Chillin in Da Crib

By scedmark

Published on Feb 9, 2002


It all kinda started off as a bet.

Me an' a few boiz were hookyin' school one day. We'd decided to chill ova at Derrick's house since his peeps had tha boss crib. They hadda big screen T.V., all tha cable channels you could think ov, pool table inna basement, kick ass stereo system, (which we hadda be sho not to turn up too loud, or his nosey ass neighbors would know wha' we wuz up too n'shit) fridge stocked full'a food and goodies. Maan, most times when we wuz ova at Derrick's, we ain't wanna go home. Seriously. Nigga had Playstation's 1 and 2, Nintendo, Gameboy, and Cable TV in his bedroom.

It wuz Derrick, Kenny, Bling, Russell, JoJo, and myself (Anthony)

JoJo: wuz tha baddest one ov tha group. He wuz always git'n his ass in trouble at school, or home. Nigga jus' liked to stur up shit whereva he went.

Bling: wuz tha playa. He hadda new gurl e'ry week n'shit. There wuz always sum chick cryin or fightin ova his ass, he'd jus' laugh at 'em and move on to the next one.

Kenny: wuz tha athlete. He liked and played any and e'ry sport. From basketball to tennis, from swimmin' to track. Only sport he claimed he would'n participate in wuz hockey. He said "if given a choice b'tween hittin a puck, or a Black Man's head........" he jus' wuz'n ready to put that kinda decission in sum white boys hands. I could'n blame 'em eitha.

Russ': wuz tha responsible one ov tha group. His Dad wuz a City Concilmen, so Russ wuz always tryin to organize shit. Like even when it came to hookin' school, he hadda agenda planned fo' us. Like we wuz gonna follow it n'shit.

Derrick: wuz tha spoiled one. His parents gave 'em anything he wanted. Dat nigga had cable in his own room, playstations 1 & 2, sega, nintendo, a computer, video cam, games, clothes, the works. And his parents wuz gonna buy his ass a car when he graduated. Damn. All I wuz gonna git from my Mom wuz a trip to Coney Island. Big damn deal.

Me myself: I wuz tha adventurous type. I dabbled in sports wid Kenny, walked onna wild side wid JoJo, went onna few party dates wid Bling, chilled with Russ and his fam on vacation a few times, and even spent a few weekend sleep ova's at Derrick's.

We wuz all sittin' round in his room watchin MTV video's (Derrick's folks had a block on tha playboy stations) when JoJo asked D':

"Where yo Pops keep all his porno?"

D' (Derrick) said:

"He keeps them locked up in his bedroom chess, where Mom can't get to them."

Bling said:

"Damn, if we had sum girlz up in here, we could make our own pornos."

"Oh yeh-" JoJo recalled, "-you gotta video cam don't chu D'?"

"Yeah." Derrick rememb'aed.

"Letz pull dat ma'phuka out an' see wha' we can see!" chimed JoJo.

Derrick jumped up and moved ova to his closet. He started pullin' stuff up outta his way, lookin fo' tha cam.

"So what we gonna do, look at eachoth'a through it? We ain't got no girlz here remember?" Bling directed comment to JoJo.

"Nah............" JoJo said, thinkin'. "we can do sump'thin......."

"Like what nicca? Eachother's hair??" joked Kenny, bringin a laugh from tha group, and a low-five from Bling.

"Nah niggah, we can pull out our dicks n'shit. Jack our shit off infront'a da camera." answered JoJo in defense.

"Awww here we go!" laughed Bling, "Nigga startin' to show his ho-mo-sex-chall tendencies!"

We all laughed.

"Bitch, I bet I got mo' dick then yo ass!" yelled JoJo, sick ov us laughin at his expense.

"You probably do nigga-" agreed Bling, "-you probably know from askin' every girl I fucked "what size dick he got"."

More laughter.

Derrick suddenly came outta tha closet with his cam, lookin' it ova likea inspec'ta.

"So what yall gonna do?" he asked.

"I ain't down wit that homo shit." spoke Russell.

"Niggah mus' hav'a Jon Bobit." JoJo whisper'd to me, holdin up his pinky

"Ain't shyt homosexual here!" I holla'd.

"I eat too much pussy to be down wit dat shit." brought in Bling.

"And you know I ain't down wit' it-" Kenny joined in, "-we went out onna few dates togeth'a Bling, you know my shit "tight" wit' da girls."

"I know you was lookin' at my dick, when Sherri was suckin' it in th' play ground." Bling laughed. "Don't lie nigga!" he said, pointin' his finger at Kenny.

Kenny laughed, hide'n his face b'hind his hands with embarrissment.

"I ain't gonna lie.............. I waz just checkin to see wha' chu had. I admit it."

"And, nigga.......... wha' you see..........?"

Kenny thought back fo' a minnut.....

"You han'lin Man, you han'lin." he conceeded.

"Thas right!" Bling called out, grabbin' his crotch wid both hands inna process.

"So any lil' shit you got 'tween your legs JoJo, jus' ain't in my league yo!"

"Yeh niggah, wha'eva." JoJo responded.

"So we gonna do dis or wha'?"

"Damn yur inna rush. This tha only chance you gonna git to nut?" I asked.

"Nigga probably ain't had pussy since pussy had him." laughed Bling.

We all joined in, much to JoJo's mis-fortune.

"You talk alotta shit." he proclaimed.

"I can back mines tho. What!" stated Bling.

JoJo flagged 'em on.

"You got film for that?" asked Kenny, sittin' on the edge of his chair, and soundin' more into tha jackin' off idea.

"Yeah." answered Derrick, still looking at tha cam like he put it togeth'a himself.

"I took it with us on vacation to Tenessee. Wasn't shit to tape."

"I bet." I said.

"So wha' you got agains' homosexuals Russ?" I asked.

"Nothin' personally, I just think its wrong."

"Your Dad's a republican ain't he Russ?" inquired Kenny.

"Yeah. And?"

"Nuthin', jus' an observation." Kenny said lookin' around tha room at us.

"So basically, in your Pops eyes, most everything people do is wrong?" -Bling

"What you mean by that?" -Russ

"Republicans seem to be against everybody. Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, liberals, conservitives, welfare, tax cuts, affirmative action................."

"YUR POPS SUCK!!" JoJo said, instigating. As usual.

Derrick started filming.

"Yall don't know nothing bout politics. Democrates ain't did nothing to help Blacks or Gays in the past 8 years. Bill Clinton disgraced the counrty when he lied about his affair with Monica Lewinski. And Hillary......"

"Yadda yadda yadda." -Bling.

"Bill Clinton's da Man." JoJo added, tryin' to git a rise outta Russ.

"Sheit. If I wuz President, I'd hav' roun'da clock blow-jobs." I said.

"There's the job placement for your welfare mothers." said Russ sarcastically.

We all cracked up at dat one.

Russ wuz'n exactly known for his humor.

"See Russ, -" called Kenny, rubbin' his eye "-you still gotta lil' black in you."

Derrick wuz panning tha room, git'n close ups ov us all while we talked.

When tha cam got to JoJo, he grabbed his crotch and looked into tha lenz....

"So we gonna do dis or wha'?"

"Yeh nigga. You start us off." -Bling.

"I ain't gots no problem doin' dat son,-" answered back JoJo. "-long as you niggahs don't pussy out on me."

"Only pussy here's under your nose G." -Bling.

JoJo wuz startin' to git visably upset, which made us laugh harder.

"Why you alwayz talkin' shit B?" JoJo asked, git'n himself all roused up.

"You know how we roll nigga, don't be playin' that sensitive shit wit me." Bling commented.

"Nah, I'm jus' sayin' Dawg, you been on my shit all day. What. You want summa dis?"

"Let's not even go there fellas." Kenny jumped in.

Bling wuz'n even takin' JoJo seriously yet, which wuz prob'bly wha' wuz piss'n JoJo off inna first place.

"If I took sum, you would'n hav' none left, you lil' dicked muthafucker." Bling teased.

Kenny tried to hide his laughter b'hind his clinched fist.

"Ooo. I know you not gonna take that JoJo."

"Put cha heart where yur mouff is Bling!" JoJo said irritated.

"Look at th' lil' nigga gettin' upset." Bling pressed on.

"Put yur heart where yur mouff is!" JoJo repeated.

"Yo, chill out." Russ intercepted. "You gettin' him mad."

"So wha' else is new?" -Bling.

"I ain't mad." lied JoJo.

"I jus' want da niggah to put his heart where his mouff is."

"And hows he su'posed to do dat?" I asked.

"Whip his shit out! If he all dat, he should'n hav' no problem showin' fo' da camera!"

"Yall still on that faggot shit!?" Russ coined in.

"Whas "faggot" about jackin' off? Don't you jack off?" -Kenny.

"That ain't none of your business ace." -Russ.

"I think we found our "lil' dicky." Kenny joked to Bling.

Derrick continued to tape.

"Letz make'a bet!" JoJo dared.

All eyes, ears, and cameras fell on the badboy from tha east-side.

"Bet? Wha' kinda bet? And for wha' penalty is losing?" Kenny questioned.

"Da bet is: to see whos got da biggest dick." JoJo said, eyein' e'rybody inna room fo' reaction. Noone reacted, each one'a us wuz waitin' fo' wha' da loser would hav' to do.

"And th' nicca wit th' smallest dick.........?" -Kenny.

"Hav' ta suck da rest ov us off." - JoJo.


Tha whole room went into an uproar. Bling, an' me both fell back onna bed holdin' our stomachs laughin'. Kenny damn near fell outta his chair when his ass slipped off tha edge from laughin'. Even Russ and Derrick laughed out loud, tha camera shook likea California earthquake when we viewed tha tape lata on.

"Told yall.-" Bling said, when he came up for air. "-ho'mo-sex-chall tendencies!"

More laughter.

"Aiight you punk ass ma'phukas! I can see ain't nun'a yall pussy's got dyck ta back yall shit up wit!" JoJo said, totally peeved.

Bling wiped his tears onna back ov his hands.

"Nigga, ain't nobody said they was'n gonna do it."

Tha laughter started to die down.

Tha tape wuz steady rollin'.

"So wussup niggah? You in or not?" - JoJo.

Bling thought about it fo' a minnut.

"I'm in nigga.

Kenny looked at his friend and idol fo' a second, tryin' to determine if they wuz serious. Bling nodded to kenny, his head in perfect beat to the music video playin' inna background.

"I'm in too."

"Ant'ney?"- JoJo.

"Yeh, aiight." I said, feelin' a lil' daring. "I'm in."

"Wha' about you camera man. You in?" asked JoJo.

"Derrick neva stopped a minnut ov filmin'.

"Yeah............ count me in."

"Count me out." Russ said b'fo anybody could ask 'em.

"Alwayz gotta be one bitch inna bunch!" JoJo yelled frustratedly.

"Why Russ? Whas th' big deal?" Bling asked.

"Yall talkin' bout suck eachother's dicks n'shit! I ain't down with that!" Russ said honestly.

"Only th' loser hav' to suck dick Russ. And I guarauntee, thas gonna be that nigga over there." Bling said, pointin' at JoJo's head sittin' in tha window pane.

"Aiight, in that case......." Russ said, smilin' ova at JoJo. Russ and JoJo neva really did get along. "Count me in too."

"Kewl-" JoJo said, lookin' directly inna camera.

"-letz do dis!"

"Aiight-" I said, standin' up to drop my pants at a moment's notice. "-how we gonna do this?"

"I dunno." Bling said, movin' to tha edge ov tha bed. "Jo's th' sexpert here."

"Jus' get 'em hard." JoJo jumped in, "When you hard, pull it out, an' we'll measure 'em."

"With wha' nicca, yur throat? Wheres th' ruler?" Kenny said standin'.

"Look in my desk Russ." Derrick said. Russell wuz sittin' at tha desk and only hadda reach his hand in. "Top drawer, under my books."

"Got it." Russ said, pulling out a clear plastic 12" ruler.

"Don't think we'll be needin' nothin' bigger then this." he said widda smirk.

"Speak fo' yurself niggah." boasted JoJo.

"Aiight........" Russell said, holdin' up tha rul'a. "-who wants to measure these muhfuckers? I ain't trin' to get that close to you nigga's dicks!"

"I'm holding the camera." Derrick said quickly.

E'rybody looked around at e'rybody fo' a minnut, til I said:

"How come we can't measure our own dicks?"

"Cuz niggas'll be cheatin' n'shit!" JoJo blared.

"Well why don't you measure 'em JoJo, you th' one thought up this shit." Kenny said, and all ov us agreed.

"Aiight,-" JoJo excepted.

"-but nun'a you ma'phucka's betta not nut on me!"

"Jus' don't be jackin' our dicks while you measurin' em nigga." -Bling said widda smile. His straight pretty white teeth all aglow against his thin moistened lips.

JoJo unzipped his pants.

Derrick moved in wid tha camera.

"So what exactly do the loser have to do?" Russell asked, soundin' a lil' nervous.

"Ain't you been payin' attention stupid? He gotta suck dick." I said, tryin' to hide my own nerves. For tha first time in my life, I begain to wonder if my dick would measure up.

"No,-" Russ continued, "-I mean, how long do he have to suck? Do he just put it in his mouth and then pull it back out, or do he have to suck it for real, like a girl would?"

"He hav' to suck it til we cum. What niggah!" -JoJo (ofcourse)


Went tha rest ov us.

"Would make one interestin' ass video." Derrick said, scannin' all our faces as we stood inna semi-circle.

"He don't hav' to swallow tho do he?" -Kenny

"Hell yeh!" JoJo

"NO." stepped in Bling. "That shit's nasty."

"You tasted cum before?" Russell asked.

"No Bitch! I mean to make th' loser swallow is nasty. Did'n I jus' tell your ass I LUV PUSSY?"

"If he wants ta swallow, he can swallow." JoJo said while pullin' out his already hard dick.

"Who th' fuck would wanna swallow your load JoJo?" laughed Bling.

Tha room suddenly got quiet as JoJo's pickle shaped dick came into view. He pulled it out ov tha zipper ov his pants, and laid it across tha top ov tha rul'a. He pressed tha lower num'bas to his balls, and his dick head pointed t'ward tha higher ups.

E'rybody moved in closer to read tha measurements, includin' Derrick wid his cam.

"6inches!" Kenny called out.

"6inches?" Bling smirked, "I think I can beat that."

"Wha'eva niggah-" JoJo said, his dick still standing brick hard.

"-whip yo shit out if you all dat! C'mon niggah, put your heart where yo mouff is!"

Bling reached fo' his belt buckle. He unfastened and unzipped, but did'n pull out his dick.

"I think I'll go last." he teased, lookin' JoJo dead inna eye.

"Punk ass niggah." JoJo cussed, waitin' fo' tha next dick to measure.

I wuz tha next one to step up.

I pulled down my baggy jeans and underwear, and let my semi-hardon spring out into open air. I pulled up my xtra-large DMX t-shirt, hookin' it round tha back ov my neck, and stroked my dick til it wuz completely hard.

"Damn,-" Russ commented on my boldness:

"-nigga sure ain't shy."

JoJo placed tha rul'a against tha belly ov my dick, tha zero end pressed to my balls.

"Looks like................5 and a half inches." he claimed widda snicker.

"No fuckin' way you cheatin' ass muthafucka!" I yelled.

"Fo'real Yo!" he said, tryin' to hold back a laugh.

"Lemme see.-" Bling said, takin' tha rul'a and my dick in his hand.

"-you can't trust that lyin' ass JoJo, nigga jus' trin' to keep himself from hav'n to suck dick."

He pressed tha rul'as end close to my balls, tha shaft ov tha rul'a layin' smack dab on tha belly ov my dick. He used his thumb to hold my bobbin' dick in place to git a good measuement.

"Don't cum on me Ant'ney." he said mattaovfackly.

"5 and a half inches." he repeated.

"Told yall asses." JoJo said.

"Yeah well, lemme measure yours too." Bling said turnin' to JoJo, who wuz standin' b'hind 'em, dick still hard and pointin' upward.

"Knock yurself out niggah." JoJo replied, placin' his hands b'hind his back wid his legs spred apart.

Bling took JoJo's hard-on into his hand, and placed tha rul'a under it. Wid tha slight upward curve ov JoJo's dicky, Bling hadda take a lil' more time to make sho tha numb'as wuz right.

"Git'n a good feel Bling?" JoJo taughted.

Bling ignored 'em.

"6inches." he repeated, lookin' at me like I jus' been condemed to deathrow.

JoJo jus' stood there wid his hand out, lookin' at Bling, givin' em tha dead eye.

Bling handed JoJo tha rul'a, and stepped back to his place inna circle.

JoJo walk ova to Derrick (tha camera man) next.

"Well?" he asked Derrick, who wuz still tapin'.

"Can you pull it out?" he asked JoJo, who wuz standin' directly in front ov 'em.

JoJo looked like he wuz about to say sumthin' smart, but started to undo Derrick's pants instead. JoJo fished around inside'a D's pants, and pulled out his limp dick. It dangled ova his balls likea dead worm.

Derrick had tha camera aimed down at tha action.

"Can you get it hard?" he asked.

"Niggah, wha' you think my ass is?!" JoJo screamed.

Tha room lit up wid laughter.

Derrick reached down wid his free hand, and started messaging his own dick. Once it was hard, JoJo moved in wid tha rul'a.

"7inches." he called.

Derrick breathed a sigh ov relief.

Kenny wuz next.

He had been onna side massagin' his thingie through his shorts. He reached in and pulled it out. JoJo reached for it wid tha rul'a.

"7 and a half inches."

"YES!" Kenny cried wid clinched fists.

I guess it wuz safe to assume he wuz relieved he wuz'n tha loser.

Russ wuz next.

He reached in and pulled out his already hard dick too. JoJo did'n waste no time takin' care ov bizniz.

"8 and a half inches." he called.

Russ looked into tha camera lenz and made'a traumphant face.

Wid Bling as tha last man standin', (and knowin' his rep wid tha ladies) my heart sank down to my toes. Unless his rep wuz extremely exaggerated, I knew I would be tha unlucky muthafucka on his knees, doin' tha "Monica."

JoJo stood waiting.

Bling massaged his dick through his pants. Tha lump travelin cross his thigh already told me my fate.

He slowly reached inside, and hefted out tha monster we all had heard rumors about.

Tha dick wuz'n even totally hard when JoJo slapped tha fat snake against tha rul'a, and snapped:

"9inches! Day-um!"

Bling jus' smiled a wide knowing grin, but tha time fo' tha loser to pay up wuz at hand.

"Aiight Ant'ney-" JoJo said af'ta his initial shock wid Bling had faded away.

"-time ta pay up. An' you betta do a good job too." he teased, holdin' his hard dick and pointin' it straight at me.

"Damn Antph'-" Kenny said, genuinely feelin' sorry fo' me.

"-I'll try to cum quick for you man." he said sincerely.

The others snickered.

"If you feelin so damn sorry fo' em, why don't you take his place?" JoJo said, eager to stop all this talkin and git his rocks off.

"Sheeeit!" Kenny responded.

Af'ta a few minnuts ov bull shittin', it wuz time to git it ova wid.

"C'mon Aph'ney-" JoJo said, his dick head already leakin' pre-cum.

"-we ain't got all fuk'n day. D's Mom'll be home inna lil' while."

"Aiight, aiight!" I said, lowerin' myself to me kness.

From my new angle, I wuz at crotch level wid all tha boiz. JoJo wuz tha closest to me, optin' to be tha first. His dick wuz starin' me straight inna eye.

JoJo wuz: 5-9, dark skinned, slim compact build, widda nappy bush (he wuz tryin' to grow it long so he could git sum cornrows). He had whiskers spotted cross his chin, (which he called a goatee) and a lite slight mustche. His dick, which wuz 6inches long and cut, hadda slight curve dat went upward. A clear bubble ov pre-cum clang to tha piss slit like a water droplet. JoJo took anoth'a step t'wards me, and his dick bobbed only half'a inch from my face.

"C'mon Aph'ney-" he said inna low voice,

"-pay up niggah."

I reached up and took hold'a his dick in my fist. I massaged tha head fo' a few strokes, to remove tha pre-cum. I wuz'n interested in tastin' anoth'a man's nector. I pulled tha dick closer to my lips. Derrick zoomed in close up wid tha camera. I licked at tha dick head a few times wid my tongue, to see if it wuz gonna be nasty like eatin brussle sprouts. It wuz'n, so I placed tha whole head in my mouth. JoJo sighed and I felt his knees buckle. I thought tha muthafucka wuz gonna shoot right then and there. So I yacked his dick outta my mouth b'fo' you could say: "WHOA."

It turned out to be a false alarm.

"Yo nigga-" he yelled, snappin' back into reality. "-I ain't done yet!"

I took JoJo's dick back in my mouth, it filled tha space likea fat snickers bar, wid nutz. It felt kinda funny hav'n sumthin' in my mouth I could'n chew on and swallow like food. I wuz sir'prized at how soft tha skin felt in my mouth, yet tha dick wuz as hard as a frozen stick'a butter. JoJo moved his hands up to tha sides ov my head. He took hol'a me, and started thrustin' his hips back and forth. His dick see-sawed in and outta my mouth likea pendulum. I could feel it slidin' pass my lips and ova my tongue, fuck'n my face like it hadda mind ov its own.

"Damn, that shit is hot." I heard Russell say sumwhere from a nearby distance.

"I know." Kenny said, soundin' a lil' closer.

"I can't believe he actually doin' it."

"Yeah I know!" agreed Bling, who sounded like he wuz standin' right b'hind me.

"He got more heart then me. Yall niggas would'a hadda hold my ass down and make me suck!"

"I don't think Anthony minds that much Bling." Derrick said hol'n tha camera, and pointin' at my hard dick, which wuz standin' at full attention b'tween my legs.

Tha Boiz had been so captivated watchin' me suckin dick fo' tha first time, dat they did'n even notice my hard-on had neva went down durin' tha whole contest. Derrick had zoomed tha lenz in to witness my dick in all its full glory.

"Well I'll be damned." announced Bling, noticing my hard-on for tha first time since touchin' it earlier. "I hope that don't mean wha' I think it does." he said inna stunned voice.

"What? So he has a hard-on? That s'posed mean Anthony's a homo?" Russell asked inquisitively.

"Yeah." answered Bling flatly.

"Well, it sure would seem that way." Kenny added in while watchin me let JoJo hav' at my mouth wid no resistance from my part.

JoJo had worked more then half his dick into my mouth, goin' deeper wid e'ry stroke. I had my eyes closed and could'n see wha' wuz goin' on around me, but I could hear e'ry word tha boiz said about me as JoJo's thrusts got harder and deeper. My nose banged into his pubic hairs a few times, and I could smell tha rich musky scent from JoJo's balls. I placed my hands on his pant-legs fo' support. He still had his pants up, his zipper scratchin' into my chin e'ry time he would thrust a lil' too deep. His dick would bang at tha back ov my mouth, but fell short'a goin' into my throat. I could feel spit, which seemed to grow in my mouth in abundence, trickle outta tha corn'as ov my mouth and drip down on my partially nude body.

JoJo, who'd been inna silent trance ever since enterin' my mouth, heard tha boiz conversation too.

"Well, if he is gay-" he started,

"-then he won't mind if I nut in his mouff." he said, jus' as his dick started spittin' cum onto tha back ov my tongue.

"AWW damn, thas foul!" tha fellas all snared as JoJo unleashed his load on my unsuspectin' tongue.

"UHHGG!!" I gaged several times, tryin not to chomp down on JoJo's dick.

JoJo pulled his dick from my lips when he thought I would vomit up his load all ova him. Tha last few spurts ov cum shot out and landed cross my face, strikin' tha bridge ov my nose, my right cheek, and my neck. Tha cum wuz hot as it spurted wildly from his dick, landin' e'rywhere. I could feel tha batch dat puddled at tha back ov my tongue, slowly start to trickle down into my throat.

Sumbody handed me a trash can, and I spat tha rest ov Jo's load in it.

"You muthafucka!" I yelled b'tween spits.

"What!" JoJo asked, playin' dumb. Which wuz becomin' less an' less ov a stretch fo' em day to day.

"That shit waz fucked up JoJo." Kenny said, pattin' me onna back, tryin' to help me expel tha last ov Jo's nasty ass load. Tha shit burned my throat like battery acid.

"Dat wuz part'a da deal Man!" JoJo said, tryin' to rationalize his actions.

"No it waz'n!" Kenny defended.

"You said if th' loser wanted to swallow, they could!" Bling quoted.

"And if he wanted to he could've." answered JoJo in his usual cocky manner.

"We did'n say nuthin' bout not cummin' in his mouff!"

"Don't act stupid JoJo, you knew what that meant! How would you've liked it if you lost an' we came in your mouth?!" questioned Bling.

"If I wuz Gay........ I guess I'd like it." JoJo answered smartly, smilin' like he jus' bought a cow dirt cheap. His words drapped heavily in ova'tones.

"So what you sayin'?-" asked Russ, who wuz listenin' carefully,

"-you think Anthony's Gay?"

"He jus' sucked my dick did'n he?"

"Thas cuz he jus' loss a bet dickhead! And he not a welch'n asshole like you are!" defended Bling again.

"Wha'eva." wuz JoJo's favorite word wheneva he could'n think ov a good response.

"Maan Anphony-" Bling said, touchin my should'a to git my attention.

"-we'd understand if you wanna quit. JoJo ain't hav' no right doin' sum shit like that to you wit'out yur permittion."

"Tru dat." Kenny responded. His dick still hard hamgin' outta his Tommy's

I looked up, and around at all tha hard and semi-hard dicks danglin' in my face, and felt my dick jump b'tween my legs. My lips, which had gone dry af'ta suckin' on JoJo's dick, started to moisten at tha thought ov suckin' tha rest ov my friends off. I wondered who's dick would taste tha best, an' who could last tha longest. I wuz'n lookin' at a watch at tha time I wuz suckin' on JoJo's, but I wuz pretty sho he did'n last pass 4 minnutes, he nutted so quick.

"Naw B'-" I said, tryin' not to sound too eager.

"-a bets a bet. We all promised we'd do this, an' I ain't no pussy! So letz do it!"

"Aiight." Bling said steppin' back.

"Who's next?" he asked, lookin round.

"Lets go in order of size." Russ suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Bling said, knowin' dat dat would mean he'd go last right af'ta Russell.

"Derrick, you up."

Derrick walk up to me, video cam in hand. His dick wuz semi-hard, hav'n loss summa its weight durin' tha argument. He held tha camera up near his head, aim'n it down at me and his swayin' dingaling. I reached up and pulled it wid my hand. It rose to tha touch. I looked up at tha cam, and pointed Derrick's dick right to my lips, lettin' it sink into my mouth.

Derrick let out a tiny gasp, but held tight onto his camera.

Derrick wuz: 6 foot, lite skinned wid short black curly hair. He reminded me ov a young Christopher Williams from New Jack City, cept thinner. We all thought D' wuz mixed wid sumthin' in his family, but he would alwayz deny it, claimin' his lite skinned parents wuz jus' "fair of skin." Derrick hadda slim slinky build, and wore plenty ov baggy name brand clothes most ov us could'n readily afford at full price. He wuz clean faced wid'out a single facial hair. Even his crotch hair, as I now discovered, wuz'n very hairy. He'd a made a good swimmer.

I roamed my eyes around tha room, only to see 4 pair ov eyes staring at me. Bling and Kenny wuz standin' b'hind me, lookin' ova my should'a, eager fo' their turns in my in-experienced yet willin' mouth. Russ and JoJo wuz standin' on eith'a side'a D', lookin' down and watchin' all tha action from camera angle.

Derrick's dick wuz slidin' back and forth in my mouth, tha belly glidin' cross my tongue likea yellow banana. D's dick tasted different from JoJo's, his crotch even smelled different. Like zest soap or sumthin'. I worker tha dick wid my mouth, ocasionally lookin' up into tha camera to see D's expression. I knew he wuz near cummin' when he started moanin. D' put his hand on tha back ov my head, and started thrustin' into my mouth wid one hand.

"Nigga's about to pop!" I heard Kenny say from my right.

Derrick lasted a few more strokes b'fo' he yelled out:

"I'm about to cum Anthony! Oh shit! Oh shit! AAAARRRRRRRRHHHHHHH!!!"

I pulled D's dick from my mouth, and jacked it wid my fist. His cum load shot outta his dick in long heavy ropes, landin' all ova my chest and should'as. His cum wuz a thick white color, and I wondered wha' it would taste like as it srung out like parade ribbons from a New Years float. So I pulled tha still sputin' dick back up to my lips, and let it finish off inside.

"Oh damn-" I heard Kenny cry as I felt Derrick's cum load fill my mouth. Tha thick cum gatherin' on my tongue b'fo' my throat muscles swallowed it down. Derrick's load felt creamy smooth like lemon yogurt as it slithered its way into my stomach. It hadda nutty flava to it, much different from tha bitter taste JoJo's load had.

Derrick stepped back, lettin' his still fully hard dick slide bobbin' up an' down from my suckin' lips. I rubbed the cum he'd shot on me into my chest as I looked at his dick and hungered for more.

"Damn, that was good!" he told tha othas, tryin' to regain his composure even as he kept filmin'.

"I'm next!" Kenny called, touchin my right ear wid his dickhead.

I spun around on one knee, heatin' up my knee cap in tha process on D's plush bedroom carpet. Soon as I got Kenny's dick in view, I swallowed it, takin' tha 7 1/2 inch chocolate bar b'tween my lips likea greedy dieter.

Kenny wuz: 6-1, bald headed widda thick mastache and goatee. He hadda rich dark brown complexion, wid soft lookin full lips dat gave tha illusion he'd be a great kisser. He reminded me ov dude named Kenny from tha movie Soul Food (the one dat wuz married to Vivica Fox, yeeeeeeeehBoi). Kenny wuz'a sports enthusiast so he hadda boss body as well, and his dick wuz inna shape ova slick torpedo dat seemed to glide in my mouth like it wuz built fo' suckin'. He tasted slightly salty from havin' run a lil' ball this mornin' b'fo' we all hooked up to head ova to Derrick's house.

Kenny let his shorts fall down to his ankles, and pulled his shirt up ova tha back ov his head, exposin' his muscular frame. Damn dat nigga looked good. And here I wuz on my kness suckin' on his joint like I wuz one'a his bitches or sumthin'. I wuz startin' to really like this game.

I grabbed hold ov his thighs for support. His legs wuz thick and his body hard. I sucked his dick in and outta my mouth, while I let my hands run ova his form. I knew dat if I allowed myself to get into it, I'd like suckin' dick, but I did'n want my boiz to know it........., but I jus' could'n help myself, they could tell by how deep I wuz takin' Kenny's joint, dat I wuz likin' it. My hands went up Kenny's body, up his 6pack lined stomach, and stopped at his chest. His nipples were hard, resemblin' raisins n'shit. I felt them un'da my palms, receivin' a charge from tha contact dat made me suck his dick even harder.

"Gotdamn this nigga can suck dick!" Kenny cried out to tha othas.

I wuz takin' more'n half'a Kenny's dick inna my mouth now. Dat nigga's dick wuz slicked wid my spit, an' I wuz diving dat sunovabitch in an' outta my mouth like my fuckin' life depended on it n'shit. I sucked an' slurped on Kenny, makin' dat nigga's knees wobble. Kenny humped, an' bucked, an' pushed, an' rammed his hips inta my face, fuckin' me like it wuz ass or pussy or...sumthin'. He wuz really hav'n at my mouth n'shit. I felt tha head bumpin' into my throat. Kenny hooked his hands on tha sides ov my head, an' pulled me down on his dick. Tha head started to slip in my throat. I wuz'n sho I could take it, so I pushed him back by the thighs, Kenny got tha message an' eased up, allowin' me resume jus' suckin'.

I went back to greedily devourin' Kenny's wood, lavishin' his rod likea giant fudge bar. Kenny waited while I relaxed my mouth on his dick, takin' more an' more ov it inside, but avoidin' takin' it into my throat. Kenny grabbed tha base ov his penis, an' tha back ov my head, an' again gently lowered me back down on his dick, makin' me take it down. I felt tha head side to tha back ov my tongue, weighin' heavily at tha start ov my throat. Kenny applied pressure on my head, an' his dick started to slip down inside.

"Oh uhh!" Kenny sighed as his dick felt the tight contours ov my throat muscles surrounding his prod.

"Damn, look at that shit!" Russell cried enthusiasticlly, his big dick twitchin' in anticipation of his turn, which wuz next.

"Shit!" JoJo yelled, git'n pissed off dat Kenny wuz git'n a betta blowjob then he did.

"I want anoth'a one! Fuk dat!"

"Betta wait yur fuckin' turn peewee." Bling said, takin' a seat inna nearby chair.

"Peewee? Wha' da fuk you mean by dat?" JoJo said, easily ignited.

"What th' fuck you think it mean little man?" Bling said wid a smirk.

JoJo ignored Bling's comment, an' came closer to watch tha show.

Kenny wuz slippin' his dick in an' out of my throat easier now, makin' me take it down to tha base, then back up to tha tip. I slurped an' sucked on tha head, b'fo' takin' it back down into my throat, it went down easier e'ry time I swallowed it.

"Awe damn!" Kenny cried, throwin' his head back in ecstasy.

"Oh man." Russell whispered un'da his breath, his eyes bulgin' e'ry time I took Ken's long slender dick down.

"Umm!" I moaned as I took dat dick whole.

Kenny tried to hold out, he did'n want this good ass blowjob to end so damn fast (an neith'a did I), but when his dick swelled in my throat, I knew wha' wuz comin'. Kenny put his palm on my forehead tryin' to push me off ov his dick. He warned me he wuz about to nut, but I ain't care. Kenny's dick got real steely hard n'shit in my mouth, then started spewin' cum all ova my tongue. Tha nigga tried ta pull his dick from my mouth, but I wuz'n hav'n dat shit. I followed his hips as he pulled back tryin' to dislodge.

"Oh fuck Ant'ney! Shit man! Ahhhhh!"

Kenny relaxed and let tha rest ov his cum flow freely into my mouth. I swallowed e'ry time a fresh batch would fill my mouth to capacity, determined to git every last drop ov delicious cream from his pulsin' piece. Kenny wuz complete depleted ov energy, an' fell back on Derrick's bed, his dick laying soft b'tween his legs.

"Awe fuk dat shit!" JoJo yelled af'ta witnessin' me suck Kenny dry.

"I wanna go again! C'mon Ant' ney-" he said, puttin' his hard dick back up to my face, tha tip touchin' my still wet lips.

"-suck this!"

"Damn nigga, wait your turn." Russell said, movin' up into position infront of me.

"Maan,-" JoJo said, steppin' aside.

"-if it wuz'n fo' me, yall ma-phuckas would'n even be git'n no blowjobs right now! Ungrateful mofo's!" he complained.

Russell wuz: a 6 foot tall thick bodied burtha widda tappered baby bush, clean face, an' full bubble lips. He wuz handsome inna "responsible" kinda way widda phat round booty. He looked alot like his Pop, whom looked alot like a thick Larence Fishburne. He wuz tha typea brutha you saw as sumbody's husband wid 3 kids n'shit. I could jus' see 'em 10 years from now widda beer belly, workin' inna Mayor's or sumthin'.

Russell fisted his fat 8 and a half inches right infront ov my face.

"Come on Anthony-" he said lookin' down at me like a tower ov power.

"-you want this dick man?"

I shook my head yeh, an' opened my mouth fo' em to shove his dick in. Russ placed tha head ov his fat dick on my lips, an' I immediately started suckin' like a baby lamb on its mommas tit. Russ took tha back ov my head, and shoved it fo'ward, impelin' me on his dick full throttle. Russ's dick punched through my throat like a battering ram, the head lodgin' itself deep into my throat, his crotch hair plastered 'ginst my nose, his ball against my chin.

I gaged slightly, my throat convulsin' all around Russ's dick as Russ stiffled a groan of satisfaction. Russell let go his grip, and let me slide it back out ov my mouth. His dick wuz slimed widda thick coatin' ov hog spit from tha back ov my throat, it glistened and shined from tha sunlight that shown throught tha windows as I knealt and heaved ova it like it wuz a sacret icon, and I wuz worshipin' it.

Af'ta lickin' on it fo' a few minutes, glossing my tongue ova it like tha brush on an oil paintin', I jammed it back down into my throat in one swoop. Russ gasped at tha feelin' ov hav'n his dick completely submerged in my warm wet gullet. He wuz sir'prized at my greediness, but welcomed tha thresholds of my mouth's interior.

"Fuck Anthony-" he said while lookin' down at me devour his dick.

"-you suck better then any Bitch I had on my stick." he complimented. I beamed, and continued to eat his dick like i wuz starvin' Marvin, eating his first meal; greedily jammin' myself on his fat ova sized dick like it wuz nuthin'.

Russ tried to keep his composure during the entire ordeal. He watched intently as I glided up and down tha slick dick like a blade runner, swallowing his proud prong like it belonged to me.

Derrick viewed tha whole thing on camera, while JoJo jumped around tha room in disbelief.

"Damn!-" I heard him say from somewhere in tha distance,

"-I can't believe onea my Boiz is a fuk'n faggot. Damn, I'ma be git'n my dick sucked all da time! Yeh Boyee!"

Nobody said nuthin', we all ignored JoJo comments, and concentrated on makin' tha video.

Russ's dick had opened my throat muscles enuff that I wuz able to choke it down wid no problem. His penis would throbb e'rytime I took it in whole into me.

Russ reached down and started to pinch and pull on my hard nipples. He took the fat ribbits b'tween his fingers and squeezed, making me huff deeper on his dick. Once he realized pulling my nipps made me react hornier, he got to twisting and turning them until they were plump and swollen, sticking out from my body like fat abused California Raisins.

"Aw shit." Russ sighed, his frustrations git'n tha best ov em.

"Aw damn Anph', I'm gonna Nut man!" he announced for the camera's benefit.

Russ pulled his dick from my suckin' lips, and jacked it til he spilled his copious load all ova my stretched out tongue. Derrick zoomed in as load af'ta load ov sweet creamy spunk coated my tongue white b'fo' I swallowed it down. Kenny and Bling both clapped their hands at my performance, while Russ looked totally exhaulsted from the drainage. He removed his dick from my lips for the last time af'ta I cleaned off tha excess sperm with my mouth, and found himself a seat across tha room. Away from me and my mouth.

I savored tha taste ov Russ's hefty cum load, which reminded me ov thick pancake batter, as it slid smoovly down into my throat. With Russ's load bein' tha forth load I swallowed inna row, my belly wuz startin' ta feel a lil' full. I felt a lil' quizzyness, even as I sucessfully finished swallowin' Russ's baby-makers. I looked ova at Bling, tha last one left wid a cum load I ain't tasted yet. Bling sat to tha side ov tha bed, his big 9 inch dick swellin' wid anticipation. Bling had stipped himself completely naked, his slim medium built body ready fo' tha pleasures my mouth sought to offer.

"You ready for this thang here?" Bling asked, bobbin' his dick up an' down on purpose, wid out touchin' it.

I shook my head "yeh", an' waited fo' em to walk ova an' giv' it to me.

"Then come an' get it." he said wid tha same sexy smile dat got 'em plenty pussy from tha neighborhood whores.

Bling wuz: at 5-11, onea tha shortest guys inna room (I mean b'sides myself) He hadda always perfectly trimmed thin mustache and goatee, wid thick shapely eyebrows, an' a lite golden skin color. His hair wuz jet shiny black, like he dyed it dat way, an' he kept it cut close wid sharp edged angled trim. Bling had tha sexiest brown bedroom eyes I've eva seen onna man, an' sex jus' oozed outta tha boy'z pores like sweat. He put you inna mind ov Genuwine, wid'out all tha makeup.

I went to git up, when he suddenly snapped;

"Nah nigga, on yur knees."

Tha oth'a fellas inna room started laughin', but I knew I wuz far too gone ta care wha' they thought ov my submissioness now.

I crawled on my hands an' knees ova to Bling. Tha nigga's dick looked so big an' delicious, I could already feel tha load pourin' down from throat.

Derrick walked b'hind me, catchin' tha whole thing on video. My pants wuz unfastened, and they came down slightly as I crawled ova to Bling. Derrick caught glimpes ov my asscheeks on cam as tha waist fell back ova my ass, exposing my near hairless crack.

"Stick yur tongue out." Bling said, when I got close enuff to practically smell his dick.

I looked up into his handsome face, an' stuck out my tongue. Bling took his fat hooded dick into his hand, pullin' back tha bunched foreskin, an' bounced his big spongy dickhead on my tongue likea club. Tha fat dick slappin' against my mouth likea tatoo. Bling massaged his dick until a fat pearly drop ov pre-cum formed at tha tip. Af'ta watchin'me perform oral sex on 4 ov his friends, Bling's dick wuz more than ready fo' sum action ov its own. He presented tha pearly dew drop to me to eat. I stuck my tongue into tha piss slit, an' lapped tha clear liquid nector up like juice from a fruit. Bling removed his hand and allowed me free rein ova his phallus, quietly offerin' it to my mouth for inspection.

"Make sho nobody gets holda this tape D,-" Bling said while lookin' into tha camera,

"-my gurl's already bitchin' bout havin' enuff competition when it comes to the girls wantin' to cop my dick......." he laughed.

Tha room joined em in laughter, as I continued tha payment ov my bet, and chowed down on the rubbery solid piece ov human meat that filled my mouth fuller than any chicken beef or fish I've eva had.

I worked Bling's dick wid all tha new skillz I learned for tha day. Generating enuff spit from my glans to create a nice slick slippery coating to glide my lips up and down his colume wid ease. I held his dick at tha base, pullin' back on tha thick foreskin that bunched up in my mouth wheneva I'd pull back to tha head. Bling sat back on the bed, his legs parted jus' enuff for my body to fit b'tween; his hairy legs rubbin' tha sides ov my ribs while I pulled his massive meat into my throat.

"Umm." Bling sighed wid approval when he felt his dickhead submerge completely.

"I know, he good ain't he?" Kenny smiled from nearby, closely watchin' all tha action.

"Hell yeah." Bling commented.

"They alwayz betta when they like whad they do. Ain't that right Ant?" he laughed.

I contented myself b'tween his legs suckin' his dick like ordered. I had been rewarded my efforts by receiving 4 cum loads so far, I was determand to make Bling's (whom I'd considered tha most desirable of tha five) tha fifth. I wanted his cum most ov all. I'd been secretly pining ova Bling and his sexy good looks fo' awhile now, but I'd neva allowed myself to accept it. Now, as I laid b'tween his legs worshoping his strong manhood, I realized I wuz'n no betta than all them gurlz he'd fucked ova tha years. All I wuz to Bling wuz anoth'a set ov lips, anoth'a hole fo' him and his boiz to nut inside.

Tha thought angered me, and heightened my lust at tha same time. If that wuz what Bling wanted, I'd be tha best damn dick suckinest faggot he eva laid eyes on.

Wid renewed vigor, I tightened my lips around Bling's wood, and sucked his dick like I wuz aimin' fo' first place inna all you can eat contest.

"Damn, look at dat nigga go..." Kenny mummered, starin' at me make a meal out ov his friend.

Bling started to pump his hips upward to my face on e'ry downstroke ov my lips. He laid his head back on Derrick's mattress, and closed his eyes (no doubt thinkin' bout tha last gurl he boned).

I felt his dick pulse in my mouth wheneva I traveled back upwards. Tha shaft wuz all slick and wet, and spit ran from tha corners ov my mouth, down into his lap, matting the tangly crotch hair.

"He gettin' close. I think he gettin' close." Russ said, noticin' Bling's hips move faster.

I agreed. I could tell by tha way his long sausage plumped in my mouth likea BallPark Franks.

"Ooo..." Bling whimpered, his body squirmin' onna bed likea large snake.

"Yeh Ant', thats it man. Suck that dick boi. Suck it babee..."

Tha words wuz likea aphrodisiac, causin' me to work harder. Bling's dick flew in and out of my mouth from tip to stern, no doubt added by tha strange foreskin which helped it to glide more quickly, and tha excess spit which acted as great lubricate.

Bling's big bulbous dickhead made itself at home lodged deep down into tha crest ov my throat. Then tha piss slit opened up, and out gushed all ov Bling's ball juice, splatterin' down tha back ov my gullet like a water faucet.

"Oh Shit!" Bling called, as I grinded my face down into his scratchy pubs, my throat muscules massagin' tha last dew from his cobra.

When I finally pulled his dick from the confides ov my insides, Derrick and his nosey camera wuz right there.

"So-" he started off in documentary form.

"-how did you like starring in your first porno movie?"

I looked head long into the camera and smiled.

"It wuz'n bad." I stated, lickin' tha last ov Bling's nut from my lips.

"How'd you like suckin' dick?" Kenny asked out ov camera shot.

"Not bad." I added, Bling's rubbery dick head still touchin' my lower lip.

"How you like swallowin' NUT?" JoJo asked.

I jus' laughed.

"Who had the best tasting nut?" Russell asked, sittin' on tha bed's edge.

"You...." I answered, bringin' a wide grin from tha future Concilmen.

"Well, as much fun as we had making this film, we gonna have to end it-" Derrick said, bringin' a room full ov protest from tha boiz, especially JoJo. I could tell I wuz gonna hav' problems wid him. "-my Mom'll be home any minute! We got to get out of here."

We all got dressed, and D' put tha tape up in tha top of his closet to ensure safety. We all made a promise to keep what happened dat afternoon b'tween tha 5 ov us, and neva tell a sole about it.

JoJo would only agree to keepin' quiet if I continued to suck his dick outside ov Derrick's house, but Bling, Russell and Derrick threatened to "beat his ass" if he breathed a word ov any ov this. JoJo stuffed his achinly hard dick back in his pants, and mumbled cuss words to himself as we all snuck out tha back door.

Next: Chapter 2

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