Chocolate Docs Next Door

By Deez Nutz

Published on Mar 20, 2020


It had been over a week since my encounter with Dr. Adrian next door. But not a moment went by that my hole didn't quiver at the thought of that intense session between us. As I sat on the couch with the with the tv playing on some sports game I felt myself day dreaming. Truly sinking into the couch I felt my body began to relax.

"Hey babe, why don't you take Roxy out she's starting to get a little pudge if you know what I'm saying"

Just like that I snapped out of whatever trance I was being pulled into. I walked upstairs changed into my jock strap and threw on some shorts. Maybe I could find a way to get back over to Adrian's. This time I'd be ready even if was just a quickie. He could slip in, fill me up and then slip out. And I'd be satisfied with it all. I run back downstairs grab my shoes and the leash and make my way toward the garage.

"I'm headed out babe, see you in a few"

"No rush, I'm going to go meet up with Kathy and the girls for a quick dinner. Remember?"

To be honest I had forgotten about her dinner plans. Part of me was curious as to why it hadn't seemed as though she was getting dinner started or ask me what I'd like. But in any case this just made it that much easier to go next door and have my hole thrashed. With Roxy in tow we walked out of the garage and made our way through the neighborhood.

The friction of the fabric began to rub my member as I walked. I began to pick up the pace a little hoping that my bulge would become less noticable and creepy. But that is where I fucked up. My shirt began to rub across my nipples. My sensitive nipples were no match. With each passing stride my bulge began to get more full. Images of Adrian's cock just hanging from his frame ran across my mind. Would tonight be my night to take another ride on his disco stick. My hard as a rock cock seemed to think so.

I ran back toward the direction of home. As I got closer I noticed the lights on next door. Should I go over or should I go back to my place and jack my dick until I see the stars. As though something came over me I headed to the front door of the docs place and rang the door bell. ding....dong. As I moved my finger from the bell my heart began to sink into my chest, pounding hard and fast. My member still sporting on hard. I heard the dogs barking behind the door. Roxy sent her own hello barks as well.

"Hol up, I'll be right there"

The voice wasn't Adrian's but rather that of Darius. I panicked. What do I do? Turn around and walk away. He'd surely see me running back to my place and that would probably be more awkward.

Darius answers the door.

"Yo what's good man"

"How's it going Doc?"

I see his eyes move from the top of my head to the bottom soles of my feet. I know he could see the chub in my pants. I was busted. I was guilty. I couldn't turn it off. Especially looking at this equally gorgeous of a man that Darius was. Standing there with a his dark ivory skin, killer smile with a full set of gorgeous teeth, muscles popping in his shirt that fit just so snug.

Darius let off a soft smile. "You guys wanna come in, grab a beer or something" Who was he referring to. Did he just invite my boner in for beer. He kneeled down and reached his hand out to Roxy. I had forgotten she was even there. His previous barking had subsided and he remained calm enough to forget his presence.

"So what are you guys up to this evening"

I pulled myself out of my fantasy. "Oh, the wife suggested I take Roxy out for a walk. Seems to think she's getting fat. But maybe she wanted me to burn some calories as well."

He chuckled, "don't worry about her man. I think you look to be in pretty good shape. If you ever want to use any equipment in the basement gym just come on by"

"Thanks man" did he just compliment me. Did he find me as attractive as I found him. The lust in me was beginning to hemorrhage. "Hey, I was just stopping by to see if Adrian was home. See if he had any suggestions on dog foods". My ability to come up with a lie on the spot was truly impressive in that moment.

"Aww nah man just me here. He's out at some farm for the next few days for a client. But come on in. Maybe you can try some of the food with have for Zeus and Osiris." He led me into the house. "You got a minute, how about you let Roxy out back and I'll go grab you a sample"

I walked to his back door. Let Roxy into the yard and turned to make my way into the kitchen. I sat at the bar and waited. The garage door closed. I could hear bare foot steps walking across the cold marble floors. The power behind each step. As though he could crush everything in his wake.

"Here you go dude. Try this bag and when the hubs gets back I'll let him know you came by. He may have more suggestions."

"Sounds cool. Thanks"

"Now lets get on to the second part of what you had to say"

"And what's that?"

"You" he said it deviously. As though he had something else on his mind. Again that smile that lit up a room came across his face. I was swooning. "How about you follow me into the basement and I can give you the workout of your life"

"Sure" was the only thing to come across my lips. My mind was racing. What type of workout was he expecting. I walked into the gym noticed all the weight machines and few cardio machines. "You guys have really went all out here"

"In order to keep bodies like ours you've got to stay in the gym " he said as he rubbed his large hands across his body until it rested around his waist. He adjusted his cock through his shorts. It wasn't hard but it was there. I didn't want to keep watching as he rubbed for fear that he would catch me looking.

Darius let out a light chuckle "aight man come here and let me see what you can lift or better yet how about you get warmed up on the cardio machine and I'll be right back"

I stepped on the treadmill turning it on. All that I could think was what am I doing here. Did I really want to work out. The real answer was no. I wanted to be pounded by Dr. Adrians hard cock. I wanted to be stuffed and filled until cum ran down my legs until my legs shook and my eyes rolled back.

I picked up my pace on the treadmill. The door to the basement opened again. Somehow the lights turned off.

"Hey man, you forget I'm down here"

I could hear Darius as he walked down the steps with those hard feet of his.

"Oh my bad, let me find the switch"

When the lights came back on I was stunned. Darius was now standing behind me stark naked as the day he came into this earth. But now he had muscles that were huge and tiny black curly hair that covered his body from his legs to his stomach and chest. His beauty was outstanding. I hopped off the treadmill "what's going on man, you workout in the nude

"No, but I had a feeling a fat bitch like you would need a little extra encouragement"

He walked up to me. Leaned into my ear and whispered. "Plus that ass of your looks like a snack and I'm hungry" and with that he slapped my ass hard. I jumped and let out a small yelp. What have I gotten myself into I thought.

"Well faggot, suck it" a blow to the stomach with his knee sent me straight to the floor on all four trying to catch my breath. After I regained my wind I looked up at the towering man standing over me. Looking at me almost in disgust. His nostril snarled up. But alas here was my opportunity to get some black cock even if it wasn't the person I was seeking.

I reached up to grab onto his massive monster of a cock. The thing was huge. A lot longer than his partners but just about as wide. I knew that this would be a lot to handle. And I was ready for the challenge.


A hand strikes my face. I was confused did he not want me or was this just his way at getting back at me.

"Did I say you could touch my dick with your dirty white faggot slut hands"


"No what bitch?"

"No sir"

"It's Doctor D slut, cuz I'm going to give you this Vitamin D just as the doc has ordered. Now wrap them pretty little white lips around this here dick and get to sucking"

I did as I was commanded. I liked the authority in his voice. It turned me on so much. I wanted so badly to be a black man's whore. For him to slut me out, for him to control my hole, fill my hole with cum at his discretion.

"Thank you Doctor D for this beautiful cock for me to suck on"

"How about you follow me slut, I've got something to show you" I began to get up to walk to the next room.


"Bitch, did I say you that you could stand. Do you think you've earned the right to stand in my presence. Are you disrespecting me?"

"No doctor D, I just thought..."

"Ain't no one told you to think, you listen, you do what I say and just maybe I'll reward you with some personal time with my little friend here" he said while rocking his hips back and forth so that his cock swung in the wind. I got back on the floor and followed my new master into the locked room from the house tour. When he cut on the lights I realized why he didn't want us to see it before. It was a sex dungeon. Filled with whips, chains, a sofa and a swing.

"Alright, welcome to the Pitts it is here where I will do my bidding upon you. You better get ready because that delicate white flower of a bussy you got is all mine in here" he switched the lights over to a deep purple. His skin began to almost radiate, the light excentuated his physique. Somehow he had become more tough, more bold, and what seemed to be bigger with the change in lighting.

"Get to it faggot, I haven't got all day"

My mouth consumed his cock. He began to moan out every few seconds as my mouth bobbed up and down. I swallowed as much of him as I could but his cock was just so long that I knew there would be no way I could reach the base.

"Make that shit sloppy bitch, you ain't doing it right if you don't have spit running down your face."

"Yes, doctor D" and with that I forced myself deeper onto him. I was gagging producing so much saliva

"Fuck yea slut, wet that shit up" he said as he leaned into me forcing himself further down my throat. Holding onto my head he began fucking my face. I could feel my jaws lock. I was enjoying every second of being used by this god of a man.

"Aww fuck yea bitch, that's what I like. Come up here and give Doc a kiss for letting you munch on my meat" Doing as commanded I stood up and kissed him passionately. His mouth was huge, he fully took my mouth and tongue into his own. Tossing my tongue around in his mouth I felt his hands move from my nipples to the bottom of my shirt. He lifted it up.

"This is a beautiful body you've got on you. And after my regular workouts this body will surely be slamming" doc sucked on his teeth taking in the pale white body as it glowed in the light. "Give me your hands bitch, I don't want them interfering with anything else I'm going to do to you." After grabbing my hands he locks them into a bar on the ceiling. Here I am hands cuffed and hanging, letting the cold air of the room hit my warm chest. Darius rubs on my body.

With one swoop the doc removes my shorts revealing the tight jock strap I had put on earlier.

"Oh, so you were ready for some back door action I see. Well I got some good news. I'm going to give you just what you need and have you running back for more ya hear me" He gives my ass a few slaps. I feel my cock still hard rubbing against the warm cotton of my jock strap. Precum has begun to leak from the head of my cock and my dick just squirms in the stickiness of it all.

Darius goes down to on his knees in front of me. "Oh, yes faggot you smell delicious. You ready."

Not knowing what I should be ready for I let out a quick yelp "Yes, daddy"

His hand comes down on my ass with a force as though he was really laying into me. The slap could probably be heard from outside. "The fuck you just call me, I am doctor D in this bitch. I ain't ya daddy. Save that shit for somebody else. Somebody who actually gives a fuck bout your raggedy worthless ass. Ya hear me"

I straighten up. Putting some bass in my voice. "I'm sorry doctor D, I promise never to do that again. Now please doc, give me that vitamin D that I have been waiting so patiently for."

Darius buries his face between my ass cheeks. Licking my hole I feel his tongue circling the outside. He begins to force his tongue into my crevice and it feels amazing.

"mmmmhmmm yeah such a good boy" he slaps my ass again with both hands sending small jolts of energy that charge up my spine.

'Yes, doc oh that feels so good" I exclaim.

He stands up with his hand around my waist. I could feel his hands crowding around me. As though he wasn't just holding me but handling me. So badly did I want him to take control and make me his absolute bitch. I knew it wouldn't be long until I finally would get to take in his long cock into my ass.

'You ready for the real thing aren't you whore"

"Yes, doc, give it to me. I'm ready. I'm yours"

He teases me, Letting his cock ride up and down my ass. I could feel every inch of his hard member sliding against my ass and up my back. Reaching up he grabbed my face and turned it toward him. I looked over my shoulder and kissed him. Opening my mouth to receive his tongue. The wet saliva coated my lips and and it felt amazing.

"This is gonna be a fun one" Darius spread some lube on his fingers and slowly around my anus. One after the other he slowly wormed a few fingers into the tight confines of my hole. "Yeah I got to loosen this bitch up, if I am really about to tear shit up"

"Damn this is one tight hole, I got me a good one tonight. Once it's wrapped around this dick of mine it'll be sure to squeeze out every last drop of nut I got hanging in these balls" Once he had my hole primed Darius positioned his cock back on my hole.

"Oh, please give me that dick. Stick it inside me. Coat my insides." he bounced his cock against my whole teasing it in a fashion. I was getting ancy. The anticipation of taking yet another big cock inside me was only but a dream not long ago. As he pressed the head of his cock to my hole he muttered "This what you want bitch"

"Oh yes, doc put it in me. Let me really feel you" He slowly began to slide it into me and I just began to sink back onto his cock. This was the moment I had been waiting for I let out a long sigh as inch by inch he began to stuff me.

"Yes, doc stuff me. Fill me to the brim, I want you all inside of me"

"Oh fuck your tight white ass feels good.... awww fuck yes" he began to pick up his pace and really began to lay into me. "Aww yeah you like that don't you bitch."

"Doc it's so big, I take it back. I don't think I can handle it" I began to try to push back. But with my hands tied up over my head the only force I had came from my legs.

"Take it easy whore, you'll get used to this mandingo cock in now time. Until then just shut up and take my black dick you fucking white whore!" He did somewhat listen to my pain. He had slowed back down but he would take his cock out of me just enough before he rammed it back in.

The pain of of his major cock inside me I could barely utter a word. My mouth was gapping open, loud moans were the only thing escaping my lips. "Thank you doc, thank you."

"So bitch, you love this black dick sliding in ya guts huh. You better take this dick, you like it ripping up this tight white ass of yours huh"

"does that feel good"

The feeling of being speared by this black cock was so much for me. "I love how your dick feels inside me.... oh yes doc fuck me, pound out my ass. It's all your" He took a brief pause. Pulls his cock all the way out of my ass and again plays with my hole.

"Aww yes, good boy. Open that hole up for the doc I got something real special for you" I loved the way he felt inside of me. How every time he laid into my hole I could feel my walls stretch and invite him in. He began to pick up his rhythm again. I swung there wailing and grunting as he rode into my ass.

"Yeah you do, your docs good boy... you love this shit, I know you do" I continued to moan and wail out . He pulled on my jock as if he was a jockey bouncing. In and out of my whole he pounded into me.

"Better be glad I'm tired or I could ride this ass out all night. Get ready for it. I'm about to jizz and plant my seed into this pretty white ass of yours. You ready bitch"

Boy was I ever. And like that I began to feel my ass grow warmer. I could hear as he pounded into me, the sounds of his cum as it went in and out of my ass. The way it sloshed around. That really turned me on. Without even touching my cock I could feel as though I was about to explode.

"Aww yea boy, shoot your load. Fill that jock with cum so you can walk around with jizz smeared all over your lower half."

I couldn't hold back any longer. My jock began to fill with warm cum, mixing ever so nicely with the precum that already preoccupied the space. it was as though I was covered in the stuff.

"Whoooa boy, you got one amazing ass on ya" He reached up to unleash my hands. I fell to the floor. My body was spent of all its energy. "I'm for sure going to have to get me another piece of that here soon." His body now drenched in sweat, I watched as beads of water trickled down the top of his head and through the hairs of his chest.

"I think maybe I should get going now" I didn't really want to leave. But I knew that if I stayed he might catch a second wind and handling another minute on that stallion of a cock of his this evening would probably be the death of me. Plus, I had to get home and get cleaned up.

"Alright, I'll hit you up sometime later" I gave the doc my number. He gave me a tinder kiss on the lips. "Don't be a stranger now, the doors are always open to open up those walls of your ass" he said. The look in his eyes was far from innocent. What had I gotten myself into. I threw back on my shorts and shirt and headed back upstairs to fetch Roxy and head out. Darius still nude walked me to the front door.

"Well I guess this is it but you said workouts anytime right. I have to say I am very impressed with your gym downstairs"

"Bet that wasn't the only thing you were impressed with" He grabbed my waist, pulling me into him. He turned me around and pinned me into the door. I felt his cock against my ass again and it felt like it was still a little hard. Leaning into my ear "bitch ass faggot gon get more than he deserves". He gives my ass one good last slap and opens the door for me to walk out. I walk back into my house through the garage. I notice the wife's car still not home.

Spent and tired I felt like I had lost use of my legs. I wobbled back into the house and somehow made it up the stairs into the bedroom. I sat in the shower for a while letting the hot water run down my body. Felt as though I had more to cleanse than just my exterior. I threw on some boxers and a t-shirt and crawled into bed with the little bit of strength that I had left in me. As I reached over to put my phone on the charger I noticed two new messages, and one missed call.

Message from Adrian: Heard you stopped by earlier. Will have to catch up real soon. And ended with a dog emoji.

Message from Darius: Great workout son. Come by and I'll give you a key so you can stop over anytime to get a good stretch or pounD some iron. And ended with an ice cream cone emoji.

Missed call The Wife

Next: Chapter 4

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