
By Rachel

Published on Mar 27, 2000


Hey everybody! Good to see y'all again. How've ya been? I'm okay. Long week. Many stupid things happened. If you really wanna know what happened just email me. Believe me I'll feel like bitching about it. I'll keep this short. Here's chapter 25. Enjoy! Please email me with comments!

Disclaimer: you all know this already

Prologue to Chapter 25...

"You're goin' down McLean!" Justin shouted as he got on his hands and knees. AJ knelt down next to him, rubbing his hands together.

"No way Timberlake. We're gonna' kick your ass." AJ grinned at him.

"Both of you shut up. Everyone knows that we're going to beat you guys into a bloody pulp. You're gonna' be wishing you had never suggested this." Lance said from his spot on the floor. He was already on his hands and knees, waiting to start.

"All of you just shut up. Ready?" Chris shouted from the other end of the hall.

"I got five bucks on Justin and Nick." Howie said to Brian. "No way. I'm taking Kevin and AJ. They're gonna' kill in this."

"Y'all are going to lose. Lance and Jean-Michel are going to win this." Joey said.

"Care to put your money where your mouth is Joey?" Howie asked, holding five bucks up.

"Sure. I'll put five on Lance and Jean-Michel." He pulled a five out of his pocket and gave it to Howie.

"Put five on Justin and Nick for me!" Chris shouted down to them. "I'll pay ya back later when they win Joey!"

Joey reached into his pocket and pulled another five out. JC watched from the side with a grin. He walked over to Howie, Brian, and Joey.

"Give me ten on Lance and Jean-Michel. I think they can pull this one out."

"Ooo...someone's bettin' ten. You hear that Lance. You gotta win now. JC's bettin' ten on ya'." Howie called to him, taking JC's money.

"Everyone done betting?" Chris shouted. "Yup!"

"Hey can we bet?" AJ asked, turning to look at Howie. "Sure, I guess so."

"Cool. Ten on me and Kev." He sat up and pulled Kevin down. He rested his forehead on Kevin's.

"We can win this baby." Kevin nodded, grinning at him. AJ kissed him softly.

"Fuck that! Twenty on me and Justin." Nick shouted. He grabbed Justin.

"Come on baby! We can win this." Nick said laughingly, making fun of AJ and Kevin.

"Oh you're goin' down Carter." Kevin said evilly.

"James and I want twenty on ourselves as well. These jokers have no hope of beating us." Jean-Michel said confidently.

"I'm gonna' start the race if you guys don't shut up!" Chris shouted.

"All right. We're ready." Justin called down to him.

"You know the rules. No kicking, no tripping, and no running your partner into anyone else. Got it. We want a clean wheelbarrow race here."

"Just do it Kirkpatrick!" Kevin shouted.

"Ready!" Nick, Kevin, and Jean-Michel bent down. "Set!" They picked up the legs of their partners, getting themselves set to go.

"GO!" Chris shouted as loud as he could. The three teams took off down the hall, neck and neck at first.

Kevin lifted AJ a little higher so AJ could move his hands faster. They began to pull ahead. Nick looked over to see what they had done. He moved up a little, pulling Justin higher. Justin began to go a lot faster.

On the other side of Kevin and AJ, Lance and Jean-Michel were going at a steady pace. Jean peeked over at Kevin, cautiously guiding Lance a little closer to AJ. He didn't want to actually run them together. He just wanted to crowd him a little.

AJ saw Lance moving closer out of the corner of his eyes. Unconsciously, he began to move a little closer to Justin. Kevin tried to straighten him out, but Lance was crowding them too much.

"Move over!" Nick shouted. "I can't. Lance is too close!" Kevin shouted back.

Jean-Michel grinned, lifting Lance higher. They took off, blowing past the other two teams and passing Chris first. Lance collapsed on the ground out of breath. Jean collapsed next to him.

"We won!" Jean rolled over and kissed Lance. Nick and Justin passed Chris next, collapsing immediately.

"We're stopping right here." AJ said as he dropped to the ground. Kevin fell next to him, laying on his back and breathing heavily.

"You may have won this one kiddies, but you'll never beat us in the three-legged race." Justin said breathlessly. He struggled to sit up, but dropped back down on the ground instead.

"Three-legged race? I didn't know there was a three-legged race. I thought it was only this." Kevin groaned.

"There wasn't. I just refuse to go out losing to the albino and his French boyfriend over there." Justin said.

"I don't think I can do another one guys." Kevin said. AJ lifted his head and looked at Kevin.

"Come on Kev. We gotta win our money back. Plus we came in last. We gotta' avenge our honor."

"Oh AJ. I'm too old for this." Kevin whined. "No you're not. We can do the three-legged race easily."

"Hey we never agreed to that. I think that Jean and I won for the day. Get over it guys." Lance sat up, sticking his tongue out at his opponents.

Nick and Justin exchanged glances. They pounced on Lance and Jean-Michel, grappling with them. Chris was bent over laughing at the six of them.

Kevin sat up, pulling AJ up with him.

Brian headed down the hallway to join them. "That was great guys. But you gotta' get ready. Savage Garden is almost done their set."

"Oh shit!" Justin climbed off Lance, pulling him up. Chris grabbed the two of them and they ran down the hall to join Joey and JC. Nick continued to grapple with Jean.

Unfortunately, having never wrestled with Jean put him at a disadvantage. He was quickly pinned by the smaller man's superior strength.

"Okay, you guys won. Let me go." Nick whined. Jean let him up, rubbing his arm. "That really hurt when you began to punch my arm Nickolas."

"Sorry Jean. But it wasn't exactly like I was feeling pleasure while you were pulling my head back and choking me."

Lance took Joey's hand and lowered his head. The guys were in a circle holding hands.

"Lord, please grant us the joy of having a spectacular show tonight. We praise you." Lance said.

"Amen." The rest of the guys chimed in. They broke apart. "Okay who's playing hackey-sac?" Justin asked. "I'm in." Chris said, following Justin back out into the hall.

Lance followed them as well, leaving Joey and JC alone. JC began to walk out, but Joey grabbed his arm.

JC glared at him. "Let me go."

"Wait. Please." Joey pleaded with him. JC sighed, but stopped trying to pull away. Joey let go of his arm.

"As a friend, I wanted to say break a leg JC. Let's have a good show tonight."

JC was quiet. "Thanks Joey. Break a leg yourself." He smiled at Joey for the first time in days. Joey smiled back.

"You gonna' play tonight?" JC asked, gesturing towards the hallway. Joey nodded. "I just gotta' talk to our stage manager for a sec. Then I'll be out."

"Okay. See you in a few." JC smiled shyly at him again. He turned to leave.

"Wait a sec JC." Joey said. JC turned around to face him. "I hope we can be friends again someday Josh."

JC nodded slowly. "We will be Joey. Someday."

"Whatever happens between us, know that I love you and I always will. No matter what." Joey said quietly.

"I know you do."

JC turned to leave. He had his hand on the door knob before turning to look at Joey again.

"I'll always love you too Joey." With that JC turned around and left for good.

Joey watched as JC left the room, shutting the door behind him. That was the first time either of them had truthfully admitted that they still loved each other. Maybe there was still hope, at least for friendship.

"Everything okay JC?" Lance asked, throwing his arm around JC's shoulder. JC nodded.

"Yeah. Actually everything is pretty good. I think we might be okay at least as friends Lance." JC smiled at him happily.

"Great. Now lets go hack."

Chapter 25

Joey stretched briefly as JC and Lance were singing Magic. Chris and Justin were also stretching, trying to keep loose for the next number. It was 'Bye Bye Bye'. The show was supposed to be over then, followed by an encore which was when the BSB were joining them to sing 'The River.' However Joey had something else planned before then.

Chris came up to Joey, slapping him lightly on the back. "That was some nice footwork between you and JC up there during 'Playtime'. I haven't seen the two of you work so well together in days."

Joey nodded. "We had a little chat before the show. Things are a little more relaxed."

"That's great. It makes the group look a lot better when we're working together." Chris rubbed his hands together.

Chris was nervous. After the encore, they were announcing that he was leaving the group. This made the decision final not that it wasn't before, but this just really made it hit home.

"Oh Monica! Hold up." Their stage manager was walking by talking softly into a headset. Joey chased after her.

"Wonder what that was about?" Justin asked, peering out at JC and Lance.

"Beats me. He's been planning something though. I guess whatever it is, it's going down tonight." Chris said.

"Is everything all ready Monica?" Joey asked her nervously.

"It's all exactly how you wanted it. The lights are going to go down during which the other four will leave the stage because they think that's what's next. Then the lights will come back up, revealing you. You speak. You gesture to the band. They begin the music. You finish. Lights come down. Hopefully JC responds." She grinned at him.

Joey hugged her tightly. "Thanks so much Monica. I know you can get in trouble for this."

"Hey I'm an old softie when it comes to love and romance. I want to see you and JC happy as much as anyone else."

"Joey come on!" Chris shouted in a stage whisper to him, motioning for him to join them.

The lights came down briefly. The harnesses were lowered and all five of them were quickly buckled in. This had been a hold over from when they first came out with No Strings Attached. They were all raised to the ceiling.

The lights came up and they were lowered slowly to the ground, all five of them hanging limply like puppets. The crowd began to scream. Pinocchio's voice began.

"I got no strings to hold me down. To make me fret, to make me frown. I had strings but now I'm free. There are no strings on me."

They hit the ground and the strings came free.

"No strings attached." They began to dance to the upbeat music for a moment before the beginning of 'Bye Bye Bye' began. The guys froze in place.

They all danced with as much energy and feeling as possible, putting all their emotions into the words they were singing.

During the beginning of the song where JC was singing basically alone, his eyes locked with Joey and he began to sing the words to him.

"Hey, baby, come on I loved you endlessly But you weren't there for me So now it's time to leave And make it alone I know that I can't take no more It ain't no lie I wanna see you out that door Baby, bye, bye, bye"

JC's voice began to falter and he stumbled while dancing. Chris saw this, following JC's gaze to Joey's eyes. Joey was dancing on auto-pilot, singing when he was supposed to his eyes glued to JC's. Chris moved out of position and placed himself between Joey and JC, trying to break the hold they had over each other before something happened.

JC shook his head and turned back to the crowd, coming back to the present and focusing on the song and dancing. Chris moved back into position and the song continued without any problems.

They hit their final positions and the lights came down. Breathing heavily, Lance, Chris, JC, and Justin ran offstage. They had a costume change to do before the final number with the Backstreet Boys.

The lights came back up, causing the guys to turn back around in a panic. "What the fuck?" They saw Joey standing center stage holding a microphone.

Nick came up to Justin with a concerned expression. "What's going on?"

Justin shook his head. "I have no idea."

The two bands gathered around the wings staring at Joey in surprise. Kevin wrapped his arms around AJ and rested his head on his shoulder as they all listened.

"Hi everybody! You guys having fun tonight?"

The crowd roared at him.

"I'm gonna' be honest with all of you. That was supposed to be the end."

Screams of disappointment could be heard throughout the crowd. Joey held up his hand, trying to quiet them.

"I need to do something before we go first." He began to walk around onstage.

"I made a big mistake a few weeks ago and really hurt the one I love. I've tried everything to get them back, but with no success."

The crowd gave a collective Awww. Joey nodded his head in thanks.

"This is my last chance to let that person know how I feel about them. So if you guys would indulge me for a few minutes, I would like to sing a song for you. It's not one of ours so sorry. It's called 'I Try' by Macy Gray."

The crowd roared their approval.

JC grabbed Justin's arm, trying to hold back his tears. Justin pulled him into a hug. Joey looked over at everyone standing in the wings. He caught JC's eyes peeking over Justin's shoulder.

"I love you Blondie." He said into the microphone, using his nickname for JC.

Joey signaled to the band to start playing. The lights softened, leaving only a spot on Joey as he began to sing. JC began to sob into Justin's shoulder as soon as the music started. Justin rubbed his back softly, turning so JC could watch as Joey sang to him.

"Games, changes and fears When will they go from here When will they stop I believe that fate has brought us here And we should be together But we're not I play it off but I'm dreaming of you I'll keep my cool but I'm fiendin. I try to say goodbye and I choke I try to walk away and I stumble Though I try to hide it, it's clear My world crumbles when you are not near"

Joey looked over at JC again, seeing him crying on Justin's shoulder, but watching his every move at the same time.

"I may appear to be free But I'm just a prisoner of your love I may seem alright and smile when you leave But my smiles are just a front I play it off but I'm dreamin of you I'll keep my cool but I'm fiendin I try to say goodbye and I choke I try to walk away and I stumble Though I try to hide it it's clear My world crumbles when you are not near Goodbye and I choke I try to walk away and I stumble Though I try to hide it it's clear My world crumbles when you are not near"

Joey's voice trembled slightly as he sang that line.

"Here is my confession May I be your possession I need your touch Your love kisses and such With all my might I try But this I can't deny

I play it off but I'm dreaming of you I'll keep my cool but I'm fiendin I try to say goodbye and I choke I try to walk away and I stumble Though I try to hide it it's clear My world crumbles when you are not near"

The lights came down, leaving a now crying Joey in the dark. The crowd roared loudly, clapping.

JC let go of Justin and ran to Joey. He pulled him into a hug onstage in the dark. The whole world disappeared as they hugged each other. Joey sobbed on his shoulder while JC did the same to him.

Lance walked out and guided them offstage. The two of them never let go of the other person, just enjoying the feeling of holding each other like they had wanted to for days.

"I'm so sorry Josh." Joey whispered into his ear. "I'm sorry too Joey." JC whispered back.

Lance was getting nervous. They had to be back onstage in a moment and Joey and JC weren't letting go of each other and they had to change into their costumes too.

"Do something Lance." Justin whispered as he watched the two of them.

"I don't want to. Someone stall for a moment."

Kevin looked up. "Let me." Everyone turned to look at him in surprise. "Are you sure Kev?" AJ asked him softly.

"Yeah I'm sure." Kevin smiled at all of them with confidence. He wanted to go onstage himself.

"Monica." Chris grabbed her arm. "Kevin is going to go stall for a moment. When he is sitting on the stool, have Ameena turn the lights on him."

Monica nodded and gave the directions to Ameena up in the lighting booth.

Kevin kissed AJ softly and walked onstage, sitting down on the stool holding a microphone. He nodded towards Monica.

"Now." Monica whispered into the headset. The lights began to slowly come on, revealing Kevin sitting there. The crowd went nuts when they realized who it was. He heard his name being screamed by people throughout the crowd.

Kevin's heart soared as he heard the positive reaction to his appearance. He smiled happily and began to talk to them.

Lance walked over to Joey and JC. "Guys." He said softly. Joey looked up at him with a smile. "Yeah Scoop."

"We got one more number to perform. You two ready?"

Joey pulled back and looked into JC's eyes. He only saw love there for the first time in ages. He nodded slowly. "Yeah we're ready."

"Then let's get the two of you in costume so we can get out there and wow them one more time."

Joey and JC quickly changed into their costumes. All ten of the guys were wearing the same exact outfit of a tight black top and black leather pants.

AJ handed Joey and JC their sunglasses. Monica signaled to Kevin to wrap it up.

"It's been great talking to all of you. I want to introduce some friends of mine before I go."

Kevin stood up, the spot light following him. The stool was quickly removed, leaving the stage clear for the dance number they were all doing.

"Y'all know the guys from 'Nsync."

They all ran out holding hands and waving to the crowd.

"And y'all know the guys from my band the Backstreet Boys."

The crowd screamed as the four guys from the BSB ran out to join everyone onstage.

"But do y'all know what we can do together?"

The lights came down and the crowd screamed. The guys got into position with their dance partners. Lance handed Kevin his sunglasses. Kevin grinned at him.

JC began to sing the first line of 'The River' acapella.

"Tonight everything feels right girl. Take my hand and jump on in with me."

The music began and the lights came up, revealing all 10 guys onstage together. They all tossed their sunglasses into the screaming crowd.

They began to dance to the music the band was playing, all of them adjusting quickly to dancing together.

Justin grabbed Howie's hands and Howie's tossed him over his head. Nick did the same with JC on the other side of the stage.

Nick and JC began to sing, staring at each other.

"We're gonna' find that place

that place for you and me

where we can be free"

All ten of them joined in on the chorus.

"Find the river

'cause tonight everything feels right

find the river

where I fell in love with you"

AJ, Joey, Brian, and Chris moved to the front as the other six danced in the back. They all began to sing together, their voices meshing while Chris' flew above the other three.

"The moon is shining and I

can see you clearly

i wanna be here with you forever

falling in"

Everyone joined in on the you, leading into the chorus again. Brian grabbed Chris' hands and Chris flipped him up. Joey flipped AJ up at the same time. They both hit perfectly and they all sang the chorus as they danced.

"Find the river

'cause tonight everything feels right

find the river

where I fell in love with you."

The guys began to reach the portion of the dance where they all flipped at the same time. Kevin and Lance exchanged glances as they all moved into position.

The band hit the final note and stopped. The five guys who were flipping ran towards their partners. A moment later Lance, Brian, Justin, AJ, and JC were flying through the air. The band began to play once again as the crowd screamed.

Lance winked at Kevin who was grinning with relief. They all began to sing again, taking the last verse all together.

"take my hand and jump on in with me

let the water hide the rest of the world

just you and me


Howie and Chris let their voice's fly over the other 8 as they sang forever.

"Find the river

'cause tonight everything feels right

find the river

where I fell in love with you."

Kevin, JC, AJ, Nick, and Justin stepped forward. The band stopped playing and the lights dimmed, leaving them in a spotlight.

"Find the river

where I fell in love with you."

The lights came down for the last time and the crowd went even crazier, screaming for all of them.

All ten of them caught their breath as the crowd screamed. Chris looked at them nervously. This was it. Kevin walked over to him.

"We're gonna' let you do this without the five of us okay?"

Chris shook his head. "No. I want you guys here. Please." Chris pleaded with him.

"If that's what you want Chris, we're here for you."


Chris signaled to Monica to raise the lights again. The lights slowly came up, revealing all ten of them onstage again. They all waved to the crowd.

The screams went on for ten minutes before the crowd could be quieted down. Chris finally got them to be quiet.

"Shut up okay everyone!" He said laughingly. The crowd quieted to a dull roar.

"It's been a great night. We all had a lot of fun for our final concert on this tour. We want to thank the Backstreet Boys for joining us."

The crowd screamed as the Boys waved to them. Chris took a deep breath, waiting for them to quiet down again.

"As great as it was, it was bittersweet for me. Tonight was my final concert with 'Nsync."

The crowd began to scream again, protesting what Chris was saying.

Lance squeezed Chris' shoulder tightly. Chris smiled at him before continuing on.

"It's been a great ride. I'm goin' to miss all of you! Have a great night and the rest of these guys will see all of you on the next tour."

Chris waved again. The rest of the guys waved as well as the lights came down for the final time.

They all filed off stage, exhausted from the emotions from the evening.

"Wow." Howie said softly. Brian nodded his agreement. Nothing more could be said besides wow. The evening had just been incredible.

Joey and JC had stopped walking. They stared into each other's eyes as the world seemed to slow down and stop.

"What now?" Joey whispered.

"We start again." JC whispered back.

Nick bumped into Joey as he walked by, not noticing that they had stopped. Joey didn't even notice. Nick watched them for a moment before Lance grabbed his arm and pulled him forward.

"I don't want to start over. I want to continue from where we were. Just work on everything instead of ignoring it."

"Then we continue from where we were. I just want you back."

"I'm not going anywhere. I never was."

JC reached forward and laced his fingers with Joey's. The world came back into focus and they could see and hear everything else again.

"Let's go. We got a lot of catching up to do." JC smiled happily at him.

"You got it Blondie."

The two of them followed the other guys down the hall, holding hands tightly and talking quietly.

Monica smiled as she watched them walk away. Ameena stood next to her with a satisfied smile as well.

"I guess everything did work out." Ameena said to Monica. "I hope so. I was so tired of seeing the two of them unhappy."

Ameena yawned. "I'm going to go find my husband. I'll catch you tomorrow Mon."

"See ya' Ameena." Monica waved as Ameena headed down the hallway.

Monica turned around and looked at her assembled crew. She smiled at all of them and began to clap.

"Great job guys! We're done! Let's go get wasted!" She shouted at them. They all began to laugh and clap happily.

She threw her arm around one of the stagehands. The crowd of people began to walk away, leaving the past few months behind them, ready to start over tomorrow with something new.

Jean-Michel watched Darren closely as Daniel went through the hotel room, gathering up his stuff. Darren hadn't moved once since Daniel and Jean-Michel had entered. He just sat in the armchair by the window staring into space.

Daniel looked around the room again. "That's everything Jean." He looked at the small pile of bags near the door. Darren blinked and turned his head towards Daniel.

"All right." Jean opened the door where two bodyguards were standing. "This is everything. Please take it down to the limousine for me."

The bodyguards grabbed the bags and headed down the hall. Daniel looked at Darren for a moment.

"Goodbye Darren." He said softly, knowing that there was really nothing that could be said.

"Leave." Darren ordered. Daniel nodded and walked towards the door. Jean stopped him.

"Go with the bodyguards. I will be down momentarily." Daniel nodded, knowing that Jean was going to give Darren the restraining order. He didn't want to be here when that happened.

Jean-Michel shut the door behind Daniel, locking it so no one could get in. Darren looked up at him, paying attention for the first time since they had gotten there.

Jean pulled out an envelope. He held it up. "I do not think I need to tell you what is in this envelope."

"A restraining order against me." Darren answered for him.

"Yes. And a ticket back to Australia for tomorrow. You are leaving. I never want to see your face again."

Darren stood up and looked at him defiantly. "What if I don't want to go?"

"When I am finished with you Darren, you will be running for that plane."

"I don't think you'll actually touch me Jean. You don't have the guts. Besides I'll sue you for everything your worth. And for everything Lance is worth too."

"And I will counter-sue you on behalf of Daniel. Do you really want the whole world to know that you beat him? Do you really want your wife to know that you cheated on her?"

Jean walked towards Darren slowly. "Daniel only thinks I am giving you just this. I am going to let him think that and so are you."

Darren began to back away slowly as Jean-Michel came closer. He was actually beginning to get scared of what was about to happen. After that demonstration of Jean's strength a few weeks ago, Darren had been a little wary of him.

"Sit." Jean-Michel pointed to the chair that Darren had only recently vacated. Scurrying like the rat he was, Darren sat.

Jean leaned over him, inches from Darren's face. He looked him directly in his eyes, breathing evenly, letting his warm breath hit Darren's cheek.

"Have you ever heard of Babylonian law Darren?" Jean whispered. Darren nodded.

"So you aware that in Babylonian law the punishment fits the crime. You split Daniel's lip. I split your lip. Understand?"

Jean hoped that Darren wouldn't realize that he was bluffing. He didn't want to actually have to resort to violence. He just wanted to scare the shit out of Darren.

Darren nodded, afraid to speak for fear that he would scream. "How many concussions have you given him over the years?"

Darren didn't answer him. Jean grabbed him, pulling him closer. "Answer me."

"Three." Darren whispered, his voice shaking.

"Three concussions. I will have to do those one at a time obviously. So I guess you will be seeing me again. This punishment will take more time then I thought."

"Pppleassse." Darren stammered out. "Please what Darren? You have to tell me what you are thinking. I am not a mind reader."

Jean was disgusting himself acting like this. He didn't know he had it in him to act this evil and malicious towards another person.

"Ppplease dddon't hhhurt mmme."

Jean straightened back up. "Interesting request. Did Daniel ever ask you the same thing? I am sure you ignored it just like I will."

Darren began to shudder, crying silently. "Do not cry. You make me feel bad about keeping you in line." Jean-Michel said, using the same words that Darren used whenever Daniel cried in front of him.

"Look at me Darren." Jean ordered. Darren looked up, biting his lip and shaking.

Jean decided that it was time to just go for it. He took a deep breath, hoping that he would be able to stop the punch and still make it look realistic.

Darren watched Jean in utter terror. His eyes opened wide as he saw Jean bring his left arm back. Darren shut his eyes, waiting to feel the punch connect with his face.

"Open your eyes!" Jean shouted, trying to keep the anxiety he was feeling out of his voice.

"No. Please no." Darren begged. "Open them now!"

Darren opened his eyes, his teeth chattering as he looked up at the enraged Jean-Michel.

Jean pulled his arm back again as Darren's eyes were glued to him, too frightened to close them again. Jean let the punch fly. Darren screamed and shut his eyes.

Jean stopped his fist before he actually hit him. Darren's body shook with fear. "Open your eyes." Jean said again.

Darren opened them, seeing Jean's fist stopped in front of his face. He began to breath deeply from relief.

"I am a bigger man then you. Just remember I could have done it." Jean turned to walk away, leaving the frightened man alone.

"By the way, learn to control your bladder Darren. That is disgusting."

Jean-Michel shut the door behind him, leaning against it, trying to stop the shaking. His body was letting out tremors from what he had just done. He felt like he was going to throw up.

He shook his head and walked down the hall to the elevator. He thought about what he had just done the whole way down. Sitting in the limo, he leaned forward to tell the driver where to go.

"Did you give it to him?" Daniel asked him softly. Jean-Michel closed his eyes and nodded. "He has the restraining order."

"Did you hit him?"

Jean shook his head. "No. I just scared him. He will leave though. It is over."

Daniel nodded, looking out the window as the driver pulled out of the parking lot onto the Orlando streets. He hoped that Jean-Michel was right.

Author's notes:

I wrote 'The River'. Macy Gray wrote 'I Try'. It's pretty obvious cause her's is much better then mine. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. And yes, Darren finally got at least some of what he deserves.

EMAIL ME!!! PLEASE! Tell me about your day, I don't care. I'm just bored!

Next: Chapter 13: Choices 26 29

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