Chocolate Docs Next Door

By Deez Nutz

Published on May 2, 2020


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental. Personal experiences, from images to events, memories and words, while elements of this story may be (and often are) based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

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"Give it to me baby boy let me taste you" I was excited to have gotten the call thy evening from Tre.

Tre laid there with his head back against the seat of the car. We were both crammed into the back of his truck. I continued to bob my head back and forth , sliding up and down his beautiful dick. I reached up to feel on his body

"There you go my little whore. Work the cream out that dick." I pulled his cock out of my mouth. There was a rope of precum leaking from his cock. I gently stroked his cock making him moan even more. His eyes began to glaze over in pleasure. He was truly getting into it.

"Aww yeah baby boy. I want you to cum for me. Feed me that seed" I was a bit uncomfortable here in the backseat. If it took feeding him sweet nothings in his ear to get him to cum faster than that was just what I was going to have to do.

"Put that shit back in ya mouth. I'm going to give you just what you came here for" i circled my tongue around the head of his cock. He gave a little shake and then I inserted the whole thing back into my mouth. With a few more pumps with the combined motion of my hands and mouth I could tell that he was getting close.

"Ahhh shit, get that shit hoe" he was at his peak. I toyed with the head of my cock with his tongue. Lapping it up and down.

"That's it just like that. Just the tongue.... awww that feels good... keep going slut. Ahhh ahhh" His cock started to twitch. Shooting his load and I began to taste his cum. A steady stream of the milky jizz came drizzling it's way down his cock. I was satisfied. He began to become lifeless as his bliss was setting in. Before I could let him get too comfortable I took his whole cock into my mouth to swallow that sweeet nectar of his. For the last few drops I let it Pool around my closed mouth. I then took his cock and rubbed my face with the last few drops.

"Just like a hoe, covered in my nut". I truly did enjoy moments like this were the warm jizz just sat on my face soaking into my pores.

Tre sat up. He reached around and grabbed what seemed to be a shirt or something and threw it at me. Clean ya self up if you need to. Although I didn't want to wipe it off I knew I had to make it back in the house. I gently wiped my face down "Where you want me to put this" I said as I began to motion to hand the shirt back.

"Toss that shit out the window. I don't need nothing with ya faggot sweat and my nut on it unless you want to take it home and wash it." I was never one to litter. So I just held onto it. We pulled back up to the docs place.

"Good thing you were up. My dick had been missing that mouth of yours. I'll hit you up if I need you again. You coming out to the cabin this weekend right? Maybe I'll just get another piece of you then"

"I'll see you around kid" I exited the truck and began to walk home. I looked to my phone and noticed Dr. Adrian had sent me a text message

Cant wait to see you tomorrow. We are going to have a great weekend. +gorilla emoji+ How about you Come over tomorrow after work and then we can leave out

I knew exactly what he meant even if he didn't use all the words. I was going to have some personal time. I didn't think I was going go over to the house in the morning. I walked in the house and headed straight to the bathroom on the first level. I washed my face. I notice dry specks if it had crusted in the oddest of places and I had no explanation for it if I had run into my wife.

I went to work the next morning. I was excited for my weekend trip. I didn't know what to pack but I had some jocks sent over to the cabin earlier in the week. I got a text from my lunch around lunch time. She had "packed" for me since she noticed I didn't have a bag ready. Chances are i wouldn't use anything in that bag but I liked the thought of it.

I left work like a bat out of hell and headed home. I took a quick shower threw on some shorts and a T-shirt grabbed my to go bag packed by the wife, my special package from my beaus and headed next door to meet up with the docs. For some reason even though I had a key I knocked on the front door as though I was a first time visitor. The dogs barked as expected. Then a still silence fell across the house. Adrian than opened the door. Standing there like a king of his domain. I could smell the strong scent of his cologne. It was woodsy and very manly the pure wast of it made me a little weak in the knees and wet between my legs.

"How's it's going my guy" he motioned for me to come inside. I walked inside. I noticed the house was pretty quiet. And then the front door slammed behind me.

"Everything alrigh..." I could barely finish what I had to say before I noticed Adrian's tongue was halfway down my throat. He was pressing up against me. I could feel his crotch rub against my lower stomach.

"Oh how I've missed you baby boy" he stated as he broke the kiss.

"I bet I've missed you even more" in truth both his husband and nephew were good lays. But the gentle, yet strong touch of Adrian left me feeling more desired than a complete whore. Gosh was Adrian a great kisser. The way his lips circled mine. His breath was always fresh and so pleasant. our make out session was going on for a while now. He reached down and grabbed my hands. He placed them onto his his dick that was now renting in his shorts. I could feel how hard it was, how much it was needing to be serviced and here I am to do just that.

"Looks like someone's excited" I joked as I started to rub his cock through his shorts. I couldn't hold back any longer. I pushed both his shorts and underwear exposing that beautiful black pole of a cock of his.

"Whoa your dick is beautiful" I brought my hands back up to his torso. I ran my hands across his body up his arms and then back down to his pits feeling his muscular frame. I landed on his muscular chest.

"Feels good huh. Looks like you have been getting it in with Darius. Your looking real good these days. That boy will wear ya out I tell ya." He wasn't lying. Dealing with Darius was sometimes a lot more of a challenge than actually lifting or running. He began to lean into me he moved his hands to take off my shirt.

"Let me get a good look atcha" he had such a gentle touch when he wanted to be. He looked at me like I was a meal. I was a prize. He reached for my nipples and gave them a gentle twist and pull. I let out soft moans.

"That's it baby boy. Talk to me." I could feel his cock pressing against my shorts still. The pure weight of it felt heavy against my stomach. I was lost for words to say. So I just pressed my mouth onto his like he has just done to me. My tongue explored his mouth yet again. He wrapped his arms around me. And in that moment I just melted. He held onto my waist. He moved my shorts down.

"There that bubble butt I was looking for" as he gave my ass a light tap. I let out a small groan when he did that. His hands continue to massage my lower back and butt. I was still letting out soft moans as I was still melting in his arms. He reached down and picked me up with a string force. This was it. He carried me into the kitchen and sat me down upon the counter. I initially jumped as the counter was cold and sort of unpleasant.

It was as though he could sense my discomfort. "You good" he asked. Not wanting to throw off the mood I just nodded my head. He leaned down and took my cock in his mouth. My mouth capped as he began to lick and nip at my rock hard dick.

"So I guess the wife doesn't do this often enough for you". Admittedly it had been a while since the wife and I had fooled around. But in any case the pure rush of pleasure I was feeling in this moment negated all that from my mind. Instead I just let out a soft sigh and continued to let him do what he was doing. The speed and pacing at which he was going I was starting to get close to cumming.

"Bet that felt good, huh" he stood back and just looked at me. Then he reached up and gave my nipples are hard grasp twisting them ever so slightly. "how about you hop down off the counter now"

Just as quickly as I had leapt down Adrian had managed to spin me around and bend me over the counter. I didn't know what was coming next but I was excited for whatever it would be. Suddenly I could hear my phone ringing in the background. I knew it was my wife just by the ring.

"You need to get that"

"Nah, it's just my wife. She can leave a message or send me a text I'll tend to it later"

"Whatever you say my guy" and with that just as he had assaulted my dick with his tongue he had found a new target. He began to flick his tongue in and around my tight pick ass hole as the guys like to refer to it as.

"Ahhh Mr. Pinky Winky taste amazing tonight" he continued to nip at my hole. Switching off from long licks up and down the crack to small nips and sucks of the ring of my ass. I began to push my ass back into his face trying to force his tongue deeper into me. My ass was soaking wet from his saliva.

My phone started to ring again. And yet again it was my wife's ring tone playing. Just about killing the mood.

"You need to get that" this time it was as though a question was posed but rather a command. I scurried over to the pile of clothes that lay in the middle of the floor and found my phone. As I answered the phone I held my finger up to Adrian as to signal the give me a moment gesture. But for some reason his face turned to almost rage.

"Hey hun what's up" Adrian had now walked standing behind me. While waiting for my wife to respond I felt him push me into the wall in front of me.

"the fuck..." I softly let out. I turned to look at him but it looked like he had something devious in mind.

"Everything alright over there babe"

I looked back at Adrian and mouthed the words Please Hold On. He proceeded by pushing his fingers against the ring of my ass until he was inside me. I was caught, speechless.

"Sorry, yeah everything is alright babe. Is everything alright with why with the double calls" I began to buck and back into his fingers trying to find a comfortable spot as to not raise any suspicion.

I could hear the sounds of Adrian hock a loogie in the background as my wife was speaking. In one fluid motion Dr. Adrian had impaled me onto his dick. I wanted to let out a moan so badly but I kept quiet. "Well thanks again hun for packing my bag. I don't know what's wrong with your sister. But maybe since I'm out of town this weekend...ahhhg" Adrian had began to pick up a rhythm. He was such a tease he knew I was in the middle of what I was saying.

"Ah, I... um maybe you should take this time to go see her" I could barely hold back at this point. I knew he was enjoying every second of this torture. It felt so good. His cock was hitting my sweet spot and I was leaking like a county of precum. As much as I wanted to speed through the call to avoid an orgasm while my wife was on the other line I knew the inevitable was coming.

Adrian stopped his pounded of my ass for just a brief moment, maybe to catch his breath. He reached around and squeezed onto my nipple hard. I let out a squeal. "Babe, We both know your mother is horrible but..." Adrian started back up on his cock sliding it's way in and out of my ass.

"Clinch onto my cock bitch, take this shit" that was it. I went silent as I let out the quietest orgasm in my life. Not able to do more than breath heavily as rope after rope of jizz shot from my dick onto the floor. I held the phone as far away as possible as I began to let out soft "Fuck, fuck, fuck ahh fuck". I could barely contain myself. Pulling the phone back to my ear.

"Babe... um" I was lost for words the post orgasm bliss was starting to kick in. Adrians cock continued to hit my spot which sent small spurts of pleasure rushing through me like sparks. All I could hear was my wife continuous hellos as if checking for a signal loss.

"I'll call you back" I abruptly hung up the phone.

"FUUUUUUCKKKKK, damn man you really had me going there" I couldn't believe what just occurred. But at the same time I knew Dr. Adrian had the balls just big enough to pull off such a stunt.

"Oh yeah baby, relax that ass give me room to shoot my load." It wasn't long before I felt my insides grow warmer by his huge load he was depositing into my ass. As his cock began to deflate he pulled it out of my ass with a pop. I turned around to look him in the face. He rubbed one hand in his cock and then smeared the mixture of ass juices and cum onto my face.

"Get used to that smell bitch it's this weekends perfume" he laughed to himself.

"Guess you earned your first dog tag for the weekend as well. Where is ya collar" I lift my hand as to motion over to where my bags lay sitting at the front door just in the entry way as I had barely made it into the house before all this occurred.

"Well don't just stand there. Put it on!" Adrian said as he pushed me gently into the direction of the bags while also give me love tap on the ass.

"I'm going to hop in the shower, you clean up your mess that you made and then we can head out. Don't bother cleaning ya self up. Your just going to be a filthy whore anyway" I could hear him laughing to himself again as he walked up the stairs.

I couldn't help to think to myself what I had gotten into with this coming weekend. I clean up my "mess". Called my wife back. And sat there on the couch floor naked. Not knowing what to do.

I then get a call from Darius. "Hello..."

"Don't keep me waiting to long bitch" the phone clicked. This was going to be a wild weekend indeed.


Be sure to check out my new stories Breaking and Entering Donnie Summer at the Hardware Store

Next: Chapter 7

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