
By Rachel

Published on Mar 19, 2000


Hello folks! Sorry it's been so long. I've been just a little caught up with school...finals and all. But it's all over now. I am done school until next September. I start my job on the 27th. It's all good. I get a week to just bum around and do nothin'. Maybe I can finally write what I've been meaning to write for weeks! Well you don't want to hear this. You want to know what's gonna' happen with Joey and JC. So read on my friends. It's all there.

Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah

End of chapter 21....

"I had a ball today guys. We gotta' do this more often." JC said laughing as he walked backwards down the hall, facing Chris, Jean-Michel and Lance.

"Next time get your man to drag his ass out of bed. He's fun to shop with."

JC grinned, stopping in front of him and Joey's hotel room.

"Well I'm planning on waking him up now if you know what I mean." JC grinned evilly at them.

"Too much info JC." Chris said, walking past him to his hotel room.

"See you guys at dinner." Lance opened their door and went inside.

JC walked in dropping his stuff on the couch for the time being. He saw two bottles of water sitting on the table. He shrugged and walked over to the fridge to get a bottle for himself. JC drank the cold water quickly, wandering around the living room for a few minutes while he drank. Tossing the empty bottle in the trash, he grabbed his bags and headed for the bedroom to wake Joey up.

JC flipped the light on and froze. He dropped the bags on the ground as he stared straight ahead. All he could hear was his heart beating and all he could see was Joey and Daniel.

This couldn't be happening. Joey and Daniel were asleep in bed together, Joey's arm across his chest. JC stared at the sight in front of him, trying to rationalize the situation. That's when he saw Daniel's clothes on the ground. Joey snuggled closer to Daniel, pulling him tighter in his sleep.

This was too much for JC to handle. He felt like his heart was being ripped into two. JC turned around, slamming the door behind him.

Joey sat straight up when he heard the door slam. He looked around, seeing the bags on the ground. He then looked down at Daniel who was still sleeping.

"Oh fuck."

Joey slipped out of bed and chased after JC. He opened the hotel room door and looked out. JC was pounding on Lance's door.

"Josh wait!"

JC spun around, his eyes blazing.

"No! You wait! You fucked him you asshole! I don't ever want to see you again!"

Lance's door opened. JC pushed past Joey and slammed the door in his face.

"I didn't sleep with him Josh! I swear I didn't! Open the fucking door Josh! Open the door!"

Joey pounded on the door, tears streaming down his face. He slid to the ground, resting against the wall.

"I didn't do anything Josh! I love you!" Joey shouted again.

Chris opened his door and looked out in the hall. All he saw was Joey slumped in front of Lance's door wearing only his boxers, crying and mumbling something about not doing anything.

He slid his arm around Joey's shoulder, letting Joey cry on him. Lance stepped out of his room and sat down as well.

"I think we all need to talk."

And now.... Chapter 22

Lance knocked on Justin's door loudly. He knew that it wasn't going to be easy to wake him if he didn't budge while Joey and JC had been screaming at each other.

Finally Lance was fed up. He took out the key to Justin's room and opened the door himself. He stalked into the bedroom, turning on the lights and pulling the covers off of Justin.

"Get up Curly. Now." Lance said, standing next to the bed with a pissed off expression on his face.

Justin yawned and opened his eyes. "Hi Lance. What are you doing here?"

"You have to get up now Justin. We have a problem."

Justin sat up and looked around. "Where's Daniel at? He was here when I went to sleep."

"I guess you shouldn't have gone to sleep Curly. He wandered off and ended up in bed with Joey."

Justin's jaw dropped. "What?" Justin scrambled out of bed. Something didn't add up here. Daniel had been beaten bloody last night. He had stitches on his lips and his body was bruised and sore. Plus, and this was the big thing that didn't add up, Daniel was straight.

"JC found them in bed together when we got back from shopping. That was about ten minutes ago. We've got to all sit down and discuss this before everything goes to hell. We have a show in five hours."

Justin nodded, throwing a dirty t-shirt on over his head. He followed Lance out, padding behind him in his bare feet. Daniel was being led out of Joey's room by Chris, trying his best to hide his face.

"You okay Daniel?" Justin whispered to him as he reached for his hand. He squeezed it softly. Daniel gave him a weak smile. At least he still had Justin. Chris had woken him up screaming at him. Daniel had no clue how he was going to explain this one.

"Come on Joey." Chris grabbed Joey's hand and hauled him up from where he was still slumped on the ground. They all walked into the hotel room not a single word being spoken, just tension thick in the air.

Jean-Michel was cradling a sobbing JC in his arms, whispering to him softly that everything was okay. He stroked JC's hair gently. He had no clue what had happened.

JC had burst into the room, screaming something to Lance about Joey fucking Daniel. He had burst into tears collapsing onto Lance.

Lance had done his best, calling for Jean-Michel a moment later. Jean took JC from him, comforting the stricken man. Lance had gone to go get Joey and everyone else involved somehow.

They all sat uncomfortably on the ground, everyone trying to keep their distance from everyone else. Justin was the only one who was near Daniel. He was squeezing his hand still, knowing what Daniel had gone through just a few hours before.

"Ok. Who wants to start?" Lance asked the three men who were at the center of this.

"I didn't cheat on you Josh." Joey blurted out. JC lifted his tear-stained face.

"Oh right. Like you were just sleeping in bed with an attractive man. His clothes were on the ground Joey and you were wrapped around him. I'm not fucking stupid."

"JC. Joey and I didn't sleep together. I was just taking a nap in your bed. I'm sorry that you had to walk in on that."

"Bullshit." JC spit out at him.

"Would you just listen to him for a moment Josh? He's telling you the truth." Justin said softly.

"How would you know Justin? You weren't there."

"And neither were you Josh. I know Joey and I know Daniel. This couldn't have happened."

"Why not? Please enlighten me Justin." JC said sarcastically.

"Well for one Daniel's straight. That kind of impedes on him sleeping with a man you know."

Everyone's eyes shifted to Daniel. "You're straight Daniel?" Lance asked in disbelief. Daniel nodded.

"That really doesn't change anything Justin. Straight men have had sex with other men before. Look at Joey. We all thought he was straight." JC said, turning to look down at the man he loved. Or at least thought he loved. JC didn't know anymore.

Joey was sitting with his knees pulled to his chest, burying his head in between his legs and chest. He didn't move. He was frozen in place at the moment when JC said he never wanted to see him again. His mind slipped away.

"Joey! Are you paying attention to me?" Joey looked up at his mother's angry face. Her hands were on her hips and she was staring down at him.

"I'm paying attention Ma." Joey whispered. "Then what did I say Joey?"

"You told me that I had broken your trust by having people over while you and Dad were out."

"I don't want you doing that again Joey. I need you to be trustworthy. You won't get anywhere in life if people can't trust you."

"I understand Ma." Joey looked up at her again. Her face had softened and she was smiling at him.

"Give me a hug Joey." Joey hugged his mother tightly.

"You're grounded for a week Joey. Now go to your room." Joey nodded and walked away.

Lance touched Joey's shoulder softly, trying to get some sort of reaction from him.

"I'm sorry Ma." Joey mumbled. "Joey. It's me, Lance. Look at me."

Joey looked up at him, his face showing his total lack of recognition towards Lance.

"Ma?" Joey asked. Lance looked around at the other guys uncomfortably. This was not his area of expertise, trying to comfort someone. What should he do, say yes?

Chris nodded at Lance, making him take care of Joey. Chris didn't even want to look at him right now. How many times had he held JC's hand in the past, telling him that Joey loved him and would never leave him? How many times before Joey even came into the picture? Chris had made Joey swear up and down that he wouldn't hurt JC.

"It's me Joey." Lance paused. "Ma." Lance said uncomfortably. He felt really stupid about doing this. Joey grabbed Lance and pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly. "Sorry Ma."

Jean was basically holding JC down, not letting him leave the room. JC was fighting him the whole way.

"So your only reason that this couldn't happen is that Daniel is straight?" Chris asked Justin, trying to get this all sorted out no matter how mad he was.

"No. Have you guys actually looked at Daniel today?" Justin asked, lifting Daniel's face with his hand.

"Darren beat the living shit out of him last night when he found out Shivanti had left. Daniel and I were at the hospital until 6:30 this morning. Daniel did not sleep with Joey today. Trust me on this."

Jean-Michel's eyes were glued to Daniel's face. Chris couldn't tear himself away. JC knew the look all too well and looked at Daniel with sympathy. Lance looked away, unable to look at the bruises.

"And my biggest reason is that Joey loves Josh with all his heart. He wouldn't do something like this. It's just not in his nature to hurt the one he loves like this."

"He did it to Kimmie." JC said softly, bringing up old wounds.

"Don't even go there Joshua. I did that for you. For us." Joey said not moving from his position wrapped around Lance.

"You did that for me?" JC said in disbelief. "I seem to remember you doing that for yourself. In case I didn't work out you would still have her. Was that your plan for me as well?"

"Josh I never want to live without you now that I have you. Can't you just understand that?"

JC stood up and walked over to Joey. He grabbed his arm, yanking him away from Lance.

"I gave you everything. No one knows me as well as you do. I loved you. That wasn't enough was it?"

"And it was because of you that I wanted to help Daniel. So he didn't have to go through what you went through alone. You of all people should know how hard it is to get away from an abuser."

JC's face paled. He looked around at the other guys. Jean-Michel's face had paled as well. Everyone else looked confused.

JC turned back to Joey and looked at him. JC slapped him across the face. "You fucking prick. You promised you would never say a word about that." JC ran out of the room.

Joey stood up to follow him, realizing he had just made a terrible mistake. Jean-Michel grabbed him and pushed him against the wall.

"You will sit your fucking ass down! Do not go after him. You have said enough to him."

"Let me go Jean!" Joey struggled against Jean-Michel's iron grip. Lance jumped up to grab his boyfriend, but Chris stopped him.

"No Joseph. I will not have you going after him and hurting him again. That was something he trusted you with and you broke that trust. I cannot believe you even think you have the right to try and talk to him now. You disgust me."

Jean-Michel let Joey go, walking away in disgust. "I am going after Joshua. The rest of you can deal with that walking piece of shit."

Jean slammed the door, leaving the rest of the guys sitting in disbelief, looking at Joey slumped on the ground where Jean had dropped him.

"Something else is going on here besides this. Does anyone have any ideas because I'm sure as shit missing something here?" Lance asked the few people still assembled in the room.

Joey looked down at the man sleeping next to him. Josh looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. That was probably why Joey ended up watching him so often when he was sleeping. Joey had never imagined that he could be so happy with one person. But Josh had changed all of that. He felt complete with him in his life.

Joey leaned over and kissed JC's forehead softly. "I love you Josh." He snuggled up against Josh's warm body. He loved to just hold Josh in his arms, feeling Josh's body pressed against his own. And knowing that Josh loved him made everything perfect.

Joey never wanted this to end. This was what he wanted for the rest of his life. Josh in his arms and everything else just fell into place.

Jean rushed down the hall after JC. He caught up with him just as JC walked into his room.

"Joshua wait." JC grabbed a bag and began to shove clothes into it, not even thinking about what he was taking.

"No Jean. I'm leaving. I need to get out of here." JC looked around the room. "I can't even sit in my own hotel room! All I see is the two of them in here."

"I do not think they slept together Joshua." Jean said softly.

"I know. I'm still mad at him though. And telling everyone about that. I don't know if I can ever trust him again Jean. He killed it."

Jean took the bag from JC's hand, sitting it on the ground. He took his hand and led him out of the room. Jean didn't say a word and JC just followed him. Jean stopped at the elevator and they waited for it. Jean led him inside, taking the elevator to the top floor. They walked out and headed for the stairs. Jean led him to the roof.

"Come sit with me Josh." Jean sat down on the edge of the roof, swinging his legs over the side. He leaned his arms against the low railing protecting them from falling off the 30-story building.

JC sat down next to him, staring out at the sky. The sun was shining and it was warm out. The clouds seemed to dance in front of him. And a soft breeze blew across the sky, ruffling JC's and Jean's hair.

"Look at all the people walking around below us Josh. They are all going someplace different each step bringing them closer to their destination."

JC looked down at the people beneath him. "They look like ants Jean. They're so tiny."

"It puts everything in a different perspective. They look like ants to us, but we look like ants to them. Which one of us are really the ants?" Jean squinted in the sun as he looked over at JC.

"How did you find this place Jean?"

"Every hotel we check into, I find out where the roof entrance is. I come to the roof every night before I go to bed. I love to stare at the stars."

"Did you ever bring Lance up here?"

Jean-Michel shook his head. "That is my nightly ritual. He has his own. I brought you here today to get you away from the rest of the world."

"If he had just listened to me and stayed away from Daniel this never would have happened. All he had to do was mind his own business." JC said softly.

"You know Joey better then I do and I know that Joey could not have done that no matter how much he loves you. His heart is too big. He wants to help everyone."

"But that's not his job. He's supposed to be my boyfriend, the love of my life. He's supposed to think of me first, not everyone else. This never would have happened if he understood that."

"I think this would have happened anyway." Jean said looking straight at JC.

"Why?" JC asked, truly interested in why Jean thought that way.

"You do not trust Joey. He does not trust you. This fight would have happened eventually. I am just sorry that Daniel got dragged into it against his will."

"I trust Joey." JC said softly. "Then why did you automatically assume that he had cheated on you? Do you do that when you find Joey in bed with Justin?"

"It's different with Justin. He's one of my best friends and he and Joey are really close."

"Why? Justin is much more attractive then Daniel. He is freer with his body then Daniel. Justin has no problem walking around naked in front of you and Joey. Justin hugs and kisses Joey. And Justin is straight just like Daniel. What makes it so different?"

JC was quiet. "I trust Justin." His voice was a whisper.

"Okay. Why do you trust Justin and not Joey? For that matter why do you trust me and not Joey?"

JC looked at Jean carefully. "People who I am in a relationship with end up hurting me. My friends don't. So I trust them more."

"But Joey was your friend before he was your boyfriend. Did you trust him before you dated him?"

JC nodded. "Then why did that change? Why did you stop trusting him?"

"Because he knew everything about me. He knew my heart and my soul. He knew all my secrets and all my fantasies. Joey was too close."

"Josh do you love Joey?"

JC didn't answer him instead staring down at the people below him again. The people walking underneath him, the cars driving past. Everyone was going on with his or her lives. And he was stuck here trying to figure out if he still loved Joey. He knew he loved him. But was he in love with him. Could he ever be in a relationship with him again?

"Would someone please say something?" Lance asked again, getting impatient at the people in the room with him. Joey was still slumped on the ground.

"Don't you think we would if we had any clue what was going on. God Lance. Just shut up." Chris said angrily. He was fed up with this.

"Guys fighting amongst ourselves isn't going to help anything." Justin said, trying to keep the peace.

"You shut up too Justin. I'm sick of your peacekeeping." Chris shot back at him. Justin shut his mouth and pouted.

Chris walked over to Joey and sat next to him. "Are you going to open your mouth and tell us what's going on?"

Joey looked at him with dull eyes. His expression never changed as he looked into the face of his one-time best friend.

"Joey?" Chris asked, starting to feel a little creeped out by his stare.

"I made a mistake Chris. I never should have said that out loud. No one knows about Josh. I promised."

Chris shot a look over at Justin who just shrugged. None of them knew what Joey was talking about not even Justin, who was JC's best friend.

"None of us know what you're talking about Joey." Chris said softly. Lance sat back down next to them. He took Joey's hand in his.

"Joey honey. We love you. Talk to us." Lance said soothingly. Joey shook his head. "I can't say anything. I already said too much and broke my promise. I'm not saying anything else."

Lance sighed heavily. He looked over at Chris who just shrugged. "Okay I guess we have to accept that."

There was a loud knock on the door. Lance exchanged glances with the other guys, unsure of who that could be. Daniel began to shiver. There was only one person who that could be.

"Come in." Lance shouted. Maybe it was a bodyguard or something.

The door opened and Darren walked in, a sly grin on his face. He took in the scene in the room and the noticeable lack of JC and Jean-Michel.

"Well good afternoon everyone. What is the purpose of this little family gathering?" His voice was slick, trying to make the room uncomfortable.

"It's none of your business Darren." Justin said angrily. His hands balled up into fists, wanting to punch Darren so bad. He held back, not wanting to make anything worse.

"But yet its Daniel's business. Interesting. Perhaps we should go Daniel." His tone of voice became commanding as he spoke to Daniel.

"Daniel is staying." Lance said softly.

"No. I don't think that's a good idea. Stand up Daniel."

Daniel couldn't move. He didn't want to go with Darren, but he didn't know how to disobey him. He made up his mind and began to slowly stand up.

Justin's mouth dropped. "No! Daniel sit back down!" He grabbed Daniel's arm and tried to pull him back down.

Daniel wrenched his arm from the man who he considered his closest friend in the world. His eyes spoke volumes to Justin as his voice told the rest of them. Justin looked away as his friend told him to drop it.

"It's for the best. All I've done is cause trouble." Darren put his hand on Daniel's shoulder and pushed him forward lightly. Daniel hung his head as he left the room.

"Goodbye boys. See you at the concert tonight." Darren grinned at them again before he shut the door.

Chapter 23

"Can you hold on for a moment JC?" Kevin asked JC. "Of course Kevin."

JC looked around his hotel room. The shades were drawn and the sunlight couldn't get in. He lived in the dark as much as possible the last few days. He could hear Kevin talking on the other end of the phone.

"In a few minutes Ben. I need to finish talking to JC." JC could hear his voice clearly now. There was a pause and then he spoke again.

"No running Benjamin! Sorry about that JC. Where were we?" JC grinned. Kevin was such a parent.

"Do you know how strange it is to hear you saying stuff like that?"

"Why is it strange JC? I've been acting like a parent the past 10 years. Only now I'm acting like a parent with my son."

"I can't wait to meet him. None of us can."

"You guys will meet him soon enough. We're definitely going to your Orlando show. Actually Ben's best friend from home Brielle is coming down to visit him around the same time. He hasn't told her that she's not only going to get to meet the Backstreet Boys, but she's also going to get to go backstage and meet all of 'Nsync as well."

"I take it Brielle is a fan." JC laid back on the bed. He had decided to call Kevin about the concert as well as to just talk to him. Sometimes Kevin was just so good to distract himself with.

"Just a little bit. Every time she calls and I answer the phone she gets so flustered she hangs up. It's kind of cute."

"I'll take your word for it. Now I take it Lance hasn't called you about the last show has he?"

"Well Lance and I still don't talk unless we have to JC. So no he hasn't called me." Kevin's voice was quiet. JC knew that it was hard for him to still be mad at Lance, but he still couldn't forgive him. Lance was still broken up about what he had done. He still felt guilty for hurting Kevin.

"We want you five to join us onstage for the last song. We've been performing a song called The River that the five of us wrote. We want you guys to do that song with us. It would mean a lot to us."

"I haven't been onstage in months JC. I don't know if I can." Kevin's voice was so soft JC could barely hear him.

"Kev please. The whole thing has blown over and it would mean a lot for the fans to know that you are still around. Just think about it okay."

"I'll think about it okay JC. And I will talk to the other guys about it."

"Thanks Kev. I really appreciate it. We all appreciate it."

"No problem JC. So give me the dirt. How's everyone? How's your man?"

JC was quiet. "Can we not talk about Joey?" He wanted to tell Kevin everything and have him help him, but he just couldn't bring himself to mention it. Nothing had really changed in the past week and a half.

"No problem. How's Justin?"

"Curly's doing good. As crazy and hyper as ever. Unfortunately he has no Nick to be hyper with. He's driving Lance close to the brink of insanity."

"Why?" Kevin sounded slightly off because the topic was Lance.

"Justin's latched himself to Lance like a lost child. It's pretty funny for the rest of us actually. I have never seen Scoop so frazzled."

"Are Dani and the girls still on tour with you guys?"

"Actually they just left a few weeks ago. There's an interesting little story behind it."

"Oh really. I'm listening."

"Dani had been sick the first few weeks she was with us. Not serious or anything, just nausea mostly. Her temper was something else though. I think that was what set Chris' mind wandering. Dani has never had a temper, except when she was first pregnant with the girls." JC smiled.

"No way. She's not pregnant again is she?"

"Yup. They both were quite shocked. She stayed on for a few weeks after she found out, but it got to be too much for her. Unlike last time, her morning sickness is really bad."

"It was probably the best move. I'll have to give her a buzz and see how she's doing."

"Hey JC, can I talk to you later? Ben's getting very impatient for me to join him in the pool. Someone's angling for a dunking or two."

"No problem Kev. Think about what I asked okay."

"I will JC. It was great to talk to you. Tell everyone I said hey."

"Sure thing Kev. Bye."

"Bye JC."

JC hung up the phone, sighing heavily. He needed someone to talk to, but he also needed to run away again.

Everyone was just trying to act like everything was okay, but they were all failing miserably. No one knew how to act since that fateful afternoon when everyone found out everything that had been hidden in the past two months.

Chris' reaction to everything had been the most serious. He didn't talk to anyone but Lance and Justin. And whenever he talked to Justin it was brief. He felt betrayed for some reason. Lance had sat the others down to tell them how Chris was feeling because Chris wasn't speaking.

This wasn't how Chris wanted to end out his career with 'Nsync. They had started this as friends. He didn't want to end it as enemies. He felt like he was losing his family.

JC didn't know how to react when Lance told him that. Chris had made the choices he wanted to make. It wasn't up to JC to help him out. He missed having Chris to confide in, but he could survive without him if Chris wanted to act like an idiot.

It really hurt him how Justin was acting though. Again, he was clinging to Lance for dear life. Or at least it seemed that way to JC. Justin wouldn't talk to him unless he absolutely had to. However he was treating Joey the same way as well, so at least Justin wasn't discriminating who he was cautious around. Again Lance had told JC what Justin was feeling since Justin wasn't. He was scared to death for Daniel and all he wanted to do was get him away from Darren long enough to talk to him.

Lance was doing his best to keep the situation from blowing up. He had become the only one that everyone would talk to. And instead of holding grudges, he let everyone have him.

JC held onto Jean-Michel like he was a life raft. Jean understood why JC was still upset. He had refused to say anything to the other guys about what Joey had said. Joey was close-mouthed about it, refusing to say anymore. Jean was the only one who knew.

And then there was Joey. He was angry at him. He was annoyed at him. And he couldn't stop loving him. That was the worst part. All he wanted to do was hold Joey in his arms, but his mind prevented it.

JC got up and turned on the microdisc player again. AJ had introduced him to a singer named Beth Orton on the last tour. A particular song of her's had been on almost constant repeat the past few days. He lay back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to her voice as she sang her tale of woe.

Baby do you know what you did today?

Baby do you know what you took away?

You took the blue out of the sky

My whole life changed when you said goodbye

And I keep cryin'...cryin'

Oooh baby, oooh baby I wish I never saw the


I wish I never saw the sunshine

And if I never saw the sunshine baby

Then maybe...I wouldn't mind the rain

Every day is just like the day before

All alone, a million miles from shore

All of my dreams, I dream with you

Now they will die and never come true

And I keep cryin'...cryin'

Oooh baby, oooh baby I wish I never saw the


I wish I never saw the sunshine

And if I never saw the sunshine baby

Then maybe...I wouldn't mind the rain

This pain...

And I know there would not be

This cloud that's over me...everywhere I go

Oooh baby, oooh baby I wish I never saw the


I wish I never saw the sunshine

And if I never saw the sunshine baby

Then maybe...I wouldn't mind the rain

This pain...I wouldn't mind the rain

There wouldn't be this pain

I wouldn't mind the rain

...wouldn't mind the rain

Joey wiped the tears from his face as he stared at the ceiling of his hotel room. Beth Orton had just finished singing 'I wish I never saw the sunshine.' He had that song on constant repeat. Nothing echoed the way he was feeling so well.

The pain he felt wasn't for what he had done. He knew he had been wrong. He was in pain for what he had lost. Not just JC as a lover, but JC as a friend. He would do anything to get him back. Anything.

What if he had been wrong though? What if it was only JC that he could love? Maybe he wasn't bisexual. Maybe he was just Josh-sexual. He had no attraction to any other men. Could he really go the rest of his life without the person who was as important to him as the air he breathed?

There was a soft knock on the door. Joey wiped his eyes again and got up. He looked in the mirror briefly, shaking his head at the reflection he saw. He looked sickly. Joey walked past the mirror to the door.

He opened it, surprised to see Chris standing there. Chris had been nothing but polite to him, just not friendly at all. He hadn't been friendly with anyone lately.

"Can I come in Joey?"

Joey nodded, opening the door all the way.

"So what's that song mean?" Chris asked as he sat down on the bed. Joey sat in the armchair in the corner.


"The sunshine song you've been playing almost constantly. I can hear it through the walls."

"Oh." Joey shrugged. "I hate that song so much." He was telling Chris the truth. He really did hate that song.

"Then why are you listening to it?"

"Because Josh loves it. And it makes me cry because what she says is exactly how I'm feeling." Joey blinked back tears as he looked away from Chris.

Chris was torn. He loved Joey but he was still mad at him. And he was still mad at JC too. All Chris wanted was to understand what was going on, but no one was telling him. He was frustrated and dealing with it the only way he could, by isolating himself from those involved.

"Joey stop crying. I can't stand to watch you cry anymore."

Joey looked back over at Chris. "When did you start caring again?"

"I never stopped caring about you Joey. I just stopped trying to make everything better. I stopped caring about the shit that's going on. I just want to understand what's happening. The two of you were so happy together."

"Yeah we were." Joey said wistfully, staring at the wall.

"Then what happened? I've have never seen two people so obviously meant for each other in my life. Why are you throwing it away?"

"I'm not Chris. Josh is. He won't even let me talk to him about anything other then our songs or our performances. I tried to ask him if he wanted a bottle of water since I was grabbing one for myself and he told me to just back off."

Chris got up and walked over to Joey. He bent over and wrapped his arms around Joey, hugging him tightly.

"Do you want to go grab a bite to eat with me and Lance?" Chris asked him, trying to make Joey feel welcome.

Joey looked in Chris' eyes trying to decide whether or not he was being sincere. "Really?"

"Really. Now get up and wash your face. Your eyes are all red and puffy. How long have you been crying today?'

Joey shrugged. "Since I woke up I guess."

"Well no more of that today okay. We're going to keep you smiling."

Joey smiled at Chris gratefully. He was so happy to have Chris back in his life.

"So Kevin said he would talk to everyone?" Lance asked JC. He had decided to go see if JC wanted to go out to lunch with him and Chris.

"Yeah. He's a little unsure of whether he wants to perform or not. I think Kev's still scared."

"Mmhmm. That's understandable."

Lance casually looked at his watch. He and Chris weren't just planning on going out to lunch. Lance knew that Chris was in Joey's room right now, trying to get Joey to go with them. And he was supposed to get JC. They knew that Joey and JC weren't going to be happy about it, but Chris and Lance were sick of this. It was time to get them back together, at least talking civilly, for the sake of all of their friendships.

"Do you want to go grab a bite to eat with me and Chris?" Lance asked him, trying to make JC feel welcome.

"Isn't Chris a little pissed at me still?"

"Chris is trying Josh. He wanted me to invite you. He figured that if he asked you to come himself, you would say no."

JC was quiet. He hadn't eaten at all today and he was a little hungry. And he wanted to try to patch things up with Chris.

"Yeah sure. I could do to eat." JC stood up and stretched.

"So how bad do I look Lance?" He asked, walking into the bathroom to look himself.

"You look like you haven't seen the sun in days or eaten well either."

JC looked at his face which was pale and drawn. "It doesn't look like I got my heart ripped out and stomped on by the person I love?"

Lance walked into the bathroom. He rested his chin on JC's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his waist. Lance stared at the two people in the mirror.

"You look like someone who needs to face that person." Lance said softly.

"And you look like an albino from Mississippi who doesn't know what he's talking about." JC shot back angrily. He pulled away from Lance and went back into the bedroom.

Lance followed him back in. He didn't take the albino comment seriously. He knew that JC was just not willing to talk to Joey. That's why he and Chris were going to trick the two of them into talking.

"I think the albino from Mississippi does have a little clue of what he's talking about, but hey, if you think otherwise, no biggie. Let's go eat."

Lance opened the door, waiting for JC. "Come on Buttons. Chris is waiting."

JC couldn't help but grin. Lance very rarely used the nickname Buttons. No one but his mother used it, except on the rare occasion that Lance pulled it out.

"All right Poofoo. But I'm not making any promises on my actions. I might be a real bitch." JC grinned as he walked past, letting Lance know he was joking.

"That's okay. I'm the Queen Bitch so I can take it."

"So where are we eating?"

"The restaurant downstairs. Chris is gonna' meet us." Lance looked at his watch again and then eyed Joey's door carefully.

"Why do you keep checking your watch?" JC asked suspiciously.

"Just checking the time. It's nothing important." Lance smiled and pushed the elevator button. The doors opened a moment later and a blond woman wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap slipped past them.

"Was that..." JC asked in disbelief. Lance shook his head. "Couldn't have been. Could it?"

JC shrugged. "I dunno. You talk to Curly more then I do."

"Yeah but he doesn't tell me anything about his sex life. Do you really think he could be with Britney again?"

"Not in a relationship sense. He's too smart to do that again."

Justin opened the door with a smile. Britney walked inside. She took her baseball cap off and flung it across the room. The sunglasses followed the hat a moment later.

Justin picked her up and spun her around, kissing her softly on the lips.

"Missed ya' B."

"Missed ya' too J."

Justin put her down and took her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. They sat on the couch, looking at each other.

"Justin, can I ask you a question?" Britney looked at him shyly.

"Of course Brit." He looked back at her.

"What are we doing here? I mean, we're not looking to date each other again. That would just be stupid."

"Yes it would be." Justin looked away from her. A small part of him actually wanted her back. The rest of him however, knew that was the wrong choice.

Britney looked at the man she had once loved. She had been so hell-bent on destroying him that she had forgotten the fact that this was Justin, her friend since she was a kid.

"We've known each other for a long time Justin. I think it's pretty safe to say that we are better friends then lovers."

"I think we learned that one the hard way."

"So what are we doing with each other? Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?"

Justin shrugged. "I honestly don't know. I guess I didn't realize how much I missed you until you called me that day. Brit you caused me so much pain over the past months that I had forgotten that you were Britney, my friend for years. God we've known each other as long as I've known JC."

"I'm so comfortable with you Britney. I guess I just wanted to pretend that I was in a relationship and had something special again."

Britney gently caressed Justin's cheek. "You'll find someone who is right for you. I think it's time you and I stop pretending though. We need to be honest with ourselves."

Justin nodded. "I guess you're not with Rodney then?"

Britney shook her head. "Rodney and I parted ways around the time I was incarcerated. It was either that or have him get caught too. I didn't want to do that to him."

"Did you love him Britney?" Justin wanted to know how she felt about Rodney, since she had cheated on him for so long with Rodney.

"Yes and no. There were moments where I loved him desperately and there were moments where I just used him. I hate myself for doing that to him."

Britney slumped back against the couch. "Did you love Casey?"

"Not really. Not like I loved you."

Britney nodded in understanding. It had been the same way with Rodney really. He had been only a fraction of the love she had for Justin.

"Why'd you end it?" Britney asked him quietly. This was something she had never asked him before. She had been too angry to find out why.

"One day I woke up before you. I rolled over and looked at you sleeping and realized that I had no clue who you were. I had no clue what could possibly save our relationship. And I was tired of trying to be what you wanted. I wanted to be me again."

"Wow. Did I really try and change you that much?"

Justin nodded. "Do you remember what you said that day at Chris'? I had just gone into the kitchen to get you a soda and some beers for Chris and Joey."

"Would you just calm down Britney? Justin isn't your personal slave. He's your boyfriend."

"He's my fiancé Joey. Get it fiancé. As in mine forever, so butt out."

"Oh fuck you Britney. He will never be yours as long as he has us."

"Exactly Joey.".

"You evil bitch. You seem to forget that Justin is a person with his own mind."

"Joey, I control his mind."

Britney shifted uncomfortably on the couch. "I really said that?" Justin nodded.

"God, I don't know what I was thinking." She said softly. She hadn't really thought about how she had treated Justin over the years. Her desire for revenge had taken her over.

"They all hate me don't they?"

"Hate is a very strong word. They're frightened of you mostly. After what you did to Kevin, everyone waited to see who you would get next. I guess they didn't expect you to go after Casey."

Britney winced. "I am so sorry about that. I apologized to Casey about that a few days ago."

"Have you apologized to anyone else?"

"I'm afraid to talk to Kevin. I don't know what he would do if he got his hands on me." Britney shivered slightly.

"See that's where your mind differs from most people. I would never think of what he would do if he got to me. Most people don't focus on revenge."

Britney's face fell. "I'm not anymore. I'm just sorry now. And afraid for my future."

"It'll be fine Britney. You've changed a lot. Anyone can see that."

Britney nodded, shaking off her low spirits. She looked back up at Justin.

"How's your friend?"

"Which friend?"

"The one you were taking care of the night you asked me to leave."

Justin nodded. His face fell noticeably. "Daniel."

"Yeah Daniel. Is he okay?"

Jean-Michel walked down the hall with Darren and Daniel following just behind him. He opened the door and gestured for them to enter.

"Please sit." Darren sat on the couch across from Jean. Daniel sat in the chair next to the couch.

"How are you doing today Daniel?" Jean looked over him carefully. There were no visible injuries, just the healing lip and some faint bruises.

Daniel's eyes flicked over to Darren.

"You do not need to ask Darren if you are okay. He is not in your body or mind."

Darren snickered softly at Jean's phrasing. "What is so funny?" Jean asked him.

"I like how you said I'm not in his body. Interesting choice of words for a gay man."

"I don't think Jean-Michel said that to be crude Darren." Daniel said softly, trying to stick up for him a little.

"Ah...that's why you're not supposed to think." Darren's eyes glittered as he stared at his band mate. Daniel looked at the ground, his shoulders hunching over.

"Now what can we help you with Jean-Michel? Did your little boyfriend have something to tell us about the tour?"

Jean-Michel gritted his teeth and turned his attention back to Daniel.

"Daniel, Justin wanted to know if you would come to dinner with us tonight?"

Daniel's breath was coming in short gasps as he tried to block out Jean-Michel's words. He could feel Darren's eyes on him, boring through his head.

"No. No." Daniel shook his head as he whispered his answer.

"See he doesn't want to go. Was there anything else?"

Jean-Michel turned back to Darren. He pointed at him, his hand shaking from anger. "You will shut up while I speak to him."

Darren stood up. "Oooh...I'm so afraid. Watcha' gonna' do Jean-Michel, talk me to death?"

Jean-Michel rushed forward, grabbing the smaller man by the shirt and pushing him against the wall. With one arm, he lifted Darren off the ground, resting him against the wall.

"I could kill you if I saw fit. However, I am not a violent person. Now, will you shut up while I talk to him?"

Darren nodded as he kicked his dangling feet. Jean put him down and turned back to Daniel.

"Daniel, please re-think your choice. We need to discuss something with you that does not involve Darren." Jean turned to look at Darren briefly. Darren's eyes were shifted to the ground and he was trying to appear like he wasn't listening.

"Jean, please. I really can't." Daniel looked into Jean's eyes, hoping, praying that Jean could read his fear. Darren hadn't touched him once since that night. He was just quiet all the time, sitting alone, staring out the window. Daniel was more frightened of this Darren then the Darren that beat him.

Jean nodded, feeling a sense of uneasiness pass over him as he stared in Daniel's eyes. He didn't dare to speak to Daniel.

"Meet us outside at 5." Jean mouthed. Daniel nodded, hoping he could figure out a way to slip out.

Jean turned back to Darren, letting his expression change to one of disgust.

"If I find out you have touched him again, I will hurt you next time."

Darren nodded. He had no idea whether or not Jean-Michel was serious, but he was scared of him now. He had never had anyone manhandle him like Jean just had.

"Now get out of my sight. Both of you." Jean-Michel sat on the couch, his back to the two of them. Darren snapped his fingers, motioning for Daniel to follow him.

Inside Daniel had a huge smile on his face. He had never seen Darren that scared. For the first time in years, he actually felt safe. He was going to have to thank Jean-Michel big time later.

"You've got to be joking Chris." Joey said, trying to turn and walk out when he saw JC and Lance sitting in the restaurant.

"This is no joke. You and JC are going to sit at the table with the two of us and eat lunch." Chris pulled him forward.

Joey gritted his teeth as he sat down. JC was looking away from them with an equally pissed off expression on his face.

JC leaned over to whisper in Lance's ear. "I will never forgive you for this."

Lance smiled at him. "Yes you will."

"So who is hungry? I know I am." Chris rubbed his hands together and grinned at the other three guys.

"I am too. I was thinking about getting the French toast. What about you JC?"

JC looked at him in disgust. He just shook his head and turned away again. Lance sighed and looked at Chris in desperation.

"All right. I'm sick of this. Either the two of you start acting like friends or else I'm gonna' feed Busta a lot of beans and leave him in your hotel room."

Chris grinned at Lance. The other two didn't even crack a smile. Chris' smile died as he watched the two of them. Joey snuck a quick look at JC, his eyes welling up slightly before he turned away. JC just stared at the wall like it was the most interesting thing on earth.

The waitress walked over to the table. "Good afternoon gentlemen. What can I get you to drink?"

"I'll have a coke." Lance said smiling politely at her. "Same for me." Chris shut his menu. Neither JC nor Joey said anything.

"Can I get either of you gentlemen a drink?"

JC looked up at her. "Scotch on the rocks." Lance shot him a look, but JC ignored him.

"Can I have a rum and coke?" Joey asked her softly. The waitress nodded before turning back to JC.

"I'm going to need to see ID from you sir." JC nodded and reached for his wallet, pulling out his license and showing it to her.

"Thank you Mr. Chasez." Her face slowly registered the name she had just spoken. She took another look around the table before taking a deep breath and controlling herself.

"Are you ready to order your meals or should I just come back with your drinks and you can order then?" She spoke quickly, trying to hide her nervousness.

"I think we're ready now." Chris said looking at the other three. They each nodded.

"I'm going to have the turkey club on rye. And cheese fries. Can I get a side of gravy with that too?" Chris asked. The waitress nodded.

"I can't believe you're actually going to eat that Chris. It's disgusting."

"Whatever. Just order your French toast Scoop."

Lance gave him the evil eye before turning back to the waitress. "I'll have a order of French toast with bacon."

"Bagel with cream cheese." JC said softly. Lance sighed.

"JC please eat something more. You haven't eaten well in days and you are not going to drink on an empty stomach."

"I'm not hungry."

"Josh, I promised your mother that I would make sure you were eating okay. You may be mad at me right now, but I'm still going to watch out for you." Joey spoke up from his seat.

JC glared at Joey angrily. He shut the menu and handed it to the waitress. "Bagel with cream cheese please."

"I'll have the lasagna."

"Soup or salad sir?"

"Salad with Italian dressing, but not until after the meal." She nodded and walked away, leaving the four of them to argue amongst themselves.

"Don't you ever try to tell me what to do again." JC said to Joey between gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry I care about you. I don't want to see you get sick." Joey hissed back at him.

Chris and Lance exchanged glances. This wasn't what they had wanted, but at least they were talking.

"The only reason I would get sick is because of you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You make me sick every time I look at you." JC shot back angrily.

"Whoa. Hold on." Lance jumped into the conversation as it took a turn for the worse. "You can't mean that JC. Just a week ago you loved him."

"A lot can happen in a week."

Joey's eyes were focused on his napkin as he tried not to cry. All he wanted to do was tell JC how much he loved him and how sorry he was. He wanted him back so badly. Chris rubbed his back softly.

"I made a mistake Josh. Haven't you ever made a mistake before?" Joey asked softly, trying to fight the tears.

"I have never made a mistake like you did."

Lance looked up at him in surprise. JC saw that and looked away. "I think you should think about your answer JC."

"Shut up Lance." JC didn't want to start this conversation. Lance knew all about his past except for the abuse. Lance had been there that Christmas when his life fell apart.

"No. I'm not going to shut up. I think you should re-think your answer keeping in mind Christmas two years ago."

JC shot him an angry look. "What happened Christmas two years ago? I mean besides you and Samantha breaking up."

"That's all that happened Christmas two years ago okay." JC shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

Joey's eyes were dry as he listened to the conversation. He had never heard about Christmas two years ago. Josh was hiding something else.

"JC if you don't stop this right now, I'm gonna' tell them everything in the middle of this restaurant." Lance said forcefully.

"Fuck you Lance."

"Do it Josh. Now."

JC shifted again, looking at the door. "I cheated on Samantha okay. I got drunk and slept with someone else, a man, Adam actually. When Samantha came home with Lance and Jean-Michel, they all found us. Is that what you wanted me to say?"

"Tell them everything Josh."

"No. I don't want to. This isn't helping anything James."

"You said you never made a mistake like Joey did. I know you have. I think you should tell Chris and Joey everything."

JC crossed his arms and looked away. "Samantha was pregnant. The day after she found us, she went and had a abortion. She said she would rather kill my child then carry it if there was any chance it would turn out like me."

He looked back at the other three. "There. Now you know. Happy now James?"

"I'm never happy when I think back to that night."

"Then why bring it up? Why not let it stay buried in the past where it belongs?"

"The past can affect the future." Lance said simply.

"Whatever." JC stood up, tossing his napkin on the table. "This was a bad idea. I'm leaving."

Lance watched as JC walked away, his retreating form weaving its way through the tables. Joey got up and followed him out.

"That was interesting." Chris said softly. Lance nodded. "I guess this was a bad idea."

Chris nodded. "They have more problems to deal with then just what happened last week. I don't think we can help them with this."

"So what do we do now?"

Chris shrugged. The waitress put the drinks down and walked away. Chris reached over and grabbed JC's drink. Lance took Joey's.

Chris held up the drink towards Lance. They clinked glasses and downed the drinks.

"Here's to not interfering anymore." Lance said softly as he blinked back tears from drinking a rum and coke in one gulp.

"And here's to being almost finished this damn tour."

Chapter 24

"Don't touch me Joey." JC said between clenched teeth when Joey put his arm around JC's waist.

"God grow up. I thought we decided to at least act like friends." Joey said back to him without moving his lips.

"Just drop it. I don't want to talk about this right now. I don't want to do this in front of the guys okay."



Joey walked away from JC heading right over to where Daniel was sitting partially because he knew it would piss JC off even more.

"Hey Daniel." Joey sat down next to him. Darren immediately appeared before Daniel could answer.

"Daniel doesn't want to talk to you Joey. Please leave him alone." Darren glared at Joey angrily. Daniel just dropped his head in shame.

"Shut the fuck up Darren. I think Daniel can speak for himself." Joey glared right back at him.

Darren put his hand on Daniel's shoulder, squeezing it hard. "Tell him Daniel. Tell him you don't want to talk to him."

"I don't want to talk to you Joey." Daniel said, trying not to let him voice show how much Darren was hurting him at the moment.

Joey sighed, knowing that Daniel was only saying that because Darren was right there.

"Fine. I'll leave you two alone. I just don't want to find anymore bruises on his body tomorrow Darren. Understand."

"I thought you didn't look at his body Joey." Darren said smugly. Gritting his teeth, Joey walked away before he punched Darren even though Darren deserved a taste of his own medicine.

"All right everyone just chill out. The Boys will be here in a few minutes. Let's not act like we hate each other in front of our friends." Lance said from his spot on the floor next to Chris.

"Four more days." Chris said under his breath to Lance. "I know." Lance said back to him.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." Justin shouted from across the room.

Brian poked his head inside with a grin on his face. "Hey kids. Look who I found. It's 'Nsync."

"Yay! 'Nsync." AJ said as he poked his head in as well. Lance grinned as he shook his head.

"Get your asses in here you jokers."

"See I told ya' Lance missed us." Brian said poking AJ in the side as they walked in.

"So where's everyone else at?" Lance asked as he walked over to them. He hugged AJ tightly in greeting. He shook Brian's hand.

"Well Nick and Howie will be here in a few. They are discussing Nick's stupidity yesterday and how he should apologize to Allie."

"Uh oh. Trouble in paradise already?"

AJ shook his head. "Nope. Just Nick being an idiot. It's all good."

"Where's Kevin at?" JC asked as he put his hand on Lance's shoulder.

"Kevin ran into Fatima on the way in. They'll be here in a moment. Our son wants to take lessons with her and Kevin is discussing the possibility of it." AJ said as he pulled JC into a hug.

"Did you bring your son? We all can't wait to meet him." Chris chimed in.

AJ shook his head. "No, sorry. My mom took them today for a few hours."

"Them? I thought you only had one son." Joey asked, trying to get into the conversation.

"Mom's got Ben, and his best friend Brielle who is down for a bit. Also she took Luna for the day so Howie didn't have to worry about her."

AJ walked over to Chris with a smile. "Hey super dad. Aren't you going to give me a hug?"

Chris grinned, grabbing AJ tightly. The two of them had been talking at least once a week lately.

Nick and Howie walked into the room. "So I hear there is this little band that needs some singers and dancers?"

Justin jumped up and ran up to Nick, hugging him. Nick hugged him back just as tightly.

"Missed me Curly?" Nick grinned. Justin just hugged him tighter. "We need to talk Nicky." Justin whispered. Nick nodded. "Sure." Justin took him into the corner of the room.

Howie smiled happily at everyone, scanning the room for his wife. It was just a faint hope that she was going to be here, but he never knew.

"Hey guys, how's everyone doin'?" He asked, throwing his arm over Brian's shoulder.

"Not bad Howard. How's everything with you?" JC asked. "Pretty good."

"Nicky, everything has gone crazy the past few weeks. It's nuts." Justin said softly, keeping an eye on everyone else.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked. He had never seen Justin act this strange.

"Lets see. Chris is leaving the band. Darren is beating Daniel, who is leaving his band after the tour and moving in with me. JC and Joey won't even talk to each other. Jean-Michel is yelling at everyone. And I've been sleeping with Britney."

Nick blinked rapidly as his hung over brain attempted to process everything.

"Let's start at the end. You're sleeping with Britney?"

Justin nodded. "It just kind of happened. She called me when she was released from prison. We got to talking. She's changed a lot. And we went out. Somehow we ended up sleeping together."

"You aren't dating her are you?"

Justin shook his head. "No way. We talked about it a few nights ago. We're going to be friends instead."

"Then stop having sex with her now."

"Why? It's been working so far." Nick rubbed his palms against his eyes. "Just trust me. Don't have sex with her anymore. Look what happened between me and Christina."

"All right. I'll think about it."

Kevin walked into the room with Fatima right behind him. He grabbed AJ and pulled him aside.

"She'll take him. Go call your mother."


"She wants him to learn what we're going to learn today."

"What about Brielle?" Kevin shrugged. "I hate to say it, but I think she's going to have to stay with your mom and Luna."

"All right. I'll be right back." AJ leaned in and gave Kevin a peck on the cheek. "Be nice to Lance."

Kevin nodded. "I will."

AJ grabbed his cell phone from Kevin's pocket and walked out into the hall. Kevin looked around the room, his gaze falling on Joey who was sitting by himself.

"Hey Joey. Mind if I join you?" Joey smiled. "Of course not. How are you Kev?"

"Tired. 10 year-olds are a handful." Kevin stretched and yawned. "Are you enjoying it though?" Joey asked.

"I love being a father. Wait 'till you meet Ben. He's a great kid."

"And Chris is leaving the band?" Nick asked, finally getting to the beginning of the list. Justin nodded.

"He's leaving 'Nsync to be a full-time father. With Dani being pregnant again, he decided he wanted to be at home with his kids."

"Danielle is pregnant again?" Nick asked in shock. Justin nodded. "I thought you knew."

"No. I didn't. I gotta' congratulate Chris." Nick ran his hands through his hair.

Justin nodded, looking out at his band mates. "Everyone is acting like nothing is wrong. Lance told us to pretend everything was fine in front of you guys. It's so insane."

Nick squeezed Justin's shoulder. "What you just told me is a lot to digest. I think maybe Lance was right. We don't need to know all of this. If JC or Joey wants to tell any of us what's going on, that's there choice. Just like you wanted to tell me about Britney. I doubt you would go tell AJ that."

Justin nodded. "I guess it will be easier if we just act like we can stand each other right now."

"So which one is Darren?" Justin looked over at Daniel and Darren. "The one with dark hair. Why?"

"I think he's going to be meeting my fist after Friday's concert. You don't fucking hit people."

"Nick don't. It's not going to help anything." Justin said, as he looked at Daniel.

"Can I at least have Marilyn threaten him?" Nick asked Justin seriously. Justin's eyes never strayed from Daniel's sad face.

"Yeah. Get Marilyn after him."

"Hey where's Jean at Lance?" Howie asked him. Lance sighed. "Actually he's with Britney. They are discussing what can be done in the next few months so she can record an album."

"What? Your still working with her?" Brian said incredulously. Lance nodded. "She's changed a lot in the past few months. We're giving her one more chance to do another album."

Fatima clapped her hands loudly. "All right kids. Can I have your attention please?"

The group shut up and looked over at Fatima. AJ slipped back into the room. Fatima saw him out of the corner of her eye.

"AJ, when's Ben getting here?"

"In about an hour. My mom just sat them down to lunch. She'll bring him over when they're done eating."

Fatima nodded. "No problem. It'll take him about a third of the time to learn the dance anyway."

Everyone exchanged glances except for Kevin and AJ. They knew what was going on. Fatima would choose to share if she wanted to. They knew better then to explain something that she was in control of.

"I assume that the five of you have been practicing the song. I know that Jean-Michel sent you all copies of the music and the lyrics. Is that correct?"

"Yeah we got 'em." Kevin answered for all of them. Fatima nodded. "Good, then you're all mine today. Hope all of you are up for a fun afternoon. Darren, Daniel, you are free to go. I don't need you today."

Darren nodded, gesturing to Daniel to get up. Justin shot Fatima a look which she caught. She quickly came up with a plan to keep Daniel with them.

"Actually Daniel can you stay please? I need someone to take notes for me."

Darren's eyes narrowed. He nodded slightly towards Daniel. "Sure Fatima. I can stay."

Daniel shot a subtle thank you over to Justin, who just smiled slightly. Darren walked out of the room. The guys from 'Nsync let out a collective sigh. Darren made them all so tense.

"Okay. Let's get to work. Strip to your workout clothes and meet me onstage."

Nick pulled his track pants off, folding them carefully. He folded his T-shirt and put it on top. Justin began to stretch. He was only wearing a pair of shorts.

"What's with the bandage on your leg Nicky?" Justin asked.

"I'll tell you all about it later. I was a little stupid yesterday."

The guys all filed out of the room, wearing shorts and wife beaters. Brian, Justin, and Howie all opted to go with just shorts. They knew what a work out with Fatima was like. It was best to be in light clothing if at all possible.

Chris walked down the hall behind Joey, pulling his hair into a ponytail on top of his head. "Hey Chris!" Nick shouted from behind him.

"What Nick?"

"You got an extra ponytail holder?"

"Nope. Sorry."


Justin tossed Nick the bandana hanging from his back pocket. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Hold your hair back with it moron."

"Uh okay." Nick tried to tie his hair back. Justin grabbed it out of Nick's hand and quickly tied Nick's hair back under the bandana.

"Jesus Nick. Don't you ever wash your hair?" Justin asked, laughing as he scampered away from Nick.

"Like your one to talk Curly. Get back here." Nick and Justin pushed past the others, running down the hall. Nick jumped on Justin's back, slowing him down. They fell onto the ground into a heap.

Kevin stepped over them and looked down. "Come on you two. My 10 year-old son doesn't even act this immature."

"Yes he does Kev. Just yesterday he was chasing you around the house and tackled you." AJ said with a grin.

"Well yeah. But that was only because Brielle had me by the ankles. He couldn't take me down." Kevin said quickly, not wanting to seem like a wuss.

"Get in here now!" Fatima shouted loudly, her voice carrying like it always did. Nick and Justin got up, following the rest of the guys onto the stage.

It was time to get to work.

Justin groaned as he collapsed on the edge of the stage. Howie sat next to him, resting his head on his knees.

"How much longer Howie?"

"Too long."

Justin rolled over and looked at the other groups. Fatima had paired everyone up as she saw fit.

Joey and AJ were both trying to catch a cat nap while they could. Brian and Chris were stretching on the other side of the stage. JC and Nick were practicing the dance off to the side. Kevin and Lance were in front of Fatima now. It wasn't going well.

"Christ Kevin! Would you just flip him? I know you can. Just do it."

Kevin gritted his teeth and grabbed Lance's wrists again. "Ready?" He whispered. Lance nodded, gripping Kevin's wrists tightly.

"Go!" Fatima shouted. Lance planted his feet on Kevin's knees and Kevin flipped him up. Lance got about halfway over Kevin's head before Kevin let go. Lance tumbled onto the ground again.

Fatima stamped her feet. "No! No! No! Kevin get over here. Someone make sure Lance is okay."

Lance lay on the ground, not willing to move this time. Kevin had dropped him 8 times now. Justin went over to Lance, sitting next to him.

"You okay Scoop?" Lance nodded. "I'm a little sore, but other then that, I'm okay."

"What's with Kevin?" Justin asked. Lance looked over at Kevin, who was getting scolded fiercely by Fatima.

"He just can't seem to get me over before letting go. He gets me about three-quarters of the way and then his hands slip. He's just got to hold on for a few more seconds and I'll be able to land on my feet."

"Brian! Chris! Get over here!" Fatima growled at them. Kevin shuffled off to join Lance.

"Sorry Lance." He offered him his hand, helping him up. "It's cool Kev. We getting a break now?"

Kevin nodded. "Can I talk to you?" Lance nodded as he stretched his back out. Justin yawned. "I'm gonna' go try and nap for a few with Howie. I'm gonna' try and see if sleeping with my dance partner will help us work better together."

Lance looked at Kevin carefully. It had been months since Kevin had actually asked to talk to him. Kevin was polite, he just didn't go out of his way to interact with Lance. He had been a little unsure of how Kevin would react when Fatima had paired them together.

"Let's go sit backstage." Kevin said. Lance followed him.

Kevin stretched out on the ground, not caring what he looked like. Lance sat next to him, twisting his back so it would crack.

"I'm sorry I keep dropping you. I guess I'm rustier then I thought."

Lance nodded. "It really is okay Kevin. I know that you five don't usually do as much flipping as we do."

"Yeah. We haven't actually worked flips into our routines in about three years."

Kevin rolled onto his side and faced Lance. "Look Lance. About what happened between us." Lance interrupted him. "I broke my promise. I still haven't forgiven myself."

"Lance you did the right thing. I'm sorry I have been so stubborn towards you about it. Can we put it behind us?"

Lance smiled at Kevin. "Only if you accept my apology."

"Deal." Kevin shook Lance's hand firmly.

"Okay, so maybe you can tell me what I'm doing wrong without yelling at me. Fatima tends to get a little pissed when I screw up this much."

Lance grinned. "Sure. Stand up."

"No. It's more like this Uncle Nick." Ben stopped Nick mid-dance and showed him the right steps. Nick and JC watched carefully.

"So instead of twirling at the same time as JC, I'm a beat after him?" Nick asked Ben.

"Yup. Dance with me JC." Ben pointed to JC, gesturing for him to step forward.

JC shot a look at Nick who just shrugged. Nick knew that Ben was a fantastically talented dancer, but he had no clue how quickly he could memorize dances. Fatima had taken him aside and showed him the steps so he could help out the others.

"Count the beat for me Uncle Nick." Ben asked, setting himself into position with his hands resting on the middle of JC's back. Actually his hands were supposed to be on JC's shoulders, but he couldn't reach.

Nick counted the beat. Ben and JC began to dance on the fourth count. Nick watched Ben carefully, trying to figure out where he was messing up. There it was.

"Okay. I see it now. Let me try." Nick took his place behind JC, resting his hands on JC's shoulders.

Ben clapped his hands. Nick and JC began to dance as Ben watched carefully. Nick and JC hit every beat, not messing up a step.

"Perfect. Can I have a soda Uncle Nick?" Ben asked as he began to dance around the tired Nick.

Nick was bent over, trying to catch his breath. He looked up at Ben. "Knock yourself out kiddo. Just don't let your dad catch ya'."

Ben bounced away from Nick and JC, who both collapsed on the ground happily.

"That kid is amazing." JC said in awe. "I've never seen him except when he's dancing with Brian. Ben can dance circles around him."

"You too Nick." Nick nodded. "It's sad. He puts us all to shame. I honestly think that Justin's the only one who could keep up with him."

Brian and Chris collapsed next to Nick and JC. "If I have to do one more flip I think I'm going to scream." Brian groaned.

Chris flexed his back. "At least your not the one who's doing the tossing. You're heavier then you look."

Brian grinned. "Well I guess I'm the lucky one then. At least you're not droppin' me like Kevin's droppin' Lance."

"She's got the two of them back up too." Nick said, gesturing towards the front.

Fatima had her hands on her hips as she stared at Kevin and Lance. "All right you two. If you can hit the flip three times I will let you go for the day. I gotta' work with AJ and Joey on their flips."

Kevin nodded. "We can do it Fatima. I promise."

"Fine. Don't let me down Kevin."

Kevin grabbed Lance's wrists tightly. "You ready Lance?" Lance nodded. "Remember. Hold on until I say now." Lance said. Kevin nodded. Lance tightened his grip around Kevin's wrists.


Lance planted his feet on Kevin's knees and Kevin flipped him up and back. Lance flew over Kevin's head. "Now!" Lance shouted. Kevin let go of Lance's wrists, stepping forward. Lance landed on his feet and began to dance.

"Stop!" Fatima shouted at them. She walked forward to where Kevin and Lance were standing. "Good. Now do it from the running start like you will while dancing."

Kevin nodded, licking his lips. Lance looked at him, winking. Kevin grinned. Lance backed up, getting into position where he would be while dancing.


Kevin bent his knees slightly. Lance ran forward, grabbing Kevin's wrists and running up Kevin's knees. Kevin flung him up and back, flipping him over his head. "Now!" Kevin let go and Lance landed on his feet. They both continued on with the dance, not missing a beat.

"All right. Good. Do it one more time and the two of you can leave for the day. Someone wake Joey and AJ for me."

Brian grinned. "Oh let me."

Brian walked over to them while Kevin and Lance did the flip one more time behind him. He sat down next to AJ and began to stroke the back of his neck.

"Mmm." AJ moaned softly. Brian leaned over and poked Joey, who jumped. Brian put his finger to his lips and shushed Joey who just nodded.

Brian ran his hand down AJ's chest, which was bare since AJ had taken his shirt off at some point during the rehearsal. AJ moaned again, turning into Brian's hand and body.

AJ's eyes opened slowly, expecting to be in his own bed and to have Kevin doing that to him.

"AHHH!!! BRIAN!!!" AJ shouted. He jumped up quickly. Everyone began to laugh at AJ as he attempted to hide the tent in his shorts. "That wasn't funny Brian."

"On the contrary. I think it was very funny." Brian grinned as he sat on the ground, gazing up at AJ.

"Joey! AJ! Get over here!" Fatima shouted. Joey shook his head and hauled himself off the ground. He and AJ went over to Fatima.

The guys were all gathered to the side where Nick and JC had been rehearsing. Well except for Howie and Justin who were asleep. Justin was using Howie as a pillow. And Howie was using Busta as a pillow. Busta seemed fine with it all.

Ben rejoined them, holding a can of Pepsi. He saw his father and grinned guiltily.

"You're lucky I'm exhausted young man. Enjoy your contraband soda." Kevin held his arms out to Ben, who happily climbed into his arms.

JC watched as Joey flipped AJ up into the air. His eyes followed the fluid movements of Joey's body. Joey's eyes looked over at him, catching JC's eyes. They both locked eyes for a moment.

Joey faltered in the dance, causing Fatima to stop them. JC looked away. He stood up quickly.

"I gotta' go." He ran off the stage, leaving the others watching him go. JC couldn't stand watching Joey anymore. He wanted him back so badly he just had to get away.

"What's wrong with JC Dad?" Ben whispered into Kevin's ear.

"I don't know." Kevin answered, looking at Lance with concern. "It'll be okay. Let's just watch Joey and AJ." Lance said, turning the attention away from JC.

JC ran down the hall, tears streaming down his face. He bumped right into Daniel, who was walking down the hall carrying some bottles of water.

"JC! I'm sorry." Daniel quickly apologized. JC wiped his eyes and looked at Daniel.

"It was my fault not yours Daniel. I wasn't watching where I was going." JC said, trying to get past him.

"Are you okay JC?" Daniel asked out of concern. JC looked terrible.

JC sniffled. Daniel was the last person he wanted to talk to, but he was the only one here.

"No. I miss Joey so much."

Daniel wiped the tears from JC's face. "Then tell him that. I know he misses you like crazy too."

"How do you know that?"

"Because he tells me and Justin tells me. Besides I've seen him look at you. He loves you so much JC."

JC shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know if I can forgive him though."

"Maybe someday you can JC. And maybe that someday is today." Daniel said softly.

JC looked at him with surprise. "I don't think it's today." JC walked away from Daniel, leaving him standing there. Daniel picked up the bottles of water and continued back to the stage.

---The end...for me! I want to know what y'all think...---

Next: Chapter 12

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