
By Rachel

Published on Dec 9, 1999


Look! I've finally written a lot for Choices. This section I really enjoyed so I kept writing. Plus it has a huge overlap with Chapter 27 of Escape. Read this first!!! Or else you won't understand Chapter 27 of Escape!


Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah. Don't you know this by now?

Chapter 7

Joey leaned back against JC's chest, stretching his legs out on the bed. JC ran his hand over Joey's hair. He loved the feeling of the short, soft hair that Joey was sporting at the moment.

"It's getting long." Joey looked up at JC smiling. "Are you going to shave it off again?"

"Well the shaved head is a little better then a huge bald spot, so yes I am going to shave it again."

"I like it this length. Why don't you just buzz it? That way you have something to run your hands through when you are thinking."

"Is it that obvious that I miss that?" JC leaned over and planted a kiss on Joey's lips. "Only to me."

"So what movie do you want to watch?" JC grinned. "Your going to let me pick?" JC tended to pick movies no one else wanted to watch. "Yup. I picked last time we watched a movie."

"North by Northwest." JC always jumped at the chance to watch that movie. "You got it sexy." Joey went to the main screen and began to surf through the screens until he found the movie. JC turned off the lights and they settled back on the bed.

They were two and a half weeks into the tour. Tonight they were in Italy. They had one more show and then they moved onto Germany for a week of shows around the country. So far, the concerts were great. Even Britney had been wowing the crowds.

The first week had been a little weird for Justin. He kept trying to keep Casey away from Britney. He tried to keep Britney from even knowing that he and Casey were kind of an item. Naturally, Britney found out. But to everyone's surprise, she just shrugged it off. By the time Casey left, the two of them were even talking to each other. Justin was still waiting for the other shoe to fall.

Lance and Jean-Michel were still working things out, but they were back to sharing a room. Lance was no longer sleeping on the couch. JC had even caught them smiling and laughing together.

Chris was a little withdrawn, especially since Ameena joined the tour. It was natural to him that Howie would spend more time with his wife. He missed Danielle and the girls a lot. Chris was constantly calling home to check on everyone and to just talk to Dani.

JC hadn't really paid that much attention to what was going on with the BSB guys besides the really obvious stuff. Nick was bummed because Allie left. Howie and Ameena were missing their daughter. AJ and Kevin were frantically trying to plan a wedding. And Brian was distancing himself from everyone. Other then that, he really had no clue. The two groups didn't really spend all that much time together. They had breakfast together every morning in Kevin and AJ's room. The next time they saw each other was usually at the concert or on the tour bus.

Joey and JC had been keeping things hush-hush around the other guys. They hadn't really made any real decisions about their relationship. At the moment, they were together, but Joey was still with Kimmie too. JC was a little put off by that, but he didn't push the issue. They were really only dating.

They spent a lot of time together though. Every night JC would sneak into Joey's hotel room, sleep in his arms, and sneak back to his room when Brian called them to get up for breakfast in the morning. No one seemed to notice.

JC was pretty sure that Brian knew though. He had been assigning Joey and JC to hotel rooms either right next to or across the hall from each other. And his wake-up call to them always came ten minutes before everyone else's. Brian had also been quick to back them up when they said they were tired and wanted to stay in. He would convince the guys to leave them alone and let them sleep.

"Joey, do you think Brian knows?" JC asked absent-mindedly, his eyes following the movement on the TV.

"I know that Brian knows." JC sat up quickly, causing Joey to slip off his chest. "When did he find out?"

"He and I had a talk last week. Remember when we went golfing together?" JC nodded. "Well on the 8th hole, he turned to me and asked if we were together. I said yes. Then he said that he figured that and he wanted to know if he could do anything else to help us out more then he already was."

"How did he find out?"

"He said that the first hint was on the plane. The two of us were basically wrapped around each other while we slept. He blew that off as a fluke. But he couldn't ignore it when he saw the two of us kiss. That kind of clinched it for him. So he started to keep us together more often and he would casually suggest to Kevin when he made up the groups' for interviews that he put us in the same group. Then when he realized we were sleeping in the same room, he started to call my room ten minutes earlier then everyone else so you didn't have to worry about getting caught coming out of my room."

"He didn't tell anyone did he?" JC asked, slightly alarmed. Joey shook his head. "Brian said he would never tell anyone unless he had our permission. He hasn't even told Shelley. He also said as far as he knew he was the only one who had any clue. Everyone else is pretty oblivious while on tour."

JC relaxed and drew Joey back to him. Joey settled back against JC again, enjoying the feeling of his arms around him. He never would have thought that would be laying on a bed with JC's arms around him and his head resting on JC's chest. Joey had always been sure of what he wanted and for the first time in his life, it wasn't what he usually wanted. He wanted JC instead.

"Josh do you want to tell everyone?" JC tightened his arms around Joey. He wanted to shout from the top of the building that he was with Joey, but he couldn't. Oddly enough, nothing had ever been said about his sexuality when Lance came out. And again when Kevin and AJ came out, nothing was said then. He just hadn't said a word about it. He wasn't ashamed of who he was and he didn't try to hide it. If he was dating a guy, he brought him with him to events and parties just as if he was dating a girl. JC was never very affectionate in public anyway. So it was just never brought up.

"Do you want to Joey?" They had talked about this before and neither of them were sure enough of what was going on to answer one way or the other, so they just dropped the subject, essentially making the decision to continue to hide it.

Joey sat back up and turned off the movie. He turned the light on and faced JC.

"Josh, I don't know why this happened now. I have never even thought about being with a guy, much less you, one of my best friends. Kimmie made me happy. At least I thought she made me happy. When you and I began to get closer, when the therapy began, I realized I was missing something in my own relationship. I guess that's why I asked her to go back to having an open relationship. I needed to find what I was missing. That something I was missing was you Josh. We've been friends for so long and we've always been really good friends. But recently, those feelings have changed. They've grown deeper then friendship. I don't even know what's really happening inside me right now. You've been so great the past two weeks, letting everything move at my pace. Letting me get comfortable with what is happening. Do I want to tell everyone about us? The answer is yes. I want to shout it to the whole world. But I need to talk to Kimmie first. I owe her that much."

JC reached for Joey's hand and held it tightly.

"Joey, call Kimmie and talk to her. You said that you both agreed to have an open relationship. Well I agree to that too. Tell her what's going on. You don't even have to end it with her this way. You can have both of us."

Joey shook his head. "Josh. If I am going to be with, I'm only going to be with you. None of this open relationship shit. I want you."

JC was stunned. Joey had always followed a general rule that he had open relationships. If the girl didn't like it, he stopped dating her. Kimmie was the only person he had ever committed to and that had taken him a long time to do that. And now Joey wanted to be committed to him and only him.

"Well you know my feelings about open relationships Joey. I'm not going to argue about being committed to you."

Joey grabbed JC's other hand and held it tightly. "Then let's make this official. You and me Josh, we are a couple. Will you be my boyfriend?"

JC hugged Joey tightly. "Of course I will." Joey laughed as they hugged. "You have no idea how weird it was to ask you to be my boyfriend. I never thought I would be saying that to you or anyone for that matter."

"I never imagined hearing you say it. I always thought you were straight Joey. Hell, I think everyone thinks you are straight."

Joey grinned as he pulled away. "Well now at least you know that I bat for both teams." JC grinned back. "It's the only proper way to live."

There was a knock on the door. JC jumped up and ran into the bathroom out of habit. Joey waited until JC was safely in there before he opened the door.

"Brian, come on in." Joey shut the door behind him. "Josh it's cool. It's just Brian." JC opened the door and joined the other two, slipping his hand into Joey's.

"Oh it's just me. I feel so loved." Brian grinned at the two of them noticing the hands intertwined again.

"That's not what I meant Brian. I'm glad to see you. I just meant already know. We don't need to hide around you." Joey blushed as he looked at the ground.

"I'm just busting on you Joey. I know what you meant."

JC and Joey headed over to the bed, with Brian following. The three of them climbed on the huge king-sized bed and sat facing each other.

"I feel like a little kid telling secrets around a campfire." JC laughed at Joey's analogy. Brian just grinned broadly.

"Sorry about interrupting the two of you. I just wanted to check on how you were doing? I realized that you both know that I know, but we haven't talked to each other about it. So how are you doing?"

Joey grabbed JC's hand again, blushing. JC began to blush as well, turning bright red because of his very blond hair. Justin kept bleaching it for him every few weeks.

"Actually we are doing great. We've decided that we are going to make a go at this relationship."

Brian hugged them both. "That's great. I'm so happy for the two of you. Are you going to tell everyone else?"

Joey and JC exchanged glances. "I have to talk to Kimmie. I don't want anyone else telling her first. This should come from me."

"That's perfectly understandable. I do want to tell you that Justin asked me if I knew what was going on between the two of you. He said that he saw you guys hugging after the show tonight."

"We always hug after shows. All of us do. Why would that make him suspicious?"

"Easy. It was right after you two got out of the shower and you were only in your towels. Generally, we don't hug in our towels. Or grab each others ass while hugging."

"Ah. Okay I can understand why he asked then. Maybe I should go talk to Justin." JC looked at both of them. Brian waved his hand.

"Don't bother. He, Nick, Lance, Jean-Michel, and AJ went clubbing. Kevin, Chris and Howie are already asleep. They were saying something about being too old to keep up with the youngins."

"They aren't that old." JC said to him.

"I know that. But to tell you the truth, I'm 26 and I don't have the energy to go out clubbing after a show. Chris is 30, Kevin is 29, and Howie is 28. I can understand why they are tired."

JC began to laugh. "Oh your so much older then me and Joey aren't you Brian. C'mon. I'm 25 and Joey's 24. Your talking to us like we are Justin or Nick or hell even AJ."

"Hey AJ is pretty damn mature you know." Brian shot back at him. JC just grinned. "Look at who AJ has been with since he was 19. Of course he is going to have a certain degree of maturity. But we are talking energy levels not maturity. AJ does act like a child sometimes. Granted no where near as much as Nick and Justin do."

"Why are we arguing about this JC?" Brian asked him. JC shrugged.

"I dunno. You started it."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Joey did I start it?"

Joey looked up surprised. "Yeah actually you did Brian." Brian threw his arms up in mock disgust. "Of course he takes his boyfriend's side. I call that stacking the deck in your favor JC."

"Hey you asked him, not me." Brian grinned at the two of them. "You know the two of you make a cute couple. I'm going to have to give you my approval here."

Joey and JC looked at each other and winked.

"Yippee! WE have BRIAN'S approval!" They hugged each other exaggerating their excitement. Brian just laughed at the two of them.

"Fine you little queens-in-training. Be that way."

JC looked at Brian. "Queen-in-training? Hell bitch, I've been a queen longer then you've known what the word means." He snapped his fingers in Brian's face.

"Honey compared to Miss Thang who is taking her beauty nap in the other room, you are just a queen-in-training."

The three of them couldn't hold it any longer and began to laugh.

"Personally, I think Lance is a bigger queen then Kevin is. Have you ever watched that boy drink a cup of tea?"

"Wait, I got you beat. Have either of you watched Kevin while he reads the newspaper?"

Joey and JC began to laugh hysterically. They knew exactly what Brian meant. Kevin seemed to just fall into a chair, with his legs crossed and his one leg bouncing whenever he read a paper.

"What about when Lance gets his purposeful walk? He sashays left and right."

"Okay, I got you all. Because this goes way back. This goes back to when Kevin was dating Brian. This is pre-AJ even. He and Brian were going out to a club and he was trying to figure out what to wear. Kevin grabs me and pulls me into his bedroom, where he has outfits strewn all over the room. He then proceeds to ask me which outfit does he look best in. He finally picks one and puts it on. Kevin proceeded to twirl around to show me the whole outfit and then asks `Does this make my ass look big?' I swear he asked that."

Joey and JC were laughing so hard at the mental picture of big, old, butch Kevin asking whether his ass looked big, that Joey ran into the bathroom before he peed himself. JC was wiping tears off his face.

"Okay you win Brian. Kevin is the queen of the queens on this tour."

There was a knock on the door. Joey was still in the bathroom, so JC got it. He didn't have to hide since Brian was in here. Brian was the perfect cover. Kevin stood there, half-asleep, scratching his head.

"I just got a call from AJ saying that the five of them are in a little trouble with the Italian authorities. I do believe it is your turn to go bail them out Brian. I got them in France both times."

Brian sighed. "We have got to start sending them with chaperones."

"We did. They got Jean-Michel drunk. Apparently he was the one who started the antics this time." Brian groaned from his seat on the bed. Kevin wandered in the room and sat down too. Joey emerged from the bathroom.

"I don't wanna go bail them out. Can't we let them stay in jail for one night?" Brian whined. He flung himself backwards onto the bed.

"They got arrested again?" Joey asked in disbelief. JC nodded. Joey sat down on the other side of the bed. Kevin looked at them in confusion.

"Why aren't you sitting next to him?" Joey looked at him, trying to appear confused. "What do you mean Kevin?"

"Aren't you two together? I thought...oh never mind. I'm tired. And you know we can't let them stay in jail Brian. Think of the negative press."

Joey and JC exchanged glances. Brian got up and walked towards the door. He nodded to the two of them as he walked out. Brian started to shut the door and then thought again.

"Did you tell the bodyguard the address and all that jazz Kev?"

"Yeah, all you gotta do is go there and pull rank. If it doesn't work, pay the bail."

"See you guys later." Brian shut the door, leaving Kevin alone with Joey and JC.

Kevin started to get up and head for the door. "Hey Kevin. Can you wait for a moment? We kind of want to talk to you about something."

Kevin turned around and sat back down on the bed, crossing his legs. "So what's up kids? Tell daddy what's going on." Joey and JC stifled a laugh as Kevin just screamed queen in his exhausted state.

Joey reached over and took JC's hand in his own. "Actually you were right Kevin."

Kevin's eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. "Wait a moment. Are you telling me that the two of you are a...a...couple?"

JC nodded.

"And is that why Brian has been telling me that he will do room arrangements and wake-up calls?" JC nodded again.

"Hold up one moment. I thought you were straight Joey." Joey squeezed JC's hand.

"I thought I was too. I've only recently come to realize that I bat for both teams."

Kevin's eyes narrowed and both of them knew a lecture was coming.

"I obviously have no problems with this and frankly I am thrilled for both of you. But I have to know that you are practicing safe sex. I don't want either of you harmed in anyway. Are you using a condom every time you have sex?"

Joey blushed deeply and he looked down at his lap. JC leaned over and kissed his cheek softly.

"Actually we haven't had sex Kevin. Neither of us are ready for that. We are going to move slow."

"Okay, but when you do, please, please practice safe sex. I have condoms if you need them. You just have to ask."

Joey began to blush even more, turning a tomato red color.

"Thanks Kevin. If we need to, we know where to go."

Kevin watched as JC rubbed Joey's back. Kevin's questioning had obviously bothered Joey a little. Usually Joey was unflappable about any subject. Apparently sex with his boyfriend was still a fresh one.

"I'm going to leave the two of you alone okay. I need my beauty sleep before Princess AJ gets back from his stay in an Italian prison and tries to explain what happened this time."

Kevin sighed heavily. He looked down at his lap, hoping that AJ wasn't drunk.

"I'm sure AJ didn't drink Kevin." Kevin nodded, acknowledging JC's comment, but not really putting much faith in it. Kevin got up slowly. He gave the two of them a weak smile and headed towards the door.

"When the two of you are ready to tell everyone, just let me know. I'll make sure everything goes smoothly and we have plenty of time to talk about it."

Kevin shut the door behind him, leaving them alone. Joey pulled JC into a tight hug.

"Thank you." He whispered into JC's ear. JC tightened his arms around Joey. "Anytime honey."

Chapter 8

Justin planted his hands firmly on Joey's shoulders as he leapt over the crouching man. He slid forward on his knees and hit his position just as he hit the last note of the song. The crowd went nuts. Justin could see JC on the other side of the stage in the same position. He knew that Chris, Joey, and Lance were all in the same position behind him.

Justin stood up, waving happily to the crowd. The other four guys joined him at the front of the stage.

"Hey everyone! Y'all having a good time tonight?"

The crowd screamed loudly in response. Justin grinned at the other guys onstage. Joey had his hand on JC's shoulder and JC was grinning like an idiot in Joey's direction.

"We're going to slow things down for you now. Chris, Joey, and I are going to take a break. We'll leave you in Lance and JC's capable hands."

Justin, Chris, and Joey waved as they headed off-stage. They turned off their mikes as soon as they were offstage. The music to Magic began. Lance and JC began to sing, their voices meshing beautifully.

Justin and Chris collapsed into chairs, breathing heavily. Joey stood at the edge of the stage and watched as JC sang. He smiled as his boyfriend turned and winked at him.

"Watcha' watching Joey?" Justin asked, winking at Chris. They both had figured out JC and Joey's secret. Everyone had figured out JC and Joey's secret, but no one was going to say anything. They were going to wait until JC and Joey said something.

Joey turned away from the stage, blushing slightly. "Nothing really. Just watching them perform Magic. They are very good at that song."

Justin and Chris nodded, exchanging knowing glances.

"So do you and Josh want to come out clubbing with us tonight?" Justin asked him. He had been dropping hints linking the two of them for days, but neither of them had taken the bait.

There was a camera flash and Nick waved to them as he walked by. Chris waved back using only his middle finger. Nick's photography project was getting a little old.

"I can't really speak for Josh. You'll have to ask him yourself. I'll have to see how I feel after the show personally."

Justin sighed. He had to slip one of them up eventually.

"Come on. We're back on." Chris said as he pushed himself out of his chair.

The stage was plunged into darkness. Joey grabbed Justin before they ran onstage.

"You won't slip me up Curly." Joey grinned as he ran past him to his spot. Justin shook his head, laughing quietly. He reached behind himself and switched his mike back on. Time to perform again.

Lance stood under the hot shower, enjoying the feeling of washing the sweat and make-up off his sore body.

"Hey Scoop, you going out tonight?" Justin asked from the shower next to him.

"Nah. I'm sleepy Curly. Besides I think Jean-Michel is still hung-over from last night."

"I am not." Lance stuck his head out of the shower to see Jean- Michel standing there.

"Sorry honey. Didn't know you were there." Jean-Michel leaned forward and kissed Lance.

"Hey none of that. Save that for your bedroom." Justin grinned at them from his shower. Jean-Michel reached over and pulled the curtain all the way shut on Justin's shower and kissed Lance again.

"James, Britney needs to talk to you about something. She said it was very important and it could not wait."

Lance groaned. "I'm showering. Can't you take care of it?"

"If I could take care of it, would I be bothering you in the shower."

"Yes." Justin answered from his shower.

"Shut up Curly." Lance chastised him as he held back laughter. "Tell her I will be there in about 10 minutes. I need to finish showering and then put on some clothes."

Jean-Michel leaned forward and kissed him again. "I will tell her James." He left the bathroom and headed back down to Britney's dressing room.

"Is Nick going out with you tonight?" Lance asked as he rinsed his hair. "Of course. So is AJ. And AJ is bringing the herbal refreshments tonight. So c'mon join us."

"Tempting offer Justin, but I'll pass on the herbal refreshments tonight. Tell AJ thanks though."

"I will."

Lance stepped out of the shower, leaving Justin alone. Justin immediately began to sing loudly and off-key like always. Lance laughed as he threw on some sweats. He left the dressing room and headed down to Britney's room.

Lance knocked on Britney's door with a heavy heart. He could hear her arguing with Mike and Jean-Michel. Mike opened the door with a relieved look on his face.

"Thank god it's you. She's driving nuts."

Lance walked into the room. Britney was standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips, squaring off with Jean-Michel, who looked just as determined as she did.

"Hello Britney. What can I do for you?" Lance sat down on the couch. She turned to look at him with a relieved smile.

"Lance tell Mike that I am so allowed to schedule studio time when I am off."

Lance looked over at Mike. He hated this part of his position.

"Mike, she's allowed to schedule studio time if she wants to. Britney and I have discussed her recording a new album after this tour."

Britney stuck her tongue out at Mike, who threw up his hands in exasperation.

"Lance I can't take this anymore. She is horrible to work with. She never listens to me and whenever I say something she doesn't like, she just goes over my head to you. And you always side with her. How am I supposed to do my job Lance? You take away any authority I have. That's it. Lance I am resigning as Ms. Spears' manager. I don't need this aggravation!"

"Mike you can't do that. I need someone to manager her. I don't have anyone else."

"That's not my problem. Give her to Jean-Michel for all I care. I have three other clients to take care of too. She's all yours."

Mike slammed the door behind him, leaving Lance fuming. He turned to Britney in anger.

"What did you do to him?" Lance screamed at Britney. She shrunk back, realizing that she may have pushed too much. She backed into Jean-Michel, who held her arms tightly.

"Let me go." She hissed at him. "Answer James Britney."

"I'm sorry. I honestly didn't know he was going to quit. I just wanted to be able to schedule studio time." She wrenched herself away from Jean-Michel. Lance sat back down, dropping his head into his hands.

"Britney what am I going to do with you? I don't have the time to manage you. Jean-Michel is not a manager. And there is no one left at FreeLance who can take on another client. Jesus Britney."

Britney sat down at her dressing table. She hadn't expected Mike to quit. That was never her intention when she had tortured him. Now she didn't have a manager.

"Why can't you do it Lance? I promise I will be good for you."

Lance looked up at her disparagingly. "Britney, I run a company while I am on the road touring with a very famous band. That's enough stress without adding someone to manage at the same time. Even you Britney, gagged as you are, will take too much time."

Tears formed in Britney's eyes, real tears. This was not part of her plan at all.

"James can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Jean-Michel pulled Lance out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"You are breaking her heart James."

"Christ Jean. It's Britney. She doesn't have a heart. She's faking it."

"James those are real tears. Think about it for a moment. She would not have pushed Mike to quit if she had known there was no one else."

"Fine, so she's not faking it. I still can't do anything about it."

"Give her to me." Lance looked at him in shock. "What?" Jean took his hand. "Give her to me. Let me manage Britney. I can handle her."

Lance shook his head. "You're not a manager. You don't work for FreeLance. Britney is hell on wheels Jean. I don't want you to do that to yourself. Besides you are already busy."

"James you have no choice. I am willing to do it, at least while on tour. Either that or do it yourself. She can sue you James. I suggest you take me up on the offer."

Lance slammed the palm of his hand against the door. Jean-Michel had gotten him. He had no choice.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" He turned back to Jean-Michel. "I have to go call Tony and have him send the appropriate paperwork over to put you on staff and make you Britney's manager. Go talk to your client."

Jean-Michel smiled happily. He gave Lance a kiss on the cheek and went back inside.

JC watched as Joey got changed. Chris yawned and grabbed a towel. He had drawn the shortest straw, so he got last shower. Lance had been summoned to Britney's side according to Justin. Justin had decided to go watch some of the Backstreet Boys show.

Joey waited until Chris was safely in the shower when he pulled JC over to him. He kissed him softly.

"I have wanted to do that all night long." JC wrapped his arms around Joey, pulling him closer. "Me too."

They sat down on the couch next to each other. JC laid his head on Joey's lap.

"Magic was beautiful tonight." JC blushed. "Thanks, but Lance has a little to do with it."

"But Lance isn't my boyfriend. I only saw you." Joey leaned over to kiss him again. JC sat up and the two of them began to kiss softly. JC wrapped his arms around Joey's neck, pulling him on top of him. It was okay. Lance was busy with Britney, Justin was watching the show, and Chris was in the shower.

Lance stalked down the hall back to `Nsync's dressing room. He had just handed an inexperienced person one of his most troublesome clients.

He threw the door open and stalked past JC and Joey making out on the couch. They flew apart immediately. He pulled out his cell phone and sat down at the table. Lance glanced over at Joey and JC who were sitting at other ends of the couch, trying to ignore the other person.

"Oh don't stop on my account. Goddamn bitch. Tony, we've got a fucking situation here." Lance's voice rose until he was practically shouting into the phone.

Joey and JC looked at each other, unsure of whether Lance was talking to them.

"Hold on one sec Tony. I have to do something." Lance interrupted Tony and put his hand over the phone.

"Josh, Joey. I don't care if you two kiss in front of me. I don't want you to stop just because I am here. Just ignore me." He uncovered the phone and began to shout again.

JC slid back over next to Joey. "I guess Lance knows." Joey nodded, pulling JC to him, kissing him softly. They cuddled up on the couch, listening in shock as Lance explained the situation to Tony.

Chris walked out of the shower in his towel. He looked around at the assembled group. "Wow, didn't expect a crowd."

He grabbed his robe and threw it over himself. Chris walked over to the fridge, grabbed a soda and plopped down on the couch next to Joey and JC. They watched him carefully for any reaction. He rested his head against the pillow and sighed.

"I'm too old for this." He turned his head, opening one eye to look at them. "Don't mind me. Keep on cuddling."

Joey and JC looked at each other, shocked again. "Chris does Justin know too?"

Justin walked into the room. "Of course I know. We all know."

"Then how come no one said anything?"

"We figured you would say something when you were ready. Brian and Kevin said that you two were still figuring things out." Justin sat next to Chris and took the soda out of Chris' hand. He took a sip and handed it back to Chris.

Joey looked around at everyone in disbelief. Lance smiled at him from the table as he listened to Tony tell him the details of the contracts.

"So everyone is okay with this?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't we be?" Chris opened his eyes. "Hey everybody shut up for a moment. I love this song."

The room was silent, listening to the faint sounds of the Backstreet Boys singing Far Away. Justin hugged Chris tightly as tears began to fall down Chris' face.

Nick's voice was so clear as he sang the last verse.

`My heart is with you'

`My soul is yours'

`Remember I love you'

`Even when we are Far away'

"I miss them Justin." Chris clutched Justin as he cried. "I know you do." Justin rubbed Chris' back, letting him cry.

"Damn, Nick is so good." JC said quietly as he realized the impact of Nick's words. He hugged Joey tightly, thankful that he was with him instead of across the world like Allie and Danielle were.

Lance hung up the phone. He looked around the room at the long faces and decided to take matters in his own hands.

"Okay you grumpy guses. We are having an `Nsync night. Get up and everyone put on clothing. I don't care what it is. We meet in 10 minutes at the back entrance."

Ten minutes later everyone assembled by the backdoor. Lance was happy they had all opted for jeans and sweaters. He pulled his baseball cap on and led the way. Luckily there were no fans around since the Backstreet Boys were still onstage. Lance made a mental note to call Kevin or Brian and let them know where they were. They all ran into the waiting limo.

Lance hit the button on the limo that opened the window to the driver. "Did you get everything?" "Yes Mr. Bass." Lance nodded and put the window back up.

"Lance where exactly are we going?"

"Jean-Michel's grandfather's house. We needed some time alone to relax and just chill. You'll love this place. It has everything."

Chris looked around at the four guys in the limo with him. These guys were his best friends. No one besides Dani knew him so well. He smiled at Lance gratefully, knowing that Lance was really doing this for him. None of the other guys were that upset.

"Do you guys mind if I put on some music?" They shook their heads and Chris began to scan the micro disc collection for a particular disc.

"I know we hear a lot of this every night, but I really love this disc." Chris watched the other guys' reactions as the Backstreet Boys' new disc began to play.

"I agree with you Chris. This is probably their best album yet. I wish we could do something this good." Justin sighed as he listened to the instrumentation on Dreaming of You.

"Don't say that Justin. We can do something just as good, maybe even better." JC chastised him lightly.

"Then why haven't we?"

"Because we still have other people writing for us on too many songs." JC said simply, trying to keep the accusing tone out of his voice. It was really Justin who kept insisting on songwriters for a lot of songs.

"I don't see you writing songs Josh." Justin glared at him. "Actually he has written tons of songs. And they are great." Joey told Justin, protecting him boyfriend. He glared at him as he spoke.

"How come you haven't shown us any songs beside Charade then? We loved Charade. It was one of the best parts of the album it was on."

JC shrugged. "I was afraid you guys wouldn't like them." "You showed Joey." Justin sounded hurt.

"Not at first. He asked if there was anyway I dealt with my emotions. So I told him and he asked to see the songs." Joey squeezed his shoulder. "He didn't show me right away. He wouldn't show me until we actually started dating. And he was still reluctant then. These songs are great though. There are so many that we should do."

"Josh?" JC turned to look at Chris. "Can you trust us enough to show us? I would love to see if some of your words work with my instrumentation's."

"Your instrumentation's?" Chris nodded. "I've been writing a lot of music lately. Some of it is actually pretty good. At least I think so."

Lance nodded. "I've heard a lot of it actually. I've heard you playing late at night Chris. It's really good stuff." Chris looked over at him.

"You've heard it?"

"I haven't been sleeping well, so I've been up working. I can hear you play the guitar through the walls."

Chris blushed deeply. He leaned forward and pulled out the onboard computer. They watched as he surfed around to his files on the `Nsync server. "Listen." Chris turned off the disc and hit play on the computer.

There was no sound from the five guys as they listened to Chris talk before he began to play.

"Its about 4:30 in the morning. I think we are in Switzerland, but I'm not too sure. I couldn't sleep, again. What a surprise. I just wrote this one out."

The music began softly and then picking up speed until it became a fast-paced number. JC began to bob along. He knew what song would work perfectly with this. He opened his mouth and began to sing along.

"Tonight everything feels right girl. Take my hand and jump in with me."

JC continued to sing the lyrics to a song he had tentatively titled `The River' until the music stopped. He stopped as well and began to blush. The other four looked at him in disbelief.

"Jesus Christ. We have to get to a studio and record that one." Joey hugged him tightly. Chris smiled happily as Justin hugged him. Lance was on the phone immediately calling a studio he knew of.

Chapter 9

"Oh shut up Nick!" Justin pushed the shocked man backwards. Nick planted himself and leapt on Justin, easily dropping him to the ground. The two of them began to grapple for position.

Kevin looked up from his newspaper just to make sure everything was okay. He uncrossed his legs and leaned forward so he could see the TV screen better. He leaned back and crossed his legs again. Kevin continued to read his paper, knowing that this was just a post-Nintendo battle. Justin had lost again.

AJ slipped into the room and came up behind Kevin silently. He slid his hands down Kevin's chest.

"Not now Joey. AJ is going to be here any moment." Kevin didn't even look up from his paper as he grinned.

"Everything is ready. I got them hiding in the next room. Brian is keeping them company." Kevin looked up at AJ, still holding the paper up so Nick and Justin wouldn't hear them whispering, not that they were paying attention. Nick had Justin in a headlock and was telling him to call him the King of the World.

AJ glanced over at the two of them. "Let me get this right. Nick is going to be 22 and Justin is going to be 21 and they still act like this?"

Kevin nodded. "Justin lost to Nick again. I see it as a battle for honor."

"JC and Lance are in the other room getting everything else ready. Chris and Howie took Joey out saying something about a Superman exhibit. What a bad lie." AJ shook his head. "You cool with these two still?"

"Sure. If they get antsy, I'll just let them whip my ass in Nintendo for a bit." AJ gave him a quick kiss. "The sacrifices you make for your friends Kev." AJ grinned as he walked away, leaving Kevin to watch two of the three birthday boys.

Some stroke of luck gave Joey and Nick the same birthday with Justin just 3 days later. It made it easy to throw a big party for all of them at the same time. The guys had arranged for Allie and Casey to fly over for a couple days to see Justin and Nick.

Nick climbed off Justin. "Re-match in five minutes. Pull yourself together man." Nick walked over to the phone and dialed room service.

"I'm ordering some food. Anyone else want something?"

"Get me a turkey and cheese sandwich Nick." Kevin answered from behind the paper. Justin jumped up and ran over to the phone. "I'll order for myself when you are done."

Nick picked up the menu.

"Hi yeah. This is Nick Carter in room 823. I want a turkey and cheese sandwich, two cheese steaks, French fries, a pot of coffee, pancakes, those little cookies with the chocolate centers you guys make so well, and a bottle of Coke." He handed the phone to Justin.

"We also want a pizza with pepperoni and sausage, a cheeseburger, potato chips. Do you guys have ice cream? Okay then I want some ice cream too. Strawberry. And a bottle of chocolate syrup. Oh and I really want some fried chicken and mashed potatoes. And some milk to drink. Actually a lot of milk to drink. Bring me up a carton. Okay, thanks."

Kevin looked at the two of them in disbelief. "We just had breakfast two hours ago. How can you two be so hungry already?"

They both shrugged. "I guess we're just growing boys." Nick grinned at Kevin.

"Fatima is going to work your asses off if she finds out how much you are eating."

Justin sat back down on the ground. "We're not going to tell her are you?"

Kevin shook his head. "No, but they do keep records of the amount of food that is ordered for each room. Fatima periodically checks them. That's how come she knew AJ kept ordering an ice cream sundae before bed."

Nick shrugged as he picked up his controller. "Whatever. I can dance more if she wants me too. Besides is there any fat on my body anyway? Look at me."

Kevin glanced up and down Nick's body. He was right. Nick was in great shape despite all the crap he ate. Kevin knew that Nick had a very intense workout he did everyday. Kevin had barely been able to keep up with him when they would work out together the week he had lived with him.

The two of them began another game. As soon as Nick began to beat Justin, the arguing began again. Kevin rolled his eyes and got up. The maturity level in the room was taking a nose-dive and he felt compelled to join in.

Kevin sat down next to the two and picked up the last controller. He entered the game and turned on Nick's character.

"What the fuck?" Nick turned to look at Kevin, letting his concentration skip. Justin took him out with a sniper rifle. Kevin grinned as he turned and blew up Justin's man.

"Oh this is war Kevin. You asked for it." Justin gritted his teeth in determination. Together he and Nick ganged up on Kevin and quickly beat the crap out of him. Kevin started to get drawn into the game despite the fact he was losing so badly.

There was a knock on the door. "Its open." Nick shouted, not willing to get up and open the door.

"Room service." Nick spun around when he heard her voice.

"Allie!" He dropped the controller and ran to her. The two of them kissed passionately, hugging each other tightly.

Casey pushed the next cart in. "I've got an order for a Mr. Timberlake." Justin jumped up, dropping his controller as well. He swung Casey around and kissed her.

Kevin laughed as he took control of the video game. He quickly disposed of both Nick and Justin's characters. He began to cheer, causing the four of them to turn to him. He pointed at the TV.

"I won."

Nick and Justin turned to each other. "Did you pause the game?" "No I thought you did." They turned back to Kevin in disbelief. "Then he did win. Damn, Kevin beat us."

"Oh yeah. Whose King of the World now! In your faces." Kevin began to do a dance, making Allie and Casey double over laughing.

"You are not King of the World Kevin. You were lucky." Justin said.

"Nah, Kevin is Queen of the World." Nick began to laugh. "Oh bitch!" Kevin said jokingly. He grabbed Nick and tossed him over his shoulder.

"Would a queen do this?"

Nick looked up. "According to AJ, yes." Kevin dropped Nick on the couch. "Fine. I'm leaving. Y'all be good okay. We do have a concert tonight and these two jokers have to have a little energy."

Kevin grabbed his turkey and cheese sandwich off the tray and shut the door behind him, leaving them alone.

"All right, who sent in the girls early? They were supposed to show up while we all sang happy birthday onstage tonight." Kevin glared at the assembled group of men.

"It was Brian's idea." Brian began to sputter. "Y'all agreed to it too. So don't blame it on me."

"Hey it's cool. I was just wondering. Besides, because of the distraction, I beat Justin and Nick in Nintendo." Kevin grinned as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"That's my man. Take advantage of them when they are distracted." AJ gave Kevin a kiss.

"So Josh, what do you have planned special for Joey's birthday?" Lance asked him while they strung up the streamers in.

Kevin, AJ, and Brian turned to the two of them, watching as JC turned bright red. He dropped the end of his streamer in shock. Flustered, he leaned over and picked it up.

"Ah well, I kind of thought...we would...ummm...spend some time alone. You know." JC said quietly. Lance looked over at him.

"Sorry Josh. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"It's okay Lance. It's not like it's a secret what I have planned. I just wasn't expecting anyone to ask about it."

Kevin walked over to JC. "Do you need us to help you with anything? We're all pretty good at setting stuff up."

JC began to blush even more. "I want to make tonight special. I honestly don't know what to do to make it special though."

Lance looked over at JC in shock. "You and Joey haven't had sex yet?" Kevin shot him a look and he shut up.

AJ and Brian joined the other three. "What about reserving the roof tonight? That's always pretty cool. You guys could watch the stars and just be all romantic."

Kevin nodded. "That's a good one Brian. We can make sure everything is all set up. Joey will have no clue."

JC climbed down from the chair. "Thanks guys. I am really bad at all this, so I'm leaving it up to you on what to do. Just let me know where I have to be."

Kevin, AJ, Lance, and Brian immediately began to discuss what to do for JC and Joey. Lance dialed the front desk and made the arrangements for the roof. He argued for a few minutes to get them to agree to close the roof.

"Have you guys seen the garden on the roof? It's beautiful. That would be a really great place to lay a blanket out."

"Oh we need champagne then." Brian threw in. He dialed down to room service on his cell phone. He ordered champagne and some light foods. He also grinned as he ordered strawberries and chocolate syrup. JC blushed deeply as he listened to the four of them plan.

Kevin and AJ were tossing ideas for the actual bed around.

"Josh, do you actually want to be on the roof while you are having sex or do you want us to get your room ready too?"

"I'm not sure. Can you do both?"

Kevin got a glint in his eye that JC had never seen before. He smiled happily.

"Come on AJ. We have work to do." He grabbed AJ's hand and pulled him behind him.

"Wait a sec. We need another room. Joey will notice if he isn't allowed in your bedroom. Lance, see if they have another open room on this floor."

Lance nodded as he talked to the desk clerk.

"Okay, they have a room down the hall. It's next to Howie and Ameena's room. They said to just come down to get the key."

Kevin pulled AJ out of the room to go get the key and check the room out.

"We are going to have to go shopping." Brian and Lance laughed as they heard Kevin as he left.

"That man loves to shop way too much."

"And your family was surprised when he said he was gay?" Lance joked back at him. Brian just laughed.

"Okay everyone, we need your help here. Today is Joey and Nick's birthday. Nick turns 22 today and Joey is 25. Let's all sing to them."

Kevin led the crowd in Happy Birthday. Both bands, Britney, all the dancers, and the whole crew were onstage singing as well.

Nick and Joey smiled happily as they listened to the singing. Nick had been informed of the plan for the evening and he knew that Joey was going to have a spectacular birthday. After this, they were all heading back to the hotel for a huge party.

Everyone finished singing. The bands waved to the crowd and ran offstage. The lights came down quickly, leaving the crowd screaming for more.

There were no meet and greets tonight. The guys just hopped into the limos and headed back to the hotel. They would all shower and get ready there.

JC ran his hands threw his hair. He was nervous for some reason. He didn't have any reason to be nervous. He had done this before.

"What's wrong cutie?" Joey asked him softly. JC turned to look at him. He leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips. "Nothing honey. Just a little wiped out."

Joey rested his head on JC's shoulder. This had been a great month and Joey was happy to be spending his birthday with all his friends and especially his boyfriend.

Justin, Chris, and Lance looked at the happy couple. Casey squeezed Justin's hand tightly, enjoying the fact that she was with him again. They hadn't really made a decision regarding their relationship. Basically they were dating, but that was it. They could both date other people if they wanted to.

Lance's cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Bonjour sweetie. How is everything in your limo?" Lance smiled at no one as he chatted with Jean-Michel.

"The happy couples are making me and Chris jealous. We miss our partners."

"Well, I am just a limo behind you. We shall see each other at the hotel."

"I know and I can't wait. How's everything in the Spears' limo?"

"Fine. Britney and I have an understanding and she is not pushing me. We are going to the studio tomorrow to work on a song."

"That's great. Tell Brit I said hi." Justin glared at Lance, then softened his gaze. He and Britney had been fine together. They had even had a conversation about what had gone wrong. She had been so civil to him. He was still a little wary of her motives though.

The limo stopped. "Okay everyone. Get ready to run." The bodyguards opened the door and the members of `Nsync ran through the crowd of screaming girls to get into the hotel.

Joey and JC walked into their hotel room together. Once everyone had said that they knew about them, Brian had just stopped getting another room for JC and began to get a room with a living room attached for them as well.

"What are you wearing tonight?" Joey asked JC from the bedroom. JC stuck his head out of the shower. "What did you say?"

Joey opened the bathroom door and walked in. He sat on the sink and watched JC in the shower. "I asked what you were wearing tonight?"

"I was just going to put on a pair of khakis, a white T-shirt, and a sweater vest. Why?"

Joey swallowed hard. Watching JC in the shower was driving him nuts. "I...was trying to figure out what to wear."

JC stuck his head out of the shower. "Are you watching me shower?" He grinned at the flustered Joey. "Do you want to join me in the shower?"

"If I joined you in the shower Josh, we would never get to the party." Joey slid off the counter and turned to walk out. JC stepped out of the shower and wrapped his arms around Joey. "Now your all wet. We have to get you out of these clothes."

JC turned Joey around and lifted his shirt off of him. He slid his hands down Joey's chest and began to unbutton his jeans.

"Josh, stop. We can't do this now." Joey's voice shook as he pulled JC up. "Later." He kissed him softly and walked out of the bathroom. JC watched as he walked out with a smile. He couldn't wait for tonight.

"Everyone, I would like to toast the birthday boys! To Joey, Nick, and Justin." AJ held up his glass of soda in a toast. Everyone clinked glasses and hugged each other.

Lance wandered over to JC and Joey. The two of them were sitting alone in the corner making out. Lance cleared his throat softly. Getting no response from the kissing couple, he coughed. Finally, he just shouted.

"Joey! Josh!" They broke apart and looked at him. "Hey Lance."

"You two need to join in and have fun. C'mon it's a party."

"Actually I was just thinking about taking a walk in the roof garden. Would you care to join me Joey?" JC winked at Lance who nodded back ever so slightly.

"Of course I will sweetie." JC led Joey out of the room. Lance walked over to Kevin, who was talking with Ameena, Howie, and Chris.

"Is everything ready for them?" Kevin nodded. "I just checked the room myself before I slipped JC the key. Everything is in place. And Brian just lit all the candles on the roof a few minutes ago."

JC held Joey's hand tightly as they stood on the elevator. Two bodyguards had followed them up and were standing in front of them.

"You guys aren't going to walk with us are you?"

"No Mr. Chasez. We just have to make sure the area is clear and no one else goes up there while you and Mr. Fatone are on the roof. It is for your safety."

JC nodded, knowing that Lance had instructed them to say that. Truthfully they were there so JC and Joey weren't disturbed by anyone while they were having sex.

The doors opened and JC led Joey out onto the roof. They both gasped as they saw the entranceway to the garden lit up with white lights. The path had candles on either side so they could find their way.

"Follow me." JC led Joey threw the garden to the center. Sitting in a patch of wildflowers was a blanket. Next to it was a bucket of chilled champagne and two glasses. Joey turned to look at JC.

"Did you do this for me?" Joey hugged him close. "I had a little help from some friends, but it's all for you."

JC took Joey's hands and walked with him over to the blanket. Joey rested his head on JC's lap and looked up at the sky.

"Joey?" Joey sat up and faced JC. "Yes Josh?" JC took his hands in his own and held them tightly.

"I realized something a few days ago and I wanted to share it with you. Joseph Fatone, I am falling madly in love with you."

Joey's hands tightened around JC's as his face lit up from within. He leaned forward and kissed JC softly.

"I know I am in love with you Joshua Chasez. You've captured my heart and soul."

Joey wrapped his arms around JC and pulled him to the ground, resting JC on top of him. They kissed each other gently at first, small kisses on the lips. Joey's hands slid down to rest on the small of JC's back, pulling him closer to him.

"I love you Josh." JC kissed him passionately in response. Joey gently pushed him back so he could look into his eyes.

"I'm ready Josh." JC stopped and looked deep into his lover's eyes, searching for hesitation. He found nothing there but love. The effect was beautiful to JC. No one had ever looked at him with that much love before.

He sat up, climbing off of Joey. "Then I have one more surprise for the evening." JC stood up and stretched. He reached down and helped Joey up.

"Follow me." Joey was quiet as JC led him out of the garden. The bodyguards quickly fell into place behind them as they stepped back inside.

JC was practically shaking with excitement. He couldn't wait to show Joey the time of his life.

"Trust me Kimmie. I'll go get Joey. You wait here." Kimmie looked at Britney warily. She really didn't trust her, but when Britney had called her a few days ago about flying in for Joey's birthday, she had jumped at the chance. Joey had been so distant lately whenever they talked.

"Are you sure Britney? It looks like someone has something planned for this room." The room was all set up with candles and flowers and silk sheets.

"Oh I did this. I knew you were coming and I figured I would make it romantic. Hide in the bathroom. Oh and make sure no one knows it was me. I don't want to take any credit for this surprise."

Britney pushed Kimmie into the bathroom and shut the door. Now to go find JC and Joey. She peeked out the door and seeing no one around, quickly left the room.

Those assholes were going to pay and Joey and JC's happiness was only the first thing she was going to destroy. Joey was such a spineless idiot. He hadn't told Kimmie a thing about him and JC being a couple.

Britney sneered at the idea of them. Joey was just confused and JC was taking advantage of that. She would make sure they would be apart and Kimmie was just a pawn in her plan. Briefly, Britney had felt sorry for her, but that had passed. She had a mission.

Joey wrapped his arms around JC's waist as they walked down the hall. Britney was walking down the hall with a smile on her face.

"Hi Joey. Hi Josh."

"Hello Britney."

"I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday Joey. 25! Wow." She gave him a hug and continued down the hall. JC watched her, knowing that she wasn't supposed to be on this floor. Well, maybe she had been talking to Jean-Michel or something. He let the thought pass as he approached the other hotel room.

"This isn't our room Josh." Joey looked at him, slightly confused. JC waved the key. "It is tonight. I told you I had another surprise."

JC kissed Joey softly as he unlocked the door. He gathered Joey into his arms and carried him into the hotel room. Joey sighed and leaned his head against JC's chest.

JC carried him over to the bed and gently placed him in the center.

"I love you Joey." JC began to unbutton Joey's shirt, kissing him at the same time. Joey's hand roamed over JC's back as the two of them knelt on the bed.

Kimmie had heard the door open and the bed creak, but nothing else. She pressed her ear against the door, trying to decide when to open the door. She took a quick look in the mirror and opened the door to see her boyfriend.

"Oh my god!" Kimmie screamed as she saw them on the bed. Joey and JC flew apart, shocked at hearing someone there.

"Kimmie! What are you doing here?"

Tears streamed down Kimmie's face. She was trembling in anger.

"I guess this explains why you've been so distant." She stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

JC looked over at Joey in disbelief.

"You never told her?" JC's voice was filled with disgust and anger. Joey looked him in the eye and nodded. He reached for JC's hand, but JC pulled it away.

JC stood up, his emotions reeling and his mind in turmoil. He walked out of the room quickly, not looking back at the man he had fallen in love with crying on the bed.

"Josh wait please." Joey collapsed on the bed, sobbing. Who had brought Kimmie here? Who wanted to hurt him that bad? Joey curled up into a ball and sobbed loudly, wishing he could change everything.

Britney watched as Kimmie came running down the hall, tears streaming down her face. Kimmie didn't even see her. Not a minute later, a crying JC came down the hall. He, however, did see her. JC grabbed Britney's arm and spun her around.

"I know this is your doing. You are going to pay."

He let her go and took off after Kimmie again, calling her name, trying to slow her down. Britney smiled, knowing that if she looked in the room, Joey would be sobbing on the bed, his heart ripped to pieces. She was so proud of herself. She had destroyed someone and she liked how it felt. Britney was ready for more.

Next: Chapter 5: Choices 10 11

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