Chillin with Rude Jude

By T-Boy23

Published on Jul 12, 2003


Chillin' With Rude Jude (PART 2) - Celebrity Fantasy

This story is about male/male relationships and may contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this story due to your age or residence please stop now.

This is a work of fiction. It may use names of real locations, places and/or people but only to make the story more accessible to its readers. The use of these names in no way implies or is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality or behaviour of the actual person named.

Please be clear here - THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the express written consent of the author.

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I walked over to my luggage sitting by the closet. I don't know why I had packed games that require several players, I guess I thought I'd make new friends my week here, but that didn't happen until just now with Jude. I bent over and began to unzip the large piece of luggage. As I was rumbling through the cards and games I brought I heard Jude start to laugh. I turned around to see what was so funny and he was sitting there watching the end of the Road Rules I was previously watching. He looked like he was having a good time and had absolutely no inhabitions about being in my room with me.

I knew that he knew I was gay because I mentioned it on the show during my discussion about abuse. I figured this boy to be as straight as they come. He had always hit on women guests with breast augmentation. Then again he also insulted most every one of them that came on the show. He would oftenly wear that devil costume or quiz master geeky costume. I guess I was investing too much time into thinking about this but I always overthink everything. Then I thought about the episode of Jenny Jones where "Rude Jude" went to a male strip show where he looked to be having a good time with the dancers. Fuck it, I am sure he's just trying to keep me comfortable while I am here.

I located Monopoly on the bottom. I pulled it out and proceeded to put all the remains I had removed back into the luggage. I stood up and walked over to the table that was in front of the glass sliding doors. Jude was still sitting on my bed watching Road Rules as it had about 3 minutes left. I sat the Monopoly box in one of the 2 chairs at the wooden table. I unpacked the pieces and the board. "What piece do you want to be, Jude?" I asked him. "Huh?..Oh, yo it don't mattah. I guess da car." He replied with his attention directed towards the TV. I pulled out the horse and the car pawns. I liked to be the horse, dunno why, don't ask either.

I set up the board according to the rules. Chance and Community Chest cards all shuffled and placed on their spots. Both pawns placed on Go and dice in the middle ready to play. Play for nudity...what an interesting game this was going to be indeed.

"It's all set up Jude." I said to him. "Cool man." He replied shuffling for the remote to turn the TV to a music station. I figured it was on MTV already but since MTV only shows videos once in a blue moon nowadays why not find some REAL music television. He clicked it onto the bulletin board channel that plays soft music while showing advertisements for local bakesales etc. He stood up, adjusted his baggy jeans, and walked over to the table. I had already sat down on one side and he sat down opposite from me.

"Okay, take a dice and I'll take one. We'll roll to see who goes first." I said still feeling queasy and butterflies in my stomach. "Aight!" He exclaimed. I rolled first and rolled a 5. He rolled and rolled a 3. "I guess I go first." I said. He handed me his dice. I felt his hand brush softly across my palm as he layed the dice in my hand. His hand was soft and not as firm as it was during our handshake with each other. I felt even more queasy looking into his sky blue eyes grinning at me. I shook it off and rolled the dice.

I rolled a 9 and bought my first property. He picked up the dice and started to roll blowing on the dice in his hands before he did. I was praying he'd get a 9 but alas he rolled a 6. He didn't get to buy anything as he was just visiting the jail. I felt the urge to ask him if he knew I was gay. I thought it might be a shock to him but figured he had to have heard me mention it on the show so what the hell. Throwing all caution to the wind while picking up the dice to roll my turn I just blurted it out. "Jude, you know that I am gay, right?" He just sat there and looked at me for a minute or less and grinned like the fucking Joker from Batman. "Yeah dawg. I know you smoke pole." He answered. I felt a little awkward because of the way he said he knew but then thought about his link to Eminem and Detroit and shrugged it off. "So you don't have a problem with it then?" I asked still shaking my dice. "Let me ask you this.." He began. "If it bothered me for a second that you were gay, do ya think I'd drop my drawers in front of you and let you see my cock?" He concluded. "I guess not...I wouldn't have asked normally but I feel comfortable with you and I never have around straight men and they never have around me. I just wanted to make sure there was no tension in the air." I stated firmly. "Hol-up dawg...who said I was straight? I'm bi baby." He said still grinning like a motherfucker.

I grinned back at him and he winked at me. I felt myself turning red like a tomato. I hung my head towards the board I felt so embarassed. Out of nowhere his hand cupped my chin and firmly pulled my head back up. "Don't evah be embarassed, aight? You have nothing to be embarassed about." He said smiling softly this time. I smiled back and suggested we get back to the game.

I shuffled the dice and rolled a 7. I bought the next property I landed on. "Yes!" I thought to myself. Now it was his turn again. Jude picked up the dice and rolled a 12! I almost fell outta my seat This hot ass skater boy just landed on my property! "Aw fuck man. Aight, rules are rules. Whaddaya want me to shuck first?" He asked grinning evil-like. "Hmmmm...." I started. I didn't want to jump the gun and say pants, but I really wanted to this boy naked, fast, and then play with his toy chest. "How about your shirt?" I concluded. "Aight." He replied standing up. He removed his hat temporarily to have the ease of taking off his Pony shirt. He lifted up and pulled it from his chest. He had a nice chest and stomach. A little bit of fur here and there and a pleasure trail from his navel on down. A couple of tattoos on his shoulder and chest. I was so fucking hard I couldn't stop staring and didn't give a fuck if he saw me staring. "Like what you see dawg?" He asked me with a serious look on his face. "You have no idea." I replied. He giggled a little bit and began rubbing himself to tempt me. He placed his hat back on his head and I caught a glimpse of his nice hairy armpits as he adjusted the hat sideways again.

He sat back down and slid the dice over to me as it was my turn. I held the dice in my hands thinking about how stupid this was. "This game sucks!" I said abruptly. Jude looked at me disappointed. "Whatssamattah?" He asked. "It's not you, it's just that I am totally into you and Monopoly can go on for 3 decades before it's completed and I'm sorry, I just can't wait that long to see you naked!" I said laughing. "Oh yeah? Well, what do you wanna do about dat, bo-yeee?" He asked me.

I stood up and walked over his side of the table. I bent down as he looked up at me and gently kissed his lips. I reached down and grabbed his belt and said "This is what I wanna do about it."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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