Chocolate Docs Next Door

By Deez Nutz

Published on Jun 24, 2020


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental

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It was Sunday and unfortunately that meant that the weekend was over. As much fun as I had I was beyond tired. I was able to sneak off TO sit in the hot tub for the past hour. The jets of the tub messaged my sore muscles and aching pussy lips this moment of rest was truly need to help relax.

I could hear the sounds of sex coming from an open window. Wasn't sure who it was, but I was actually glad that I wasn't the one bottoming that time. My hole had been completely run through. I was exhausted and my hole had been spread a new one this weekend. I'd surely need quite a long break in order to recover.

Taking in the view of the lake from the jacuzzi was so nice. I had not been able to take in the scenery of the lake given all the late night sessions and sleeping through half the day away. We were truly out in the wild. The air was fresh and thin. The sounds of wildlife from the birds chirping to the couple fucking in the house. It was all peaceful.

"Aww yeah baby, get in them guts" a cry loud enough that it was probably heard clear across the lake. At this point I could tell it was little and big papa doing the fucking and they were really going at it.

Their sex life sounded amazing. I was fantasizing myself in their bed once again. I had both of their numbers in my phone and I would be ready to take the call anytime they beckoned.

"White boi, whitttteeee boi. Where is the white boi at" Big Papa Reggie was shouting out. Being the ding bat that I am took me a minute before I realized he was talking to me. I hopped up out of the water and followed the sound of his voice.

"Come here now ya lil white tramp. I got some for ya" I was getting close to their guest room for the weekend. When I got to the door I noticed it was quiet.

"Hurry the fuck up snowflake. I ain't got all day" I rushed down the hallway past the stairs and into the dining room.

When I got there I could see that Reggie had bent CJ over the table and was plowing into him. He was going at a pretty fast pace as though he was about to cum soon.

"Ahhh yes, take daddies dick"

"Give it to me daddy"

"Awww fuck, yessss. Goddamn this ass feels good." He had pulled his cock out of CJ and was now costing his asshole with a fresh coat of jizz. There was so much there that it began to dribble down his leg.

"Yes baby that's it"

"Get over here our little white friend." I walked over to where they were.

"On your knees, I want you to clean out my man's ass. But don't swallow any of it. Just hold it all there in your mouth."

"Until when" some how the two of them were in sync as CJ turned his head to look at me and said "until I'm ready to bust"

On my knees I began use my tongue to lick up the small stream of cum running down his leg. I then focused on his ass. I got as much as I could as best I could. When I got close to his hole I could tell it was still a little sensitive after that fucking because he would jump just so slightly when my tongue lapped him up. He had his dick in his hand and was stroking it quickly.

"Oh yeah that feels so good white boi, just like that. You gon make me nut" I kept going eating his ass trying my best not to swallow. Every so often Reggie would put his hand to the back of my head and really push me into CJ's ass. I felt suffocated. He was such a playful guy, his playfulness was a little scary sometimes just because it seemed to being me to the brink of death.

CJ quickly flipped around. "Open wide bitch". I did as I was told. Assuming the position that at this point felt natural to me. I opened my mouth, leaned my head back and shut my eyes.

"Look at me whore, look at this beautiful black specimen before you and admire me. Be grateful for this load I am about to give to you".

With my mouthful I found it hard to talk. "Yes papa, thank you papa" I was able to gargle through the words enough for them to be comprehended. Before I knew it large spurts of jizz were flying from the head of his cock into my mouth and on my face.

"That's it you fucking cum whore, take all that shit. Soak it all up and then let it just marinade in your mouth" I tossed and turned both load in my mouth. They tasted so good. Although it was a little salty I could taste a hint of sweetness in there as well. I looked to both of them for further instructions. Holding their baby batter in my mouth swooshing it back and forth.

"Spit our loads into a cup and stick it in the freezer. You can enjoy them more later. We walked into the kitchen. Reggie grabbed a red solo cup and a marker. He wrote on it `Bitch Cup' then underneath both his and CJ's name.

I went back to my room and finished getting dressed. There wasn't much left to do. The energy in the house felt pretty low.

Dre and Tre already left the cabin. So it was only Darius and Adrian left in the house. I was still so exhausted. I sat down on one of the chairs on the back porch and slowly nodded off to sleep. I don't know how long i was out for. I woke up to Darius standing in front of me with his cock in my face.

"Wakey, wakey my little slut cake" I felt like I had no other choice. I grabbed the dick and shoved it in my mouth. As Darius stood there he let me take control instead of his usual forceful nature. It was pleasing to know I could still get him off without all the extra force. I sucked on his dick for what seemed like a half hour. I'm not quite sure how he was able to hold out for so long.

"Now hold that in your mouth and then place my seed into the Bitch cup for later" I rushed into the kitchen grabbing the cup from the freezer. After spitting the load in I went back to find Darius again.

"You have a good time this weekend"

"Boy, did I ever. Are your cabin trips always like this?"

"For the most part, one of the guys usually has a sissie, or bitch to whore out for the weekend. Good way to get off"

Adrian came around the corner, he looked just about as tired as I was feeling. He wrapped his arms around me giving me a full bear hug. "Thanks again for coming this weekend, you truly made it a great weekend" We kissed but not to long before Darius snatched me away to plant wet one on my lips as well.

"Let's go ahead and get the car loaded up. Don't want to get back to late" For the first time this weekend I had the opportunity to put clothes on. I threw my bag in the car. I climbed in the back seat and found Adrian with his pants down around his ankles stroking his cock.

"Want me to take care of that for you" I reached out to replace his hand and begin stroking his cock. Pumping his member up and down. I watched as he closed his eyes and laid his head back. I pumped faster and faster knowing that he would cum any second now.

"Put it in ya mouth" I leaned into him and caught the jizz in my mouth. Just as Adrian was coming down there was a tap on the window. Darius with the Bitch Cup in his hand.

"Bottoms up bitch" I swallowed Adrians load and then the frozen sludge of cum that filled the cup. As it passed through my mouth and into my throat something in me became so aroused and warm.

Finally we made it back to the docs house. I was exhausted still. The whole weekend really took it out of me. I knew my wife didn't like to be separated too long so I figured she be all over me as soon as I walked in the door. I got out of the car.

"Mind if I leave my bag over here for the night. Need to find a way to wash some valuables without being noticed"

"Sure but it'll cost ya" Darius said connivingly as though he had a plot going on in his head already as to how he was going to be paid back.

Adrian not paying his husband any attention recognized Dre's car in the driveway. "I thought the nephews were headed home, why is his car here". We all looked confused but no one wanted to play detective. I went over gave Adrian a kiss and a hug. It felt so good wrapped in his arms. "Don't be a stranger now, see ya soon"

Darius flung me around and snatched me into his arms. He wrapped me up tightly in a grasp. He reached around grabbing onto my ass cheeks and pulling up until I was on my top toes. He was just so powerful. "Coming over to workout in the morning?" I hesitated. As much as I didn't want to workout I knew this wasn't a suggestion but rather a demand.

"See you guys later" I turned and walked off in the direction of home. Although it was pretty late I noticed the lights to our bedroom still on. I figured the wife must've stayed up just to make sure I made it in alright.

As I walked in the door it was quiet. Having a dog it never is quiet when I walk in so this feeling was sort of strange. I disregard it as maybe she left the dog out or maybe he's at the groomers. Whatever the case I don't have the energy to put into investigating right now.

"Ohhhhh yessss fuck me. Fuck me hard" I was stunned. Hearing my wife shout out like that as though she was some sort of porn star was something I never got in the bedroom. But who was it. Should I go in there and bust her for cheating. If she even caught wind of the activities that transpired this weekend it be a double gotcha moment for us. Although I did want to see who it was that had her going so crazy. As stealthy as I could I make my way up the stairs to the bedroom door. To my surprise it is wide open, did she completely forget that I was coming home this evening. Surely she would have wanted to cover her tracks better than this. I was still confused as to who it was she was sleeping with as I saw no strange vehicles in the driveway or parked along the street as I came in.

Then as I peered into the doorway I was shocked. My throat went dry, my eyes grew big. In front of me was a young African American man covered in sweat. It was a body I recognized, a voice I recognized. I gasped aloud he must have heard me because he swung his head back to look at me. He wasn't so much surprised and full of guilt but more so pleased and devious. As though I had walked right into his plan. He was such a sneaky little bastard since the moment I met him filming me getting fucked by his equally handsome brother.

As he looked at me still pumping into my wife who was none the wiser I mouthed the words "WHAT THE FUCK DRE". He just sort of looked at me and laughed to himself. I must have looked like a poor pitiful puppy or child who was sorely disappointed by some random event. What he had said before about me being tight made since now. I felt powerless to even try to stop him. Obviously he had found away to con my wife into sleeping with him. Whether that be from his beauty or charm or probably just his snake of a cock he had.

I think seeing me there really turned him even more. I found that he was more of a performer who loved to be watch. He continued to fuck her pussy while fingering her ass. She moaned and cried out in what sounded to be both of pain and pleasure. He was relentless, fucking her hard and faster with each thrust of his cock. Every so often Dre would look back to me defiantly and it became harder to look him in the eye. He had already made me his bitch yesterday and now my wife.

"You love this dick in your guts don't you, take this shit bitch. You my bitch now" although he was speaking to my wife it was as though he was directly talking to me as well.

What happened next really was alarming. He pulled his cock from her pussy, then he repositioned them so that Beth was now facing the doorway he then slowly pushed his cock into her ass. I stepped further back as so she could not see me but although I wasn't visible Dre looked out the door and grinned like a mad man as he fucked my wife.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh" she looked back at him. And for a second I thought she caught my shadow in the doorframe as well.

"Yes, push that huge black cock into me" several times she awed and gawked about his invading cock. My wife had never been a fan of ass play before. But today she was all the way into it. Well sort of. In between his thrust she would beg for him to pull out and that it was too big. Boy did I know the feeling. But he seemed to be amused by it. He wasn't taking it easy on her by the slightest. And I started to become envious wishing it was me getting fucked by him again. But I knew my time would come soon enough.

He reached down and squeezing on her tits increasing the moaning and sounds coming from the room. Slapping her ass he picked up the pace. My little member was stiff and I took out my penis and began to stroke.

When it seemed as though he had his feel and was tired of the resistance from my wife he pulled out of her and flipped her to her back. Now I really ducked out of the doorway and into the hallway. I could just hear the sounds of Dre aggressively pounded my wife's pussy. I could only imagine her now with her tits being fondled and her fingering her pussy.

"Awww yess you've got me so wet I'm about to cum. My pussy is leaking baby. Keep fucking me with that big black cock"

"You like this huh. Like this monster black cock tearing your walls down huh"

"Yes baby. Fuck me harder I'm about to cum"

"Me too bitch. Me tookooooo!"

And with that I heard them both moaning out in ecstasy as they reached mutual orgasm. It was so pleasing to the ear. Both of them breathing heavy now.

"Aht aht you don't have to clean it off with ya mouth. Just go get yourself cleaned up. I'll take care of this."

I heard my wife's footsteps as she moved out of the room and into the bathroom. The shower came on and then some music. I sat there on my knees confused as to what I should do next. Do I leave or do I stay.

In my head I failed to notice Dre walk out of the room with his semi hard cock dangling between his legs now merely a few feet from my face.

"Liked watching me did ya. Get into ya wife's cunt real good. Show her how a real man fucks."

I just looked up at him not quite sure on how to respond. I did enjoy the show that I just witnessed. He grabbed me by the hair and moved it toward his cock.

"So how about you clean off ya wifey's nut off my dick since ya such a cumwhore". I opened my mouth and complied. Sucking his dick felt so good. Savoring the still warm cum shared between the two was an experience I would never take for granted.

"Dre! Where you at! The water is getting cold without you"

He patted me on the head. Before he looked up and over in the direction of the bedroom.


In my mind all I could think was. Shit, what have I gotten myself into now.

------------ Thanks again for reading. Would love to hear your feedback:

Be sure to also check out my other series NIFTY\adult-youth\ SUMMER AT THE HARDWARE STORE NIFTY\authoritarian\ BREAKING AND ENTERING DONNIE

Next: Chapter 11

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