Chocolate Docs Next Door

By Deez Nutz

Published on Aug 4, 2020


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental

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"Here we come" did I just hear him correctly. I couldn't show my face now.

"Oh no, no, no...Dre" I just sat on the floor. I couldn't move. My heart felt like it was in my stomach. I could feel my cheeks reddening more and more by the millisecond.

"Let's go" he motioned for me to get up. He jerked at me as though he was ready to snatch me up and drag me if he had to. I gather to my feet and drag myself into the bedroom.

"Look who I found" my wife turned around in the shower and saw me standing right next to a bare naked Dre. Our shower wasn't big at all but Dre managed to get in beside my wife. The look on her face was less of surprise than I was expecting. Dre grabbed the loofah and began to scrub her back weirdly while staring at me.

"Ummm welcome home hun... I was wondering if you were going to come in from the hallway" Our eyes never locked but I knew I didn't do my best to conceal myself while watching them fucking.

"What's the cocksucker doing here? Babe?" She turned to look at Dre.

"I guess he came to clean off my cock after fuckin ya brains out bitch" she laughed.

"So you guys have fun this weekend? Saw your highlight reel seemed like you took dick better than me" she continued to laugh as if this was all some big joke to her.

"Kid, I thought you weren't going to share that with anyone. I begged you"

"Well that's too damn bad." He hugged on tighter to my wife as they stood there in the shower. He stood taunting me by his gaze.

I was just so confused and conflicted at this point. How long has this been going on? Why was my wife so seemingly comfortable with this? With what happened to me this weekend? I'd have to wait for Dre to leave to ask these questions. I was in my head so much I didn't even notice that the shower had stopped running and both of them were standing there staring at me.

"How bout you dry us off and then run and grab a pair of ya wife's panties. Pick out a pretty pair". I did as I was told. I took the towel that was hanging on the wall and wiped both of them dry. They made their way out of the bathroom and down the stairs. I went over to my wife's chest of drawers and fetch a baby pink pair of lace panties. I don't remember ever seeing my wife wear these but if she would it definitely would have turned me on. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where they both crowded around the microwave as it heated popcorn.

"Took ya long. You find a good pair" I reached up and began to hand the lingerie to my wife. Dre quickly swatter my hand away. "Nah bitch. Them for you." I looked at him confused. Certainly he didn't expect for me to put on my wife's underwear. Their naked bodies stood in front of me. My wife had her hand firmly grasping Dre's manhood. She looked at me and giggled a little.

"Come on babe, you heard the man put on my panties"

At this point I was defeated. I took off my clothes and slipped into the underwear. My wife had a smaller waist than I do. So the fit was very tight. I could feel my cock and balls almost smashed into me. Doesn't he look pretty. Out of nowhere Dre pulled out his phone and before I could even object he snapped a photo of me

"Oh yeah this is a keeper. Look at the scrawny little bitch in his pretty pink panties. Wait until the unc's see this I'm sure they'll go wild"

"Please kid. Don't"

"Do you hear something." He turned to look at my wife.

"Nope, but sounds like the popcorns done. Let's go"

With that they walked back upstairs without grabbing the popcorn. From the top of the steps I heard Dre yell out something.

"Bring us our snack bitch" I grabbed the bag poured it into a bowl and made me way back upstairs. It was quite uncomfortable walking as I felt as though I was sucking in.

"Alright. Make your self a little pallet to sleep on at the foot of the bed. Here's a pillow" he threw it right at my face smacking me with it. "Find you a blanket and let's watch a movie" luckily the carpets in our bedroom were quite plush and not bad a surface to sleep on. My wife turned on a film and the pure exhaustion of this weekend I barely saw past the opening credits of whatever movie they turned on.

The next morning I was awoken by the sounds of my wife and Dre going at it again.

"Ohhhhhh yesssss daddy right there. You're tongue feels amazing." I peeked up and immediately found Dre's ass right in front of my face.

"Wow" was all I could get out. The sight of seeing Dre's head buried into my wife's vag. All the while she was moaning and groaning going off more than she had ever done for me. When I made a sound Dre paused and looked back at me.

"Well look who is finally awake. How bout you be a dear and eat my ass while I finish off your wife here." He had two fingers in her cooch and was jamming them in and out. I did as I was told. As he lined himself back up to continue giving my wife head as she most certainly would reach an orgasm soon I positioned my tongue to right outside of his asshole.

Being pretty much a novice in the art of eating ass I did my best. I just imagined I was making out with my wife. Kissing and sucking. When I went to thrust my tongue in Dre jumped just a little. It was as though a a small jolt of lighting traveled out of my tongue with each thrust and traveled its way to my wife who got the ultimate final shock as her voice became higher pitched.

"Fuck daddy I'm about to squirt... oh shit, oh shit" the sounds were very reminiscent of a porno I couldn't tell if she was just being over dramatic or truly just that into it.

"Aww yeah lemme taste you girl" I kept up lapping my tongue up and down his ass.

"FUCK" the sounds of my wife orgasming was truly hot. I noticed that my own cock was rock hard at this point but still being in these tight underwear I felt like I was going to bust a hole right through them just to free itself. I didn't know what I was enjoying more the subservient position or the melodic sounds of my wife's climax.

"Oh my gosh that was amazing" my wife said panting as she tried to collect herself.

"You ready for the monster cock again"

"I would but I'm really running late. I should've left the house at least an hour ago. She quickly got up off the bed and headed into the bathroom turning the shower on.

"Well guess it's just you and me bitch. How about you get up here and finish what your wife couldn't". I tried to object but before the words could escape my lips Dre reached out his hand and grabbed onto the back of my head. He led my face right into his crotch and I did what I had to do. As his cock found its way into my mouth I took pleasure sucking on the engorged piece of meat.

He was truly in need of a release as he grabbed the back of my head with both hands and forced me to bob up and down faster and faster. I was practically asphyxiated on his cock as each thrust robbed me of air.

"Come on bitch, that mouth feels so good. Finish me off I got places to be people to see. I know a little faggot bitch like you is just craving this nut. Beg for it"

"Please kid, give me that load. I just want to slurp up all your cum" it was like I was singing to him a sweet song. Because it didn't take him much longer to bust. It had to be at least 6 or 7 spurts that shot to the back of my throat. What a rush the whole experience was.

Dre hopped up and headed into the closet. He shortly returned fully dressed in my clothes shorts and a t-shirt some athletic wear.

"Alright I'm going to head out. But I'll see y'all later." He turned and walked into the bathroom. He and my wife exchanged a few words I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. I took this time to strip the sheets from the bed to wash them.

Dre walked out of the bathroom and headed out of the door. But not before giving me a firm slap to my ass.

"Oh and before I leave. Uncle D said he liked your panties and that you should wear them all the time." Great i couldn't believe how wild this kid was just playing fast and loose with everything. Including my very private life.

"Oh and Uncle Reggie said you should swing by tonight, he misses you. Well he really said he missed that pretty pink velvet grip tight pussy of yours." He chuckled and walked out.

As soon as I heard the front door close I headed into the bathroom to confront Beth.

"WHAT THE HELL" she looked at me. In that moment I wanted to yell and scream at her, but I realized how much of a hypocrite I would be in doing so.

"Look I am late for work, we can talk about this later or not talk about it at all"

"Fine, later I guess" she nodded in agreement and walked into the closet to grab some clothes. As she got dressed I noticed she didn't put any underwear on. Underneath her dress she was completely free. I myself was just a tad bit jealous. ------------

My maps app is taking me on the way to the Papas house. About 10 mins out I get a message. `Can't wait to see ya. Been too long'. If I wasn't excited before I was giddy now. I walk up the lighted walkway to the front door. It doesn't seem as though many lights are on in the house. For a moment I thought I may have been at the wrong house. I ring the doorbell. That feeling of potentially turning back around to avoid the inevitable crossed my mind for only a moment. The door opened a slight crack, a white hand reached out and pulled me inside.

"Sorry about that didn't mean to grab you just didn't want to be seen like this" he motioned for me to look at him. That is when I noticed he was completely naked. He reached his hand out "John, and you must be-"

"The bitch we've been waiting for" Reggie's voice came bolstering our from around the corner. "Well don't just stand there. Make haste and strip. Ol' Johnny boy is our little play thing similar to what you got set up with DD and Adrian. Ain't that right." He reached around and put his arm around John's shoulder.

"Sorry, everyone I was indisposed for a moment but let's get this session going. Everyone know everyone?" CJ said as walking into the front room where we all were standing. I undid the buttons on my shirt and began to take down my pants. John just looked at me and I just looked at him. He wasn't a tall guy, older than probably any of us. He was slender with glass. His ears looked huge on his round face. He had a ring on his finger. His cock was small but his balls were huge and they just hung below him.

I look to John "so what do you do"

"Actually I'm in the wine-" again he was cut off by Reggie. I couldn't tell if this was just the banter between them or if I was violating their home by not directly talking to them.

"Actually it that does not matter at this point. You are here so we can get our respective nut out and then you can go. This isn't a best friends sleepover party. Are we clear" he looked at John who shook his head in confirmation. And then he looked to me. I shook my head in agreement as well.

We walked into the house. Without any lights on it was pretty hard to see anything. We reached a room that looked very much like the dungeon at the docs. There was a large bed in the center. A sex swing in the corner with what looked to be whips and restraints hanging on the wall behind it. The lights seemed to be coming from the floor instead of the ceiling overall it was neat.

"Lock it up Johnny-boy." Reggie gave John a slap on the ass. John walked over to the chest on the other side of the room and retrieved an object. "And grab one for the other slut too". When he turned back around I noticed he had a metal cock cage in his hand. Never before had I worn one of those. But as I watched John put his onto his hairless crotch I was intrigued at the anticipation.

"Alright, this is where the fun begins" CJ said to himself as he was rubbing his hands together.

"Get the bench John" over in the corner covered by some of spotted brown cow animal hide. It looked almost like a saddle rack. A large black leather cushioned cylindrical barrel.

"Sir can i please lay face up this time. I want to see your face as you pound away at my ass."

"NO! Would you get a load of this fool who thinks he can have a say in how we are going fuck him." Reggie and CJ turned and laughed.

"Come here white boi" I was shocked by the initial command. Confused about what was going to happen next. "Tie this faggot FACE DOWN to the bench both arms and legs." Never before in my life had I tied a knot but today wasn't going to be my day to learn either. CJ handed me some adjustable cuffs that I could use.

"Lay down bitch get ready" Reggie commanded. There was a small glimpse of fear in John's face as he had come to not know what to expect from the raging bulls he was commanded by. As he laid down a small smile gleamed across his lips. I locked his arms and legs into place.

"You ever ride a bucking bull before" CJ looked to me for a response.

"Huh, um I mean no sir"

"Well today is your lucky day" we got a nice bull we are going to breed and you might as well straddle yourself on top of him make sure he doesn't move to much. "I'll even let you watch as my cock goes in and out of this bitch" I climbed onto John facing his back side almost like riding a headless horse. I positioned myself over his chest as not to crush his stomach although I feared to much weight may crush his breathing. So it was just a lose-lose situation.

Reggie moved around to stand right in front of me. Grabbing onto John's ass he pulled his cheeks apart to admire the pink hole.

"Well hello there little friend, I'm going to open you nice and wide" he moved his fingers to encircle the hole taunting John. "Ya miss me and my little friend here" somehow his cock had become rock hard all 10 inches swaying in the wind. I could feel my eyes grow wide at the sight of such a magnificent piece of meat.

Reggie then forcefully drilled one finger into John's hole. No one was expecting it. John jumped as best he could in his restraints. Throwing me to the side I almost fell off but was able to plant a foot down and reposition myself.

CJ just laughed "you better hold on tight, if this is your first time on a bucking bull"

"Please sir, please can you add some lube. That last one felt like you ripped me a whole new ass hole."

"Shut up whore and just take it" Reggie retracted his finger so that it was all the way out. He tapped on the hole a few times and then thrust just one back in. Again John jumped, I shifted and CJ laughed.

"Mmphm, ahhhh please sir I beg. I know I'm not worthy but please just a little bit of lube"

I started to feel pity for him. My emotions more than likely flashed across my face as Reggie looked at me. "Here, how about the guest taste my bitches ass and get him nice and wet for me. Meanwhile shut that bitch up babe I'm tired of hearing his voice." I could hear the sounds of a mouth being stuffed with cock. John choked at the initial thrust and tried to jump back.

I leaned down and spit onto John hole I then began to kiss and lick on it. This was my second time today munching on manhole. Reggie continued to massage his boy's hole now with two fingers. John began to moan out in pleasure but I couldn't tell from which end was giving him the most joy. Now that his hole was nice and wet Reggie's fingers slid in with ease. He would give his ass a few thrust and then put those same fingers into my mouth for me to taste. Once I had gotten them good and wet he would proceed to go deeper and deeper into his boy.

"This bitch sure does love to have something filling his ass. Don't ya? Ya fucking pussy boi!"

He pulls his hand back and in one fell swoop plunged his fingers in deep. John's weight shifted as he slid forward. He chocked on the cock in his mouth. I fell forward to a point where I was now laying directly on top of John. My cock and cage resting now just below his neck.

"Hmmm take a whiff of this so we can really get the party started." In front of me was a poppers bottle. I don't know where it came from as everyone was naked at this point. I took a whiff and just like before I felt the rush and relaxation start to take shape. Almost out of no where big papa put his cock right in my face. No instruction necessary I grabbed with my mouth and began to suck it in. Instantly his huge cock flooded my mouth and I felt like gagging right there on the spot.

"Relax baby boy just let me hit the back of that throat." His words helped me to ease onto his massive member. He was in complete control with another hand on the top of my head gripping my hair I was now being forced to feed his cock down my throat. When he finally let up I began to hack and cough trying as best I could to catch my breath. His mercy was short though before I could even finish reaching up to wipe the drool from my lips and water in my eyes he had his cock right back in my mouth. I could hear John behind me getting a similar treatment.

"Put your hand down little bitch. You're going to take this dick you hear me. Get this shit nice and wet for my boys hole now because if it's not wet enough you know he is going to jump out the straps and send you flying across the room."

"Suck it, slut" he pumped his horse dick in my mouth. I was gagging and slurping, wildly turned on by his power. Grunting and chewing he began to jack hammer to the back of my throat. He pulled out of my mouth still hard as a lead pipe, he yanked John and roughly shoved his cock into his loins. As his cunt stretched to fit the massive member John shifted and bucked. I held on tight. Slamming his weapon in over and over, his fat balls flopping heavy underneath him. My mouth hung open in awe seeing the colossal tree trunk shaft riding up and slamming down, his ass. A new sensation fell on to my own ass, as CJ leaned down and began to eat me out. Planting his face deep into my ass I could feel his tongue invading my ass hole.

Reggie's bull cock began throbbing as he seeding began. Cum started to gush out as it was coating John's guts. Slowly he slide in and out, inch after inch till it plopped out swinging in all of its glory. Still hard, it was swollen streaked with cum.

"Clean it off bitch"

"Thank you so much sir, my guts are on fire and I feel like my hole was ripped wide" He shoved his cock into my mouth. At once, I began sucking him clean as he nodded his approval. He grabbed onto his nipples playing and tugging.

"This is such a good pair of sluts we got here babe" CJ lined himself up ready to fuck my ass. "Once we are done with the two of you sluts, you will barely be able to crawl back to your wives." With that the fucking continued only this time I was being whored out. With Reggie's cock still in my mouth and CJ in my ass. they kept going slamming into me with labored strokes. The slaps of the skin were also so much. I could hear them going and going. Reggie was back to hard as a pipe once again. Removing his dick from my mouth he moved it back into John.

Crying out as the enormous member ripped into his insides. "Yesssss sir fuck my ass, please don't stop just keep going, I need this so bad. Please don't stop.

"Yes, lil papa, I want you so bad I been craving to feel you inside of me"

"This what y'all want just to be slutted out and take this nut" the pace of fucking between the two of them picked up. I could feel the bench shaking by just the sheer force of the two strong forces. John wasn't laying still either. I found that the sweat between the two of us had me slipping and sliding across John's back as I was being fucked hard.

"Yes I want all of you inside of me."

"Time to switch" I could feel as CJ removed his dick from my hole and I felt it gaping open. I began to recollect myself as I saw the two men shift in front of me. Now Reggie and his lead pipe was entering my hole and directly below my face I could see CJ's wet cock sliding into John's pink hole.

"I want you to fuck me hard, I want you to fuck me long, yes fuck me with that cock"

"You want me to fuck you harder huh," he grabbed onto John's waist and began to start to fuck like a piston. "You want me to tear up your insides"

"Oh yes baby, mphmmm, mphhhmmm, yess papa fuck me" John was crying out

"Go ahead and swallow my children with your ass, I am going to cum so deep in your stomach. I will destroy you slut. Do you hear me. You want all of your daddy's cock and you are going to get what you have been asking for"

"This is so fucking hot" I say. "Yes fuck me like that too. I want to be nutted in as well" Reggie grabbing onto my shoulders pulling me deeper onto his cock.

"You feel this pipe as it pushes into your spleen. I know you the kind of filthy slut that you are and want so much to be more of. I will fill you up with this nut not because you deserve it but because there is not need to waste a nut if it can find a good home right here in your ass." A few more thrust and then my ass was flooded by thick ropes of cum. I felt the warm shots deep into me. CJ then planted his load into John's ass.

"Whew, buddy, that felt good" CJ walked out of the room.

"Alright white boi, untie John then come meet us in the other room to clean us up. And John you go do that thing you do and grab some wine and my cigar. I need a smoke"

"Sure sir, I think Vintage cab is what the night calls for" as Reggie walks out the room I climb off and began to undo the binds.

"So how long you been doing this"

"Only a few months now, but I have been loving every moment of it. I stay here at least 3 to 4 times a week in order to make sure that they are served properly. We can continue this convo a little later though better hurry up and get in there." he rushed out of the room.

I walked into the living room to find both CJ and Reggie making out on the couch. I got onto my hands and knees and crawled over to the two men.

Soon John returned with two glasses and a cigar. He was walking slowly and awkwardly. I didn't see the wine in his hands. It wasn't until he was close to us that I realized what was going on. The he had the top of the wine bottle in his ass as he walked to us.

"What a nice party trick huh, white boi"

Nice indeed.

Thanks again for reading. Would love to hear your feedback:

If you'd like to hear more about my bitch JOHN let me know as well.

Next: Chapter 12

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