Chief Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on May 2, 2015


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and no real names or real situations are used. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story and do not contact the author. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means. Copyright 2015/All rights reserved by the author.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Since I last posted here on, I have completely revised and reposted all of the previous chapters of the "Officer Jack Albertson" and "Chief Jack Albertson" series on another website as several separate stories under the heading of "Pleasant View." Now, I am continuing the series by posting this next part - which will be known elsewhere as "Pleasant View" - "Derby Danger," here on first. In case you haven't read any of the previous material, this series is about a solid bear police chief in a small fictional Kentucky town, his bearchub husband Brad, the inn they own and operate, and their various friends, family, lovers, and neighbors, and is basically a gay erotic soap opera and mystery series. Welcome back to all of the old fans who used to read my postings here on!

"You are NOT going to believe this!" Brad Carson exclaimed with a huge grin on his face, as he hung up the phone in the office of the inn and mercantile. It was a bright, sunny late April day in 2015.

"What, sugar?" Barney Finkster asked.

"Just the most huge fucking news EVER for this inn – hell maybe for this town!" Brad exclaimed again.

"Well damn, baby, I'm not gettin' any younger, what the hell is it?" Barney retorted.

Barney had dropped by to visit with Brad for a few after delivering some flowers in a nearby neighborhood.

"That was the Secret Service on the phone," Brad said excitedly.

"Oh hell, what did you do?" Barney rasped.

Brad laughed, "Nothing. They are sending an advance team HERE day after tomorrow, to the inn I mean. Former President Cliffords and Mrs. Cliffords want to stay HERE during Derby week!!!"

"Ohmigawd!" Barney hollered. "You have got to be shittin' me!"

"I shit you not!" Brad replied. "They are going to do a tour of rural southern and eastern parts of Kentucky for a couple of days before attending the Derby in Louisville. They want to stay here for the three nights leading up to Derby Day – apparently Heloise read that good write-up the inn got in Southern Living. The Secret Service tentatively approves, since there were no issues that time Jimmy and Roslyn Carter stayed here a few years ago when Miz Vivian still owned the inn."

"Ohmigawd!" Barney handled again, clapping his hands together like a tween girl. "That President Cliffords is still one HAWT silver daddy!"

"Hell yeah he is," Brad agreed. "And you know this is a good way for Heloise to get some early exposure for next year's race here in Kentucky. If she wants to win next year, even our few electoral votes will help, just like they did when Blake won Kentucky both times he was elected president."

"Well that is a-fucking-mazing," Barney replied. "But you do realize that this is the 20th, so if they are going to stay three nights...Barney paused for a minute. Holy fuck, that means they'll be arriving just nine days from now!"

By dark, the whole town knew that the Cliffords were probably coming. Jack was very excited by the news, since like Brad he was a longtime admirer of the couple. All of their friends were buzzing about it too. Irene the inn's cook, and her neice, housekeeper Rayann, along with Brad, gave the inn a thorough top-to-bottom cleaning and had it immaculate by the time the Secret Service came that Wednesday.

Jack and the agent in charge hit it off immediately, and by the end of a long day, and many notes made, it was decided upon what exactly would need to be done to secure the site for the Cliffords' visit. Brad and Miz Vivian, who was also elated at the news, managed to find re-bookings at other area inns for guests who would be displaced, since only the Cliffords and their Secret Service detail would be staying at the inn during their visit. Brad and Jack, along with Irene, Rayann, and Miz Vivian, who was going to help out at her former inn during the visit, would all be cleared by the Secret Service and allowed to stay on-site as well.

"You will also be allowed to submit for clearance a short list of people who may visit for a dinner on the second of the three nights the Cliffords will be staying here," an agent named Miss Watkins was explaining. "They have other plans for dinner the other two nights, but will sleep here and have breakfast here all three days, concluding with leaving here in a helicopter for Louisville on the morning of the Derby."

It was soon determined that five guests would be allowed to attend the dinner, in addition to those preparing it. Rayann, Irene, and Barney would be preparing it, as the Cliffords wanted a traditional Kentucky family-style meal. It was noted that former President Cliffords was now off the vegan bandwagon, but still trying to eat healthy, although he was willing to majorly cheat for this occasion. For the guests, Jack and Brad quickly agreed that Miz Vivian, Hank, Eric, Justin, and Billy Jack would be included.

That night, Brad and Jack were lying naked in their bed, and Jack leaned over and started to kiss Brad with increasing passion.

"You know, we may not have much time for fun for the next little bit, we had better make the most of tonight," Jack said with a smile.

"Mmm what have you got in mind, big guy?" Brad asked huskily.

"This," Jack said evilly, and immediately went down on Brad with gusto.

"Mmmm!" Brad gasped as his husband's warm mouth engulfed his fat cock and Jack's tongue began to encircle it again and again.

"Fuck! Suck my dick, baby!" Brad groaned.

Soon things progressed and Brad was fucking the hell out of his hot husband. It was a hot, passionate, and rather fast love making session, ending with both of them having an explosive orgasm.

The time leading up to the visit passed in a total whirl, and before they knew it, it was just two hours before time for the arrival of the helicopter which would bring the Cliffords down after Mrs. Clifford's private campaign jet landed in Rosemont. Mrs. Clifford's earlier grassroots campaigning-by-Scooby-van had been nixed for more traditional security by the Secret Service for this swing through Appalachia, since the former president and the current candidate were traveling together. The helicopter would be landing on the expansive lawn between the inn's handsome white-columned portico and Crabapple Street. The perimeter was already secured by the Secret Service and state and local law enforcement, including many of Jack's own officers. Mary Lou Turner, who was now Deputy Chief, was in charge of the Pleasant View force while Jack participated in the proceedings personally.

Barney was about to blow a pink head gasket, running from top to bottom of the inn. Fresh red roses, the flower of the Derby, decorated vases and garlands in many rooms.

"Darlin', calm down, everything looks fantastic," Billy Jack reassured his husband. "And you calm down too, son," he said with a grin to Jack.

"I'm fine, daddy!" Jack retorted irritably.

"My ass, you're pacing a hole in the foyer!" Billy Jack said, roaring with laughter.

"Well, I think it's going to be a wonderful day!" Brad said, hiding his own nervousness.

"Do y'all like my dress?" Miz Vivian inquired. Her sleeveless, totally age-inappropriate red number was sure to delight the notorious lady's man Blake Clifford, Brad thought.

"You look gorgeous, dear," Hank replied aloud to his wife.

Finally, at 3:00 that afternoon, with most of the town gathered along barricades on the closed Crabapple Street and peering into the lawn, and with Brad, Jack, and family and friends gathered on the portico with the mayor, governor and other officials, everyone watched as the helicopter bearing a former, and perhaps future, president landed.

Before he knew it, Brad was shaking hands with first Blake, and then Heloise, Cliffords.

After walking over to work the rope-line at the other side of the lawn, posing for selfies and signing autographs for quite a while, the Cliffords returned to the portico. That evening they were attending a dinner in their honor at the historic Pleasant View Tavern Restaurant along with the governor and his wife and other dignitaries. Soon, the local and state officials all departed for the tavern, and the crowd out front thinned down considerably, although many spectators remained.

"Please, come on in and let us give you a tour," Brad said, suppressing his nervousness.

Over the next half hour, the Cliffords enjoyed an historical tour of the inn given by Brad, Jack and Miz Vivian. Their Secret Service agents tagged along of course, but Brad and Jack were both surprised at how down to earth both members of the political power couple were. The former president was especially interested in the old house's secret passages, which of course were being thoroughly secured during their visit.

Finally, the Cliffords bade Brad and Jack and friends goodbye for the evening, and got into a waiting limousine which would carry them across town to the dinner.

"Oh my God, this is surreal!" Brad said to Jack after the Cliffords had departed.

"That it is," Jack agreed. "But they really are nice people."

"Yes, they sure are," Miz Vivian agreed.

By the time the Cliffords' motorcade arrived back at 9:30 that evening, only Brad, Jack, Miz Vivian, Irene, Rayann and seemingly half of the Secret Service were at the inn. The Secret Service did an amazing job of blending into the scenery though, Brad noticed.

"Good evening, Mr. President, Madam Secretary," Brad said as the couple entered the old mansion's large foyer. Heloise Clifford, current presidential candidate, was also the former United States Secretary of State.

"Please, call us Blake and Heloise, Bradley," Blake Cliffords offered with a grin.

"Oh no, we couldn't possibly," Brad stammered.

"Well, at least just Mr. and Mrs. Cliffords, then," Blake grinned back.

"That sounds good," Brad said, as Jack and the others joined his nervous laughter.

"May we serve you anything?" Irene asked, as she and Rayann were staying at the inn throughout the Cliffords' visit.

"Ms. Irene," Blake Cliffords replied, his eyes twinkling and mane of white hair glowing in the light of the chandelier, "Why don't you and that pretty niece of yours just take it easy this evenin'. I hear tell we are gonna get some mighty good breakfasts, startin' in the morning!"

"Oh, well, I guess we could, that is," Irene stammered, clearly crushing on the former chief executive who was about her age. She and Rayann soon excused themselves and headed up the stairs.

"Well, then, I suppose you will be turning in for the evening then, sir, ma'am," Jack offered.

"Actually, we would love to visit with you privately if we may," Heloise offered.

The next hour was spent in a fascinating conversation in the den, with Brad and Jack hardly believing that they were casually entertaining two of the most famous people on the planet. The conversation ranged from everything from Blake Cliffords' own rural upbringing to law enforcement issues to gay rights to Appalachian poverty and back again. Heloise even dotingly showed Brad and Jack the latest pictures of the Cliffords' granddaughter, Charlene, which she had on her smart phone. The next day flew by, and the dinner the next night went terrific, with Brad's and Jack's guests enjoying the honor of dining with the Cliffords. It was now Friday, Derby Eve, and the Cliffords were gone again, this time via helicopter, to an event up in Eastern Kentucky. From there they would motorcade to some poverty stricken areas, as well as meeting with displaced coal mining workers.

"Well, one more night and then they'll be off to Derby and that will be that," Brad commented after he and Jack had stood on the portico watching the Cliffords fly away.

"I still can't believe this whole thing is happening," Jack reflected. "Not only is it just cool as hell, but this will really take the inn – hell even the town – to another level. And I still can't get over how nice they both are."

For their final night in Pleasant View, the Cliffords were to arrive back via helicopter just before dark, and then do a televised town hall event at the Civic Auditorium of Pleasant View College at 9:00 that night before coming back to the inn to retire for the evening.

Just as dusk was gathering, all hell broke loose in the inn, with the agents who had stayed behind all scrambling and talking at once and ending up out on the portico, with some jumping into the cars they had parked nearby.

"What the hell is going on?" Jack managed to ask one of the agents.

"We have alerted your officers to back us up as needed," was the reply. "The helicopter has gone down just outside of town!"


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Next: Chapter 16

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