Chocolate Docs Next Door

By Deez Nutz

Published on Oct 21, 2020


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental

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I am still reliving the moments that just occurred. I can't believe I just had another foursome with Reggie, CJ and their 'bitch' John. From the moment I walked in the door I knew it was going to be a crazy evening. But this is was even better than I could have imagined.

As Reggie and CJ laid on the couch I bounced between them cleaning off their cocks with my mouth. I had a hand on each of their black pythons. Slowly I stroked both the spit and sweat that covered each of them.

"That's it white boi. Keep that dick nice and wet for papa. You know I like for the head to be sloppy" CJ looked over to Reggie's cock watching me go up and down bobbing on the huge tool.

"Johhnnnn, where are you bitch. Hurry the fuck up in here and start sucking on my dick. It's getting dry and lonely over here"

John rushed in and immediately fell to his knees. He went to hover over the black mamba of a cock but not before long CJ reached up and force John onto his member. John chocked gasping for air. Although he tried to push himself off, attempting to ease back CJ held his head in place. John let out cough after wet cough. At this point his face was red and I could see his eyes starting to water.

"Eat that shit up Bitch, don't think I forgot about you disrespecting me earlier by not following directions. You need to be taught a lesson". John still chocking and gasping for air. No matter how hard he tried to lift himself off CJ's strong will held him in place only letting up less than an inch.

"Babe, you really did your thing when you found this natural born cocksucker here. I mean can you believe it, these married white boys being sluts for black cock. This is just beautiful."

A competitive spirit must have risen out of Reggie as he was now being more forceful with my head on his own cock. He slowly pushed my head deeper into his crotch. His invasion on my throat was suffocating. "Damn babe, I can see your shit in the bottom of his throat" the bulging of my neck must have been noticeable, just as his thickness was overtaking my airways. We stayed like this with the raging bulls each forcing our heads up and down on the enormous length and girth like the good sluts we were.

I didn't know how my life changed so quickly. Here I am on my hands and knees sucking the cock of one beautiful black stud and another sitting right next to him. My own cock was raging hard at the sheer force. Before I knew it CJ and Reggie were both shooting their loads down our throats. Reggie did me the courtesy of letting up on my head allowing me to breath. However, CJ was not so courteous John practically had cum coming out his nose and eyeballs. I could see him trying his best but he was no match for the powerful load coming out the fountain of a cock.

After everyone took a moment to catch their breath, it didn't take long for CJ to bounce back.

"Damn, that felt good, John. Follow me I need to take a piss and I don't want to do it here. So, you're going to swallow every drop like a good boy and if you spit it out or get sick just know I will beat your ass. Nod in agreement and let's walk" The two of them got up and headed toward the back of the house.

Reggie looked at me, "Welp, I guess I better release you now. Only thing left for you is a kiss goodbye" I started to stand up to exchange a kiss but he had a different plan. He turned himself on the couch and threw his legs in the air. He presented his ass to me. I knew where he was going with this. I reached over and spread his round muscular cheeks apart with my hands and dove in. After such a workout the smell down there was a sweaty, stinky mess that was pungent to take in. I licked up and down his entire ass from the top of the crack to the front.

"You got a wonderful mouth on ya, get that ass nice and clean for papa. Goodnight kisses are the best" I licked up and down lapping up his ass and hole like a bitch. I planted soft kisses on his ass.

"I love this man" never in my life would I have imagined that I would confess how much I loved eating ass but yet here I am, in the thick of it. I made out with his hole as I plunged the tip of my tongue toward his sphincter. Both of us moaning at the intense passion between us in this moment.

"BABE, you've got to get up here. I need your help with getting this BITCH in line" our goodnight kiss was interrupted.

"Hey before you go, can I get my clothes out of the other room"

"Um let me think about it" he looked at he, then walked into the other room and came out with a closed fist.

"What's in your hand? I came in with gym shorts, a t-shirt, my underwear, socks and shoes"

Reggie looked at me and laughed "And, you'll be leaving here in this pretty red lace thong consider it a gift from John for taking some of the pressure off his ass hole this evening." He opened his fist and revealed the scant piece of clothing. Having no other choice I put it on. "Wave hi to the camera" he motioned over to the corner of the room where a little box was sitting. "I'll be sure to send everyone your pics"

I could hear wailing sounds coming from upstairs. Not sure of what was going on up there and not really wanting to find out or be included I rushed to the front door. Grabbing my keys from the table I ran to my car as quickly as I could so that no one would see me. The seats were freezing, I could feel my body shaking as I started the car and headed out of the driveway and toward the exit of the neighborhood.

As I drive home I can only begin to imagine the madness I will walk into when I enter the house. I question myself on who will be there, and if I'll get that chance to question my wife and how long she has been screwing the neighbor boy.

I drive in complete silence, I can still feel cum dripping out of my hole as it soils the seat of the car. How dare they steal my clothes and make me wear this thong. With the windows slightly cracked the whispering of the wind, and cool air that hit my body was soothing. Even my nipples were becoming hard.

My phone sitting in the cup holder brightens as a notification comes up. I look at my phone for the first time since I left my house and see I have a few missed calls from my sister and one from my mom. I dial my sisters number and wait for her to pick up

ring "Hey bro, mom and dad are in town and they're staying with you. Mom said she didn't want to stay at a hotel and their definitely not staying over here getting on my nerves. They are your problem. Mark and I will stop by maybe tomorrow for dinner once they get in" and before I could get a word in she hung up the phone. I had to get home, I needed to straighten things out around the house before my parents caught on.

As I pulled into the garage I quickly shut the door as so no one could see me. I walked inside.

"Oh my goodness. Son what is the meaning of this!" I'd recognize that voice from anywhere.


"What has gotten into you, I thought you had outgrown this phase. Is this what you do now" my mothers loud voice coupled with her initial scream sent my father to come find out what the commotion was about.

As he walked in and he looked startled yet not surprised. "You may want to run and put some clothes on. You've got guest who didn't change your diaper and know what your business looks like down there" motioning toward my ever shrinking cock and balls from the embarrassment.

Before I could even make my way to the steps Darius and my wife come out from the kitchen.

"Well boy, don't you look pretty." Everyone laughed but as he looked at me his grin was not so innocent and he winked. "This may be my queue to head back home. Thanks again for letting us borrow this dish. It was also a pleasure meeting you two as well. I hope you enjoy your visit"

The level of embarrassment that was running through me at this exact moment was monumental. I could feel my whole body flush, My mind was racing with emotions. More than anything else I was scared although everyone around me was taking the scene quite mildly.

I ran up the steps and into my room. My wife following not far behind. My parents ushering Darius out the door.

"Black faggots living in this neighborhood, that's just wild to me"

"Hun, I don't think you should use that word"

"Whatever, and did you see what your son had on. What the hell is wrong with him."

I shut the door.

"So how do you feel cock sucker"

"Don't call me that"

"But that's what you are isn't it? Can't be mad at me for just telling the truth. I've watched the videos of you being the submissive bitch you are and all I could do is laugh. To really take the cake, you walk in like a sissy in your pretty pink panties it is probably obvious by now to your parents how much of bitch you truly are"

However insulting her words were the sting of the truth is probably what hurt the most. "That's not fair. My wife turned toward the closet and started to change. At this point she effectively dismissed me.

"And where are you going? It's late and we need to talk about this"

"I've got nothing to talk about, I actually have a date with my new man and we both know how good the dick is" she chuckled as though she was laughing at my pain. She leaned in and gave me a kiss on the forehead as she turned to walk out the door. "I may be back before morning, if not just tell your parents I will see them at lunch tomorrow with your sister"

I headed to the shower, I had to wash the events of the evening off of me. As I stood in the shower I felt the all the pains, and problems of the day washing down the drain. I eventually made my way to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was off to sleep without a care in the world.

I woke up early the next morning, sun barely up. My wife was not in the bed beside me I could only assume she was still out with her new friend. I hear some rustling downstairs so maybe she was down in the kitchen since my parents aren't early risers and often sleep past noon.

As I walk down the steps the noises subside, I think to myself that maybe I was just hearing things. I call out just in case. "HUN, you around" things around the house were still pretty quiet. Only the dog responds to my call out, coming up to me for his morning belly rubs. I walk over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. To my surprise there were none. I begin to walk to the garage to check the fridge out there. As I walk up to the door, I hear a soft, yet powerful voice. I hesitate to open the door as I just listen in.

"How's this faggot's dick taste in your mouth bitch"

"You got so much to say about me and mine, but look at you sucking on my dick like a kid to a popsicle" I was unsure of whether or not I was still dreaming. Had the fuck from last night had me so dickmitized that I was imagining things. What was going on in this house.

"Nobody told you to come up for air, get back down on this dick bitch"

I could recognize the voice of Darius issuing out his commands, the force behind his words was turning me on. My own dick was jumping in my shorts. I imagined it was me 'tasting his dick'. But it seemed like he already had someone in his hot-seat for the morning.

Fed up by yet another person in this house getting dick I swung the door open and the sight before me truly surprised me.

"What the fuck..."

"SON! Oh my gosh. Shit, shit shi,......shit"

"What's up bitch, like what you see. Just remember that this could be you. But I had to teach this old man a lesson real quick in how to not be disrespectful" My dad struggled to tried to stand to his feet. But Darius kept hold of his shoulders pushing him down.

"I'm so embarrassed, I usually don't do this type of thing, son." Never could I have imagined a scene like what I see before me now. I looked to Darius in disbelief.

"Well I came over to see if you wanted to go for a run, when I ran into your pops here. Push come to shove, and I got him down on his knees worshipping this magnificent piece of meat I've got here. Now stop all that talking and get your mouth back on this dick bitch" he grabbed a handful of my dads thinning gray hair and pulled him toward his crotch.

"Aww damn, that feels so good. Ya know you could probably learn a thing or two from your old man here." I was so petrified yet so intrigued watching my dad blow a guy. The awful part was as much as he wanted to seem like it was torturous I could also see that he was really into it making love to the dick in his mouth.

Darius began to pump his hips back and forth. I could hear as his dick would hit the back of my father's throat and he let out a slight gag and cough as though it was too much to handle. I could attest to the fact that it was indeed a lot of cock to handle. As his cheeks became more and more red, I started to see his eyes watering up.

"Listen here, a faggot of a bitch like you doesn't deserve to have my junk shot down his pipes directly, I want for you to savor this I will shoot my load right here on top of your lips you can try your best to lick it off but don't touch it with your hands or try to wipe it off by any other means. You understand me?" he looked down at my dad as he withdrew his cock from his mouth and began to furiously stroke.

With head tilted back and Darius' massive member mere millimeters from his lips he closed his eyes in anticipation of the load that would be coming his way. At this point I couldn't turn my eyes, I just watched intently. It wasn't until now that I realized my own dick was leaking like a fountain with precum in my pants. My own cock pressed hard against my shorts. I stumbled to reach for my cock not sure how much I should enjoy this moment. Never before had I seen my father in this light.

"Here I come bitch, awwwwnnnhhhhggg SHIT!" his voice was loud and reverberated through the house. For a moment I became fearful of who would have heard the noise, or if anyone would come to investigate it. "Awww fuck yea" spurt after spurt of cum came rushing out of his cock glazing my dad's face like a frosted donut.

"Alright, faggot grandpa bitch, you can lick off what you can but as I said don't wipe off your face" as my dad began to open his lips to speak Darius reached down and put his hand around his neck. "Bitches like you don't have a voice, so I shouldn't hear anything but Yes, sir from you if you ever fix your lips to speak to me. Understood?"

"Yes, I understand" my dad said he began to lick on his lips taste the sweet nectar that was just given to him. Darius tightened the grip around his neck as he was unsatisfied with the response.

"I....mean, yes sir" and with that he released him. My dad feel to all fours, I knew his knees had been a problem over the years and being on them for that long really had to put a lot of stress.

Darius looked down at the coward of a man and felt no remorse or anything for him. Turning to me. "And you my bottom bitch go get dressed we're going for a run this morning" he then walked over to the hood of the car and sat down. "And hurry up!" As I walked up the stairs I quickly threw on some socks and athletic shirt and ran back down the stairs. Darius and my dad were still talking although it seemed like my dad was able to muster some strength to stand up. "when I get back I'll have you lick the crack of my sweaty ass with your cum soaked lips. I know your type all to well. I also know how to put a bitch in their place." My own cock had barely gone down, I readjusted myself.

"You ready?" trying to draw attention away from the scene I just witnessed. I opened the garage and started to walk down the driveway. Darius was not long behind me. We started off pretty slow with just a light jog.

"Ya know you are looking pretty good these days, lost a few pounds from when we first met and I let you use my home gym" he said as though he was standing still. The stamina on this man was impressive, no labor detected between his words although we probably been going for at least 5 minutes.

Turning to him, "Thanks man, it's been quite the adventure in working out and getting back in shape. I did it because the wife was starting to poke fun at me, but these days seems like she is poking fun at a whole new problem"

"Damn, man sorry to hear that. Want to talk about it"

"Not really, I'm sure you already know but I don't want to get into it right now. Just want to run and release."

"Oh, I've got a release alright for you" he reached down to his crotch. I hadn't noticed before but he was running without any underwear on. His cock and balls would swing with each stride. It appeared that the constant rubbing of the fabric of our run was turning him on. The semi he was sporting was intriguing, seeing as though he had just released a full load onto my father's face.

"So look man, seems like things at your house are getting pretty crazy. How about you come spend some time with me and the hubs. Look at it this way you can get some of this dick on the regular and not have to deal with your wife or anyone else in your business"

At first, I thought this proposal was foolish. As we continued to jog, my mind was racing with the possibilities of long endless nights of serving these two black gods among men. I was so turned on by the thought.

"I'm in" I shouted to Darius. With that he linked his arm around my shoulder and smiled. What had I just gotten myself into?

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