Chief Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Apr 19, 2014


Welcome back to the fictional world of Pleasant View, Kentucky! This story brings back the characters and locales I first introduced in 2011-12, in my previous series "Officer Jack Albertson," which can still be read in the Adult Friends section right here on Nifty.

*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. All aspects of the character of Brad Carson's physical appearance are completely based on me, although nearly all other aspects of the character's life are totally fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story and do not contact the author. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

Chief Jack Albertson – Chapter 5 – In Dreams

Billy Jack rounded a long bend along the Shawnee River, and then started up a hill. As he reached the top of the hill, from just above the dense forest to the right soon appeared the same odd craft Rayann had witnessed a few nights before. It descended right in front of Billy Jack, who instinctively braked and pulled the Jeep to a stop on the paved shoulder of the otherwise-deserted highway. As the door in the middle side of the sideways lamp-globe shaped object opened, revealing a lighted interior behind it, Billy Jack looked on in disbelief as the tall, thin figure of Indrid Cold stepped down from the vehicle as it hovered just above the ground, and started to walk towards the Jeep.

Billy Jack, like Eric, had done a good deal of reading about the 1967 events in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, long before all of this recent high strangeness had happened in Pleasant View, Kentucky. Billy Jack had grown up in Eastern Kentucky, a couple of hours east of Pleasant View, and much closer to ground zero for those weird events at the time, as well as the tragedy of the Silver Bridge. He remembered hearing about all of it back when he was just 16. Now he knew for sure that Woodrow Derenberger had told the truth, at least about what he had first seen along the then-new I-77 near Parkersburg so long ago. For Billy Jack was certain he was seeing the same strange craft and the very same infamous Indrid Cold right now.

Soon Indrid was standing by the driver's side window of the Jeep, which was already down. Billy Jack half expected to hear a creepy telepathic voice in his head, as this was supposedly how Indrid had communicated with Mr. Derenberger in their first encounter so long ago. Instead, Billy Jack heard the same equally-creepy computerized sounding voice that the drive-in girl had heard a few nights before when Indrid ordered his Reuben through the speaker there.

"Good evening, Mr. Albertson," Indrid intoned, his infamous ear to ear grin unwavering as usual. Billy Jack noted that the man was nearly seven feet tall, very thin, and he also had to admit that Mr. Cold was also really fucking handsome, even as creepy as that smile and all of the rest of this was. One thing Billy Jack was not was scared. He was convinced from all he had read of Keel and Barker's research on the first events that Mr. Cold was not a threat or an evil entity, and was certainly not the same being as the Mothman, all three of which he had been portrayed much later in the Richard Gere film.

"Well, hi there. Mr. Cold, I presume," Billy Jack replied, looking him right in the eye.

"Good, I see you are not afraid," Indrid said.

"Nope, not at all. But don't go trying to tell me my watch is in my shoe under the bed, `cause it ain't," Billy Jack quipped, referring to the scene in "The Mothman Prophecies" movie where their version of Indrid was convincing Richard Gere's character of his seemingly omnipresent knowledge of things.

"Ha. Ha. Ha," came the closest thing to a laugh that Indrid's voice – whatever the hell exactly produced it, that is – could muster. "You have a sense of humor, Mr. Albertson. That is good. But you know that was just Hollywood. I'm afraid they did not get my story nearly correct. Mr. Keel was much closer in his book, but he did not get it exactly right either. And I am afraid my late friend Mr. Derenberger – shall we say he embellished some points more than necessary?"

"Well, Hollywood damn sure got your voice right," Billy Jack commented.

"Not the ideal way for my kind to communicate with yours," Indrid explained. "But I find a facsimile of your human voice to be so much less intimidating than was the telepathy I used when I first started in this business so many years ago. It is not that I cannot open my mouth as some think - I can," Indrid opened wide for a sec, the grin actually leaving his face for once to demonstrate this, then continued, "- I just cannot speak on a register which your ears can understand."

"In this business?" Billy Jack replied, having to chuckle a little. "Why, Mr. Cold, you make it sound like you are a door to door salesman instead of, well – just whatever the hell it is that you are. And forgive me for interrupting our pleasant little chat to point this out, but if another car comes along you are going to have a hell of a time explaining granny's big old sideways coal-oil lamp hovering there," Billy Jack said, pointing to Indrid's craft as he returned Indrid's ever-present grin, which of course had returned, with as wide a one of his own as he could muster.

"You do have a good sense of humor, indeed. Never fear, Billy Jack. May I call you Billy Jack? No one will come along this road until we are done with our business. Of that I am sure," Indrid said, ever completely pleasant and total creepy all rolled into one.

"Billy Jack is fine, and I suppose I can call you Indrid? And let me guess, is your friend there in the doorway the one that was so damn fascinated by Mary Hyre's ballpoint pen back in '67?" Jack asked wryly, pointing to the short, odd-looking man dressed all in black who was standing in the open doorway of his and Indrid's flying machine. Billy Jack remembered Keel's account of the Point Pleasant newspaper reporter, Ms. Hyre's story of a strange man just like the one standing there in the doorway of the craft. She had told Keel about how he had come to her office in the courthouse in Point Pleasant during the time of the Mothman sightings, and was completely enthralled by a simple ballpoint pen, as though it was a totally new object to him.

"You really have read up on the events of 1967, haven't you, Billy Jack," Indrid said. "Yes, Ms. Hyre and Mr. Keel both reported that incident correctly. My fellow traveler there was overly eager and too easily found out as being – different from your kind – back then I'm afraid. But we were both very new to this then, and very young. That, by the way, is Mr. Apol."

"Alrighty then," Billy Jack replied, wondering what the hell this was all about, and hardly believing it was really happening to him. He still was not at all scared though, at least not of Mr. Cold or Mr. Apol. What concerned him was what the hell they were doing in Pleasant View, given what had happened the last time they and the Mothman had all decided to haunt a little corner of countryside together.

Billy Jack continued, deciding to get right to the point and ask the questions he believed that anyone who knew a thing about Indrid and his ilk should ask in this situation, "Just tell me the truth about who and what you are, where you are from, and most of all, what you are doing in Pleasant View now. And while you're at it, just what the hell is the Mothman? And which of you caused that bridge to fall back in '67?"

"My, my," Mr. Cold said. "An interrogation which would do your son the chief proud, Billy Jack. But why don't we take things one at a time here. I would not have stopped you had I not intended to tell you what you need to know. And you know that I will also see you again - in time."

"Um, you are fond of saying that, aren't you?" Billy Jack asked, remembering that this was Indrid's classic sign-off to those he encountered.

"Only when it is applicable," Indrid said cryptically. "And it is applicable to us, Billy Jack. Now, the reason I stopped you is to tell you that not all is what it seems. We each control not only our own destiny, but much of what happens to those around us, as well. Fate and chance do not play as much a role in events as your kind sometimes leads yourselves to believe, friend. Watch. Know. Act. It can change the future, as it could have changed the past," Indrid concluded.

Billy Jack paused and thought for a long moment before replying, "OK, but you still haven't really answered any of my questions. But, I think you are trying to tell me some shit is about to break lose here like it did in '67 in West Virginia – and that you think I can somehow stop it?"

"Not exactly, Billy Jack," Indrid replied sounding patient but also more than a little condescending. "But you are on the right path with that summation, however. Now, to your questions. I am a friend, you know that. I speak the truth and am here to help – when I can, when those who can be helped will receive it. I am Indrid Cold – if you cut me I would bleed just as you would. I am not immortal as some have suggested through the years – although my lifespan is much longer than your own. I am not completely different from your kind, just-"

Indrid paused for a moment and then continued, "Just shall we say much more – advanced. As to where I am from – Billy Jack, time and space are not at all always as your kind conceives them to be. Your Mr. Einstein was once on the right path in some ways, but the truth was so far beyond even his capabilities. I will admit that a bit of that "Lanulos" business Mr. Derenberger greatly embellished as to where I was supposedly from did originate from me."

Indrid paused again, as Billy Jack listened in true fascination, and sensed that Mr. Cold was truly one of the good guys, though perhaps to describe him in that way would be one of the great oversimplifications of our time – and that he was telling the truth. Indrid went on, "But, only because I explained from whence I came to Mr. Derenberger back at that time in a way I thought he might be able to even begin to understand. But, the truth is, in the realms of time and space the concept of where it is that I come from is beyond your comprehension – and anyway it is really completely irrelevant to who I am, where I go, and what I seek to do. "

Billy Jack nodded then, feeling inside like perhaps he was understanding something that was beyond human understanding as well as anyone like him could – which apparently was exactly Mr. Cold's point.

Indrid continued, "As to the Mothman – he is much different than you or I, Billy Jack. I should really be flattered that Hollywood dared suggest that he and I are one in the same. He has perhaps - - - always been. Only a power much higher than either you or I would know the true answer to that question. But, I can tell you this. The entity you know as Mothman is always a harbinger. And I am always a watcher – and hopefully an intercessor - when he is appearing in a particular place – or time. As to the Silver Bridge – let's say that at that time, some came to warn; others came to attempt to prevent through others, as they cannot directly interfere themselves – and all I can tell you clearly was that I certainly did not cause that event. And, as I told you in the original message I stopped to give you tonight: We each control not only our own destiny, but much of what happens to those around us, as well. Fate and chance do not play as much a role in events as your kind sometimes leads yourselves to believe, friend. Watch. Know. Act. It can change the future, as it could have changed the past," Indrid repeated in conclusion.

"I will take that to heart," Billy Jack said sincerely. "I am not sure I completely understand, but I will try to do what I can, though."

"Thank you, friend. And as I said you will see me again – in time," Indrid said, his trademark smile unwavering as he delivered his signature closing remark.

"Do you shake hands?" Billy Jack asked, figuring what the hell, since he had just – unbelievably - met one of the great cryptoids of all time in real life, might as well shake on it.

"Of course," Indrid said, extending his large hand through the window of the Jeep. They shook, and Indrid said what Billy Jack was thinking. "Remember, Billy Jack – I too am flesh and blood, like you – at least in that sense."

With that Indrid simply turned, walked back to his vehicle and as Mr. Apol nodded and walked away inside, Indrid followed. Billy Jack watched in amazement as the door closed, and the craft soon lifted silently off the ground. In mere seconds it was out of sight, lost among the stars of a beautiful spring evening in Kentucky. No sooner than it was gone did traffic pass along that stretch of highway in both directions, oblivious to the encounter Billy Jack Albertson had just had. Billy Jack thought about Indrid's message, and knew he had to go see his son Jack that night and try to figure out what it all meant and what to do next.

Billy Jack had no idea that Ronnie had been parked on a nearby gravel forest service road, and had walked stealthily to the edge of the woods along the highway just in time to overhear Indrid's entire conversation with Billy Jack through the open windows of the Jeep. Ronnie smiled to himself as he walked back through the woods toward the Crown Vic. His superiors would be so proud that he had managed to successfully track Cold and to overhear this important rendezvous. So Cold was going to go through that Chief Albertson's father to make his next move in all of this. Interesting. Ronnie started the car, and reported in through the encrypted satellite phone as he followed Billy Jack a few car lengths back.

Meanwhile, as Billy Jack drove back toward Pleasant View, still thinking about his strange encounter with Mr. Cold, he reached over and absently turned on the radio. "In dreams, I walk with you. In dreams, I talk to you..." came the silky voice of the late Roy Orbison. Billy Jack smiled. How appropriate, given the completely surreal and dreamlike events that he had just experienced.

Brad and Jack had arrived back home at the inn about the time Billy Jack's encounter with Indrid had begun. A friend of Irene's covered both the cooking and cleaning on Rayann and Irene's days off. She also watched the inn at various other times when Brad and Jack wanted to go out or needed to be away, as did Miz Vivian at times. Tonight, Irene's friend, Mary Sue, reported before leaving that nothing eventful had gone on, and that all of the guests were happy.

"I'd love to go up to the cabin and watch the lunar eclipse tonight, Jack," Brad thought out loud suddenly as they were climbing the staircase together.

"Don't see why not," Jack said, smiling. "Mary Sue will be here to take care of everything in the morning, and I know if you call Barney he will open up the store for you tomorrow, too." Fortunately Barney's flower shop was closed weekends, and he didn't mind occasionally working for Brad at the mercantile.

Miz Vivian's Mercantile, which Brad now owned and operated in a converted old structure across the back yard from the inn, was normally open from 9-5 on Saturdays, and closed Sundays. Between Irene, Rayann, and Mary Sue helping with the inn, and Miz Vivian or Barney covering the store on Saturdays, this allowed Brad to have his weekends completely free, if he so chose, and to be able to spend time with Jack, who was also off weekends.

Just as Brad and Jack were walking out the back door of the inn toward Jack's pickup to leave for the cabin, Billy Jack and Barney pulled up in the Jeep. On the way across town from their house Billy Jack had filled an astonished Barney in on what had happened with Indrid Cold on the side of the highway.

"Evening, Daddy, Barney," Jack said with a smile. "We weren't expecting you, but good to see you." Brad added his greetings, and Barney spoke back to Brad and Jack as well.

"I'm sorry to just show up – and I see that you were just leaving," Billy Jack said.

"That's all right," Jack said, "we are just going to go up to the cabin for the weekend – we just decided spur of the moment."

"Mmm-hmm," Barney rasped conspiratorially, "Brokeback Mountain time, huh, boys?"

"Oh, Lord," Jack said, blushing a bit.

Both Barney and Billy Jack were notoriously ornery and loved to embarrass Brad and Jack by joking about their sex lives. Brad found this funny, and was not as easily embarrassed as Jack was, so he usually just went with it.

"Damn right, Barney," Brad said with an evil grin, "And I bet the father is just as good as the son, too!"

"You know it, Bradley!" Barney said, giggling girlishly.

"You all are AWFUL!" Jack said, but had to laugh too.

"I have something very serious to tell you guys," Billy Jack said, "Otherwise we wouldn't keep you."

"Yeah, you all ain't gonna BELIEVE this shit!" Barney exclaimed.

"Well come over here and sit down, and tell us all about it," Jack replied.

The four of them were soon sitting in chairs around the pool, which had not yet been opened for the season. The balmy April night (the weather had swung in the last few days to unseasonably warm from unseasonably cold – such mood swings were typical for Kentucky's fickle mother nature, especially in spring.) At ten o'clock at night it was still 70 degrees.

Billy Jack told Brad and Jack everything that had happened with Indrid, as they both listened in amazement. Billy Jack then commented, "So, I gather that he is from somewhere else, too damn complicated for our little human pea brains to totally understand, but obviously elsewhere in time and space, suffice to try to say. Hell, maybe that lamp globe-looking thing he has evidently traveled around in for so many years now is equal parts time machine AND spacecraft, who the hell knows? But, apparently he didn't cause the Silver Bridge disaster back in'67 – and it didn't really sound like he thinks that the Mothman did, either. I gathered from what he said that the Mothman is, as he called it, a harbinger – he shows up when shit is about to hit the fan, big-time, basically. And evidently Indrid follows along – on behalf of whomever from wherever or whenever Lanulos really is - to try to keep said shit from happening – sort of change the course of time and human events for the better, I think – when he can, along with that little short creepy sidekick of his, Mr. Apol. I am guessing, if I'm right about all the rest of it, that it probably still haunts him that he couldn't prevent what happened back then in Point Pleasant," Billy Jack concluded.

Jack and Brad agreed that this was a plausible theory for thoroughly surreal circumstances. Jack commented, "If you are right, Daddy, that would mean that the Mothman is here because something terrible is about to happen in Pleasant View. And Indrid and his sidekick are here to try to influence some of us to keep whatever that is from happening, since they cannot for whatever reasons just directly prevent it themselves."

"Seems to all make sense, as fucked up as this all is," Brad agreed.

"I bet he appeared to you," Barney said with a dramatic flail of his wrist, "Because he saw that interest was `a dyin' down from all the hub-bub of a few days ago."

"Could be," Billy Jack replied. "He also knows that you are the chief and you are my son," he told Jack.

"Hmm," Jack said, his brow furrowing. "This puts us in an odd spot. Assuming Indrid avoids being seen again, which he seems to be good at, with the exception of when Rayann and her little girl spotted him the other night when that damn thing he flies around in was acting up, and assuming the fuckin' Mothman keeps his red-eyed self out of view, too, then we may be the only ones who don't think the whole thing has blown over. I have to be damn careful what I do here, though, because that bunch at the Army Depot sounded downright threatening when they advised' me to let the matter drop. Hell, until he met you tonight, Daddy, I thought maybe Indrid Cold was really some sort of G-man, a real life Man in Black', you know."

"I did too, to be honest, son," Billy Jack agreed.

"And if what he told you was true," Brad added, "then the Mothman isn't a government creation or accident either, as a lot of people used to think."

"Sounds like the government knows a lot about both Indrid and the Mothman," Barney reasoned, turning serious for once in his queeny life. "But they damn sure don't want us `little people' knowing what they know. Be careful, Jack, gawd-only-knows what length they'll go to if they are really covering this all up, and have been for this many years. This is too fuckin' 'X-files'!" Barney concluded.

From his hiding place behind the fragrantly blooming viburnum hedge nearby, Ronnie had to silently smile a little at that "X-files" reference. If people only knew how much more fucked up the truth was than even that show portrayed – but then keeping them from knowing that and freaking the fuck out accordingly was the whole point of his business, he supposed.

"Well, I'd say you all should go on and enjoy your weekend," Billy Jack said to Brad and Jack. "Indrid gave me that typical "see you in time" line when he was leaving – and to me it seemed to indicate that it isn't quite time for whatever big awful shit to hit the fan around here just yet – and that he'll probably come see me – perhaps with more about what we can do to stop it, I hope, before then."

Brad and Jack agreed with this, and soon the two couples told one another good night and they both drove away, Billy Jack and Barney heading back to their house, and Brad and Jack driving toward the getaway cabin they had built on Jack's property on top of Smith's Mountain shortly after getting married a couple of years before.

"In the middle of nowhere on a mountaintop. Are we sure this is the right night for that, after all?" Brad asked as they drove along.

"Well, daddy is a good judge of character – even fucked up time/space traveler guy character, I'd suppose," Jack reasoned with a slight chuckle, "So if he says Indrid is a good guy, that is good enough for me. And apparently according to Indrid the Mothman is not here to hurt us – just to get our attention in a big freaky way."

"You're right," Brad agreed. "And this may be weird, but I'd really kind of like to see both of them. Eric would be so fucking jealous though, he's been into all that shit for years!"

They both laughed a little at that thought. "You just mentioned Eric and fucking in the same sentence," Jack said then with a grin.

"Oh my God, was that not the fucking hottest thing a while ago," Brad said, smiling as he remembered their first sexual encounter with Justin and Eric which had taken place only a few hours before.

"Yes it was, and I can't wait for us all to fuck and fuck everywhichway we can," Jack said, feeling his cock stir in his jeans at the thought.

"Hell yeah, darlin'!" Brad agreed. "I love you so fuckin' much, baby, and I am so glad we have decided to play with Just' and Eric – it is going to get soooo good – just better with time, I think."

Jack agreed, and added, "Well, I will never grow tired of making love to you, Bradley, you know that. I love you with all my heart. But, let's be honest here, as `awww-sweet' as all our friends were about us doing the monogamy thing, and not to knock it for anybody else who is – but hell, after two years I think we were both NEEDING SOME FUCKING STRANGE!"

Brad burst out laughing at that. "One of the things I have loved about you from day one, Jack, was your bluntness. And, fuck yeah, as horny as we both are all the fucking time – well no matter how much we love each other – the whole `no other dicks but ours forever and ever' thing is just not enough."

"Dicks, bodies, asses, lips, chests..." Jack added, causing Brad to laugh. "Yeah, exactly – the whole package and having others besides our own to play with is going to be sooo fuckin' great – already was tonight – and because it is Eric and Just' – well honestly, we love them too as friends – so it's all good." - Brad said, "I have to admit, now that we have sorta tested the waters and did what we did with them tonight – to be honest, I think some fun with other guys besides just Just' and Eric now and then could actually be really hot too – but if we do anything with anybody other than them we would need to play safe, so that we can bareback with Eric and Just' when we get to that – they only want to do that with us, too."

Jack agreed, "I'd be fine with that with the right other guy or guys too, Bradley. We both already agreed going into this that the `making love' will still be just mine and your special thing, when we are alone – and in that sense nothing has really changed, when you think about it. But, hell, sex is just sex – and we are both horny all the fucking time, so why not. I don't think we'll have the same close connection with other guys that we would with Just' and Eric, but hell, why not get off for fun just the same if we get the chance!"

"Well, for you especially this is good. I had my slutty stage back when I lived in Rosemont before we met, you know that," Brad admitted, "But up until we played with Eric and Just' tonight, I was the only guy you'd ever been with. Hell, back when you thought you were straight, Holly was the only woman you had been with, for that matter. Which goes to show you are a good guy who is willing to sacrifice a part of his own strong sexual needs in order to be monogamous when he is committed to someone, which is totally respectable, but as we were just talking about –"

"Me and you are both just simply way too fucking horny for that shit," Jack finished his sentence for him.

"Yes, exactly. And since neither of us are the jealous/possessive type, like you said a minute ago, why not get off with other guys together just for fun if we get a chance?"

Jack was rock hard now as he drove the truck on through the starlit night toward Smith's Mountain. "Fuck, talking about this makes me so fucking horny!"

"Me too, baby," Brad replied, "I love the idea of shooting loads of cum with other hot men and just enjoying the hell out of every second of it – but still knowing I have you to make love with when it is just us."

"Fuck!" Jack exclaimed, "That is fucking exactly right, and to be honest, I will fucking love every minute of seeing you cum with other guys, and having you watch me do the same," Jack admitted.

"Oh yeah, it was so hot watching you with Eric and Justin tonight, Brad agreed. "Especially Just', he had been hungry for that cock of yours for a while, and it's showed – I can't wait to see you pound his ass hard!"

"Hell yeah!" Jack agreed. "They are both so damn hot. FUCK, I'm hard as hell!"

"Road head, Chief Albertson?" Brad asked wickedly, grinning.

"Hell yes!" Jack exclaimed, as Brad was already reaching for Jack's zipper.

Jack groaned and focused on both the pleasure and keeping his eyes on the highway as Brad was soon giving him a wet, sloppy blowjob, with Jack's cock out the fly of his boxers and jeans as they drove on through the night. This damn sure wasn't regulation – but Jack wasn't going to give himself a ticket for distracted driving though.

"Ugh - suck it baby!" Jack said as he was thinking that. Brad was really going to town on Jack's thick cop meat, and had his own dick out his fly jacking it furiously at the same time.

Just as they rounded a bend in the road, the blue lights kicked on behind them.

"Fuck!" Brad exclaimed, raising up off Jack's cock.

"That's a KSP cruiser," Jack said. He knew from the all-blue lights that the Dodge Charger behind them belonged to the Kentucky State Police. Pleasant View City and Castlerock County cruisers both had red and blue light bars, not solid blue.

"What the hell should we do," Brad said, noting that Jack's hard, fat cock was still jutting out of his jeans, as was Brad's own, as Jack pulled the red Ford F-150 into a deserted roadside park they had just been approaching and rolled to a stop.

"That's Gunnar Donaldson," Jack said quickly with a big grin, "He's the only Trooper on duty around here tonight. Quicker than either of us thought, for damn sure, but are you sure about wanting to test the waters with someone besides just Justin and Eric?"

It was the worst-kept secret in Pleasant View that Trooper Donaldson was bisexual, and by all accounts a terrific lay, too. He was six-foot three, with buzzed blonde hair, and the body of a Greek God – the man was pure muscle from head to toe, and by all accounts the muscle between his legs was as long and lean as the rest of him.

"Fuck yes!" Brad agreed returning Jack's grin. They both knew what to do, and they knew that Donaldson would be game. He had flirted with Jack for years now, after all, and always gave Brad the eye when they would all see each other at police functions, as well.

By the time Trooper Gunnar Donaldson walked up to the rolled-down window of the Ford and shined his flashlight inside, Jack and Brad had a hell of a sight ready for him to see. They basically had gone right back to what they were doing before he pulled them over. Gunnar's jaw literally dropped as he saw Brad going down on Jack's rock hard cock, which was sticking out the fly of his jeans, while Brad was stroking his own hard prick, also out his fly.

"Fuck!" Gunnar muttered simply.

Jack gave him a million-watt smile and said, "Not just yet, Trooper Donaldson, but for now he sure as hell is giving me a great blowjob!"

"Fuck!" Gunnar repeated. "Um, I just stopped you `cause your taillight is out, Jack."

"Ugh!" Jack grunted as Brad's efforts were feeling spectacular, "You don't say – AH, FUCK, Bradley! – Gunnar. Is that all that is on your mind – AH! – right now?"

"I'll let you guys get back to it, Jack, sorry I stopped you," Gunnar said nervously, but the huge bulge in his gray trooper pants said it all.

"Get your ass in this truck, Gunnar," Jack said simply. "Turn those fucking blue lights off, and nobody will pay any attention to us sitting here."

"Uh, OK," Gunnar said, looking like a wet dream was about to come true for him, "But pull on up next to the woods so we'll be out of sight of the highway."

Jack pulled the truck up to where Gunnar was indicating, but after thinking for a second, kept going down a dirt road that actually led into the woods for about a quarter mile. Gunnar followed, and pulled his trooper car to a stop behind them, having turned off the light bar before leaving the roadside park. He soon appeared at the passenger door of the truck, looking horny as fuck but a little confused and nervous at the same time. Both Brad's and Jack's hard cocks were still sticking straight up out of their jeans.

Brad hopped out and said, "Get in!" to Gunnar, who quickly scrambled in between them in the truck seat.

Gunnar called in on the radio that he was going off duty for a meal break.

"Good one," Jack laughed. "We both have something you can fucking eat, Trooper!"

"Um, I didn't think you guys played with anybody else?" Gunnar asked, as he absently rubbed his cock through his pants.

"We decided to open our relationship up some," Jack explained with a grin. "It's your lucky night."

"Oh, fuck yeah!" Gunnar said.

"You have a whole half hour for that meal break, Gunnar," Jack said. "As hot as it is the three of us in this truck cab, there is really more room in the back, you know."

"Fuck yeah!" Gunnar exclaimed.

Soon the three of them were in the back of Jack's truck, quickly getting each other naked. Jack's and Brad's hands were all over Gunnar, relishing getting him out of his uniform, which they did take care to pass through the sliding window into the truck cab so that it wouldn't be too totally messed up for him to put back on. Gunnar and Jack also both carefully put their guns to one side of the truck bed, where they would be in reach if needed (it's a cop thing) but safely out of the way of playtime.

Soon Brad and Jack were both totally naked, and together they yanked down Gunnar's boxer briefs so that he was, too. The warm spring night air touched all three of their naked bodies and the full moon had come out to illuminate the fucking hot scene there in the back of the pickup. Gunnar was in between Brad and Jack. The moonlight showed Brad's furry chest, chubby tummy, rock hard thick 5.5" by 5" cut dick with a bit of foreskin left beneath its ridge, and his furry nutsack, long legs and big number 14 feet.

Brad threw a leg over one of Gunnar's longer, much more muscular ones, and they both loved the heat of that contact. Gunnar was truly statuesque naked there in the pale white light from above. His cock was veiny, uncut, and eight and a half inches long, standing at full attention, the skin peeling back of its own accord and a drop of precum already leaking from the slit. His nipples were erect like pencil erasers, surrounded by his rock hard pecs and a hot dusting of blonde fur that continued over his eight pack down to the bush above that delicious-looking cock. His low hanging balls looked so full. Like Brad, he threw a leg over the leg of the man to his left, which of course was Chief Jack Albertson. Gunnar loved the feel of the black hair on Jack's leg rubbing against his own blonde-fur-dusted leg. Their muscular thighs were pressed against one another. Jack's beefy, but solid belly and furry chest shone hot in the light of the moon, and his gorgeous 6.5" by 5.5" cock was standing straight up at full attention. His dark blue eyes gazed into Gunnar's brown ones as Jack was the first to speak since they had quickly gotten naked and taken in the scene just described in just an instant.

"Glad you joined us here in the woods, Trooper?" Jack ask slyly, as he took Gunnar's impressive rod in his big warm hand and began to stroke it. On cue, Brad cupped Gunnar's huge balls and began to massage them. The trooper moaned loudly.

"Oh, fuck yes! Let's make the most of this thirty minutes, guys!" Gunnar replied, looking from one of them to the other. Soon he was passionately kissing first Brad, then Jack, then Brad again. Jack's mouth roamed to Gunnar's erect nipples, and began to lick and suck.

Soon Gunnar was going down on Jack, sucking the chief's throbbing cock in a way that showed he was no beginner. Meanwhile, Brad was sucking Gunnar's huge member, relishing the taste of it and going further down to lick those big nuts as well. Gunnar's hand felt fantastic as it squeezed Brad's meat tightly and stroked it rapidly. Everyone moaned and groaned together there in the night.

Soon they were all up off one another, kissing heatedly again, this time with Brad and Jack each coming in from their side of Gunnar's mouth, sharing a hot, wet, sloppy three-way kiss that went on and on. Gunnar grabbed both Brad's and Jack's throbbing, leaking cocks, one in each hand, and began to do the ski maneuver, jacking them both off expertly at once. Brad and Jack both groaned.

"Oh fuck, Gunnar! Stroke our cocks!" Jack yelled, loving the sight of the hot muscular blonde trooper stroking both his and Brad's rods there in the back of the truck. He reached over and started jacking Gunnar again in return, as Brad reached in and rubbed Gunnar's chest and rock hard abs.

By now, Ronnie was completely naked as well. He had been following Brad and Jack, and had carefully pulled off the highway to watch what would happen when Gunnar pulled them over. He had been surprised to see Jack's truck start down the dirt road into the woods, and Gunnar's cruiser follow it. Ronnie had parked his car back in the park, and had made his way as quickly and quietly as possible along the quarter mile of dirt road into the clearing where the trooper car and Jack's truck were parked. By the time Ronnie had gotten there, the three men were already naked and in the back of the truck, just getting started. Ronnie couldn't believe the luck – fuck this was hot – and to hell with Indrid Cold and the rest of it for now. Soon Ronnie had stripped totally bare-assed naked, and the moss on a tree trunk felt good against his bare ass as he leaned back, stroking that nine and a half incher with gusto as he watched the scene in the trunk.

"Ugh!" Ronnie moaned, when he saw that Gunnar was now jacking both Brad and Jack off. Jack's alert ears immediately heard Ronnie's grunt, in spite of the intense pleasure he was enjoying. Gunnar heard it too. The three naked men in the back of the truck all froze momentarily, and Jack and Gunnar grabbed their weapons.

"All right, who the fuck is there?" Jack demanded.

Ronnie stepped out into the moonlit clearing, his hands and his cock all up.

"What the fuck?" Jack said.

"It's the UPS guy," Brad exclaimed.

"Get the fuck over here, Ronnie," Gunnar demanded, recognizing Ronnie from deliveries he had made to the State Police Post.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Ronnie asked, walking over to the edge of the truck bed and peering in at their three hard cocks, his own dick and hands all still sticking straight up in the air.

"I would think that would be pretty fuckin' obvious," Jack said.

"And really fuckin' hot!" Ronnie had to exclaim. "Look, I won't tell anybody about this,"

He added.

"Good," Gunnar said, "And we won't do anything about you fucking spying on us either."

"Well, if you are going to be a bitch about it," Ronnie shot back, "This IS public property, so you three are just as guilty of indecent exposure and whatever the fuck else as I am right now."

"Actually, that is where you are wrong," Jack said. "Once we left the park and started down this dirt road, we are on my property. This is the other side of the foot of Smith's Mountain, and I own the whole fucking thing. The main road goes around the mountain like a horseshoe, and our water bottling plant is around on the other side, as is the driveway up to our cabin on top of the mountain, which is where we were heading tonight before this fuckin' hot dumbass" – Jack grabbed Gunnar's cock and gave it a tug then to punctuate his point – "decided to pull us over."

"The question is," Gunnar said, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Ronnie thought very fast then said, "Um, I was driving over to see a friend in Smithville and saw you pull these guys over in front of me, I slowed down to see what was up and then saw you all drive into the woods. I got curious so I parked and followed you up here – and fuck what a show!"

Jack and Gunnar both thought something was fishy as hell about Ronnie's explanation, but they let that slide for now.

"Well my fucking lunch break will be over before long and we were about to get each other off really fucking good beforehand," Gunnar said, "So why don't you get that huge cock and the rest of you up here in this truck bed and join us?"

Jack and Brad nodded their approval of Gunnar's suggestion, neither believing how amazingly hot this whole random thing was turning out – and both still completely, totally, horny as they could be, even if this was turning into their second four way of the night.

"I'd rather – watch," Ronnie said nervously.

"Suit yourself then," Gunnar shot back.

Soon Ronnie was sitting bare-assed on the raised tailgate of the truck, his feet on the floor of the inside of the truck bed. Brad, Jack, and Gunnar all thought watching this hot man stroke that huge fucking cock of his was nearly as hot as what they had already been doing. The lean, muscular Ronnie pumped his dick, grunted and moaned and enjoyed the sight of the other three guys just as much as they were enjoying watching him pleasure himself before them.

Soon Jack was stroking Gunnar as Gunnar stroked Brad with one hand and Jack with the other, and they were all three kissing each other hotly. Everyone moaned and groaned in pleasure.

"Oh, FUCK! I'm cumming!!!" Ronnie soon exclaimed.

Jet after jet of his hot cum splattered all across Jack, Brad, and Gunnar from his position above them. This pushed them all over the edge, too.

"Goddam it! FUCK!!!" Jack moaned, and his cum shot out all over Gunnar's hand, which continued pumping like a piston through Jack's orgasm. Part of Jack's hot spunk flew up and hit Gunnar squarely on the chin, and Gunnar flopped out his big tongue which had been in more than a few Pleasant View pussies, and lapped it up hungrily. This caused Gunnar to start exploding his own huge load.

"Fuck, UGH!! Uh-AHH! FUCK!!!" Gunnar moaned as his cum flew all over the three of them.

Brad was exploding at the same time, his jizz landing all over his and Gunnar's chests and stomachs.

Everyone breathed heavily and regained their senses slowly for a few moments, then cleaned up, dressed, and parted. Gunnar suggested that perhaps the four of them should do this again sometime in a more private setting. Brad and Jack agreed readily to this, but Ronnie seemed somehow more reluctant. Within an hour, Brad and Jack were at their cabin on the mountaintop, showered and in bed, next to a window that looked out at the sea of lights of Pleasant View to the east in the distance, and down on Smithville just to the west. Above them was a big skylight through which they watched the total eclipse of the moon as they lay there in one another's arms.

"This has been an in-fucking-credible day," Jack said as they held one another after the moon had returend to its full illumination following the eclipse, while they were both still too exhausted from their back-to-back four ways that night to even think of doing anything sexual for the rest of the night.

"Yes it surely has!" Brad agreed, smiling back at Jack in as moonlight filtered in across them. "And we haven't even fucked anybody together yet," he added with a laugh.

Jack laughed at this too and replied, "Yeah, a lot you can do besides fuck to have a good time and get off with some buds – I think we proved that tonight for sure!"

"But I still want to tear Eric and Just's asses up sometime, though," Brad added.

"Yup, but right now I'm ready to go to sleep, I'm tired as hell," Jack said with a yawn. "I love you baby."

"Love you too, Jack," Brad replied, and soon they were fast asleep.

The dream came to Brad about three hours into sleep, in the middle of that night. Over by the lake in Pleasant View, it came to Eric at the same time. In it, Eric stood on the deck of the Belle of Owensboro with Justin, and Justin smiled. Eric saw that they were steaming up the river and around the bend into Pleasant View. In his dream, Brad was on the shore, where Rayann had stood in hers a few nights before. In fact, he even saw Rayann and spoke to her with a smile in the dream. The steamboat was approaching the old railroad trestle now. The Mothman appeared atop the trestle as it began to tremble. What happened next in their dreams awoke both Eric and Brad with terrible screams in the night as they lay in bed next to their husbands, one couple miles away from the other. Before Jack could even ask Brad what was wrong, as Brad's terrible scream awakened him, they both gazed up through the skylight above their bed at the two huge, eerie, red eyes that were staring down at them from high above.


****SPECIAL NOTE TO READERS: As always, the author welcomes positive emails regarding the story from all adult gay males. - - Thanks for the emails, pics, comments, and such that several of you have already shared so far on this story. I appreciate the several of my prior readers who have returned, as well as the new ones I've heard from this time around. If you haven't emailed me, I would really appreciate your taking the time to at least send a short note just letting me know that you are out there and enjoying the story. Positive (and fucking horny!) comments from our readers are the one (great, cum inducing!) reward that we Nifty authors get for what we do : ) I do try to reply to all initial emails I get from my readers, and I enjoy hearing a little about my readers and what you think of the story. I add those who email me (unless you ask me not to) to an emailing list where I will update you when I've sent the next chapter in to Nifty. And, Nifty has also asked that all we authors encourage all you readers who can do so to please donate to keep their great site going if you can. Again, guys, keep those hot, horny, flattering, splattering emails cumming my way, and I'll return the favor for sure. I'm not shy at all, and I love (and totally get off on) hearing (or hell, seeing!) all about it if my writing makes you cum, guys! Send emails to Also again for the new readers, if you haven't already, scroll down to 2011-12 in the Nifty gay adult-friends archive and check out Officer Jack Albertson, 30 chapters worth of backstory on Jack, Brad, and friends, plus Bubba and James, a short six chapter spin-off I did on those guys.

Next: Chapter 6

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