
By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 26, 2006


I would like to thank all of those who sent comments..Hope i didn't keep you waiting too long...enjoy

Choices 2 _____________

As you may remember from the first chapter Vince came out to his father in the car on the way home from school...Don't remember...Lemme refresh your memory.....

"I have a confession to make to you,"

"Okay what happened?"

"Nothing, I just really have to tell you this."

"Go ahead"

"you know how I made that comment about you being so homo sometimes"

"Yeah.. Why are we on this? I thou..." "I said it because I wanted to find out how you felt about gay people"

"Well son that was a run about method, but you certainly got me going, why did you want to know so bad."

"I wanted to know how you would feel about me......."


His father almost didn't stop at the railroad crossing as the gates started coming down


He slams on the breaks.

"Ok son this is not a problem, I still love you and I always will, nothing can change that, ever."

"Daddy I love you so much."

"Let's get home little buddy"


As they walked through the front door they started talking.

"So son how long have you known about... well what you told me."

"A few months now, I was waiting for the right moment to tell you and that probably shouldn't have been while driving."

"Well I'm glad you told me."

They looked out the front window to their house to see a family moving in across the street.

"Should we go help them?"

"Yeah sure pop, we might as well be good neighbors"

Vince was silently praying for someone his age, in this rich area kids his age that live at home are rare, most are shipped to boarding school.

When they reached the other side of the street, they met a man and a woman, both looked years older than Vince's father.. Understandably since he was so young when Vince was born.

"Hi I'm Dustin, and this Vince, we live across the street."

"Oh hello, I'm Bianca Zane and this is my husband Aiden Zane and we live here. There's a kid somewhere around here..."

"We just came over to see if you needed any help."

"Well isn't that nice, it's so nice to see a pair of young men so willing to help out their neighbors."

"Yeah so anything I can do?"

"Oh well I supposed if you and your brother are used to heavy lifting you could help Drake and Aiden with the bureaus and the beds."

"Ha ha..."

"What's funny dear?" Bianca asked as she glanced to Vince

"Oh it's just that you said brother, but that's my dad."

"I guess I should have said I'm Dustin and this is my Son Vince."

"Oh heavens I feel so embarrassed."

"You boys simply must let me cook you dinner to make up for my false assumption."

"We graciously accept Madame."

"Oh Vince could you run upstairs to the second door on the right and tell Drake to come and help you and your fathers."

"Sure thing Mrs. Zane."

"Oh dear no, Mrs. Zane is my mother I go by Bianca or B.B."

"Ok B.B I'll get him"

Vince ran upstairs not even making the connection between Drake Zane and the fact that the last boy in his world history class was named Drake and had commented on his apparent courage.

Momentarily forgetting his manners Vince just walked right into Drakes room and caught him with his pants down...literally.

"Oh dear god...WHO IS IT?"

"Don't worry it's not either one of your parents."

"Hey I know that voice."

"You're in my World History class aren't you."

"Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't even make that connection, um I apologize for not knocking."

"Ah well I guess its nothing you haven't seen or done before."

"Right you are."

Drake just stood up in all his glory and then tucked his average sized penis back into its confinement

"So you are probably thinking, what a fag he just put his penis in front of me."

"No not really, like you said nothing I haven't seen before, we should get used to it, four years of a locker room full of cock."

"Right you are."

"Yeah I guess I am"

"and here I thought I was gonna have to work so hard to fit in."

"I saw what you did."

"What do you mean Drake?"

"I saw you look at my penis."

"I think you give yourself too much credit it is an empty room and you were standing there naked of course I looked, but I didn't see anything worth seeing."

"BURN! I think we'll be great friends Vince"

"I certainly hope so Drake."

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Next: Chapter 3

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