Chief Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Jul 27, 2014


Welcome back to the fictional world of Pleasant View, Kentucky! This story brings back the characters and locales I first introduced in 2011-12, in my previous series "Officer Jack Albertson," which can still be read in the Adult Friends section right here on Nifty.

*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. All aspects of the character of Brad Carson's physical appearance arecompletely based on me, although Brad Carson is my pen name, not my realname, and nearly all other aspects of the character's life are totally fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story and do not contact the author. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means. Copyright 2014/all rights reserved by the author.

He knew she had come back to that very same town – Pleasant View – to have the baby, but he had no idea where she was now, or what had become of their child. So far, he had not had the nerve or taken the time to use any of his old agency contacts to find out. And he had no idea that his own daughter, Destiny Rose Jenkins, had just served dinner to him and Gunnar at the Ramblin' Rose moments earlier.

Thirty minutes later raw passion had flared between Ronnie and Gunnar. Clothes were literally ripped off, a lamp was accidentally broken, and by the time they said goodnight each was thoroughly satisfied and feeling more than just lust for one another. As he was lying down to go to sleep, Ronnie thought back to how good Gunnar's long, hard cock had felt inside him as he had ridden it until Gunnar had exploded inside a condom. He remembered how impressively full that rubber had looked when Gunnar removed it, too.

The next morning was starting out to be a typical Monday at the Pleasant View P.D. Jack was buried in paperwork at his desk, a couple of officers were out sick, the mayor was bitching about people running red lights too frequently downtown, and to top it all off, Jenny Robertson, the department's longtime secretary, had just given Jack her two week notice because she had decided to move to Texas to be closer to her children.

Jack's phone rang at 10:00 that morning, and he answered gruffly, "Chief Albertson."

"Why hello, handsome," came Miz Vivian's cooing Georgia drawl. "How are you this fine sunny morning?"

"Frankly, Miz Vivian, stressed as hell," Jack replied honestly.

"I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm afraid now to tell you that I have a favor to ask," Miz Vivian replied hesitantly.

Jack took a deep breath. Miz Vivian was like a second mother or grandmother to both Jack and Brad, was their business partner in the water bottling plant, and had, after all made the ridiculously generous gesture of giving them the Thomason House Bed and Breakfast as a wedding gift a few years before when she herself was marrying Hank Anderson and moving to his sprawling estate outside of town. So, given all of that, if Miz Vivian needed a favor on a shitty Monday morning, she would get it.

"Sure, Miz Vivian," Jack said managing to sound much more cheerful than he felt. "What do you need, ma'am?"

"Well, I think I might have mentioned to you and Bradley," she replied, "my grandson Thomas is here spending the summer with Hank and I."

"Yes," Jack replied.

"Well, he has decided he is changing his major to criminal science, even though it may mean an extra year of school at this point. He has decided he wants to be a cop, like you Jack. So I was wondering if perhaps there was any way he might could do a ride-along with one of your officers," Miz Vivian requested.

"Well, if you mean today," Jack replied, "That might actually work. I am going to have to go out on patrol myself from just after lunch until 5:00 because we are short-handed today. The boy is welcome to come over and go through the whole half-shift with me."

"Oh, Jack, that is just marvelous, darlin'!" Miz Vivian cooed. "I'll let Thomas take Hank's pickup and he'll be there at 12:30 sharp."

"Actually, have him get here at noon and he can go to lunch with me if he wants," Jack offered.

"OK, thank you so much, Jack," Miz Vivian concluded.

So, at noon, Jack found himself seated across a table for two from Thomas Arnow. Jack couldn't help but think that this kid was a bit scrawny looking, even if he was tall, to want to be a cop. But, that didn't always matter and from the steady stream of conversation and excited questions the twenty-one year old had already launched into, Jack could tell he was indeed serious about pursuing a career in law enforcement.

Back at the station at 12:30, Jack explained that if he weren't already in uniform and if this was the start of a normal shift for an officer, this would be the point at which he would go to the locker room and change, and then pick up a patrol car outside, as this was all the traditional way it was done in Pleasant View. He showed Thomas the way to the lockerroom, then returned to his office while the younger man changed nervously in the lockerroom, which to his relief was empty just then.

Thomas was soon ready to go, and came back out into the lobby, looking at least a bit more well-built in the snug fitting, tucked in Pleasant View P.D. polo and khakis than he had in his baggy shorts and oversized t-shirt earlier. This was the closest thing Jack could let those doing ride-alongs wear to an actual uniform. Twinks were not Jack's thing at all usually, but he had to admit this young guy was actually kind of hot, and his swimmer's build was more lean and muscular than scrawny as Jack had initially thought. And he was definitely setting off Jack's gaydar.

The afternoon passed uneventfully, a couple of routine traffic stops were about as exciting as it got for Thomas's ride-along. At nearly the end of the shift the patrol car Jack was using had gotten a flat, and he was impressed with how helpful Thomas was in changing it. But, between stubborn lug nuts and the nearly 100-degree July day, they were both sweaty, dirty, and worn out by the time they got back to the station. Jack was soon leading the way into the lockerroom so that he and Thomas could shower and change back into their civvies just as all the officers did at the end of their shifts.

Jack stripped naked, as Thomas did the same nervously next to him. Jack led the way across the lockerrom to the showers, a tiled area that was basically a long, open wall lined with showerheads, turned one on and started washing. Thomas did the same at the shower right next to Jack's and wondered if perhaps he shouldn't have gone to one of the other showerheads further down the wall, but too late now.

Jack smiled as he lathered soap all over his furry chest and points lower, and Thomas smiled back. "Gotta get cleaned up at the end of a long day, of course," Jack said, sensing the kid was nervous. "Say, Thomas, is this the first time you have been in a locker room, you seem nervous?"

"Oh, no," Thomas replied hoping Jack had not just noticed him checking out Jack's wet cock and balls, which Jack at that moment was lathering up. "I shower all the time with the guys on the swim team at college, and I did in high school too. It's just..." Thomas trailed off.

Jack looked at him curiously, not knowing what to say. It was then that Jack noticed that Thomas' cock had gone completely rock hard. Thomas' dick was about seven inches and average thickness, above a nice sized set of shaved balls. "Whoa, there!" Jack said before he thought.

"Jack, I'm gay," Thomas blurted out. "I know you are too, and you look so fucking hot right now! I- I want your cock!" He concluded hornily.

Jack replied, "Now, Thomas, you are just twenty-one years old, and I have a husband." But, even as Jack was saying this to his dismay he realized his own cock, which sometimes had a mind of its own, had gone rock hard as well from the combination of the of seeing the smooth wet nude swimmer twink, his throbbing hard dick, and what he had just said.

"Ah, but you are hard, too, Chief," Thomas said, trying to sound seductive. "And what a nice thick fucking beercan of a cock that is, too!"

"Look, man, that just happens in the showers sometimes," Jack replied, trying to will his dick back down.

"And you can't tell me that you and your husband don't play with other guys," Thomas shot back.

"Yeah, we do sometimes, but guys our age, Thomas," Jack said.

"Aww, come on!" Thomas replied. "You know you want to touch me right now, look how hard that fucking hot fat dick of yours is, man." Thomas smiled, then added boldy, "I'll suck it for you, Chief."

"No, Thomas," Jack said sternly. "Even if I was interested in you that way, which no offense I'm really not - my dick just has a mind of its own sometimes - Bradley and I only play with others together."

Seeing the much younger man's crestfallen look, Jack added, "I'm sorry. Now, let's just finish up our showers and get out of here."

They both silently and rather awkwardly finished showering, and then as they were dressing Thomas finally spoke. "You're not going to tell Granny what I did are you?" He asked nervously.

Jack had to laugh, "Of course not. Look, bud, I guess I should be flattered, a guy your age getting it hard for me. But, like I said, Brad and I only play together and we have friends our own age for that. I'm sure you do too."

"No, Jack, that's just it, I don't," Thomas said. "I've – I've never done anything with a guy at all. I'm still a virgin actually. Just seeing you naked –and hard – just now was, like completely amazing. I guess I'm totally lame being a virgin at my age, but..."

Jack cut in with a chuckle, "Hell, Thomas you're just twenty-one, and when you find the right friend I'm sure you won't have any trouble losing your virginity. I am not going to lie, you are a nice looking young man – and you do have a nice cock, too."

Thomas grinned at that. They were both nearly fully dressed again now. "Thanks, Jack, so do you, totally! You are a cool guy. I'm sorry I came on to you, it won't happen again," Thomas said, turning very serious with the last statement.

Jack had to chuckle again, though, and replied, "It's all good. Let's get out of here. And look," Jack added. "As is the case with the police work stuff, if you have any questions about being gay and all that, you can talk to me and it can stay between us. I know being in the closet has to be hard, and you just need to remember to be careful when you start playing around."

"Thanks, Chief," Thomas said with a smile. "I know all about the safe sex stuff and all that. I just hope I can find somebody to try it out with!"

Jack laughed and slapped Thomas across the back as they reached the doors out of the locker room, "Oh, you will, don't worry. Take care, buddy."

Thomas said goodbye to Jack again as they reached the parking lot and then each drove off in a pickup. Jack shook his head to himself as he drove home. Thomas couldn't wait to get home and jack off to the image of the handsome naked, hard police chief all wet in the shower. Jack told Brad what had happened as soon as they were alone for a moment that evening.

Brad burst out laughing.

"Well, and I thought you might actually be mad," Jack said. "I hated that I popped a bone in front of him."

"Well, you'd be dead if you didn't pop a bone over a hot little twink trying to seduce you in the fucking locker room showers," Brad said, still dying laughing. "Sounds like he is indeed Miz Vivian's grandson."

"He's a virgin, even if he did try to put the moves on me," Jack replied. "Well, I guess that is part of why he did try to."

"Well, babe, how noble of you not to take him up on it," Brad said, still chuckling.

Jack looked momentarily hurt, and Brad added, "Oh, hell, Jack, you know I trust you. Besides, with Eric and Just' to play with, and now Gunnar too, I think we have plenty of extra playmates without adding a twink to the mix – unless you want to."

"Oh, hell no," Jack said, finally laughing himself. "I'm not taking one to raise. He needs to learn the ropes with someone his own damn age."

Meanwhile, Thomas was upstairs in his room at Miz Vivian's and Hank's house. He had locked the door and quickly stripped naked, and was now lying in the middle of the bed, furiously jacking himself off to the images rolling through his mind of Jack naked in the shower, Jack hard in the shower. He was soon cumming a huge, shooting, splattering load of hot spunk all over his smooth chest and stomach with a stifled moan. The nice, fucking hot, police chief might not be interested in being his first, but Thomas new one thing, he wanted a hot, hairy, beefy older man like that to be the first to fuck him. Hard.

That Friday afternoon, Destiny was thinking about the fact that the nationally-televised singing contest at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville was only eight days away. Just then her cell phone started ringing.

"Oh, Gawd, honey!" Barney rasped. "Have you got your TV on?"

"No, Barney," Destiny replied. "I'm driving down Main Street right now, I just got off work."

"Well park and get your ass in here at my shop right NOW!" Barney exclaimed.

Destiny did as he asked without question, and within a couple of minutes she was coming through the door of Barney's florist and bridal shop.

"Oh, Lord, honey, look at this shit!" Barney exclaimed.

"It's just dreadful!" Florence exclaimed. She was Barney's middle-aged transsexual assistant, who with her mile-high flaming red locks and big flowery moo-moo dresses looked like an odd juxtaposition of Lucille Ball and Vestal Goodman. "I can't believe the lies they're `a tellin' on you, sweetie," Florence added.

The TV was showing TMZ, and Perez Hilton was blabbing as a picture of Destiny on stage with Tom T. Hall when she had won the Kentucky contest filled the screen.

"So, there you have it," Perez was saying, "Destiny Rose Jenkins, country sweetheart, Kentucky's representative in the big upcoming contest for a Nashville record deal, a front-runner in that contest, no less is really a FORMER HO!"

Destiny clapped a hand over her mouth, and dropped down onto the loveseat next to Barney, as Florence hovered over both of them in a nervous, motherly fashion.

"No, Florence," Destiny finally said, glancing at Barney and figuring there was no use trying to keep a secret anymore that had just been aired to the world on cable, "Perez ain't lyin' for once. What he is saying about me – it is all true."


As always positive comments from adult gay men are welcome at

Next: Chapter 13

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