euphoria, but he didn't know why, then he felt someone tap his shoulder.

"Hey I'm Zak"

Ian turned to see the most stunning eyes staring directly into his own "Hi, I'm Vince."

"My friends and i were wondering if you and your friends would maybe like to come outside and sit with us."

"But transition period is coming.."

"Nah don't worry about it all of you guys look to be at least sophs, they'll never even look, and beside they don't even punish you for skipping transition, don't you wanna be cool.?"

Knowing he should not pass up a chance to be considered cool, he said, "Well i know they won't go for it, but i know they'll cover for me."

Carly spoke up first "Ian baby, you know Amy would have a fit if she found out you were skipping classes to go hang out with some boy you just met"

The way Carly said that made him sure she knew his secret

"Yeah Vinny, the last thing you need on the second day is a bad rep." Mikey threw in

"Oh go ahead baby i'll cover for you, good luck." Vanessa said with an obvious wink

thought "Of course Charlie's FUCKING angels know my secret" "Ok then it's settled lead the way Zakary"

Thought "Oh god he used my full name, the way he said it oh god this kid has way too much of an effect on me." "Zak, please, only my mom calls me Zakary."

"Well now i do too ZAKARY"

"Only friends get nicknames, and as of yet you are not one of them, not to sound mean."

"I get it Vincent, i guess i should follow a good example."

As they walked outside Vince suddenly had a realization "Hey i thought you said that your friends were gonna be out here."

"They apparently found something better to do, what am i not good enough company?"

"No, no you're fine and fine as hell too it's just that i thought that it would be a group type thing, but just you is great." Did I just hit on him?!

"Yeah you're pretty good yourself

Did he just flirt back?!

They proceeded to talk, and Vince found out that Zak was one of few sophomores on the varsity soccer team, that excited him because he loved to play soccer, andhad a monster crush on..of course David Beckham.

"I love soccer, i mean i really love it, i'm gonna try for the freshman team tomorrow."

"You should and hey maybe if your good enough you'll make JV"

"Well you never know maybe i'll give you the boot from Varsity.."

They both laughed, occasionally they're knees would touch and they would both get a little turned on but hide it.

"When's your birthday Vince?"

"Tomorrow actually, i'm finally gonna be 15."

"You're an old freshman, i turn 16 next month"

"Yeah i know i'll just be glad to finally be looked at as a teenager, you know when you're 14 everyone still thinks young but miraculously at 15 your able to work and all that shit."

"I hear you little buddy, i was the same way"

"My dad calls me little buddy, i love it."

"My dad calls me little shit, i hate it, but its all in fun."

They were having so much fun that they didn't even notice when their positions had change and Vince was now resting his head in Zak's lap.

Zak was feeling confident, and lower his lips to Vinces, and though it was an awkward position, they lips connected and a spark flew, and they enjoyed a very sensual kiss, both of their firsts.

What they didn't notice was, Vince's entire group of friends watching them from the window, and Drake Zane, being the last one going in from gym class stopping dead in his tracks, obviously jealous.

To be continued..

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Next: Chapter 4

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