Chipi - A.D. 2574

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 26, 2020


CHIPI - A.D. 2574 -- 5


"CHIPI - A.D. 2574" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHIPI - A.D. 2574

by Andrej Koymasky © 2020 written on December 20, 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Dave


He ate the new meal. Then, brought the table under the aeration hole and putting on it the chair, he went back to the bed, made it in a perfect way then slipped inside the mattress sack from the bottom slowly slipping inside with small body's contortions, until his body was perfectly inserted in the empty space he had created.

When he was well settled, he yelled with all his means: "Good by, Warriors! I'm leaving!" then, perfectly still, waited.

He heard the door opening then a choked exclamation: "Hey, he is not here any more!"

"Don't bullshit me..." a voice from outside answered.

"He is no more here, I say!"

"Fucking hell, how... Did he flee from there?"

"It's not possible, just his head could barely pass through that hole... it's impossible."

"He disappeared! We must give the alarm!"

"Who can hear Volle now! But how did he escape?"

"I don't know, I can't understand -- he is a devil, that boy! Let's shut the door with the key, and let's go to call the station master."

They went out. Chipi waited, amused -- it was working. For a moment he thought to come out again and let himself be found in the cell, but he decided it was not yet time. He heard them come again. The station master was furious. He accused the two warriors saying they had left the door unlocked, they didn't carry out well their watch duty, and the two sentinels got angry.

"We must throw the alarm, make everybody look for him." The station master said. They went out again, locking again the door.

Then Chipi little by little slipped out from the mattress. They had shut off the light. He switched it on again, tidied the bed so that it was not possible noticing it was empty in its centre, sat at the table and waited. No noise was heard. But after a while he heard excited voices nearing the room and recognized that of Volle. Smiling, he waited. The door opened and Volle entered, stopping with a frowning expression.

"What fucking shit were you telling me?" he exclaimed annoyed.

At his back appeared the faces of the station master and of the two sentries who looked at him, their mouths agape: "But... he was not here! He wasn't here!"

Chipi looked at them pretending not to understand: "What's up?" he asked standing up.

"Where did you go? Where did you hide?" The station master yelled, his face red.

"Where? Where could I go? I was here all the time, sitting here." Chipi said angelical.

One of the sentries took him by his collar: "You were not here! How did you manage to go out then again in? The door was locked! Spit it out!"

"Don't be a dumb ass, you know I could not go out! What joke is this, are you trying to make me into a fool?" Chipi said.

"There are no possible places to hideout, here. And from here, one can go out only through the door. Therefore he had to be here." Volle said.

"He - was - not - here! I saw that personally, with my own eyes." The station master said determinedly.

"But he is here!" Volle said annoyed. Then turned towards Chipi, studied him and asked: "But... tell me... how did you manage not to be seen from them when they looked for you? You didn't leave this room, did you? What did you invent, this time?"

"He was not here, inspector. He was not here!" the station master insisted.

"Well... I was in the bed." Chipi said.

"No way! The bed was as it is now, if he was on it we couldn't not to see him. He was not on the bed and neither under it!" one of the sentries said in anger.

"No, I was not on the bed, I was in the bed." Chipi repeated.

"What are you fucking saying?" the station master asked.

Volle approached the bed, pulled out the cover, noticed the depression in the centre, pushed down with a finger and burst into laughter.

"All right, all right, he was IN the bed! But what did you do with what you pulled out from here?"

"In the aeration hole..." Chipi said with the expression of an urchin caught red-handed.

"And why did you do that?" Volle asked cheerfully.

"Well, you see... I was bored, thus..." Chipi said looking at him with a hesitant air, but laughter in his eyes.

"All right. You will not have any more time to get bored. I talked with Klare."

"Will he receive me?"

"Yes. It seems that what I told him about you awakened his curiosity. And he still doesn't know about this last trick. He wants to meet you."


"No, tomorrow. And now it will be better if you came with me, I'll watch you personally, before you get some new idea. Come."

Chipi followed him and Volle took him into his personal room.

"You really are a terrible boy! You won over chief Duna who is all but a newcomer, you succeeded in finding me and making me come to you with that trick of the mice. You went out from here passing from Saint to Pwertan in less than seven days. You convinced the Pwertans to take you to our entrance, and now you drove crazy those who had to watch you... But who are you really?"

Chipi looked at him almost surprised by that question, then answered: "Chipi, I'm just Chipi. A boy who for the main part of his life suffered hunger, and learned how to survive."

"But that, in spite of all, didn't lose his good spirits. And this is not little thing. I can not say why, but I feel you'll become someone."

"I'm already someone, I am Chipi." The boy repeated as if this explained everything.

"But what do you want from life?" Volle asked him.

"Me? From life? To have a decent life, to live."

"But what do you want to become?"

"A real man, as my Aska was."

"And what is a real man?"

"One knowing himself, and able to look forward. One who knows what his place is in this world."

"And what is your place in this world?"

"That's what I'm trying to understand. I'm still so young. I will perhaps understand it little by little, at least I hope so."

"How does one manage to know himself?"

"One has to test himself, and be honest with himself, recognizing his limits but trying to overcome them, at least this is what I think."

Volle was feeling an evident pleasure talking with Chipi, asking him questions. They ate together, continuing their conversation.

At a certain point Chipi asked: "How did you become a Bakji? And then an inspector of the Bakji?"

"It is a long story. I was born thirty-nine years ago. My father was one of the most skilled ruin diggers. He had a sixth sense for finding out interesting spots, materials for exchanges, food, useful things. At times some men of the Wises came and gave in exchange of what my father found good food, objects making light, giving heat... Also because my mother had another gift -- she was skilled in bargaining.

"But a day came that the little welfare that my parents procured for us, attracted the attention of a gang. A gang that at that time was insignificant for their number, and yet already strong -- The Polychia. And the Polychia came to look for my father and tried to impose on him to give them all he dug out, all we had. We were four brothers and three sisters. I was the youngest, I was then fifteen year old. We fought. The Polychia overcome us, and took away all my family and all our belongings. I escaped the capture by the skin of my teeth. Are they living? Dead? Who knows. I swore to have my revenge.

"I knew that the Bakji were the worst enemies of the Polychia. Therefore I looked for the Bakji and asked them to become one of them. They said I was too young, to wait at least three years, but I was in hurry. Thus, knowing that the Bakji don't have women but have sex amongst them selves, each time I crossed a Bakji I asked him if he wanted me as his fuck-boy. 'I am young, but I can give you more pleasure than one of your own boys..." I said. I lived in Niokko, trying to keep clean and attractive. I repeated my offer to any and all the Bakji I met. The answer usually was laughter, at times a kick, anyway always a no. Until I met Tron, a Backji of the station of Berly. He liked me. So he took me down, declared that he took my guardianship until I was eighteen. He became my teacher and lover.

"I was seventeen when there was a battle against the Polychia. Against the rules, I participated. I excelled in the battle. The boss of that time, who participated also in that battle, noticed me, and instead of punishing me, admitted me to join the warriors. When a year later our chief died in battle, the competitions to choose the new chief were held. In spite of my young age, I won all the competitions -- I became the youngest chief of all the Bakji. I was your age. I didn't like at all our station master, in my opinion he was a bungler, not a men's leader. Therefore, when I was twenty, I challenged him. But lost. Therefore I had to move to another station, as our rules dictate, and thus part from Tron. I underwent a crazy training. I wanted to be again with my Tron and the only way to have him back was to become station master of Berly. When I was twenty one I challenged again my former station master. He wanted a duel on the surface, to last blood, without exclusion of strokes. This time I won and killed him. The other station masters accepted me as station master. I was united again to my Tron. Then, I was twenty nine, I met Klare, who was then eighteen and who asked to become a Bakji. I liked him so I supported his request. He was admitted. Klare had a fulminating career and just twenty-five, he became the boss of all the Bakji. As soon as an inspector place was free, he wanted me at his side as an inspector. This is in short my story."

"How did Klare, just in eight years, pass from a simple warrior to be the boss?" Chipi asked, fascinated.

"Klare is a man of an uncommon strength and intelligence. And has a special, inborn talent -- he is able to evaluate men. He makes others appreciate him. These talents, all together, allowed him to climb all the steps of our hierarchy in a run, in a very short time. I think he is the most loved boss we ever had, also our elders say so. He is known and famous also out of Niokko."

"You admire him very much."

"Admire? It is an understatement. And not only me, as I told you."

Chipi was longing to meet Klare. Anyway, if his fame reached Maratta, he had absolutely to be an exceptional man. The leader of the most famous and numerous band of warriors, the leader of more than ten thousand men. A living legend, just twenty-eight years old.

"Are all the Bakji lovers, living in couples?" Chipi asked.

"No, there are also singles. Anyway we always live as couples. If not with our lover, with our best friend. And we always fight in couples."

"And the lovers are always in the same group?"

"Of course."

"But what if two men of different stations wanted to become a couple?"

"They have to ask at their nearest common leader, and normally one of them is moved to the place of the other."

"What happens if two lovers want to part?"

"Very seldom does this happen. But if it does happen, they tell this to their direct superior and one of them is moved. As simple as that. But here normally the unions are lasting. Lasting to the death of one of the partners."

"So you are still with your... what is his name?"

"Tron. No. He died three years ago in battle. I am now with a warrior called Fanih."

"And what about Klare?"

"He never had a lover."

"How's that?"

"I don't know. Each of us is free to do as he pleases. No one of us asks to another the reason for his choices, in these matters."

When it was time to hit the bed, Volle asked Chipi to promise he would not do any of his tricks, then withdrew in his room with Fanih, making Chipi sleep in the near room. The boy fell asleep quietly, waiting with longing and anxiety for the following day and the meeting with Klare.

Finally the moment came. Volle took him down to the square. Where was a small platform ready, that had been put on the iron bars, on the side without the small houses. They jumped on it and Chipi barely restrained his surprise and near scream -- the platform started to move by itself gaining speed. They passed galleries and squares at a surprising speed, and the small platform, before each square, emitted a sharp sound reverberating all around, at each square there always were warriors in line.

Until the platform slowed down and stopped at a square with green and white walls.

"Here we are. Jump out." Volle said.

"Wow! What a ride! How could that thing move?"

"It has an electrostatic motor."

"A what?" Chipi asked.

"I don't really know what it is. I just know it is called so. Each inspector and our boss has one of them. We know how it works, but not why. The Wise men possibly know it. The same for the cold light rods and other things we use. Come now, Klare is waiting for us."

They climbed a flight of wide stairs reaching a wide hall with columns, then up another stair to a second, smaller but more elegant hall where opened several doors, each with two sentries in front of it. All wore a green and white armband. Volle stopped in front of a door and at once the sentry showed him inside without asking any questions. It was a room with a wide oval table and eleven chairs. They passed that room and entered through another door in a room luxuriously furnished. A warrior was sitting at a table and was drawing signs on a sheet of paper using a pointed stick.

"Ah, inspector Volle. The boss is waiting for you. Please, go in."

Volle nodded and opened another door. It was a small room, simple, with a table with three chairs in front, and behind that was sitting a man.

"Hi, Klare. Here is the boy, Chipi." Volle simply said.

The man stood up and Chipi looked at him, remaining with his mouth agape -- he was, if possible, the finest copy of his Aska. He was more than beautiful, he was really fascinating. He had a serious expression, but not severe, piercing eyes but warm and luminous, soft and sensual lips but expressing energy. All his body emanated a sense of virile power and force, but also of nimbleness, of almost feline elegance. Chipi suddenly felt he was madly in love with this man.

"So, you are the terrible Chipi..." Klare said with low and warm voice.

Chipi shuddered as if Klare caressed him intimately. "Yes..." he barely managed to whisper.

"Well, you wanted to talk with me personally. Leave us alone, Volle. I'll listen to what this boy has to tell me."

Volle nodded and withdrew.

"Sit down." Klare said sitting in his turn.

Chipi thanked him in his mind, in fact he was feeling his legs softening for his emotion, and if the man didn't tell him to sit down, he was afraid he would have fallen down.

"So, then, what did you have to tell me of so much importance and secrecy?" the man asked kindly, studying the boy.

"I... well, I am Chipi of the Raptors of Maratta. My band had been annihilated by the Franme of Maratta. I am the only survivor. Possibly just because they thought I was dead. I wanted to ask you to become a warrior, in your station, I came here for that."

"You just wanted to ask to become a Bakji... and for that you wanted to see me? Wasn't it enough just to ask any Bakji? What need did you have to ask that of me?"

"Klare, if I asked any Bakji, was it sufficient he agreed to my request to become a warrior in your station?"

"No, of course. He could just support your request, and you would possibly enter the Bakji... Possibly in his station."

"But if it is you to support my request, nobody will say you no, right? And I wanted to be sure to become a Bakji, and in your same station."

"But why would I have to support your request? Don't you understand I could just be annoyed by your behaviour and demand? And I could just decide to refuse."

"Yes, of course I understand it. But I don't think you will say no before getting to know me."

"And are you sure that if I get to know you, I will say yes?"

"I hope so, after all I did..."

"This is your weapon, right?" Klare asked pulling out Aska's weapon from behind the table.

"Yes, it was the weapon of my Aska, before they killed him. He made it."

"Was he your lover?"

"Yes, I was his slave."


"The Raptors had slaves. I was his slave, and his lover. And I fought with him. Do you see this collar? There are the three colours of my Aska, they mean I belong to him."

"But now he is dead, isn't he?"

"Nothing changes. At least until I am a Raptor. The last of Raptors."

"A strange concept of fidelity. But praiseworthy, being stronger than death. We don't have slaves. What is the effect having a master?"

"The same as having a lover -- you belong to him and his life is more precious than yours."

"Right, but for two lovers this is mutual."

"When I too became a warrior, then it would have become reciprocal. I would have been only his lover, no more his slave. Even if, after all, it is just a question of words."

"And what, if I told you no?"

"I'll start all it over again. Until I could succeed in making you say yes to me."

"Or to kill you."

"Sure, or to kill me."

"And what if I killed you here and now, on the spot?"

"In that case, do it with Aska's weapon, please. Anyway, I would not be able to start it all over again. Clearly, you would get rid of me, in this way."

"You are an odd chap, Chipi. Your name is Chipi, isn't it?"

"Yes, right."

"I like your name, Chipi. And in spite of all, I like you too. You are a strange boy, I never met anybody like you. I've heard about your... exploits. Including the last one, that of the mattress."

"How's it possible? You didn't talk with Volle!" Chipi asked astounded.

Klare raised a small black box: "With this. I can communicate with all my inspectors at any moment, just by speaking inside here."

Chipi looked at him amazed, then said: "You have here incredible things I never saw in Maratta."

"Remainders of the old civilization. That unhappily, when they stop to work, are lost forever. But as long as they last, are useful. But let's come back to us. What can you do, to convince me to receive you in the Bakjis and in my station?"

"All I did and, if you want, more. Just ask."

Klare looked at him for a long while, without saying a word. Then resumed, with a light smile: "About the extraordinary things of the past civilization..."

Chipi, who was looking at him, filled with love, at that hint of a smile, brightened up: "Yes?"

"Do you know who are our worst enemies?"

"Yes, the Polychia."

"Right. They are becoming stronger and stronger, and to be feared. But, above all, they have a weapon that worries me. It is a black rod, with its handle made with rings that can be rotated. This rod, if it is aimed at somebody, from a few steps away, can paralyze, or procure pain, or even kill a person. All this, just by adjusting the rings positions. I don't know if this rod has also other powers. If you manage to bring me one of them, a working one, I'll take you into my station, as a Bakji. If the outcome of your venture is different, it would be better for you if you don't show up here any more."

Chipi smiled: "All right, I'll try. But then, as this is for sure not one of the easiest tests, I ask you one more thing. If I succeed, you'll take me not only in your station, but in your same group."

"In my group? And why?" Klare asked with an intense glance.

"Because I want to be always at your side."

"And why?"

"Because I've fallen in love with you." Chipi said feeling a knot in his throat.

"In love?" Klare asked thoughtfully. Then added: "Would you like to become my lover?"

"It is not up to me. It would be enough being near you. Being able to look at, serve you and live for you."

"But here we don't have slaves."

"I would like to be yours."

"Even if I never took you to my bed?"


"You are weird, Chipi. All right, I promise you. If you fetch me the black rod, I'll take you in my group. And it is not excluded you can also come in my bed, some times. I like you, even if you are still just a kid."

"I'm almost nineteen, now!"

"Yes, and you are a beautiful boy. But more than that, you are an interesting guy. And you are brave, I like you. So then, are you ready for the new enterprise?"

"More than ready, at these conditions. May I ask you, before leaving, to allow me to talk with all the warriors who know well the Polychia?"

"Certainly. I'll talk to Harek, my secretary. I'll entrust you to him. I give you eight days to prepare yourself, then you will go."

"Thank you, Klare. And... if I can't come back... that weapon is yours."

Klare called Harek and entrusted Chipi to him.

When Chipi was with the secretary, asked him: "What are those small signs you trace on those papers?"

"These? They are called writing. It is possible to write all the words we say, to record them. For instance, your name is written in this way."

"And who knows these signs, understands that they say 'Chipi'?" the boy asked stupefied.

"Certainly. Even if unhappily few people are able to write and to read."

"But what's its use?"

"It is useful to record and remember things, the decisions we make, our rules and history, to leave a message, or to write labels..."

"It seems really a useful trick. Is it difficult learning to read and write?"

"No, it doesn't take so long."

"Why then is not everybody learning it?"

"Well, not everybody is interested in it. And not everybody is gifted for it."

"In the next few days, in your free time, would you teach me?"

"Yes, if you like."

"But those who are able to read and write, in other places, use the same signs?"

"Yes, because each sign represents just a sound. You see, -A- is written so."

"And -I- in this way, right?" Chipi said tracing a sign.

"Right! How can you know?"

"You wrote Chipi, and in my name, the only sound that comes twice is a -I-, therefore..."

"Good! You are intelligent and quick. If you also have a good memory, you'll learn fast. There are in all eighty-seven signs to remember."

So Chipi in those days, gathered all the news he could about the Polychia and at the same time rapidly learned the eighty-seven phonetic signs and therefore reading and writing, with some amazement by the secretary.

"I never met anybody able to learn reading and writing so fast! You really are gifted." He told Chipi when the boy was ready to leave.

Klare and Volle bid him good bye. Klare said: "Chipi, I hope you can come back. I wish you success. Do you have a plan?"

"Not really. Just ideas. But I'll change it according to the circumstances."

"I hope to see you again, Chipi." Klare said and, for the first time greeted him how the warriors greet each other, that is grasping each other with the left hand on the wrist and the right hand closed in a fist. Chipi returned the gesture, and the two warriors saw him to the surface entrance.

They were in a part of Niokko he didn't know, to the south of the huge extent of ruins. He was wearing the Pwertans jacket, who instead were living in the north part of Niokko, and that he was practically sure not to meet. He didn't ask for weapons, but just for some food. He greeted the sentries at the entrance and started with a determined pace in the direction he was told there was a Polychia base. But he didn't intend to find them, he wanted to be found by them.

Going far enough from the entrance of the Bakjis underground town, Chipi walked until he reached a wide green area, almost a plain. There, he was told, was living a small gang, the Jayas, besides many countrymen families that the gang protected and exploited. The Jayas had once been a tributary of the Bakjis but were now allied with the Polychia who had a base not far from there. Chipi went forward. It was like being in the country side. People, bending in the fields, working in family groups, men, women and children. From time to time there was an armed couple of Jaya patrolling the area. The men were looking at Chipi passing near them but, as they saw he was not approaching them, quietly resumed their work. Chipi proceeded more and more into the green area, stippled here and there by small houses that reminded him of Serek.

After a while he stopped under a tree and sat down. He pulled out some food and started to nibble at it. Soon a couple of Jaya, by their red jackets, appeared in front of him.

"Who are you, what do you want, what are you doing here?" the she Jaya asked.

"I'm Chipi, a former Pwertan. I left my gang. I'm looking for luck."

"Luck? And what kind of luck?" the he Jaya asked with the air of mocking him.

"Well, life offers so many chances..."

"Stand up!" the she Jaya ordered. Chipi complied. "Turn around." She said. Chipi again complied. "Would you like to join the Jayas?" she asked him.

"I don't know... who are the Jayas?" Chipi asked pretending to ignore it.

"We are the Jayas, the protectors of this area."

"Friends of the Bakjis, I bet!" Chipi said with a despising tone.

"No way! Not with the Bakjis. With the Polychia." The he Jaya answered proudly.

"Ah, the Polychia. I've heard about them. But I never met one. Who are they?"

"The new masters of Niokko. You seem a strong guy. Why did you leave your gang?"

"Because... disagreements. I'd rather not to talk about it, private matters." Chipi said making a gloomy expression.

"What are you able to do?" the she Jaya asked.

"Fighting, what else?"

"And you want to become a Jaya."

"This... you said, I don't yet know."

"This area is ours. Here, either you are a farmer, or a Jaya, or nothing at all. And you, for the moment, are just nothing at all." The he Jaya said.

"And what has one to do, eventually, to become a Jaya?" Chipi asked.

"What has one to do? First of all you have to come with us to our base to fight with three of our men. If you show being able to fight well, we will take you to the Polychia for the control. If they say you are OK, then you become a Jaya."

"Control? What kind of control?"

"We don't want infiltrators, traitors or profiteers."

"And what kind of control do they do?"

"They have a machine which detects if you say lies or the truth. They ask you questions. It's easy. So then, would you like to become a Jaya, or a farmer, or remain a nothing?" the she Jaya asked.

"Not a farmer, for sure! And going away... I like it here. Therefore possibly a Jaya. You have a nice jacket." Chipi said with a smile.

"Then come with us. Let's see if you are really able to fight." The he Jaya said.

They took him between them and lead him to their base. It was a beautiful place. A perfect square of low buildings with a wall and a wide central court yard. The wall, on its top, had a walkway where sentries were walking up and down.

Now that he was able to read, Chipi saw over the entrance gate the words "New Emeri Dominion, Niokko District. Pak Area. Jaya Base" He thought it was useful being able to read, but didn't show he could. The couple took him into a room and told a warrior who had to be their chief that Chipi asked to enrol.

The man studied Chipi, then nodded: "According our rules, you can choose two opponents and we choose the third. You have to fight. The opponent you chose, will decide the kind of fight and you'll decide for the one we chose."

"It seems fair to me."

"At the end of the fight, the Jaya will decide if you are to be sent to the control, or to send you away from our area. Without appeal."

"I see."

"This evening your three opponents will be chosen, and tomorrow morning you will confront them."

"One at a time, or all three together?"

"One at a time. Until tomorrow morning, you'll stay in our base. We will give you a room. You can stay only in the room or in the courtyard; all the other places are off limits to you. And you can't leave the base."


"Here at our place, any infringement of the rules is punished with lashes and segregation, according to the seriousness of the offence. Therefore, be careful about what you do."

"I don't know your rules, I could even be infringing on one of them right now, for all I know."

"It will be enough for you to obey what we tell you. If you do something you are not allowed, you will first be warned. The second time punished."

"I see."

He was shown to a small room opening directly onto the courtyard. There was just a pallet and a bench. Chipi, left alone, looked at the courtyard from the window. The Jayas were a mixed gang, but they dressed all the same, their hair very short, and at times it was not easy to understand at once who was a man or a woman. At evening they gave him a meal. The he Jaya who gave him the food was a couple of years older than Chipi. He remained in the room while Chipi was eating.

"So, you want to become a Jaya?"

"Bah, why not? You've been one a long time?"

"Four years. Were you in another gang?"

"Yes, the Pwertans."

"Never heard of them. Why did you leave them?"

"A quarrel."

"About what?"

"I don't feel like talking about it."

"Anyway, the Polychia will discover it..." the warrior said with a little smile.


"They will ask you questions and you have to just answer yes or no. And they will know at once if it is true or false. Nobody can cheat. They have an infallible machine."

"Good. I have nothing to hide."

"Who doesn't have something to hide? But with them it is impossible."

"What do you have to hide?"

"I'm for sure not telling you! I don't know you. Even if you seem a decent guy."

"You too seem a decent guy. What's your name?"

"Masha. And you?"


"Do you prefer men or women?"

"Men. And you?"

"Men also. And I like you."

"I too like you."

"Then, tonight I'll come to see you."


Masha went in the dead of night, when Chipi had renounced waiting for him. He sat near Chipi and awakened him caressing him between his legs.

"Ah, you came." Chipi whispered, aroused by these intimate caresses.

"Yes, sure. I like you so very much." The warrior murmured starting to open Chipi's trousers.

Chipi fondled him between his legs and felt he was already fully excited. Masha caressed his exposed and hard genitals with both his hands.

"You are well shaped here also. And it is nicely hard..." he murmured and bent to lick it.

Chipi moaned with pleasure. Masha took it all in his mouth and started to greedily suck it, while Chipi started to undress him. In a while they both were naked, tightly interlaced. Chipi tested the fold between Masha's butts with two fingers.

Masha shuddered: "Oh yes, screw me, Chipi, fuck me!"

"Yes..." the boy said spreading Masha's legs and wedging himself between them. And he took him.

Masha pushed against him, seized by a strong pleasure. He tossed and moaned: "Oh, yes. Yes. That way. You are strong. Fuck me, Chipi. Make me feel it all..."

Chipi started to hammer inside him with increasing pleasure. Masha was masturbating himself, and panted, while he was biting Chipi's nipples. Chipi caressed the warrior's muscled legs, continuing to joyfully hammer inside his hot hole.

Suddenly they both reached a strong orgasm. Then Masha said: "I really hope you can become a Jaya, Chipi. I would like making a steady couple with you."

"I don't know if I can manage to win all three of my opponents."

"You don't need to win. It's enough you show and convince us you are able to fight, you are strong, you don't surrender easily."

"Yes, but what if then I don't pass the Polychia's control?"

"So, then, you have something to hide."

"Who doesn't have something to hide?" Chipi answered him repeating the words that Masha's said to him a few hours before.

Masha smiled and caressed Chipi's genitals: "You, for instance, were hiding these from me."

"No, not to you, as you see." Chipi said slyly.

"No, and I would like... I hope you pass the control."

"Yes, sure. What kind of questions did they ask you four years ago? Do you remember them?"

"So many not making any sense... some more punctual."

"For instance?"

"If I had any grudge against the Polychia, for instance."

"I have nothing against them, I don't know them."

"If I intended to keep faithful to the Jayas..."

"I see." Chipi said thoughtfully.

Masha gave him some more examples and Chipi asked himself who could possibly pass this test. He could just wait. Meanwhile he had to confront with the three Jaya champions.

They dressed again and Masha went away. Chipi fell asleep. He had a weird dream -- he became the boss of the Jayas and all of them asked him to have sex with him, both the males and the females. So he had to spend all his time in his bed, to satisfy all of them. But instead of being worn out, he became stronger and stronger with each fuck. He woke up at dawn, feeling really all right and full of energy.


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

[]( Stories)

(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 6

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