Chief Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Apr 10, 2014


Welcome back to the fictional world of Pleasant View, Kentucky! This story brings back the characters and locales I first introduced in 2011-12, in my previous series "Officer Jack Albertson," which can still be read in the Adult Friends section right here on Nifty.

*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although nearly all other aspects of the character's life are totally fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

Chief Jack Albertson - Chapter 2 - Eyes in the Night:

Brad was signing for a package the hot new local UPS driver who looked like Chris Isaak had just delivered to Miz Viv's Mercantile. "Damn, I'd like to play a wicked game with him and let him deliver a big package," said the little invisible devil on Brad's shoulder. Brad actually blushed slightly at the thought, hoping the UPS guy – wasn't his name Ronnie? - hadn't noticed as he left the shop. Brad pondered this for a while as he started unpacking the order of pottery. He loved Jack with all his heart, and knew the same was true of Jack's feelings for him. It was true that they both loved sex, and had a great sex life with one another. But if for some reason sex was gone tomorrow, he knew they each would still want to spend the rest of their lives with the other. So, looking at it that way, what would be the harm in having some sexual fun with other guys, just for the sake of fun – and sex? They definitely needed to talk about this soon.

About twelve hours later, Jack's father, Billy Jack Albertson and his husband, Barney Finkster were riding into the fading twilight on a back road down by Pleasant View Lake. They were in Billy Jack's fully restored and slick as hell canary yellow 1977 Monte Carlo, a project that had been a great source of pride for him during the past year, since shortly after Billy Jack and Barney had gotten legally married while on a trip to Washington, DC.

63-year old Barney Finkster was the most stereotypically queeny gay man anybody around Pleasant View had ever seen. He was like a little ol' skinny train wreck of Paul Lynde and Brother Boy from the movie "Sordid Lives." Billy Jack Albertson had revealed to his son Jack that he was also gay a few years before, but he was about as much the opposite of Barney as could be, even though they were the same age. Like his son, Billy Jack was also very butch. He had salt and pepper hair and a mustache and goatee. He was about the same height as his son, but not quite as well built as he had once been, especially not after a year of Barney's delicious home cooking.

"Oh, let's listen to Conway!" Barney rasped, sounding as excited as a teenage girl.

"Fine by me," Billy Jack chuckled.

Barney reached in the glove box and retrieved a still-working 8 track tape of an old Conway Twitty album and plopped it daintily into the Monte Carlo's also still-working 8 track player. The tape slurred to life just as Conway was crooning his growl-laden cover of the Pointer Sisters' "Slow Hand."

"Honey, you know I love you," Barney said still giggling, "But if that man was still livin', I would so GIVE IT UP to him, lord he was just SEX ON A STICK!"

"How about here?" Billy Jack asked, as he paused the car at the end of a muddy little lane leading into some woods near the lake, and chuckled at Barney's previous comment about Conway.

"Lord, I can't believe we are gonna do this, and us 63 year old, but I am excited! Excited and HORNY!" Barney drawled, followed by more girlish giggling.

The guys had discussed it and had decided that rather than spending a mundane Monday night watching TV after dinner, they were going to hop in the Monte Carlo and go parking by the lake like two horny teenagers.

"Me too!" Billy Jack agreed with a grin, "Been a long time since I've had car sex, too!"

"Well, darlin', you are about to!" Barney exclaimed with glee, as Conway was launching into the chorus of "Red Neckin' Love Makin' Night."

Billy Jack pulled the car down the muddy lane, which after passing through a dark tunnel of trees, ended near a secluded cove of the lake, with the moonlight reflecting on the water beautifully. Before long, the couple was naked in the backseat, with Billy Jack plunging his thick no-Viagra-needed-here, thank you, cock into his husband's nice little ass. They both gasped and moaned in pleasure as they fucked like two horny teenagers, just as they had set out to do that night.

When it was over, Billy Jack actually fell asleep there in the back of the car. By this time they had switched positions to have Barney riding Billy Jack's fat dick like a show pony until they had both cum. Now Billy Jack was asleep with the also still-naked Barney lying on top of him, nestled contently in his chest fur. Barney thought he would just let his man snooze a bit before they dressed and headed back home. Besides, he felt so safe and warm lying there like that in the back of the car with Billy Jack.

Just then, something caught Barney's eye as he gazed out the window toward a nearby bend in the lake. "What the fuck?" Barney thought to himself. He could have sworn he just saw a pair of wings flapping over that way – big ass wings. Just then he saw it again, and this time there was also the red glow of two enormous – were they eyes?

"What the fuck?!?" Barney exclaimed, this time aloud.

Billy Jack stirred and sat up, as Barney had already jumped up off him. They both looked out the car window as the winged, red eyed whatever-the-hell swooped right over the car, then circled out over the lake, all in blur. Billy Jack jumped over and through the split between the front bucket seats and started the car quicker than he thought he still could, put it in reverse, floored it, and then squealed tires and went back out onto the paved lake road. All the while Billy Jack was still bare-assed naked, as was Barney as he was jostled around the back seat of the car. Barney managed to at least get his drawers on and shimmy between the seats back up into the front passenger seat.

Billy Jack was flooring the car back in the general direction of town, but the winged thing swooped over them yet again, before finally turning and flying off in the direction from which it had originally come. Billy Jack took his foot off the gas, and pulled to a wide place in the road. The guys quickly got dressed, and then headed back into town, unsure of what the hell had just happened.

Before and while all of this had been going on, Jack had arrived home from work at 5:30. He and Justin had not discussed anything any further, and there were others in and out when they were changing at the end of their shift. Just an older man and woman from West Virginia were settled into one of the inn's guest rooms on the second floor, Brad advised Jack. It was about time for the inn's business to start picking back up for the spring, which itself was a welcome arrival after one of the coldest and nastiest winters anyone in Kentucky could remember.

The West Virginia couple spoke to Brad and Jack as they were leaving to go have dinner at a local restaurant. Brad and Jack were walking together toward the smaller eating area just off the home's extensive kitchen. Brad had fixed a big homemade Southern-style chef's salad and breadsticks for them both, and they soon finished dinner and did the dishes together. Jack decided this was as good a time as any to bring up the subject he had discussed with Justin earlier in the day during their awkward, but arousing, locker room encounter.

"So, Bradley," Jack said, using Brad's full first name in a way that always turned him on. "I have been wanting to talk to you about something for a while now. Actually we have sort of kidded around about it, but not really discussed it, but I think we should."

Brad nodded for Jack to go on. "Well, you know I love you, and our sex life is beyond great. But, I've been wondering lately if maybe we might. Well, you know, a lot of our friends do, and I do think it could be fun and harmless if we were careful about it, and well what I am saying is..." Jack stammered and finally trailed off looking rather sheepishly at Brad as Brad put the last of the dishes away.

Brad was actually suddenly very horny, oddly enough, he thought. But, damn, here just this morning he had been wanting to figure out a way to bring up the subject of possibly playing together with others, and now Jack had done it – or at least was trying to.

"You mean play together with other guys – the way Justin and Eric and some of our other friends who are in long term relationships or married do?" Brad asked simply.

"Yes," Jack said. "I know we have both thought about it."

"Well, you know I love you. And I can't wait for our marriage to finally be legally recognized here in this damn state," Brad said, thinking back to the legal wedding ceremony they had the year before while on a trip out of state, and to the wedding ceremony they had there at the inn that was special, if not legally official, just over two years before. Brad and Jack were both beyond pissed at Kentucky's Governor Steve Beshear for appealing the ruling of a Louisville Federal Judge which would have made same-sex marriages performed in other states or countries legally recognized in the Commonwealth. Like many other LGBT Kentucky folk and their friends and allies, they were also very proud of Kentucky's Attorney General Jack Conway for refusing to represent the state in its pointless appeal of the decision. They were eagerly awaiting the day when the United State Supreme Court would make gay marriages fully legal nationwide, a day that, to borrow the words of Dr. King would hopefully be, "How long? Not long!"

Jack nodded, and Brad continued, "But, I will be honest with you, baby. The idea of playing around together some with other guys we trust just for fun makes me crazy horny. And if it is just sex with friends for the fun of it, then I don't see the harm. I think it'd be hot as hell actually, and probably bring us all even closer."

"So do I!" Jack exclaimed, sounding relieved. "I would only want to do it together too. And only with like our closest friends who we can totally trust and always be totally uninhibited with when we do it. It always used to sound so hot when Eric and Justin talked about doing that with Bubba and James. They even got to where the four of them agreed to only ever play with each other and that way they could all bareback or whatever and not have to worry. It certainly hasn't harmed their relationship a bit, and I know they probably miss the fourways a lot since Bubba and James moved away. Hell, that is probably partially why they have both started thinking about doing with us what they used to do with them."

Bubba and James had moved away to Georgia the previous year, when Miz Vivian had managed to pull some strings back in her old home state and help Bubba get a district manager's job with Good Humor Ice Cream, the company for which he had been a route driver in the Smithville and Pleasant View areas. Eric and Justin definitely missed their barebacking buddies; the other couple had eventually become almost an extension of their own relationship and vice versa, and since they had left town Eric and Justin had returned to only having sex with each other, but they missed the spice of having another couple to get totally nasty with for fun. They also missed Bubba and James as friends, as did Brad and Jack, but they all understood that an opportunity like that was one Bubba could not have passed up.

"Well, I agree, and I think it is clear we both are thinking of nobody else but Eric and Justin when we think of doing this," Brad said.

"Definitely. Eric is hot in a lot of the same ways you are, babe," Jack replied. "And you know, I've always thought of Justin as a friend, but lately I will admit that I have found him pretty damn attractive, which has really surprised me."

Brad agreed as to the attractiveness of their best friends, and added, "Only thing is, I guess that since Eric is running the bottled water company for us, and Justin is a cop and you are the chief now, we are sorta both of them's bosses." Eric Jamison had been managing a water bottling facility that Jack and Brad co-owned in a partnership with Miz Vivian. The facility bottled the pure spring water which came from property on Smith's Mountain that Jack had inherited prior to meeting Brad, and was located outside of the adjacent town of Smithville. Eric had been the manager there ever since the bottling plant had first opened a couple of years before.

Brad continued, "But, I don't think it would be awkward, because we are all already so close as friends. Hell, we've already seen them naked," Brad added, thinking back to the times they had skinny dipped in the lake with the other couple. "And you know that Justin is always teasing you lately about wanting us all to play around, and Eric does the same to me sometimes," Brad added. "Until just lately I thought of them just as friends, almost like bros really, but after getting so close to both of them in that way, I admit I started thinking how damn hot they both are, and how hot it is when they talk about the thing they used to have with James and Bubba. And Eric was going on to me awhile back about how Justin has decided he prefers to bottom more than top - it all just seems hot to me lately, so I'm glad we are talking about it," Brad concluded.

Jack agreed with all of that, and added, "I didn't think Just' was serious until today – and maybe just like me he hadn't really thought seriously about it until lately," Jack replied. He then proceeded to tell Brad exactly what had happened between him and Justin in the locker room that morning.

"Well, I'm not crazy about him grabbing your package without it all being discussed first or without me there," Brad said honestly. "But, while I feel I should be jealous, in another way that all makes me crazy horny too, which tells me we are thinking the right thing if we are thinking of playing with them. We need to talk to them about it. But, like I said, I'm honestly not mad, even though I probably should be about what happened. I think Justin just got carried away, which is easy to do with a guy as hot as you are, baby. But, I love that we can talk openly and honestly about stuff like this, and if you are up for it, I am. Like I said, we should try to talk to them about it soon. You know they are already planning on coming over tomorrow night for dinner," Brad concluded. Brad and Jack both would make it a point to get Eric and Justin to stay later than Miz Vivian and Hank did at the dinner party the six of them had planned for the next evening there at the inn.

Jack agreed with all that Brad had just said. Later, Jack was in the shower and Brad was sitting in a bedside chair reading when he heard a tremendous rumble of a loud, old car right out in front of the inn. He looked down out of the bedroom window and saw that Jack's dad's old Monte Carlo had just wheeled in right in front of the white-columned portico of the big old house.

"What in the world are they doing here at ten o'clock at night?" Brad thought silently. "And I hope that loud-ass car ain't woke up our guests."

Just then Jack came walking in from the shower totally naked and looking as sexy as usual, with his limp cock flopping back and forth over his big hair-dusted ballsack, but Brad didn't have time to do anything about that now. He was already jerking on his own boxers and bathrobe, and advised Jack to do the same. "Your daddy and Barney just piled out of that old car and," Brad started to say they were about to ring the doorbell – just when they did.

By the time Brad and Jack got downstairs and opened the big double wooden front doors of the inn, Barney had already leaned on the doorbell enough to wake up the ghosts that had once been thought to haunt the stately old mansion, let alone the guests.

"Daddy, what the hell is going on?" Jack asked in a combination of concern and annoyance. His ever-observant cop side was also noting that Barney Finkster was pale as a sheet, and trembling all over like a Chihuahua in a thunderstorm.

By the time the four of them had gone into the adjoining parlor and Barney had gotten to the middle of the story of what had just happened at the lake, they all heard footsteps coming down the staircase. Also clad in their robes and slippers, Jo Anne and Melvin Hunsucker peered into the parlor.

"Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Hunsucker, I apologize profusely," Brad said, jumping up and going into full innkeeper mode, even if he was in his bathrobe and bare feet at the moment.

"Well, it's all right, we weren't asleep yet anyway," the gray-haired Jo Anne replied.

"And not to eavesdrop, but we couldn't help overhearin' what y'all was talking about as we come down the stairs just now," Melvin added.

Brad was thinking how nice and open minded the couple was, especially for people of their age – early 60s – and considering where they were from – West-by-gawd-Virginia, a place as conservative as many of the areas surrounding Pleasant View and especially to the east and south of it also still were, for that matter. Jo Anne had spoken to Brad on the phone to make their reservations, and had even commented on what a handsome, nice couple he and Jack seemed to be, based on the picture on the inn's website. It had been decided shortly after Miz Vivian turned the inn over to the guys that on the website and all other promotional materials it would be made clear that this was an inn owned by a happily married gay couple. If anything, this fact had helped, rather than harmed their business, as LGBT travelers and their open-minded and like-minded straight counterparts alike had made the inn's first couple of years under Brad and Jack's ownership very successful. Jack quickly introduced his father and stepfather to the Hunsuckers, and Barney then finished telling what had happened, with Billy Jack's assistance in calming him down enough to get through the more scary-to-remember moments.

"I'm about ashamed to admit that two old farts like us were out `a parkin'," Barney said, blushing, "but since you nice folks already overheard my big mouth tellin' it, they ain't no takin' it back now."

"Well, you seem to be happy and that's what matters. A little spice never hurt anything. Part of why we are staying in this here romantic inn tonight, actually," said Jo Anne, casting a naughty glance at her husband that made him noticeably embarrassed.

"We need to tell you all something, after hearing this story," Melvin said, turning serious. "It is about odd us being here tonight and this happening to y'all, actually."

Melvin proceeded to relate to the two gay couples that in their own horny teenage parking days, he and Jo Anne used to drive up to the old abandoned World War II TNT production and storage area located just outside their hometown of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Back in the late 1960s when they were courting as seniors in high school – Class of '68 – the TNT area had been the place for young couples to go do the deed away from the watchful eyes of parents.

"Wait a minute," Brad said in sudden recognition. "The Silver Bridge disaster – in that Richard Gere movie – `The Mothman Prophesies'," he said.

"Well, that there movie done a lot to screw up the real story besides just moving it to the present day," Jo Anne commented. "But the real fact is everybody in town, just about it, saw that thing – we all called it the big bird back then – all summer long back in '67."

Melvin explained that by the late summer of 1967, he and Jo Anne were about to start their senior year of high school. They were out parking one night, and sure enough, they saw the same red-eyed, winged, terrifying creature that many of their friends and neighbors had already encountered – and which some reporter had dubbed "The Mothman" after the character on the then-popular "Batman" television series.

"Now, wait just a damn minute here," said Barney. "I don't think for a minute that what we seen tonight out by the lake was what that Richard Gere made that movie about."

"Maybe not," Mr. Hunsucker replied evenly. "But, it might be something like what we all REALLY saw back then, back before that awful Christmas. That was no movie. That was real life, and they never did explain it to suit most of us. Damn eye bar chain link on that old bridge and heavy traffic, supposedly – but, too much other weird shit went on leading up to when the bridge fell, if you ask me, and the big bird was not the least of it."

The Hunsuckers then shared their own memories of the horrible collapse of the Silver Bridge, which connected Point Pleasant, West Virginia with Gallipolis, Ohio, into the Ohio River at rush hour just before Christmas in 1967. "There wasn't a family in town that didn't lose somebody they was kin to or at least in laws or neighbors or something with," Jo Anne said, emotion entering her voice even after so many years. "What I still remember the most was seeing all them Christmas packages floating in that cold water after the bridge went down." Melvin put a comforting arm around his wife's shoulders.

"Well, we don't want to jump to any kind of conclusions," Jack said. "But it certainly sounds like I should send an officer out there to investigate. The entire perimeter of the lake, and the lake itself, is in Pleasant View city limits, so it is my jurisdiction."

"But, honey, if you call the station on your first night as chief and tell them that the fucking Mothman has decided to visit us here in Pleasant View," Brad said, "Well, your first day may be your last and they will think you are crazy as hell!"

"I never said anything about the damn Mothman," Jack said evenly. "I know where you are coming from, babe, but whatever is out there could be something dangerous that we need to know about. I'll just tell them I had a report of strange lights over the lake – they will go take a look and make sure no aircraft have been reported missing or anything like that.

Jack went off to the other room to call the station, and Barney and Billy Jack left to go home, while the Hunsuckers retired back upstairs. After all the goodbyes were said, Brad walked back in the other room just as Jack was clicking off his cell.

"Lord, Barney was wound up," Jack said chuckling. "And I think even daddy thought he saw something."

"Who knows, maybe they did," Brad said. He was always more inclined to believe the unbelievable than was his logical-thinking cop husband, after all.

"Well, I doubt it was the long-lost West Virginia Mothman, even if they did," Jack said, chuckling again. "And imagine them two out there fucking by the lake like horny teenagers. I wish I'd have known it, I'd have driven a patrol car out there and kicked the blue lights on, that would have scared them worse than whatever the hell they saw!"

Brad had to laugh at that thought. He then grinned slightly at Jack as they turned off the downstairs lights and started up the elegant staircase together. "Speaking of fucking like horny teenagers, Chief Albertson..."

"Why Mr. Carson," Jack said, grinning back and already starting to pitch a tent in his boxers beneath his bathrobe, "We don't want to wake up our guests – again."

"There is a reason as horny an old gal as Miz Vivian put the master suite wayyyy at the end of this long hallway," Brad said pausing at the top of the stairs on the second floor of the sprawling 15,000 square-foot, three-storied antebellum beauty that was the Thomason House. He continued, "And the guest rooms all the way over there on the other end of the hall. And I gave the Hunsuckers the room farthest from ours," he concluded with a naughty twinkle in his eye.

"You dirty boy," Jack said, slapping Brad's ass playfully through his robe as they turned down the long hallway that led toward their room.

"Actually, literally," Brad said. "If you recall, just before all the excitement you had your shower, but I still haven't had mine yet."

They walked into their room, locked the door and got naked, both of them already rock hard in anticipation of what was to come. "I've already had mine, but I think I will join you for yours," Jack said, smiling broadly as he grabbed Brad's fat hard dick and gave it a quick tug.

Shower sex was a favorite of Jack and Brad. And Brad was in the mood to fuck his big studly husband tonight. Both of them liking to flip fuck was another great thing about the sexual aspect of their relationship. Jack didn't mind at all when Brad's body language – and throbbing cock – made it obvious as the warm water of the shower caressed their naked, horny bodies as they rinsed after washing, that tonight he wanted to be the top.

But before he plowed him, Brad wanted to taste that big fat delicious cop cock - make that CHIEF cock - of Jack's first, though.

He ceased teasing Jack's nice bubble butt ass crack with the engorged head of his thick prick, and turned Jack around. They kissed hotly as Brad ran his hands through Jack's wet chest fur.

"I love you, big guy," Brad said with a tender smile as he gazed into Jack's deep blue eyes.

"You too baby," Jack agreed. "So much."

Brad then just dropped to his knees and swallowed Jack's rock hard member whole. As he began to suck his man in earnest, he also grabbed those big bubble butt ass cheeks of Jack's in both hands and massaged them.

"Uhh!" Jack groaned, "Fuck yeah, suck that cock, baby!"

Jack's just-washed, wet member tasted so fucking good to Brad, as did the precum that he could now taste leaking out of it as he bobbed his head on it.

"Ah-Uhh!" Jack moaned, "So good baby - UH! you are such a fuckin' good little cocksucker!"

This just turned Brad on more, and he knew he was ready to fuck his husband good.

"I want to take that ass now, baby," Brad said lustily after releasing Jack's throbbing cock from his mouth.

Jack turned around and grasped the towel bar made into the wall of their large shower, with its soothing main rainshower head and side heads. He bent down and Brad soon entered him, wrapping his arms around Jack's hairy chest in a backpack hug as his throbbing fat cock bottomed out in Jack's tight bubble butt, Jack's sphincter clamping down on his meat with a welcoming embrace of heat.

"Ugh! Yeah, give it to me!" Jack said. "Pound my ass good, baby!"

Brad pounded away and they both moaned and groaned in ecstasy, with no further words needed as they fucked passionately there in the shower. Jack loved the feeling of ever growing warmth sweeping through him as Brad's fat dick was hitting his prostate just right, and his own cock was oozing precum as Brad's hands worked his wet nipples as Brad hugged him from behind, grasping Jack and his tits so tightly as his hips bucked wildly, fucking Jack full-tilt for all he was worth.


With an answering groan of delight, Jack began to unload a huge load against the wall of the shower, as his husband's seed coated his insides. "Mmmm, so good baby," Jack purred as they washed each other off tenderly in the afterglow of their lovemaking. They were both thinking that while possibly playing with Just' and Eric would be undeniably hot, their private time together was on a whole other level: not just fucking, as fun as fucking is, but really making love.

Just as they were turning off the light after getting into bed, Jack's phone rang. It was the station reporting that no planes were missing, and the officer who had patrolled around the lake had not seen anything out of the ordinary. Brad and Jack were soon fast asleep, naked and cuddled in each other's arms.

While all of this had gone on, while sitting on their couch with the TV on, Eric and Justin had also discussed what had happened in the locker room that day between Jack and Justin. Eric got so turned on hearing about it, and Justin was hard as a rock by the time he got done telling it.

"You don't think Jack was pissed, do you?" Eric asked. "As much as I would totally love for us to start hooking up with them just like we used to with Bubba and James - and for it to get that hot and that close - I wouldn't want to screw up our friendships with them."

"I shouldn't have grabbed him like that," Justin admitted, "but he was rock hard when I did, and I can tell he wants this to happen. I'm sure Brad does too. I've seen the way they both look at both of us lately. And GOD I'd love to have Jack just go balls deep in me! I got so fucking hard when he made that little joke about me being a bottom bitch."

"Oh yeah," Eric agreed, "I would love to see that. And actually, I'd love to have them both fuck the hell out of me. And I'd return the favor too if they both wanted. I know you have decided you are more of a bottom, though."

"But, you also know I still like to fuck a nice ass once in a while," Justin grinned back. By now they were each reaching over to stroke the other's cock through the gym shorts they had been lounging around in that evening, along with just t-shirts.

"Well, speaking of," Eric said with a grin, "As much as I like hearing you moan when I pound that tight muscle ass of yours, baby, it really IS about time that you returned the favor again."

They were getting each other out of their shirts as he said this. Soon the shorts had been kicked off too, and they were stroking each other's cock furiously as they sat there buck naked on the couch.

"God I love you," Eric said sincerely, as they broke a passionate kiss and continued working each other's dick. "And talking about this makes me so fucking horny. As hot as our sex - and lovemaking - always is, I admit I have missed the way it felt to get with another couple we were so close to - it was so great."

"Yes, I miss Bubba and James and all this shit we did with them too," Justin agreed. "Maybe we'll get to that point with Brad and Jack. Right now though I just want to make you feel so good, baby. I love you."

"Well, it is a warm night," Eric said with a grin.

Without another word they made their way naked and rock hard out onto their deck. It was a warm early spring evening, and the lake looked beautiful as it reflected a million stars.

"Fuck me!" Justin said as he braced himself with both hands against the deck railing, muscled ass prone and exposed.

They were both extremely horny from their conversation about Brad and Jack, and they knew this was not going to be a long session. Eric plunged in fully and began to fuck Justin hard there in the starlight.

"Uh!! Ah-UHH!! Oh FUCK, yes!" Justin moaned as his cute bearcub's fat cock pounded in and out of his tight musclecop ass again and again.

"Mmm yeah!" Eric grunted as he fucked Justin even harder.

Within about five minutes, they were both ready to explode, and did, with hot jets of Justin's hot cop cum showering down into their yard between the deck railings as he felt Eric's load coating his insides. They soon went upstairs, showered, and headed to bed, feeling fulfilled from their lovemaking, and still anticipitating what hot fun might be yet to come with Brad and Jack.

Justin was sleeping peacefully when Eric went downstairs to get a glass of milk about an hour after they had gone to bed. For some reason Eric just couldn't sleep that night, but milk usually did the trick. He noticed the clock on the stove said it was 12:00 midnight as he finished his milk, put the empty glass in the sink, and turned off the kitchen light. He walked through their living room toward the staircase, passing by the huge windows which overlooked Pleasant View Lake. Something caught his eye. What was that coming in from over the far side of the lake? Who would be out in a plane this time of night flying this low over the lake? Even as these thoughts raced through Eric's mind, he became entranced by one thing: the eerie glowing red lights which were drawing closer – and he realized with a chill that rather than lights they appeared to be eyes.

Eric was a self-admitted geek. He liked to read, and this included mysteries, history, some sci-fi, and paranormal topics. He had stumbled across John Keel's 1974 book "The Mothman Prophesies" several years before and had thoroughly enjoyed it, realizing that the true story of what had happened was much more interesting, and even more chilling, than the way Hollywood had presented it in the film many years after the book's publication and decades after the actual events in Point Pleasant.

Keel had written his account of the Mothman sightings, and of the mysterious tall, thin, handsome, seemingly otherworldly visitor named Indrid Cold (and according to both witness accounts and Keel's book, the two entities were not one in the same as would later be presented in the movie), and the various other creepy things that had all seemingly culminated in the December, 1967 collapse of the Silver Bridge. Keel's book presented things in such a way that the reader was left thinking that perhaps the government was covering up something so big and so paranormal that it would have done the later television series "The X-Files" very proud. Eric had also read Guy Barker's rather surreal and disturbing book about the same events called "The Silver Bridge" and found that book to present more of a viewpoint that left the reader thinking that maybe the government was actually the cause, rather than the investigators, of what had gone on in Point Pleasant so many years before. All of this went quickly through Eric's mind as he stood there transfixed, gazing out his living room windows as the two red eyes approached from across the lake. Was that the flapping of huge black wings he was actually seeing too? Suddenly the soaring thing turned, shot upwards, and flew at a very high speed off and out of sight, somewhere over the mountaintop in back of the other side of the lake.

Eric and Justin had not yet heard about Billy Jack and Barney's sighting of the same thing earlier that same night. So, Eric actually questioned if maybe his mind was actually playing tricks on him or if he had just watched that great documentary "Eyes of the Mothman" (which was based on the real events and much more accurate than the Hollywood film had been) one time too many. At any rate, he was not about to say anything to Just' or anybody else about what he thought he had seen. He shrugged his shoulders to himself, then went back up the stairs, let his robe drop to the floor, and crawled naked back into bed next to Justin.

Just then Ronnie – well, that was what they knew him as here in this hick town, anyway - was looking through a pair of binoculars as he sat in a nondescript dark sedan alongside the lake road not too far from where Barney and Billy Jack had gone parking earlier in the evening. He had seen the red lights disappear over the mountaintop. He also noted that the lights in that house across the lake had gone on and off again around the time the latest flight was taking place. Perhaps someone there had spotted the flight. Perhaps they would talk, but maybe not.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several!

Next: Chapter 3

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