Chocolate Docs Next Door

By Deez Nutz

Published on Apr 3, 2020


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental.

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I spent most mornings waking up early to go next door to workout. I had built a pretty good routine. The night before my workout Darius would send me a food emoji and I knew that meant the next morning more than just my my muscles would get a workout. How I had loved to be pounded ruthlessly by the big burly black man I referred to as doctor D. He would be so rough but yet I could tell there was true passion in his love making. The way he smacked my ass. Calling me all sorts of bitch, faggots sluts and whore. I was his to own my ass when he beckoned. I hate to defy him but I'd love the rush it bring.

My wife had even begun to complement me. I really was looking better these days. My clothes fit a little looser. These workouts were beginning to transform my body. And I was loving every minute of them.

I received a text that night of a chocolate sundae from Darius. Whenever I got these text I'd get a little giddy like a kid knowing he'd wake up and get to go to Disney world the next day. How I had so looked forward to him stretching out my ass with his cock. Filling me up with his warm jizz. There was also the possibility of being able to have his cock swell up in my mouth until my jaw became numb and sore.

The next morning I got up but realized my wife was not still in the bed. As I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and headed into the closet to change into some workout gear I walked in on my wife fully dressed in active wear.

"Where you headed to this morning babe? I asked puzzled trying to think back to all our previous conversations over the past 72 hours. Recently it had become a habit to find myself day dreaming about rendezvous to come when my wife was talking. Coupled with the fact that practically seventy percent of what my wife had to say most of the time was some sort of complaint or problem. It was exhaustive just trying to keep up.

"With you silly, don't you remember me asking you if it would be okay to workout with you since you're having such great results" she said it with a jovial smile bouncing her head to the side as she flung her hair into a pony tail.

The truth is I did not remember at all. And even if I did I didn't anticipate this wouldn't be anything more than normal workout session. But in today's case this was shaping up to be a dick appointment rather than an average workout. I didn't know what to do. Darius may have been okay with this, but the wrath of Doctor D probably wouldn't go over as smoothly. Doctor D would have my ass if I showed up and had to suddenly cancel on him. But he'd have my ass either way. At this point what was I supposed to say. `No, sorry hun you can't come because I have a 10 in black cock waiting to pound my lights out and you're not invited.' That would probably go over swimmingly. I chuckled lightly just at the thought of this conversation.

"What's so funny babe, I swear sometimes you and that head of yours is all over the place"

I shrugged my shoulders "Well then, let me finish getting dressed and I'll be ready to go" Playing it off as though I remembered. I quickly got dressed grabbed my phone and sent Darius a message to cancel. I didn't want him walking downstairs with a hard throbbing cock fully out waiting to be serviced only to find my wife working out next to me. I sent a

-the wife and I are headed over to pump some iron, it completely slipped my mind-

text message, put my phone in my pocket and walked out of the bedroom.

We walked next door. I had a key to the basement door that led right to the gym. I never stopped to ask whether this key worked on any other door. But I assumed it probably did.

"Wow, they must really trust you. Having a key to their place"

"Yeah, I guess"

As we walked inside I noticed that the lights were already on. Darius was already on the exercise bike. By the lack of sweat on his brow it didn't appear that he had been down here for long. Maybe just long enough to catch me as I walked in. He looked surprised to see my wife standing behind me.

"Well, how's it going this morning neighbors" he put extra emphasis on the `s' as to indicate that there were one more person here than expected.

"How's it going man. Yeah, the wife just wanted to come see what this morning workout routine was all about. I sent you a message did you not get it" trying my best to save face in this moment.

"No problem, well welcome hope you all have a good time workup a good sweat and what not. If you need anything I'll be upstairs for a little then I will be headed off to work," he walked over to my wife and gave her a light hug. Then he came over to me and whispered into my ear "your ass is grass"

I was probably in trouble. But for now with the safety net of having my wife here what was the worst that could happen. My wife hopped on the treadmill as I started to fiddle around with the free weights. I heard the door to the basement close upstairs. We were alone. I popped my headphones in, started up a playlist on my phone and began to pump myself up to begin working out.

Just a few minutes into my workout my music suddenly stopped. I was receiving a call from my Darius. It was strange did he mean to call me. I answered the phone as soon as the line cut on "Don't say shit, just keep doing whatever it is that you were doing before and pretend you are still listening to music"

I had no choice. I kept my composure as best I could. "So this is how's its going to go since yo bitch as wants to defy me and bring your wife of all people to my house where you were to spend time with me"

"Sorry" was all I could say. I didn't want to say to much because then she noticed I was having a conversation rather than just singing along. And at this point it'd be crazy to try to hold two conversations at once.

"Shut the fuck up cunt" the rage in his voice had grown. No longer was his tone nice and neighborly as before.

"Did I say you could speak? No, didn't think so. I know you have been missing this dick. I got it right here in my hand it is twitching thinking about all that its missing out on." His sex deep voice coupled with what he was saying was really turning me on.

"Bet, yo little ass whole is twitching. What you got on a jock? Is ya ass hanging out nothing covering it but a thin layer of fabric of your shorts. What I would give to rip them shits in half exposing that pretty pink hole of yours" Him talking about my ass had me all hot. I began to feel my cock wake up.

"Ahhh yeah, just think about that hole while I sit here snd stroke this hard dick got me dripping precum. You got me wet ya little slut. Bad part is you are not even here to come lick up every drop." My mouth began to water at the thought of licking the head of his dick. I walked over to the squat rack. It was the only way to face in a direction that could conceal my growing hard on.

"Whoa buddy, I bet you taste something delicious this morning with that fresh cover of sweat coating your body. What I would do to be able to glide my tongue up and down the crevices in your back until I reached that cute little bubble butt of yours." I squatted down to do my first set and instead of letting out just a breath I let out a small moan as well. He had really got me worked up.

"Once I had my fill with tasting you I'd let my little dick here have its way with your insides. But we both know that there is nothing little about this thing," he was right that monster of a cock is not for the faint of heart or something you could just easily sit on and take.

"Them warm juicy guts of yours would be wrapped tight around my dick. Being coated in both my spit and precum." I squatted again just to let out an even louder moan. He was really turning me on. At this point my cock was rock hard, my ass felt wet. I just hoped that I would somehow be able to keep my wife from seeing me in such a vulnerable state.

"Don't think that just because you brought your little wifey around that I won't proceed to seed and breed that white bitch of a hole you are holding onto" I was startled, stunned even. Dismissing my wife was one thing, but to claim me as your property was another.

"Now, I want you to hum along to a random song, but not to loud because I want you to be able to hear every word I am telling you" I began to hum, it was more so nonsense than any actual lyrics. For the thoughts of what could be going through his mind, that would depart his lips and land on my ears was more than enough to throw off any sort of fixation upon one given song.

"I know you've been missing a taste of this here cock, the way it just fills your mouth," my mouth began to water.

"If them pretty white lips ain't here to catch this nut as it comes out my dick then I'm going to beat your ass... and I'm getting close so you better hurry" I racked my weights. Looked over to my wife.

"Babe, I'm going to run to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I ran up the stairs like a bat out of hell. I made my way to the bathroom on the main floor. I swung the door open and immediately fell to my knees to receive the his seed.

"Aww yess slut, jus in time. I knew ya ass didn't want no problems"

"Yes, Doctor D. Feed me your load, let me taste it" I leaned my head up looking him in his eyes. With my tongue out I could see the rage in his eyes. The need to release was ever present and I would be here to service him. I pulled back my head as far as I could, and opened my mouth presenting my tongue to be a ready landing pad for his cum.

"Aghhh yes....Fuck yes..." just like that streams of cum landed on my tongue, all over my face. It splooged out in thick ropes. His load was heavy I could feel it as it coated my whole head from the top hairs on my head until it dribbled down my neck. It seemed like he was cumming forever. I was loving every second of it.

"Aww yeah my load looks good on ya face bitch"

"Thank you Doc, my wife is still downstairs should I go back down with her"

"NO" he let out in almost a bark type fashion. "I'm not finished with you yet " he turned around and reached into the shower turning it on. "I still need a piece of that ass and I won't be denied, not ever"

He was right. The signals were obvious by now. He'd send his message and I would come prepared to please him any way he saw fit. Even with my wife simply feet beneath us this did not change. I belonged to the will of his cock.

"Gon head, stand up and turn around" Somehow he had come up with a bottle of lube out of one of the cabinets. He smeared the stuff across his cock until it glistened and then bent me over the bathroom vanity inserted two fingers in my hole.

I let out a long groan as I felt his fingers beginning to explore my insides. He proceeded to add an extra finger now with three fingers in pumping slowly in and out of me I felt ready.

"Come on doc, stick it in me" he reacted by reaching his arm around my neck and pulling me back into a choke hold. With his other hand he jammed his three fingers deep into me. I felt myself cry out.

"Who the fuck do you think your talking to little faggot. Don't you ever get it twisted. You move when I say move, you jump when I say jump. Your lips don't part unless it is to beg never to command. We clear" he eased up just enough to allow me to breath.

"Now since your such a needy cunt hope this helps" he pierced his cock into my ass. I yelped. Loud. I was sure that anything with ears within a miles reach could have heard me at this point. I was in true pain. But could I blame him. I did ask for it.

"Aww fuck" his cock was splitting the walls of my ass.

"There you go... keep that pussy open" he began to rock back and forth. With his arm still around my neck I went from losing my breath as he dug into me snd then being released.

"Aww fuck Doctor D"

"Push that hole out, that pussy eating good now huh. I'm going to reach down into your soul bitch" I can feel his cock deep inside of me. The pain as it goes in and out of my hole is so intense.

"Oh fuck, yes doc. That feels so good"

"Push that hole out"

"Yes, doc, ahhh fuck.... Yess, yess daddy breed your faggot white tramp" I look up into the mirror. With cum still glistening on my chin, the words faggot and tramps escaping my lips like it was natural. Who have I become. I can see a strapping black man behind me. Intensely focused on my white ass being crammed with his fat black cock. His lower lip tucked beneath his teeth as he fucks me with what seems like both passion and furry. Looking at my reflection in the slightly fogged mirror I noticed how much of a slut I really was.

"Ahgggg... take this nut bitch" his cock began to slide even easier in and out of my hole as his cum started to flood my ass. Giving my ass a slap. "there you go faggot, take that snd get out of my sight. I've got to finish getting ready for work."

With the heat of the shower still going I had worked up quite the sweat. Plus I had jizz cover practically every inch of my body. There was no way I could reasonably go downstairs in this condition. I threw my clothes on and ran out the front door to my house.

"Babe is that you" my wife shouted from upstairs

"Shit," I let out under my breath. "yeah just me. When did you get home"

"Oh you were taking so long in the bathroom that I had come upstairs to check on you hut all I heard was the shower running so I figured you had actually come home but I didn't find you.". With that I started ti hear footsteps as though she was making her way down the stairs toward me. I rushed into our bathroom on the main floor.

With the door shut behind me I yelled through the door "Yeah, guess when I was doing those squats gas or something was moving right through me. Had me extremely uncomfortable. That was me with their shower on trying to relax."

"Oh okay babe, yeah I though i almost heard you yelling out or something but with the shower on I was sure it couldn't have been you"

"All is well now" I hurriedly washed off my face. I opened the door and saw my wife was dressed and ready for work.

"Well, I'm going to go ahead and head into the office. I'll just grab something on the way in" she leaned in and gave me a kiss. "Babe you stink, you smell like ass. Hopefully you didn't mess up their bathroom to bad. Don't want to be disinvited" she laughed. I was embarrassed. With her now gone I sat down on the toilet just ti catch my breath. As I began to relax I could feel his sperm starting to leak out of my ass into the toilet.

There was no doubt that I was a whore who lived for my holes to be filled.

----- The docs had been on vacation for about a week. They told me to come by anytime to use the gym, play with their toys or do whatever. I didn't want to get out of routine so I still headed over in the mornings to run on the treadmill and lift some weights. The workouts were only okay. There wasn't a cock to fall on or fill me up after my workout. My hole was missing the intense fucking I had been receiving. My mouth and jaw were tingling at the thought of being stretched open with man meat. Thursday morning I got up and headed over to the docs place. As I walked through the basement doors I noticed that the lights were already on. Did I leave them on and just forget? I must really be losing it. I paid it no mind as I started to do my pre-stretch. Then I noticed lights on in the pitts sex dungeon and I knew for sure that I hadn't been in there for a while. Were my beautiful chocolate men back in town? Would I be able to have at least one of them please my burning sexual desire? I walk up to the door, I hear sounds. Deep passionate sounds of sex moaning and groaning. I decided it probably be best if I just walk away and skip my workout for the day. I turn to head out.

"Who the fuck are you" the door opens wide. This was a voice I did not recognize. I could tell that the voice belonged to a young man but who was he and why was he here. Having sex.

"Are you deaf, I said who the fuck are you and why you here in my unc's spot. You got about three-seconds before I blast off on ya ass....One....Two" At that point I didn't want to even know what that meant. I turned around and there before me stood a man. Caramel brown skin, standing well above 6' 5" at least, his athletic frame was marvelous, he had dreadlocks that hung almost down to his chest.

A young white boy came out of the room fully dressed. "What the fuck Tre, I thought you said no one would be here. I can't get caught up. I'm going to head out, or call an Uber."

Tre turned around for a second looking at the other white boy "Brad, calm down this ain't nobody. Go upstairs and wait for me, I'll drop you wherever you want to go." He bent down to whisper into his ear "as soon as I drop my load in that tight little ass of yours"

Brad's eyes lit up. I could tell that his heart was on sex. I wondered if I had the same dick-mitized look on my face when dealing with Adrian and Darius. Was it really that obvious. He ran up the steps and shut the door to the basement. Tre walked up right next to me.

"So you must be the little faggot from next door"

"The who, what are you talking about?" Why did this boy know more about me than I knew about him? "Yup, I saw you taking a glance at my semi-hard member when you turned around. If I didn't already have a pretty white ass waiting for me I surely take a run at yours" I was taken aback.

"How about you come back over tomorrow same time and we can make something happen" with that he slapped my ass. Gave it a heavy grasp. "Aww yeah, this is nice. Now scram bitch, I got to make a deposit in that pretty little white thang that just ran up the stairs.

I turned. Walked out the door as I didn't want to deal with any of this right now.

------------------- DEEZNUTZ007@LIVE.COM

Next: Chapter 5

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