Chief Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Apr 23, 2014


Welcome back to the fictional world of Pleasant View, Kentucky! This story brings back the characters and locales I first introduced in 2011-12, in my previous series "Officer Jack Albertson," which can still be read in the Adult Friends section right here on Nifty.

*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. All aspects of the character of Brad Carson's physical appearance are completely based on me, although nearly all other aspects of the character's life are totally fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story and do not contact the author. Permission is NOT given (unless expressly granted in writing by the author) to any party to repost or share this story anywhere else in any format, other than only the freely-granted publication for the personal enjoyment of the readers of Copyright 2014 by the author whose pen name is Bradley J. Carson, all other rights permanently reserved.

Chief Jack Albertson – Chapter 6 – Mountaintop Lovers and Smithville Schemers

The dream came to Brad about three hours into sleep, in the middle of that night. Over by the lake in Pleasant View, it came to Eric at the same time. In it, Eric stood on the deck of the Belle of Owensboro with Justin, and Justin smiled. Eric saw that they were steaming up the river and around the bend into Pleasant View. In his dream, Brad was on the shore, where Rayann had stood in hers a few nights before. In fact, he even saw Rayann and spoke to her with a smile in the dream. The steamboat was approaching the old railroad trestle now. The Mothman appeared atop the trestle as it began to tremble. What happened next in their dreams awoke both Eric and Brad with terrible screams in the night as they lay in bed next to their husbands, one couple miles away from the other. Before Jack could even ask Brad what was wrong, as Brad's terrible scream awakened him, they both gazed up through the skylight above their bed at the two huge, eerie, red eyes that were staring down at them from high above.

At the moment, Jack assumed that Brad was screaming because he had awakened to the sight of the Mothman above them.

"That's it, I've had enough of this fucking shit!" Jack exclaimed, as he leaped from the bed. He grabbed his gun off the nightstand and ran right out onto the porch of the cabin, then on out to the where the long drive that led up the mountain ended in front of the cabin. Brad ran behind him, out onto the porch. They were both naked, not only because they always slept naked but also because they both enjoyed letting their nudist sides out and were naked the entire time they were on Smith's Mountain anytime it was warm enough. At any other time it would have been pretty funny, Jack out there bare-assed naked next to the pickup, gun in hand.

"What the hell are you trying to tell us, anyway!?!" Jack shouted up to the large, red-eyed figure which was maybe 50 feet above him. Brad ran out in the yard next to Jack then. The odd winged being above them simply made a swooping circle over the cabin, and then flew off toward the lights of Pleasant View until it was eventually gone from sight, seeming to land somewhere down near the riverfront.

It was three o'clock in the morning, but still a fairly comfortable 65 degrees outside, as the unseasonably warm late April weather was continuing. Both Brad and Jack leaned back against the front fender of the Ford side by side as they watched the odd creature disappear from sight in the distance, the metal feeling cool against their bare asses. Jack looked a little sheepish, gun in hand.

"I don't know why the fuck I ran out here with my gun and screamed at that thing, but at least now we now Indrid was telling the truth. Lord knows if it was going to do anything to us it could have just then, and I seriously doubt my gun even scared it off," Jack mused.

"On the other hand, maybe it does have sense enough to know what a gun is and thought it should get the hell out of here," Brad replied.

"Yeah, but I mean it could have come right through that skylight on us before you woke up and spotted it and screamed," Jack reasoned. "I think Indrid told Daddy the truth, that thing is freaky looking as hell, but I actually think it means well."

"True, but actually the Mothman hovering over the skylight wasn't what woke me up anyway, babe," Brad said. The guys went over to the porch and sat down together on the swing, enjoying the night are on their naked bodies, and wide awake from the excitement that had just taken place. Jack slipped his hand into Brad's as they talked, absently rubbing his thumb over the back of Brad's hand in that sweet way he often did without even thinking about it. As they sat there, Brad told Jack about the dream he had just had.

"That sounds about like what Rayann said she dreamed," Jack said. "Maybe that is why you did too, just hearing her talk about it."

"I don't know, but it freaked me out," Brad replied. "You know that big spring riverboat festival is coming up in a few weeks in that new park down by the river. And the Belle of Owensboro – hell, Jack, I recognized it in the dream – really IS supposed to be steaming up here for it."

"As with the rest of this, we have to be careful. I think Indrid and Mothy are both mostly going to hide their freaky selves from everyone but us for now – which means we are the only ones who haven't already practically forgotten about them and moved on," Jack said.

"True, but what if that old railroad bridge really is going to fall on the steamboat?" Brad asked. "We sure as hell can't chance that, and with all this other unbelievable shit that has been going on, maybe prophetic dreams aren't so farfetched. Maybe that is what Indrid meant when he told your dad to `Watch. Know. Act.'"

"Nothing would surprise me at this point, darlin'," Jack replied honestly. "But, I can't very well say, `oh, my husband and our cleaning lady both dreamed that the old L&N Bridge is going to take out the fuckin' Belle of Owensboro, so y'all gotta cancel the biggest tourist event of the spring'."

"I know, but what should we do, just in case all of this does mean that is going to happen?" Brad asked.

"Well, I have an idea," Jack said. "How about if I recommend that it is too dangerous to sail the boat under that bridge? They could simply dock it on the downstream side, rather than going in under it before docking. That would solve that."

Soon the guys had gone back inside and gone back to bed. The drive to the cabin was gravel. Water was piped in directly from the same ultra-pure spring that fed the bottling plant at the foot of the hill by way of a large pipe. Electricity and a landline phone had been strung in along the driveway up the mountain when the cabin was built shortly after their marriage, to give them at least the modern conveniences of a range and electric lights and a way for Jack to be reached in emergencies. But there were no computers or televisions in the simple, open-floor plan cabin, and no cell signal. The bedroom was in the loft, beneath the expansive skylight. Downstairs was an open living and dining area, a small kitchen, and a simple bathroom. It was a cozy retreat where the guys could get away from the inn, the police station and everything else now and then. And enjoy going bare-assed naked as much as they wanted, which was usually the entire time!

Ronnie had decided not to follow the guys on to their cabin after the unexpected tryst in the woods earlier that night. He was afraid if he got caught again he would blow his cover, Jack was as smart as he was hot, after all. So, he instead drove over and parked in the empty parking lot of the water bottling plant, and gazed up the mountain with his binoculars for a while. He could just barely make out the small white dot that was the night light on the electric pole outside Brad and Jack's cabin high above on the mountain. Eventually, he saw the Mothman coming flying in, hover, circle, and then fly back towards Pleasant View. He tried to give chase, but as usual the thing flew way too fast for that. Ronnie wondered if Brad and Jack had seen the creature, or slept through his visit to their mountaintop retreat. Ronnie drove on towards Pleasant View, and circled down along the deserted Riverfront Boulevard. Finally, he had caught up with the Mothman, as he could plainly see it sitting on top of an old bridge nearby. What the hell was it with that thing and bridges anyway? It soon flew off and out of sight. An hour later Ronnie was back at his ratty apartment, damn glad this was early Sunday morning and he could sleep in instead of having to drive that damn UPS truck.

Brad and Jack were up by just after 7:00 that morning, in spite of having had their sleep interrupted by the Mothman. They wanted to make the most of their day on the mountain, and since this was Easter Sunday, they would be able to stay another night before heading home, since Jack was off Monday for the holiday, and things at the inn and store were going to be handled by the others. Easter weekend was a slow tourism weekend anyway, because most people were at home with their families. Pleasant View PD usually had a slow weekend then too, perhaps even criminals had some sort of reverence for the occasion, who knows?

Brad fixed them a simple breakfast, and afterwards they both showered and delighted in not having to dress. Jack gazed at the thermometer out on a porch post and noted that the temperature had already started climbing even at just before 8:00 that morning, it was already 69 degrees, and the high was predicted to reach the low 80s.

"Want to go for a walk, baby?" Jack asked.

"Yes, I sure do," Brad said. He adored being naked in nature with his husband. It seemed somehow especially appropriate on this particular morning to go out in the buff and enjoy some of God's beautiful creation, so to speak.

Jack had already developed some simple walking trails around the large top of the mountain even before the cabin had been built. A short distance down their driveway from the cabin, another gravel road branched off and went about a quarter of a mile to the spring, but it was only used on the rare occasions that repairs were needed to the water receptacle which diverted part of the spring's natural flow through the pipe down to the water bottling plant. The majority of the time it just served as a wider walking trail out to the prettiest spot on the mountain. As the sun rose higher and warmer in the sky, Brad and Jack were walking hand in hand out that little road, totally nude except for their flip-flops. Birds were beginning to sing, and everything had that fresh, new look of an early spring morning. The guys paused beneath a beautiful redbud tree for a moment about halfway to the spring.

They hugged, and then kissed. Brad loved the feel of Jack's bare chest against his own. Neither man was sexually aroused just yet that morning, and no wonder after all of the fun of the previous night. This was pure romance instead. The tender kiss continued for a while, as Jack gently stroked his big warm hand across the small of Brad's back and pulled him closer.

"I love you so much, Bradley," Jack finally said.

"I love you too big guy, with all my heart," Brad replied. "I want you to know that playing like we did last night is just some extra fun. Alone on a mountaintop with you is what is real – this is love baby, and I always feel like I am in a dream when I am with you – and I always will."

"Damn, baby, go to work for Hallmark," Jack quipped, but he felt the same way and Brad knew it. Brad play-punched Jack's bare furry stomach then and they both laughed. But all jokes aside, both guys felt extremely lucky, first and foremost to have one another, but also for the many material things they had now. When Brad and Jack had first gotten together, they had been Miz Vivian's diagonally-across-the-street neighbors, in the modest old ranch style house which Jack had kept in his divorce from Holly.

Brad had worked data entry then, and Jack was an officer, and of course not yet the chief. They had a good middle class income. Jack had the property on Smith's Mountain which an uncle had left him, but it was just a beautiful, undeveloped place to enjoy nature. Then had come a major drama in which with Miz Vivian's and Hank's help (along with some very major strings Miz Vivian had pulled) they managed to successfully block a coal company (which had owned the mineral rights, even though not the land) from doing the awful mountaintop removal mining which would have ruined the mountain.

After that the partnership for the bottling plant had been formed. It initially had seemed it would be a true goldmine, but a national distribution deal had fallen through. The plant was still very lucrative, however, with the spring water being marketed regionally by the local Coca-Cola bottler down in Corbin, Kentucky. Then had come Miz Vivian and Hank's ridiculously generous gift of the inn and mercantile. Of course while worth a lot, the old mansion, its upkeep, and its operation as an inn all also involved as much overhead as profits, sometimes. Last, but not least, the guys still owned Jack's former house, which they rented out. So, by the time everything was added and subtracted, Brad and Jack had a very comfortable yearly combined gross income somewhere in the very low six-figures; not rich by city standards but nearly so by rural Kentucky standards, and far better off than either of them had ever had it growing up, for sure.

Jack's father had run off to California in 1976, the year Jack was born, unable to face the reality of being gay. So Jack had been raised in rural far-Eastern Kentucky by a single mother. His free-spirited, half-Jewish, all hippie, Brooklyn-native mother Alice (who had followed Billy Jack back to his native Annandale, Kentucky after they had actually met at Woodstock) still lived up there in Annandale. Alice had eventually forgiven Billy Jack for running out on her because he was gay, and she had helped Jack first start to get to know his father a few years before, when Billy Jack had finally moved back to Kentucky from San Jose, following the cancer death of his longtime partner.

Back in '76, Billy Jack and Alice had already been shacked up and never married while living back in Annandale for a few years when Jack had come along and Billy Jack had run off. Alice gave Jack her last name, Albertson, rather than Billy Jack's last name, Smith. As a token of his appreciation to both Alice and Jack for forgiving him all those years later, Billy Jack Smith had changed his last name to Albertson, at the time he and Barney had gotten legally married in another state. Barney still went by Finkster for business purposes, as his Finkster's Devine Blooms & Bridal Shop flower shop and wedding planning business was known throughout the area, but his newly-issued Social Security Card now read Bernard Q. Finkster-Albertson.

The ever-witty Alice had quipped in her typical fashion when she learned that Billy Jack was now an Albertson too, "Wouldn't marry me back thirty-some years ago when you knocked me up, let alone give me your name, and now you take MY last name, Oy!" But Billy Jack knew she was just picking on him. Alice, really for Jack's sake, appreciated Billy Jack's kind gesture of making his last name finally match that of the son he had not been there to raise.

Brad's family had been in the area since well before the Civil War, and his folks had raised him on a modest farm just south of Pleasant View, but had sold it and moved to Tennessee around the time Brad and Jack had first married. Yes, the guys knew they had very much to be thankful for as they enjoyed being naked and natural in nature together on that Easter Morning.

They then continued their walk, and soon were at the spring. Jack had ensured that great care was taken not to mess up the spring's original source. To look at it, one still saw the same large outcropping of rocks, with a waterfall cascading beautifully out of them down over rocks which formed a large natural staircase-like formation, and then into the source of the creek the spring fed. The creek then rushed quickly down the side of the mountain, and eventually emptied into the Shawnee River a few miles away down in the valley below.

The receptacle that fed the pipeline down to the water plant was concealed in back of the rock formation, and was set so that while it got the water before it started down, some was still allowed to go naturally down, so that the falls never ceased to flow, even as a lot of the ever-plentiful spring water was diverted to the plant. It was beautiful to behold on that spring morning, the cold, clean water rushing over the rocks, a bit of steam rising in the morning air, and gorgeous pink and purple and white creeping phlox that Brad and Jack had planted all around the rocks after they had married were in full bloom. This color, and the green of the natural moss on the rocks, made a beautiful contrast to the clear, gushing water of the spring's waterfall.

"C'mon!" Jack exclaimed, grinning and laughing a hearty laugh that Brad found so sexy.

Jack kicked off his flip-flops, and scampered barefoot and naked over the phlox, and onto the smooth rocks which provided a natural walkway out to the large, flat, moss-covered rock shelf out in the middle of the rushing falls. Brad soon followed and in a minute they were both laughing and tumbling down onto the moss -covered area together. Both sets of their feet went inadvertently into the water as they flopped down on the little island side by side. "Good grief!" Brad shouted, retracting his bare feet quickly back onto the mossy ground.

"No shit!" Jack laughed as he did the same. The water pouring out of the spring was still freezing cold, having not yet warmed up a bit from the winter, in spite of the run of summer-like weather they had just been having that April. For that matter, even in the hottest part of summer this water was always pretty cold, but that was good because it made a great place to skinny dip on hot, humid summer afternoons.

Jack rolled on top of Brad then, and they kissed with more passion than in the tender kiss earlier under the redbud tree. The sun was getting higher and warmer now, and it felt good on Brad's bare ass cheeks as he felt Jack's dick getting hard against his own.

"God, I love you baby!" Jack said over the sound of the rushing water.

"You too," Brad said again, kissing Jack hard again after saying so.

They rolled around there on the soft carpet of moss for a while, making out and kissing and just enjoying being there together, one with nature and each other. This soon turned into full-fledged slow love making, as Jack's hot mouth had moved slowly down Brad's quivering body until it found its prize. Brad inhaled sharply as Jack took his cock all in one gulp, Jack's nose resting against Brad's bush.

"Oh, Jack!" Brad gasped as Jack began bobbing his head, grinning up at Brad as he sucked that thick cock.

They both wanted this to be a long, slow lovemaking session outdoors, however, so Jack brought Brad to the brink a couple of times, but stopped short. They both totally loved edging, anyway. After the second time of this, as Brad moaned and gasped stopping just short of the point of no return, and as Jack had gotten himself pretty close as well by jacking off while sucking his husband's fat tasty dick, they stopped, both breathing hard, and Jack came up next to Brad. They both stretched out fully on their sides, and wrapped their arms back around each other. They talked, faces inches apart in the way that only true lovers destined to be together forever do.

"Damn, this is so nice, babe," Brad said with a smile. "Not only being here with you and being able to make slow, sweet love like this, but being able to run around naked up here all we fuckin' want!"

Jack laughed and agreed. "Yes, I was a repressed nudist for years and I think you were too, and we sure as hell can't be naked around our pool at the inn like we were back when we lived in my old house – that's the only drawback to our setup there, I guess," Jack said, laughing again.

"Gotta watch out for the fucking ticks though," Brad said with a laugh. Both guys had hosed the other down with spray repellant and sunscreen as they always did when going out on the mountain, but still, one could not be too careful – the only drawback to this setup here.

Soon their passion was flaring again, and they were stroking each other's cock. This was still one of their favorite things to do together, as they both felt mutual masturbation and how intense it could be was overlooked by far too many couples. They rubbed each other slowly, deliberately, kissing deeply as this went on for nearly twenty minutes.

They both had been to the brink twice during the oral session Jack had started on Brad earlier. Now, they had both hit the edge twice more while stroking one another.

"Uh!!!" Brad moaned, "Oh, fuck, baby, stroke it! Stroke my – UGH! cock, Jack!"

"Ahh-ah! AHH!" Jack only groaned in reply, feeling his own nuts churning.

As Brad and Jack made love by the mountaintop spring, Eric and Justin were discussing the nightmare Eric had the night before. "Well, we are planning to be on that boat," Eric said, still shaken by the vision he had seen in the dream.

"I know, but you can't let a bad dream ruin it for you, not even with all that crazy shit that went on last week with the Mothman. You probably were just thinking about all that stuff, since you've always been interested in it anyway, and I'm sure hearing about Rayann's dream caused you to have your own," Justin reasoned, as they were still lying in bed naked together, having slept in on that Sunday morning.

"You are probably right, Just', Eric said, snuggling closer to his hot muscular cop man's furry chest. "After all, whatever was going on seems to have stopped now anyway."

Brad and Jack had obviously not yet seen Justin and Eric to tell them about Brad's own dream, or about Billy Jack's strange meeting with Indrid Cold the night before. Jack wanted to keep all of that as quiet as possible, as he had already noted, but Eric and Justin would know, along with Barney and Billy Jack. Perhaps between the six of them, they could fulfill Indrid's wish to stop whatever evil was about to beset Pleasant View. But, on that Sunday morning, Eric and Justin were able to think that it was over and that Eric had simply had a bad dream.

"That was so fucking hot with Brad and Jack last night," Justin said, happy to change the subject.

"Mmm, yes it was!" Brad agreed. "I can't wait to do more with them, babe."

"Me either!" Justin agreed. The guys shared a long kiss before getting up and heading to shower and have breakfast.

Moments before, Ronnie was naked sitting in front of his laptop in bed, having awoke and immediately logged into his favorite exhibitionist webcam site to let the masses watch him having his morning jack off session.

"Ugh!" Like this big dick, baby?" He said seductively to a woman who was typing how wet he was making her tight pussy.

"Yes, I want to slide my slutty wet cunt down on it!" came her type-written reply.

Ronnie rubbed his hands over his lean, muscular, furry chest.

"Your chest is so fucking hot," the wet-cunted lady typed in response to that.

"Yes, it is nice, isn't it?" Ronnie asked cockily.

Ronnie knew that many men and women alike would love to ride his rock hard nine and a half inch prick that morning, even if had been many years since he had given either that pleasure.

"Mmm," Ronnie growled, although he really had no plans to have sex with anyone but present company, himself, again anytime soon. He did have to admit that last night's jacking off in front of the two hot cops and that one's husband had been intense though.

Two guys were egging Ronnie on in the chat now as well, and Ronnie was also watching both of them on cam, while wishing Ms. Moist Cooch was on cam so he could watch her, too. One of the guys was a hot stocky college guy redhead with a sexy Southern accent, the other a muscular middle-aged African American man with a fat dick oozing buckets of precum. Soon, with a grunt Ronnie splattered cum all over himself as his online admirers reached their own climaxes. Soon Ronnie was eating some of the hot cum off his lean, furry chest, much to the delight of the remaining viewers.

Meanwhile, Brad and Jack's orgasms were sweeping through them as they stroked each other's hyper-edged dicks by the mountaintop spring.

"Fuck! OHHHHH!! AH-ahhh-ahhhhhh!" Jack moaned and gasped as six huge volleys of cum broke forth from his throbbing fat prick. Brad followed suit, emitting his own yells of pleasure and huge load.

Later, after walking back to the cabin, Brad and Jack headed out to the front porch swing, still totally, wonderfully, bare-assed naked, and enjoyed swinging there together in the sunshine as the radio inside the open window of the cabin's living room was playing the country music oldies station out of Smithville.

"Hello, little bluebird..." came Donna Fargo's sugary voice on one of her old country classics. Jack and Brad smiled and pulled each other close, as the warm mountaintop breeze swept over the two nude lovers. Soon they were both dozing there in the swing together, with Jack's arm around Brad's shoulders, and Brad's hand nestled contently in the thicker patch of dark fur in the center of Jack's warm, broad barrel chest. Life was sweet that Easter.

Earlier, Indrid Cold had been sitting drinking a cup of coffee with Mr. Apol in a café in Smithville. Remarkable how similar Columbian beans and Lanulos beans tasted if brewed correctly, Mr. Cold had mused. They had arrived in the old Cadillac, and apart from a few odd stares, nobody seemed to think too much of the odd-looking short/tall pair. One narrow-minded Baptist bitty who had come in for a sandwich after church would later tell a friend that she thought, "some of them damn Mormans was right here in town!" mistaking Mr. Apol's and Mr. Cold's black-suited, white-shirted, black-necktie attire for the admittedly similar wardrobe of the door-to-door visiting members of that particular sect. Little did she know that at times both Cold and Apol wished it was here as it was back in their homeland of Lanulos. There, cities were called "gatherings," everyone pretty much lived in peace, harmony, and social justice, free from disease and war, and everyone also was nude at all times - this was considered normal rather than taboo there, and the climate was suitable for it as well. But, Indrid reasoned, maybe in a few more centuries this place will be as evolved - and advanced - as where I came from. And maybe eventually my work will be done and I can go back to Lanulos for good. After all, at 65 Indrid Cold was only just getting into middle age for a man of his kind.

Once back in the car and driving back out towards where their flying vehicle was concealed in a remote area outside of town, they communicated in their own language. If the tiny highly-advanced computer in Indrid's shirt collar had been turned on at the time, it would have translated, for the benefit of any human ears present, his comments as follows:

"We must contact our Superiors at once upon reaching the Quantum Continuum Vehicle, Apol," Indrid was saying. "I do not know why They have not given us further instructions yet, but as soon as They do, then I will need to get another message to Billy Jack in accordance to any changes." Mr. Apol nodded, as the odd pair rolled on down the narrow two-lane road in their slick old Cadillac.

A bit later, back over by Pleasant View Lake at that time, "I have an idea," Eric said, with a naughty grin as he and Justin were just finishing their lunch out on their deck overlooking the lake.

"Oh, Lord, what now, horndog?" Justin grinned back in reply.

"Why don't we go up to the mountain and surprise Brad and Jack?" Eric said.

"You don't think it would piss them off? You know that mountain is their special run-naked-together-and-sing-like-John-Denver getaway or some shit," Justin replied with a chuckle.

"Take me home, country roads, to the place, where I belong," Eric sung, laughing.

"You are silly as hell, but I still love ya!" Justin said. The guys had been hiking with Brad and Jack on the mountain more than once and were familiar with it and how beautiful it really was, but they also knew that at times Brad and Jack went there alone for an almost meditative, retreat-like experience together – plus plenty of hot outdoors sex, undoubtedly.

"Last of the true romantics, but I love you too, big guy," Eric said. "But, I'm serious. I think after last night it would be so hot to slip up there and surprise them – you know they talk about being naked together up there the whole time in warm weather like this."

"Sounds good to me. If they are pissed, we'll apologize and go, but something tells me they'll be as horny as this is making me," Justin said. As he stood up to clear the dishes the big tent in his khaki shorts punctuated his point.

Meanwhile over in Smithville, a late lunch was taking place in the same café that Indrid and Mr. Apol had been in earlier. On one side of the table was an overly made up forty-something woman who looked like an odd, buck-toothed, and much trashier juxtaposition between Liza Minelli and Joyce Dewitt, the actress who had played Janet on "Three's Company," when they were both her age. Across the table sat a petite and pretty blonde, who looked sweet until you knew her only slightly, and figured out that behind the demure masked lurked a ruthless copperhead, ready to strike whenever necessary. That these two were now the best of friends was highly unlikely indeed, given their history with one another. They both also had one hell of a history with much of the whole area, too.

The Liza/Janet looking woman was none other than Avalene Amburgey, notorious for being basically a man stealing slut in both Pleasant View and Smithville. The blonde was Holly Jones, who had taken back her maiden name now – she had once been Mrs. Jack Albertson, and after that she was very briefly Mrs. Larry Cooper. Three years before, Avalene had been having an affair with a married wealthy banker, Tom Huddleston, who she married after successfully taking him away from his wife. Meanwhile, Holly had left Jack (who soon after met Brad and figured out he was gay) for Larry Cooper, a good-for-nothing scrawny little redneck asshole.

Avalene had then proceeded to cheat on her new husband Tom by fucking around with Holly's new husband Larry. Avalene also helped Larry and a homophobic closet case Pleasant View cop gone bad named Luke Hannity figure out the best time to rob the bank for which she had been head teller. Luke and Larry were both still serving long sentences in the federal pen' for that crime, as well as for another scheme they had been mixed up in at the same time. In the process of trying to cover that up, the men had murdered Miz Vivian's poor old handyman.

They had been using an elaborate ghost ruse to steal antiques from the inn back when Miz Vivian still owned it, and had been using other illegal means to steal antiques from other sources as well. They also got mixed up with a local bigoted homophobic closet case preacher named Leroy Fawlkes, who when not busy either secretly sucking cocks or spewing hate from his pulpit, was fencing their stolen goods for them.

That whole mess had culminated in Jack getting shot by Fawlkes but surviving thanks to his bullet-proof vest. Miz Vivian had prevented Fawlkes from going for a kill-shot on Jack by blowing Fawlkes away just in time, with just one shot from the pretty little pearl-handled revolver she kept in her nightstand. Surviving that whole ordeal together was a large part of what had led Miz Vivian to become like a second mother to Brad and Jack, and to ultimately decide to turn the inn over to them and to become their business partner in the water operation.

In the aftermath of all that, Luke Hannity and Larry Cooper had gotten long federal prison sentences, while Avalene had walked, in spite of having conspired with them to help them pull off the bank robbery. She had turned state's evidence on them, and had gotten off with nothing more than losing her job and a stint of probation. And she didn't give a damn about the job anyway, because ever since she had stolen her rich husband Tom Huddleston, she figured she was set for life anyway. Once Luke and Larry were away in the pen', Tom had forgiven Avalene for cheating on him (after all, what the hell did he really expect, given that she had broken up his previous marriage!)

They had been part of a scheme that would have brought the horrible process of mountaintop removal coal strip mining to the top of Smith's Mountain, and for a while it had looked like the archaic mineral rights laws applicable to the coal beneath Jack's land were going to allow that to happen. Jeremiah Gilbert who was the then-chairman of a now-defunct coal company had planned to do the mining and flatten and ruin the pristine mountaintop, and Tom and Avalene had planned to then use the newly-flattened mountaintop to build a tacky resort. That all fell through when Miz Vivian successfully pulled strings to get the EPA to save the mountain due to the pureness of the spring water, which of course had in turned led to Miz Vivian's, Brad's and Jack's partnership in the bottling plant, and to Brad and Jack ultimately still having the mountain as their own little private nudist nature retreat.

And so, after all that history, now, three years later, Avalene still hated Jack and his friends for foiling her and Tom's plans to get even more rich and open the resort she had secretly planned to call Avalene's Overlook, a tacky monument to herself. And Holly still hated Jack for not going back straight and taking her sorry ass back when she had so blatantly thrown herself at him after he was already living with Brad, back when Larry had gotten arrested. Their mutual hate for a lot of the same people was what had led the unlikely and unlikable pair to actually eventually become BFF's. That, and the fact that Holly was a major league social-climbing biotch of the first degree who readily forgave Avalene for boinking Larry, so long as it meant some chance for Holly to hone herself into some small corner of Avalene and Tom's wealthy circle.

It had worked. Avalene had gone to beauty school on Tom's dime, and had opened a whole chain of salons, not that she ever lowered herself to actually do any real work in any of them. Instead, Avalene just flounced from one to the other terrorizing the help and flirting with the male clients, mostly. Holly managed the branch in Smithville and did hair there as well. But, more than that, Holly was also Tom and Avalene's chief conspirator in whatever underhanded, cutthroat schemes they were involved with at any given moment to feed their greed. She had also become their frequent bed partner. And that of damn near any man they needed to seduce for their schemes, as well.

"Holly," Avalene was saying to her best gal-pal as they sat in the café that Easter afternoon, "That was one hell of a story you just told me, sounds like you actually ENJOYED it this time." She lowered her voice and leaned across the table before continuing, "You don't his wife will suspect, do you?"

"Of course not, Avalene," Holly replied confidently. "I'm not stupid, I have it all covered, and soon we are all going to reap the benefits, majorly."

"Good. Too bad you're the one who is his type, I wouldn't have minded being the one to get that one into bed myself!" Avalene exclaimed quietly, with a conspiratorial wink.

An hour later it was 3:00 and Brad and Jack were just heading back outside after finishing their own even later light lunch, which they had fixed after awakening from their unplanned naked naptime in the front porch swing. Their dicks and balls swung to and fro as they walked together down a path through the cool shade of tall pines, in the opposite direction from where they had gone that morning. They were still totally naked all but the flip-flops, but Brad was carrying a tote bag.

After a hike of about thirty minutes, they had reached another of their favorite places on the mountain. This was a big, nearly round clearing in an otherwise dense and expansive stand of ancient pines. The ground was especially rocky here, which probably explained why no trees had grown in the area. The rocks were covered, though, beneath ages of soft pine needles and decked in places by ferns and moss. The hot afternoon sunlight was filtered here, like light through a prism and it was a beautiful, quiet place.

Brad pulled the blanket from the tote bag, and spread it there in the middle of the clearing. Anytime they had a chance to spend a weekend on the mountain they came here at least once. Sometimes they just sat and talked and cuddled. Sometimes they picnicked, and often they made love. Today they both, without having to say so, planned to enjoy slowly doing all three to use the rest of the afternoon. They both already felt so at peace, relaxed, and happy here. Not to mention the fact that horniness was already creeping back into their minds, courtesy of their ever-blissfully-high sex drives.

They had a slow, romantic after-lunch picnic snack together of grapes, cheese and wine, which Brad had brought along in the tote. As they drank their wine and he gazed over the big sexy nude body of his man, seated there with one leg back in under himself, leaning lazily on an elbow, Brad thought again that he was the luckiest man alive to have Jack to call his husband, and Jack felt very much the same. Soon they were lying in one another's arms again there in the cool. The kissing started again, just as it had that morning at the spring, slow, gentle, patient, no rush, no hurry, just slow wonderful lovemaking.

Meanwhile, Justin and Eric had driven to the cabin. They had correctly guessed that Brad and Jack would be out somewhere on a naked hike on a day this gorgeous, but they checked at the cabin first to make sure. Finding it unoccupied, Eric asked Justin if they should sit on the porch and wait on the other guys to get back or what.

"Well, the whole point is to surprise them, so I say when in Rome do as the Romans," Justin said, already pulling his t-shirt over his head to reveal his tanned, muscular furry chest. Eric got the idea and soon they were both naked, having tossed their clothes into the front porch swing. Like Brad and Jack, Eric and Justin were soon padding in their flip-flops down the same trail. This was a lucky guess on Eric's part, but Brad had told them which places were his and Jack's favorite to go make love and spend time together in, and they knew that if not there then the other guys would be at the spring.

Eric and Justin stopped, quietly, as the clearing came into view from down the narrow trail through the tall pines which led to it. By now Brad and Jack had swung into an on-their-sides 69 there on the blanket, slowly, deliberately sucking on one another's raging cocks. Eric and Justin both immediately went completely hard and began to stroke their own dicks slowly, but Justin gestured in a way that let Eric know that he wanted to just watch for now. As they watched, Brad and Jack continued slowly sucking each other, hitting the edge an amazing three or four times over the next twenty minutes or so. By now Eric and Justin were both dripping precum onto the forest floor and having to stop jacking to keep from losing their own loads.

"Uggghh!" Jack was exclaiming in a low moan, as Brad's dick plopped from his mouth. "You are going to push me over the edge, babe!"

Brad stopped sucking Jack then, and smiled. "Not yet, I want that load inside me, Chief."

Soon Jack was lying on his back, Brad on top, their bodies pressed together horizontally, their mouths and tongues and cocks all thrashing against one another in pure love and passion. Justin and Eric had begun to stroke each other's cock now, and were kissing as well as they secretly watched their friends. Justin made a motion with his hand for Eric to follow him. They walked into the edge of the clearing together, but Brad and Jack were so into the hot frot that was taking place now, Brad's cock grinding over and over against Jack's that they didn't notice at first.

"You guys are fucking beautiful together when you make love," Justin said sincerely, and in a tender tone that Eric was used to when they made love themselves, but which Brad and Jack were hearing for the very first time. They stopped grinding, and looked toward Justin and Eric. They both smiled when they saw their two closest friends standing across the clearing, buck naked and hard as hell. A clear drop of precum fell from Justin's throbbing knob just as Brad and Jack looked his way, in fact.

"Mmm, thank you," Jack growled simply. "What a nice surprise, guys!"

"Oh yeah," Brad grinned. He had just been thinking there was no way this day of lovemaking could get any nicer, when it clearly just had.

"I hope you don't mind us surprising you like this," Eric said, "we watched for a little while before walking on out here into the open."

"And?" Jack asked in a seductive tone. He and Brad were both getting up then. They began to walk toward Justin and Eric, their hard dripping cocks leading the way. Something like an electric current passed between the four nude friends there in the filtered forest sunlight. This felt so different than the impromptu session with Ronnie and Gunnar had last night. That was hot – this was too – but in such a different way. No one said anything, but each of the couples was pleasantly surprised at how they were feeling the same tenderness in this setting that they would have had either couple been there alone – as Brad and Jack had been until minutes before.

"And?" Jack asked huskily again. By now he was standing just in front of his best friend, and put a hand gently to Justin's hairy chest.

"And like I said," Justin said staring directly into Jack's deep blue eyes, "You and Bradley are fucking beautiful together when you make love like that." Brad was standing close to Jack now, with his arm around him. Eric moved to stand just between Brad and Justin, wrapping an arm around each of them. The four friends stood there for a long moment in that circle, Jack's arm embracing Justin now, too, so that their arms formed the circle that surrounded them, even as strong feelings surrounded them all, as well.

"Thank you," Brad finally said softly. "We would both really like to - - share our lovemaking with you guys. No better place for that than right here."

"Yes," Jack added simply, looking from Justin to Eric and back again.

"Let's all - - let's - make love together, guys," Justin said, his cock throbbing and voice actually trembling with emotion a bit. Without another word the four of them made their way to the blanket and tumbled down gently onto it together, bodies and mouths entwining as things seemed to take in the same kind of sweet, hazy, blissful slow motion that was always present for Brad and Jack here in their special place. Hands reached and caressed, mouths and tongues mingled, hot bodies touched, throbbing dicks found one another.

Everyone moaned gently in pleasure, lust – and, they realized, in the kind of true loving friendship that each couple really did feel for the other. Brad and Jack's lovemaking when they were alone was completely unique and special. The same was true for Justin and Eric. But now, here in the forest on the soft old blanket, as the four lovers all entwined, they knew that the heat they were to share would be in itself unique and different from any other trysts each couple might choose to engage in with any other third or couple. For one thing, they all knew that playtime could be fun with other guys, but full-fledged anal intercourse would be only between the four of them. No limits, no restrictions, just passion between each member of each couple, their husband, and their best friend. And it would start here, and now, on this beautiful spring afternoon. Their hearts raced. Their dicks throbbed.

Jack and Justin were embracing and kissing now, as Eric and Brad did the same. Cocks had been sucked, jacked, and frotted, and everyone was at their most heightened state of arousal here in this charged, wonderful atmosphere together. It was time to make love – and to make it via the intercourse that the two couples knew they would only share with one another. It was time for lovemaking – and raw, unbridled, bareback mansex. Justin and Eric had shared that only with each other since they had been together, except of course also with Bubba and James before they had moved. Brad and Jack had only shared it with each other. But, now, each couple had the other with whom they could also share this purest, most natural form of lovemaking – the trust was there, the feelings were there, the throbbing cocks and hot bodies were there. It was time to make love for the first time in the presence of the other couple. It was time for some good, raw, passionate, bareback fucking.

Brad leaned and whispered something in Eric's ear just then, and Eric nodded with a smile.

"Jack," Brad said tenderly. "Eric and I both want to see you and Justin make love."

"Are you ready for that?" Jack asked Justin, his voice still low and tender.

"Yes, Jack," Justin said, gazing straight up into Jack's eyes as Jack was lying on top of him. They each felt the others leaking cock twitch and grow incredibly even harder in that moment. "Make love to me, Jack," Justin said. They kissed deeply, hotly, passionately, as Eric and Brad did the same mere inches away on the blanket. They were sitting up next to one another now, and began to stroke each other's throbbing member as they kissed. They broke their kiss soon, and gazed at Justin and Jack.

Jack had risen now to his knees, and from the profile view Eric and Brad both had, he looked magnificent. The afternoon sunlight highlighted the dark hair on his chest which led down over his belly to his lush bush. His cock was engorged fully, dark red, throbbing and dripping, and his balls looked ready to provide what Justin wanted to have so deep inside himself.

"Make love to him, baby," Brad repeated.

Justin was lying on his back, and began to raise his long, muscular, hair-dusted legs. Jack gently took an ankle in each hand and moved in. They both gasped in pleasure as they felt the hot throbbing head of Jack's thick trembling cock knocking now on the heat of Justin's backdoor. Jack reached over to the tote bag nearby and pulled out a tube of lube. He quickly greased his throbbing cock, and when he inserted a lubed up finger inside his best friend to make him ready, Justin let go.

"Ohh! GOD! I need you inside me, Jack! Fuck me!!!" He groaned.

And then, looking directly into Justin's eyes, Jack just plunged his bare rock hard six and a half by five and a half inch cut beer can cock balls deep into the tight hot warmth of Justin's hole, bottoming out with a grunt and holding it there.

"Oh Jack!" Justin groaned, and then repeated, "Fuck me. FUCK ME!"

Jack held nothing back then, and just started pounding his meat in and out of his best friend as hard as he could. Eric and Brad jacked each other off and groaned in pleasure as they watched Jack pounding Justin the way Justin had wanted for so long, Jack's big balls plop-plop-plopping against Justin's bare ass again and again as Jack made love to him in a no-holds-barred, hot and hard way that Justin was loving.

"Oh FUCK!! AH-UHHH!! UH!!" Justin was moaning and groaning in ectasy now. Jack was now stroking Justin's dick as hard as he was fucking his ass, and sweat was beginning to pour across both of their naked bodies as they hotly made love. "Oh, JACK!!! HARDER, HARDER!!! UH! UHHH!!! I LOVE THAT BIG FAT COCK INSIDE ME, BUDDY!!!"

"UH!!" Jack grunted in reply, "FUCK JUST', that ass is SO FUCKING TIGHT!!! Ah-Ahh-AH-UHH, YES!!!"

This went on for about ten minutes, with Jack occasionally slowing the amazing fuck he was giving Justin, allowing them both to ride the edge, as Brad and Eric were doing the same while making out, sucking, and stroking one another as they watched their husbands fucking so passionately right in front of them. Jack had paused again, letting his throbbing prick slip from Justin's hole.

"Fuck him, baby!" Jack said grinning at Brad. Justin nodded eagerly.

"Yes, let me ride that fat cock!" Justin exclaimed as he climbed into Brad's lap eagerly.

Soon Justin was astride the tall, cute, furry, stocky Brad, riding his thick pecker slowly, both of them moaning and enjoying their lovemaking. "Uh! Damn Brad, it is so thick!" Justin said in pleasure, as he kneaded Brad's furry chest and tweaked his tits.

"Oh FUCK yeah!" Brad exclaimed, "Ride my fat dick man!"

Jack and Eric were rolling around next to them, hotly making out, and soon Eric was gasping in delight as Jack entered him bareback for the very first time. Brad and Justin rolled around, and soon Jack was on top of Eric, fucking him hard in the missionary position as Brad did the same to Justin right against and next to them. Justin and Eric leaned over and kissed each other passionately, as their best friends pounded their asses hard.

"Ugh!! Ah-AHH!!" Jack groaned, feeling his balls start to churn. "I'm gonna fuckin' cum you full Eric!"

"Hell yeah, Jack, give me that big fuckin' load, stud – UHH!! AHH!!! AH!!" Eric shouted and moaned.

"UHHH!!! I'M GONNA GIVE YOU MY – UH, AHH!! – FUCKIN' LOAD TOO MAN," Brad said gazing into the sexy eyes of the hot stud cop beneath him as he pounded that sweet muscular hole.

"UHH!!!" Justin groaned, "Fucking yes, cum in me Bradley!! DO IT!!!"

Moans and groans and yells of pure pleasure soon filled the air as almost simultaneously the four friends reached explosive, mind-numbing orgasms the likes of which they had rarely experienced before.

Justin and Eric felt the cum oozing from their spent, satisfied holes as Jack's and Brad's cocks each started to soften and leave them. Everyone kissed and touched tenderly, and they lay there together for a long while before any words were said. Justin and Eric were covered in their own cum, which had exploded forth from their cocks as their best friends had climaxed deep inside each of them.

Finally, Jack broke the silence. "Fuck, guys, that was amazing. I am so glad Bradley and I decided to – share this with you guys. It was --- well, that was not just amazing sex – it was more. God you guys are hot. We love you both," Jack concluded simply, finally voicing what all of them had been feeling since the amazing session had first begun.

"Yes, we do," Brad agreed. "This is amazing, hot, and so fucking great. I can't wait to do this with you guys a lot. It is so great to be able to get off like that with our best friends."

Justin and Eric agreed completely, and Justin summed things up very well. "It is like we were all talking about when we agreed to try this in the first place. When Eric and I make love, there is nothing else like it. And we know the same is true for you guys. But, the four of us together, while something totally different – well honestly, it is just as hot and as special. And that was even more amazing than we thought it would be. You know we love you guys too, and this is just the beginning."

Soon the four men walked together back to the cabin and took turns showering. Justin and Eric agreed to spend the night, and as the sun set the guys enjoyed fixing dinner together and eating it out on the back deck of the cabin. No clothes were ever worn again that evening, and the guys found that their non-sexual aspects of their friendship were only enhanced by that freedom, and by the amazing love-making they had all shared earlier.

When much conversation and laughter had been shared, and everyone was growing sleepy and knew that it was time for bed, Justin and Eric looked a bit uncertain, as the cabin only had a couch in the small living room not nearly big enough for them both. But, upstairs in the loft which served as its one bedroom there was a big king-sized bed.

"C'mon upstairs, guys. Sleep with us tonight," Jack said, squeezing Justin's arm and looking over at Eric as well. Brad smiled and nodded.

The four naked friends and lovers all climbed the stairs toward the big bed happily together then.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several!

Next: Chapter 7

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