
By Rachel

Published on Oct 1, 1999


Hi everyone! It's me, Rachel, the lovely author of 'Escape'. For those of you who haven't read that yet, go read it. These two stories are the same story. Well sort of. I added 'Nsync in the last section of 'Escape'. I couldn't decide whether I liked them in the story or not, so I just wrote another one, from their point of view. The storyline that is forming in 'Escape' is for a joint tour between 'Nsync, the Backstreet Boys, and Britney Spears. 'Choices' has the same general storyline, except it will be from the 'Nsync point of view, mainly JC and Lance, though the other three will also play a big part too.

So by doing this, I kind of tricked you all into reading both stories. Aren't I sweet! So e-mail me and let me know what you think. I should have the next section of 'Escape' (we're on chapter 20 in that story WOW) out sometime next week.

Disclaimer: Hi, this is fiction. I have no clue who is gay and who is not. Frankly it's none of my business. This is just a story, so don't take it seriously. Thanks!

So without further ado.... CHOICES


"Hey Josh. Wait up!" Lance ran after JC, trying to catch up with him. JC turned to look at Lance with an impatient look on his face.

"Why did you leave so fast?" He asked as he tried to catch his breath. JC shrugged.

"I thought we were finished."

"We are, but it's polite to say good-bye before you leave a room Josh." Lance said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

"Then say good-bye for me."

Lance frowned as JC began to walk away again. He sighed and chased after him again.

"Josh what's wrong?" He reached out to touch JC's arm, but he jerked it away when he saw Lance's hand approaching.

"It's none of your concern Lance. Leave me alone." He walked away.

"Josh stop. It is my concern. You're my best friend. I'm worried about you."

JC continued walking, ignoring Lance's pleas. He hardened his heart, preventing Lance's concern in. He didn't need him. He didn't need anyone.

That meeting was a sham. AJ and Kevin had come back in acting like nothing was wrong. JC couldn't believe the two of them. Considering what he had overheard he was surprised they were in the same room together, much less pretending to love each other.

Everyone knew something was wrong because AJ led the meeting. Kevin sat in a corner talking to Nick the whole time. Who did they think they were kidding? Howie and Brian seemed as confused as all of them. This was going to be a great tour if the BSB couldn't even communicate with each other. How were they supposed to all get along?

JC stopped walking, thinking about Lance all of a sudden. He turned around. If Lance were really concerned, he would still be there, waiting for JC to come around and talk to him.

Nope, no Lance. Was he really surprised?

JC sighed and decided to just go home. Maybe there would be some interesting mail waiting for him. He had such a pathetic life sometimes.

Lance stood next to JC's car, waiting for him to show up. If Josh was going to walk away from him, he would just lay in wait for him. Lance was worried about him. There was no way around that. Josh had been left alone a lot lately and he wasn't used to that. Lance felt partially responsible. He had been busy with Jean-Michel. Justin hadn't been spending anytime at all with Josh. Britney had made sure of that. Lance made a face just thinking about that girl. He really didn't like her. He saw her as a prima donna who was only still in the business because of Justin.

Lance knew instinctively that he was part of the reason Josh was hurting. That bothered him knowing that his happiness was somehow hurting one of his best friends. He loved Josh as a friend and he hated to see him upset. He just wished that he would open up a little and talk to him.

JC walked out of the building, squinting in the sunlight. Standing next to his car was Lance. His heart soared momentarily. Maybe Lance did care for him. No. He shoved that thought back. Lance was only his friend. He loved Jean-Michel. JC strolled over to the door, trying to hide his feelings.


"Josh, please talk to me." JC tried to put the key in the door, but Lance blocked his way, forcing him to confront him.

"Lance go back to Jean-Michel."

"Is this about him?"

JC laughed in his face. Lance flinched not used to seeing this side of him.

"No Lance, it's not about him. It's about me and how I have to learn to deal with all the changes lately. And about how I don't want to learn to deal with them. I want everything the way it used to be. But you can't always get what you want now can you."

Lance shook his head.

"No you can't Josh. Do you want to go somewhere and talk? Just you and me."

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"Okay fine. What were your plans for the rest of the day anyway?"

JC thought about his plans. They included going back to his empty house and moping. Beyond that and a call to his mother, he had nothing planned.

"A little of this, a little of that. What do you care?"

Lance was shocked at how bitter Josh sounded. Even when he was really upset, he never used that tone of voice with Lance.

"I wanted to spend time with you. Get a little James and Josh time in without Lance and JC getting in the way." He smiled at JC.

JC's heart leaped. His mind quickly came into play to calm it down. Don't get over-excited. It's just a friend thing. Be happy about it though. A smile formed on JC's lips, the first one Lance had seen in a long time. Lance's own smile grew bigger when he saw that.

"Okay. What did you want to do?"

"How about some hiking? We haven't gotten to do that in months and it is a beautiful day today. That way we can get some exercise and really be alone with each other."

JC smiled happily at Lance. It kind of bothered him though that he was so easily cheered by something as simple as Lance paying attention to him.

"I'm up for that."

"Great! I'll pick you up in an hour."

Lance gave him a quick hug and ran over to his car. The other guys had left while they were talking, so Jean-Michel was waiting for him by the car. JC watched as Lance kissed him and opened the car door.

With a heavy heart, JC unlocked the car and slid inside. He had to get over this silly infatuation with Lance. He knew that was what it was and he knew that it wasn't going to help him any. JC had to forget what might have been if Jean-Michel hadn't entered the picture.

Chapter One

JC tickled the baby in his arms. She giggled happily and smiled up at him. JC cuddled her closely, smelling her baby powder and shampoo.

"Hey Kira. How's my sweet girl doing?" JC kissed the little girl softly. He loved playing with Chris' daughters. Kira and Haley made him feel so happy and relaxed.

"JC, is Kira behaving herself?" Danielle called out from the kitchen.

"Yeah, she's fine Dani. Do you need any help?"

"No, JC. See if Chris needs any help. He's trying to get the grill started and I think Haley is being a pain."

JC stood up and carried Kira outside. Chris was having a barbeque today and JC had come over early to help out. In reality, he had been lonely, so he called up Chris and asked if he needed any help. He didn't but he knew JC was lonely so he told him he needed help with the girls.

"Hey Chris. Want me to get Haley out of your way?"

Chris turned to look at him quickly. He turned back to the grill, trying to get it lit.

"Actually she's fine. Why don't you put Kira on the blanket with her and help me with this? I can't seem to get the damn thing lit."

JC placed Kira on the blanket next to her twin sistter. The two of them began tocoo at each other. Haley rolled over and grabbed her sister's hand, smiling. She began to suck on Kira's thumb. JC watched the two of them for a moment before he stood up and went back over to Chris.

Chris was grumbling to himself as he kept fooling with the grill. JC leaned over his shoulder and saw his problem immediately. He leaned forward and flicked a switch. The grill roared to life, catching Chris by surprise.

"What did you do?"

"Turned it on."

Chris looked at JC, looked at the grill, and back at JC again. He burst out laughing at his own stupidity.

"I didn't even know it had an on/off switch. Shows how often I use this thing. Thanks JC."

JC smiled. "Hey no problem Chris. What else can I do?"

Chris looked around. "Nothing really. We are basically finished until the guys get here and we find out what they are eating today. Want to go play with the girls?"

He and JC walked back to the blanket where the twins were playing happily. Chris picked up Kira and spun her around. She giggled and squealed happily. He gave her a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. He plopped down on the ground, holding her firmly in his lap.

JC tickled Haley lightly, making her twist and squirm. He picked her up and held her in his lap, just like Chris did with Kira. JC looked over at Chris who was checking his daughter's diaper discretely. He had been amazed at how well Chris adjusted to fatherhood. He was a natural.

"JC, you know you can tell me anything right?" Chris looked up at him with a serious expression.

JC nodded. "Yeah I know Chris."

"Have you talked to Megan recently?" Chris asked him innocently, knowing he was in iffy territory.

"Not since we broke up Chris. Why would we talk?" He shrugged.

"I don't know. I thought maybe you were trying to be friends with one of your ex's for once. Megan was nice."

"She dumped me Chris. I don't like to be reminded of that. Thanks."

He lifted Haley up, trying to forget about Megan. Haley giggled at him, smiling happily. He smiled back at her. Chris watched the two of them play together. JC really had fun with the girls. He would make a great father if he ever got the chance.

"Sorry about that JC."

"It's cool Chris, but let's just drop it for now okay."


Lance sighed as he sat on the couch waiting. He loved Jean-Michel dearly, but it took him so long to get ready sometimes. He looked at his watch again. They were supposed to be at Chris' in five minutes. It was at least a half hour drive if they were lucky.

"Jean-Michel if you don't walk your little French ass down the steps now, I'm leaving for Chris and Danielle's without you!"

Lance heard running footsteps and saw Jean-Michel slide down the hall, stopping at the head of the stairs. He was quite obviously not ready yet.

"James, I will be done in a few minutes. I promise. Please wait."

"Just please hurry. We are going to be very late."

"Sorry honey." He ran back into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him, causing Lance to wince slightly. He hated it when people slammed doors and no matter how many times he had tried to break Jean-Michel of the habit, he still did it.

Lance wandered around the downstairs, ending up in the den. He moved the gate to get inside and was immediately leapt upon by a flying ball of fur. He landed on his back with his collie Eve licking his face. He laughed and hugged her close.

"Whose my good girl? Eve's my good girl yes she is." Lance scratched behind her ears and stood up. He looked around the room, searching for dog number two, his Rottweiler Adam.

"Jean? Where's Adam at?" He stuck his head out the den and shouted loud enough that Jean-Michel could hear him upstairs.

"In the bedroom with me. I will bring him down when I come down. Is Eve in the den already?"

"Yes she is."

A moment later, he heard the unmistakable sounds of Adam running down the steps. Lance had gotten Adam as a puppy a year ago. Now he was 130lbs and still growing. He made Eve look diminutive and she was a large dog.

"Hey Jean! I'm going to call Chris and see if we can bring Adam and Eve. I don't want to leave them home."

"I do not think that is a good idea James." Jean-Michel said from behind him. Lance jumped slightly, not expecting him there.

"Don't do that to me. I hate it when you do that." He said, annoyed at Jean-Michel yet again.

"Sorry." Jean leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"Why shouldn't we bring the dogs?"

"Two reasons really. A: they are really big and need attention when around many people. B: Busta hates them and you know how Chris gets when Busta is upset."

They both laughed, thinking about the one time they had brought the dogs together. Busta had tried to attack Eve, but ended up getting sat on by Adam in the process. Chris had flipped out, rescuing Busta and telling Lance and Jean to never make Busta spend time around Adam and Eve again.

"Point taken. So are you ready yet?" Lance asked jokingly, knowing he must be finished if he was downstairs.

"Oui. Are you driving or am I?"

"You are." Lance tossed him the keys. He turned to shut the gate, leaving Adam and Eve alone in the den, which was really just a big playroom for them. Nothing in there was important enough that it couldn't be chewed on.

"By children. Play nice okay. I'll bring you back something tasty." Lance blew kisses to the dogs, who just stared at him from the couch.

"So Nick and Allie are getting married in Avalon?" Chris asked Joey.

Joey nodded, taking a sip from his beer.

"Yup. Apparently her grandparents are loaded and have a house down there. They are renting out the beach for the wedding. It's their present to them. I guess I always figured Nick would get married in Orlando."

"Nah, you figured Nick would never get married."

"I never thought any of us would get married. Part of me wants to be a free spirit my whole life, not being held down by anyone or any responsibilities." Kimmie smacked his arm.

"But the rest of me knows how much I love having that someone special to spend the time with. It makes the responsibilities worthwhile." He leaned over and kissed Kimmie on the lips.

"That was a good save Joey. You're getting better at that." Kimmie said jokingly.

"Hey I can judge how good of a save it has to be by how hard you slap me." Joey joked back at her.

"I would never slap Justin even if he did do something bad. Hitting someone is wrong." Britney chimed in the conversation.

Kimmie turned to look at the blond girl.

"I don't hit him to hurt him Britney. I just let him know that I am there. Joey and I have talked about it anyway. For us, it's a loving thing because we are strange like that. But you are right. Hitting someone is wrong."

JC sat in silence, listening to the conversation and thinking about Kevin and AJ. Kevin had hit AJ and that was wrong of course, but AJ had forgiven Kevin or so it seemed. He hated thinking about that though. JC had been in AJ's position once, about three years ago. He had never let any of the guys know, but he had been kept in line with smacks, hits, verbal abuse and so forth by an ex-boyfriend of his. When he had tired of JC's subservience he had dropped him. JC had promised himself he would never be put in that position again.

JC shifted Haley's weight on his lap. She had drifted off about twenty minutes ago and Danielle had offered to take her upstairs where Kira was sleeping, but JC had wanted to keep the baby with him. Justin came over and sat next to him.

"Hey Josh. You've been pretty quiet today. Everything cool?" Justin asked him, keeping his eye on Britney at the same time. She had a tendency to get jealous when he talked to anyone else, even JC.

"Yeah, just trying not to wake Haley up. How are you doing Justin?"

Justin sighed heavily. He glanced around making sure no one was listening to him, especially Britney.

"Actually I really need to talk to you, but now is a bad time. Can we get together and talk later? It's kind of important."

"Sure, but doesn't Britney have to know where you are at all times? I'm sure she would disapprove of you spending time with someone else, even if it is your best friend."

Justin stroked Haley's cheek lightly, having noticed Britney looking over. He used the baby as a cover so he could finish talking to JC.

"She's the reason I need to talk to you Josh. Brit has an interview tomorrow at 11am. Can we go out to lunch or something? I already told her I couldn't go with her because I had to get some work done."

JC was worried all of a sudden. He had been so wrapped up in his own little world lately he hadn't even noticed that something might be wrong between Justin and Britney.

"Sure thing Justin. Call me when she leaves and I'll come pick you up or we can meet somewhere. Whatever is best for you."

A huge grin spread across Justin's face. "Thanks so much Josh." He gave Haley's cheek another caress and went back over to Britney, who immediately wrapped her hand around his, preventing him from leaving again.

Chris and Joey exchanged looks when she did that. Sometimes they really hated what that girl had done to Justin over the years. They had watched as Justin went from being a silly prankster to a downright pain in the ass. She had turned him into a stranger by isolating him from his friends and family.

"Hey Joey, I'm going to go throw some steaks on. Want to give me a hand?" Chris winked at him and stood up. Joey followed him into the kitchen.

"Sometimes I just want to smack the shit out of that girl." Joey exclaimed as soon as they were out of earshot.

Chris nodded emphatically as he took out the steaks. Danielle had already marinated and trimmed them. All he had to do was cook them.

"Did you see the way she looked at JC when he was talking to Justin? If looks could kill JC would be dead five times over. If she fucks today up, I will so totally tell her off."

Joey never had any qualms about bitching out Britney. He was the only one. No one else had the desire or in Justin's case the backbone to tell her to go away.

"So where are Lance and Jean-Michel? They are coming aren't they?"

"Of course they are coming. Has Scoop ever missed the chance to eat ribs in all the years we have known him?" Chris grinned at Joey as he pulled out a plate of baby-back ribs.

"I see you got enough for Lance. Did you get any for the rest of us?"

Chris nodded, pulling another plate of ribs out. "This should do for the rest of us."

"Woohoo! I see ribs. Shouldn't those be on the grill Chris?" Lance asked him jokingly. He gave Joey a hug before walking over to Chris.

"Glad to see you made it Lance. We were just starting to get worried." Lance laughed and gave Chris a peck on the cheek.

"Hello to you too. Where is everyone else at?"

"All the rest are outside. Joey and I came inside to get the food and bitch about Britney at the same time."

"Oh I'm sorry I missed the bitch session. You know how I love trashing that girl."

Jean-Michel stood uncomfortably in the doorway. He had been part of Lance's life for a year and a half now and knew all the guys very well. Yet, he still felt uncomfortable around them, especially when they were bitching about Britney. It made him wonder if they bitched about him as well.

"I wish you guys would not do that. It is really not nice." Jean-Michel spoke up finally, not wanting to hear anymore. The three of them spun around to look at him.

"Sorry Jean. We know it's mean and we shouldn't do it. It's just she is so damn irritating sometimes. Even mild-mannered as you are, it would have pissed you off to see what she did to Justin today."

Joey apologized to Jean-Michel. Joey knew that he was a little unsure of how the guys felt about him. Whenever they bitched about Britney, he seemed to get even more unsure. Jean was a good guy though and all the guys liked him immensely. Joey threw his arm around him and pulled him outside. They began to talk about the work Jean was doing at the moment.

Lance and Chris picked up plates and followed the other two outside.

"Maybe you would like to go say hi to JC Lance? He's been a little withdrawn today." Chris whispered as they walked outside.

Lance's eyes took in the whole scene. Danielle and Kimmie were talking happily. Britney was clutching Justin's hand and monopolizing his attention. Josh was sitting a little away from everyone, holding a baby on his lap. He was looking down at her, stroking her cheek and singing softly. He seemed to be somewhere else completely.

Joey and Chris headed over to the grill and began to throw the food on.

"Chris, you can't just throw things on like that. Food needs to be placed correctly so that it doesn't burn." Joey grabbed the tongs out of Chris' hand and began to move the food around.

Chris backed away, leaving the food to Joey. He smiled slyly. He had succeeded yet again. Joey was the best cook of all of them, he just had to be tricked into doing it. Joey turned to Chris with a angry expression on his face.

"You tricked me asshole. This is your barbeque and now I am doing the cooking." Chris shrugged, grinning at him.

"Well at least it will get cooked right if I do it. You burn everything anyway."

"Thanks Joey. We all appreciate it." Chris sat down next to Danielle and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She laughed and gave him a kiss back.

"Hey Josh. Can I join you?" Lance pulled a chair over to sit next to JC.

"Who do you have today?" Lance still couldn't tell the twins apart unless they were next to each other. It wasn't that he didn't pay attention to them, most people couldn't tell the difference.

"Miss Haley. She's been asleep for sometime now. Kira is upstairs napping."

Lance smiled down at the sleeping baby. "I can't wait until I have kids."

JC looked over at him a little surprised. Lance had always said he didn't want the responsibility of children.

"When did that change?"

Lance shrugged. "To be honest, I don't know Josh. One day, I just felt like it would be cool to be a father. Maybe it was being around these two. Or maybe it was old age kicking in."

He grinned at JC, who barely cracked a smile back. Lance put his arm around JC lovingly. He squeezed his shoulders slightly.

"Please lighten up and have some fun Josh. We hate to see you like this."

JC cracked a fake smile. "Better?" Lance sighed and removed his arm.

"I wish you wouldn't be so stubborn all the time. We're your friends. Please talk to us once in a while."

JC shook his head and started to sing to Haley again. Lance took that as a cue the conversation was over and to go away.

Lance started to stand up.

"Wait. Please sit for a bit James." JC looked up at him pleadingly. Lance sat back down. JC shifted Haley around so he was facing Lance.

"I'm having lunch with Justin tomorrow."

"How did you pull that off? Britney dying or something?"

"No. She has an interview. He told her that he couldn't go with. I think something is wrong between them. He wants to talk to me about her. Have you noticed anything strange between them?"

"I've always thought that relationship was strange, but recently, Britney has become even more possessive. I called Justin a few days ago and had talked to him for like a minute before she came on the phone and told him he had to get off or else. He hung up right away."

JC frowned deeply. "She scares me sometimes." Haley began to squirm in his arms, sensing his anger. JC calmed himself down and began to sing again. Lance joined in, his bass voice blending nicely with JC's higher voice.

"Justin honey will you go get me a soda?" Britney's voice oozed charm as she batted her eyes at him. Justin looked at the other guys and stood up.

"Can I get anyone else something while I am up?"

"No Justin. Just my soda thanks." Britney cut off Chris before he could say a word. He glared at her.

"Chris, what did you want?" Justin asked him pointedly.

"Can you get me another beer? And another for Joey too. He's done his."

Joey held up his empty bottle from his spot at the grill and shook it with a silly grin on his face.

"Sure." Britney seethed in her chair as Justin headed into the kitchen. Joey turned to look at her with a pissed off look on his face.

"Would you just calm down Britney? Justin isn't your personal slave. He's your boyfriend."

"He's my fiance Joey. Get it fiance. As in mine forever, so butt out."

"Oh fuck you Britney. He will never be yours as long as he has us."

"Exactly Joey." She sat back with a content look on her face, knowing that Joey had just hit upon her ultimate plan. A look of shock formed on Joey's face.

"You evil bitch. You seem to forget that Justin is a person with his own mind."

"Joey, I control his mind."

Justin walked back out and the conversation stopped. He handed a beer to Joey and put one in front of Chris.

"Here's your soda sweetie." Britney smiled happily at him and reached for the soda. Justin pulled it back and dumped it over her head.

"You don't fucking control me Britney!"

She stood up, soda dripping down her face. She couldn't even speak she was so mad. Britney smacked Justin across the face and grabbed her purse. She ran in the house, leaving everyone staring in shock. Justin sat back down, chuckling in satisfaction.

"Sorry about that guys. I've been waiting to do that for days."

"Damn Justin. I mean damn!" Joey was speechless in surprise.

Danielle stood up and walked into the house. Chris followed her, leaving the others outside to talk. He knew she was going after Britney. Most likely it wasn't to comfort her. Chris knew that Danielle had just been waiting for the chance to get on Britney's case. Britney had said some really nasty things about Chris and Danielle having kids before they got married. She had called Danielle a slut to her face. Danielle had never forgiven Britney and only was nice for Justin's sake.

JC picked up Haley and walked back over to the table. He leaned over and gave Justin a kiss on the cheek. Lance put his arms around Jean-Michel with a smile. Joey began to clap. Justin laughed at all of them.

"So can we still get her off the tour?"

Lance nodded and pulled out his phone. "I'll call right now."

"So all her stuff is out front of the house, boxed up and ready to go. Think she'll get the message?"

"Possibly." Kimmie frowned at Justin.

"Justin, I dislike Britney as much as any of you, but that was really low. You shouldn't have done that to her." Joey walked over to Kimmie.

"Kim, she deserved it. That girl wanted to fucking control Justin. Britney deserves any pain that comes her way."

"I'll remember that if you and I ever break up Joey." Kimmie crossed her arms and sat back in the chair. Joey knew she wasn't going to budge on this one and it wasn't even worth fighting with her about it.

"I'm going to go guys. I'll see you tomorrow Justin."

JC backed away from the others, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable and out- of-place. He held Haley tightly, clutching to her like a life raft. His mind was spinning. This wasn't right. He had to get away.

"Josh wait." Lance held his hand out to JC, trying to stop him. JC shook his head and turned around. He ran inside, still holding Haley tightly.

"What's with him?" Joey asked, concerned about JC.

"I don't know." Lance said sadly, not knowing what to do.

Chapter Two

Lance ran his finger down Jean-Michel's chest, slowly, teasing him. He leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips. Jean-Michel chuckled and pulled Lance into a tight embrace. He ground his hips into Lance's.

" taste so good James."

"If we go upstairs you can taste more of me." He smiled down at Jean-Michel slyly.

"Promise?" Lance nodded and climbed off Jean-Michel's chest. He reached down and helped him up.

They walked up to their bedroom, hand in hand. Lance shut the door and pulled Jean-Michel to him in a passionate kiss. His tongue explored Jean's mouth as his hands untucked his shirt from his pants.

Soon enough, Lance had Jean naked, his clothes thrown around the room. He guided him over to the bed and laid him down. Lance quickly removed his clothes and climbed into bed with him.

They hugged each other tightly, lying on their sides, kissing softly. Jean's hand slid down Lance's back, resting on his perfect ass. He pulled him closer to him, feeling Lance's hard cock push against his own. Lance gasped in pleasure. He loved that feeling.

Jean rolled Lance over and straddled his waist. He began to kiss Lance again, little soft kisses starting with his lips. His kissed his way to Lance's ear. Tenderly, he sucked on Lance's earlobe, smiling happily when the younger man moaned in happiness.

Jean's hands caressed Lance's chest as he continued to suck on his ear. Lance squirmed, barely able to keep from cumming just from the treatment he was getting on his ear. He gasped as Jean began to suck on his neck.

"Merde! Please Jean." Lance begged him to stop teasing. Jean sat up and put his finger over Lance's lips.

"James, that language will get you no where." He rolled off of Lance and stood up. Lance groaned loudly, feeling cheated.

"Shut your eyes James." Lance did as he was told. There was no sound from Jean-Michel. Lance was confused. He was about to open his eyes when he felt the mattress give slightly. Lance smiled, knowing Jean was back.

Jean-Michel looked down at his beautful lover. Lance was laying perfectly still, his eyes closed, breathing slowly. He stared at the younger man's erection, his mouth watering as he thought about going down on him. He climbed on the bed and lowered himself over Lance's cock.

Lance jumped as he felt Jean-Michel's mouth engulf his hard cock. His eyes flew open to enjoy the sight of his boyfriend going down on him. He watched as Jean's head moved up and down on his cock. Lance reached down and ran his hands through his black hair, knotting his fingers in Jean's curly locks.

Jean looked up and saw Lance watching him. He smiled as best he could with Lance's cock in his mouth. Lance smiled back.

"I love you."

Jean-Michel nodded and ran his tongue around Lance's head. By now, precum was steadily flowing out of Lance's cock. Jean used it to lube up Lance's cock.

Jean sat above Lance's cock, hovering over him. He slowly sat down, sinking more and more of Lance's cock into his body. Lance shouted as he watched Jean take all of his hard cock in his ass.

Jean ran his hand over Lance's chest, feeling his fast heartbeat under the palm of his hand. He began to slowly rise up almost letting Lance's cock fall out, before he slid back down Lance's hot cock.

Lance reached up and began to jerk Jean-Michel's cock as he rode him. Together, they pleasured each other, bringing themselves closer and closer to orgasm. Sweat poured down Jean-Michel's body, making him glisten in the afternoon sun that was streaming in the windows. Lance pulled him down for a kiss.

Jean-Michel let out a shout as he shot his load all over Lance's chest. Watching Jean cum sent Lance over the edge. He screamed Jean-Michel's name and fell backwards.

Jean-Michel laid down next to Lance and rested his head on Lance's chest. Lance ran his fingers through his hair, stroking the back of his neck with his other hand.

"You're going to get cum in your hair beautiful."

Jean-Michel smiled up at him and just cuddled in more.

"I do not care. I want to hold you."

"Do you know how sexy you sound right after you cum?" Jean-Michel shook his head.

"Your accent is so cute all the time, but right after you cum, it just gets so strong and your voice gets so husky. I love it."

"Thank you baby."

"How was work today?" Jean-Michel groaned at the question and buried his face in Lance's chest.

"I hate my job James. I cannot wait until the tour starts again and I can leave this hellhole of a job."

Lance ruffled Jean's hair.

"Only a few more months and you get to travel around as our personal assistant again. No more freelance web design work."

"Did Joshua call you yet?"

"No he didn't. I wouldn't expect him to. I'll see him tomorrow and he can tell me all about it then."

"Is Joshua okay?"

Lance sighed and stared at the ceiling for a moment before looking back down at Jean-Michel.

"I honestly don't know. He is pushing me away the more I try to talk to him or spend time with him. I don't think he feels very loved right now. He took Megan dumping him pretty hard."

Jean-Michel ran his finger down Lance's thigh.

"Stop that tickles." Jean-Michel rested his hand on Lance's stomach.

"Why did Megan break-up with him?"

"I don't know. He won't talk about it. It was probably the usual reason Josh gets dumped. He won't get close to someone and he won't work on the problems in a relationship. Same old Josh stuff."

"What happened to Joshua?"

Lance looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

"What happened to make Joshua upset all the time? He wasn't always this upset and moody was he?"

Lance inhaled, sensing that Jean-Michel would want the truth.

"Sit up baby." Jean sat up and Lance sat up, facing him.

"Truth?" Jean nodded.

"You happened."

"What do you mean by 'I happened'?"

"Josh has never admitted to me, but he told Justin a long time ago, that he would love to get a chance to be my boyfriend. And when I met you and fell in love with you, Josh began to withdraw from everyone."

Jean-Michel sat back, slightly stunned.

"So I am the reason Joshua is upset, because I came along and took you from him. Is that how he sees it?"

"Josh never had me. I love Josh as a friend. I could never be what Josh wants of me. I'm in love with you."

"Joshua has never treated me bad. I would have thought he would have not liked me or treated me like an outcast. He welcomed me just as much as Christopher, Justin, and Joseph did."

"Josh is a smart man. And you are a great guy. It's tough not to like you."

Lance took Jean-Michel's hand in his and raised it to his lips, kissing his hand tenderly. Jean-Michel blushed deeply.

"Come on. I made dinner."

" are such a good house bitch."

Lance laughed and smacked Jean-Michel's ass.

"Watch who you are calling a house bitch or else your pants won't be ironed tonight."

Jean-Michel smiled broadly.

"No problem. I will just call my other boyfriend. He will come over and iron them for me."

Lance pretended to be hurt and stalked out of the room. Jean-Michel followed him out.

"Do not worry James Lance Bass. You are the only man for me."

Jean-Michel pulled Lance in for a kiss. He held him tightly, feeling the warmth of his bare skin against his and the strength of Lance's arms. He really did love Lance very much.

"I never want to lose you James."

"You won't baby. Come on. Dinner will get cold."

Lance took Jean-Michel's hand and led him to the kitchen where he had left dinner on the table. He was happy with Jean-Michel. Sometimes he did wonder though, would he have been happy with Josh?

---Okay here it is. It might be alittle confusing so far. If you haven't read 'Escape', you have no clue what's going on. So go read 'Escape'. I promise you will love it! Please I want feedback from all my great readers. I know you guys love to write me. Let me know if this works for you or not.----

Next: Chapter 2: Choices 3 4

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