Chillin with Rude Jude

By T-Boy23

Published on Jul 10, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and may contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this story due to your age or residence please stop now.

This is a work of fiction. It may use names of real locations, places and/or people but only to make the story more accessible to its readers. The use of these names in no way implies or is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality or behaviour of the actual person named. Please be clear here - THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION.

This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the express written consent of the author.

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It was the last day of my week in New York. I had received a free trip there because I was going to be on the Jenny Jones show. The show's topic that day was about "Abusive Parents" and I was a guest on the show speaking to other children, having been an abused child myself growing up. I never really got to meet anyone famous there, unless you count Jenny Jones, which I don't. There were a few no-name stage-hands who had worked on TV Shows like Full House and Perfect Strangers but, again, you can't say anything good about meeting them having worked on those 2 shows. I was up in my hotel room watching some TV. I had already had my bags packed and was waiting for the bellboy to alert me when my limo to the airport had arrived.

I was really engrossed in an episode of Road Rules when a knock on the door startled me. "Who is it?" I asked. A voice came through the door. "Mr. Scott, your limo has been delayed due to an accident on the freeway. The producers asked me to tell you that you might miss this flight and they would love to have you stay as a guest another night." I sighed. I was looking foward to going back home and chillin' with my friends. I got up off the bed and walked over to the door. I opened it to find a bellhop standing there with a cheat-sheet in his hand so he wouldn't forget the message. ", just tell them I really want to go home and I'll just rent a car or catch a cab or something. I can't stand missing my friends like this." I stated. The bellhop nodded and turned down the corridor.

I closed the door and proceeded to open the desk drawer and pull out the yellow pages to search for a rental car company. I had a limo taking me wherever I needed to go all week and was anxious to get back behind the wheel of my/a car. I called 14 places in the New York area and not a single one had a mid-size in their inventory. Just minivans and Jeeps. I had never driven anything but my Mustang so I didn't wanna take a chance on something foreign to me. I threw the phonebook on the floor and sighed. I felt like crying I was so homesick. "Why did I agree to do this?" I thought to myself. I guess I should explain. As a child growing up in North Carolina I didn't have the happiest of happy childhoods. I had an abusive father who drank heavily and then used me as his punching bag. My mom wasn't much help at those times. At some points I thought she didn't even care. It wasn't until I was 14 that my dad FINALLY died, and I know that sounds super-harsh, but really, the gates of hell have been calling for this man since I was born. When he died I was so happy I couldn't cry for him. I had even wished more suffering for his death than the easy way he went. Again, you had to be there to see the beatings I took from this asshole. Then after I moved out and was on my own my mom got sick and it wasn't until that point that I realized how much I loved her. She died in a hospital some time after that. The last thing we said to each other on the phone was "I love you." I could sleep at night knowing we both knew this. I was all alone and depressed and at times considered suicide.

It wasn't until I started working at a local videostore that I met my best friend Carol. She was one of my supervisors and we really hit it off. I had never confided in anyone that I was gay except my family, who tried to change me. She was so cool about it and was even excited that I was. I guess it's the old fag-had syndrom that some women have. We quickly became best friends and have been for over 2 years now. Then I met a new tenant in my apartment complex. Linda. She too was a fag-hag and we also hit it off. So, being my life-line I'd risk anything for these 2 women and being away from them both this long wasn't acceptable. So you can see why I'd wanna get back home to my family.

As I layed there sulking and thinking about my friends, much time must've passed because another knock came to my attention. "Who is it?" I asked. "Ya new buddy, open up." A male voice semi-yelled from the other side. I got up off the bed again and walked over to the door. I looked through the peephole and could only see the back of this man's head as he was facing the other direction. He was wearing a side-ways ballcap and had dark hair. He also had on a t-shirt and baggy jeans. Real skinny dude too. I was getting hard just looking through the peephole at someone I didn't even know. I had a thing for skater boys and he fit the profile for my horniness. I grabbed the door handle and pushed it down to open door.

I opened the door all the way and he still had his back turned to me. After about a microsecond he spun around. It was Rude Jude from the show. After seeing the front of him I was impressed with what I saw. Again he had on an orange sideways baseball cap with earrings pierced through the bill of the hat. He had on a Pony t-shirt and dark blue baggy jeans. He had that facial hair that goes down the sideburns around the jaw and meet at the chin. Pierced ears and a small nose ring. He looked at me wide-grinned and wide-eyed. Talk about beautiful blue eyes. I blinked several times because I felt myself starring at him. "Do I know you?" I asked trying to be coy. "I hope ya do dawg. I'm Jude. "Rude Jude" from da show man." He answered with an urban Eminem-type twang in his voice. "Oh yeah, I know who you are now." I replied. I extended my hand to shake his with a friendly smile. He reached back out and took my hand with a firm grip and greeted me back. After our hands broke I just sood there starring at him, not realizing it this time.

"Dude, yaight?" He asked me. I shuddered again trying to regain my composure. "I..I'm fine. I'm sorry but I don't mean to stare, I guess it's been such a long day and I'm really anxious to get home to my friends." I answered him as quickly and firmly as I could. "Well, ya shit outta luck on dat one bud. Da limo is stuck on the freeway. 'Parently there was dis huge accident and it can't get here to get ya." He said back to me in that urban language of his. "Well, can't YOU take me to the airport?" I asked the most obvious question. "Maybe you dint hear me..." he giggled in the middle of his sentence. "Da freeway is blocked off and we have to go through there to get to the airport. Da iz no detour around it. Anywaz I came here after that blockhead bellhop called to give us ya message. You need a friend an I ain't got shit to do today." He laughed after his final statement. I shrugged my shoulders and giggled back at him. "Okay Jude. I'll give you mad props for coming here to make me feel better but you really didn't have to. I mean, you didn't cause the accident on the freeway." I said to him sincerely. "Ain't no thang baby. I'm here so let's make da most of it. Whaddaya wanna do?" He asked me. I felt like saying "Throw you down on the bed, rip those baggy pants off of you and suck your cock till your balls are as dry as the Sahara!" But of course, I couldn't be THAT foward! "Scrabble? Boggle? Monopoly?" I suggested board games and after the word Monopoly I felt how cheesy that must have sounded. "Fuck dat shit man. I ain't no game playin' guy...." He paused in the middle of his sentence and rubbed his chin. "On the other hand.." he continued "Maybe we can make Monopoly a little more interestin' than payin' rent for landin' on props." I narrowed my eyes and asked "What are you suggesting Jude?" "Well, me and some of the ho's from da show know howda have a good time playin' it a new way. When we land on someone's prop instead of payin' cash we give da owner of the prop a choice of clothin' removal." My dick got so hard at that statement. I couldn't believe that he said that. I'd never so much as seen the man shirtless on the show much-less pantsless.

"I dunno..." I answered hesitantly. I was shy of my body being exposed and wasn't really grateful for the body I was given. I wasn't in shape nor had a large penis to show off. "Aw c'mon man. It can be a lot of fun." He rebuddled my "I dunno" statement with a wide grin on his face. I smiled back at him. "Okay...I'll unpack Monopoly." I said to him.

To be continued.....

If you like this and wanna hear more I welcome the emails!!! ;)

Next: Chapter 2

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