Chocolate Docs Next Door

By Deez Nutz

Published on Feb 26, 2020


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental.

Personal experiences, from images to events, memories and words, while elements of this story may be (and often are) based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

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On a dreary Saturday afternoon a moving truck pulls up to the empty house directly across the street from my own, followed by a black jeep with license DOC D82 covering the sunshine state logo on the license. Moving here to the frigid cold of Michigan surely was going to be a weather shock for our new neighbors. As the trucks pulled into the drive I notice a straping black man with an athletic frame step out of the moving truck. He was beautiful from the first glimpse I could see. His warm caramel skin, standing what looked to be over 6 feet tall. Much larger than my average body, pale complexion. I hadn't stepped foot in a gym for over a year. But maybe seeing this guy everyday I could work up the courage to lift a few weights or run around the block. Out of the moving truck stepped another black man. Wearing all black, he was a little darker than his companion. But still taller and more in shape than I. Part of my shivered inside thinking about what they looked like in their bare skin. As much as I'd love to slowly rub my hands up and down their warm bodies letting my fingers glide over every nook and cranny. As i began to feel my cock waking up. I stopped myself and I ran from the window and back into the house before I got caught up too far.

I walked into the bathroom admiring myself. I stood a little under 6 feet, at 5'10 but I'd always give myself an extra few inches so I could be apart of the tall people club. At 33 my hand began to fade into a sandy blonde, my body would probably be considered a dad bod. With a gut that slighlty hung over my waist. I still considered myself in decent shape. If I sucked in hard enough I could almost see the outline of a pec if I squinted hard enough. But nothing compared to the two adonis that I saw outside just now.

I looked to my wife who was sitting in the living room "Hun, what's the noise outside"

"Oh nothing babe, I think our new neighbors have finally moved in"

"How nice, you know I really will miss the old lady who lived there before. She always kept a nice yard and the most beautiful flowers."

My wife's words went right over my head.

As I sat back down on the couch and attempted to watch whatever house flip they were doing I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

Next thing I knew, I found myself in a strange room that was dimly lit. A faceless black man stood over me. His frame was huge. Almost that of a amateur body builder. His thighs were huge. Looked as if they could easily crush a watermelon. I found myself there on my knees with nothing but the most humiliating of white briefs on. I admired this black man, with his smooth skin practically hairless. He looked so shiny as though he'd just rubbed oil across his body. Once I began to come to my sense and get my bouts about me I noticed his 8 inch semi-hard cock staring me in my face. Intimidating was an understatement. How large could it get, I thought. What was I to do with it? Should I touch it? Should I lick it? Before I could think another thought a booming voice came out of this large man.

"Don't just stare at it ya faggot! Let me feel that warm mouth swallow my dick until I get rock hard." He pressed his dick to my lips. Motioning for me to take it in. But I stalled. He began to lightly swing his dick to my face. Gently tapping what seemed like a coke can of a cock across my face.

Without a second hesitation I reached up squeezing the shaft of his long and thick cock. It was as though I could feel the blood rushing into the shaft as it became more firm. I stroked it a few times resisting to put it in my mouth. I looked down at his balls. They sat perfectly, hairless and swayed with each tug of his cock. Still unsure of whether I'd be able to handle the full penis in my mouth I began to take in the sweet smells of his crotch. The strong waft of a days worth of work, though pungent was also invigorating. I felt my own cock begin to stand at attention waiting to be released from the confines of my briefs.

After a few seconds which felt like minutes of being dickmitized by the pure manly aroma my faceless captor thrust his dick to my lips.

"Open up, or I'll make this even harder for you" he boasted.

Without wanting to know what that meant I began to wrapped my lips around the mushroom tip. I circled my tongue around the head, slowly trying to work up the courage to ease my way down the shaft.

"Awww yeah, suck it white boy" those words gave me the courage to take more of his cock into my mouth. As it began to fill my mouth I noticed that there was at least half of it still outside my mouth. I wrapped my hand around it and began to slowly stroke it again.

"Adda boy, you white boys are some of the best cocksuckers around but you just aint cuttin it" With a heavy force I began to feel his hands wrap around the back of my head as he pushed me further, and further down my throat on his cock. I felt myself chocking. Gasping for what seemed like hours on this girthy black stallion of a cock.

I jetted my head back to get some air. As scary as it was to be losing air, with a fear of passing out I wanted to experience it again. I wanted to have that cock stuff my mouth. I opened my mouth as wide as I could. "Fuck my mouth sir," I pleaded.

With his hands still around the back of my head he forcefully moved my head up and down on his cock. With one fell swoop he removed his cock from my mouth. A bead of drool hung off of his beautiful sex organ as it dribbled to the floor. His sex was covered in my saliva. He gripped his sex with one hand and began to smack my face, rubbing all the wet, warm saliva back onto my face.

"You want daddies cum boy, you want me to fill that throat with glorious loads of my milky load"

"Yes, daddy. I want all of you and your beautiful black cock"

"So you like black dick boy"

Honestly, I'd never had a black cock before. But here in my dreams I'd have one practically all the time. "Yes, daddy I love black cock" He put his cock back to my lips as for a gesture for me to open up to receive my long awaited gift. I bounced my head up and down on his cock while stroking it with my hands.

"Oh yea baby boy. You bout have my nut coating your throat. You better swallow all of it or there is going to be problems" he said forcefully.

Just as I could see his legs beginning to tremble I knew that it would be any second now that I'd be filled and pleased. Next thing I hear before the floodgates opened was "Drink faggot"

With that I felt his warm jizz fill my mouth. It was hard to contain but I knew there would be hell if I let even a dribble fall from my mouth. Spurt after spurt ran down my throat.

"Awww yea bitch" "Take that shit" "OOOhh baby boy don't stop" Spurt after spurt hit the back of my mouth. His load was so much yet so good.

"Thank you daddy" I said as I could feel the last drops coming out. Can we do that again.

"Anytime baby boy, but how about you let me see what that rosy velvet hole of yours has to offer first"

"Daddy, I don't know if I can take all that. Will you go easy on me?"

Before my faceless nubian king could answer I am stunned awake. My wife pattering my shoulder to rifle me u.

"Babe, wake up. I think someone is at the door" my wife stammers across the hallway to the front door. A few more knocks of the door are heard before she finally reaches and opens it.

"Well hello, how can I help you" she ask

"Afternoon, we just moved in next door and wanted to introduce ourselves" I heard as rounded the corner. Wiping the sleep out of my eyes and still recovering from the erotic dream I had just experienced I trudge my way into the foyer to greet the guest at the door.

As I got to the door I noticed two large black men with the most beautiful smiles standing there with a hand out wanting to greet me. Same men I had seen getting out of the trucks. The one's who got my jimmy all excited and my dreams on exotic. I was startled by their beauty.

"How's it going I'm Darius and this is my husband Adrian" I reached out to shake each of their hands. Adrian held onto my hand a few moments longer than usual but I paid it no mind until I noticed the glimmer in his eye. What does this even mean I thought. I thought nothing of it. Maybe I am just reading too much into it. Here before me was a lovely, sexy couple of black guys. What would one want anything to do with me or against me.

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you all, we didn't want to stay too long as we still have to unpack but we look forward to getting to know you all more in the future" spoke Darius with his deep almost baritone voice that seemed to reverberate after each breath.

"Of course" said my wife "we should get together for dinner or something soon"

"Sounds splendid" announced Darius with that he cocked his head to the side and gave me a wink.

"Definitely looking forward to intimately meeting you" he said while looking at my direction. "Each of you"

They turned to walk away and I was entranced by their large stature.

"Oh, they seemed nice honey. Didn't they?"


"Are you even listening to me, I swear sometimes you are in your own world" She walked away back into the house. I stood there still at the front door watching as the two men unloaded their moving truck. I gave one last wave. As I turned to walk inside. With one smooth motion Adrian grabbed at his crotch while looking at my direction. Was that a sign? Would my dream of being stuffed by black cock some how be coming true?

Next: Chapter 2

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