
By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 17, 2006


My New Story, I've been gone a while but i'll try harder ;)


Chapter 1

BUZZ!! The sound you dread after 3 months of freedom, the first alarm clock for the first day of school. Vince was excited because today he started high school, at 14 150lbs with a perfect face and a great head of blonde hair to complement he knew he was bound to be a smash hit with the girls. Though he would prefer to be a smash hit with the boys, he wasn't about to let anyone at his school know that small detail. Even though he was excited about school, he wasn't so happy about waking up at six every morning.


Vince admired his father, he was only 16 when Vince's mom dropped him off and said here take him, he had built a great life for he and his son, his once small business became incorporated and sky-rocketed to the top, and he is a very powerful man, but always makes time for his little buddy.


He knew that once his father used his full name and a swear word that meant business

"I'm UP!"

He walked to his closet and picked out his favorite new outfit a pink HCO shirt and a pair of cargo shorts, on his way to the bathroom he checked himself out in the mirror taking note of a new muscle, and happy with his summer tan.

After his shower he hoped down the stairs, and bounded into the kitchen

"Hey kid, have you seen my son? he's a small boy with blonde hair and a button nose, very cute, looks a bit like you, but you look much too mature to be him, if you see him let him know I'm looking for him.. thanks, oh and what are you doing in my house, child I have never seen before."

"Ah ha-ha Daddy real funny, but really how do I look?"

"I can honestly say if I didn't live with you or know anything about you I would be in awe. and...Daddy? What's the occasion, you need money?"

"No Daddy I was just fishing for a ride to school."

"No fishing needed little buddy, you high school is right on the way to the office but you have to pay me.."

He opened his arms


"HEY, easy on the goods buddy this suit is Gucci"

"God dad you are such a homo sometimes."

"HEY Now you listen to me young man, gay people are just as good as any person on this planet, and it is very VERY wrong for you or anybody else to use that kind of language as an insult,

"Daddy, I love you and I'm sorry I won't do it anymore."

"Son I didn't mean to make you cry but please understand that people have feelings and especially at school, you won't know who is actually a homosexual, and if they hear those words you can hurt them and think I raised you to be better than all that. Now let's move it or we'll be late."

They made the 10 minute drive in 5 minutes.

"You need me to come in with you?"

"Dad I'm fourteen I think I can handle finding a class room."

As he made his way through the halls he was searching for somebody, anybody that he knew, and there she was his lifetime friend, Amy Combs, looking so beautiful with her long blonde hair and her skimpy summer outfit.

"Peek a boo, I spy a tramp!"

"Listen ass hole, I don't need any shit today"


"OH MY GOD, VINCE! YOU LOOK SO DIFFERENT!" She practically squealed

"Hey sexy beast how have you been I haven't since you since graduation?"

"Great I've been great."

"Nice rack you have there are they stuffed or did they come like that."

"Thank you for noticing, they are 100% pure, and look at you Mr. Muscle Man, I can't believe you're finally taller than me, remember though I can still beat you."

"How's Jerry?" With just a hint or sarcasm "Ugh don't get me started on that piece of shit, insert I told you so, we are SO over."

"It's about time, I hated that guy!"

"OOOH lemme see your schedule"


"Great now I have no way to get rid of you."

"Shut up let's go we have a little time to find out where we are supposed to be."

With that Amy grabbed Vincent's hand and led him off into the sea of teenagers.

"Here we are room 240A Mr. Conroy Subject World History, this should be fun"

Taking note that nobody was there yet Amy and Vince decided to go hang out in the halls

"HEY VINNY AMY WAIT UP!!" Screamed what sounded to be more than two people

Both turned and watched as their little clique from 8th grade found their way to them, Vanessa Jamie, Mike, and Carly, all came running up to them


"Did you guys rehearse that or are you all just so dumb you can't string a coherent sentence together?" Amy asked with a smile

Jamie perked up "Hey Ames how's it hangin'?"

"Well seeing as you have about as much of a dick as I do, you tell me."


"Will you two ever get along."

"Well that depends on how you define get along, if by get along you mean, have a two faced attitude at school and loathe each other in private, then we already do, but if by get along you mean will I ever give tiny over there the time of day then the answer is no."

"and wouldn't you know it we all have the first 3 classes of the day, let's just hope seating isn't assigned by last name."

"Ah yes the middle school days, Combs and Cooper, always lab partners in every class they shared, don't worry though Amers C3 only have 3 classes together."

"Ok guys I need to talk to Vince, all y'all go to class we'll see you."

All the rest left the two of them alone.

"Okay Vince out with it, Are you gay?"


"I saw the way you were staring at Mikey, and yeah the dude is fucking hot but you were like drooling, so tell me, I don't have a problem with it."

"Yes Amy I am a homosexual."

"Good...So am I.."


"Me and Jerry meant nothing to me, and I couldn't just out myself to you without knowing you could accept me."

"What do we do?, we are freshman they will eat us alive if they find out."

"From now on Vince me and you are a couple."

"How is that gonna help?"

"Hello dumb ass we are two really hot kids, and if we are "dating" then nobody will even suspect otherwise"

"This is good, but you know if we want to make it seem real we are gonna have to act completely straight, meaning kissing touching, and all that, you game?"

"totally, won't my boobs like turn you off?"

Bell Rings

"Of course they will, we gotta book, that was the warning bell we have 2 minutes left."

As they walked they held hands a whispered and tried their best to look like a couple

They walked through the door of room 240A just as the bell rang

"Mr. Carlson and Miss Combs I can safely presume"

Looking around they noticed all eyes on them including the teacher's

"I don't suppose that you two obviously being a couple is going to stop you from working to your full potential as study partners." He seem nice enough, his tone wasn't harsh or mean spirited

Again, they looked to two empty seats at the very front first two desks, obviously being the first two people in the alphabetical order of the list.

"No sir" they replied at the same time and headed to their respective desks, Vincent mesmerized the girls and Amy the boys, but every single person in the room including Mr. Conroy was completely taken aback at the perfection of the couple, the boy and girl next door.

"Alright guys now that you're all here, I think it's time for roll call, if you have a name you prefer please tell me."

After roll it was time to play the introduction games that everyone knows and despises.

"I want you all to say a quality that you see in the people next to you, Start with your name and say, I am blank and I see blank in blank, the last person will make a comment about Vince here, Vince start us off"

All the girls seemed to tune in when Vince stood.

"I'm Vince, and I see everything pure and wonderful about the world in Amy."

He meant it too and he wasn't faking it

Every eye in the room seemed to widen and from the girls there was an audible AWW.

When Amy stood all eyes were on her.

"I'm Amy, and I see a person who would walk through fire just to hold me when I cry in Vince, and I see strength in Jamie"

She meant it, and wasn't happy about having to say something nice about Jamie but meant that too.

When they got to the last person, nobody was paying very much attention, his name was Drake, and he was gorgeous though not as strikingly drop dead as Vince, he had it going on.

He stood

"I'm Drake, and I see truth in Carly, and I see courage in Vince."

Vince got a chill when he heard the way Drake said courage, almost as if he knew that Vince had something he needed courage for, that wasn't typical.

Class ended and the group of friends began their walk to their next class, Spanish in room 320B with Mrs. Stevens. Carly began, "why didn't you guys tell us you were dating?"

"Because we knew you wouldn't shut up about it."

Jamie chimed in "well dude you got the short end of that stick.!"

"WATCH IT JAMIE!" Vince managed to blurt out with anger it came fairly easily

"Sorry dude."

"I think it's good as long as you're happy." The way Mikey said it almost sounded as thoughhe was jealous of him

"Well gee don't sound so enthused." Amy laughed


they heard as soon as they walked in the door. Noting that their names were written on dry erase boards on their desks, Once again Amy and Vince were partners

They were assigned Spanish names and told they could talk the rest of the period

The rest of the day went well and at 2:30 the day was done, and his dad was waiting for his in the pick up/drop off zone

"Hey Dad!"

"Hey buddy how was your first day!"

"Awesome, but we have to talk."

"Okay hop in and let's go for a drive."

"What's up son?"

"I have a confession to make to you,"

"Okay what happened?"

"Nothing, I just really have to tell you this."

"Go ahead"

"you know how I made that comment about you being so homo sometimes"

"Yeah.. Why are we on this? I thou..." "I said it because I wanted to find out how you felt about gay people"

"Well son that was a run about method, but you certainly got me going, why did you want to know so bad."

"I wanted to know how you would feel about me......."

To be continued....

Comments appreciated

Next: Chapter 2

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