
By Full Name

Published on Aug 19, 2018


Chocolate - Part 4

A menu of misery and Joy

I give up, said Lawrence when Calvin's phone stopped ringing.

"Could you just shut the fuck up? I'll call him; I couldn't get to the phone in time."

"Nigga what u been smokin? You got the damn phone in your hand and you can't say `hello' or some shit like that?"

The phone rang and Logan was calling for the second time. This time Calvin answered immediately.

Hey Logan, I was just about to call you. I was coming up the stairs a few minutes ago, caring laundry but didn't have a free hand for the phone. "What's up bro? Calvin asked

"I want to talk with you, I'm lonely" said Logan

"Are you sayin lonely or cracker hot for a chocolate brother?"

"Good try, but liking black isn't why I'm lonely," Logan replied

"Sure, you can say that," said Calvin," but let's talk real here."

"Okay, power through and talk. I'm all ears."

"Don't you mean all cock?"

"Stop" said Logan

"All I did was wonder about your junk," Calvin replied. "Okay I'll be serious," I got a job at Bank of America. Mr. Ellsworth had me stop by his office this afternoon and I got the job starting on Monday. That is what I wanted to tell you."

"Fantastic, we'll be in the same building, well not really the same building, but there someplace." Said Logan

"Yeah, and for me that's better than excellent having a friend close by. I'm sure we'll meet often." Said Calvin"

"I would like seeing you all the time," Logan added

"Everything's cool" Calvin said, "I'm working on it."

"How about coming to mid-town tonight and we can party, just the two of us, here at the apartment?" Logan asked

"I have tickets for the Apollo Theatre tonight with my Cousin Lawrence and I should go. Lawrence bought these tickets a month ago and it's a packed house from comedy central in a live comedy review. And man, it's all black comedy"

"That's cool as hell; you better go and listen to how dumb we cracker dudes fuck."

"That's just comedy man, I know a cracker dude who fucks like a nigga and not just once, but time after time. You know him too; he works at Penn Plaza for Amtrak; he's cool beyond fooling around."

"Ahh Jesus Cal, I want to nail your chocolate warm body to the sheets, when you talk that way. We have to get together later, please say yes."

"Okay man, we can do that, just nail me to the sheets. The thought of you inside of me is bone breakin." said Calvin.

They both clicked off and the phones went silent.

"Damn, but you lie like a mutherfucker, said Lawrence. Who was listening to the conversation? Grandma Gibson would be talkin to Jesus hearing you tellin one lie after another. We ain't goin to no Apollo, why you say that?"

"It's a flaw to go with my major weakness" Calvin replied

"Damn bro, you got an answer for everything. Your mouth ain't got no flaw of major weakness. Suppose he checks on what happening at the Apollo tonight and sees that you are lying; then what u going to tell another lie to get out of the first lie.

"Don't worry about it, that's my business." Answered Calvin

"Dumb ass!" replied Lawrence.

The following day around noon, Calvin called Logan

"Morning cracker, this is a beautiful day for chocolate and sweating? What are you up to?" asked Cal

"Not a hell of a lot, just sitting here, by my lonesome and holding my dick."

"No, you're not," said Calvin

"Okay, I'm not, but it sounded hot."

"Not bad, but I can hold it better," Calvin said "Should I stop over? I can take the subway to Times Square easily enough."

"Yes, sure, absolutely, please do that" Logan replied. "Switch to the shuttle at Times Square, and it will bring you to Grand Central. I'll meet you around 3:00 o'clock where the shuttle stops; I'll be there, damn straight I will."

"Okay man, you'll get all the chocolate you can handle." said Cal

"I can handle it alright"

"We'll see," said Calvin

Nothing was mentioned about the Apollo theatre and was Cal was relieved that Logan didn't ask; however he did have a story to cover his lying if need be.

Cal showered, shaved around his short beard and trimmed whatever was necessary to look good.

"Damn, he said out loud sounding like a gigolo in front of the mirror. "Some niggas got it in demand and some can't even give it away,"

In Calvin's case, the thought was true. He certainly had it, there was no denying that.

He put on new jeans that he bought at a mall, in North Carolina. The jeans showed his body to extreme protruding junk in the front and packed globes in the back. When he slipped on a white shirt over his chocolate arms, the contrast looked like satin bronze, and he smelled good too. This was Calvin on a plate.

Being aware of how decent he looked, Calvin left the house to walk to 125th street. He said "good afternoon" to every senior he passed. "Thank you young man, and a good day to you too" said an elderly black woman crossing the street alongside Calvin.

Logan had been soaking in the tub and every body part was lickable. He hadn't dressed yet and was sitting wrapped in a white terrycloth bath towel. His body was trim and hard with a melon butt. Logan had a great cock and it would get hard just thinking about Calvin. Past hook-ups never affected him this way. It was noteworthy seeing these two good looking men together. Logan thought it was like heaven having Calvin on his carte du jour, he was a bonus beyond any special of the day.

The #6 train stopped with a screeching halt at 125th street it was packed with people getting off. This was made to order because it was a fast train and got to Times Square in about 15 minutes. Calvin always allowed himself extra time because he was still learning about the city. His mind worked like a computer; once he learned something he could recall it instantly. His banking experience was no doubt his best teacher.

The train swayed back and forth travelling at a fast clip. All the seats were taken and people were standing and holding onto the support poles.

Calvin was pushed up against a lady in front of him and a large black man in back of him. Every time the train jolted, the man's crotch hit Calvin in the butt. It felt like his hand was against his ass, but it was his crotch. The man's dick was hitting Calvin's butt and he could feel it.

Calvin had no way to move, so he stood there with a stranger banging his butt every few minutes. He wasn't fond of people touching him, but realized this was just one of those things he had to put up with. Calvin was careful not to bump into the lady in front of him, or the same thing might happen to her. He would be air fucking her shopping bag, just another day in the big apple.

Times Square, especially at rush hour, is a wonderland of humanity underground. Subway lines are clearly marked otherwise, folks would be completely lost. If one can read, it's easy to get around New York by train. That is what Calvin would say when he called home to North Carolina. Of course no one believed a word of it, especially grandmother Gibson, but she would say, "a-huh" anyway.

Calvin stepped off the Harlem train and on to the shuttle. This short ride gives a new meaning to the word "packed" It's not comfortable standing up but the jaunt to Grand Central, only last a few minutes, then everybody is free again to go about their routine.

Logan was already at Grand Central and saw Calvin as he got off the shuttle. Calvin zeroed in on his robust frame decked out in tight jeans and standing by himself. There was nobody Calvin knew, who could stand like Logan and make heads turn just by being there, but Logan could. It may have been Calvin's desire to have him for a boyfriend that tricked his vision. Just the same, it didn't matter, he knew what he saw and nothing mattered right now except getting to Logan.

"Waiting long," asked Calvin? Feeling warm and fluttery inside and giving him a brotherly hug.

"All my life," Logan replied

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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