Chief Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Aug 12, 2014


"So, there you have it," Perez was saying, "Destiny Rose Jenkins, country sweetheart, Kentucky's representative in the big upcoming contest for a Nashville record deal, a front-runner in that contest, no less is really a FORMER HO!"

Destiny clapped a hand over her mouth, and dropped down onto the loveseat next to Barney, as Florence hovered over both of them in a nervous, motherly fashion.

"No, Florence," Destiny finally said, glancing at Barney and figuring there was no use trying to keep a secret anymore that had just been aired to the world on cable, "Perez ain't lyin' for once. What he is saying about me – it is all true."

Over the next few days, the national news and gossip media descended on Pleasant View, and Destiny was forced to more or less stay home in her apartment and do her best to avoid them. Her boss at the diner was being very understanding about letting her miss work to avoid the media circus, fortunately. Destiny's mother Josephine had come down from Rosemont to stay with her, and run errands for her.

They had talked a lot and had gotten past what had gone on in Chicago. The main thing in the here and now, Josephine had told Destiny, was to get through this and hopefully still manage to have a singing career. No one had any idea who could have leaked the truth about Destiny's past to the media, although Destiny suspected that Jermaine, her former pimp in Chicago, might very well have been the culprit as a way of exacting some revenge just as Destiny was poised for major success. So far the people with the talent contest in Nashville had remained silent on the issue, but Destiny expected to hear from them for better or worse any minute, as the contest was only four days away now.

That Tuesday evening, Josephine ran down to the Ramblin' Rose to pick up some takeout dinner for herself and Destiny. Her breath briefly left her body when she walked in and saw who was seated at the counter on a barstool. Sure, years had gone by and like her he was older now, in his forties. But Josephine recognized the man she had known as "Stretch" instantly. There sat Destiny Rose's father. Their eyes met, and even with all the training of his former life as a top secret agent, Ronnie made an involuntary sharp intake of breath, as well.

"Stretch?" Josephine asked quietly, walking up to him in disbelief.

"Jo?" He replied simply.

The two ended up sitting there and talking for several minutes. Josephine wanted to know why the man she had known as Stretch was now called "Ronnie Isaak." Thinking fast, Ronnie lied and told her it was his stage name from a failed attempt at a singing career. She seemed to buy this well enough. He explained that he was working for UPS and was shocked to learn that Destiny, whom he knew as one of the waitresses there at the diner, and also as the subject of the current media feeding frenzy, was the daughter he had never known.

"Look, about what happened between us back then," Ronnie was saying.

"We were kids, Stret – I mean Ronnie," Josephine said charitably. "The main thing is Destiny – lived – and look at where she is now."

"I'm really sorry about what she is going through these last few days," Ronnie offered. "Lord knows all of us have a past."

"Look, Ronnie do you want to finally really meet your – our – daughter?" Josephine asked him then.

"I would really like that, Jo," he responded sincerely.

So it was that an hour later Destiny had cycled through shock, anger, disbelief, and finally acceptance of the fact that the guy she had heretofore known as the "playa" UPS guy who was now dating that hot state trooper Gunnar was actually none other than her biological daddy. The three of them had a very long talk that evening, and by the end of the night they were all laughing and bonding in a genuine way.

"Never would have figured you to turn out to be gay," Josephine commented honestly with a smile. "But, me and baby girl here are both accepting, I want you to know that, I raised her that way."

"That is great," Ronnie said with a smile, as Destiny nodded in agreement.

"You and Gunnar are great for each other too," Destiny added.

Ronnie thought the same thing, so much so that Gunnar was already planning to move in with Ronnie, and they had already agreed to make their relationship a monogamous one, at least for the foreseeable future.

The next morning Destiny was still sleeping when her cell phone rang at 9:00. Josephine was asleep in the other room, and Ronnie had gone home late the previous night. The phone call caused Destiny to burst out crying, and then cussing. Josephine came running into her room.

"What in the world is wrong, honey?" She asked.

"Momma," Destiny said, still angry and crying, "That was the people with the talent contest in Nashville. They have disqualified me because of the truth coming out about where I used to be a prostitute."

Meanwhile, that same morning over at Miz Vivian and Hank's farm, Thomas was walking across the backyard toward the barn. It was already swelteringly hot and humid in spite of just being mid-morning. Bill O'Flannery emerged from the barn just then, shirtless and looking sexy as hell, his furry chest covered in sweat.

"See you later, Joe, and again don't worry about it," Bill was saying to one of his workers, Joe, who at that moment was looking rather green in the face as he climbed into his pickup truck which was parked nearby and soon drove away.

"What's up, Mr. O'Flannery?" Thomas asked as he walked over to the older man, his cock twitching in the pair of swim trucks which along with his flip flops were the only things Thomas was wearing just then.

"Again, call me Bill, Thomas," Bill said with a warm smile. "And Joe there has gotten a case of the stomach bug. Had to let him go home. I hope your granny and Hank will understand that there's no way I can finish the roof of this barn today without his help."

"I could help you," Thomas offered, eager to do anything to be near this hunk of a middle-aged ginger muscle bear.

Bill's own cock twitched in his Levi's at that. He liked the site of this 21-year old shirtless swimmer twink a little too much just then. Aloud Bill replied, "Roofing is no work for a beginner, although I do appreciate the offer. But, you know, you probably could help me get a good start on that gazebo your granny wants built in her rose garden today, though."

"Sure thing, Mr. O' – I mean Bill," Thomas said with a grin.

"But where were you heading, though?" Bill asked.

"Oh," Thomas replied. "Across the back field, down over the hill there by those trees there is a great swimming hole in the creek. Thought I'd go for a swim."

"Care if I join you before we get to work on the gazebo?" Bill asked.

"That would be cool," Thomas said the excitement clear in his voice.

Just then, down in Fox Hollow, outside of Nashville, Tennessee, living legend Tom T. Hall had the morning news show on the television. "Well, hell," he muttered to himself upon seeing the news that Destiny had been disqualified from the contest.

"Don't you think there is something we could do to help that little gal out?" Tom asked the record label executive and longtime friend of his whom just so happened to be joining him for coffee that morning before they were heading out to golf.

"I don't know, Tom," the younger man replied. "She is a helluva singer, but I mean it is one hell of a past she has too – I mean a HOOKER of all things."

"Oh shit," Tom said. "Even back in my day, half the girls on the charts had whored themselves out to get there. Maybe not literally like this little gal, but hell she was in college when it happened and she has obviously changed her life for the better now, too."

"You know, it just might work," the record label man replied, his wheels clearly turning. "We could go for the redemption aspect – a young life turned around. Let me make some phone calls!"

Word spread through Pleasant View quickly about Destiny having been disqualified from the contest, and everyone was unhappy about that. Barney and Billy Jack had been planning to go to the contest in person, and quickly cancelled their trip. Brad and Jack had been planning to host a viewing party at the inn that Saturday night with Justin and Eric and several of their other friends attending, but now they had cancelled those plans as well.

"Why don't we head up to the cabin this weekend?" Brad had suggested to Jack that morning.

"Don't see why not," Jack replied. "Just' and Eric have already accepted another invitation to do something else this weekend since we had to cancel our party, but you and I can always have a good time up on Smith's Mountain right by ourselves," Jack said with a naughty grin.

"Yes we can, and I might just have a surprise for you, too," Brad replied returning Jack's evil grin.

Meanwhile, back at Miz Vivian's farm, Thomas and Bill had reached the swimming hole.

"I don't have a bathing suit, so if you won't be offended, I'm just gonna skinny dip," Bill said simply.

That same morning, Barney's cell rang while he was working in the shop. It was Geraldine, a.k.a. Jenny Faye, apologizing for abruptly ending the Skype session a few nights before, and for having not yet returned any of the several phone calls that both Barney and Billy Jack had since made to her. They talked for quite a while, and Geraldine revealed that she had figured out from some of the coverage of Destiny's scandal that had made the national news that Destiny was her granddaughter.

"I couldn't believe seeing Josephine again after all these years," Geraldine related over the phone. "One of those cable gossip shows got some footage of Josephine at the diner there in Pleasant View, and identified her and said she was Destiny's mother. I can't believe that I have such a talented granddaughter who I have never met, and what are the odds that she would pick that old song of mine to have sung to win the Kentucky contest?"

"I know, I just hate like hell that they have disqualified her," Barney replied.

"Well, I had planned to fly into Nashville and surprise her and Josephine the night of the contest. I think I'm going to come on to Kentucky anyway. It is time I get to know my daughter – and granddaughter," Geraldine replied.

Back at the swimming hole, Thomas was replying to Bill nervously. "Umm, sure, it's just us guys – I think we can skinny dip – would be fun!"

Thomas dropped his trunks to the ground, and stood totally naked on the bank by the cool swimming hole, quickly jumping into the water so that Bill would not see that his dick was already going rock hard.

Bill soon stripped out of his work boots, socks, jeans, and briefs. Thomas was treading water and playing it cool, but was throbbing hard from looking at the naked ginger bear as Bill jumped into the water. Thomas noted how big Bill's cock looked even soft and his big bull balls as well. They both swam around for a bit, and Bill soon started some horse playing, splashing water all over Thomas.

Before Thomas knew it, Bill suddenly came up behind him, and wrapped his arms around him. There was no mistaking the feel of Bill's rock hard cock as it brushed against Thomas's bare ass cheeks under the water. Thomas whirled around in Bill's arms, and for a moment their eyes locked. Bill then began kissing Thomas hard and hungrily, and Thomas returned the kiss with gusto – and tongue.

Soon the two men were out of the water and rolling around naked and rock hard in one another's arms on the cool shady bank of the creek. Thomas went down and began to suck Bill's throbbing seven inch cock, causing the older man to groan in pleasure.

"Fuck me!" Thomas soon demanded, as he rose up off of Bill's meat after sucking it for all he was worth for a long few moments.

"Are you sure?" Bill asked, his dick throbbing hard in anticipation.

"Yes! FUCK YES! Fuck me, Bill!!!" Thomas asked eagerly.

"Is it your first time?" Bill asked bluntly.

"Yes, is that – um – OK?" Thomas asked nervously.

"Yes, that is really fucking hot, actually," Bill replied in his sexy Boston accent. "I just want to be sure you are ready."

"I am SO ready!" Thomas cried.

"OK," Bill replied, and dug in his discarded jeans for a condom. He soon had it on, and was laying back on a big rock by the creek bank spread eagle, with his condom-sheathed dick sticking straight up in the air. "Riding me might be best, since it is your first time."

"Oh yes!" Thomas said.

In moments, Thomas had straddled Bill, kneading Bill's sexy chest with his hands as he winced, groaned and slowly lowered his tight twink ass down on Bill's throbbing dick. Thomas groaned aloud in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he felt Bill's dick pass his pucker and pop his man cherry. Soon he was sitting all the way down, balls deep on Bill's cock.

Soon Thomas began to ride, pain giving way to pleasure, and within a few minutes he was riding for all he was worth. "Oh GOD! FUCK!! FUCK!! Ohhhh!!!" Thomas was groaning as he impaled himself again and again on Bill's long, slender uncut dick.

Bill soon rolled Thomas around and was plowing him for all he was worth, holding Thomas' ankles as he did so. "Oh yeah! YES!" Bill groaned.

"Uhh! Uhhn!!!" Thomas was moaning.

Within a few more strokes of Bill's dick in and out of his twink hole, Thomas was screaming in pleasure, and the hot cum was shooting out of his cock up and all over Bill's chest and stomach. This caused Bill to spill his own huge load into the condom inside of Thomas. When it was over they both just laid there together on the creek bank for a long while, Bill wrapping his big warm arms around Thomas, and kissing him tenderly.

"Was your first time good, Thomas?" Bill asked, grinning into the younger man's eyes.

"Oh, God, Bill, so great!" Thomas replied, smiling back.

Next: Chapter 14

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