Chief Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Jul 11, 2014


Welcome back to the fictional world of Pleasant View, Kentucky! This story brings back the characters and locales I first introduced in 2011-12, in my previous series "Officer Jack Albertson," which can still be read in the Adult Friends section right here on Nifty.

*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. All aspects of the character of Brad Carson's physical appearance arecompletely based on me, although Brad Carson is my pen name, not my realname, and nearly all other aspects of the character's life are totally fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story and do not contact the author. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means. Copyright 2014/all rights reserved by the author.

Chief Jack Albertson - Chapter 11 – Sunday Night

Destiny thought about all of that for a minute, nodded, then replied, "I may try to find him, Momma. But, there is another thing that we should clear up while we are talking about all of this stuff. It is about time I told you the real reason why I quit school in Chicago and moved back to Kentucky a few years ago."

"What's to clear up?" Josephine asked her daughter. "You left because that damn triflin' ass no good man you was datin' was beatin' up on you. Instead of leaving school, I still say you shoulda let me come up there and kick his sorry no-account ass all the way back to the south side like I wanted to!"

Destiny couldn't help but laugh a little. "Oh, Momma," she said, "True enough, but that is what I have got to tell you." Destiny's voice turned totally serious again, "See, there was a lot more to it with me and Jermaine than just the fact that he had turned – physically abusive."

"What else is to know?" Josephine asked.

"Well, Momma," Destiny said slowly, dreading this. "Jermaine was not exactly my boyfriend, first of all."

"So you were just screwing around with his sorry ass for fun, no big deal to tell me that, we are both grown women and I was young once too, you know," Josephine replied.

"No, Momma," Destiny said. "You don't understand. I guess you could say Jermaine and I did have a – relationship – but it was more of an – arrangement."

"OK, babygirl," Josephine said with a rather frustrated gesture of her hands, "Just spit it out, honey. WHAT actually went on that caused you to leave school in Chicago and come back home?"

"Momma," Destiny said, her voice catching in her throat but knowing if she didn't just come right out and say it now she never would, "Jermaine was my – he was my – pimp."

"What? What the FUCK?" Josephine, who Destiny had rarely ever heard drop the F-bomb in her life exclaimed.

"You heard me Momma," Destiny replied, the rest spilling out fast now. "I met him at school, and long story short, first he romanced me, and then eventually he talked me into becoming one of his `girls' as he called us. I was young and stupid, but that's no excuse, but basically I became a high-priced hooker for Jermaine. I got to where I couldn't stand that life anymore, and wanted to change, and he wouldn't let me out. That is when he started beating on me, and that is when I left it all and moved back to Kentucky to start my life all over again."

"Lord have mercy!" Josephine said, clutching her chest and looking like she was about to faint. "Babygirl, how could you? Good lord, you probably have AIDS or God knows what else!"

"No, Momma," Destiny said, laughing nervously, "I have been checked for everything under the sun, and I am fine. All that is behind me now, but I wanted you to know the truth."

A few hours later, after some more uncomfortable conversation about her past with her mother, Destiny Rose was back at the Ramblin' Rose diner in Pleasant View, working the Sunday evening dinner shift. She was wiping down a booth when a guy she had seen in the diner a couple of times before, although not very lately, walked in.

Ronnie Isaak strode across the diner, feeling happy and handsome that Sunday night. The `stang was parked out front, and he had just gotten settled into a very nice new townhouse style apartment there in Pleasant View. He would be returning to work on his UPS route the next morning. Yes, he thought he was going to love his new life here. Right at that moment he was loving the look that chisled blonde guy sitting on one of the diner's barstools was giving him, clearly checking out the impressive bulge in the front of the too-tight blue jeans Ronnie was wearing with a button down shirt which was unbuttoned further than necessary so as to also put his chest on display.

"God, what a fuckin' playa that one thinks he is!" Destiny exclaimed in a loud whisper as she sat Gunnar's meal in front of him on the bar. Dealing with some conceited idiot like this was the last thing she needed tonight after the day she had just had. When Destiny spoke, Gunnar turned to look at her, tearing himself away from staring at Ronnie.

"I don't know, Dest', he looks pretty damn good to me," Gunnar said back in a low tone, grinning. He couldn't believe the luck – the one guy in town he most wanted to get to know better, Ronnie, had just walked in.

Just then, Ronnie seated himself on the barstool right next to Gunnar, even though nobody else was sitting at the bar, and plenty of tables were empty too.

"Evening, Miss," Ronnie said politely to Destiny.

"Mmmhmm," Destiny replied dryly, stifling the urge to roll her eyes at this joke of a playa.

After Destiny had taken Ronnie's order and headed off to the kitchen, Gunnar said, "Well, hello there, Ronnie."

"Oh, hi there – Gunnar isn't it ," Ronnie replied.

"Why yes, and I'm glad you remember one of the three guys you shot off all over in the back of a certain pickup truck," Gunnar replied in a low, cocky tone.

"Yes, very much," Ronnie replied, returning Gunnar's evil grin. "I thought that was you, at least. You look different out of your uniform."

"You've already seen me OUT of my uniform," Gunnar shot back, and they both laughed nervously.

"You know what I mean," Ronnie replied. "You look good in your civvies."

"So do you, even though you look fucking hot in that UPS uniform," Gunnar replied, the sexual tension rising between them with every passing second.

"No hotter than you look in your uniform, Trooper," Ronnie replied.

"So where've you been these past several weeks?" Gunnar asked.

"Oh, out of town settling a few things. Just got back a few days ago, and moved into a new place here in Pleasant View. Going back on my UPS route tomorrow morning," Ronnie replied.

"Well, judging from that sweet fucking Mustang you rolled in here in, UPS must pay damn good," Gunnar said.

"Well, it was something I got with my – inheritance – I just went to see about," Ronnie lied, thinking fast.

"Ahh, been gone to collect an inheritance – how nice," Gunnar said. "Well, unless it was someone you were close to, in which case I am sorry, man."

"Oh, no," Ronnie lied on, "it was just a great uncle I had never known too well."

"Rich uncle," Gunnar laughed, "How convenient."

The guys laughed and talked all through their dinner, feeling both sexual attraction and a general liking toward one another.

"Look," Gunnar said after they had both gotten their checks from Destiny and she had walked away again. "I know we – did what we did – with the other guys in that truck that one night. And tonight was a nice, if unexpected chance to actually talk and get to know each other some."

"Yes, it sure was," Ronnie replied, wondering exactly where Gunnar was going with this.

"Well, how about we go on an actual date sometime," Gunnar said, bluntly.

"Don't see why not," Ronnie replied, and then decided to see how Gunnar would take a little proposition. "Too bad I have to work in the morning, or you could just come on back to my place and help me break it in, and then we could call breakfast a date."

"If you didn't have to work in the morning, I would take you up on that in a BIG way," Gunnar said suggestively.

"And from what I saw in the truck that night, I am pretty much about as BIG as you are," Ronnie replied cockily.

"Yeah, I'd say within a half an inch," Gunnar said, leaving no doubt about his total understanding of the double entendre Ronnie had just made.

"Well, I may not have time for an all nighter, but you know it IS only 9:00," Ronnie said.

Meanwhile, at Billy Jack and Barney's house, the couple was seated on stools at their kitchen counter, Billy Jack's laptop on the counter between them.

"Let's see, it is 6:00 California time, so Geraldine should be online now," Billy Jack said as he logged in to Skype.

Within just a minute, Billy Jack had typed a greeting to Geraldine, she had replied back, and they had started a video call.

"Hi Geraldine, so good to see you again," Billy Jack said, grinning.

Geraldine smiled back and said, "Yes, you too. And that must be your Barney there next to you." Even as she said this, she was thinking that Barney's face was way too familiar from somewhere...somewhere long, long ago.

"Hello, Geraldine, yes, I'm Billy Jack's husband, Barney Finkster," Barney replied, feeling even more certain that not only had he heard Geraldine's voice before the phone call the other day, but also that she had seen her face – or a much younger version of it somewhere before.

While Billy Jack was saying something to Geraldine, both she and Barney were intently staring at their respective computer screens, trying to figure out where they had seen one another before.

"Barney Finkster...Barney Finkster..." Geraldine was thinking to herself. "Oh my GOD! BERNARD FINKSTER!" she realized silently. That was what he had gone by back then, Bernard, not Barney. It was her old friend from Pleasant View. The little queen she had confided in and vice versa. The last person from her old life she had talked to so long ago on a night in Reno... Simultaneously, Barney saw the faint scar on Geraldine's cheek, and it all connected in his mind. Aloud, he exclaimed, "Oh my God. You are Jenny Faye Smith!"

Geraldine, startled, slammed her laptop shut.

Billy Jack and Barney's Skype informed them that Geraldine had ended their video call.

"What?" Billy Jack asked, confused.

"Honey, that woman is no Geraldine. THAT is Jenny Faye Smith!"

Within an hour, Barney had tried several times to call Geraldine, but she would not answer, not online, not on her landline nor her cell. Barney and Billy Jack talked about what to do next.

"Well," Billy Jack said, "She'll call us back, I think. After all, she doesn't know that Josephine and Destiny Rose are looking for her right now. She was just shocked to see you again after all these years."

"She damn sure wasn't the only one!" Barney replied.

Meanwhile, a few streets over at the Thomason House Bed and Breakfast, most of the guests had turned in for the night, and Brad and Jack were sitting in their spacious private den, a room off their master suite on the second floor of sprawling old mansion.

"You about ready for bed, darlin'?" Jack asked, wrapping an arm around Brad's shoulders and pulling him close.

"At 10:00?" Brad asked. "A little early isn't it?"

"Well," Jack said, his voice taking the naughty, playful tone that always made Brad horny as hell instantly. "I have to work in the morning, and you do too, you have that order coming in at the Mercantile. So if I am going to fuck your brains out, we had better get started."

"Mmm, baby," Brad grinned, "I figured you were still worn out from last night and this morning with Gunnar."

"Never too worn out to make love to my baby," Jack replied.

Within minutes they were naked in their big king-sized antique four poster bed, Jack fucking Brad at a leisurely, but steady pace in the missionary position, kissing him again and again as they made love.

"Mmm-ah!" Brad groaned. "That's it, just keep up that pace, it feels – AH! – amazing, baby!"

"Ohh-uh!" Jack grunted. "Yes. Makin' sweet – ah! – love to you, darlin'"

Moonlight filtered across their nude bodies as they made love, and the soft music Jack had thought to turn on made the moment even better. Brad never failed to be in awe at times like this, thinking how lucky he was to have a husband like this big wonderful guy. He sighed, both from that thought and from the pleasure Jack's fat, throbbing cock was bringing him.

"Yeah," Jack growled sexily, "Makin' you - AH! - feel good, aren't I - UH! Bradley?"

"Ohhh, Jack," Brad simply groaned in reply. "I love you."

"I love you too," Jack said, groaning in pleasure himself now, "Ohhh-ah! That ass is sooo good!"

This slow, steady pace of lovemaking went on for a full fifteen minutes, before finally they both gave over to passion and Jack opened up and began to fuck Brad full throttle, hitting Brad's button again and again as they both reached their climax.

"AH! Uhhh!! FUCK!!" Jack groaned. "I'm fuckin' CUMMING baby!"

Brad felt the six or seven hot shots of Jack's cum filling him up, and soon unloaded his own cock all over his stomach. Jack collapsed on top of Brad when it was over, wrapping his arms around him. They kissed passionately.

"I love you so much, Bradley," Jack said.

"I love you too, Jack, with all my heart," Brad replied.

By the time Jack's softening spent cock had slipped from Brad's completly satisfied hole, they were both sound asleep in one another's arms. No matter what other guys they had group buddy sex with, the best sex was still the love they made with one another.

As Gunnar followed Ronnie across town in his Camaro, following close behind Gunnar's Mustang, he wondered what was to come. Well, he figured he pretty well knew what was immediately to come, they both were going to get their big cocks off really good with each other, and he undeniably looked forward to that. But, Gunnar was already thinking ahead to the possibilities with Ronnie.

Could he really be a guy Gunnar could date? And Gunnar was also thinking the same thoughts he had been having all day, since the amazing sex with Brad and Jack. As hot as playing with them had been, Gunnar was pretty sure that if he did get serious with a guy, he would want to try being monogamous, at least for a while. After all, Brad and Jack themselves had been that way for quite a while when they had first gotten together.

Up in the Mustang, Ronnie was thinking about the fact that he was probably about to have sex with another person for the first time in a long time. He had enjoyed being solo-sexual for quite a while, but tonight was going to be the night to get laid again. And, he had no doubt that with Gunnar, whose nine inches nearly measured up to Ronne's own huge rod, it would be a wonderful first-in-a-long-time lay. Ronnie was thinking back to a time much longer ago when he had had sex. The first time, in fact, although she had not known it was his first time.

That time back at Stanford, when everyone had called him Stretch, back when his real name had been Zach Lewis, and back when he had been a seventeen-year old college freshman who excelled both on the basketball court and in the classroom. He clearly remembered that day when Josephine Jenkins had told him she was pregnant with his baby, the result of the very first time he had ever had sex with anyone, and how he had tried to convince her to have an abortion.

He knew she had come back to that very same town – Pleasant View – to have the baby, but he had no idea where she was now, or what had become of their child. So far, he had not had the nerve or taken the time to use any of his old agency contacts to find out. And he had no idea that his own daughter, Destiny Rose Jenkins, had just served dinner to him and Gunnar at the Ramblin' Rose moments earlier.


Next: Chapter 12

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