Chief Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Apr 28, 2014


Welcome back to the fictional world of Pleasant View, Kentucky! This story brings back the characters and locales I first introduced in 2011-12, in my previous series "Officer Jack Albertson," which can still be read in the Adult Friends section right here on Nifty.

*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. All aspects of the character of Brad Carson's physical appearance are completely based on me, although nearly all other aspects of the character's life are totally fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story and do not contact the author. Permission is NOT given (unless expressly granted in writing by the author) to any party to repost or share this story anywhere else in any format, other than only the freely-granted publication for the personal enjoyment of the readers of Copyright 2014 by the author whose pen name is Bradley J. Carson, all other rights permanently reserved.

Chief Jack Albertson – Chapter 7 – When it All Comes Crashing Down

When much conversation and laughter had been shared, and everyone was growing sleepy and knew that it was time for bed, Justin and Eric looked a bit uncertain, as the cabin only had a couch in the small living room not nearly big enough for them both. But, upstairs in the loft which served as its one bedroom there was a big king-sized bed.

"C'mon upstairs, guys. Sleep with us tonight," Jack said, squeezing Justin's arm and looking over at Eric as well. Brad smiled and nodded.

The four naked friends and lovers all climbed the stairs toward the big bed happily together then.

Meanwhile, over in Smithville, Holly Jones was sucking a long, fat dick. She had to admit it, Avalene was right, this was one time she didn't mind taking a man to bed just to use him for their purposes. Jonathan Hopkins was one hot fucker. And one hot very fuck. Before long, Holly was on her back, getting plowed hard by Jonathan's eight-incher for the second time in just a few days. The tall, thin, clean-shaven and rather nerdy brown-haired man didn't look like much in his business suits, but was still very cute in his own way, though. His swimmer's build body was in fact hot, and not at all scrawny, as those ill-fitting suits made it seem once he was out of them. But bare-assed naked and on top of her, he proved to be an amazingly good sex partner, even if they were each just using the other for their own purposes.

For Jonathan, it was a chance to cum in someone hotter and more appreciative than his boring-assed wife who rarely ever put out anyway, and also besides the other friend with whom he secretly usually shared his unrequited high sex drive with. Holly had much more business-driven, greedy, and illegal, motives in mind. They were definitely making the most of Jonathan's cold-fish wife being gone out of town on that long business trip of hers. "Who knew that state highway department officials were such great lays?" Holly thought, as Jonathan's cock was hitting her pussy in all the right places, driving her toward her climax even as she contracted her thighs and squeezed him tighter, coaxing him toward his own explosion.

"Ugh! Jonathan grunted, "Yeah baby, squeeze that pussy tighter around me!"

"Oh!!! Oh, Jonathan, Oh! YES!!!" Holly was moaning, for once not faking it.

"FUCK, I'M CUMMING!!!" Jonathan yelled, as Holly screamed as her own powerful orgasm racked her mind and body. The condom was impressively full when Jonathan pulled it off and tossed it in the nearby trash can.

When it was over, Holly had no regrets. She left that night with a signed, pre-dated contract in hand. She smiled as she drove toward Avalene and Tom's mansion, eager to deliver the good news, and the contract, to them in person.

Jonathan showered when Holly left, and realized he was still horny as hell. He guessed his wife was right when she griped that his sex drive was too fucking high. Women could be such bitches. It was a good thing Jonathan was bi, he thought. Hell, sometimes he actually thought that sexy police chief had the right idea when he went gay. But, nah, Jonathan still also liked a hot pussy like Holly's too much to ever do that. Still, right now he needed round two, and he needed it with his hot regular blonde, big-dicked, muscle-bound fuckbuddy, Kentucky State Police Officer Gunnar Donaldson.

Meanwhile, back up on Smith's Mountain, Jack, Brad, Eric, and Justin had all climbed into the big king-sized bed together. Jack turned off the light, and for a long while they just all laid there in under just a thin sheet, with their naked bodies close to one another, all of them gazing up at the stars in the clear night sky through the skylight.

"That really was incredible this afternoon," Eric finally said, breaking the silence.

"Yes it was," Jack agreed, glancing over at Eric who was lying on his right. Everyone was snuggling against each other and it just felt good.

"This feels pretty damn nice too, even if it is a little crowded," Brad said with a chuckle, from where he was lying on the other side of Eric. "I thought we were all too old for a sleepover."

"Yes it does," Justin agreed. He was on the far side of the bed from Jack, with Brad just to his right. "And I don't know about y'all, but I sure never had any sleepovers like this back when I was a kid," he laughed.

"Do you think they will still have the River Festival?" Justin asked, changing the subject and voicing what had crossed his mind after they had all laid there a couple more minutes, with sleep not yet coming to them.

Earlier, before going to bed, Brad and Jack had filled in an astonished Eric and Justin about Billy Jack's encounter with Indrid Cold, and about the fact that Indrid and the Mothman were both still actually hanging around Pleasant View, even if the general public did not know it.

Jack replied, "Oh, yeah, I'm just going to make sure to pull some strings and ensure that the Belle will be docked downstream from that old railroad bridge. That thing really needs to be either fixed or torn down anyway, and not just because of that dream that you, Brad, and Irene have all had, either."

"Don't forget we found out that Flora Mae and Irene both have had it too," Eric pointed out.

"Yeah," Jack replied, "But one thing for sure, if the boat doesn't go under the bridge, the damn thing can't fall on it."

"But, what bothers me," Eric said, "We have all had that dream, and you can easily enough keep it from coming true, and you will, Jack. So why the hell are Indrid and his friend, and the Mothman, still all sticking around?

"Well," Jack reasoned, "Indrid told daddy that he is a watcher – and we gathered from the cryptic rest of what he said that he comes to prevent bad shit from happening – but he can't stop it from happening himself, he just has to get us to. And the Mothman, according to him is a `harbinger'. So, until we go through with keeping the boat from going under the bridge, they are going to stick around. The other thing is, I'm going to make sure that bridge inspected ASAP to make sure it is not really about to fall. It is way too close to the festival grounds in the new park and to the docks for us to take a chance on that part of the dream from still happening, even if the boat is not under it."

"It'll all be fine I guess," Eric said sounding reassured. "I am looking so forward to the boat ride and all of it. I do hope I get to see Indrid Cold before he leaves."

"Well, right now you have three guys in bed with you who may not be some sort of time/space traveling hero, but we have our selling points just the same," Brad said, as he reached over and ran his left hand across Eric's chest, and ran his right hand over Justin's.

"True," Eric said, feeling his cock start to harden.

Within a few minutes, the sheet was tossed aside, and the four friends were all over each other again. They were all horny enough to need to get off again in order to sleep well, but still too spent from the rest of the weekend's sexual events to want to fuck. So, they ended up having a good old-fashioned circle jerk.

"Ugh! I'm cumming!!!" Jack was the first to moan, as his load blasted upwards, his cock no longer able to withstand the great stroking it was getting from Eric's left hand. Eric's right hand had been equally busy on Brad's throbbing meat.

"Fuck, me too!" Brad shouted.

Jack and Brad had both been taking turns stroking Eric as he lay between them, and he soon erupted too with a moan of, "FUCK- Ah-Uhhh!!!"

Justin's load was right in line with the other three, shooting highest as Brad's right hand worked its magic. "Oh, FUCK! FUUUCK!" He had growled sexily.

Soon they all slept, still covered in each other's jizz. They didn't care, they were spent from an amazing weekend, and morning would be soon enough to clean up the mess and change the sheets.

The next couple of weeks flew by. Brad and Jack got to have one more hot lovemaking session with Justin and Eric during that time. Soon, it was the Friday which kicked off the weekend-long River Festival. There had been no further Mothman sightings, and Indrid had not contacted anyone any further. Ronnie was frustrated, as he was certain something would happen during the festival, but he too had totally lost track of both the Mothman and Indrid and Mr. Apol.

That Friday afternoon, half the town and even more people from the surrounding areas were crowded into the new riverfront park, enjoying all the sights, sounds, and tastes of a typical small-town festival. Eric and Justin were on the deck of the Belle of Owensboro, looking eagerly at this new perspective of their hometown, as the boat rounded the long bend which led toward downtown Pleasant View.

Jack was in a patrol car, personally leading the parade as it headed down the hill toward the big highway bridge over the river. The parade had started on Main Street and would end at the festival. The bridge was closed at the other end by an officer until after the parade crossed. As Jack's patrol car reached the steepest part of the downgrade approach to the bridge, the Belle of Owensboro was nearing the highway bridge on the river below, as well.

Brad was with Miz Vivian, Hank, and others looking on from the riverside park. It looked like the idea of having the parade and the riverboat arrive at the festival at the same time was going to work, after much coordination. Brad glanced around at the old railroad bridge, which was upriver on the other side of the park from the highway bridge. He breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that Jack had succeeded in convincing the necessary authorities that the old railroad bridge needed to be inspected before any more river traffic was allowed to pass beneath it. As a result, the Belle would be docking in between the two bridges, without ever passing under the railroad bridge which had been the source of disaster in the bad dreams several had experienced recently.

Ronnie walked up and said hi to Brad, who like everyone else in town thought Ronnie was just the UPS guy. They both grinned knowingly, thinking back to the back of the truck encounter a few weeks back.

"Nice event," Ronnie said. "Good thing the Mothman hasn't shown up on that old highway bridge again like he was that one night when I spotted him down here."

"WHAT?" Brad asked, several things suddenly clicking through his mind, giving him a chill.

"Well, I didn't want to say anything, " Ronnie said evenly, as he was doing this just to fish for some more information about the Mothman, Indrid, and anything else Brad might know, since his own investigation had hit a real dead end lately. "But," Ronnie continued, "I saw that thing perched right on top of that old US 25 Bridge just the other week, late one night."

"OH, SHIT!" Brad exclaimed. He could see Jack's patrol car just about to reach the highway bridge. The riverboat was perilously close to it now too. "Ronnie, half the damn town including me has had this nightmare that the old railroad bridge was going to collapse on the Belle at this event – and that the Mothman would be sitting on it just beforehand. Maybe the dreams really were a prophesy, but we just saw the wrong old bridge..."

As if on cue, a flapping of wings came in from over the high ridge just on the other side of the old highway bridge. The Mothman lit on top of the very center of the bridge, and glared down on the dozens of people in the park, who all began to shout and point. The creature looked even more strange and menacing in this daylight sighting.

"SHIT!" Brad exclaimed in fear. He quickly dialed Jack on his cell, and Jack was already hitting the brakes on the patrol car as it continued toward the bridge.

"I see it!" Jack exclaimed. "I know what you're thinking – gotta stop the boat!"

Jack quickly called dispatch, and told them to radio the Belle and tell it to stop, turn around, do anything but continue under the US 25 Bridge – and to ask no questions, just to fucking do it. Simultaneously he had brought the patrol car to a stop just short of the old highway bridge. Unfortunately, the driver of the big, heavy fire truck just behind him did not realize Jack was going to stop suddenly.

The Belle of Owensboro was soon causing its passengers to scream, some falling to the deck and grabbing the railings, as it did a 180 on the river as quickly as a boat its size possibly could, and probably more quickly than was actually safe. Meanwhile, as Justin and Eric looked on from the boat, clinging to the railings, and as Brad, Miz Vivian, Hank and the rest looked on from the park, the fire engine hit the back end of Jack's patrol car, pushing it out onto the old highway bridge. As all of this was happening, the Mothman flew off the top of the old highway bridge, just as it began to shake and tremble as soon as Jack's patrol car was pushed out onto it. The Mothman soon flew away out of sight, as the bridge began to collapse, starting with the middle span plunging toward the water.

Jack jumped from his patrol car, and ran back to the safety of the end of the road in front of the fire engine. He had to jump the last couple of feet, as the bridge collapsed out from under him. The noise was deafening. The Belle was rocked and tossed. Waves like a hurricane on the ocean drenched those on the riverfront at the festival, who were running and screaming.

In moments it was over. The bridge had totally collapsed into the river. The Belle had avoided any damage, having steamed just far enough back the other way to avoid being hit. Those in the park were wet and shaken, but otherwise unhurt. The US 25 Bridge was gone, but miraculously, not one person had been killed or even seriously injured. No one noticed the lamp globe craft as it flew by high overhead just after the bridge collapsed. Indrid offered silent thanks to a power much higher than himself. This time was not the same as Point Pleasant. This time they managed to help. This time no lives were lost. The craft soon disappeared into the endless stretches of time and space from which it had come.

Life would soon get back to normal in Pleasant View. No one would ever forget that strange spring. Avalene's husband Tom, along with Jonathan, would soon be convicted to long prison sentences, while again Avalene would get off with no punishment, as would Holly. Tom had used Holly's trysts with Jonathan to convince him to throw a state highway contract to a construction company Tom's bank owned. In turn, Tom had seen to it the construction company cut corners and did not properly retrofit the US 25 Bridge when assigned to update it as their first project. The court ruled that this caused the collapse, noted that it was a miracle no lives were lost, and sent Jonathan and Tom up the river, no pun intended.

Summer 2014 would lead to more hot sex, great lovemaking, and more unexpected challenges, as well, for Chief Jack Albertson, his friends, family, lovers, and the citizens of all of Pleasant View, Kentucky.

****NOTE TO READERS - - Hope you guys have enjoyed this first "story arc" of Chief Jack Albertson. This is all of this part of our story, but there will be more sex and more mysteries sometime in the future. I'm not sure yet, but it may be a couple of months, or perhaps longer, before you get a Chapter 8, a new mystery, and of course a whole lot more hot sex in Pleasant View, but I will eventually write it. Thanks, and as always, feel free to email me at

Next: Chapter 8

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